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tas, ko jūs domājat par kriptovalsts puišiem, ir azartspēles vai veiksme. Ticiet man, puiši, tas viss ir saistīts ar jūsu pašu izpēti, vienmēr pārliecinieties, ka iegādājieties monētu, kas jums tik ļoti patīk un kurai ir labs fons, piemēram, $BB $TNSR $ENA , viņiem ir liels potenciāls, iespējams, viņi tik daudz nopirks to, pirms izsūknēs. Pēc sūknēšanas jūs nožēlosiet, kāpēc nepirka to.
tas, ko jūs domājat par kriptovalsts puišiem, ir azartspēles vai veiksme. Ticiet man, puiši, tas viss ir saistīts ar jūsu pašu izpēti, vienmēr pārliecinieties, ka iegādājieties monētu, kas jums tik ļoti patīk un kurai ir labs fons, piemēram, $BB $TNSR $ENA , viņiem ir liels potenciāls, iespējams, viņi tik daudz nopirks to, pirms izsūknēs. Pēc sūknēšanas jūs nožēlosiet, kāpēc nepirka to.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#readtoearn visi domā, ka tirgu manipulē vaļi, bet jums jāatceras viens, mēs visi esam šeit, lai nopelnītu naudu Ja vēlaties nopelnīt naudu ar kriptovalūtu, vispirms jums ir pacietība un spēja uzņemties zaudējumu risku, vienkārši paskatieties uz šo monētu, jūs nekad to nedarīsit esi vīlies $BB $TNSR ticiet man, jūsu portfelis palielināsies un pēdējā monēta, kas tik ļoti mīl $FIL ceru, ka jūs, puiši, veiksiet paši savu izpēti.
visi domā, ka tirgu manipulē vaļi, bet jums jāatceras viens, mēs visi esam šeit, lai nopelnītu naudu Ja vēlaties nopelnīt naudu ar kriptovalūtu, vispirms jums ir pacietība un spēja uzņemties zaudējumu risku, vienkārši paskatieties uz šo monētu, jūs nekad to nedarīsit esi vīlies $BB $TNSR ticiet man, jūsu portfelis palielināsies un pēdējā monēta, kas tik ļoti mīl $FIL ceru, ka jūs, puiši, veiksiet paši savu izpēti.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#readtoearn Ir pienācis laiks jums visiem, puiši, tagad jūs varat redzēt nelielu kritumu $BB monētu puiši, cerams, ka jūs visi zināt, kā darbojas bouncebit monētas, un galvenais, lai iegādātos šo monētu, ir tas, ka tajā ir iekļauta bitcoin likme un 1. slānis. sadarbība ar $ENA coin, kas dod labu iespaidu uz $BB un atkal palielina par 160%, ir pienācis laiks, tāpēc nepalaidiet garām iespēju, vienkārši izmantojiet to. Iespējams, pēc dažiem mēnešiem tā sasniegs 2 USD lielāku cerību, ka jūs, puiši, izmantosit iespēju.
Ir pienācis laiks jums visiem, puiši, tagad jūs varat redzēt nelielu kritumu $BB monētu puiši, cerams, ka jūs visi zināt, kā darbojas bouncebit monētas, un galvenais, lai iegādātos šo monētu, ir tas, ka tajā ir iekļauta bitcoin likme un 1. slānis. sadarbība ar $ENA coin, kas dod labu iespaidu uz $BB un atkal palielina par 160%, ir pienācis laiks, tāpēc nepalaidiet garām iespēju, vienkārši izmantojiet to. Iespējams, pēc dažiem mēnešiem tā sasniegs 2 USD lielāku cerību, ka jūs, puiši, izmantosit iespēju.
#readtoearn CRYPTO MAKING MANY PEOPLE MILLINERS JUST LOok at coin $PEPE $WIF $AR if you invest your 100 usdt only before they get pump your 100 usdt is now 100000 usdt believe me it's still not late
CRYPTO MAKING MANY PEOPLE MILLINERS JUST LOok at coin $PEPE $WIF $AR if you invest your 100 usdt only before they get pump your 100 usdt is now 100000 usdt believe me it's still not late
Skatīt oriģinālu
Man ir vajadzīga raķete P2P izaicinājumā. Kāds ir komentējis šeit un pastāstiet man, kas jums nepieciešams
Man ir vajadzīga raķete P2P izaicinājumā. Kāds ir komentējis šeit un pastāstiet man, kas jums nepieciešams
#CryptoWatchMay2024 what is warmhole? Wormhole Messaging is a decentralized messaging protocol for blockchain developers to securely and easily enable the flow of information and value with other networks. The modular, open source protocol allows developers to tailor the tooling to their chain or app’s needs. ⚡Maintain decentralization Wormhole is the most decentralized cross-chain messaging protocol, operated by a decentralized set of 19 validators called Guardians. ⚡Scale with time-tested tools Operating since early 2021, Wormhole was the first-ever generic messaging protocol for blockchains and has strengthened and expanded over time. ⚡Verification Wormhole Messaging sends messages cross-chain using a variety of verification methods to attest to the validity of a message. These options are all available to developers in Wormhole’s platform, depending on the chains involved in a given transaction, and the verification methods will continue to grow over time to incorporate new technologies. Price Prediction For Long term Play🥂⭐👇 The simplest play at the moment is $W . $2 during the following two months. Make a size-based bid. It seems likely that Layer Zero will launch at 20B fdv at the end of the month. Because Layerzero lacks a Solana bridge, staking $W may be able to get you access to a Monad airdrop once it launches. same chart as op As always Dyor First.
what is warmhole?

Wormhole Messaging is a decentralized messaging protocol for blockchain developers to securely and easily enable the flow of information and value with other networks. The modular, open source protocol allows developers to tailor the tooling to their chain or app’s needs.
⚡Maintain decentralization
Wormhole is the most decentralized cross-chain messaging protocol, operated by a decentralized set of 19 validators called Guardians.
⚡Scale with time-tested tools
Operating since early 2021, Wormhole was the first-ever generic messaging protocol for blockchains and has strengthened and expanded over time.
Wormhole Messaging sends messages cross-chain using a variety of verification methods to attest to the validity of a message. These options are all available to developers in Wormhole’s platform, depending on the chains involved in a given transaction, and the verification methods will continue to grow over time to incorporate new technologies.
Price Prediction For Long term Play🥂⭐👇
The simplest play at the moment is $W . $2 during the following two months. Make a size-based bid. It seems likely that Layer Zero will launch at 20B fdv at the end of the month. Because Layerzero lacks a Solana bridge, staking $W may be able to get you access to a Monad airdrop once it launches. same chart as op As always Dyor First.
#WRITE2EARN The Dip has nothing to do with Iran 🇮🇷 neither Israel 🇮🇱 these countries are not the problem at all ! Market crash has nothing to do with politics and war. Let’s not use this as evidence for market manipulation and collapse A Look at Iran’s Military Capabilities as It Threatens Israel 🇮🇱 The possibility of a direct military confrontation between Iran and Israel has brought renewed attention to Iran’s armed forces. What are they capable of? The possibility of a direct military confrontation between Iran and Israel has brought renewed attention to Iran’s armed forces. Early this month, Israel attacked a building in Iran’s diplomatic compound in the Syrian capital, Damascus, killing seven of Iran’s senior commanders and military personnel. Iran then threatened to retaliate. Here’s a look at Iran’s military and its capabilities. Why is Iran’s military relevant right now? After Israel attacked the Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus, Tehran responded with a threat to avenge the killings of its military personnel. Israel has said the compound was a legitimate target because it was being used by military commanders. Officials from the United States and Israel assessed that Iran’s response was likely to be launched from its own territory. Israeli officials have said they will respond to any attack by Iran with a counterattack, which could prompt more retaliation from Iran and possibly expand into a wider regional war. There is even a chance that a conflict of that sort could drag in the United States, although Washington has made clear it had nothing to do with the Damascus attack.
The Dip has nothing to do with Iran 🇮🇷 neither Israel 🇮🇱 these countries are not the problem at all ! Market crash has nothing to do with politics and war. Let’s not use this as evidence for market manipulation and collapse
A Look at Iran’s Military Capabilities as It Threatens Israel 🇮🇱
The possibility of a direct military confrontation between Iran and Israel has brought renewed attention to Iran’s armed forces. What are they capable of?
The possibility of a direct military confrontation between Iran and Israel has brought renewed attention to Iran’s armed forces. Early this month, Israel attacked a building in Iran’s diplomatic compound in the Syrian capital, Damascus, killing seven of Iran’s senior commanders and military personnel. Iran then threatened to retaliate.
Here’s a look at Iran’s military and its capabilities.
Why is Iran’s military relevant right now?
After Israel attacked the Iranian diplomatic compound in Damascus, Tehran responded with a threat to avenge the killings of its military personnel. Israel has said the compound was a legitimate target because it was being used by military commanders.
Officials from the United States and Israel assessed that Iran’s response was likely to be launched from its own territory.
Israeli officials have said they will respond to any attack by Iran with a counterattack, which could prompt more retaliation from Iran and possibly expand into a wider regional war. There is even a chance that a conflict of that sort could drag in the United States, although Washington has made clear it had nothing to do with the Damascus attack.
#btc and #tao give you short call hope you all guys book your all profit love you all love crypto always
#btc and #tao give you short call hope you all guys book your all profit love you all love crypto always
Skatīt oriģinālu
kopā 210 miljonu likvidācija no kriptovalūtu tirgus visi esiet uzmanīgi gaidiet pirmdienu neizmantojiet visu savu portfeli, lai iegādātos tikai izmantojiet 20 līdz 30% pēc pirmdienas jūs varat to izmantot dip . Vienmēr mīliet kriptogrāfijas spēles ar prātu, nevis emocijām. ar labunakti .
kopā 210 miljonu likvidācija no kriptovalūtu tirgus visi esiet uzmanīgi gaidiet pirmdienu neizmantojiet visu savu portfeli, lai iegādātos tikai izmantojiet 20 līdz 30% pēc pirmdienas jūs varat to izmantot dip .
Vienmēr mīliet kriptogrāfijas spēles ar prātu, nevis emocijām.
ar labunakti .
#btc call short buying zone 71000 target 1 :69000 target 2 :67000 target 3:65000 make you use your 5% of your portfolio always love crypto
call short
buying zone 71000
target 1 :69000
target 2 :67000
target 3:65000
make you use your 5% of your portfolio
always love crypto
#saga BUY call entry price 4.82 target 1: 4.95 target 2: 5.2 target 3: 5.45 target 4:5.67 hope you enjoy your trading may God bless you keep earning keep loving
BUY call
entry price 4.82
target 1: 4.95
target 2: 5.2
target 3: 5.45
target 4:5.67
hope you enjoy your trading may God bless you keep earning keep loving
#TAO call short buying zone 640 target 1:615 target2: 588 target 3:570
call short
buying zone 640
target 1:615
target2: 588
target 3:570
#TNSR BUYing rate 1.32 target 1:1.45 target2:1.53 target 3:1:6 target 4:1.67
BUYing rate 1.32
target 1:1.45
target 3:1:6
target 4:1.67
Binance crypto box red packet BP0288KFZR enjoy my friends may God bless you all 💓💓💓
Binance crypto box red packet


enjoy my friends may God bless you all 💓💓💓
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