Binance Square
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Vai Bitcoin ir iespējams zaudēt savu vērtību? Protams, tā ir, bet iedomāsimies šo humoristisko scenāriju: kādā jaukā rītā jūs pamostaties no virsraksta: "Bitcoin nokrīt līdz 1 USD!" Jūs izmisīgi izlecat no gultas, steidzaties pie sava datora un atklājat, ka esat kļuvis par miljonāru... sabrukušo pasaulē! "Bitkoineri" visur sāk rīkot ballītes un svinēt, jo tagad viņi var atļauties... tasi kafijas! Tikmēr tie, kas nekad nav ieguldījuši Bitcoin, stāv malā, smejas un saka: "Es tev teicu!" Blockchain uzņēmumi sāk pārdot... košļājamo gumiju, un Bitcoin kalnrači nolemj izrakt... kartupeļus pārmaiņām. Finanšu ekspertiem, kuri reiz prognozēja, ka Bitcoin sasniegs 100 000 USD, tagad ir jāraksta grāmatas ar nosaukumu "Getting Rich the Easy Way: Kad Bitcoin ir tikai USD 1". Tikmēr valdības visā pasaulē atviegloti nopūšas, domājot, ka ir atrisinājušas svarīgu ekonomisku problēmu. Bet patiesībā viņi saskaras ar Bitcoin investoru protestiem, pieprasot kompensāciju par ātri pagatavojamo nūdeļu pirkumiem. Tātad, ja Bitcoin zaudētu savu vērtību, dzīve kļūtu neticami interesanta un smieklu pilna, vismaz tiem, kas skatās no malas!$BTC #AirdropGuide #FollowMeAndGetReward #Follow2Earn
Vai Bitcoin ir iespējams zaudēt savu vērtību? Protams, tā ir, bet iedomāsimies šo humoristisko scenāriju: kādā jaukā rītā jūs pamostaties no virsraksta: "Bitcoin nokrīt līdz 1 USD!" Jūs izmisīgi izlecat no gultas, steidzaties pie sava datora un atklājat, ka esat kļuvis par miljonāru... sabrukušo pasaulē!
"Bitkoineri" visur sāk rīkot ballītes un svinēt, jo tagad viņi var atļauties... tasi kafijas! Tikmēr tie, kas nekad nav ieguldījuši Bitcoin, stāv malā, smejas un saka: "Es tev teicu!"
Blockchain uzņēmumi sāk pārdot... košļājamo gumiju, un Bitcoin kalnrači nolemj izrakt... kartupeļus pārmaiņām. Finanšu ekspertiem, kuri reiz prognozēja, ka Bitcoin sasniegs 100 000 USD, tagad ir jāraksta grāmatas ar nosaukumu "Getting Rich the Easy Way: Kad Bitcoin ir tikai USD 1".
Tikmēr valdības visā pasaulē atviegloti nopūšas, domājot, ka ir atrisinājušas svarīgu ekonomisku problēmu. Bet patiesībā viņi saskaras ar Bitcoin investoru protestiem, pieprasot kompensāciju par ātri pagatavojamo nūdeļu pirkumiem.
Tātad, ja Bitcoin zaudētu savu vērtību, dzīve kļūtu neticami interesanta un smieklu pilna, vismaz tiem, kas skatās no malas!$BTC #AirdropGuide #FollowMeAndGetReward #Follow2Earn
Skatīt oriģinālu
Notcoin ir atcēlis tiesības uz marķieri Tiesības uz žetonu ir atsauktas, un tagad emisiju nekādā veidā nevar palielināt. Marķiera nosaukumu nevar mainīt un arī tā attēlu nevar mainīt. Tagad projekts ir decentralizēts. Saša “Notcoin” vairs nevarēs izdrukāt vairāk monētu, mainīt kodu vai atņemt no jums NE. Viss, ko tagad varat darīt, ir sadedzināt monētas, kas novedīs pie deflācijas scenārija. Taču no šīs dedzināšanas nebūs nekādas dramatiskas izaugsmes. Degšana ir ilgtermiņa izaugsme. Notcoins kļuva ierobežots pēc klikera izslēgšanas, un tagad to katru dienu kļūst arvien mazāk. Kas ir tiesību uz marķieri atsaukšana? Tokenam tagad nav īpašnieka, tiesības uz marķieri nevar atjaunot. - Tokena nosaukumu nevar mainīt. - Logotips arī paliek mūžīgi. - Maksimālā monētu skaita (piegādes) fiksēšana. Problēmu nevar palielināt. Tagad tikai dedzināšana un kopējā piedāvājuma samazināšana. Deflācijas modelis būs pilnībā funkcionāls. Tas vienmēr nāk par labu marķierim un tā attīstībai kopumā.
Notcoin ir atcēlis tiesības uz marķieri
Tiesības uz žetonu ir atsauktas, un tagad emisiju nekādā veidā nevar palielināt. Marķiera nosaukumu nevar mainīt un arī tā attēlu nevar mainīt.
Tagad projekts ir decentralizēts. Saša “Notcoin” vairs nevarēs izdrukāt vairāk monētu, mainīt kodu vai atņemt no jums NE. Viss, ko tagad varat darīt, ir sadedzināt monētas, kas novedīs pie deflācijas scenārija. Taču no šīs dedzināšanas nebūs nekādas dramatiskas izaugsmes. Degšana ir ilgtermiņa izaugsme. Notcoins kļuva ierobežots pēc klikera izslēgšanas, un tagad to katru dienu kļūst arvien mazāk.
Kas ir tiesību uz marķieri atsaukšana?
Tokenam tagad nav īpašnieka, tiesības uz marķieri nevar atjaunot.
- Tokena nosaukumu nevar mainīt.
- Logotips arī paliek mūžīgi.
- Maksimālā monētu skaita (piegādes) fiksēšana. Problēmu nevar palielināt. Tagad tikai dedzināšana un kopējā piedāvājuma samazināšana. Deflācijas modelis būs pilnībā funkcionāls.
Tas vienmēr nāk par labu marķierim un tā attīstībai kopumā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ekskluzīva bezmaksas krānu maiņas monētu ieguve 🎁 +2,5 000 akciju kā pirmo dāvanu
Ekskluzīva bezmaksas krānu maiņas monētu ieguve
🎁 +2,5 000 akciju kā pirmo dāvanu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ekskluzīvs gaisa piliens skābekļa ieguve notiek 🔥🔥🔥 #
Ekskluzīvs gaisa piliens
skābekļa ieguve notiek 🔥🔥🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mazāks pārdošanas spiediens**: kalnrači lielākoties ir pārdevuši savas monētas, kas nozīmē, ka ir mazāks spiediens, kas samazina cenu. 2. **Labs laiks pirkšanai**: Notcoin cena šobrīd ir zema, tāpēc tā ir laba iespēja ieguldīt. Arī diagrammas izskatās pozitīvi. 3. **Pozitīvs tirgus noskaņojums**: investori pamana un uzticas Notcoin. Lieli vārdi, piemēram, Telegram izpilddirektors, to ir atbalstījuši, kas varētu paaugstināt tā vērtību. #notcoin ja jūs garām notcoin... nepalaidiet garām #tapswapmining #LINK🔥🔥🔥 #
Mazāks pārdošanas spiediens**: kalnrači lielākoties ir pārdevuši savas monētas, kas nozīmē, ka ir mazāks spiediens, kas samazina cenu.
2. **Labs laiks pirkšanai**: Notcoin cena šobrīd ir zema, tāpēc tā ir laba iespēja ieguldīt. Arī diagrammas izskatās pozitīvi.
3. **Pozitīvs tirgus noskaņojums**: investori pamana un uzticas Notcoin. Lieli vārdi, piemēram, Telegram izpilddirektors, to ir atbalstījuši, kas varētu paaugstināt tā vērtību.
ja jūs garām notcoin... nepalaidiet garām #tapswapmining #LINK🔥🔥🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
Atkal ekskluzīva bezmaksas nauda 🔥🔥🔥 vienkārši noklikšķiniet un sāciet ieguvi. Skābekļa ieguvējs
Atkal ekskluzīva bezmaksas nauda 🔥🔥🔥
vienkārši noklikšķiniet un sāciet ieguvi. Skābekļa ieguvējs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ja piedalījāties Binance Megadrop pasākumā, atcerieties izņemt BTC Izņemšanas metode: - Ieejiet notikuma lapā - atsaukt - pieprasīt - pieprasīt atsaukšanu - pagaidiet dažas dienas un pēc tam noklikšķiniet uz pieprasīt
Ja piedalījāties Binance Megadrop pasākumā, atcerieties izņemt BTC
Izņemšanas metode:
- Ieejiet notikuma lapā - atsaukt - pieprasīt - pieprasīt atsaukšanu - pagaidiet dažas dienas un pēc tam noklikšķiniet uz pieprasīt
Since Not coin is coming on Binance Here is what you should do when a new token launches on exchange 1- Find out if there was an ICO (initial sale) for the coin. If there was any what was the sale price. 2- What will be the total supply of the coin and how much is circulating at the time of launch. 3- What sector of the technology they're focusing on? is it Ai , ecosystem, gaming ,layer 1 or 2 or any other crypto narrative . 4 - Once you get all the info wait and see at what price the coin is launched. Compare the gap between the ICO price and the launch price. 5- What's the marketcap of the coin at the time of launch. If it's too high it's not worth buying right at the launch. it's most likely launched at higher prices and people who got the presale or free airdrops will rush to cash out. 6- Make sure the price is not too high from the ico price and marketcap is less than $400 million. 7. Find out if it's purely a new coin or already trading on other exchanges. 8. Find out if there was a free airdrop of this token. As per available information so many #notcoin tokens have been airdropped to people and there was a launchpool as well Once you find out all of these details. Now ask yourself should i chase this coin right after it launched or not? My personal suggestion to you : Don't even buy a coin right after it launched - Watch the price action for a few hours - Let the coin build a base price. Make your decisions . Keep learning, Stay safe #notcoin #bullish #everyone #highlight
Since Not coin is coming on Binance Here is what you should do when a new token launches on exchange
1- Find out if there was an ICO (initial sale) for the coin. If there was any what was the sale price.
2- What will be the total supply of the coin and how much is circulating at the time of launch.
3- What sector of the technology they're focusing on? is it Ai , ecosystem, gaming ,layer 1 or 2 or any other crypto narrative .
4 - Once you get all the info wait and see at what price the coin is launched. Compare the gap between the ICO price and the launch price.
5- What's the marketcap of the coin at the time of launch. If it's too high it's not worth buying right at the launch. it's most likely launched at higher prices and people who got the presale or free airdrops will rush to cash out.
6- Make sure the price is not too high from the ico price and marketcap is less than $400 million.
7. Find out if it's purely a new coin or already trading on other exchanges.
8. Find out if there was a free airdrop of this token. As per available information so many #notcoin tokens have been airdropped to people and there was a launchpool as well
Once you find out all of these details. Now ask yourself should i chase this coin right after it launched or not?
My personal suggestion to you : Don't even buy a coin right after it launched
- Watch the price action for a few hours
- Let the coin build a base price.
Make your decisions .
Keep learning, Stay safe
#notcoin #bullish #everyone #highlight
IMPORTANT EVENTS 🗓May 14th, Tuesday 🕒15:30 💥The monthly Producer Price Index will be announced in the USA. (Expected: 0.2%) 🕒 17:00 💥FED President Jerome Powell will make a speech. 🗓 May 15th, Wednesday 🕒15:30 💥 The annual inflation rate in the USA will be announced. (Expected: 3.4%) 🗓 May 16th, Thursday 🕒15:30 💥Applications for US unemployment benefits will be announced. (Expected: 220K) 💥Do Follow for more updates and profitable signals
🗓May 14th, Tuesday
💥The monthly Producer Price Index will be announced in the USA. (Expected: 0.2%)
🕒 17:00
💥FED President Jerome Powell will make a speech.

🗓 May 15th, Wednesday
💥 The annual inflation rate in the USA will be announced. (Expected: 3.4%)
🗓 May 16th, Thursday
💥Applications for US unemployment benefits will be announced. (Expected: 220K)
💥Do Follow for more updates and profitable signals
Earn 1$ In Every Minutes Earning $1 every minute is a challenging goal, but here are some potential ways to achieve it: 1. High-stakes trading: Make high-risk, high-reward trades in cryptocurrencies or forex, leveraging large positions. 2. Options trading: Buy and sell options contracts, speculating on price movements and volatility. 3. Futures trading: Trade cryptocurrency futures contracts, speculating on price movements and leveraging large positions. 4. Arbitrage: Exploit price differences between markets, buying low and selling high. 5. Win a contest or competition: Participate in high-stakes contests or competitions, such as trading tournaments or gaming competitions. 6. Sell a valuable item: Own a rare or valuable item, such as a collectible or a piece of art, and sell it for a significant profit. 7. Participate in a high-paying affiliate marketing program: Promote products or services and earn a significant commission for each sale made through your unique referral link. 8. Create and sell a digital product: Develop a high-demand digital product, such as an ebook or a course, and sell it for a significant price. 9. Participate in a high-stakes freelance project: Offer high-demand skills, such as software development or consulting, and complete a high-paying project. 10. Win a jackpot or lottery: Participate in a high-stakes lottery or jackpot game and win a significant cash prize. Please note that these ideas come with significant risks, and losses can be substantial. Always prioritize responsible financial decisions and risk management strategies. #Earningsmethods
Earn 1$ In Every Minutes
Earning $1 every minute is a challenging goal, but here are some potential ways to achieve it:
1. High-stakes trading: Make high-risk, high-reward trades in cryptocurrencies or forex, leveraging large positions.
2. Options trading: Buy and sell options contracts, speculating on price movements and volatility.
3. Futures trading: Trade cryptocurrency futures contracts, speculating on price movements and leveraging large positions.
4. Arbitrage: Exploit price differences between markets, buying low and selling high.
5. Win a contest or competition: Participate in high-stakes contests or competitions, such as trading tournaments or gaming competitions.
6. Sell a valuable item: Own a rare or valuable item, such as a collectible or a piece of art, and sell it for a significant profit.
7. Participate in a high-paying affiliate marketing program: Promote products or services and earn a significant commission for each sale made through your unique referral link.
8. Create and sell a digital product: Develop a high-demand digital product, such as an ebook or a course, and sell it for a significant price.
9. Participate in a high-stakes freelance project: Offer high-demand skills, such as software development or consulting, and complete a high-paying project.
10. Win a jackpot or lottery: Participate in a high-stakes lottery or jackpot game and win a significant cash prize.
Please note that these ideas come with significant risks, and losses can be substantial. Always prioritize responsible financial decisions and risk management strategies. #Earningsmethods
Earn 1$ In Every Minutes Earning $1 every minute is a challenging goal, but here are some potential ways to achieve it: 1. High-stakes trading: Make high-risk, high-reward trades in cryptocurrencies or forex, leveraging large positions. 2. Options trading: Buy and sell options contracts, speculating on price movements and volatility. 3. Futures trading: Trade cryptocurrency futures contracts, speculating on price movements and leveraging large positions. 4. Arbitrage: Exploit price differences between markets, buying low and selling high. 5. Win a contest or competition: Participate in high-stakes contests or competitions, such as trading tournaments or gaming competitions. 6. Sell a valuable item: Own a rare or valuable item, such as a collectible or a piece of art, and sell it for a significant profit. 7. Participate in a high-paying affiliate marketing program: Promote products or services and earn a significant commission for each sale made through your unique referral link. 8. Create and sell a digital product: Develop a high-demand digital product, such as an ebook or a course, and sell it for a significant price. 9. Participate in a high-stakes freelance project: Offer high-demand skills, such as software development or consulting, and complete a high-paying project. 10. Win a jackpot or lottery: Participate in a high-stakes lottery or jackpot game and win a significant cash prize. Please note that these ideas come with significant risks, and losses can be substantial. Always prioritize responsible financial decisions and risk management strategies. #Earningsmethods #FollowMeAndGetReward #Follow_Like_Comment #Follow4more #everyone#altcoins
Earn 1$ In Every Minutes
Earning $1 every minute is a challenging goal, but here are some potential ways to achieve it:
1. High-stakes trading: Make high-risk, high-reward trades in cryptocurrencies or forex, leveraging large positions.
2. Options trading: Buy and sell options contracts, speculating on price movements and volatility.
3. Futures trading: Trade cryptocurrency futures contracts, speculating on price movements and leveraging large positions.
4. Arbitrage: Exploit price differences between markets, buying low and selling high.
5. Win a contest or competition: Participate in high-stakes contests or competitions, such as trading tournaments or gaming competitions.
6. Sell a valuable item: Own a rare or valuable item, such as a collectible or a piece of art, and sell it for a significant profit.
7. Participate in a high-paying affiliate marketing program: Promote products or services and earn a significant commission for each sale made through your unique referral link.
8. Create and sell a digital product: Develop a high-demand digital product, such as an ebook or a course, and sell it for a significant price.
9. Participate in a high-stakes freelance project: Offer high-demand skills, such as software development or consulting, and complete a high-paying project.
10. Win a jackpot or lottery: Participate in a high-stakes lottery or jackpot game and win a significant cash prize.
Please note that these ideas come with significant risks, and losses can be substantial. Always prioritize responsible financial decisions and risk management strategies. #Earningsmethods #FollowMeAndGetReward #Follow_Like_Comment #Follow4more #everyone#altcoins
Notice !!! Binance Futures Will Delist and Update the Leverage & Margin Tiers of COIN-M KNCUSD, ICXUSD, XTZUSD, ROSEUSD and APEUSD Perpetual Contracts. #UpgradeNow
Notice !!!
Binance Futures Will Delist and Update the Leverage & Margin Tiers of COIN-M KNCUSD, ICXUSD, XTZUSD, ROSEUSD and APEUSD Perpetual Contracts. #UpgradeNow
fire 🔥🔥 🔥 launchpoool NOT Coin launch pool take off in 3 days time on binance 1)Get some BNB in your finance wallet then make sure your account is on Auto invest or better still put your BNB in vault. so binnace will automatically add you to the pool. #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #freecodegiveaway
fire 🔥🔥 🔥 launchpoool
NOT Coin launch pool take off in 3 days time on binance
1)Get some BNB in your finance wallet then make sure your account is on Auto invest or better still put your BNB in vault. so binnace will automatically add you to the pool. #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #freecodegiveaway
Dollar rain click the link and register
Dollar rain click the link and register
BREAKING NEWS ALERT 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 🚨 #Coinbase has been hit with a new lawsuit alleging that ALGO, MANA, MATIC, NEAR, UNI, SOL, XLM and XTZ tokens are securities. What do you think about this please comments? Follow For More.❤️ Thanks $ALGO $NEAR $SOL #Solana #MATIC✅ #MANAUSDT #realmabbaskhan follow for more #Everyone #BullRunLoading
🚨 #Coinbase has been hit with a new lawsuit alleging that ALGO, MANA, MATIC, NEAR, UNI, SOL, XLM and XTZ tokens are securities.
What do you think about this please comments?
Follow For More.❤️
#Solana #MATIC✅ #MANAUSDT #realmabbaskhan follow for more #Everyone #BullRunLoading
DOGE, SHIB, PEPE Among Top Performers Daily, BTC Rises to $63K (Weekend Watch) Trending $BTC
DOGE, SHIB, PEPE Among Top Performers Daily, BTC Rises to $63K (Weekend Watch)
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