Binance Square
Candid opinion about every news and every coin. Learn and earn. Take risks.
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#ENA Etēna atgriezās tāpat kā visas pārējās monētas kļuva zaļas. tā tirgus vāciņš ir augsts ikreiz, kad ir svārstības. tas nozīmē, ka projekta vadītājs ļoti kavējas un uzticas šim projektam. #ENAUSDT🚨
Etēna atgriezās tāpat kā visas pārējās monētas kļuva zaļas. tā tirgus vāciņš ir augsts ikreiz, kad ir svārstības. tas nozīmē, ka projekta vadītājs ļoti kavējas un uzticas šim projektam. #ENAUSDT🚨
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ENA Ko es mācos no savas kļūdas: Pagājušajā svētdienā, t.i., 2024. gada 5. maijā, man apnika etēna monēta un pārdevu to 8.06, brīdī, kad pārdevu visu savu ENA, tā uzlēca un izveidoja lielu zaļu sveci, un es nopirku ENA vēlreiz, bet man bija 1000 $ zaudējumi. Es uzzināju, ka nekad nezaudē uzticību lielam projektam, piemēram, #Ethena , un esiet pacietīgs. tāpēc, puiši, esiet pacietīgi un skatieties BTC un tirgus pamatprincipu kustības. Citādi šī monēta ir bumba.
Ko es mācos no savas kļūdas:

Pagājušajā svētdienā, t.i., 2024. gada 5. maijā, man apnika etēna monēta un pārdevu to 8.06, brīdī, kad pārdevu visu savu ENA, tā uzlēca un izveidoja lielu zaļu sveci, un es nopirku ENA vēlreiz, bet man bija 1000 $ zaudējumi.

Es uzzināju, ka nekad nezaudē uzticību lielam projektam, piemēram, #Ethena , un esiet pacietīgs.
tāpēc, puiši, esiet pacietīgi un skatieties BTC un tirgus pamatprincipu kustības. Citādi šī monēta ir bumba.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ENA Daudzi tirgotāji apspriež šīs monētas neveiksmi, taču šobrīd neviena monēta nav droša, jo tirgus meklē zaudējumus. Šobrīd hodlers savas monētas glabā maisos, tāpēc apjoms iet uz zemu (pieaug arī bitkoinu pārsvars, tas ir 54,58%. brīdī, tirgus labojiet to pats, Ethena atgūsies ātrāk nekā citas monētas. tātad, izdariet izvēli, vai nu ar jaunas monētas iegādi cietīsit lielākus zaudējumus, vai arī varat gaidīt, kad tā gūs peļņu, izvēle ir mūsu pašu.
Daudzi tirgotāji apspriež šīs monētas neveiksmi, taču šobrīd neviena monēta nav droša, jo tirgus meklē zaudējumus.

Šobrīd hodlers savas monētas glabā maisos, tāpēc apjoms iet uz zemu (pieaug arī bitkoinu pārsvars, tas ir 54,58%.

brīdī, tirgus labojiet to pats, Ethena atgūsies ātrāk nekā citas monētas.

tātad, izdariet izvēli, vai nu ar jaunas monētas iegādi cietīsit lielākus zaudējumus, vai arī varat gaidīt, kad tā gūs peļņu, izvēle ir mūsu pašu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Alts paskaties uz BTC apjomu, tas ir vairāk nekā 1,3 triljoni un alts asiņo tikai #BTC dominances dēļ. Tāpēc neuztraucieties, kontrolējiet savas emocijas. Jūs nevarat pārdot zemāko cenu, lai iegādātos vairāk apakšā, jo kriptovalūtu pasaulē nav ne zemāko, ne augstākā līmeņa.
paskaties uz BTC apjomu, tas ir vairāk nekā 1,3 triljoni un alts asiņo tikai #BTC dominances dēļ. Tāpēc neuztraucieties, kontrolējiet savas emocijas. Jūs nevarat pārdot zemāko cenu, lai iegādātos vairāk apakšā, jo kriptovalūtu pasaulē nav ne zemāko, ne augstākā līmeņa.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA nopirka un atstāja ķīlā. Tagad to redzēs pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi.
nopirka un atstāja ķīlā. Tagad to redzēs pēc sadalīšanas uz pusi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA Ar prieku paziņojam, ka Ethena ir pievienojusi BTC kā USDe atbalsta līdzekli Šī ir ļoti svarīga atbloķēšana, kas ļaus USDe ievērojami palielināties no pašreizējās 2 miljardu USD piegādes — Ethena Labs (@ethena_labs) 2024. gada 4. aprīlī

Ar prieku paziņojam, ka Ethena ir pievienojusi BTC kā USDe atbalsta līdzekli

Šī ir ļoti svarīga atbloķēšana, kas ļaus USDe ievērojami palielināties no pašreizējās 2 miljardu USD piegādes

— Ethena Labs (@ethena_labs) 2024. gada 4. aprīlī
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ENA es ieliku visus savus līdzekļus. Tagad gaida, lai tas sasniegtu 5 $. visi sveicieni ENA😇
es ieliku visus savus līdzekļus. Tagad gaida, lai tas sasniegtu 5 $. visi sveicieni ENA😇
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Bitcoin Vai jūs nedomājat, ka tas viss ir viltojums? ASV Valsts kases obligāciju cena šodien ir 4,33, un visi korporatīvie mediji saka, ka BTC ienesīguma likmes dēļ samazinās par 5000 USD. huh. #btcetf
#Bitcoin Vai jūs nedomājat, ka tas viss ir viltojums? ASV Valsts kases obligāciju cena šodien ir 4,33, un visi korporatīvie mediji saka, ka BTC ienesīguma likmes dēļ samazinās par 5000 USD. huh.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ENA Bombastic projekts, saņēma tikai 45 ena in airdrop, pēc tam iegādājās par 0,71 citi mani atturēja, nepirkt un viss. kopiena saka, ka tas beigsies pie 1, taču mums vajadzētu paturēt šo dārgakmeni.
Bombastic projekts, saņēma tikai 45 ena in airdrop, pēc tam iegādājās par 0,71
citi mani atturēja, nepirkt un viss. kopiena saka, ka tas beigsies pie 1, taču mums vajadzētu paturēt šo dārgakmeni.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Svarīgi 🚨 Uzsākts 19415#ARKM. TAGAD, Binance ir uzsākta a jauns projekts nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums652156471236194237719415. 5You can 5
Svarīgi 🚨
Uzsākts 19415#ARKM.
Binance ir uzsākta a jauns projekts nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums nosaukums652156471236194237719415. 5You can 5
$BTC Let's make it simple - Supply and Demand, Miners around the Globe are Mining **900 BTCs per DAY** that means everyday there's 900 new SUPPLY of BTC. But the DEMAND for BTC are approximately 10k per day since the BTC Spot ETFs was approved. What does it means? It means the SUPPLY is lacking and when the Supply is lacking the Price goes up. Halving - After Halving there will only be 900 ÷ 2 = **450 new SUPPLY of BTC per day. ** This means The Supply will be so much lacking, then Price goes up more. I'm not a Financial Advisor, Trade responsibility ser. I don't hold the future so this might change, best wishes! ( Anyone wanna add something up, feel free! )#NEAR #arkm #TrendingTopic #Aevo
Let's make it simple - Supply and Demand, Miners around the Globe are Mining **900 BTCs per DAY** that means everyday there's 900 new SUPPLY of BTC.

But the DEMAND for BTC are approximately 10k per day since the BTC Spot ETFs was approved.

What does it means? It means the SUPPLY is lacking and when the Supply is lacking the Price goes up.

Halving - After Halving there will only be 900 ÷ 2 = **450 new SUPPLY of BTC per day. **

This means The Supply will be so much lacking, then Price goes up more.

I'm not a Financial Advisor, Trade responsibility ser. I don't hold the future so this might change, best wishes!

( Anyone wanna add something up, feel free! )#NEAR #arkm #TrendingTopic #Aevo
#BTC #bullrun Everybody is talking about BTC dump but not seeing the power of Etherum, remeber, people will miss the opportunity to purchase ETH On the right time and if Eth ETF gets approved then think how much it will go up. A point to ponder. So, guys lets focus on #Etherum $BTC $ETH
#BTC #bullrun

Everybody is talking about BTC dump but not seeing the power of Etherum, remeber, people will miss the opportunity to purchase ETH On the right time and if Eth ETF gets approved then think how much it will go up. A point to ponder. So, guys lets focus on #Etherum
SOME ADVICE FOR NEW INVESTORS:🚨 1. **Frequent Position Adjustment**: Ever feel like a squirrel on caffeine, hopping from one nut to another? That's what it's like constantly adjusting positions in the stock market. It's like trying to catch a butterfly with a net made of spaghetti—chaotic and ultimately fruitless. 2. **Full Warehouse Syndrome**: It's the classic case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) meets Costco on a Saturday afternoon. You keep piling stuff into your cart thinking, "Surely, I need 10 gallons of mayonnaise," until you're drowning in condiments and regrets. 3. **Going Short**: Short selling in a bull market is like trying to teach a cat to do tricks—it might work occasionally, but most of the time you end up scratched, frustrated, and wondering why you even tried in the first place. 4. **Refusing to Admit Defeat**: Holding onto losing positions is like stubbornly refusing to let go of a helium balloon that's tied to an anvil. Sure, you might feel lighter than air for a moment, but gravity always wins in the end, leaving you plummeting to the ground with a loud "thud" and a bruised ego. Remember, in the world of finance, laughter might not pay the bills, but it sure beats crying over your shrinking bank account! Mention your fvr8 Altcoin in the comments, please and support my channel for candid info#PEPE‏ #floki #Arkm

1. **Frequent Position Adjustment**: Ever feel like a squirrel on caffeine, hopping from one nut to another? That's what it's like constantly adjusting positions in the stock market. It's like trying to catch a butterfly with a net made of spaghetti—chaotic and ultimately fruitless.

2. **Full Warehouse Syndrome**: It's the classic case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) meets Costco on a Saturday afternoon. You keep piling stuff into your cart thinking, "Surely, I need 10 gallons of mayonnaise," until you're drowning in condiments and regrets.

3. **Going Short**: Short selling in a bull market is like trying to teach a cat to do tricks—it might work occasionally, but most of the time you end up scratched, frustrated, and wondering why you even tried in the first place.

4. **Refusing to Admit Defeat**: Holding onto losing positions is like stubbornly refusing to let go of a helium balloon that's tied to an anvil. Sure, you might feel lighter than air for a moment, but gravity always wins in the end, leaving you plummeting to the ground with a loud "thud" and a bruised ego.

Remember, in the world of finance, laughter might not pay the bills, but it sure beats crying over your shrinking bank account!

Mention your fvr8 Altcoin in the comments, please and support my channel for candid info#PEPE‏ #floki #Arkm
Important for new users / investors 🚨 BTC is accumulating that's why Alts are pumping, 60% possibility of retracement. Donot put your whole portfolio right now. Put half now and hold. Rest is upon you, Your money Your choice but be careful guys. #Write2Earn #Bitcoin‬ #AltcoinBoom! $BTC $ETH $NEAR
Important for new users / investors 🚨

BTC is accumulating that's why Alts are pumping, 60% possibility of retracement. Donot put your whole portfolio right now. Put half now and hold.
Rest is upon you, Your money Your choice but be careful guys.
#Write2Earn #Bitcoin‬ #AltcoinBoom! $BTC $ETH $NEAR
All the alts were overbought before the last dump from 45k. Now alts are adjusting their RSI for weekly and monthly charts so that they can move up again. As per current situation, ETF approval is inevitable, that's why i think it is making space for going up without RSI's over bought situtaion. I am just a student, correct me if i am wrong. #BTC #etf #bullish $BTC $ETH $SOL
All the alts were overbought before the last dump from 45k. Now alts are adjusting their RSI for weekly and monthly charts so that they can move up again.
As per current situation, ETF approval is inevitable, that's why i think it is making space for going up without RSI's over bought situtaion.
I am just a student, correct me if i am wrong.
#BTC #etf #bullish $BTC $ETH $SOL
What do you think? If BTC ETF gets approved which is inevitable and half of BITCOIN is placed in the cold storage for which US exchanges will issue a certificate. My queries are following: Q1- Will it be possible to purchase a certificate of US exchange from any other part of the world like Europe, middle east or asia? Q2- how devops will be able to work on BTC chain like BRC-20? Q3- How these exchanges i.e Binance, Kucoin etc would be able to sell bitcoin on their exchanges while staying in the US? Would they (exchanges) become brokers of US state exchanges? #BTC #etf #ETFApproval2024 $BTC $ETH $SOL
What do you think?

If BTC ETF gets approved which is inevitable and half of BITCOIN is placed in the cold storage for which US exchanges will issue a certificate. My queries are following:

Q1- Will it be possible to purchase a certificate of US exchange from any other part of the world like Europe, middle east or asia?
Q2- how devops will be able to work on BTC chain like BRC-20?
Q3- How these exchanges i.e Binance, Kucoin etc would be able to sell bitcoin on their exchanges while staying in the US? Would they (exchanges) become brokers of US state exchanges?
#BTC #etf #ETFApproval2024 $BTC $ETH $SOL
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