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$SAGA "$SAGA ✅ Atklājot to, ko visi nezināja: šīs monētas sākuma cena ir robežās no 4,3 līdz 4,8 ASV dolāriem, nevis virtuālajā 0,04 ASV dolāru līmenī, un pieauguma temps ir 16 000% (kas ir virtuāls līmenis, jo neviens var pat nopirkt par USD 1). ✅ Līdz ar to ar pašreizējo cenu SAGA ir palielinājusies tikai par 40-75%, salīdzinot ar sākotnējo pirkšanas/pārdošanas cenu 4,3 USD. 🚀 Izaugsmes potenciāls ir ārkārtīgi augsts un īsā laika periodā varētu pārsniegt 12-15 USD atzīmi. 🎁"$ #SAGA

"$SAGA ✅ Atklājot to, ko visi nezināja: šīs monētas sākuma cena ir robežās no 4,3 līdz 4,8 ASV dolāriem, nevis virtuālajā 0,04 ASV dolāru līmenī, un pieauguma temps ir 16 000% (kas ir virtuāls līmenis, jo neviens var pat nopirkt par USD 1).

✅ Līdz ar to ar pašreizējo cenu SAGA ir palielinājusies tikai par 40-75%, salīdzinot ar sākotnējo pirkšanas/pārdošanas cenu 4,3 USD.

🚀 Izaugsmes potenciāls ir ārkārtīgi augsts un īsā laika periodā varētu pārsniegt 12-15 USD atzīmi. 🎁"$

Skatīt oriģinālu
#BTC (4 H LAIKKAMS) LONGS ir riskanti, līdz BTC paliek zem simetriskā trīsstūra apakšējās tendences līnijas. Sekojiet man, lai laiku pa laikam saņemtu atjauninājumus! $BTC
LONGS ir riskanti, līdz BTC paliek zem simetriskā trīsstūra apakšējās tendences līnijas.
Sekojiet man, lai laiku pa laikam saņemtu atjauninājumus!
$WBTC $ETH $BNB Trong suốt 2h qua BTC vẫn nằm im trong mức giá $63000, từ chối toàn bộ dòng tiền hồi giá trong xu hướng giảm. Bait Long được thả, nhưng suốt 2h đã không còn ai dám đặt lệnh Long do 2 pha DUMP trước đó. Tất cả đang sợ hãi? Vậy thì giờ làm gì? Khi thị trường ở đỉnh các bạn sill nhau mua rất nhiệt tình, khi thị trường sợ hãi lại sill nhau cắt lỗ rất nhiệt tình. Tôi làm ngược lại, các bạn sợ? Tôi mua Mặc dù tôi cũng sợ thấy mẹ luôn 😂 Nhưng cài SL cho đỡ sợ 😂 không nó nó lủng còn cái nịt.
Trong suốt 2h qua BTC vẫn nằm im trong mức giá $63000, từ chối toàn bộ dòng tiền hồi giá trong xu hướng giảm. Bait Long được thả, nhưng suốt 2h đã không còn ai dám đặt lệnh Long do 2 pha DUMP trước đó.
Tất cả đang sợ hãi? Vậy thì giờ làm gì? Khi thị trường ở đỉnh các bạn sill nhau mua rất nhiệt tình, khi thị trường sợ hãi lại sill nhau cắt lỗ rất nhiệt tình.
Tôi làm ngược lại, các bạn sợ? Tôi mua
Mặc dù tôi cũng sợ thấy mẹ luôn 😂 Nhưng cài SL cho đỡ sợ 😂 không nó nó lủng còn cái nịt.
Khi mọi người bắt đầu tin rằng BTC sẽ giảm về 52K thậm chí 42K thì chỉ số tham lam đang tụt về mốc 52%. Đây là điều cá voi và các quỹ lớn mong muốn và thao túng thị trường đi theo ý đồ của họ. Thị trường sẽ không đi theo hướng số đông các bạn mong muốn. Trên 70% người tham gia đang tích luỹ USDT và chờ 1 cú sập mạnh về vùng giá 52 -54k… Nhưng theo nhận định của tôi thì BTC sẽ tăng trưởng rất nhanh thậm chí lên vùng giá 90k và không ai bắt kịp để mua hàng. Ngay sau đó thị trường sẽ sôi động trở lại và đập tan mọi nhận định giá giảm sâu về 52k. Đây mới là lúc thích hợp để nhà cái bán khống cho BTC sập 50% về vùng 4x - 5x. Cùng nhau kiểm chứng nhé ! #btc
Khi mọi người bắt đầu tin rằng BTC sẽ giảm về 52K thậm chí 42K thì chỉ số tham lam đang tụt về mốc 52%.
Đây là điều cá voi và các quỹ lớn mong muốn và thao túng thị trường đi theo ý đồ của họ.
Thị trường sẽ không đi theo hướng số đông các bạn mong muốn.
Trên 70% người tham gia đang tích luỹ USDT và chờ 1 cú sập mạnh về vùng giá 52 -54k…
Nhưng theo nhận định của tôi thì BTC sẽ tăng trưởng rất nhanh thậm chí lên vùng giá 90k và không ai bắt kịp để mua hàng.
Ngay sau đó thị trường sẽ sôi động trở lại và đập tan mọi nhận định giá giảm sâu về 52k. Đây mới là lúc thích hợp để nhà cái bán khống cho BTC sập 50% về vùng 4x - 5x.
Cùng nhau kiểm chứng nhé !
Skatīt oriģinālu
EDU REGIONS HOLD, DCA 0,55, 0,2, 0,1, 0,06, TP, APMEKLĒT 6 MĒNEŠI LĪDZ 1 GADU, X4-X8 TIMES Novēlam veiksmīgu darījumu 🌾 💰
EDU REGIONS HOLD, DCA 0,55, 0,2, 0,1, 0,06, TP, APMEKLĒT 6 MĒNEŠI LĪDZ 1 GADU, X4-X8 TIMES Novēlam veiksmīgu darījumu 🌾 💰
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ Bitcoin atjauninājums Cena ir daudzkārt pārbaudījusi 60 000 apgabalu Iespēja, ka šodien iznāks, ir palikšana virs EMA 89 vai sveces aizvēršana līdz 5x Altcoin arī ir diezgan nedaudz samazinājies, taču ne tik spēcīgi kā vakar Ja Bitcoin šodien nokritīsies līdz 58k - 57k, es domāju, ka daudzi Altcoins atgriezīsies tikai iepriekšējā tirgus apakšā Crash - Tajā laikā mēs varam doties uz tirgu, Maz ticams, ka daudziem Altcoiniem būs jauns dibens. Cerams, ka tirgus drīz atgūsies mēneša pēdējās 10 dienās.
$ Bitcoin atjauninājums

Cena ir daudzkārt pārbaudījusi 60 000 apgabalu

Iespēja, ka šodien iznāks, ir palikšana virs EMA 89 vai sveces aizvēršana līdz 5x

Altcoin arī ir diezgan nedaudz samazinājies, taču ne tik spēcīgi kā vakar

Ja Bitcoin šodien nokritīsies līdz 58k - 57k, es domāju, ka daudzi Altcoins atgriezīsies tikai iepriekšējā tirgus apakšā Crash - Tajā laikā mēs varam doties uz tirgu, Maz ticams, ka daudziem Altcoiniem būs jauns dibens.

Cerams, ka tirgus drīz atgūsies mēneša pēdējās 10 dienās.
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀 Populārākās monētas (šodien) 1. GALA 2. GPU 3. NPC 4. ORBS 5. ONDO 6. W 7. SOL 8. ENA 9. KUČI 10. SHIB 11. TRX 12. TUVUMĀ 13. ETH 14. TIA 15. ADA Lai gūtu lielāku peļņu, darījums ir jūsu pašu RISKS. Kripto nozīmē 100% risku. Vienmēr izmantojiet savu 2% fondu bezriska tirdzniecībai
🚀 Populārākās monētas (šodien)
2. GPU
3. NPC
6. W
7. SOL
8. ENA
10. SHIB
11. TRX
13. ETH
14. TIA
15. ADA
Lai gūtu lielāku peļņu, darījums ir jūsu pašu RISKS. Kripto nozīmē 100% risku. Vienmēr izmantojiet savu 2% fondu bezriska tirdzniecībai
Skatīt oriģinālu
🐳💰Kriptovaļi peld digitālajā bagātībā, taču daži ir pazaudējuši savas dārgumu lādes atslēgas! Saskaņā ar Arkham Intelligence datiem ir zināms, ka pieci galvenie kriptovali glabā kriptovalūtu 3,5 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Tomēr ak nē! Aptuveni 35% (1,21 miljards ASV dolāru) no tā nevar piekļūt pazaudētu paroļu un atslēgu dēļ. 🤦‍♂️ Pakas līderis ir Džastins Suns no Tron ar 1,06 miljardiem dolāru, viņam seko Rains Lõhmuss no LHV Bank un Vitaliks Buterins no Ethereum. Taču bijušais Tehnoloģiju direktors Stefans Tomass no Lõhmus un Ripple nevar piekļūt saviem kriptogrāfijas aktīviem. 🙈 Vai jums ir smieklīgs stāsts par paroles pazaudēšanu? Dalies komentāros! Atcerieties, ka smiekli ir labākās zāles... ja vien neesat pazaudējis kriptogrāfijas atslēgas. 😂💔 Galvenais ir saprātīgi ieguldīt, jo līdzekļi pieder visiem 🔍 📌 Mans kanāls piedāvā unikālu satura sajaukumu, izceļot to no pārējā 📋 📊 Ja esat izsalcis pēc jaunākajām atziņām un tendencēm Kripto pasaulē, tad nemeklējiet tālāk. Pievienojieties man, lai saņemtu padziļinātu analīzi, ekspertu interviju un jaunākās stratēģijas, lai paliktu līknes priekšā 📈 🔔 Dosimies šajā ceļojumā kopā un atraisīsim visu Kripto investīciju potenciālu ✅ #cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin
🐳💰Kriptovaļi peld digitālajā bagātībā, taču daži ir pazaudējuši savas dārgumu lādes atslēgas! Saskaņā ar Arkham Intelligence datiem ir zināms, ka pieci galvenie kriptovali glabā kriptovalūtu 3,5 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Tomēr ak nē! Aptuveni 35% (1,21 miljards ASV dolāru) no tā nevar piekļūt pazaudētu paroļu un atslēgu dēļ. 🤦‍♂️
Pakas līderis ir Džastins Suns no Tron ar 1,06 miljardiem dolāru, viņam seko Rains Lõhmuss no LHV Bank un Vitaliks Buterins no Ethereum. Taču bijušais Tehnoloģiju direktors Stefans Tomass no Lõhmus un Ripple nevar piekļūt saviem kriptogrāfijas aktīviem. 🙈
Vai jums ir smieklīgs stāsts par paroles pazaudēšanu? Dalies komentāros! Atcerieties, ka smiekli ir labākās zāles... ja vien neesat pazaudējis kriptogrāfijas atslēgas. 😂💔

Galvenais ir saprātīgi ieguldīt, jo līdzekļi pieder visiem 🔍

📌 Mans kanāls piedāvā unikālu satura sajaukumu, izceļot to no pārējā 📋

📊 Ja esat izsalcis pēc jaunākajām atziņām un tendencēm Kripto pasaulē, tad nemeklējiet tālāk. Pievienojieties man, lai saņemtu padziļinātu analīzi, ekspertu interviju un jaunākās stratēģijas, lai paliktu līknes priekšā 📈

🔔 Dosimies šajā ceļojumā kopā un atraisīsim visu Kripto investīciju potenciālu ✅
#cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ir laiks!!! Altcoin sezona ir klāt, pērku zemu, pārdodu dārgi! Vienmēr pērku panikā un pārdodu aiz alkatības! Nedomājiet, ka palaižat garām un iekrītat tajā, kas notiek ar mums visiem, esiet mierīgs, ja zaudējat, tad nepārdodiet, jūs man pateiksiet paldies decembrī
Ir laiks!!! Altcoin sezona ir klāt, pērku zemu, pārdodu dārgi! Vienmēr pērku panikā un pārdodu aiz alkatības! Nedomājiet, ka palaižat garām un iekrītat tajā, kas notiek ar mums visiem, esiet mierīgs, ja zaudējat, tad nepārdodiet, jūs man pateiksiet paldies decembrī
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA Ena Monētai briesmas nedraud. Tālāk esošajos attēlos ir redzami vienas un tās pašas 4 stundu diagrammas tuvplāna un attāluma skati. Līdz dienas beigām tai ir jāaizveras virs $ 1,050 līmeņa, tikai tad tas nedaudz paplašināsies un virzīsies uz augšupvērsto mērķi. Komentārā par iepriekšējo Ena Coin ziņu šodien kāds sekotājs rakstīja, ka Kraken ir nopircis Ena par 0,96 USD, lai apmainītu pret 5K BTC. Neesmu pārliecināts, vai tā ir patiesība, bet Ena tirdzniecības sadaļā minēju, ka iepriekš biju atvēris Whales Short darījumus, nolaidis cenu un no apakšas nopircis lielu daudzumu Ena. Ja sekojat Ena tirdzniecībai, dažkārt redzēsit dažas ļoti interesantas kustības.
$ENA Ena Monētai briesmas nedraud. Tālāk esošajos attēlos ir redzami vienas un tās pašas 4 stundu diagrammas tuvplāna un attāluma skati. Līdz dienas beigām tai ir jāaizveras virs $ 1,050 līmeņa, tikai tad tas nedaudz paplašināsies un virzīsies uz augšupvērsto mērķi. Komentārā par iepriekšējo Ena Coin ziņu šodien kāds sekotājs rakstīja, ka Kraken ir nopircis Ena par 0,96 USD, lai apmainītu pret 5K BTC. Neesmu pārliecināts, vai tā ir patiesība, bet Ena tirdzniecības sadaļā minēju, ka iepriekš biju atvēris Whales Short darījumus, nolaidis cenu un no apakšas nopircis lielu daudzumu Ena. Ja sekojat Ena tirdzniecībai, dažkārt redzēsit dažas ļoti interesantas kustības.
In the upcoming Bitcoin halving, mining operations may shift towards more sustainable energy sources, potentially leading to a greener Bitcoin network. With the block reward set to decrease from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, along with the continuous increase in Bitcoin hash rate, mining profitability could decline. This may prompt miners to seek greater capital efficiency through sustainable energy sources. Despite criticism for its high energy consumption and reliance on fossil fuels, over 54.5% of Bitcoin network energy consumption comes from renewable sources as of January 2024. The Bitcoin mining mechanism also incentivizes greater efficiency, which could contribute to a more sustainable network. While China currently accounts for about 15% of the global Bitcoin hash rate, mining operations there predominantly rely on cheap and abundant hydroelectric power during the rainy seasons in regions like Xi'an, Wuhan, Beijing, and Yunnan. Finally, many retail participants in China are mining Bitcoin at a loss, mainly to escape the Chinese financial system. Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍 📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋 📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈 🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅ #cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin
In the upcoming Bitcoin halving, mining operations may shift towards more sustainable energy sources, potentially leading to a greener Bitcoin network. With the block reward set to decrease from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, along with the continuous increase in Bitcoin hash rate, mining profitability could decline. This may prompt miners to seek greater capital efficiency through sustainable energy sources.
Despite criticism for its high energy consumption and reliance on fossil fuels, over 54.5% of Bitcoin network energy consumption comes from renewable sources as of January 2024. The Bitcoin mining mechanism also incentivizes greater efficiency, which could contribute to a more sustainable network.
While China currently accounts for about 15% of the global Bitcoin hash rate, mining operations there predominantly rely on cheap and abundant hydroelectric power during the rainy seasons in regions like Xi'an, Wuhan, Beijing, and Yunnan.
Finally, many retail participants in China are mining Bitcoin at a loss, mainly to escape the Chinese financial system.

Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍

📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋

📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈

🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅
#cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
Karstie tirgus jaunumi Otrdiena - 16.aprīlis + 15. aprīļa sesijā bija -36,7 miljoni ASV dolāru, atstājot Bitcoin Spot ETF, Grayscale pārdeva 110 miljonus ASV dolāru, savukārt BlackRock savāca 73,4 miljonus ASV dolāru, citi fondi, piemēram, Fidelity, Ark, Bitwise,... viss cieta neveiksmi. + Karš starp Irānu un Izraēlu saasinās — akcijas, kriptovalūtas ir sarkanas — uzmanības centrā ir zelts + Bloomberg: Honkongā palaists Bitcoin un Ether spot ETF ir labs, taču negaidiet daudz, jo Honkongas tirgus ir daudz mazāks nekā ASV + Trust Wallet brīdina lietotājus noņemt iMessage Apple IOS ierīcēs + OKX $ OKB palaiž Layer-2 X Layer (agrāk X1) galvenajā tīklā, apkalpojot 50 miljonus OKX lietotāju + LBBW Banka 🇩🇪 sadarbojas ar Bitpanda, lai sniegtu kriptovalūtu glabāšanas pakalpojumus institucionālajiem klientiem no 2024. gada otrās puses + M2E StepN $GMT sadarbojas ar Adidas, lai laist klajā ierobežota izdevuma NFT sporta apavu kolekciju + Airdrop: Atkārtoti sajauciet Berachain testnetu Palio — audzējiet olas, lai iegūtu iespēju saņemt $XTER gaisa pilienu Meklējiet "vienradzi" airdrop io. Solana sistēmas tīkls Omni Network atvēra airdrop prasību portālu no 17. aprīļa 18:00 un 1 stundu vēlāk iekļāva Binance Sol Parcl šovakar atvērs $PRCL airdrop prasību portālu no 19:59 + Avalon spēļu studija pieprasa 10 miljonu dolāru kapitālu, ko vada Bitkraft & Hashed
Karstie tirgus jaunumi Otrdiena - 16.aprīlis

+ 15. aprīļa sesijā bija -36,7 miljoni ASV dolāru, atstājot Bitcoin Spot ETF, Grayscale pārdeva 110 miljonus ASV dolāru, savukārt BlackRock savāca 73,4 miljonus ASV dolāru, citi fondi, piemēram, Fidelity, Ark, Bitwise,... viss cieta neveiksmi.

+ Karš starp Irānu un Izraēlu saasinās — akcijas, kriptovalūtas ir sarkanas — uzmanības centrā ir zelts

+ Bloomberg: Honkongā palaists Bitcoin un Ether spot ETF ir labs, taču negaidiet daudz, jo Honkongas tirgus ir daudz mazāks nekā ASV

+ Trust Wallet brīdina lietotājus noņemt iMessage Apple IOS ierīcēs

+ OKX $ OKB palaiž Layer-2 X Layer (agrāk X1) galvenajā tīklā, apkalpojot 50 miljonus OKX lietotāju

+ LBBW Banka 🇩🇪 sadarbojas ar Bitpanda, lai sniegtu kriptovalūtu glabāšanas pakalpojumus institucionālajiem klientiem no 2024. gada otrās puses

+ M2E StepN $GMT sadarbojas ar Adidas, lai laist klajā ierobežota izdevuma NFT sporta apavu kolekciju

+ Airdrop:
Atkārtoti sajauciet Berachain testnetu
Palio — audzējiet olas, lai iegūtu iespēju saņemt $XTER gaisa pilienu
Meklējiet "vienradzi" airdrop io. Solana sistēmas tīkls
Omni Network atvēra airdrop prasību portālu no 17. aprīļa 18:00 un 1 stundu vēlāk iekļāva Binance
Sol Parcl šovakar atvērs $PRCL airdrop prasību portālu no 19:59

+ Avalon spēļu studija pieprasa 10 miljonu dolāru kapitālu, ko vada Bitkraft & Hashed
Skatīt oriģinālu
3 galvenie #Altcoin , kas jāiegādājas rudenī līdz pieaugumam 50x-100x 💰🚀 Nesenā tirgus avārija sniedza retu iespēju gūt lielu peļņu. Šeit ir trīs valūtas ar nākotnes prognozēm, kuras jums vajadzētu apsvērt: 1️⃣ $SAGA : Šī tikko ieviestā valūta tirgojas zem 4.2, nokrītot no 7.9. Mūsu prognozes bija precīzas, un brīdinājumi tika sniegti iepriekš. Pērkot zem 4,5 un glabāt to 10 dienas, līdz tas samazinās uz pusi, var būt izdevīgi. Nākotnes analīze liecina par potenciālu nākamajā mēnesī sasniegt virs 6,7 un nākamajā nedēļā saglabāt vērtību virs 5,5. 2️⃣ $PEPE : populāra mēmu monēta, kuras cena ir zem 0,0000590, nokrītot no ATH 0,00001080. Pirkuma limita iestatīšana zem 0,0000565 var būt izdevīga. Monēta pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi var pieaugt līdz jaunai ATH 0,00001120. 3️⃣ $ENA : Šo monētu, kas pazīstama ar savu stabilitāti un uzticamību, ieteica iegādāties zem 0,920 ar precīzām prognozēm. Pašlaik tirdzniecība zem 1.2, pirkšana zem 1 vai 1.1 var būt izdevīga. Nākotnes prognozes liecina par iespējamo sasniedzamību 2 drīzumā. Neskatoties uz tirgus sabrukumu, esiet mierīgs un saglabājiet savas pozīcijas. Pienāk mūsu laiks, vienkārši pagaidiet, līdz pārgriezīsiet to uz pusēm. Lai gan jums pašlaik trūkst finansējuma, ceru, ka nepalaidīsit garām šo reto iespēju. Veiksmi visiem un, ja jums tas šķita vērtīgs, apsveriet iespēju sniegt padomu atbalstam. Seko + 🖤 + 🔃 Palīdzi mums augt 🫡 #Binance #DEX #BITCOIN #Cardano
3 galvenie #Altcoin , kas jāiegādājas rudenī līdz pieaugumam 50x-100x 💰🚀

Nesenā tirgus avārija sniedza retu iespēju gūt lielu peļņu. Šeit ir trīs valūtas ar nākotnes prognozēm, kuras jums vajadzētu apsvērt:

1️⃣ $SAGA : Šī tikko ieviestā valūta tirgojas zem 4.2, nokrītot no 7.9. Mūsu prognozes bija precīzas, un brīdinājumi tika sniegti iepriekš. Pērkot zem 4,5 un glabāt to 10 dienas, līdz tas samazinās uz pusi, var būt izdevīgi. Nākotnes analīze liecina par potenciālu nākamajā mēnesī sasniegt virs 6,7 un nākamajā nedēļā saglabāt vērtību virs 5,5.

2️⃣ $PEPE : populāra mēmu monēta, kuras cena ir zem 0,0000590, nokrītot no ATH 0,00001080. Pirkuma limita iestatīšana zem 0,0000565 var būt izdevīga. Monēta pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi var pieaugt līdz jaunai ATH 0,00001120.

3️⃣ $ENA : Šo monētu, kas pazīstama ar savu stabilitāti un uzticamību, ieteica iegādāties zem 0,920 ar precīzām prognozēm. Pašlaik tirdzniecība zem 1.2, pirkšana zem 1 vai 1.1 var būt izdevīga. Nākotnes prognozes liecina par iespējamo sasniedzamību 2 drīzumā.
Neskatoties uz tirgus sabrukumu, esiet mierīgs un saglabājiet savas pozīcijas. Pienāk mūsu laiks, vienkārši pagaidiet, līdz pārgriezīsiet to uz pusēm.

Lai gan jums pašlaik trūkst finansējuma, ceru, ka nepalaidīsit garām šo reto iespēju. Veiksmi visiem un, ja jums tas šķita vērtīgs, apsveriet iespēju sniegt padomu atbalstam.
Seko + 🖤 + 🔃
Palīdzi mums augt 🫡
#Binance #DEX #BITCOIN #Cardano
$BTC 🚨 Bitcoin will drop to $45,000 at halving date - my personal opinion. All non-professional traders and ordinary people will be liquidated. After panic selling, whales will begin with their massive buying to super pump prices. My opinion: spread funds between a few coins, buy on a daily basis, follow drops, buy at dip, and wait for a massive pump. The point is to make a fortune with a small investment. Don't give your money to the whales. Undervalued gems. Shill me. 👇 $ENA $DOGE #Binance #BITCOIN #DEX #DeFi #Ethereum
$BTC 🚨

Bitcoin will drop to $45,000 at halving date - my personal opinion.

All non-professional traders and ordinary people will be liquidated.

After panic selling, whales will begin with their massive buying to super pump prices.

My opinion: spread funds between a few coins, buy on a daily basis, follow drops, buy at dip, and wait for a massive pump.

The point is to make a fortune with a small investment. Don't give your money to the whales.

Undervalued gems.

Shill me. 👇

$ENA $DOGE #Binance #BITCOIN #DEX #DeFi #Ethereum
Brothers, this coin will fall every time it falls, but it will soon pull back. I bought 30 oil for long-term investment. I think it should take off once after the halving. The current highest is 1.5. I think it should not be difficult to rise back. One is that the basic market of this coin is solid, the second is that this coin is currently popular, and the third is that after the Bitcoin halving, it is estimated that all the copycats will take off. At present, I personally think it is quite suitable to enter the market. I will first explore the way for brothers. Even if this coin falls, it feels that it will not go anywhere. I am not afraid of popular coins at present.
Brothers, this coin will fall every time it falls, but it will soon pull back. I bought 30 oil for long-term investment. I think it should take off once after the halving. The current highest is 1.5. I think it should not be difficult to rise back. One is that the basic market of this coin is solid, the second is that this coin is currently popular, and the third is that after the Bitcoin halving, it is estimated that all the copycats will take off. At present, I personally think it is quite suitable to enter the market. I will first explore the way for brothers. Even if this coin falls, it feels that it will not go anywhere. I am not afraid of popular coins at present.
A **2024 Crypto Price Projections** A Get ready for the buzz around 2024 crypto forecasts: - **$Shib**: Predicted to reach $5 **$Pepe**: Expected to hit $39 - **$XRP**: Projected at $2000 **$LUNC**: Estimated to soar to $732 - **$DOGE**: Anticipated to skyrocket to $2502 While these projections stir excitement, exercisecaution. Always conduct thorough research and verifysources before investing. Newcomers often seek advice on lesser-known coins. Remember: education is key. Prioritize learning and diligence to safeguard your investments.
A **2024 Crypto Price Projections** A

Get ready for the buzz around 2024 crypto


- **$Shib**: Predicted to reach $5

**$Pepe**: Expected to hit $39

- **$XRP**: Projected at $2000

**$LUNC**: Estimated to soar to $732

- **$DOGE**: Anticipated to skyrocket to $2502

While these projections stir excitement, exercisecaution.

Always conduct thorough research and verifysources before investing.

Newcomers often seek advice on lesser-known

coins. Remember: education is key.

Prioritize learning and diligence to safeguard

your investments.
knowledgeIf you're new to cryptocurrency, this is for you! The next Bitcoin halving event is just around the corner, and experts anticipate a new high by the end of 2025 - around 12 to 18 months after this year's halving. Here are the psychological stages: Accumulation Phase: During this phase, cryptocurrency whales and OGs will buy or accumulate at discounted prices, while new projects emerge amidst skepticism. It's akin to last year when Bitcoin dropped to $15,000. Momentum Phase: Here, as we've witnessed and continue to witness, prices rise, correct, and rise again, excitement builds, HODLers rejoice, FOMO kicks in, and altcoins surge. Euphoria/Exuberance Phase: Greed takes over, prices increase daily, interest rates dominate, market behavior gets peculiar, scam warnings abound! For Noobs, when Bitcoin's Fear and Greed Index hits 90, it's time to manage your cryptocurrency positions. Be smart, or you won't see the impending disaster: panic selling, negative media, whales exiting, Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍 📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋 📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈 🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅


If you're new to cryptocurrency, this is for you! The next Bitcoin halving event is just around the corner, and experts anticipate a new high by the end of 2025 - around 12 to 18 months after this year's halving. Here are the psychological stages:
Accumulation Phase:
During this phase, cryptocurrency whales and OGs will buy or accumulate at discounted prices, while new projects emerge amidst skepticism. It's akin to last year when Bitcoin dropped to $15,000.
Momentum Phase:
Here, as we've witnessed and continue to witness, prices rise, correct, and rise again, excitement builds, HODLers rejoice, FOMO kicks in, and altcoins surge.
Euphoria/Exuberance Phase:
Greed takes over, prices increase daily, interest rates dominate, market behavior gets peculiar, scam warnings abound! For Noobs, when Bitcoin's Fear and Greed Index hits 90, it's time to manage your cryptocurrency positions. Be smart, or you won't see the impending disaster: panic selling, negative media, whales exiting,
Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍

📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋

📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈

🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅
WHALE ALERT 🐳🐋 WHALE ALERT 🐳🐋 : 🆘 100,000,000 DOGE (equivalent to $17,328,521 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to Robinhood. 🆘 70,000,000 USDC (equivalent to $69,979,000 USD) has been transferred from the USDC Fund to an unidentified wallet. 🆘 3,500,000 SOL (equivalent to $529,008,944 USD) has been transferred from an unknown-source wallet to a new unidentified wallet. 🆘 75,887,800 USDC (equivalent to $75,850,501 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to Coinbase Institutional. 🆘 22,913 $ETH (equivalent to $78,683,748 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to Coinbase Institutional. 🆘 5,000 $BTC (equivalent to $351,342,888 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to another unidentified wallet. Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍 📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋 📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈 🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅ #cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin


🆘 100,000,000 DOGE (equivalent to $17,328,521 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to Robinhood.
🆘 70,000,000 USDC (equivalent to $69,979,000 USD) has been transferred from the USDC Fund to an unidentified wallet.
🆘 3,500,000 SOL (equivalent to $529,008,944 USD) has been transferred from an unknown-source wallet to a new unidentified wallet.
🆘 75,887,800 USDC (equivalent to $75,850,501 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to Coinbase Institutional.
🆘 22,913 $ETH (equivalent to $78,683,748 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to Coinbase Institutional.
🆘 5,000 $BTC (equivalent to $351,342,888 USD) has been transferred from an unidentified wallet to another unidentified wallet.

Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍

📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋

📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈

🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅
#cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin
Phân tích giá NEO: Tăng 60% sau sáu ngày – Điều gì tiếp theo?Phân tích giá NEO: Tăng 60% sau sáu ngày – Điều gì tiếp theo? NEO's price has surged by 60% over the past six days, reaching its highest level in months and recording the highest gain in the market last week. Will this upward momentum continue, or will the altcoin see a correction in the coming days? NEO's price surge has significantly boosted the overall market value of altcoins, potentially leading to higher profits. This is evidenced by the Sharpe Ratio, which currently stands at 2.17. The Sharpe Ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment, indicating the superior return generated per unit of volatility. A higher value signifies higher profits. These figures are crucial in determining whether an asset attracts investor interest, and in NEO's case, it appears to be doing so. Furthermore, recent developments are likely to deter bearish sentiment. Efforts by bears to profit from price corrections have not yielded significant results. Sell-offs have been dominated by selling contracts over the past four days, totaling nearly $4 million, which may prevent further downward pressure. As a result, NEO's price has shown signs of a recovery. Price Prediction for NEO: Another uptrend on the horizon? NEO is currently trading just below $23.00, with potential support at $22.63. This could enable the altcoin to continue its upward trend and surpass the resistance level at $24.22 to reach $25.00. The Average Directional Index (ADX) above the threshold of 25.0 indicates strengthening upward momentum. This suggests that NEO may continue to rise in the coming days. However, if the support level at $22.63 is invalidated at any point, the prospects for further price increases may diminish as NEO's price could fall to the $20.00 support level. Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍 📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋 📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈 🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅ #cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin

Phân tích giá NEO: Tăng 60% sau sáu ngày – Điều gì tiếp theo?

Phân tích giá NEO: Tăng 60% sau sáu ngày – Điều gì tiếp theo?
NEO's price has surged by 60% over the past six days, reaching its highest level in months and recording the highest gain in the market last week.
Will this upward momentum continue, or will the altcoin see a correction in the coming days?
NEO's price surge has significantly boosted the overall market value of altcoins, potentially leading to higher profits. This is evidenced by the Sharpe Ratio, which currently stands at 2.17.

The Sharpe Ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment, indicating the superior return generated per unit of volatility. A higher value signifies higher profits.
These figures are crucial in determining whether an asset attracts investor interest, and in NEO's case, it appears to be doing so.
Furthermore, recent developments are likely to deter bearish sentiment. Efforts by bears to profit from price corrections have not yielded significant results. Sell-offs have been dominated by selling contracts over the past four days, totaling nearly $4 million, which may prevent further downward pressure.
As a result, NEO's price has shown signs of a recovery.
Price Prediction for NEO: Another uptrend on the horizon?
NEO is currently trading just below $23.00, with potential support at $22.63. This could enable the altcoin to continue its upward trend and surpass the resistance level at $24.22 to reach $25.00.
The Average Directional Index (ADX) above the threshold of 25.0 indicates strengthening upward momentum. This suggests that NEO may continue to rise in the coming days.

However, if the support level at $22.63 is invalidated at any point, the prospects for further price increases may diminish as NEO's price could fall to the $20.00 support level.

Investing wisely is key, as funds belong to everyone 🔍

📌 My channel offers a unique blend of content, setting it apart from the rest 📋

📊 If you're hungry for the latest insights and trends in the world of Crypto, then look no further. Join me for in-depth analyses, expert interviews, and cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of the curve 📈

🔔 Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of Crypto investments ✅
#cryptocurreny #Binance #btc #Bitcoin #sagacoin
$PEPE  $SOL  $BTC  The Harami Bearish pattern consists of two candles indicating a potential reversal to the downside. It features a long bullish candle followed by a small bearish candle. The opening and closing prices of the second bearish candle must be within the body of the first bullish candle and appear after an uptrend.
$PEPE  $SOL  $BTC  The Harami Bearish pattern consists of two candles indicating a potential reversal to the downside. It features a long bullish candle followed by a small bearish candle. The opening and closing prices of the second bearish candle must be within the body of the first bullish candle and appear after an uptrend.
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