Binance Square
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Skatīt oriģinālu
$BONK sāciet atkal celties pēdējās 2 dienas solānas bāzes alkoīns Bonk bija tik zems un gandrīz sasniedza 0,00001900 no 0,00002800 un $SHIB bija ievērojams kāpums vai kāpuma tendence bet sāka atgriešanos, un tagad tas ir sasniedzis virs 0,00003100, kad es šo rakstīju. tas ir līdz šim šīs monētas visu laiku augstākais rādītājs. $BTC bija arī nedaudz samazinājies līdz 62 000 un dažu minūšu laikā atgriezās līdz 64 000. Visiem ir tendence uz augšu pirms gaidāmās samazināšanas uz pusi #Write2Earn‬ #BONK❓ #BTC‬ #SHIB/𝗨𝗦𝗗𝗧 #SolanaWealth
$BONK sāciet atkal celties

pēdējās 2 dienas solānas bāzes alkoīns Bonk bija tik zems un gandrīz sasniedza 0,00001900 no 0,00002800

un $SHIB bija ievērojams kāpums vai kāpuma tendence
bet sāka atgriešanos, un tagad tas ir sasniedzis virs 0,00003100, kad es šo rakstīju.
tas ir līdz šim šīs monētas visu laiku augstākais rādītājs.

$BTC bija arī nedaudz samazinājies līdz 62 000 un dažu minūšu laikā atgriezās līdz 64 000. Visiem ir tendence uz augšu pirms gaidāmās samazināšanas uz pusi

Skatīt oriģinālu
$SHIB lēnām pūšot.. shiba inu monēta ilgu laiku bija zemā līmenī, un tagad tā sāka sasniegt augstu līmeni - $ 0,00002300 kopš rakstīšanas brīža. pēdējo reizi $SHIB tas tika trāpīts 2022. gada aprīlī, un kopš tā laika tas samazinājās līdz pagājušajai nedēļai kā mēs visi zinām, solana bloku ķēde sāka ralliju un kopā ar visām mēmu monētām. piemēram, $BONK $meme utt. arī portāls ir iepazīstināts ar biržu arī deva zināmu grūdienu visām šīm monētām. Arī bitkoins ir sasniedzis USD 64 000 kā visu laiku augstāko līmeni pēc ilga 2 gadu perioda. #Write2Earn‬ #BTC #BONK. #SHIB/𝗨𝗦𝗗𝗧 #SHIBA✅🚀
$SHIB lēnām pūšot..

shiba inu monēta ilgu laiku bija zemā līmenī, un tagad tā sāka sasniegt augstu līmeni - $ 0,00002300 kopš rakstīšanas brīža.

pēdējo reizi $SHIB tas tika trāpīts 2022. gada aprīlī, un kopš tā laika tas samazinājās līdz pagājušajai nedēļai
kā mēs visi zinām, solana bloku ķēde sāka ralliju un kopā ar visām mēmu monētām.

piemēram, $BONK $meme utt.
arī portāls ir iepazīstināts ar biržu arī deva zināmu grūdienu visām šīm monētām.

Arī bitkoins ir sasniedzis USD 64 000 kā visu laiku augstāko līmeni pēc ilga 2 gadu perioda.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC $BONK .bitcoin pulcējas... kopā ar Bonku.. Vakar bitkoīns sasniedza 64 000 USD un pēkšņi nokritās līdz USD 58 000 līdz ar gandrīz visām monētām, kas tajā brīdī pieauga. bet šodien (IST) visas šīs monētas atgriežas pārgājienā, ko tās ieguva vakar. bonk šodien ir sasniedzis 0,00002560 $ un gandrīz 50% pārgājienu ar jauku kāpumu pēc 1 mēneša lāču. lai gan šobrīd visi sagaida korekciju .. tas daudziem cilvēkiem ir devis lielu peļņu #Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #BTC #BONK [claim the redpacket](
$BTC $BONK .bitcoin pulcējas... kopā ar Bonku..

Vakar bitkoīns sasniedza 64 000 USD un pēkšņi nokritās līdz USD 58 000 līdz ar gandrīz visām monētām, kas tajā brīdī pieauga. bet šodien (IST) visas šīs monētas atgriežas pārgājienā, ko tās ieguva vakar.

bonk šodien ir sasniedzis 0,00002560 $ un gandrīz 50% pārgājienu ar jauku kāpumu pēc 1 mēneša lāču.

lai gan šobrīd visi sagaida korekciju .. tas daudziem cilvēkiem ir devis lielu peļņu


claim the redpacket
Skatīt oriģinālu
Laba nedēļa $ BTC... drīz sasniegs 60 000 Bitcoin ir labs mēnesis pēc 2021. gada cena ir gandrīz pieaugusi par 15-20k kopā tikai viena mēneša laikā. tas ļoti drīz sasniegs 60 000 jau tas ir sasniedzis USD 59 500 USD atzīmi. 2024. gada 14. februārī tikai btc ir sasniegusi 50 000 atzīmi, un tikai 2 nedēļu laikā monēta ieguva $10 k kāpumu, un tā ir laba ziņa visiem investoriem. tā kā mēs visi esam uz augšu, jo gaidāmā btc tirgus pieejamība samazināsies uz pusi. tiek teikts, ka tas notiks šī gada aprīlī, un ir palicis tikai 1 mēnesis, lai tas notiktu $BTC #Wrtite2Earn $ETH
Laba nedēļa $ BTC... drīz sasniegs 60 000

Bitcoin ir labs mēnesis pēc 2021. gada
cena ir gandrīz pieaugusi par 15-20k kopā tikai viena mēneša laikā.
tas ļoti drīz sasniegs 60 000
jau tas ir sasniedzis USD 59 500 USD atzīmi.

2024. gada 14. februārī tikai btc ir sasniegusi 50 000 atzīmi, un tikai 2 nedēļu laikā monēta ieguva $10 k kāpumu, un tā ir laba ziņa visiem investoriem.
tā kā mēs visi esam uz augšu, jo gaidāmā btc tirgus pieejamība samazināsies uz pusi.
tiek teikts, ka tas notiks šī gada aprīlī, un ir palicis tikai 1 mēnesis, lai tas notiktu

$BTC #Wrtite2Earn
Skatīt oriģinālu
vai bonks atkal celsies??? kad visi sāks meklēt bonku... jautājums būs.. vai tas sasniegs visu laiku augstāko līmeni pirms sadalīšanas uz pusi. atbilde ir tāda, ka neviens nezina.. lieta ir tā, ka tas kavējas ap 0.00001270.. un, ja tas pārsniegs 0.00001280 atzīmi.. nākamā būs 0.00001400... tātad sekojiet līdzi ... Iespējams, šī būs jūsu laimīgā diena, lai nopelnītu dažus dolārus vēl viena ziņa.. $BTC sāka ralliju, puiši.... pagaidām iet labi #Write2Earn‬ $ BONK $ BTC
vai bonks atkal celsies???

kad visi sāks meklēt bonku... jautājums būs.. vai tas sasniegs visu laiku augstāko līmeni pirms sadalīšanas uz pusi.

atbilde ir tāda, ka neviens nezina..
lieta ir tā, ka tas kavējas ap 0.00001270.. un, ja tas pārsniegs 0.00001280 atzīmi.. nākamā būs 0.00001400... tātad
sekojiet līdzi ...
Iespējams, šī būs jūsu laimīgā diena, lai nopelnītu dažus dolārus

vēl viena ziņa.. $BTC sāka ralliju, puiši.... pagaidām iet labi

Citētais saturs tika izņemts
Alt-Season Fortunes: 3 žetoni, kas pārvērtīs jūsu 10 000 USD ieguldījumu 2024. gadā!
1. Landshare ($ LAND): Redefined Real Estate
- Izpētiet tokenizētu nekustamā īpašuma ekosistēmu ar Landshare ($LAND).
- Ieguldiet Real World Asset (RWA) marķieros, no kuriem katrs ir daļa no digitalizētā nekustamā īpašuma.
- Pašreizējā $LAND žetonu tirdzniecība par USD 1,45, pēdējo 7 dienu laikā pieaugusi par 15%!
- Ar iespaidīgu 160% lēcienu YoY, 6x pieauguma potenciāls aicina nākamajā vēršu skrējienā.
- Nopelniet līdz pat 15% APR par līdzdalību $LAND un 64% APR no LAND-BNB LP līdzdalības.
- Aizraujošs potenciāls iekļauties lielākajās biržās!
Skatīt oriģinālu
WorldCoin #WLD kļūst par traku. pasaules monēta tikko ir sasniegusi visu laiku augstāko cenu 7,45 USD (19/02/24–12:40 IST) tikai 10 dienu laikā tas ir no 3 USD līdz 7,5 USD.. Šis ir viens no šī gada labākajiem rallijiem līdz šim lai gan viņi saka, ka tas bija tāpēc, ka jaunais aicinājums uz video radīšanas AI rīks Sora, ko palaida chatgpt, palielina vērtību. bet precīzi iemesli joprojām nav zināmi #Write2Earn $WLD
WorldCoin #WLD kļūst par traku.

pasaules monēta tikko ir sasniegusi visu laiku augstāko cenu 7,45 USD (19/02/24–12:40 IST)

tikai 10 dienu laikā tas ir no 3 USD līdz 7,5 USD.. Šis ir viens no šī gada labākajiem rallijiem līdz šim

lai gan viņi saka, ka tas bija tāpēc, ka jaunais aicinājums uz video radīšanas AI rīks Sora, ko palaida chatgpt, palielina vērtību. bet precīzi iemesli joprojām nav zināmi


#WLD world coin just reached its all time high.. worlcoin , which is backed by the AI platform chatGPT just reached its all time high. 2023 December 17 it reached 4.69$ and that was the all time high.. even though it is not much of a high.. but today (17/February/2024) evening 4:30 pm (indian time) it just crossed 4.72$ and according the statistics and charts it shows that the price will go even more high and could cross 5$ mark anytime soon.. #Write2Earn $WLD
#WLD world coin just reached its all time high..

worlcoin , which is backed by the AI platform chatGPT just reached its all time high.
2023 December 17 it reached 4.69$ and that was the all time high..

even though it is not much of a high.. but today (17/February/2024) evening 4:30 pm (indian time) it just crossed 4.72$
and according the statistics and charts it shows that the price will go even more high and could cross 5$ mark anytime soon..

#Write2Earn $WLD
🚀 Aizraujoša Bonk cenas prognoze: 30% pieaugums 7 dienās

Vai var sasniegt USD 1 BONK? 📈

🔥 Ar iespaidīgu 30% pieaugumu tikai nedēļas laikā, BONK ir uzjundījis diskusijas par iespēju sasniegt 1 dolāra pagrieziena punktu, un Bonkas prognozes joprojām ir pozitīvas.

📈 Izceļoties ar ievērojamu 4% pieaugumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā, BONK notur savas pozīcijas nepārtraukti mainīgajā digitālo līdzekļu jomā, kas šobrīd CoinMarketCap ir 78. vietā.

💡 Investori cieši uzrauga BONK vērtības turpmāko trajektoriju, ņemot vērā tā lielo apgrozībā esošo piedāvājumu un tuvojošos reāllaika tirgus maksimālo apjomu 842,9 miljonu USD apmērā.

💼 Tirgus svārstību apstākļos Smog turpina atrasties virsrakstos kā intriģējoša iespēja investoriem, kuri vēlas dažādot savus digitālos portfeļus.

📊 Bonka cenas prognoze:

🔍 Analizējot 4 stundu diagrammu, mēs novērojam USD 0,0000138 kā galveno punktu. BONK saskaras ar tūlītēju pretestību no USD 0,0000148, saskaroties ar turpmākiem šķēršļiem no USD 0,0000157 līdz USD 0,0000169.

📉 Un otrādi, atbalsta līmeņi USD 0,0000128, USD 0,0000116 un USD 0,0000097 piedāvā pamatu iespējamām cenu svārstībām.

💪 Relatīvais stipruma indekss (RSI) ir 76, ir acīmredzams ievērojams pirkšanas spiediens, tuvojoties pārpirktajai teritorijai.

📈 To atbalsta 50 dienu eksponenciālais mainīgais vidējais (EMA) zem 0,0000109 USD, pašreizējā tirgus tendence atspoguļo spēcīgu bullish noskaņojumu.

📈 Vērojot diagrammu, BONK pieskārās 50% Fibonači atsekošanas līmenim ap 0,0000138 USD. Ilgstoša kāpuma tempa dēļ BONK varētu sasniegt 61,8% Fibonači atsekošanas līmeni aptuveni USD 0,0000148 apmērā.

💡 Galu galā BONK cenas uzturēšana virs izšķirošās USD 0,0000138 atzīmes liecinātu par pozitīvu tehnisko perspektīvu. 🚀

#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #bonk #BONKUSDT #TrendingTopic $BONK $SOL $BTC
Is crypto square is filled with too much confidence with less data and analysis .. ?? now a days you can see so many post about "what if" questions.. like what if this coin reach a mark (which is absolutely impossible with their current data) and will you become millionaire or billionaire .. and also the predictions like btc reaching 5,00,000$BTC before halving are like .. come on... be realistic .. but yes i do agree the market is unpredictable and anything can happen.. but still there are some basics we should understand before believing these kind of posts that .. pleas dont be an idiot .. yes .. if we study market properly and do the investment wisely we could earn big returns .. but that doesnt mean we can become millionaire overnight with very little investment ... so please.. crypto is a good investment if you have the time and patience to study and understand the market otherwise you could loose everything trust me . #Write2Earn #BTC
Is crypto square is filled with too much confidence with less data and analysis .. ??

now a days you can see so many post about "what if" questions.. like what if this coin reach a mark (which is absolutely impossible with their current data) and will you become millionaire or billionaire .. and also the predictions like btc reaching 5,00,000$BTC before halving are like .. come on... be realistic ..

but yes i do agree the market is unpredictable and anything can happen.. but still there are some basics we should understand before believing these kind of posts that .. pleas dont be an idiot ..

yes .. if we study market properly and do the investment wisely we could earn big returns .. but that doesnt mean we can become millionaire overnight with very little investment ...

so please.. crypto is a good investment if you have the time and patience to study and understand the market otherwise you could loose everything
trust me .
#Write2Earn #BTC
does bonk will go for a bullish before the halving ?? After almost 10 days of bearish the bonk has a small hike today as of february 9th 2024 it reached almost 0.00001090 $ today with an increase of 3% today... it was lingering around 0.00001063 or low for few days. as it have crossed that mark there may be a chance of it going a bullish till a mark of 0.00001237 or less. according to several analysts .. again these are some assumptions and datas we have acquired from different platforms . as we all know these cryptos are highly volatile and anything could happen. #Write2Earn #BONK❓
does bonk will go for a bullish before the halving ??

After almost 10 days of bearish the bonk has a small hike today as of february 9th 2024

it reached almost 0.00001090 $ today with an increase of 3% today... it was lingering around 0.00001063 or low for few days. as it have crossed that mark there may be a chance of it going a bullish till a mark of 0.00001237 or less. according to several analysts ..

again these are some assumptions and datas we have acquired from different platforms . as we all know these cryptos are highly volatile and anything could happen.
#Write2Earn #BONK❓
critical signals . pointing a ln awesome bullrun for bitcoin and altcoins .. #Write2Earn #BTC bitcoin's charts are showing the bullish signals before the halving of crypto are coming. it is gonna make a parabolic rull .. like last time . there was a 70% bearish before the bull run started of bit coin.. and this time it can go up to a whooping high of 100,000$ according to some predictions. also some of the other altcoins are also gonna join this bull run. according to several experts halving gains are usually recognized a year after the event, so there is unlikely to be a massive price pump after April if history rhymes another assumption is ..Bitcoin May Never Drop Below $31K Again
critical signals . pointing a ln awesome bullrun for bitcoin and altcoins ..

#Write2Earn #BTC

bitcoin's charts are showing the bullish signals before the halving of crypto are coming.

it is gonna make a parabolic rull .. like last time . there was a 70% bearish before the bull run started of bit coin.. and this time it can go up to a whooping high of 100,000$ according to some predictions.

also some of the other altcoins are also gonna join this bull run. according to several experts

halving gains are usually recognized a year after the event, so there is unlikely to be a massive price pump after April if history rhymes

another assumption is ..Bitcoin May Never Drop Below $31K Again
Bitcoin's price has surged by 10% following a dip to $38,500 on Jan. 23, hitting its lowest point in 50 days. Recent market data suggests that investors are gearing up for a bullish start to February. The decline in Bitcoin's value occurred after the SEC announced its decision on a spot ETF approval on Jan. 11. This triggered a bearish trend as speculators took advantage of the media hype to lock in profits, causing Bitcoin to plummet to $38,500. However, with strong support around the $39,000 mark, optimistic Bitcoin investors are now strategically positioning themselves for a significant price rebound in the month of February. In February, Bitcoin appears poised to revisit the $45,000 mark. Recent market data suggests that the selling pressure following the excitement around the ETF approval has subsided, with investors moving approximately $220 million worth of BTC into long-term storage. Technical analysis indicates that Bitcoin is currently trading at $43,380, surpassing the 20-day simple moving average (SMA) price of $42,163. This uncommon market trend confirms a shift in short-term market sentiment towards bullish. Looking ahead, the next significant hurdle lies at the upper Bollinger Band, which stands at $45,300. #trending #Write2Earn #BTC
Bitcoin's price has surged by 10% following a dip to $38,500 on Jan. 23, hitting its lowest point in 50 days. Recent market data suggests that investors are gearing up for a bullish start to February.

The decline in Bitcoin's value occurred after the SEC announced its decision on a spot ETF approval on Jan. 11. This triggered a bearish trend as speculators took advantage of the media hype to lock in profits, causing Bitcoin to plummet to $38,500.

However, with strong support around the $39,000 mark, optimistic Bitcoin investors are now strategically positioning themselves for a significant price rebound in the month of February.

In February, Bitcoin appears poised to revisit the $45,000 mark. Recent market data suggests that the selling pressure following the excitement around the ETF approval has subsided, with investors moving approximately $220 million worth of BTC into long-term storage.

Technical analysis indicates that Bitcoin is currently trading at $43,380, surpassing the 20-day simple moving average (SMA) price of $42,163. This uncommon market trend confirms a shift in short-term market sentiment towards bullish.

Looking ahead, the next significant hurdle lies at the upper Bollinger Band, which stands at $45,300.

*bitcoin is gonna hit $44000 soon.... 📈⬆️⬆️⬆️ it is the highest ever after 2022 come on guys ... how many of you got profits from this bullish *MEME coin is also keeping the 20+% whopping surge in its rate from the last 2 days .. $ *LUNC classic was going a 150% hike for last 1 week due to circumstances like burning, liquidity flow , but tody it had already lost 10% bearish . the experts have noticed a huge amount of investors began to sell their holdings, which had lead to the current bearish condition $BTC $MEME $LUNC
*bitcoin is gonna hit $44000 soon.... 📈⬆️⬆️⬆️

it is the highest ever after 2022

come on guys ... how many of you got profits from this bullish

*MEME coin is also keeping the 20+% whopping surge in its rate from the last 2 days .. $

*LUNC classic was going a 150% hike for last 1 week due to circumstances like burning, liquidity flow , but tody it had already lost 10% bearish .
the experts have noticed a huge amount of investors began to sell their holdings, which had lead to the current bearish condition

does anybody have any information or ideas about WLD / world coin... share your Intels about it on the comment box.. will it get back to being bullish or it will go down again.. ? what are your thoughts ..? what are your predictions..? comment below please $WLD
does anybody have any information or ideas about WLD / world coin...

share your Intels about it on the comment box..

will it get back to being bullish

or it will go down again.. ?
what are your thoughts ..? what are your predictions..?

comment below please
💰💰📊WLD (world coin) is going real high.. check it out .... 📉📈 WLD coin of openAI is having significant bullish from 2 days after the reinstatement of the CEO sam Altman . The live price of Worldcoin is $ 2.63 per (WLD / USD) with a current market cap of $ 308.14M USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 186.72M USD. WLD to USD price is updated in real-time. Worldcoin is +6.31% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 116.87M. Even though the all time high was $3.5 , the analysts says it could reach more that $3 dollar at the end of this year. check out the 1 month graph and 1 day graph below share and follow for more updates.. $WLD
💰💰📊WLD (world coin) is going real high.. check it out .... 📉📈

WLD coin of openAI is having significant bullish from 2 days after the reinstatement of the CEO sam Altman .

The live price of Worldcoin is $ 2.63 per (WLD / USD) with a current market cap of $ 308.14M USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 186.72M USD. WLD to USD price is updated in real-time. Worldcoin is +6.31% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 116.87M.

Even though the all time high was $3.5 , the analysts says it could reach more that $3 dollar at the end of this year.
check out the 1 month graph and 1 day graph below

share and follow for more updates..
Seems like Bitcoin is gonna hit $38,000 soon. Despite initial market concerns following Binance's leadership shakeup, BTC has bounced back above $38,000. On-chain data reveals strategic moves by investors, with $300 million worth of BTC shifted off exchanges, tightening supply and boosting prices. Key indicators point towards further upside potential. Exchange outflows, miner accumulation, and global In/Out of the money data all align for a potential rally towards $40,000. Miners join the bullish trend, accumulating BTC worth $72 million in the last few days. Their confidence in holding rather than panic-selling signals a positive outlook. Chart analysis shows a triple top pattern around $37,500, signaling market hesitation and potential resistance. The overall trend appears cautiously bullish above $37,145, but a break below this pivot could push it bearish, while we look to test resistance at $38,020 in the near term. share and follow for more updates and insights $BTC
Seems like Bitcoin is gonna hit $38,000 soon.

Despite initial market concerns following Binance's leadership shakeup, BTC has bounced back above $38,000. On-chain data reveals strategic moves by investors, with $300 million worth of BTC shifted off exchanges, tightening supply and boosting prices.
Key indicators point towards further upside potential. Exchange outflows, miner accumulation, and global In/Out of the money data all align for a potential rally towards $40,000.

Miners join the bullish trend, accumulating BTC worth $72 million in the last few days. Their confidence in holding rather than panic-selling signals a positive outlook.

Chart analysis shows a triple top pattern around $37,500, signaling market hesitation and potential resistance. The overall trend appears cautiously bullish above $37,145, but a break below this pivot could push it bearish, while we look to test resistance at $38,020 in the near term.

share and follow for more updates and insights

Binance just announced the listing of Blur (BLUR) on 24-11-2023 at 12:00 UTC. Get ready for spot trading with pairs BLUR/BTC, BLUR/USDT etc. Blur is the native token of Blur, an innovative NFT marketplace, aggregator, and lending platform for advanced NFT investors. Blur's listing on Binance begins the trading on 24-11-2023 at 12:00 UTC. Withdrawals commences on 25-11-2023 at 09:00 UTC. The recent Binance announcement has already influenced BLUR's price, currently trading at $0.6200. Please note that BLUR is a new token with higher risk and potential volatility. share and follow #BTC #Blast #BLUR
Binance just announced the listing of Blur (BLUR) on 24-11-2023 at 12:00 UTC. Get ready for spot trading with pairs BLUR/BTC, BLUR/USDT etc.

Blur is the native token of Blur, an innovative NFT marketplace, aggregator, and lending platform for advanced NFT investors.

Blur's listing on Binance begins the trading on 24-11-2023 at 12:00 UTC. Withdrawals commences on 25-11-2023 at 09:00 UTC.

The recent Binance announcement has already influenced BLUR's price, currently trading at $0.6200. Please note that BLUR is a new token with higher risk and potential volatility.

share and follow #BTC #Blast #BLUR
$ETH $BTC $The Binance company saw $800 million of outflows in some of the largest cryptocurrencies over the past day. About $800 million worth of Bitcoin, Ether, and the USDT and other stablecoins were withdrawn from the crypto exchange after news of the agreement initially broke on Tuesday, according to digital asset data and index provider CCData. But experts told Fortune that the outflows are actually lower than many expected after the company and founder Changpeng "CZ Zhao reached a deal with U.S. prosecutors and regulators. While the multibillion-dollar penalty was a blow for the world's largest crypto exchange, it will continue to operate. All things considered, Merritt added, Binance appears to be on track to overcome its latest setback.
$ETH $BTC $The Binance company saw $800 million of outflows in some of the largest cryptocurrencies over the past day.

About $800 million worth of Bitcoin, Ether, and the USDT and other stablecoins were withdrawn from the crypto exchange after news of the agreement initially broke on Tuesday, according to digital asset data and index provider CCData.
But experts told Fortune that the outflows are actually lower than many expected after the company and founder Changpeng "CZ Zhao reached a deal with U.S. prosecutors and regulators.
While the multibillion-dollar penalty was a blow for the world's largest crypto exchange, it will continue to operate.
All things considered, Merritt added, Binance appears to be on track to overcome its latest setback.
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