Binance Square
Valorie Muthana YARt
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
🎉 Nepalaidiet garām aizraujošu iespēju piedalīties Airdrop lidojumā, kura vērtība ir USD 2000 un USD 20 000 no daudzsološa projekta, ko atbalsta Near Protocol. Sāciet ieguvi jau šodien, lai saņemtu peļņu bez sākotnējiem ieguldījumiem! 🟢 Kā piedalīties: ✅ 1. Vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz tālāk esošās saites un ielīmējiet to savā tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammā (noņemiet atstarpes): 👉 👈 (Ja saite nedarbojas, izmantojiet VPN.) ✅ 2. Jūs tiksit novirzīts uz ieguves platformu, kur varēsit sākt ieguves procesu. Šo projektu atbalsta Near Protocol, kriptovalūta, kas iekļauta Binance sarakstā. Nepalaidiet garām šo neticamo iespēju yo#SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #IntroToCopytrading # $BTC $BNB $SOL
🎉 Nepalaidiet garām aizraujošu iespēju piedalīties Airdrop lidojumā, kura vērtība ir USD 2000 un USD 20 000 no daudzsološa projekta, ko atbalsta Near Protocol. Sāciet ieguvi jau šodien, lai saņemtu peļņu bez sākotnējiem ieguldījumiem!

🟢 Kā piedalīties:
✅ 1. Vienkārši noklikšķiniet uz tālāk esošās saites un ielīmējiet to savā tīmekļa pārlūkprogrammā (noņemiet atstarpes):
👉 👈
(Ja saite nedarbojas, izmantojiet VPN.)

✅ 2. Jūs tiksit novirzīts uz ieguves platformu, kur varēsit sākt ieguves procesu.

Šo projektu atbalsta Near Protocol, kriptovalūta, kas iekļauta Binance sarakstā. Nepalaidiet garām šo neticamo iespēju yo#SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #IntroToCopytrading #
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance ziņojumā minētās stratēģijas, lai nopelnītu 3000 USD mēnesī kriptovalūtā bez tirdzniecības: Ja jūsu mērķis ir nopelnīt 3000 USD mēnesī no kriptovalūtas bez tirdzniecības, ir jāņem vērā vairākas likumīgas stratēģijas. Pirmkārt, ieguldot tādās kriptovalūtās kā Bitcoin vai Ethereum, var gūt peļņu, taču tirgus risku dēļ būtiska ir izpēte un apzināti lēmumi. Ilgtermiņa investīcijas projektos ar spēcīgiem pamatiem un izaugsmes potenciālu ir vēl viena dzīvotspējīga stratēģija, lai gan tā prasa pacietību, lai gūtu ievērojamu peļņu. Uzņemšana ietver noteiktu kriptovalūtu turēšanu makā, lai atbalstītu savus tīklus, kā atlīdzību nopelnot papildu marķierus — tas ir arvien izplatītāks stimuls blokķēdes projektos. Kriptovalūtas ieguve, kas piemērota tehnoloģiju lietpratējiem, ietver darījumu apstiprināšanu, risinot sarežģītas problēmas. Tas ir resursietilpīgs un prasa specializētu aparatūru, tādēļ ir nepieciešama rūpīga izmaksu un ieguvumu analīze. Decentralizētā finanse (DeFi) piedāvā iespējas nopelnīt, aizdodot aktīvus par procentiem vai nodrošinot likviditāti decentralizētām biržām, izmantojot strauji augošo nozari. Visbeidzot, prasmju izmantošana satura rakstīšanā, mārketingā, attīstībā vai konsultācijās kriptovalūtu nozarē, izmantojot ārštata darbiniekus vai pakalpojumus, var būt ienesīga. Lai gūtu konsekventus ienākumus, ļoti svarīga ir rūpīga izpēte, spēja pielāgoties tirgus tendencēm un riska pārvaldība. Pirms jebkādas ar kriptovalūtu saistītas darbības, vienmēr veiciet pienācīgu rūpību.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
Binance ziņojumā minētās stratēģijas, lai nopelnītu 3000 USD mēnesī kriptovalūtā bez tirdzniecības:

Ja jūsu mērķis ir nopelnīt 3000 USD mēnesī no kriptovalūtas bez tirdzniecības, ir jāņem vērā vairākas likumīgas stratēģijas. Pirmkārt, ieguldot tādās kriptovalūtās kā Bitcoin vai Ethereum, var gūt peļņu, taču tirgus risku dēļ būtiska ir izpēte un apzināti lēmumi.

Ilgtermiņa investīcijas projektos ar spēcīgiem pamatiem un izaugsmes potenciālu ir vēl viena dzīvotspējīga stratēģija, lai gan tā prasa pacietību, lai gūtu ievērojamu peļņu.

Uzņemšana ietver noteiktu kriptovalūtu turēšanu makā, lai atbalstītu savus tīklus, kā atlīdzību nopelnot papildu marķierus — tas ir arvien izplatītāks stimuls blokķēdes projektos.

Kriptovalūtas ieguve, kas piemērota tehnoloģiju lietpratējiem, ietver darījumu apstiprināšanu, risinot sarežģītas problēmas. Tas ir resursietilpīgs un prasa specializētu aparatūru, tādēļ ir nepieciešama rūpīga izmaksu un ieguvumu analīze.

Decentralizētā finanse (DeFi) piedāvā iespējas nopelnīt, aizdodot aktīvus par procentiem vai nodrošinot likviditāti decentralizētām biržām, izmantojot strauji augošo nozari.

Visbeidzot, prasmju izmantošana satura rakstīšanā, mārketingā, attīstībā vai konsultācijās kriptovalūtu nozarē, izmantojot ārštata darbiniekus vai pakalpojumus, var būt ienesīga.

Lai gūtu konsekventus ienākumus, ļoti svarīga ir rūpīga izpēte, spēja pielāgoties tirgus tendencēm un riska pārvaldība. Pirms jebkādas ar kriptovalūtu saistītas darbības, vienmēr veiciet pienācīgu rūpību.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance izpilddirektors Ričards Tens uzslavēja Turcijas jauno kriptovalūtu regulējošo regulējumu, uzskatot to par pozitīvu virzību nozarei. Binance cieši uzrauga regulējuma atjauninājumus Turcijā un visā pasaulē, paužot stingru atbalstu šiem pasākumiem. Uzņēmuma mērķis ir sadarboties ar regulatoriem, lai veicinātu drošu un vienotu šifrēšanas ekosistēmu lietotājiem.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $SOL
Binance izpilddirektors Ričards Tens uzslavēja Turcijas jauno kriptovalūtu regulējošo regulējumu, uzskatot to par pozitīvu virzību nozarei. Binance cieši uzrauga regulējuma atjauninājumus Turcijā un visā pasaulē, paužot stingru atbalstu šiem pasākumiem. Uzņēmuma mērķis ir sadarboties ar regulatoriem, lai veicinātu drošu un vienotu šifrēšanas ekosistēmu lietotājiem.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
Skatīt oriģinālu
1,28 triljoni PEPE žetonu, kuru vērtība ir 14,7 miljoni ASV dolāru, nesen tika pārvietoti no Binance uz neizpaužamu maku, kas sākotnēji izraisīja interesi. Tomēr vēlāk tika noskaidrots, ka adresāts bija iekšējā Binance adrese, kas pazīstama kā "Binance 70". Tas liek domāt, ka pārsūtīšana, visticamāk, bija daļa no Binance iekšējām darbībām, nevis nozīmīga ārēja izņemšana. Neskatoties uz darījuma apmēru, PEPE cena pēdējās dienas laikā ir tikai nedaudz samazinājusies par 1,3%, kas liecina par vāju tirgus reakciju, iespējams, tās iekšējās dabas dēļ. Sekojiet līdzi PEPE, jo tas stabilizējas aptuveni USD 0,000011; potenciāls pieaugums virs 0,0000126 ASV dolāriem varētu liecināt par uzplaukuma tempu.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck_SOL_ETFS $BTC $ETH $SOL
1,28 triljoni PEPE žetonu, kuru vērtība ir 14,7 miljoni ASV dolāru, nesen tika pārvietoti no Binance uz neizpaužamu maku, kas sākotnēji izraisīja interesi. Tomēr vēlāk tika noskaidrots, ka adresāts bija iekšējā Binance adrese, kas pazīstama kā "Binance 70". Tas liek domāt, ka pārsūtīšana, visticamāk, bija daļa no Binance iekšējām darbībām, nevis nozīmīga ārēja izņemšana. Neskatoties uz darījuma apmēru, PEPE cena pēdējās dienas laikā ir tikai nedaudz samazinājusies par 1,3%, kas liecina par vāju tirgus reakciju, iespējams, tās iekšējās dabas dēļ. Sekojiet līdzi PEPE, jo tas stabilizējas aptuveni USD 0,000011; potenciāls pieaugums virs 0,0000126 ASV dolāriem varētu liecināt par uzplaukuma tempu.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck_SOL_ETFS
Skatīt oriģinālu
Nozīmīgā attīstībā, kas ir pievērsusi uzmanību kriptovalūtu kopienā, nesen no Binance tika pārcelts milzīgs darījums, kurā bija iesaistīti 1,28 triljoni PEPE marķieru. Sākotnēji to uztvēra kā ārēju izņemšanu, rūpīgākā pārbaudē atklājās, ka marķieri tika nosūtīti uz adresi, kas saistīta ar pašu Binance un kas īpaši marķēta kā "Binance 70" atbilstoši Etherscan datiem. Šis atklājums ir izraisījis spekulācijas, ka darījums, iespējams, bija Binance iekšēja fonda pārdalīšana, nevis liela individuāla investora izņemšana. Neskatoties uz ievērojamo iesaistīto žetonu apjomu, PEPE tirgus cena pēdējo 24 stundu laikā piedzīvoja tikai nelielu kritumu par 1,59%, kas liecina par klusu tirgus reakciju, iespējams, darījuma iekšējā rakstura dēļ. PEPE, kas pazīstama ar savu vardes tēmu mēmu izcelsmi, pēdējā laikā ir konsolidējusies pēc tam, kad 27. maijā sasniedza savu maksimumu — USD 0,00001722. Pašlaik PEPE, kas tirgojas zem ikdienas SMA 50 pie USD 0,0000126, šķiet gatavs potenciālai izlaušanai. Pārkāpums virs šī līmeņa varētu liecināt par kāpuma tendenci, potenciāli stimulējot jaunu pirkšanas interesi un paverot ceļu impulsa maiņai. Pašlaik PEPE tirgojas par USD 0,000011, kas atspoguļo nelielu kritumu par 1,3% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Novērotāji tiek mudināti rūpīgi uzraudzīt PEPE, kad tas virzās šajā konsolidācijas fāzē, pievēršot uzmanību iespējamām cenu izmaiņām un turpmākajām tirgus norisēm.#MiCA #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $SOL
Nozīmīgā attīstībā, kas ir pievērsusi uzmanību kriptovalūtu kopienā, nesen no Binance tika pārcelts milzīgs darījums, kurā bija iesaistīti 1,28 triljoni PEPE marķieru. Sākotnēji to uztvēra kā ārēju izņemšanu, rūpīgākā pārbaudē atklājās, ka marķieri tika nosūtīti uz adresi, kas saistīta ar pašu Binance un kas īpaši marķēta kā "Binance 70" atbilstoši Etherscan datiem. Šis atklājums ir izraisījis spekulācijas, ka darījums, iespējams, bija Binance iekšēja fonda pārdalīšana, nevis liela individuāla investora izņemšana.

Neskatoties uz ievērojamo iesaistīto žetonu apjomu, PEPE tirgus cena pēdējo 24 stundu laikā piedzīvoja tikai nelielu kritumu par 1,59%, kas liecina par klusu tirgus reakciju, iespējams, darījuma iekšējā rakstura dēļ.

PEPE, kas pazīstama ar savu vardes tēmu mēmu izcelsmi, pēdējā laikā ir konsolidējusies pēc tam, kad 27. maijā sasniedza savu maksimumu — USD 0,00001722. Pašlaik PEPE, kas tirgojas zem ikdienas SMA 50 pie USD 0,0000126, šķiet gatavs potenciālai izlaušanai. Pārkāpums virs šī līmeņa varētu liecināt par kāpuma tendenci, potenciāli stimulējot jaunu pirkšanas interesi un paverot ceļu impulsa maiņai.

Pašlaik PEPE tirgojas par USD 0,000011, kas atspoguļo nelielu kritumu par 1,3% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Novērotāji tiek mudināti rūpīgi uzraudzīt PEPE, kad tas virzās šajā konsolidācijas fāzē, pievēršot uzmanību iespējamām cenu izmaiņām un turpmākajām tirgus norisēm.#MiCA #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #IntroToCopytrading
Skatīt oriģinālu
"GALA brīdinājums! Nozīmīgs atjauninājums no vadošās Dienvidkorejas biržas! 📣💥 Uzmanību GALA turētāji! 🤖😤 Liela 🇰🇷 Dienvidkorejas birža ir paziņojusi par GALA svītrošanu no viņu "Investīciju uzmanības saraksta". 👀😖 Interesanti, ko tas nozīmē? Tas ir līdzīgs#Binanceuzraudzības tagu sarakstam, taču to pārrauga Dienvidkorejas asociācija, kas uzrauga digitālo aktīvu apmaiņu. Būtībā viņi izseko noteiktus marķierus un var brīdināt investorus, iekļaut tos novērošanas sarakstos vai pat apturēt tirdzniecību, lai aizsargātu investorus.💩 Tātad svītrošana no šī saraksta patiesībā ir pozitīva ziņa! 😤 Tas norāda, ka šī apmaiņa vairs neuzskata GALA par būtisku risku. Tomēr citām apmaiņām var būt atšķirīgas perspektīvas, jo mēs neesam redzējuši nevienu brīdinājumu par#GALAcitur. 😬 Iedomājieties, ja šī birža būtu noņēmusi GALA! Žetonu cenas varēja strauji pazemināties, izraisot paniku investoros! 🤦 Atslēgas līdzņemšanai: 📍💻💪 Nepaļaujieties tikai uz vienu informācijas apmaiņu. Esiet informēts no vairākiem avotiem, lai ātri reaģētu un pieņemtu labi informētus lēmumus, pirms situācija kļūst sarežģīta. #altcoins #StayInformed "#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $USDC $SOL
"GALA brīdinājums! Nozīmīgs atjauninājums no vadošās Dienvidkorejas biržas! 📣💥
Uzmanību GALA turētāji! 🤖😤 Liela 🇰🇷 Dienvidkorejas birža ir paziņojusi par GALA svītrošanu no viņu "Investīciju uzmanības saraksta". 👀😖
Interesanti, ko tas nozīmē? Tas ir līdzīgs#Binanceuzraudzības tagu sarakstam, taču to pārrauga Dienvidkorejas asociācija, kas uzrauga digitālo aktīvu apmaiņu. Būtībā viņi izseko noteiktus marķierus un var brīdināt investorus, iekļaut tos novērošanas sarakstos vai pat apturēt tirdzniecību, lai aizsargātu investorus.💩
Tātad svītrošana no šī saraksta patiesībā ir pozitīva ziņa! 😤 Tas norāda, ka šī apmaiņa vairs neuzskata GALA par būtisku risku. Tomēr citām apmaiņām var būt atšķirīgas perspektīvas, jo mēs neesam redzējuši nevienu brīdinājumu par#GALAcitur. 😬
Iedomājieties, ja šī birža būtu noņēmusi GALA! Žetonu cenas varēja strauji pazemināties, izraisot paniku investoros! 🤦
Atslēgas līdzņemšanai: 📍💻💪 Nepaļaujieties tikai uz vienu informācijas apmaiņu. Esiet informēts no vairākiem avotiem, lai ātri reaģētu un pieņemtu labi informētus lēmumus, pirms situācija kļūst sarežģīta. #altcoins #StayInformed "#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
Earning consistent profits on Binance, such as $50 daily, is achievable with effective strategies. Here’s a practical approach: 1. **Day Trading**: Actively trade by closely monitoring market movements and executing buy and sell orders within the same day. Key steps include: - Conducting thorough market research and analysis. - Utilizing technical and fundamental analysis to understand market trends. - Choosing trading pairs with high liquidity and significant price fluctuations (e.g., BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT). - Using indicators like RSI and MACD to time your trades effectively. 2. **Bot Trading**: If unable to monitor the market constantly, consider using trading bots. Steps involve: - Selecting a reliable trading bot like 3Commas or HaasOnline. - Programming the bot to execute strategies based on technical analysis or grid trading. - Regularly reviewing the bot’s performance and adjusting strategies as necessary. 3. **Participating in Promotions and Competitions**: Binance frequently offers promotions and competitions that can supplement earnings. To maximize benefits: - Stay informed about Binance announcements and updates. - Engage actively in competitions and capitalize on available offers. - Take advantage of promotions such as deposit bonuses. By following these strategies diligently, you can increase your chances of earning daily profits on the Binance platform.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $SOL
Earning consistent profits on Binance, such as $50 daily, is achievable with effective strategies. Here’s a practical approach:

1. **Day Trading**: Actively trade by closely monitoring market movements and executing buy and sell orders within the same day. Key steps include:
- Conducting thorough market research and analysis.
- Utilizing technical and fundamental analysis to understand market trends.
- Choosing trading pairs with high liquidity and significant price fluctuations (e.g., BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT).
- Using indicators like RSI and MACD to time your trades effectively.

2. **Bot Trading**: If unable to monitor the market constantly, consider using trading bots. Steps involve:
- Selecting a reliable trading bot like 3Commas or HaasOnline.
- Programming the bot to execute strategies based on technical analysis or grid trading.
- Regularly reviewing the bot’s performance and adjusting strategies as necessary.

3. **Participating in Promotions and Competitions**: Binance frequently offers promotions and competitions that can supplement earnings. To maximize benefits:
- Stay informed about Binance announcements and updates.
- Engage actively in competitions and capitalize on available offers.
- Take advantage of promotions such as deposit bonuses.

By following these strategies diligently, you can increase your chances of earning daily profits on the Binance platform.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance nesen nāca klajā ar paziņojumiem par saviem kriptovalūtu sarakstiem, atklājot, ka tā skatīšanās sarakstam ir pievienoti 11 aktīvi. Šīs kriptovalūtas turpmākajos mēnešos tiks uzraudzītas, lai novērtētu tādus faktorus kā tirdzniecības apjoms, tīkla stabilitāte un projekta virzība. Binance var nolemt noņemt dažus no savas platformas, pamatojoties uz to veiktspēju. Turklāt Binance atklāja, ka Melon (MLN) un Horizen (ZEN) uzraudzības atzīmes tiks noņemtas 2024. gada 1. jūlijā, norādot, ka tās ir izpildījušas nepieciešamos kritērijus un vairs netiek rūpīgi novērotas.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert 3466672571#IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $BNB
Binance nesen nāca klajā ar paziņojumiem par saviem kriptovalūtu sarakstiem, atklājot, ka tā skatīšanās sarakstam ir pievienoti 11 aktīvi. Šīs kriptovalūtas turpmākajos mēnešos tiks uzraudzītas, lai novērtētu tādus faktorus kā tirdzniecības apjoms, tīkla stabilitāte un projekta virzība. Binance var nolemt noņemt dažus no savas platformas, pamatojoties uz to veiktspēju. Turklāt Binance atklāja, ka Melon (MLN) un Horizen (ZEN) uzraudzības atzīmes tiks noņemtas 2024. gada 1. jūlijā, norādot, ka tās ir izpildījušas nepieciešamos kritērijus un vairs netiek rūpīgi novērotas.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert 3466672571#IntroToCopytrading
👋👋 The planned launch of an Ethereum ETF in July has been abruptly halted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), disappointing investors and causing a delay. Market analysts had been confident about a July debut, with some even suggesting a celebratory trade on Independence Day, making the SEC's decision a surprise. Bloomberg ETFs analysts James Seyffart and Eric Balchunas, who predicted a July 2nd launch, were among those caught off guard by the SEC's unexpected move. The SEC's review process, initiated by the S-1 Form, which is crucial for public offerings, now faces uncertainty. The SEC's ability to extend evaluation timelines without constraints adds complexity, with hopes for approval possibly extending beyond July 8th. This uncertainty is unsettling for both ETF issuers and investors. While SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has hinted at approvals "sometime this summer," the market remains anxious amid the current regulatory challenges surrounding the S-1 form.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $SOL
The planned launch of an Ethereum ETF in July has been abruptly halted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), disappointing investors and causing a delay. Market analysts had been confident about a July debut, with some even suggesting a celebratory trade on Independence Day, making the SEC's decision a surprise. Bloomberg ETFs analysts James Seyffart and Eric Balchunas, who predicted a July 2nd launch, were among those caught off guard by the SEC's unexpected move. The SEC's review process, initiated by the S-1 Form, which is crucial for public offerings, now faces uncertainty. The SEC's ability to extend evaluation timelines without constraints adds complexity, with hopes for approval possibly extending beyond July 8th. This uncertainty is unsettling for both ETF issuers and investors. While SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has hinted at approvals "sometime this summer," the market remains anxious amid the current regulatory challenges surrounding the S-1 form.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
🚨🚨 developments for the week of June 30 to July 6, 2024: - **Monday, July 1:** - Wanchain (WAN) will issue a significant announcement. - **Tuesday, July 2:** - 12:00 PM: Inflation rate for the European Region will be disclosed. Expected at 2.5%, previously at 2.6%. - 4:30 PM: Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will deliver a speech. - **Wednesday, July 3:** - 10:00 AM: Türkiye's Consumer Price Index (CPI) will be released. Expectations and previous rates are currently unspecified. - US stock exchanges will close early due to Independence Day. - 3:30 PM: US Unemployment Benefit Applications data will be published. Expectations and previous figures are not yet available. - 9:00 PM: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes will be made public. - **Friday, July 5:** - 3:30 PM: US Unemployment Rate announcement. Expected to remain at 4.0%, same as the previous month. - 3:30 PM: US Non-Farm Employment Data will be released. Expected at 180,000, previously at 272,000.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading $BTC $ETH $BNB
🚨🚨 developments for the week of June 30 to July 6, 2024:
- **Monday, July 1:**
- Wanchain (WAN) will issue a significant announcement.

- **Tuesday, July 2:**
- 12:00 PM: Inflation rate for the European Region will be disclosed. Expected at 2.5%, previously at 2.6%.
- 4:30 PM: Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will deliver a speech.

- **Wednesday, July 3:**
- 10:00 AM: Türkiye's Consumer Price Index (CPI) will be released. Expectations and previous rates are currently unspecified.
- US stock exchanges will close early due to Independence Day.
- 3:30 PM: US Unemployment Benefit Applications data will be published. Expectations and previous figures are not yet available.
- 9:00 PM: Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes will be made public.

- **Friday, July 5:**
- 3:30 PM: US Unemployment Rate announcement. Expected to remain at 4.0%, same as the previous month.
- 3:30 PM: US Non-Farm Employment Data will be released. Expected at 180,000, previously at 272,000.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading
"Beta Finance has set its sights on reaching $0.16, backed by what's being hailed as a significant buy signal 🚀. The cryptocurrency has surged over 100% since the start of the week, prompting caution against chasing such rapid gains. Despite this, some analysts argue that breaking this rule could be advantageous this time around. The so-called Power Scalper signal, identified on Beta's daily chart, incorporates complex indicators like SSL, TDFI, and a unique RSI application tailored for capitalizing on post-pump gains. Historical data shows compelling results: in 86% of cases where this signal occurred, Beta saw gains exceeding 10%. Analyzing further, all trend indicators—short, medium, and long-term—suggest a bullish trajectory. Momentum indicators, while presenting a mixed outlook post a 100% surge, highlight overbought conditions such as with the RSI. Meanwhile, the ADX indicates a robust trend that could aid in realizing gains as per the signal. Currently priced at $0.095, Beta's immediate resistance stands near $0.12, serving as an initial profit-taking target. The subsequent target lies between $0.15 and $0.16, aligning with the signal's projected profit potential of 73%. This setup positions Beta Finance as a compelling opportunity for those willing to navigate its current market dynamics."#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck_SOL_ETFS $BTC $ETH $BNB
"Beta Finance has set its sights on reaching $0.16, backed by what's being hailed as a significant buy signal 🚀. The cryptocurrency has surged over 100% since the start of the week, prompting caution against chasing such rapid gains. Despite this, some analysts argue that breaking this rule could be advantageous this time around.

The so-called Power Scalper signal, identified on Beta's daily chart, incorporates complex indicators like SSL, TDFI, and a unique RSI application tailored for capitalizing on post-pump gains. Historical data shows compelling results: in 86% of cases where this signal occurred, Beta saw gains exceeding 10%.

Analyzing further, all trend indicators—short, medium, and long-term—suggest a bullish trajectory. Momentum indicators, while presenting a mixed outlook post a 100% surge, highlight overbought conditions such as with the RSI. Meanwhile, the ADX indicates a robust trend that could aid in realizing gains as per the signal.

Currently priced at $0.095, Beta's immediate resistance stands near $0.12, serving as an initial profit-taking target. The subsequent target lies between $0.15 and $0.16, aligning with the signal's projected profit potential of 73%. This setup positions Beta Finance as a compelling opportunity for those willing to navigate its current market dynamics."#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #MiCA #IntroToCopytrading #VanEck_SOL_ETFS
Here are three cryptocurrencies poised for significant growth over the next six months: 1. **Solana (SOL)**: Solana integrates with Circle's Web3 services, enhancing its position as a leading layer-1 network despite recent price corrections from $210 in Q1 2024 to $150. Analysts remain bullish on Solana due to its robust technical foundations. 2. **NULS**: NULS is a blockchain platform designed for decentralized applications and enterprise solutions. It features a modular design that facilitates easy customization and scalability, empowering developers across various sectors. NULS also promotes interoperability through its NerveNetwork and utilizes Proof of Credit (PoC) for consensus, ensuring community engagement and network security. 3. **Ethereum (ETH)**: Despite recent price declines, Ethereum remains pivotal in the cryptocurrency ecosystem with its extensive decentralized finance (DeFi) infrastructure. Analysts see the current dip as an opportunity for DeFi investors, especially considering potential developments like the impending launch of a spot Ethereum ETF, pending SEC approval by July 2. In summary, Solana, NULS, and Ethereum are positioned for notable advancements driven by technological innovations and market dynamics within the crypto space.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #IntroToCopytrading #altcoins $BTC $ETH $BNB
Here are three cryptocurrencies poised for significant growth over the next six months:

1. **Solana (SOL)**: Solana integrates with Circle's Web3 services, enhancing its position as a leading layer-1 network despite recent price corrections from $210 in Q1 2024 to $150. Analysts remain bullish on Solana due to its robust technical foundations.

2. **NULS**: NULS is a blockchain platform designed for decentralized applications and enterprise solutions. It features a modular design that facilitates easy customization and scalability, empowering developers across various sectors. NULS also promotes interoperability through its NerveNetwork and utilizes Proof of Credit (PoC) for consensus, ensuring community engagement and network security.

3. **Ethereum (ETH)**: Despite recent price declines, Ethereum remains pivotal in the cryptocurrency ecosystem with its extensive decentralized finance (DeFi) infrastructure. Analysts see the current dip as an opportunity for DeFi investors, especially considering potential developments like the impending launch of a spot Ethereum ETF, pending SEC approval by July 2.

In summary, Solana, NULS, and Ethereum are positioned for notable advancements driven by technological innovations and market dynamics within the crypto space.#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #IntroToCopytrading #altcoins
🚨 MAJOR CRYPTO PROJECTS SET TO UNLOCK $755M IN JULY 🚨 💥 This July will witness the release of cryptocurrency tokens totaling $755 million as vesting periods for over 40 projects conclude. 🔐 Why is this significant? If you hold any of these tokens, be prepared for potential significant price movements due to increased selling pressure and new trading opportunities. 📊 Key Token Unlocks in July: 1. AltLayer (ALT) 🔓 Unlock Date: July 25 💰 Amount: 684 million ALT tokens 💵 Value: $125 million Allocation: Team, investors, advisers, protocol development, treasury, community 📉 Current Price: ~$0.18 2. Xai (XAI) 🔓 Unlock Date: July 9 💰 Amount: Significant portion of $93 million in tokens Allocation: Team, investors, ecosystem, reserves 📉 Current Price: ~$0.46 3. Aptos (APT) 🔓 Unlock Date: July (exact date unspecified) 💰 Amount: 11.31 million APT tokens 💵 Value: $77 million Allocation: Foundation, community, core contributors, investors 📉 Current Price: ~$6.99 🧐 Importance: The release of these tokens could lead to heightened selling pressure, impacting their prices. For instance, Aptos (APT) has seen a notable price decline from $17.63 in April to $6.99 in June. 📅 Key Dates to Monitor: July 9: Xai (XAI) unlocks $93 million in tokens. July 16: Arbitrum (ARB) releases $75 million in tokens. July 25: AltLayer (ALT) unlocks $125 million, the largest release. 🚀 Other Projects Unlocking Tokens: Arbitrum (ARB): $75 million on July 16, following previous unlocks in May and June. Optimism (OP), Sui (SUI), Immutable (IMX), Starknet (STRK): Similar token releases expected. 💡 With substantial token unlocks ahead, it's crucial for investors to stay informed and prepared. Follow @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE for updates and like the post! #TokenUnlockSeries #memecoins #altcoins #vesting #warning $BTC $ETH $SOL

💥 This July will witness the release of cryptocurrency tokens totaling $755 million as vesting periods for over 40 projects conclude.

🔐 Why is this significant?
If you hold any of these tokens, be prepared for potential significant price movements due to increased selling pressure and new trading opportunities.

📊 Key Token Unlocks in July:
1. AltLayer (ALT)
🔓 Unlock Date: July 25
💰 Amount: 684 million ALT tokens
💵 Value: $125 million
Allocation: Team, investors, advisers, protocol development, treasury, community
📉 Current Price: ~$0.18

2. Xai (XAI)
🔓 Unlock Date: July 9
💰 Amount: Significant portion of $93 million in tokens
Allocation: Team, investors, ecosystem, reserves
📉 Current Price: ~$0.46

3. Aptos (APT)
🔓 Unlock Date: July (exact date unspecified)
💰 Amount: 11.31 million APT tokens
💵 Value: $77 million
Allocation: Foundation, community, core contributors, investors
📉 Current Price: ~$6.99

🧐 Importance:
The release of these tokens could lead to heightened selling pressure, impacting their prices. For instance, Aptos (APT) has seen a notable price decline from $17.63 in April to $6.99 in June.

📅 Key Dates to Monitor:
July 9: Xai (XAI) unlocks $93 million in tokens.
July 16: Arbitrum (ARB) releases $75 million in tokens.
July 25: AltLayer (ALT) unlocks $125 million, the largest release.

🚀 Other Projects Unlocking Tokens:
Arbitrum (ARB): $75 million on July 16, following previous unlocks in May and June.
Optimism (OP), Sui (SUI), Immutable (IMX), Starknet (STRK): Similar token releases expected.

💡 With substantial token unlocks ahead, it's crucial for investors to stay informed and prepared.

Follow @Professor Mende - Founder of BONUZ Project - in Dubai UAE for updates and like the post!
#TokenUnlockSeries #memecoins #altcoins #vesting #warning
The potential approval of a Solana ETF could significantly benefit meme token $PEPE on Solana in several ways. Firstly, it would increase visibility and credibility for the Solana blockchain, attracting new investors to projects like $PEPE. Secondly, the ETF could bring substantial liquidity into Solana, enhancing trading conditions for all tokens, including $PEPE. Moreover, traditional investors drawn to Solana assets via the ETF might explore higher-risk tokens like $PEPE, potentially driving up demand and prices. Overall, while exact outcomes are speculative, the ETF's approval could create a bullish sentiment benefiting $PEPE on Solana.#VanEck_SOL_ETFS #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #CryptoTradingGuide #CryptoPCEWatch $BTC $ETH $BNB
The potential approval of a Solana ETF could significantly benefit meme token $PEPE on Solana in several ways. Firstly, it would increase visibility and credibility for the Solana blockchain, attracting new investors to projects like $PEPE. Secondly, the ETF could bring substantial liquidity into Solana, enhancing trading conditions for all tokens, including $PEPE. Moreover, traditional investors drawn to Solana assets via the ETF might explore higher-risk tokens like $PEPE, potentially driving up demand and prices. Overall, while exact outcomes are speculative, the ETF's approval could create a bullish sentiment benefiting $PEPE on Solana.#VanEck_SOL_ETFS #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #CryptoTradingGuide #CryptoPCEWatch
A large holder, identified as "0x837", has transferred 1.1 trillion $PEPE tokens worth $14.2 million to the #Binance deposit address "0x0b1". Following the transfer, the whale still possesses 300 billion $PEPE tokens valued at $3.78 million. The overall estimated loss from $PEPE amounts to $1.7 million, indicating a decrease of 5.69%. For more details, visit their profile on SpotOnChain.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament $BTC $ETH $BNB
A large holder, identified as "0x837", has transferred 1.1 trillion $PEPE tokens worth $14.2 million to the #Binance deposit address "0x0b1". Following the transfer, the whale still possesses 300 billion $PEPE tokens valued at $3.78 million. The overall estimated loss from $PEPE amounts to $1.7 million, indicating a decrease of 5.69%. For more details, visit their profile on SpotOnChain.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament
Based on the statement from the Solana Foundation, features within the ecosystem are now accessible via websites, allowing users to trade NFTs and tokens directly. SEC Chairman Gensler indicated smooth progress in the Ethereum ETF approval process. According to Ripple's CEO, SEC Chairman Gensler's actions could impact President Biden's reelection prospects. AEVO has updated its tokenomics plan, committing to monthly buybacks of at least 1 million AEVO from July through December, based on current protocol revenue. After selling 750 BTC, the German government dropped to fifth place globally in Bitcoin holdings. Matt Hougan, a manager at Bitwise, anticipates that Ether spot ETFs could attract $15 billion within the first 1.5 years.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament $BTC $ETH $BNB
Based on the statement from the Solana Foundation, features within the ecosystem are now accessible via websites, allowing users to trade NFTs and tokens directly.
SEC Chairman Gensler indicated smooth progress in the Ethereum ETF approval process.
According to Ripple's CEO, SEC Chairman Gensler's actions could impact President Biden's reelection prospects.
AEVO has updated its tokenomics plan, committing to monthly buybacks of at least 1 million AEVO from July through December, based on current protocol revenue.
After selling 750 BTC, the German government dropped to fifth place globally in Bitcoin holdings.
Matt Hougan, a manager at Bitwise, anticipates that Ether spot ETFs could attract $15 billion within the first 1.5 years.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament
"The altcoin market has halved from its peak, leaving many who bought at the top in a tough spot. Not all coins will recover or thrive; finding promising investments is crucial. Volatility is expected, and if feeling down, know it's common. Learn from mistakes to avoid repeating them; each mistake holds a lesson. Stay humble and keep learning. The next months offer opportunities for significant wealth creation. Stay resilient and concentrate on personal growth."#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide $BTC $ETH $BNB
"The altcoin market has halved from its peak, leaving many who bought at the top in a tough spot. Not all coins will recover or thrive; finding promising investments is crucial. Volatility is expected, and if feeling down, know it's common. Learn from mistakes to avoid repeating them; each mistake holds a lesson. Stay humble and keep learning. The next months offer opportunities for significant wealth creation. Stay resilient and concentrate on personal growth."#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide
Hello 👋👋 Crypto enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the next altcoin season, with top analysts sharing their perspectives on when it might commence and which indicators to monitor. According to various experts: Miles Deutscher suggests that despite Bitcoin's recent all-time highs and meme coin popularity, altcoins are currently underperforming. Key metrics like the OTHERS/BTC ratio and altcoin prices remaining significantly below previous highs indicate this. On the other hand, Layah Heilpern sees bullish signs, highlighting endorsements from prominent figures and recent ETF approvals for Bitcoin and Ethereum as positive market drivers. Ki Young Ju and Mister Crypto identify early signs of a potential altcoin season, particularly emphasizing Ethereum's rising MVRV ratio and its historical influence on the broader altcoin market. Meanwhile, analysts like Michaël van de Poppe and Rekt Finance pinpoint specific altcoins like Chainlink and Polkadot as potential leaders in the upcoming market cycle. Overall, while opinions vary on the exact timing, there is consensus among experts that altcoin season could be approaching.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament #Megadrop $BTC $ETH $SOL
Hello 👋👋
Crypto enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the next altcoin season, with top analysts sharing their perspectives on when it might commence and which indicators to monitor. According to various experts:

Miles Deutscher suggests that despite Bitcoin's recent all-time highs and meme coin popularity, altcoins are currently underperforming. Key metrics like the OTHERS/BTC ratio and altcoin prices remaining significantly below previous highs indicate this.

On the other hand, Layah Heilpern sees bullish signs, highlighting endorsements from prominent figures and recent ETF approvals for Bitcoin and Ethereum as positive market drivers.

Ki Young Ju and Mister Crypto identify early signs of a potential altcoin season, particularly emphasizing Ethereum's rising MVRV ratio and its historical influence on the broader altcoin market.

Meanwhile, analysts like Michaël van de Poppe and Rekt Finance pinpoint specific altcoins like Chainlink and Polkadot as potential leaders in the upcoming market cycle.

Overall, while opinions vary on the exact timing, there is consensus among experts that altcoin season could be approaching.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Understanding risk management is crucial for everyone involved in cryptocurrency, especially from the outset. While some believe they'll become more cautious once they hit significant financial milestones like $1 million or $10 million, the reality is that fortunes can vanish in an instant, as many have learned firsthand. As wealth accumulates, the tendency to take bigger risks often persists, albeit with larger sums.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide $BTC $ETH $BNB
Understanding risk management is crucial for everyone involved in cryptocurrency, especially from the outset. While some believe they'll become more cautious once they hit significant financial milestones like $1 million or $10 million, the reality is that fortunes can vanish in an instant, as many have learned firsthand. As wealth accumulates, the tendency to take bigger risks often persists, albeit with larger sums.#CryptoPCEWatch #MtGoxJulyRepayments #CryptoTradingGuide
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