Binance Square
Occasional swing trader and a Binancian ( believer of binance can change the future), Full Stop!
Viss saturs
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MANTRA ar prieku paziņo par jaunu aizraujošu dāvanu šerpu kopienai 🎁

Dodieties uz Binance Square Giveaway un izpildiet soļus, lai piedalītos!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance News
Izpratne par tirgus uzvedību un efektīvas tirdzniecības stratēģijas izstrāde
Saskaņā ar PANews teikto, kriptovalūtu tirgus lejupslīdes laikā cilvēki bieži pavada daudz laika un enerģijas, analizējot, cenšoties precīzi paredzēt tirgus apakšējo līmeni un rīkojoties īpaši piesardzīgi. Tomēr, kad tirgus pieaug, visi kļūst pārāk pārliecināti, nepārtraukti noklikšķinot uz pirkšanas pogas, neveicot padziļinātu analīzi. Šķiet, mēs kļūstam neapdomīgi, izmisīgi dzenamies pēc zaļās pirkšanas iespējām.

Lielāko daļu mūsu uzvedības kriptovalūtu tirgū virzītājspēki ir bailes un alkatība. Kad dominē bailes, tirgus ziņas ir piepildītas ar brīdinājumiem par turpmākām avārijām un aicinājumiem padoties, it kā viss virzītos pretī pastardienai. Tomēr, kad mantkārība pārņem kontroli, tirgu pārņem eiforija un optimisms, un visi kļūst par pārliecinātiem ekspertiem, kas prognozē jaunus maksimumus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kam tas var attiekties. Pēc tik daudziem izmēģinājumiem un kļūdām es beidzot varēšu pieprasīt savu Lens & Farcaster profilu. Tas bija patiešām drudžains, tāpēc es domāju, ka būtu lieliski, ja padalītos ar triku, kas man palīdzēja pieprasīt abus kontus savam phaver kontam. Es izmantoju iPhone, tāpēc es to nedaru, ja tas darbosies ar Android. Problēma. Ja jūsu lietotne phaver nenovirza jūs tieši uz lietotni binance, bet gan novirza uz Safari pārlūkprogrammu, jūs nevarēsit savienot objektīvu un farcaster prpfile. 01. darbība. Aizveriet visas fona lietotnes, kas darbojas jūsu tālrunī. 02. darbība: atveriet safari iestatījumus no iestatījuma Manu un notīriet visu (visu laiku) vēsturi un Vietnes dati. 03. darbība: atveriet lietotni Binance un piesakieties cilnē web3, dodieties uz iestatījumiem un notīriet visus kešatmiņas datus. 04. darbība. Dodieties uz phaver un mēģiniet pieprasīt savu objektīvu un farkastera profilu. #Phavers #Web3Quests #Airdrop #Lens #Farcaster $BNB $ Atruna: šīs ir darbības, lai pieprasītu objektīvu un & Farcaster profilu. Tāpēc man ir jāaizpilda jūsu 2 NFT, lai veiktu izmaiņas. Ar cieņu, es ceru, ka tas palīdzēs.
Kam tas var attiekties.

Pēc tik daudziem izmēģinājumiem un kļūdām es beidzot varēšu pieprasīt savu Lens & Farcaster profilu. Tas bija patiešām drudžains, tāpēc es domāju, ka būtu lieliski, ja padalītos ar triku, kas man palīdzēja pieprasīt abus kontus savam phaver kontam.

Es izmantoju iPhone, tāpēc es to nedaru, ja tas darbosies ar Android.

Problēma. Ja jūsu lietotne phaver nenovirza jūs tieši uz lietotni binance, bet gan novirza uz Safari pārlūkprogrammu, jūs nevarēsit savienot objektīvu un farcaster prpfile.

01. darbība. Aizveriet visas fona lietotnes, kas darbojas jūsu tālrunī.

02. darbība: atveriet safari iestatījumus no iestatījuma Manu un notīriet visu (visu laiku) vēsturi un
Vietnes dati.

03. darbība: atveriet lietotni Binance un piesakieties cilnē web3, dodieties uz iestatījumiem un notīriet visus kešatmiņas datus.

04. darbība. Dodieties uz phaver un mēģiniet pieprasīt savu objektīvu un farkastera profilu.

#Phavers #Web3Quests #Airdrop #Lens #Farcaster $BNB
Atruna: šīs ir darbības, lai pieprasītu objektīvu un & Farcaster profilu. Tāpēc man ir jāaizpilda jūsu 2 NFT, lai veiktu izmaiņas.
Ar cieņu, es ceru, ka tas palīdzēs.
Skatīt oriģinālu

Tie, kas audzē Lista uz megadrop, jūs nopelnīsiet trīskāršu atlīdzību,

- BNB ikdienas intereses
- LISTA marķieris.
- launchpool projekta marķieri.


Pēc tam Binance uzskaitīs IO 2024-06-11 plkst. 12:00 (UTC) un atklās tirdzniecību ar IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD un IO/TRY tirdzniecības pāriem. Sēklas atzīme tiks lietota IO.

IO Launchpool informācija
Tokena nosaukums: IO.NET (IO)
Kopējais marķieru piedāvājums uzņēmumā Genesis: 500 000 000 IO
Maksimālais marķiera piedāvājums: 800 000 000 IO
Launchpool Token Rewards: 20 000 000 IO (4% no kopējā Genesis marķiera piedāvājuma)
Sākotnējais apgrozībā esošais krājums: 95 000 000 IO (19% no kopējā Genesis marķiera krājuma)
Informācija par viedo līgumu: Solana
Likšanas noteikumi: nepieciešams KYC
Stundu ierobežojums vienam lietotājam:
17 708,33 IO BNB baseinā
3125 IO FDUSD baseinā

Make sure you have Binance Account To Earn Free Token From Binance Launchpool When You Lock BNB Coin
Binance, mēs BŪVĒM.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Crypto Family - RkY Sri Lanka
Ikdienas mērķa peļņa 10 $ iesācēju plānam. 100 uz 1000$ 5. izaicinājuma diena.

Jūs esat domāšanas veids + pacietība un disciplīna ir galvenais. Apmieriniet katru $10 laimestu kā soli pretī ikdienas mērķim un atcerieties, ka konsekventi nelieli ieguvumi ir labāki nekā riskanti dzīšanās pēc lielas peļņas.

Ceru, ka pazīsti sniega ❄️ bumbas efektu.

🚀 Stratēģija:

👉 Tirgojieties tikai ar USD 10 starpību par katru darījumu. Tas samazina jūsu risku un neļauj vienam sliktam darījumam būtiski ietekmēt jūsu portfeli.

👉Vienmēr definējiet savus maksimālos pieļaujamos zaudējumus pirms tirdzniecības uzsākšanas. Izmantojiet stop-loss orderus, lai automātiski aizvērtu savu pozīciju, ja cena nokrītas zem noteikta līmeņa. Tiecieties uz stop-loss, kas ierobežo jūsu risku līdz 1-2% no kopējā nākotnes konta maka lieluma.

🚀Peļņas gūšanas stratēģijas

⚡Saņemiet peļņu ar 25–30% — šī ir konservatīva pieeja, kas ir ideāli piemērota iesācējiem. Konsekventi fiksējot 25–30% pieaugumu, palielināsies jūsu pārliecība un lēnām pieaugs jūsu portfelis.

⚡Trailing Stop-Loss iestatiet, lai jūsu stop-loss automātiski palielinātos, palielinoties peļņai. Tas ļauj fiksēt potenciālos kāpumus, vienlaikus bloķējot zināmu peļņu, ja cena sāk kristies.

Atcerieties 🧏‍♂

✅ 3 darījumi, 1 mērķis: - Mērķējieties uz 3 veiksmīgiem darījumiem dienā, katrs no tiem ienesot peļņu no 1 līdz 1,5 USD. Tādējādi tiek sasniegts jūsu 10 ASV dolāru mērķis un daži darījumi tiek slēgti ar mazāku peļņu nekā plānotais mērķis.

✅ Nepārtirgojiet: - Sasniedzot $10 mērķi, tas nozīmē, ka esat pabeidzis dienu. Izvairieties no kārdinājuma dzīties pēc turpmākiem ieguvumiem, jo ​​pārmērīga tirdzniecība var novest pie impulsīviem lēmumiem un zaudējumiem.

✅ Esiet informēts: - Esiet informēts par kriptovalūtas jaunumiem un tirgus tendencēm, kas nav pilnībā atkarīgas no mana signāla vai mana atjauninājuma, uzziniet kaut ko tādu, ko jūs esat pats, ja jūs saskaraties ar grūtībām vai šaubām, varat man jautāt bez vilcināšanās. tāpēc tas palīdz pieņemt pārdomātus tirdzniecības lēmumus un vajadzības gadījumā pielāgot savas stratēģijas.

🚀Saskaņas atslēga

Pieturoties pie šī plāna katru dienu 30 dienas, jūs potenciāli varat nopelnīt aptuveni 300 ASV dolāru. Lai gan tā nav garantēta ātra bagātināšanas shēma, tā ir stabils pamats ilgtermiņa panākumu gūšanai kriptovalūtu jomā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lista — otrais ieraksts vietnē Binance Megadrop — viss, kas jums jāzina
Izpētīsim Lista — atvērtā koda likviditātes protokolu, kas izstrādāts, lai atvieglotu peļņas gūšanu no nodrošinātiem kriptoaktīviem, kā arī ļautu aizņemties, izmantojot tā decentralizēto stabilo monētu.
#MegadropLista #Megadrop

I. Lista pārskats:
1) Saraksts DAO apraksts:
Lista DAO ir novatorisks atvērtā pirmkoda likviditātes protokols, kas izstrādāts, lai atvieglotu ienesīguma gūšanu no nodrošinātiem kriptoaktīviem un ļautu aizņemties, izmantojot decentralizēto stabilo monētu lisUSD, kas pazīstama arī kā "Destablecoin". 

Izmantojot pārbaudīto MakerDAO modeli un paplašinot to, Lista DAO mērķis ir izveidot decentralizētu, objektīvu, ar nodrošinājumu nodrošinātu stabilu monētu ekosistēmu.
The Buzzing Bee
ŠEIT IR 10 veidi, kā nopelnīt kriptovalūtu, netērējot ne santīma 🔥🔥
Nopelnīt kriptovalūtu, neiztērējot savu naudu, patiesībā ir iespējams, un ir vairāki veidi, kā to izdarīt. Šeit ir dažas stratēģijas, kas jums varētu šķist interesantas:

• Airdrops un Bounty programmas:

• Airdrops: dažkārt blokķēdes projekti piešķir bezmaksas marķierus, lai izplatītu informāciju par savu kriptovalūtu. Lai pievienotos, iespējams, jums būs jāseko viņiem sociālajos saziņas līdzekļos, jāpievienojas viņu kopienai vai jāveic daži vienkārši uzdevumi.

• Bounty programmas: šīs programmas jums maksā kriptovalūtu par tādām darbībām kā rakstu rakstīšana, videoklipu veidošana vai projekta reklamēšana sociālajos saziņas līdzekļos.
Kas ir Lista? Ceļvedis Binance 2. Megadrop
Strauji mainīgajā kriptovalūtas pasaulē tādas novatoriskas iniciatīvas kā lista vietnē Binance rada viļņus gan investoru, gan entuziastu vidū, iezīmējot izšķirošu brīdi digitālo līdzekļu pārvaldībā un izplatīšanā. Lista, Binance 2. Megadrop, rada jaunu precedentu tam, kā tiek veikta token drops, izmantojot potenciālu, lai no jauna definētu dalībnieku iesaistīšanās un atlīdzības mehānismus kriptogrāfijas telpā. Šī attīstība uzsver, cik svarīgi ir izprast šādu megadropu sarežģītību ne tikai potenciālajiem dalībniekiem, bet arī tiem, kas vēlas izprast kriptovalūtas inovāciju nākotnes virzienus un to ietekmi uz plašāku tirgu.
Up for grabs
Up for grabs
Binance Announcement
Lista (LISTA) Megadrop tagad ir atvērts: abonējiet BNB bloķētus produktus vai aizpildiet Web3 uzdevumus, lai piedalītos!
SVARĪGI! Binance būs pirmā platforma, kas uzskaitīs šeit minēto marķieri. Visi apgalvojumi par šī marķiera piedāvāšanu pārdošanai pirms norādītā laika grafika ir nepatiesa reklāma. Lūdzu, veiciet paši savu izpēti, lai nodrošinātu savu līdzekļu drošību.
Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā.
Binansiešu kolēģi, 
Binance ar prieku paziņo par 2. projektu [Binance Megadrop](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/megadrop) — Lista (LISTA), kas ir likvīdās naudas un decentralizēts stabilu monētu protokols. Lietotāji var sākt piedalīties Lista Megadrop no 2024-05-30 00:00:00 (UTC). Tiek lēsts, ka lapa Lista Megadrop būs pieejama [Binance App]( pēc 24 stundām.
Binance News
Finanšu tehnoloģiju uzņēmums Synapse saskaras ar likvidāciju, kas ietekmē daudzus Fintech uzņēmumus un klientus
Saskaņā ar Odaily teikto, BaaS finanšu tehnoloģiju uzņēmumam Synapse draud likvidācija pēc tam, kad sākotnēji tika piesaistīts finansējums vairāk nekā 50 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā. Tas ietver 33 miljonu dolāru B sērijas kārtu, ko 2019. gadā vadīja Andžela Strange no Andreessen Horowitz. Jaunuzņēmums 2023. gadā nonāca grūtībās atlaišanas dēļ un šā gada aprīlī iesniedza bankrota pieteikumu, cenšoties pārdot savus aktīvus citam finanšu tehnoloģiju uzņēmumam TabaPay. , par 9,7 miljoniem ASV dolāru. Tomēr šis priekšlikums tika noraidīts, un tā iemesli joprojām ir neskaidri.
Ether lēciens par 10% līdz 3,4 000 USD pēc Bloomberg Ups izredzes uz vietas ETF apstiprināšanu
Pirmdien ASV tirdzniecības laikā jau bija nedaudz augstāka, bet ētera {{ETH}} cena uzlēca par vairāk nekā 10% pēc tam, kad divi labi sekojuši Bloomberg ETF analītiķi ievērojami palielināja izredzes uz ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas apstiprināšanu aktuālajiem ETH ETF.

"James Seyffart un es palielinām mūsu izredzes saņemt spot Ether ETF apstiprinājumu līdz 75% (no 25%), šopēcpusdien dzirdot pļāpāšanu, ka SEC varētu sasniegt 180 šajā (arvien vairāk politiskajā jautājumā), tāpēc tagad visi cīnās (tāpat kā mēs). visi pārējie uzskatīja, ka viņiem tiks liegts), ”tvītoja Bloomberg vecākais ETF analītiķis Ēriks Balčunass.
Grab it
Grab it
Binance Announcement
Introducing Lista (LISTA) on Binance Megadrop! Lock Your BNB and Complete Web3 Quests for Airdrop
IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein. The trading start time will be announced in a separate announcement. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds.
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Fellow Binancians,
Binance is launching Binance Megadrop, a new token launch platform with airdrops and Web3 quests, where users can subscribe BNB to Locked Products and/or complete tasks in their Web3 Wallet for early access to rewards from selected Web3 projects before their tokens are listed on the Binance Exchange.
The 2nd project to be introduced on Binance Megadrop will be Lista (LISTA), a liquid staking and decentralized stablecoin protocol.
Lista Megadrop Details:
Token Name: Lista (LISTA)Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 LISTA Megadrop Token Rewards: 100,000,000 LISTA (10% of max token supply)Initial Circulating Supply: 230,000,000 LISTA (23% of max token supply)Research Report: Lista (LISTA) (which will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement)
More details on the Megadrop amount, Web3 Quests, and detailed listing plan will be announced in a separate announcement soon.
What is Binance Megadrop:
Binance Megadrop is a new token launch platform that seamlessly integrates Binance Simple Earn and the Binance Web3 Wallet, reinventing users' airdrop experience. Megadrop grants users early access to select Web3 projects before they are listed on Binance.
This unique combination of engagement, education and rewards positions Megadrop as an unparalleled interactive experience within both Binance and the broader crypto ecosystem.
How to Get Started with Binance Megadrop:
Log into your Binance account.Subscribe to BNB Locked Products and/or complete Web3 Quests to accrue scores. To complete Web3 Quests, make sure you have at least one active Binance Web3 Wallet. Register for a Binance account and create your first Web3 Wallet now if you have not yet done so.Complete subscriptions to BNB Locked Products on Simple Earn to accrue scores. Go to Megadrop on the Binance App (coming soon) and complete all the designated Web3 Quests to accrue scores and obtain a score multiplier.Receive Megadrop rewards based on your Total Score.
Score-Based Megadrop Mechanism:
Megadrop reward per qualified user will be based on the user’s Total Score in proportion to the Total Scores by all qualified users. Scoring System:Locked BNB Score: Users will receive a score based on the quantity of BNB subscribed and the length of the subscription period. Longer subscriptions yield higher scores. This score may fluctuate as it is based on averages from daily snapshots.Web3 Quest Bonus* and Web3 Quest Multiplier: Users will receive a Web3 Quest Bonus and a Web3 Quest Multiplier when they complete all the designated Web3 Quests with the minimum requirements specified. The system will calculate users’ Total Score by applying the Web3 Quest Multiplier to their total Locked BNB Score and then adding the Web3 Quest Bonus.Total Score = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus
* If users do not finish all designated Web3 Quests, the multiplier will be 1.
Users may refer to the FAQ for more details.
Update on BNB Locked Products
In anticipation of Megadrop events in the future, Binance has updated the APRs and the maximum subscription limits per user. Please check out BNB Locked Products for the latest changes.
There will be a cap applied to the total BNB Locked Products subscription amount used in calculations of Locked BNB Score in all Megadrop events. More details will be provided in a separate announcement.
For each Megadrop, users will receive different scores for each active BNB Locked Products subscription they have, based on the length of the corresponding subscription period. The longer the duration, the higher your Locked BNB Score.
Subscribing to BNB Locked Products will allow users to accrue scores for Megadrop. Please note that BNB Vault assets do not count toward the score calculation for Megadrop events.
Users who are participating in Megadrop by locking their BNB with Locked Products, will also receive Launchpool rewards at the same time. Users are not required to manually redeem their BNB assets from BNB Locked Products to participate in Launchpools.
Users may refer to Frequently Asked Questions on Megadrop and BNB Locked Products for more information.
External wallets imported to Binance Web3 Wallet will not count. Only backed-up wallets that are created in Binance Web3 Wallet may participate in Megadrop. Users may go to the Megadrop project page (the page will be available in the second announcement) to check if a quest is completed successfully. Megadrop rewards will be airdropped to users’ Binance Spot Wallets
Lista (LISTA) Project Links:
Further Information:
What Is Binance MegadropWhat Is Binance Web3 Wallet and How Does It WorkHow to Back Up Your Binance Web3 Wallet
Terms & Conditions:
Only users who complete identity verification and hold at least one active Binance Web3 Wallet may qualify for Megadrop rewards.Snapshots of users’ BNB Locked Products subscriptions will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average subscriptions and calculate user rewards. User rewards will be updated on a daily basis.Users need to be from an eligible jurisdiction to participate in LISTA Megadrop. Currently, users residing in the following countries or regions will not be able to participate by subscribing to BNB Locked Products or completing Web3 Quests: For Simple Earn BNB Locked Products participants: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Singapore, Syria, United Kingdom, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine.For Web3 Quests participants: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Crimea Region, Cyprus, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, North Korea, Russia, Singapore, Syria, United States of America and its territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands), and any non-government controlled areas of Ukraine.Please note that the list of excluded countries provided here is not exhaustive and may be subject to changes due to evolving local rules, regulations, or other considerations. This list may be updated periodically to accommodate changes in legal, regulatory, or other factors. Binance may at its sole and absolute discretion impose upper limits to the amount of rewarded tokens.Please refer to Binance Simple Earn Terms of Use prior to using BNB Locked Products on the Binance Simple Earn platform. Users may also view the FAQ on Simple Earn Locked Products for more information.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Note: This announcement was updated on 2024-05-23 to update the announcement title, APR rates, and the maximum subscription limits per user.
I Think its really really difficult to make money by trading unless you become very educated about trading and become very competitive with your strategy about trading. $BTC $ETH $SOL
I Think its really really difficult to make money by trading unless you become very educated about trading and become very competitive with your strategy about trading. $BTC $ETH $SOL
Khalid Elharoun
🔹Artificial intelligence has forecasted the price of Solana for April 30, 2024.
🔸While machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence had previously presented rather optimistic calculations regarding Solana's future price, the updated forecast is considerably more modest.
🔸According to the latest figures, as of April 30, a slight decline to $182.18 is expected. This minor change suggests potential consolidation for Solana, despite the emerging recovery in the cryptocurrency market.
🔸Forecast of Solana prices for 1 month.
This stagnation could have several justifications, including concerns over disruptions in the Solana network, the most recent of which occurred last week.
🔸Perhaps it's due to the growing number of users and their activity within the network, which is driving the release of numerous meme coins and transactions on decentralized exchanges (DEX).
🔸Analyzing the price of Solana at the moment, it hovers around $175.85, demonstrating a daily decline of 4.3%. Weekly losses are comparable at 4.4%.
🔸7-day price chart of Solana.
🔸Can Solana regain investor trust? With transactional disruptions and unreliable network operation, users and investors are turning their attention to Solana's competitors. It's worth noting that Solana's recent success in the market is largely attributed to Ethereum's poor user experience, characterized by high fees and low scalability.
🔸The hype surrounding meme tokens tends to diminish, so Solana's blockchain strength may come into question at some point. Ultimately, user choices will depend on the overall sentiments of the cryptocurrency market, which are difficult to predict. 〰️ #Solana⁩ $SOL
Binance Square Official
Predict the price of BTC at 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0) to win up to $10000 of SATS token rewards!
To mark this milestone of Bitcoin Halving, all verified users can complete specific tasks on Binance Square during the Activity Period, and qualify for up to $10,000 of SATS token voucher reward.  Activity Period: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period will qualify for the $10,000 of SATS reward. Tasks: Comment your prediction for the price of BTC on 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0)  on this post. Share this post on your social media and #HalvingHorizonsThe user with the closest prediction will win $5000. If more than one user shares the same prediction, you’ll share the price pool. AndIf you correctly guessed the price and signed up for a Binance account during the activity period through the shared link of this post or the Binance Square referral link, you can unlock a share of extra $2000 price poolAndIf you correctly guessed the price and completed at least 10 trades during the activity period, you will unlock a share of the extra $3000 price poolEach user can only submit 1 entry. Terms & ConditionsThis activity may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify.The $10,000 of SATS token voucher rewards pool will be divided equally among all qualified users.Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Voucher rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. 
Is Solana's Price Rally Sustainable?
🎁 Here! Solana (SOL) has shown signs of a significant loss in momentum after reaching its highest level in the past 15 months, hitting $68 with its latest recovery on the momentum it has gained. The selling pressure that shook the altcoin was triggered by concerns in the market after Bitcoin failed to surpass the $38,000 resistance and turned downwards. So, has SOL reached an overbought zone at $68 or will the recovery continue? Let’s take a closer look.The Striking Movement in Solana’s PriceSolana’s price entered a recovery mode from $17.78 in September. With an impressive parabolic recovery, the price of the altcoin reached $68.2 within just 10 weeks, a 293% increase.During this period, buyers in SOL successfully crossed the daily Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) at the 20, 50, 100, and 200 levels, and important price levels such as $30 and more recently $48 were surpassed. However, after reaching its highest level in the past 18 months at $68.2, SOL faced a pullback to $56.9.This correction may lead to a retest of the support level at $48.3, which is at the same level as the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level. However, as long as the price of the altcoin remains above the 50% retracement level at $43, it can be expected to continue moving within the uptrend.Therefore, a rally that starts after the correction can help buyers sustain the uptrend and support the continuation of the recovery with a rolling bottom formation. The potential price targets for SOL with the support of this formation will be $78.2, followed by $100 and $143.A Significant Increase in New Wallet AddressesThe number of new wallet addresses created daily on the Solana network is an important indicator of network activity and potential growth. From September 17 to November 17, the number of new wallet addresses created on the network increased from 193,000 to 336,000, indicating an increase in participation and interest in the Solana network. This increase in new wallet addresses typically indicates high demand for SOL and wider adoption of the network.Furthermore, the upward slope of the 20-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) during a potential pullback in SOL’s price highlights it as a significant support. The Average Directional Index (ADX), currently at a high level of 74, suggests a possible exhaustion of bullish momentum, indicating a potential need for a decline in SOL..$SOL #sol
Whale Tracker
Millionaire signal from whale tracker(direction of XRP)
You all now about the coin #xrp XRP .in a simple term it’s sleeping giant . In the world of XRP so mysterious but it’s a predicted one.I will mention this post after 3 year if I alive.Now the market spoken point also increased about XRP so current market support XRP .Now in my view as a analyser there will be huge long in XRP soon in within 3 years so may be here you all can be get a chance to be a this time post writing the price 0.5-0.6 but surely pump in long term .XRP price increasing to high A glimpse of past analyse1. Price Volatility 📈📉   - XRP's journey through price swings – from an impressive high of $3.80 in 2018 to subsequent declines, heavily influenced by changing regulations and market sentiment.past support analyse data2. Cross-Border Payment Potential 💸   - Ripple's vision for XRP as a cross-border payment solution, promising reduced costs and faster transactions compared to traditional financial systemsRipple XRP: Transforming Cross-Border Payments with Speed and Efficiency”3. SEC Lawsuit Shakeup 🚨   - The U.S. SEC's legal action against Ripple, alleging XRP as an unregistered security, sent shockwaves through the XRP market, impacting its price and investor trust.SEC lawsuit solved and gained trust4. Market Cap Momentum 💼   - XRP consistently ranked among the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, yet its value remained subject to market dynamics and developments within Ripple.5th largest crypto by coin market cap & 3rd popular alt coin by binance5. Strategic Partnerships 🤝   - Ripple's strategic partnerships with financial institutions to test XRP in cross-border payments, sparking optimism about wider adoption.6. Community & Controversy 🗣️🔥   - XRP had a passionate following but also faced scrutiny over its centralized nature and regulatory hurdles.
The Blockopedia
🔥Ripple's Surprising Move: A Whopping 892 Million XRP Sale in Q3! Dive Into The Numbers!💹

🌐 The crypto sphere is buzzing with Ripple's recent financial moves! And with figures reaching up to 892 million XRP sold in just Q3, everyone's keen to know what's behind the curtains of this blockchain behemoth. Here's your complete breakdown!

📊 Ripple's Two-Tier XRP Strategy

Ripple’s XRP ecosystem isn't just about the coins on the market. In their latest quarterly report, Ripple has emphasized its two-fold strategy:

The Freely Spendable Balance - The readily accessible XRP tokens Ripple uses for its operations.The Locked Escrow Balance - A whopping 41.3 billion XRP, inaccessible until the monthly escrow release.

🚀 Q3's XRP Dynamics: The Numbers Game

Between the sale of 293 million XRP from its spendable balance and the decrease of 600 million from the escrow wallets, Ripple’s Q3 sale stands tall at an astonishing 892 million XRP. What's prompting these movements? Dive deep to find out. 🌊

📡 Crypto Whale Movements & Ripple’s Strategy 🐋

Watchdog 'The Crypto Basic' has been on Ripple's trail, tracking mammoth transactions and selloffs. From a 506 million XRP movement spanning 14 transactions to the 31 million XRP transfer in August, Ripple's strategy seems layered and intricate.

🔗 Explore the labyrinth of Ripple's Q3 XRP maneuvers and get insights into its strategic vision on our website!

💬 What do you make of Ripple’s Q3 XRP dynamics? Is it a smart move or a risk? Share your predictions and thoughts below!

🚀 For the latest crypto revelations, in-depth analyses, and news that shakes the digital world, follow The Blockopedia. Dive deep into the future with us! 🌐

#crypto #cryptocurrency #crypto2023 #Ripple #XRP #CryptoStrategy #Q3Sales #TheBlockopedia
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