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I am professional Crypto Trader with 9 year of experience. Follow My Trading Strategy.. 1000 Usdt to 1million Task.
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Tuvojas Massive Bull Run 💪
Tuvojas Massive Bull Run 💪
Skatīt oriģinālu
ja vēlaties saņemt 1000 USD bez maksas, vienkārši sekojiet un ierakstiet savu maka adresi komentāru lodziņā 🎁🎁 mēs nosūtīsim jums dāvanu
ja vēlaties saņemt 1000 USD bez maksas, vienkārši sekojiet un ierakstiet savu maka adresi komentāru lodziņā 🎁🎁 mēs nosūtīsim jums dāvanu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Iepriekšējā tirdzniecība 2 Eth garš Call neslēdziet Eth tirdzniecību Es zinu, ka mēs visi gūstam labu peļņu, bet Eth ļoti drīz dosies uz Mēness 😁😁 #BTC #eth
Iepriekšējā tirdzniecība 2 Eth garš Call
neslēdziet Eth tirdzniecību Es zinu, ka mēs visi gūstam labu peļņu, bet Eth ļoti drīz dosies uz Mēness 😁😁
#BTC #eth
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jaunas sistēmas testēšana Pārbaudes tirdzniecība 4 Garais STRAX pie 0,9-0,91 SL 0,85 TP1: 0,97 (grāmata 50%, likt SL uz BE) TP2: 1,03 (pilna grāmata) Esiet gatavs uzņemties SL vai Target. Lai sasniegtu labākos rezultātus, nenovērsieties no emocijām. Jūsu pozīcijai jābūt kontrolētai. Ievadīja 0.9 #BTC #strk
Jaunas sistēmas testēšana
Pārbaudes tirdzniecība 4

Garais STRAX pie 0,9-0,91

SL 0,85

TP1: 0,97 (grāmata 50%, likt SL uz BE)
TP2: 1,03 (pilna grāmata)

Esiet gatavs uzņemties SL vai Target. Lai sasniegtu labākos rezultātus, nenovērsieties no emocijām. Jūsu pozīcijai jābūt kontrolētai.

Ievadīja 0.9
#BTC #strk
Skatīt oriģinālu
nākotnes tirdzniecības aicinājums 3 Maz riskanta, bet ļoti maza SL tirdzniecība Garais BRT 0,1345 SL 0,129 TP1: atvērts Esiet gatavs uzņemties SL vai Target. Lai sasniegtu labākos rezultātus, nenovērsieties no emocijām. Jūsu pozīcijai jābūt kontrolētai. #GRT/USDT #BTC🔥🔥
nākotnes tirdzniecības aicinājums 3
Maz riskanta, bet ļoti maza SL tirdzniecība

Garais BRT 0,1345

SL 0,129

TP1: atvērts

Esiet gatavs uzņemties SL vai Target. Lai sasniegtu labākos rezultātus, nenovērsieties no emocijām. Jūsu pozīcijai jābūt kontrolētai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai Kraken palaiž Layer-2 blokķēdi?Saskaņā ar jaunākajiem ziņojumiem Kraken komanda risina sarunas ar dažādiem blokķēdes izstrādātājiem par potenciālo partnerību, lai uzsāktu 2. slāņa blokķēdes tīklu. Pareizā izstrādātāja izvēle Tiek ziņots, ka populārā kriptovalūtu birža Kraken ir diskusijās ar blokķēdes izstrādātājiem Polygon, Matter Labs un Nil Foundation par iespējamo 2. slāņa blokķēdes tīkla ieviešanu. Šis solis seko Coinbase 2. slāņa blokķēdes Base panākumiem. Kraken rūpīgi apsver, kurš blokķēdes izstrādātājs veidos savu tīklu. Projekts ir tīts noslēpumā, un avoti dod priekšroku palikt anonīmiem, jo ​​apmaiņas centieni joprojām turpinās un nav oficiāli atklāti sabiedrībai.

Vai Kraken palaiž Layer-2 blokķēdi?

Saskaņā ar jaunākajiem ziņojumiem Kraken komanda risina sarunas ar dažādiem blokķēdes izstrādātājiem par potenciālo partnerību, lai uzsāktu 2. slāņa blokķēdes tīklu.
Pareizā izstrādātāja izvēle
Tiek ziņots, ka populārā kriptovalūtu birža Kraken ir diskusijās ar blokķēdes izstrādātājiem Polygon, Matter Labs un Nil Foundation par iespējamo 2. slāņa blokķēdes tīkla ieviešanu. Šis solis seko Coinbase 2. slāņa blokķēdes Base panākumiem.
Kraken rūpīgi apsver, kurš blokķēdes izstrādātājs veidos savu tīklu. Projekts ir tīts noslēpumā, un avoti dod priekšroku palikt anonīmiem, jo ​​apmaiņas centieni joprojām turpinās un nav oficiāli atklāti sabiedrībai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
6 labākie Kripto AI projekti, kuros ieguldītUzņēmējdarbības un investīciju kontekstā primārais mērķis ir rentabilitātes sasniegšana, kam ir vislielākā nozīme. Tā darbojas kā vitāli svarīga organizāciju būtība, ieaudzinot cilvēkos vēlmi piedalīties. Investīciju pamatdaba sakņojas cerībā uz finansiālu ieguvumu, un ienesīgums ir izšķirošais faktors, kas nosaka mērķu sasniegšanu. Ņemot vērā iespējamos finansiālos ieguvumus, palielinās investīciju pamatojums, liekot pārvērtēt projekta vērtību un vēlamību. Kriptovalūtu kā ienesīgas ieguldījumu iespējas izvirzīšana mūsdienu finansēs ir bijusi ievērojama uzmanība, jo īpaši šajā ilgstošajā kāpuma tirgus apstākļu periodā. Zīmīgi, ka investori novēro lielu atdevi, un ievērojams skaits piedzīvo savu ieguldījumu portfeļu vērtības pieckāršu pieaugumu.

6 labākie Kripto AI projekti, kuros ieguldīt

Uzņēmējdarbības un investīciju kontekstā primārais mērķis ir rentabilitātes sasniegšana, kam ir vislielākā nozīme. Tā darbojas kā vitāli svarīga organizāciju būtība, ieaudzinot cilvēkos vēlmi piedalīties. Investīciju pamatdaba sakņojas cerībā uz finansiālu ieguvumu, un ienesīgums ir izšķirošais faktors, kas nosaka mērķu sasniegšanu. Ņemot vērā iespējamos finansiālos ieguvumus, palielinās investīciju pamatojums, liekot pārvērtēt projekta vērtību un vēlamību. Kriptovalūtu kā ienesīgas ieguldījumu iespējas izvirzīšana mūsdienu finansēs ir bijusi ievērojama uzmanība, jo īpaši šajā ilgstošajā kāpuma tirgus apstākļu periodā. Zīmīgi, ka investori novēro lielu atdevi, un ievērojams skaits piedzīvo savu ieguldījumu portfeļu vērtības pieckāršu pieaugumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin un Ripple Watch the Horizon novembra kritiskajiem zvaniemKriptogrāfijas tirgus ir dzīvs ar potenciālu, jo Bitcoin (BTC) ETF apstiprinājuma čuksti kļūst skaļāki. Tirgus analītiķi liek izredzes uz spēcīgu 65%, ko veicina SEC nesenā atklātā nostāja sarunās. Optimisms nav tikai tukša pļāpāšana; Tā kā ARK Invest ETF termiņš tuvojas 2024. gada sākumam, tieši pirms Bitcoin (BTC) vēsturiski pieaugošā notikuma uz pusi, ir apņēmušies tādi smagnēji kā BlackRock, un ir jūtama tirgus augšupeja. Šajā optimistiskajā klimatā Ripple (XRP) uzņem apgriezienus, un prognozes paredz pieaugumu līdz aptuveni USD 1,36 līdz novembra vidum, tuvojoties SEC tiesas prāvas atrisinājumam. Paisums ir mainījies attiecībā uz XRP, iezīmējot vēršu skrējiena sākumu labvēlīgo juridisko vēju vidū. Tajā pašā laikā ScapesMania (MANIA) veido savu nišu kā pirmspārdošanas projekts, kas piedāvā ne tikai augstu atdevi, bet arī atsvaidzinošu paredzamību, tādējādi izceļot savu skaitu pārpildītajā tirgus telpā.

Bitcoin un Ripple Watch the Horizon novembra kritiskajiem zvaniem

Kriptogrāfijas tirgus ir dzīvs ar potenciālu, jo Bitcoin (BTC) ETF apstiprinājuma čuksti kļūst skaļāki. Tirgus analītiķi liek izredzes uz spēcīgu 65%, ko veicina SEC nesenā atklātā nostāja sarunās. Optimisms nav tikai tukša pļāpāšana; Tā kā ARK Invest ETF termiņš tuvojas 2024. gada sākumam, tieši pirms Bitcoin (BTC) vēsturiski pieaugošā notikuma uz pusi, ir apņēmušies tādi smagnēji kā BlackRock, un ir jūtama tirgus augšupeja.
Šajā optimistiskajā klimatā Ripple (XRP) uzņem apgriezienus, un prognozes paredz pieaugumu līdz aptuveni USD 1,36 līdz novembra vidum, tuvojoties SEC tiesas prāvas atrisinājumam. Paisums ir mainījies attiecībā uz XRP, iezīmējot vēršu skrējiena sākumu labvēlīgo juridisko vēju vidū. Tajā pašā laikā ScapesMania (MANIA) veido savu nišu kā pirmspārdošanas projekts, kas piedāvā ne tikai augstu atdevi, bet arī atsvaidzinošu paredzamību, tādējādi izceļot savu skaitu pārpildītajā tirgus telpā.
PEPE and FLOKI Traders Tread Thin Ice: Potential Boom or Approaching Doom?Cryptocurrencies have been on a tear recently, with Bitcoin blazing the trail as the total market value soars past the trillion-dollar milestone. Aligning with this surge, traditional stock indices have also shown strength, potentially fueled by the Federal Reserve's hold on interest rates, hinting at a relaxed monetary policy ahead.  This environment has set the stage for meme coins, with notables like Pepe Coin (PEPE) and Floki Inu (FLOKI) significantly upping their market valuation, capitalizing on the crypto market's momentum and the anticipatory buzz of an approaching Bitcoin halving event. Amidst this fervor, ScapesMania (MANIA) emerges as a notable presale, drawing attention for its alluring potential for strong returns in a market where predictability is a rare commodity.  However, the market landscape is still intricate and unpredictable. While there's enthusiasm for the gains seen across the board, the market is a pendulum that swings both ways. The intrigue lies in the balance of potential profit and the risk of sudden downturns, reminding investors that the trajectory of digital currencies, meme coins included, is a tapestry woven with threads of uncertainty. ScapesMania: Shaping the Crypto Landscape with Pioneering Technology While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal. Presale is Live Now - Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead. Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits Pepe Coin (PEPE): Technical Levels Under the Trader's Microscope Pepe Coin (PEPE) is threading through the volatility of the crypto market with characteristic agility. Currently wedged between the support level of $0.0000011375 and resistance level of $0.0000012399, PEPE is demonstrating the kind of tumultuous trading that keeps chart-watchers on the edge of their seats.  Source: TradingView Despite experiencing a minor pullback of 3% in the last 24 hours and a subtle downtrend of 2% over the preceding week, it's pivotal to recognize that the present valuation of PEPE is significantly elevated, standing at a 1,989.05% increase from its all-time low of $0.000000055142 noted seven months prior. Pepe Coin (PEPE) Bullish Scenario Should Pepe Coin (PEPE) gather enough momentum to push past the immediate resistance, the coin might test the resolve of the higher ceiling at $0.0000012763 and even $0.0000013787. This upward movement would need to be supported by increased trading volume and positive market sentiment.  The sizable 24-hour trading volume of over $101,850,000 bolsters the potential for such an optimistic outlook, hinting at an engaged community and investor base that could drive the meme coin's price to explore these higher resistance levels. Pepe Coin (PEPE) Bearish Scenario However, if the sentiment wanes and PEPE slips below the support at $0.0000011375, the next safety nets are staged at $0.0000010715 and further down at $0.0000009691. A break beneath these floors could signal a bearish phase, ushering in the possibility of retracing back towards the lower end of its 7-month spectrum.  Traders will undoubtedly be vigilant for any shifts towards these support levels, as they could indicate a broader retreat from recent peaks, a narrative not uncommon in the high-stakes world of meme cryptocurrencies. Floki Inu (FLOKI): A Trader’s Guide to the Next Big Swing Amid a market that's seen its fair share of ups and downs, Floki Inu (FLOKI) presents a mixed picture. With a current spot price of slightly above $0.00003, FLOKI is nursing a 3% decline in the last day and a 13% retreat over the past week. Despite this short-term bearish sentiment, the asset’s fortnightly and monthly data tell a different story, with a rally of 14.3% and an impressive 71% increase respectively. Source: TradingView On the technical chart, the movements of FLOKI are bracketed by the support at $0.0000276 and resistance at $0.00003565. Floki Inu (FLOKI) Bullish Scenario Should Floki Inu (FLOKI) sustain momentum and break above the resistance at $0.00003565, the next targets for the bulls are clear. They'll be aiming to pierce through the second resistance level at $0.00004055, with an even more ambitious goal of reaching the third resistance at $0.0000486. A surge past this mark could signal a strong bullish trend taking hold, possibly carving out new peaks for FLOKI. Floki Inu (FLOKI) Bearish Scenario Conversely, the bearish perspective looms if Floki Inu (FLOKI) fails to hold above its current support at $0.0000276. A downward breach here could quickly lead to a test of the deeper support levels at $0.00002445 and possibly $0.0000164, confirming a bearish downturn, erasing recent gains and shifting market sentiment. Traders are watching these technical levels with keen interest, knowing that the meme coin's volatile nature could lead to significant price swings, affirming either scenario in the short term. Conclusion: The Unpredictable Pulse of Meme Coins In the crypto market's latest chapter, Pepe Coin (PEPE) and Floki Inu (FLOKI) emerge as the daring duo, each carving their path with distinct flair. The former dances along its technical tightrope, teasing resistances with the unpredictability that meme coins are known for. The latter, not to be outshone, rides the waves of market sentiment, boasting a robust monthly performance that hints at an underlying current of bullish potential. The technicals are the compass by which these coins navigate, with PEPE jostling at pivotal price points that could propel it to new heights or see it retreat to familiar lows.FLOKI finds itself at a crossroads between recent slumps and longer-term gains, presenting a duality that keeps traders on high alert. As the market looks on, both assets stand as beacons of the meme coin rally, encapsulating the sheer dynamism of this niche. The allure of what lies ahead keeps the community riveted, poised for whatever comes next in the unpredictable dance of meme coin markets.

PEPE and FLOKI Traders Tread Thin Ice: Potential Boom or Approaching Doom?

Cryptocurrencies have been on a tear recently, with Bitcoin blazing the trail as the total market value soars past the trillion-dollar milestone. Aligning with this surge, traditional stock indices have also shown strength, potentially fueled by the Federal Reserve's hold on interest rates, hinting at a relaxed monetary policy ahead. 
This environment has set the stage for meme coins, with notables like Pepe Coin (PEPE) and Floki Inu (FLOKI) significantly upping their market valuation, capitalizing on the crypto market's momentum and the anticipatory buzz of an approaching Bitcoin halving event. Amidst this fervor, ScapesMania (MANIA) emerges as a notable presale, drawing attention for its alluring potential for strong returns in a market where predictability is a rare commodity. 
However, the market landscape is still intricate and unpredictable. While there's enthusiasm for the gains seen across the board, the market is a pendulum that swings both ways. The intrigue lies in the balance of potential profit and the risk of sudden downturns, reminding investors that the trajectory of digital currencies, meme coins included, is a tapestry woven with threads of uncertainty.
ScapesMania: Shaping the Crypto Landscape with Pioneering Technology
While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.
Presale is Live Now - Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA
Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.
Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits
Pepe Coin (PEPE): Technical Levels Under the Trader's Microscope
Pepe Coin (PEPE) is threading through the volatility of the crypto market with characteristic agility. Currently wedged between the support level of $0.0000011375 and resistance level of $0.0000012399, PEPE is demonstrating the kind of tumultuous trading that keeps chart-watchers on the edge of their seats. 
Source: TradingView
Despite experiencing a minor pullback of 3% in the last 24 hours and a subtle downtrend of 2% over the preceding week, it's pivotal to recognize that the present valuation of PEPE is significantly elevated, standing at a 1,989.05% increase from its all-time low of $0.000000055142 noted seven months prior.
Pepe Coin (PEPE) Bullish Scenario
Should Pepe Coin (PEPE) gather enough momentum to push past the immediate resistance, the coin might test the resolve of the higher ceiling at $0.0000012763 and even $0.0000013787. This upward movement would need to be supported by increased trading volume and positive market sentiment. 
The sizable 24-hour trading volume of over $101,850,000 bolsters the potential for such an optimistic outlook, hinting at an engaged community and investor base that could drive the meme coin's price to explore these higher resistance levels.
Pepe Coin (PEPE) Bearish Scenario
However, if the sentiment wanes and PEPE slips below the support at $0.0000011375, the next safety nets are staged at $0.0000010715 and further down at $0.0000009691. A break beneath these floors could signal a bearish phase, ushering in the possibility of retracing back towards the lower end of its 7-month spectrum. 
Traders will undoubtedly be vigilant for any shifts towards these support levels, as they could indicate a broader retreat from recent peaks, a narrative not uncommon in the high-stakes world of meme cryptocurrencies.
Floki Inu (FLOKI): A Trader’s Guide to the Next Big Swing
Amid a market that's seen its fair share of ups and downs, Floki Inu (FLOKI) presents a mixed picture. With a current spot price of slightly above $0.00003, FLOKI is nursing a 3% decline in the last day and a 13% retreat over the past week. Despite this short-term bearish sentiment, the asset’s fortnightly and monthly data tell a different story, with a rally of 14.3% and an impressive 71% increase respectively.
Source: TradingView
On the technical chart, the movements of FLOKI are bracketed by the support at $0.0000276 and resistance at $0.00003565.
Floki Inu (FLOKI) Bullish Scenario
Should Floki Inu (FLOKI) sustain momentum and break above the resistance at $0.00003565, the next targets for the bulls are clear. They'll be aiming to pierce through the second resistance level at $0.00004055, with an even more ambitious goal of reaching the third resistance at $0.0000486. A surge past this mark could signal a strong bullish trend taking hold, possibly carving out new peaks for FLOKI.
Floki Inu (FLOKI) Bearish Scenario
Conversely, the bearish perspective looms if Floki Inu (FLOKI) fails to hold above its current support at $0.0000276. A downward breach here could quickly lead to a test of the deeper support levels at $0.00002445 and possibly $0.0000164, confirming a bearish downturn, erasing recent gains and shifting market sentiment.
Traders are watching these technical levels with keen interest, knowing that the meme coin's volatile nature could lead to significant price swings, affirming either scenario in the short term.
Conclusion: The Unpredictable Pulse of Meme Coins
In the crypto market's latest chapter, Pepe Coin (PEPE) and Floki Inu (FLOKI) emerge as the daring duo, each carving their path with distinct flair. The former dances along its technical tightrope, teasing resistances with the unpredictability that meme coins are known for. The latter, not to be outshone, rides the waves of market sentiment, boasting a robust monthly performance that hints at an underlying current of bullish potential.
The technicals are the compass by which these coins navigate, with PEPE jostling at pivotal price points that could propel it to new heights or see it retreat to familiar lows.FLOKI finds itself at a crossroads between recent slumps and longer-term gains, presenting a duality that keeps traders on high alert.
As the market looks on, both assets stand as beacons of the meme coin rally, encapsulating the sheer dynamism of this niche. The allure of what lies ahead keeps the community riveted, poised for whatever comes next in the unpredictable dance of meme coin markets.
Bitcoin Price Prediction as Analyst Says ‘Santa Claus Squeee’ Will Shoot Prices Higher – Time to Buy? Bitcoin’s recent slip below the $35,000 threshold marks a pause in its latest bull run, but the market’s optimism doesn’t seem to wane, as the Fear & Greed Index hovers at a confident 73. This pullback has not dampened the broader positive market mood, with the trajectory for Bitcoin and its digital brethren still pointing north. Amidst these market dynamics, the Bank of England’s move to bring widely-used stablecoins under regulatory oversight, with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) helming the crypto industry’s supervision, is a significant stride towards the cryptocurrency sector’s maturation and integration into the established financial system.
Bitcoin Price Prediction as Analyst Says ‘Santa Claus Squeee’ Will Shoot Prices Higher – Time to Buy?
Bitcoin’s recent slip below the $35,000 threshold marks a pause in its latest bull run, but the market’s optimism doesn’t seem to wane, as the Fear & Greed Index hovers at a confident 73. This pullback has not dampened the broader positive market mood, with the trajectory for Bitcoin and its digital brethren still pointing north.
Amidst these market dynamics, the Bank of England’s move to bring widely-used stablecoins under regulatory oversight, with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) helming the crypto industry’s supervision, is a significant stride towards the cryptocurrency sector’s maturation and integration into the established financial system.
Ether (ETH) to Outperform Bitcoin (BTC)? Bitcoin has increased its market dominance over Ether in the last few weeks amid optimism about potential near-term approvals of spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the US, which are anticipated to attract substantial capital inflows from the traditional finance industry. After trending lower for most of 2023, with Bitcoin also benefiting from safe-haven demand given its status as crypto’s oldest, most trusted and (arguably) most decentralized cryptocurrency, the ETH/BTC exchange rate fell rapidly in October to hit its lowest levels since June 2022. But this exchange rate recently rallied back to the north of its 21DMA, a sign of a potential turn around. Thielen argued in his latest note that Ether trading volumes are also catching up to Bitcoin, which potentially “supports the view that altcoins could outperform”. “While Bitcoin traded as much as 3x the volume of ETH in mid-October, this ratio has also dropped to just 2x”. If Thielen is right about a possible near-term surge in the ETH price to $3,000, then ETH/BTC could very well rise back towards resistance in 0.058 area in the near future. But if Bitcoin continues to lead the broader market rally amid optimism about upcoming spot Bitcoin ETFs, and Ethereum network activity once again falls back, then a retest of the 2022 lows under 0.05. remains on the cards. #BTC🔥🔥
Ether (ETH) to Outperform Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin has increased its market dominance over Ether in the last few weeks amid optimism about potential near-term approvals of spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the US, which are anticipated to attract substantial capital inflows from the traditional finance industry.
After trending lower for most of 2023, with Bitcoin also benefiting from safe-haven demand given its status as crypto’s oldest, most trusted and (arguably) most decentralized cryptocurrency, the ETH/BTC exchange rate fell rapidly in October to hit its lowest levels since June 2022.
But this exchange rate recently rallied back to the north of its 21DMA, a sign of a potential turn around.
Thielen argued in his latest note that Ether trading volumes are also catching up to Bitcoin, which potentially “supports the view that altcoins could outperform”.
“While Bitcoin traded as much as 3x the volume of ETH in mid-October, this ratio has also dropped to just 2x”.
If Thielen is right about a possible near-term surge in the ETH price to $3,000, then ETH/BTC could very well rise back towards resistance in 0.058 area in the near future.
But if Bitcoin continues to lead the broader market rally amid optimism about upcoming spot Bitcoin ETFs, and Ethereum network activity once again falls back, then a retest of the 2022 lows under 0.05. remains on the cards. #BTC🔥🔥
Ether (ETH) Set for 55% Surge After Key Technical Breakout, as Supply Turns Deflationary, Says This Well-Known Analyst Famous crypto data analytics firm Matrixport’s head of research Markus Thielen argued in a recent report that Ether (ETH) could be set for a more than 55% surge to $3,000. Ether is the second most valuable cryptocurrency in the world by market capitalization after Bitcoin (BTC) and powers the Ethereum layer-1 smart-contract-enabled blockchain, which remains the most widely used blockchain in the DeFi, NFT and broader web3 industry. In a recently published note on, Thielen pointed out that Ether appears to have now broken to the north of its downtrend from the yearly highs, and also pointed out that Ethereum network activity has improved in recent weeks, leading to the Ether supply turning deflationary once again. Thielen’s analysis included a chart showing that Ether appears to have broken to the north of a pennant structure that it had been in the throws of forming since late 2022. Ether (ETH) Chart Showing Pennant Breakout / Source: Markus Thielen on Moreover, he argued that “revenues for the Ethereum ecosystem are bottoming out from depressed levels… (which) this could signal a tradeable bottom for ETH”. “While revenues have only climbed back into the summer 2023 range of $30 million in weekly fees, the shocking number of just $12.1 million during the week of October 9 might be behind us”. A tactical bullish trade could have merit for as long as weekly Ethereum fees stay above $30 million,” he added. As per TokenTerminal, the Ethereum network generated fees of around $36 million last week. This recovery in network fees means a higher ETH burn rate (the majority of Ethereum network fees are burnt). Indeed, as per Glassnode, the Ether inflation rate recently hit its lowest level since August of -1.2%, having recently been as high as 0.3% in early October. If Ether was to hit Thielen’s target of $3,000 per token, that would mark a surge of more than 55% from the current price just below $1,900.
Ether (ETH) Set for 55% Surge After Key Technical Breakout, as Supply Turns Deflationary, Says This Well-Known Analyst
Famous crypto data analytics firm Matrixport’s head of research Markus Thielen argued in a recent report that Ether (ETH) could be set for a more than 55% surge to $3,000.
Ether is the second most valuable cryptocurrency in the world by market capitalization after Bitcoin (BTC) and powers the Ethereum layer-1 smart-contract-enabled blockchain, which remains the most widely used blockchain in the DeFi, NFT and broader web3 industry.
In a recently published note on, Thielen pointed out that Ether appears to have now broken to the north of its downtrend from the yearly highs, and also pointed out that Ethereum network activity has improved in recent weeks, leading to the Ether supply turning deflationary once again.
Thielen’s analysis included a chart showing that Ether appears to have broken to the north of a pennant structure that it had been in the throws of forming since late 2022.

Ether (ETH) Chart Showing Pennant Breakout / Source: Markus Thielen on
Moreover, he argued that “revenues for the Ethereum ecosystem are bottoming out from depressed levels… (which) this could signal a tradeable bottom for ETH”.
“While revenues have only climbed back into the summer 2023 range of $30 million in weekly fees, the shocking number of just $12.1 million during the week of October 9 might be behind us”.

A tactical bullish trade could have merit for as long as weekly Ethereum fees stay above $30 million,” he added.
As per TokenTerminal, the Ethereum network generated fees of around $36 million last week.

This recovery in network fees means a higher ETH burn rate (the majority of Ethereum network fees are burnt).
Indeed, as per Glassnode, the Ether inflation rate recently hit its lowest level since August of -1.2%, having recently been as high as 0.3% in early October.

If Ether was to hit Thielen’s target of $3,000 per token, that would mark a surge of more than 55% from the current price just below $1,900.
Moody’s Analytics Introduces AI Service To Predict Stablecoin Depegs Financial intelligence company Moody’s Analytics is launching a new AI service that can predict stablecoin depeggings while providing real-time insights about stablecoin issuers’ liquidity and stability. In a press release yesterday, the company unveiled its new Moody’s Analytics Digital Asset Monitor (DAM), which is designed to “signal the probability of a stablecoin depeg from a fiat currency in a 24-hour time horizon.” The release states that Moody’s DAM is a machine learning model that will provide real time insights regarding the stablecoin’s market and liquidity dynamics, the stability of the stablecoin issuer, the custodians that hold the stablecoin’s assets, and the quality of these reserves. These analytics will be combined with a transparency index designed to underscore the disclosure quality of the entities supporting these fiat-backed stablecoins. Moody’s launch version of DAM will track 25 fiat-backed stablecoins, including Tether, USDC, and PayPal Coin, while noting that other digital assets would be added to the platform later on. “We have seen the stablecoin market grow into a multibillion dollar asset class accounting for about 10 percent of the crypto market and most on-chain activity,” said Yiannis Giokas, senior director of product innovation at Moody’s Analytics. “However, given ongoing volatility in the asset class, we saw substantial demand from our customers to fill a gap in this space with a comprehensive risk assessment tool for digital assets.”
Moody’s Analytics Introduces AI Service To Predict Stablecoin Depegs

Financial intelligence company Moody’s Analytics is launching a new AI service that can predict stablecoin depeggings while providing real-time insights about stablecoin issuers’ liquidity and stability.
In a press release yesterday, the company unveiled its new Moody’s Analytics Digital Asset Monitor (DAM), which is designed to “signal the probability of a stablecoin depeg from a fiat currency in a 24-hour time horizon.”
The release states that Moody’s DAM is a machine learning model that will provide real time insights regarding the stablecoin’s market and liquidity dynamics, the stability of the stablecoin issuer, the custodians that hold the stablecoin’s assets, and the quality of these reserves.
These analytics will be combined with a transparency index designed to underscore the disclosure quality of the entities supporting these fiat-backed stablecoins.
Moody’s launch version of DAM will track 25 fiat-backed stablecoins, including Tether, USDC, and PayPal Coin, while noting that other digital assets would be added to the platform later on.
“We have seen the stablecoin market grow into a multibillion dollar asset class accounting for about 10 percent of the crypto market and most on-chain activity,” said Yiannis Giokas, senior director of product innovation at Moody’s Analytics. “However, given ongoing volatility in the asset class, we saw substantial demand from our customers to fill a gap in this space with a comprehensive risk assessment tool for digital assets.”
Kazakhstan Confirms Official Block of Coinbase Website Amid Ongoing Restrictions The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan has officially confirmed that it blocked access to the Coinbase website in the country, citing violations of the country’s new digital assets law. According to a report from November 7 by the local news outlet Kursiv, Kazakhstan stated that the order to block Coinbase’s website came from the Ministry of Digital Development after Coinbase was accused of violating the Law of Digital Assets. This move follows earlier reports of access difficulties to Coinbase from local IP addresses, which emerged in September. During this period, various sources noted that not only Coinbase but also other major international cryptocurrency exchanges, including Kraken, were subject to access restrictions within Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Digital Development in Kazakhstan has accused Coinbase of violating the country’s Law on Digital Assets, which was enacted in February 2023. Specifically, Coinbase’s cryptocurrency trading activities were deemed to contradict Article 11, Clause 5 of the law, which prohibits the issuance and trading of digital currencies without a national license. In response to this alleged violation, the Ministry of Digital Development submitted a request to the Ministry of Information, urging them to limit access to Coinbase. Consequently, the exchange’s website was blocked in Kazakhstan under the provisions of the Communications Act, which empowers internet service providers to restrict access to websites hosting prohibited content. While several other crypto exchanges have received licenses to operate in Kazakhstan within the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC), including Binance, CaspianEx, Biteeu, ATAIX, Upbit, Xignal&MT, and Bybit, Coinbase, along with Kraken and other international crypto exchanges, has faced restrictions, leading to difficulties for cryptocurrency users in the country.
Kazakhstan Confirms Official Block of Coinbase Website Amid Ongoing Restrictions

The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan has officially confirmed that it blocked access to the Coinbase website in the country, citing violations of the country’s new digital assets law.
According to a report from November 7 by the local news outlet Kursiv, Kazakhstan stated that the order to block Coinbase’s website came from the Ministry of Digital Development after Coinbase was accused of violating the Law of Digital Assets.
This move follows earlier reports of access difficulties to Coinbase from local IP addresses, which emerged in September. During this period, various sources noted that not only Coinbase but also other major international cryptocurrency exchanges, including Kraken, were subject to access restrictions within Kazakhstan.
The Ministry of Digital Development in Kazakhstan has accused Coinbase of violating the country’s Law on Digital Assets, which was enacted in February 2023. Specifically, Coinbase’s cryptocurrency trading activities were deemed to contradict Article 11, Clause 5 of the law, which prohibits the issuance and trading of digital currencies without a national license.
In response to this alleged violation, the Ministry of Digital Development submitted a request to the Ministry of Information, urging them to limit access to Coinbase. Consequently, the exchange’s website was blocked in Kazakhstan under the provisions of the Communications Act, which empowers internet service providers to restrict access to websites hosting prohibited content.
While several other crypto exchanges have received licenses to operate in Kazakhstan within the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC), including Binance, CaspianEx, Biteeu, ATAIX, Upbit, Xignal&MT, and Bybit, Coinbase, along with Kraken and other international crypto exchanges, has faced restrictions, leading to difficulties for cryptocurrency users in the country.
Bitcoin's Enigmatic CreatorThe Enigmatic Creator of Bitcoin: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Satoshi NakamotoIn the midst of the 2008 global financial crisis, a pseudonymous individual by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a groundbreaking concept that would revolutionize the world of finance – Bitcoin. Despite its widespread adoption and influence, the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains shrouded in mystery.The concept of Bitcoin was outlined in a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," published in 2008. Nakamoto's vision was to create a decentralized digital currency, free from the control of any central authority, such as governments or financial institutions. The release of the Bitcoin software followed in January 2009, marking the birth of the first cryptocurrency.The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has been the subject of intense speculation, with various theories and claims emerging over the years. Some believe Nakamoto is an individual, while others suggest it could be a group of people. The name itself is widely considered to be a pseudonym, and efforts to uncover the true identity have proven fruitless.Despite Nakamoto's elusiveness, the impact of Bitcoin cannot be overstated. It laid the foundation for a new era of digital currencies and blockchain technology, sparking the creation of thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies and driving advancements in decentralized finance.While the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto persists, the legacy of Bitcoin endures. Its influence has transcended the world of finance, sparking conversations about the future of money, privacy, and the role of traditional financial institutions in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Whether Nakamoto's identity will ever be revealed remains uncertain, but the impact of Bitcoin is undeniable, leaving an indelible mark on the history of technology and finance.

Bitcoin's Enigmatic Creator

The Enigmatic Creator of Bitcoin: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Satoshi NakamotoIn the midst of the 2008 global financial crisis, a pseudonymous individual by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a groundbreaking concept that would revolutionize the world of finance – Bitcoin. Despite its widespread adoption and influence, the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains shrouded in mystery.The concept of Bitcoin was outlined in a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," published in 2008. Nakamoto's vision was to create a decentralized digital currency, free from the control of any central authority, such as governments or financial institutions. The release of the Bitcoin software followed in January 2009, marking the birth of the first cryptocurrency.The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has been the subject of intense speculation, with various theories and claims emerging over the years. Some believe Nakamoto is an individual, while others suggest it could be a group of people. The name itself is widely considered to be a pseudonym, and efforts to uncover the true identity have proven fruitless.Despite Nakamoto's elusiveness, the impact of Bitcoin cannot be overstated. It laid the foundation for a new era of digital currencies and blockchain technology, sparking the creation of thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies and driving advancements in decentralized finance.While the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto persists, the legacy of Bitcoin endures. Its influence has transcended the world of finance, sparking conversations about the future of money, privacy, and the role of traditional financial institutions in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Whether Nakamoto's identity will ever be revealed remains uncertain, but the impact of Bitcoin is undeniable, leaving an indelible mark on the history of technology and finance.
Web 3.0 EvolutionWeb 3.0: Unraveling the Next Evolution of the InternetThe internet has undergone significant transformations since its inception, and the emergence of Web 3.0 marks the next evolutionary leap. Unlike its predecessors, Web 3.0 is not just an upgrade in terms of user interface or functionality; it represents a fundamental shift in the way the internet operates.Decentralization as a Core TenetAt the heart of Web 3.0 is the principle of decentralization. Traditional Web 2.0 relies heavily on centralized servers controlled by corporations, making users dependent on these entities for services and data storage. Web 3.0 aims to distribute this control, utilizing decentralized technologies such as blockchain.Blockchain Technology: The Backbone of Web 3.0Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, plays a pivotal role in Web 3.0. It operates as a decentralized and secure ledger, recording transactions across a network of computers. This distributed nature eliminates the need for a central authority, providing transparency and immutability.Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, are another key aspect of Web 3.0. These contracts automate processes, reducing the need for intermediaries and enhancing trust between parties.Interoperability and Seamless ConnectivityWeb 3.0 emphasizes interoperability, allowing different platforms and applications to seamlessly connect and communicate. This contrasts with the siloed nature of many Web 2.0 services, fostering a more cohesive and integrated digital experience.Protocols like the Interledger Protocol (ILP) and the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol facilitate communication between different blockchains, enabling a more interconnected and interoperable internet.User Empowerment and Data OwnershipIn the Web 3.0 paradigm, users have greater control over their data. With decentralized identity systems, individuals can manage their digital identities without relying on centralized authorities. This shift empowers users to decide who can access their data and for what purpose.Challenges and Road AheadDespite the promises of Web 3.0, challenges exist. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory uncertainties are among the hurdles that need to be addressed. As the technology continues to mature, these challenges will likely be met with innovative solutions.The transition to Web 3.0 is an ongoing process, with various projects and initiatives pushing the boundaries of what is possible. As decentralized technologies gain wider adoption and address their current limitations, the internet's landscape will undergo a profound transformation, ushering in a new era of openness, transparency, and user empowerment.#web3.0

Web 3.0 Evolution

Web 3.0: Unraveling the Next Evolution of the InternetThe internet has undergone significant transformations since its inception, and the emergence of Web 3.0 marks the next evolutionary leap. Unlike its predecessors, Web 3.0 is not just an upgrade in terms of user interface or functionality; it represents a fundamental shift in the way the internet operates.Decentralization as a Core TenetAt the heart of Web 3.0 is the principle of decentralization. Traditional Web 2.0 relies heavily on centralized servers controlled by corporations, making users dependent on these entities for services and data storage. Web 3.0 aims to distribute this control, utilizing decentralized technologies such as blockchain.Blockchain Technology: The Backbone of Web 3.0Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, plays a pivotal role in Web 3.0. It operates as a decentralized and secure ledger, recording transactions across a network of computers. This distributed nature eliminates the need for a central authority, providing transparency and immutability.Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, are another key aspect of Web 3.0. These contracts automate processes, reducing the need for intermediaries and enhancing trust between parties.Interoperability and Seamless ConnectivityWeb 3.0 emphasizes interoperability, allowing different platforms and applications to seamlessly connect and communicate. This contrasts with the siloed nature of many Web 2.0 services, fostering a more cohesive and integrated digital experience.Protocols like the Interledger Protocol (ILP) and the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol facilitate communication between different blockchains, enabling a more interconnected and interoperable internet.User Empowerment and Data OwnershipIn the Web 3.0 paradigm, users have greater control over their data. With decentralized identity systems, individuals can manage their digital identities without relying on centralized authorities. This shift empowers users to decide who can access their data and for what purpose.Challenges and Road AheadDespite the promises of Web 3.0, challenges exist. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory uncertainties are among the hurdles that need to be addressed. As the technology continues to mature, these challenges will likely be met with innovative solutions.The transition to Web 3.0 is an ongoing process, with various projects and initiatives pushing the boundaries of what is possible. As decentralized technologies gain wider adoption and address their current limitations, the internet's landscape will undergo a profound transformation, ushering in a new era of openness, transparency, and user empowerment.#web3.0
Shiba Inu burn rate skyrockets as millions of SHIB sent to dead wallets According to the Shibburn website, Shiba Inu is seeing a 535% surge in its daily burn rate. In the last 24 hours, a total of 8,107,271 SHIB tokens were burned in eight transactions. The day before saw a total of 1,275,013 SHIB tokens burned in six transactions, hence the skyrocketing increase in the SHIB burn rate. Meanwhile, over a quarter-billion SHIB tokens have been burned in the last week. Shibburn reports that in the last seven days, a total of 259,383,545 SHIB tokens have been burned in 66 transactions. #SHIBCommunity #ShibaInuPriceForecast #CryptoGoals #CryptoUpdate
Shiba Inu burn rate skyrockets as millions of SHIB sent to dead wallets

According to the Shibburn website, Shiba Inu is seeing a 535% surge in its daily burn rate. In the last 24 hours, a total of 8,107,271 SHIB tokens were burned in eight transactions. The day before saw a total of 1,275,013 SHIB tokens burned in six transactions, hence the skyrocketing increase in the SHIB burn rate. Meanwhile, over a quarter-billion SHIB tokens have been burned in the last week. Shibburn reports that in the last seven days, a total of 259,383,545 SHIB tokens have been burned in 66 transactions.
#SHIBCommunity #ShibaInuPriceForecast #CryptoGoals #CryptoUpdate
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