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Skatīt oriģinālu
Floki ieteicamā tirdzniecības pozīcija (FLOKI-USD) — 1 nedēļas periodsPašreizējā cena: 0,00004 USD Tirgus ierobežojums: 400 miljoni USD 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms: 50 miljoni USD 52 nedēļu diapazons: 0,00002–0,00009 USD Cirkulācijas piegāde: 10 triljoni FLOKI Tehniskā analīze Cenu tendences: Floki ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu nepastāvību, ar ievērojamu augšupejošu tendenci pēdējā mēneša laikā. Cena nesen stabilizējās ap $ 0,00004 līmeni. Atbalsta un pretestības līmeņi: galvenie atbalsta līmeņi ir aptuveni USD 0,00003, pretestība ir aptuveni USD 0,00005. Pretestības pārvarēšana var radīt turpmākus ieguvumus. Slīdošie vidējie rādītāji: 50 dienu mainīgajam vidējam rādītājam ir tendence pieaugt, norādot uz pozitīvu īstermiņa perspektīvu. 200 dienu mainīgais vidējais rādītājs apstiprina ilgtermiņa augšupejošu tendenci.

Floki ieteicamā tirdzniecības pozīcija (FLOKI-USD) — 1 nedēļas periods

Pašreizējā cena: 0,00004 USD
Tirgus ierobežojums: 400 miljoni USD
24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms: 50 miljoni USD
52 nedēļu diapazons: 0,00002–0,00009 USD
Cirkulācijas piegāde: 10 triljoni FLOKI
Tehniskā analīze
Cenu tendences: Floki ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu nepastāvību, ar ievērojamu augšupejošu tendenci pēdējā mēneša laikā. Cena nesen stabilizējās ap $ 0,00004 līmeni.
Atbalsta un pretestības līmeņi: galvenie atbalsta līmeņi ir aptuveni USD 0,00003, pretestība ir aptuveni USD 0,00005. Pretestības pārvarēšana var radīt turpmākus ieguvumus.
Slīdošie vidējie rādītāji: 50 dienu mainīgajam vidējam rādītājam ir tendence pieaugt, norādot uz pozitīvu īstermiņa perspektīvu. 200 dienu mainīgais vidējais rādītājs apstiprina ilgtermiņa augšupejošu tendenci.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ieteicamā Notcoin tirdzniecības pozīcija (NOT-USD) — 1 nedēļas periodsIeteicamā Notcoin tirdzniecības pozīcija (NOT-USD) — 1 nedēļas periods Pašreizējā cena: 0,02185 USD Tirgus kapitāls: 2,244 miljardi USD 24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms: 1,95 miljardi USD 52 nedēļu diapazons: 0,004605–0,028958 ASV dolāri Cirkulējošais piedāvājums: 102,72 miljardi $NOT Tehniskās analīzes kopsavilkums Cenu tendences: spēcīgs bullish impulss ar neseno izsekošanu, kas atbilst 38% Fibonači līmenim. Atbalsta un pretestības līmeņi: galvenais atbalsts USD 0,020, pretestība USD 0,025. Slīdošie vidējie lielumi: pozitīva tendence 50 dienu un 200 dienu mainīgajos vidējos rādītājos. RSI: neitrāls, norādot, ka apstākļi nav ne pārpirkti, ne pārpārdoti.

Ieteicamā Notcoin tirdzniecības pozīcija (NOT-USD) — 1 nedēļas periods

Ieteicamā Notcoin tirdzniecības pozīcija (NOT-USD) — 1 nedēļas periods
Pašreizējā cena: 0,02185 USD
Tirgus kapitāls: 2,244 miljardi USD
24 stundu tirdzniecības apjoms: 1,95 miljardi USD
52 nedēļu diapazons: 0,004605–0,028958 ASV dolāri
Cirkulējošais piedāvājums: 102,72 miljardi $NOT

Tehniskās analīzes kopsavilkums
Cenu tendences: spēcīgs bullish impulss ar neseno izsekošanu, kas atbilst 38% Fibonači līmenim.
Atbalsta un pretestības līmeņi: galvenais atbalsts USD 0,020, pretestība USD 0,025.
Slīdošie vidējie lielumi: pozitīva tendence 50 dienu un 200 dienu mainīgajos vidējos rādītājos.
RSI: neitrāls, norādot, ka apstākļi nav ne pārpirkti, ne pārpārdoti.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ko rāda EMA?Eksponenciālais mainīgais vidējais (EMA) ir mainīgā vidējā rādītāja veids, kas piešķir lielāku nozīmi un nozīmi jaunākajiem datu punktiem. Atšķirībā no vienkāršā mainīgā vidējā (SMA), kas vienādi sver katru datu punktu savā periodā, EMA ātrāk reaģē uz cenu izmaiņām, padarot to jutīgāku pret nesenajām cenu izmaiņām. Lūk, ko EMA var jums parādīt: Tendenču virziens: aplūkojot EMA pozīciju attiecībā pret cenu, varat novērtēt kopējo tirgus virzienu. Ja cena pārsniedz EMA, tas var norādīt uz augšupejošu tendenci. Un otrādi, ja cena ir zemāka par EMA, tas var liecināt par lejupslīdi.

Ko rāda EMA?

Eksponenciālais mainīgais vidējais (EMA) ir mainīgā vidējā rādītāja veids, kas piešķir lielāku nozīmi un nozīmi jaunākajiem datu punktiem. Atšķirībā no vienkāršā mainīgā vidējā (SMA), kas vienādi sver katru datu punktu savā periodā, EMA ātrāk reaģē uz cenu izmaiņām, padarot to jutīgāku pret nesenajām cenu izmaiņām.
Lūk, ko EMA var jums parādīt:
Tendenču virziens: aplūkojot EMA pozīciju attiecībā pret cenu, varat novērtēt kopējo tirgus virzienu. Ja cena pārsniedz EMA, tas var norādīt uz augšupejošu tendenci. Un otrādi, ja cena ir zemāka par EMA, tas var liecināt par lejupslīdi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
72 stundas Prognozes par Bonku Pašreizējā Bonk (BONKUSD) tehniskā analīze vietnē TradingView liecina par neseno cenu USD 0,00003257 ar ievērojamu pieaugumu par +20,54%. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā BONK ir piedzīvojis kāpumu par 47.72%, bet pēdējā mēneša laikā iespaidīgu pieaugumu par 229.23%, uzsverot tās nestabilo raksturu kriptovalūtu tirgū. Ņemot vērā šo nepastāvību un neseno pozitīvo tendenci, ir grūti noteikt precīzus BONK ienākšanas un izejas punktus nākamā mēneša laikā, neņemot vērā plašāku tirgus kontekstu un potenciālos katalizatorus, kas varētu ietekmēt tā cenu. Nesenais pieaugums liecina par pieaugošu interesi un, iespējams, spekulatīvu tirdzniecību, kas var izraisīt turpmākas svārstības.

72 stundas Prognozes par Bonku

Pašreizējā Bonk (BONKUSD) tehniskā analīze vietnē TradingView liecina par neseno cenu USD 0,00003257 ar ievērojamu pieaugumu par +20,54%. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā BONK ir piedzīvojis kāpumu par 47.72%, bet pēdējā mēneša laikā iespaidīgu pieaugumu par 229.23%, uzsverot tās nestabilo raksturu kriptovalūtu tirgū.
Ņemot vērā šo nepastāvību un neseno pozitīvo tendenci, ir grūti noteikt precīzus BONK ienākšanas un izejas punktus nākamā mēneša laikā, neņemot vērā plašāku tirgus kontekstu un potenciālos katalizatorus, kas varētu ietekmēt tā cenu. Nesenais pieaugums liecina par pieaugošu interesi un, iespējams, spekulatīvu tirdzniecību, kas var izraisīt turpmākas svārstības.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto skalpēšanas stratēģija vienkāršota: rokasgrāmata iesācējiem manekeniemSveiki, kolēģi kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības entuziasti! Šodien mēs izpētīsim aizraujošo skalpinga pasauli kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā. Ja meklējat ātru, īstermiņa tirdzniecības stratēģiju, skalpēšana varētu būt tieši jums piemērota. Tāpēc piesprādzējieties, kad mēs ienirsim manekenu šifrēšanas skalpēšanas pasaulē!Skalpings ir tirdzniecības stratēģija, kuras mērķis ir gūt peļņu no nelielām cenu izmaiņām īsā laika periodā. Tas ietver ātru darījumu veikšanu, bieži vien dažu minūšu vai pat sekunžu laikā, lai fiksētu nelielas cenu atšķirības. Tālāk ir sniegts vienkāršots sadalījums par to, kā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā pieiet skalpingam:

Kripto skalpēšanas stratēģija vienkāršota: rokasgrāmata iesācējiem manekeniem

Sveiki, kolēģi kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības entuziasti! Šodien mēs izpētīsim aizraujošo skalpinga pasauli kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā. Ja meklējat ātru, īstermiņa tirdzniecības stratēģiju, skalpēšana varētu būt tieši jums piemērota. Tāpēc piesprādzējieties, kad mēs ienirsim manekenu šifrēšanas skalpēšanas pasaulē!Skalpings ir tirdzniecības stratēģija, kuras mērķis ir gūt peļņu no nelielām cenu izmaiņām īsā laika periodā. Tas ietver ātru darījumu veikšanu, bieži vien dažu minūšu vai pat sekunžu laikā, lai fiksētu nelielas cenu atšķirības. Tālāk ir sniegts vienkāršots sadalījums par to, kā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecībā pieiet skalpingam:
Skatīt oriģinālu
72 stundas Prognoze par STRKStarknet (STRKUSD) pašlaik tirgojas ar USD 2,436, pieaugot par +7,88%. Žetons pēdējā laikā ir uzrādījis ievērojamu sniegumu, atzīmējot pieaugumu par 28,27% nedēļas laikā, un līdzīgi 29,21% pieaugums ir novērots gan pēdējā mēnesī, gan kopš gada sākuma. Tas atbilst vispārējai veiktspējai kopš Starknet pirmsākumiem ar vienmērīgu 29,21% pieaugumu visos sniegtajos laika periodos.Starknet darbojas mērogošanas kategorijā un ir veidots uz Ethereum blokķēdes, kas liek domāt, ka tā koncentrējas uz blokķēdes mērogojamības un efektivitātes uzlabošanu. Ņemot vērā tā neseno tirgus darbību un mērogošanas risinājumu kritisko lomu pašreizējā blokķēdes ekosistēmā, īstermiņā pastāv nepārtrauktas izaugsmes potenciāls.

72 stundas Prognoze par STRK

Starknet (STRKUSD) pašlaik tirgojas ar USD 2,436, pieaugot par +7,88%. Žetons pēdējā laikā ir uzrādījis ievērojamu sniegumu, atzīmējot pieaugumu par 28,27% nedēļas laikā, un līdzīgi 29,21% pieaugums ir novērots gan pēdējā mēnesī, gan kopš gada sākuma. Tas atbilst vispārējai veiktspējai kopš Starknet pirmsākumiem ar vienmērīgu 29,21% pieaugumu visos sniegtajos laika periodos.Starknet darbojas mērogošanas kategorijā un ir veidots uz Ethereum blokķēdes, kas liek domāt, ka tā koncentrējas uz blokķēdes mērogojamības un efektivitātes uzlabošanu. Ņemot vērā tā neseno tirgus darbību un mērogošanas risinājumu kritisko lomu pašreizējā blokķēdes ekosistēmā, īstermiņā pastāv nepārtrauktas izaugsmes potenciāls.
Skatīt oriģinālu
72 stundas Prognozes par SHIBA INUShiba Inu (SHIBUSD) pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,00003758, kas iezīmē +6,82% izmaiņas. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā Shiba Inu vērtība ir piedzīvojusi dramatisku pieaugumu par 245,59%. Pagājušais mēnesis Shiba Inu ir bijis vēl ievērojamāks ar 322,95% pieaugumu, un pēdējo sešu mēnešu laikā kriptovalūta ir palielinājusies par 390,22%. Šī gada pieaugums reģistrēts 263,64% apmērā.Ņemot vērā Shiba Inu pašreizējo tirgus impulsu un vispārējo kāpuma noskaņojumu, kas atspoguļots TradingView tehniskajā analīzē, pastāv iespēja turpināt izaugsmi nākamajās 72 stundās. Pēdējās tendences liecina, ka Shiba Inu ir guvis labumu no pieaugošās investoru intereses un tirgus dinamikas, kas dod priekšroku kriptovalūtām ar spēcīgu kopienas atbalstu un lietošanas gadījumiem. Shiba Inu pozicionēšana Ethereum blokķēdē arī palielina tās mērogojamību un lietderību, potenciāli veicinot turpmāku ieviešanu.

72 stundas Prognozes par SHIBA INU

Shiba Inu (SHIBUSD) pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,00003758, kas iezīmē +6,82% izmaiņas. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā Shiba Inu vērtība ir piedzīvojusi dramatisku pieaugumu par 245,59%. Pagājušais mēnesis Shiba Inu ir bijis vēl ievērojamāks ar 322,95% pieaugumu, un pēdējo sešu mēnešu laikā kriptovalūta ir palielinājusies par 390,22%. Šī gada pieaugums reģistrēts 263,64% apmērā.Ņemot vērā Shiba Inu pašreizējo tirgus impulsu un vispārējo kāpuma noskaņojumu, kas atspoguļots TradingView tehniskajā analīzē, pastāv iespēja turpināt izaugsmi nākamajās 72 stundās. Pēdējās tendences liecina, ka Shiba Inu ir guvis labumu no pieaugošās investoru intereses un tirgus dinamikas, kas dod priekšroku kriptovalūtām ar spēcīgu kopienas atbalstu un lietošanas gadījumiem. Shiba Inu pozicionēšana Ethereum blokķēdē arī palielina tās mērogojamību un lietderību, potenciāli veicinot turpmāku ieviešanu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
72 stundas Prognozes par WIFPašreizējie TradingView dati par dogwifhat (WIFUSD) liecina par neseno cenu USD 1,99290147 ar ievērojamu pieaugumu par +28,74%. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā WIF ir piedzīvojis neticamu kāpumu ar nedēļas pieaugumu par 228,52% un pārsteidzošu ikmēneša pieaugumu par 844,30%. Šis impulss ir palielinājis tā veiktspēju gada laikā līdz iespaidīgam +1200,70%, ar līdzīgu rādītāju tā 1 gada un visu laiku pieaugumam, izceļot ievērojamu trajektoriju kopš tās pirmsākumiem.Ņemot vērā šo agresīvo augšupejošu tendenci un ievērojamo neseno sniegumu, tostarp visu laiku augstāko līmeni, ir svarīgi ņemt vērā gan tehniskās analīzes ieskatus, gan tirgus noskaņojumu, lai prognozētu 72 stundas. TradingView tehniskie rādītāji pašlaik ir jaukta, bet kopumā neitrāla nostāja, ar oscilatoriem un mainīgajiem vidējiem rādītājiem, kas liecina par līdzsvarotu skatījumu starp pirkšanas un pārdošanas spiedienu.

72 stundas Prognozes par WIF

Pašreizējie TradingView dati par dogwifhat (WIFUSD) liecina par neseno cenu USD 1,99290147 ar ievērojamu pieaugumu par +28,74%. Pēdējās nedēļas laikā WIF ir piedzīvojis neticamu kāpumu ar nedēļas pieaugumu par 228,52% un pārsteidzošu ikmēneša pieaugumu par 844,30%. Šis impulss ir palielinājis tā veiktspēju gada laikā līdz iespaidīgam +1200,70%, ar līdzīgu rādītāju tā 1 gada un visu laiku pieaugumam, izceļot ievērojamu trajektoriju kopš tās pirmsākumiem.Ņemot vērā šo agresīvo augšupejošu tendenci un ievērojamo neseno sniegumu, tostarp visu laiku augstāko līmeni, ir svarīgi ņemt vērā gan tehniskās analīzes ieskatus, gan tirgus noskaņojumu, lai prognozētu 72 stundas. TradingView tehniskie rādītāji pašlaik ir jaukta, bet kopumā neitrāla nostāja, ar oscilatoriem un mainīgajiem vidējiem rādītājiem, kas liecina par līdzsvarotu skatījumu starp pirkšanas un pārdošanas spiedienu.
72-hrs Prediction for JASMYBased on the latest technical analysis from TradingView, JasmyCoin (JASMYUSD) is currently priced at $0.02096, experiencing a significant downtrend of approximately -10.54%. Despite this recent downturn, JASMY has shown a remarkable surge over varying periods: a 29.74% increase over the week, an impressive 281.70% rise over the past month, and a substantial 455.94% gain over the last six months. Year to date, JASMY has appreciated by 222.17%, with a one-year gain of 293.83%. However, it is essential to note that JASMY has faced a decline of -55.64% from its all-time highs, indicating the volatile nature of cryptocurrency investments.The trading volume in the last 24 hours for JASMY has been reported at approximately $394.88 million, with a market capitalization of around $1.04 billion. This significant trading activity underscores the growing interest and liquidity in JASMY trading.Given the current technical indicators and market sentiment, for a detailed 72-hour prediction, it's reasonable to expect continued volatility in JASMY's price. Technical analysis suggests potential fluctuations, with resistance and support levels being key factors in determining JASMY's short-term price movements. Considering the significant recent gains, traders should be prepared for both potential upside momentum and corrective pullbacks as the market digests these movements.Please remember, this analysis is not financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments are highly speculative and come with risks. Always conduct your research or consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.#TrendingTopic #jasmyustd $JASMY

72-hrs Prediction for JASMY

Based on the latest technical analysis from TradingView, JasmyCoin (JASMYUSD) is currently priced at $0.02096, experiencing a significant downtrend of approximately -10.54%. Despite this recent downturn, JASMY has shown a remarkable surge over varying periods: a 29.74% increase over the week, an impressive 281.70% rise over the past month, and a substantial 455.94% gain over the last six months. Year to date, JASMY has appreciated by 222.17%, with a one-year gain of 293.83%. However, it is essential to note that JASMY has faced a decline of -55.64% from its all-time highs, indicating the volatile nature of cryptocurrency investments.The trading volume in the last 24 hours for JASMY has been reported at approximately $394.88 million, with a market capitalization of around $1.04 billion. This significant trading activity underscores the growing interest and liquidity in JASMY trading.Given the current technical indicators and market sentiment, for a detailed 72-hour prediction, it's reasonable to expect continued volatility in JASMY's price. Technical analysis suggests potential fluctuations, with resistance and support levels being key factors in determining JASMY's short-term price movements. Considering the significant recent gains, traders should be prepared for both potential upside momentum and corrective pullbacks as the market digests these movements.Please remember, this analysis is not financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments are highly speculative and come with risks. Always conduct your research or consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.#TrendingTopic #jasmyustd $JASMY
Latest on BONK ♉BONK (BONKUSDT) is currently trading at $0.00003137 USDT, marking a significant increase of +15.37%. The performance metrics for BONK show a dynamic and highly volatile market presence:This Week: +163.48%1 Month: +198.48%6 Months: +61.17%Year to Date: +136.01%1 Year: +61.17%72-Hour Prediction for BONK:Given BONK's current price action and its remarkable performance:Short-Term Momentum: The recent increase suggests a strong market momentum, possibly influenced by speculative trading or community-driven initiatives. This bullish trend might continue in the short term, potentially pushing BONK's price higher.Market Sentiment: The significant gains over the last week and month indicate a bullish sentiment towards BONK. If the momentum continues, BONK could see further increases or experience high volatility as the market adjusts to the recent rapid gains.Technical Analysis Insights: While specific technical indicators were not detailed in the update, the general trend and performance metrics suggest that BONK could continue to experience significant price movements.Considering these factors, the prediction for BONK over the next 72 hours remains optimistic, with potential for continued growth if the current positive momentum and market sentiment persist. However, given the volatile nature of meme coins and the cryptocurrency market in general, investors should be prepared for potential volatility and rapid price changes.Investors are advised to closely monitor market news, sentiment, and technical indicators for any signs of significant changes that could impact BONK's price movement. Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #BONKUSTD $BONK

Latest on BONK ♉

BONK (BONKUSDT) is currently trading at $0.00003137 USDT, marking a significant increase of +15.37%. The performance metrics for BONK show a dynamic and highly volatile market presence:This Week: +163.48%1 Month: +198.48%6 Months: +61.17%Year to Date: +136.01%1 Year: +61.17%72-Hour Prediction for BONK:Given BONK's current price action and its remarkable performance:Short-Term Momentum: The recent increase suggests a strong market momentum, possibly influenced by speculative trading or community-driven initiatives. This bullish trend might continue in the short term, potentially pushing BONK's price higher.Market Sentiment: The significant gains over the last week and month indicate a bullish sentiment towards BONK. If the momentum continues, BONK could see further increases or experience high volatility as the market adjusts to the recent rapid gains.Technical Analysis Insights: While specific technical indicators were not detailed in the update, the general trend and performance metrics suggest that BONK could continue to experience significant price movements.Considering these factors, the prediction for BONK over the next 72 hours remains optimistic, with potential for continued growth if the current positive momentum and market sentiment persist. However, given the volatile nature of meme coins and the cryptocurrency market in general, investors should be prepared for potential volatility and rapid price changes.Investors are advised to closely monitor market news, sentiment, and technical indicators for any signs of significant changes that could impact BONK's price movement. Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #BONKUSTD $BONK
72-Hour Prediction for GALAGala Games (GALA) is trading at $0.04409 USDT, experiencing a decrease of −4.65%. Over recent timeframes, GALA has shown significant activity:This Week: +47.92%1 Month: +102.85%6 Months: +178.11%Year to Date: +45.24%1 Year: +17.61%72-Hour Prediction for GALA:Given GALA's current performance:Short-Term Volatility: The recent decrease suggests some immediate market adjustments. However, the notable weekly and monthly gains indicate a strong positive momentum which could influence short-term price movements.Market Sentiment: The significant increases over the last month and six months highlight a bullish market sentiment towards GALA. If the project continues to generate interest and positive developments, GALA could recover from its current decrease and potentially explore higher price levels.Technical Analysis Insights: The neutral oscillators and moving averages from the technical summary suggest a balanced market sentiment. However, the substantial gains over various periods could suggest underlying strength in GALA's market position.Considering these factors, the prediction for GALA over the next 72 hours remains cautiously optimistic. The market's response to recent gains and the project's momentum could drive GALA's price, potentially leading to recovery and further gains. However, investors should remain aware of the cryptocurrency market's inherent volatility and monitor GALA closely for any significant changes that could impact its price movement.Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance#TrendingTopic #galagame $GALA

72-Hour Prediction for GALA

Gala Games (GALA) is trading at $0.04409 USDT, experiencing a decrease of −4.65%. Over recent timeframes, GALA has shown significant activity:This Week: +47.92%1 Month: +102.85%6 Months: +178.11%Year to Date: +45.24%1 Year: +17.61%72-Hour Prediction for GALA:Given GALA's current performance:Short-Term Volatility: The recent decrease suggests some immediate market adjustments. However, the notable weekly and monthly gains indicate a strong positive momentum which could influence short-term price movements.Market Sentiment: The significant increases over the last month and six months highlight a bullish market sentiment towards GALA. If the project continues to generate interest and positive developments, GALA could recover from its current decrease and potentially explore higher price levels.Technical Analysis Insights: The neutral oscillators and moving averages from the technical summary suggest a balanced market sentiment. However, the substantial gains over various periods could suggest underlying strength in GALA's market position.Considering these factors, the prediction for GALA over the next 72 hours remains cautiously optimistic. The market's response to recent gains and the project's momentum could drive GALA's price, potentially leading to recovery and further gains. However, investors should remain aware of the cryptocurrency market's inherent volatility and monitor GALA closely for any significant changes that could impact its price movement.Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance#TrendingTopic #galagame $GALA
Skatīt oriģinālu
72 stundu prognoze Cardano (ADA)Cardano (ADA) pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,7288 USDT, piedzīvojot samazinājumu par –1,73%. Pēdējos periodos ADA parāda ievērojamus veiktspējas rādītājus:Šodien: –1,70%Šonedēļ: +22,13%1 mēnesis: +43,59%6 mēneši: +184,54%Gads līdz šim: +22,75%1 gads: +112,47%5 gadi: +1712,53%Visu laiku: +185,31%Apjoms 179.92M ADA liecina par aktīvu tirdzniecību. Dienas diapazons ir bijis no $ 0,6850 līdz $ 0,7421 USDT, kas liecina par zināmu nepastāvību.72 stundu prognoze Cardano (ADA):Ņemot vērā ADA pašreizējo cenu kustību un tās neseno darbību:

72 stundu prognoze Cardano (ADA)

Cardano (ADA) pašlaik tirgojas par USD 0,7288 USDT, piedzīvojot samazinājumu par –1,73%. Pēdējos periodos ADA parāda ievērojamus veiktspējas rādītājus:Šodien: –1,70%Šonedēļ: +22,13%1 mēnesis: +43,59%6 mēneši: +184,54%Gads līdz šim: +22,75%1 gads: +112,47%5 gadi: +1712,53%Visu laiku: +185,31%Apjoms 179.92M ADA liecina par aktīvu tirdzniecību. Dienas diapazons ir bijis no $ 0,6850 līdz $ 0,7421 USDT, kas liecina par zināmu nepastāvību.72 stundu prognoze Cardano (ADA):Ņemot vērā ADA pašreizējo cenu kustību un tās neseno darbību:
72-Hour Prediction for Sleepless AISleepless AI (AI) is currently priced at $1.75 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $104,096,118 USD. The project is ranked #260, with a market cap of $247,203,756 USD. It has a circulating supply of 140,937,500 AI coins and a max. supply of 1,000,000,000 AI coins. Sleepless AI emerges as a groundbreaking Web3+AI gaming platform, blending artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Its mission is to offer emotional support and immersive gaming experiences through AI companion games, aiming to revolutionize the gaming industry by integrating advanced AI and blockchain technologies.72-Hour Prediction for Sleepless AI:Given Sleepless AI's current price, trading volume, and the innovative blend of AI and blockchain technology aimed at redefining the gaming landscape, the project presents a unique value proposition in the crypto space. The significant trading volume indicates active interest and investment in the project.Short-Term Price Movements: Given the project's innovative approach and current market position, the price could experience volatility in the next 72 hours as investors and traders react to its unique offering and market dynamics.Market Sentiment and Innovations: Positive developments or news related to Sleepless AI's advancements in AI and gaming could drive increased interest and potentially boost the price. Conversely, broader market trends and sentiment in the crypto and gaming sectors could also impact price movements.Investor Interest: The substantial trading volume suggests that Sleepless AI has captured the attention of investors. Continued interest, especially if fueled by positive news or project updates, could support or increase the token's value.Investors should monitor the project closely for any announcements or developments that could influence market sentiment and price. Given the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, especially for projects with innovative and niche applications like Sleepless AI, investors are advised to conduct thorough research and consider their investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #SleeplessAI $AI

72-Hour Prediction for Sleepless AI

Sleepless AI (AI) is currently priced at $1.75 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $104,096,118 USD. The project is ranked #260, with a market cap of $247,203,756 USD. It has a circulating supply of 140,937,500 AI coins and a max. supply of 1,000,000,000 AI coins. Sleepless AI emerges as a groundbreaking Web3+AI gaming platform, blending artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Its mission is to offer emotional support and immersive gaming experiences through AI companion games, aiming to revolutionize the gaming industry by integrating advanced AI and blockchain technologies.72-Hour Prediction for Sleepless AI:Given Sleepless AI's current price, trading volume, and the innovative blend of AI and blockchain technology aimed at redefining the gaming landscape, the project presents a unique value proposition in the crypto space. The significant trading volume indicates active interest and investment in the project.Short-Term Price Movements: Given the project's innovative approach and current market position, the price could experience volatility in the next 72 hours as investors and traders react to its unique offering and market dynamics.Market Sentiment and Innovations: Positive developments or news related to Sleepless AI's advancements in AI and gaming could drive increased interest and potentially boost the price. Conversely, broader market trends and sentiment in the crypto and gaming sectors could also impact price movements.Investor Interest: The substantial trading volume suggests that Sleepless AI has captured the attention of investors. Continued interest, especially if fueled by positive news or project updates, could support or increase the token's value.Investors should monitor the project closely for any announcements or developments that could influence market sentiment and price. Given the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, especially for projects with innovative and niche applications like Sleepless AI, investors are advised to conduct thorough research and consider their investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #SleeplessAI $AI
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vienkāršota svečturu diagrammas analīze: rokasgrāmata manekeniem iesācējiemSveiki, kolēģi tirdzniecības entuziasti! Šodien mēs atklāsim svečturu diagrammu analīzes pasauli un palīdzēsim jums izprast šo jaudīgo rīku, lai pieņemtu apzinātus tirdzniecības lēmumus. Tātad, iedegsim savas zināšanas un nirsim manekenu svečturu diagrammu analīzes pasaulē!Svečturu diagrammas ir viens no populārākajiem un visplašāk izmantotajiem diagrammu veidiem tehniskajā analīzē. Tie sniedz vizuālu priekšstatu par cenu izmaiņām noteiktā laika periodā un sniedz vērtīgu ieskatu tirgus tendencēs un iespējamās apvērsēs. Sadalīsim pamatus:

Vienkāršota svečturu diagrammas analīze: rokasgrāmata manekeniem iesācējiem

Sveiki, kolēģi tirdzniecības entuziasti! Šodien mēs atklāsim svečturu diagrammu analīzes pasauli un palīdzēsim jums izprast šo jaudīgo rīku, lai pieņemtu apzinātus tirdzniecības lēmumus. Tātad, iedegsim savas zināšanas un nirsim manekenu svečturu diagrammu analīzes pasaulē!Svečturu diagrammas ir viens no populārākajiem un visplašāk izmantotajiem diagrammu veidiem tehniskajā analīzē. Tie sniedz vizuālu priekšstatu par cenu izmaiņām noteiktā laika periodā un sniedz vērtīgu ieskatu tirgus tendencēs un iespējamās apvērsēs. Sadalīsim pamatus:
Skatīt oriģinālu
72 stundu prognoze PORTĀLAMPamatojoties uz jaunākajiem TradingView datiem, PORTAL (PORTALUSDT) tirdzniecība ir USD 2,1885 USDT ar neseno samazinājumu par -8,74%. Veiktspējas rādītāji liecina par ievērojamu pieaugumu par 4279,80% dažādos laika periodos, kas liecina par ļoti nepastāvīgu un spekulatīvu interesi par aktīvu. 42,19 miljonu PORTĀLA apjoms uzsver aktīvo tirdzniecību un interesi par šo aktīvu.CoinMarketCap nodrošina papildu kontekstu, atzīmējot pašreizējo portāla cenu aptuveni USD 2,23 apmērā, kas atbilst datiem no TradingView. Portāla mērķis ir izveidot virtuālās realitātes ekosistēmu, kuras pamatā ir blokķēdes tehnoloģija, pievēršoties uzticības, kapitāla un satura izplatīšanai VR lietojumprogrammās.

72 stundu prognoze PORTĀLAM

Pamatojoties uz jaunākajiem TradingView datiem, PORTAL (PORTALUSDT) tirdzniecība ir USD 2,1885 USDT ar neseno samazinājumu par -8,74%. Veiktspējas rādītāji liecina par ievērojamu pieaugumu par 4279,80% dažādos laika periodos, kas liecina par ļoti nepastāvīgu un spekulatīvu interesi par aktīvu. 42,19 miljonu PORTĀLA apjoms uzsver aktīvo tirdzniecību un interesi par šo aktīvu.CoinMarketCap nodrošina papildu kontekstu, atzīmējot pašreizējo portāla cenu aptuveni USD 2,23 apmērā, kas atbilst datiem no TradingView. Portāla mērķis ir izveidot virtuālās realitātes ekosistēmu, kuras pamatā ir blokķēdes tehnoloģija, pievēršoties uzticības, kapitāla un satura izplatīšanai VR lietojumprogrammās.
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Dažreiz gaidīšana atmaksājas.
Dažreiz gaidīšana atmaksājas.
Crypto Technical Analysis Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide for DummiesHey there, felow crypto enthusiasts! Today, I want to demystify the world of crypto technical analysis and help you gain a better understanding of how to analyze cryptocurrency charts like a pro. So, grab your thinking caps and let's dive into the world of crypto technical analysis for dummies!First things first, let's break down the basics of technical analysis. It's a method of evaluating and predicting future price movements based on historical data. In the context of cryptocurrencies, technical analysis involves studying price charts, patterns, and indicators to make informed trading decisions.Now, let's explore some key concepts and tools to get you started on your technical analysis journey:1. Candlestick Charts: Candlestick charts are the most common type of chart used in technical analysis. They provide a visual representation of price movements over a specific time period. Each candlestick represents a specific timeframe, such as one hour or one day, and displays the opening, closing, high, and low prices.2. Support and Resistance Levels: Support levels are price levels where buying pressure is expected to outweigh selling pressure, causing the price to bounce back up. Resistance levels, on the other hand, are price levels where selling pressure is expected to outweigh buying pressure, causing the price to reverse downward. Identifying these levels helps determine potential entry and exit points.3. Trend Lines: Trend lines are used to identify the direction of the overall market trend. An uptrend is characterized by a series of higher highs and higher lows, while a downtrend consists of lower highs and lower lows. Drawing trend lines helps visualize these trends and provides insight into potential future price movements.4. Moving Averages: Moving averages smooth out price fluctuations and help identify trends. The two most commonly used moving averages are the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA). By plotting these averages on a chart, you can gain insights into potential support and resistance levels.5. Oscillators: Oscillators, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. These indicators can give you clues about potential trend reversals or continuation.6. Chart Patterns: Chart patterns are recurring formations on price charts that indicate potential future price movements. Common patterns include triangles, head and shoulders, double tops, and double bottoms. Learning to recognize these patterns can help you anticipate market behavior.7. Volume Analysis: Volume refers to the number of shares or contracts traded in a given period. Analyzing volume alongside price movements can provide insights into the strength of a trend or potential reversals. Increasing volume during price breakouts or breakdowns often signals significant market movements.Remember, technical analysis is just one tool in your trading arsenal. It's essential to combine it with fundamental analysis and market research to make well-rounded trading decisions.As a beginner, it's best to start with a few key indicators and gradually expand your knowledge and toolkit. Practice analyzing charts, identify patterns, and experiment with different strategies on demo accounts before risking real money.Keep in mind that technical analysis is not foolproof and should be used as a guide rather than a guaranteed prediction. The market can be unpredictable, and emotions can influence price movements. Always stay disciplined, manage risk, and continuously educate yourself to refine your technical analysis skills.So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, armed with these basic concepts, you're now ready to embark on your technical analysis journey. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and stay curious. Happy analyzing, and may the crypto charts bring you profitable insights!#TrendingTopic #LearnAndGrow $SOL $PORTAL $XRP

Crypto Technical Analysis Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide for Dummies

Hey there, felow crypto enthusiasts! Today, I want to demystify the world of crypto technical analysis and help you gain a better understanding of how to analyze cryptocurrency charts like a pro. So, grab your thinking caps and let's dive into the world of crypto technical analysis for dummies!First things first, let's break down the basics of technical analysis. It's a method of evaluating and predicting future price movements based on historical data. In the context of cryptocurrencies, technical analysis involves studying price charts, patterns, and indicators to make informed trading decisions.Now, let's explore some key concepts and tools to get you started on your technical analysis journey:1. Candlestick Charts: Candlestick charts are the most common type of chart used in technical analysis. They provide a visual representation of price movements over a specific time period. Each candlestick represents a specific timeframe, such as one hour or one day, and displays the opening, closing, high, and low prices.2. Support and Resistance Levels: Support levels are price levels where buying pressure is expected to outweigh selling pressure, causing the price to bounce back up. Resistance levels, on the other hand, are price levels where selling pressure is expected to outweigh buying pressure, causing the price to reverse downward. Identifying these levels helps determine potential entry and exit points.3. Trend Lines: Trend lines are used to identify the direction of the overall market trend. An uptrend is characterized by a series of higher highs and higher lows, while a downtrend consists of lower highs and lower lows. Drawing trend lines helps visualize these trends and provides insight into potential future price movements.4. Moving Averages: Moving averages smooth out price fluctuations and help identify trends. The two most commonly used moving averages are the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA). By plotting these averages on a chart, you can gain insights into potential support and resistance levels.5. Oscillators: Oscillators, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. These indicators can give you clues about potential trend reversals or continuation.6. Chart Patterns: Chart patterns are recurring formations on price charts that indicate potential future price movements. Common patterns include triangles, head and shoulders, double tops, and double bottoms. Learning to recognize these patterns can help you anticipate market behavior.7. Volume Analysis: Volume refers to the number of shares or contracts traded in a given period. Analyzing volume alongside price movements can provide insights into the strength of a trend or potential reversals. Increasing volume during price breakouts or breakdowns often signals significant market movements.Remember, technical analysis is just one tool in your trading arsenal. It's essential to combine it with fundamental analysis and market research to make well-rounded trading decisions.As a beginner, it's best to start with a few key indicators and gradually expand your knowledge and toolkit. Practice analyzing charts, identify patterns, and experiment with different strategies on demo accounts before risking real money.Keep in mind that technical analysis is not foolproof and should be used as a guide rather than a guaranteed prediction. The market can be unpredictable, and emotions can influence price movements. Always stay disciplined, manage risk, and continuously educate yourself to refine your technical analysis skills.So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, armed with these basic concepts, you're now ready to embark on your technical analysis journey. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and stay curious. Happy analyzing, and may the crypto charts bring you profitable insights!#TrendingTopic #LearnAndGrow $SOL $PORTAL $XRP
Latest update on PIXEL Based on the latest update from TradingView, PIXEL (PIXELUSDT) is currently trading at $0.5192 USDT, marking an increase of +6.09%. The trading data highlights significant activity and interest in PIXEL, with a remarkable performance across various timeframes, indicating a strong positive momentum. The volume of 35.80M PIXEL further underscores the active trading and interest in this asset.72-Hour Prediction for PIXEL:Given PIXEL's current performance and market dynamics:Short-Term Momentum: The recent increase suggests strong market momentum that could continue to influence PIXEL's price positively in the short term.Market Sentiment: The substantial growth across all observed timeframes, including a week-on-week increase of 1196.25%, suggests a bullish sentiment towards PIXEL. The recent increase might be indicative of continued interest and potential for further gains.Technical Analysis Insights: The technical summary suggests neutral oscillators and moving averages, indicating a balanced market sentiment. However, the overwhelming positive momentum over broader timeframes could suggest the potential for further upward movements.Considering these factors, the prediction for PIXEL over the next 72 hours remains cautiously optimistic, with potential for continued growth if the current positive momentum and market sentiment persist. However, given the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, investors should be prepared for potential volatility and consider the speculative nature of assets like PIXEL, which can lead to rapid price changes.Investors are advised to closely monitor market news, sentiment, and technical indicators for any signs of significant changes that could impact PIXEL's price movement. Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #PixelPricePrediction $PIXEL

Latest update on PIXEL

Based on the latest update from TradingView, PIXEL (PIXELUSDT) is currently trading at $0.5192 USDT, marking an increase of +6.09%. The trading data highlights significant activity and interest in PIXEL, with a remarkable performance across various timeframes, indicating a strong positive momentum. The volume of 35.80M PIXEL further underscores the active trading and interest in this asset.72-Hour Prediction for PIXEL:Given PIXEL's current performance and market dynamics:Short-Term Momentum: The recent increase suggests strong market momentum that could continue to influence PIXEL's price positively in the short term.Market Sentiment: The substantial growth across all observed timeframes, including a week-on-week increase of 1196.25%, suggests a bullish sentiment towards PIXEL. The recent increase might be indicative of continued interest and potential for further gains.Technical Analysis Insights: The technical summary suggests neutral oscillators and moving averages, indicating a balanced market sentiment. However, the overwhelming positive momentum over broader timeframes could suggest the potential for further upward movements.Considering these factors, the prediction for PIXEL over the next 72 hours remains cautiously optimistic, with potential for continued growth if the current positive momentum and market sentiment persist. However, given the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, investors should be prepared for potential volatility and consider the speculative nature of assets like PIXEL, which can lead to rapid price changes.Investors are advised to closely monitor market news, sentiment, and technical indicators for any signs of significant changes that could impact PIXEL's price movement. Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #PixelPricePrediction $PIXEL
72-Hour Prediction for BONKBONK (BONKUSDT) is currently trading at $0.00002138 USDT, experiencing a decrease of -3.26%. The trading range today has been between $0.00002070 and $0.00002338 USDT. Over the past week, BONK has seen an impressive increase of 83.19%, and over the past month, an increase of 90.04%, indicating strong positive momentum despite today's decrease.72-Hour Prediction for BONK:Given BONK's recent market performance and the information available:Short-Term Volatility: The current decrease suggests some immediate volatility. However, the substantial gains over the past week and month indicate strong market momentum that could continue to influence BONK's price positively in the short term.Market Sentiment: The significant short-term gains suggest a bullish sentiment towards BONK. The recent dip might be seen as a temporary pullback within a broader uptrend, potentially offering a buying opportunity for those bullish on BONK's prospects.Technical Analysis Insights: While specific technical indicators were not provided, the general trend and recent performance suggest that there may be support levels near the lower end of today's range that could provide a foundation for a rebound.Considering these factors, the prediction for BONK over the next 72 hours remains cautiously optimistic, with potential for recovery from the day's decrease and continuation of the upward trend if the positive momentum persists. However, investors should be prepared for volatility and consider the speculative nature of meme coins like BONK, which can lead to rapid price changes.Investors are advised to closely monitor market news, sentiment, and technical indicators for any signs of significant changes that could impact BONK's price movement. Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #BONK. $BONK

72-Hour Prediction for BONK

BONK (BONKUSDT) is currently trading at $0.00002138 USDT, experiencing a decrease of -3.26%. The trading range today has been between $0.00002070 and $0.00002338 USDT. Over the past week, BONK has seen an impressive increase of 83.19%, and over the past month, an increase of 90.04%, indicating strong positive momentum despite today's decrease.72-Hour Prediction for BONK:Given BONK's recent market performance and the information available:Short-Term Volatility: The current decrease suggests some immediate volatility. However, the substantial gains over the past week and month indicate strong market momentum that could continue to influence BONK's price positively in the short term.Market Sentiment: The significant short-term gains suggest a bullish sentiment towards BONK. The recent dip might be seen as a temporary pullback within a broader uptrend, potentially offering a buying opportunity for those bullish on BONK's prospects.Technical Analysis Insights: While specific technical indicators were not provided, the general trend and recent performance suggest that there may be support levels near the lower end of today's range that could provide a foundation for a rebound.Considering these factors, the prediction for BONK over the next 72 hours remains cautiously optimistic, with potential for recovery from the day's decrease and continuation of the upward trend if the positive momentum persists. However, investors should be prepared for volatility and consider the speculative nature of meme coins like BONK, which can lead to rapid price changes.Investors are advised to closely monitor market news, sentiment, and technical indicators for any signs of significant changes that could impact BONK's price movement. Remember, cryptocurrency investments carry a high level of risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider your investment strategy and risk tolerance.#TrendingTopic #BONK. $BONK
72-Hour Prediction for DYMDYM (DYMUSDT) is currently trading at $5.907 USDT, with a slight decrease of $0.027 or -0.46%. The recent performance metrics for DYM are highly notable, with a dramatic increase of 2852.00% across various timeframes such as week, month, six months, year to date, and over the last year, indicating a significant surge in investor interest and market momentum.72-Hour Prediction for DYM:Considering DYM's recent market performance and technical indicators:Short-Term Movements: The slight decrease suggests a moment of consolidation after significant gains. However, the massive increase over various periods indicates strong market momentum that could continue to influence DYM's price positively.Market Sentiment: The substantial gains across all observed timeframes suggest a bullish sentiment towards DYM. The recent dip might be seen as a temporary pullback within a broader uptrend.Technical Indicators: The technical summary is neutral, with oscillators and moving averages indicating a balanced market sentiment. This neutrality, combined with the recent price surge, suggests potential for both upward and downward movements in the short term.Given these factors, the prediction for DYM over the next 72 hours is cautiously optimistic, with a potential for continued growth if the broader positive momentum sustains. However, investors should be prepared for volatility and potential price swings due to the speculative nature of the asset and the recent rapid price increase.Investors are advised to monitor market news closely, stay updated on any developments within the Dymension ecosystem, and consider broader cryptocurrency market trends when making investment decisions. Remember, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and while technical analysis can provide valuable insights, comprehensive research and risk management are essential.#TrendingTopic #DYM/USD $DYM

72-Hour Prediction for DYM

DYM (DYMUSDT) is currently trading at $5.907 USDT, with a slight decrease of $0.027 or -0.46%. The recent performance metrics for DYM are highly notable, with a dramatic increase of 2852.00% across various timeframes such as week, month, six months, year to date, and over the last year, indicating a significant surge in investor interest and market momentum.72-Hour Prediction for DYM:Considering DYM's recent market performance and technical indicators:Short-Term Movements: The slight decrease suggests a moment of consolidation after significant gains. However, the massive increase over various periods indicates strong market momentum that could continue to influence DYM's price positively.Market Sentiment: The substantial gains across all observed timeframes suggest a bullish sentiment towards DYM. The recent dip might be seen as a temporary pullback within a broader uptrend.Technical Indicators: The technical summary is neutral, with oscillators and moving averages indicating a balanced market sentiment. This neutrality, combined with the recent price surge, suggests potential for both upward and downward movements in the short term.Given these factors, the prediction for DYM over the next 72 hours is cautiously optimistic, with a potential for continued growth if the broader positive momentum sustains. However, investors should be prepared for volatility and potential price swings due to the speculative nature of the asset and the recent rapid price increase.Investors are advised to monitor market news closely, stay updated on any developments within the Dymension ecosystem, and consider broader cryptocurrency market trends when making investment decisions. Remember, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and while technical analysis can provide valuable insights, comprehensive research and risk management are essential.#TrendingTopic #DYM/USD $DYM
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