Binance Square
Welcome to my blog fam, where I talk about everything web3, be it crypto, degen, defi and NFTs. Keep in mind that I am also a comic relief artist and a memer.
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Hot solana airdrop $SOL #Dflow Dodieties uz vietni *• Ievadiet savu e-pastu un paroli* *• Ievadiet verifikācijas kodu no e-pasta* *• ievadiet vienu no tālāk norādītajiem uzaicinājuma kodiem* ML6FP0 MQR4E4 X74JGJ 1324QM 8PIV11 UIX2FT OTWH14 Q1XFOL IWQRH1 EXQ7YZ TCMIC7 Lai noņemtu savu privāto atslēgu, augšējā labajā stūrī atrodiet “KONTA SADAĻA” un noklikšķiniet uz tās. *• Ieguldiet vismaz 5–10 USD, lai XP sāktu skaitīt* ___ Eksportējiet privāto atslēgu, un varat to pievienot savam fantoma makam, un jūs varēsit redzēt savu naudu!!! Piezīme: labāk ir vienkārši atstāt naudu tur, bet, ja kādreiz kļūstat izsalcis un jums ir vajadzīga nauda, ​​nevis iespēja mainīt dzīvi. “NOŅEMT TO”
Hot solana airdrop $SOL #Dflow
Dodieties uz vietni

*• Ievadiet savu e-pastu un paroli*
*• Ievadiet verifikācijas kodu no e-pasta*
*• ievadiet vienu no tālāk norādītajiem uzaicinājuma kodiem*












Lai noņemtu savu privāto atslēgu, augšējā labajā stūrī atrodiet “KONTA SADAĻA” un noklikšķiniet uz tās.

*• Ieguldiet vismaz 5–10 USD, lai XP sāktu skaitīt*

Eksportējiet privāto atslēgu, un varat to pievienot savam fantoma makam, un jūs varēsit redzēt savu naudu!!!

Piezīme: labāk ir vienkārši atstāt naudu tur, bet, ja kādreiz kļūstat izsalcis un jums ir vajadzīga nauda, ​​nevis iespēja mainīt dzīvi. “NOŅEMT TO”
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TrendingTopic #$Subsocial $DOT Viens liels web3 pārdošanas punkts ir pašdatu īpašumtiesības. Web2 pasaulē uzņēmumi pārdod jūsu datus reklāmdevējiem un nodrošina jūs ar reklāmām visur, kur atrodaties viņu platformā. Tas ir kaut kas, ko web3 ir nācis labot, īpaši sociālo mediju izmantošanā. Twitter katru mēnesi gūst miljonus ieņēmumu no reklāmām, taču ko jūs saņemat pret viņiem nodrošināto auditoriju. Nu es jums pateikšu...... milzīgs daudzums reklāmu, ja neesat zilo ērču lietotājs, jūs nevarat monetizēt savu saturu. Facebook un TikTok nav izņēmums no šīm dogmām. Taču, izmantojot blokķēdi, ir bijuši vairāki mēģinājumi nozagt tirgu no šīm web2 platformām, kas ir izrādījušies veltīgi. Taču ļaujiet man iepazīstināt jūs ar subsociālu ekonomiku, kas izveidota tā, lai tādi satura veidotāji kā jūs un es mijiedarbotos un veidotu kaut ko jēgpilnu no mūsu satura. Subsocial pašlaik ir socialfi, kas uzkarst kā uguns, un tas ir polkaverss. Tur jau ir vairāk nekā 3000 satura veidotāju, un uzminiet, kāda ir reģistrācijas maksa...? Reģistrēties ir bez maksas, bet citos gadījumos, lai platformā apkarotu surogātpastu, jums ir jāiegulda 2000 sub žetonu, kas ir tikai 20 USD. Šie likmju marķieri arī uzkrājas ar GPL 1,35%. Un līdz ar to, tiklīdz sākat veidot jēgpilnu saturu un iesaistīties citu ziņās, jūs arī nopelnīsit. Jā, jūs nopelnāt no jūsu publicētajām ziņām, komentāriem, jūsu kopīgotajām ziņām un citām ziņām, kas jums patīk, nav tik jautri. Uzminiet, kas ir vēl jocīgāks, ka kāds pagājušajā nedēļā ir nopelnījis vairāk nekā 70 USD, tikai katru dienu dažās rindiņās kopīgojot Bitcoin tehnisko analīzi. Cits cilvēks ir nopelnījis 50 $, publicējot mēmes. Šīs ir lietas, kuras jūs katru reizi darāt vietnē Twitter, nesaņemot atlīdzību. Un tagad subsocial dod jums iespēju no viņiem nopelnīt. Esi tur anon. Vai es aizmirsu pieminēt, ka platformā ir nebeidzams konkursu kopums, es šobrīd piedalos vienā un jūs varat man palīdzēt uzvarēt, vienkārši atzīmējot šo ziņu.
#TrendingTopic #$Subsocial
Viens liels web3 pārdošanas punkts ir pašdatu īpašumtiesības.

Web2 pasaulē uzņēmumi pārdod jūsu datus reklāmdevējiem un nodrošina jūs ar reklāmām visur, kur atrodaties viņu platformā.

Tas ir kaut kas, ko web3 ir nācis labot, īpaši sociālo mediju izmantošanā.

Twitter katru mēnesi gūst miljonus ieņēmumu no reklāmām, taču ko jūs saņemat pret viņiem nodrošināto auditoriju. Nu es jums pateikšu...... milzīgs daudzums reklāmu, ja neesat zilo ērču lietotājs, jūs nevarat monetizēt savu saturu.

Facebook un TikTok nav izņēmums no šīm dogmām.

Taču, izmantojot blokķēdi, ir bijuši vairāki mēģinājumi nozagt tirgu no šīm web2 platformām, kas ir izrādījušies veltīgi.

Taču ļaujiet man iepazīstināt jūs ar subsociālu ekonomiku, kas izveidota tā, lai tādi satura veidotāji kā jūs un es mijiedarbotos un veidotu kaut ko jēgpilnu no mūsu satura.

Subsocial pašlaik ir socialfi, kas uzkarst kā uguns, un tas ir polkaverss. Tur jau ir vairāk nekā 3000 satura veidotāju, un uzminiet, kāda ir reģistrācijas maksa...?

Reģistrēties ir bez maksas, bet citos gadījumos, lai platformā apkarotu surogātpastu, jums ir jāiegulda 2000 sub žetonu, kas ir tikai 20 USD. Šie likmju marķieri arī uzkrājas ar GPL 1,35%.

Un līdz ar to, tiklīdz sākat veidot jēgpilnu saturu un iesaistīties citu ziņās, jūs arī nopelnīsit. Jā, jūs nopelnāt no jūsu publicētajām ziņām, komentāriem, jūsu kopīgotajām ziņām un citām ziņām, kas jums patīk, nav tik jautri.

Uzminiet, kas ir vēl jocīgāks, ka kāds pagājušajā nedēļā ir nopelnījis vairāk nekā 70 USD, tikai katru dienu dažās rindiņās kopīgojot Bitcoin tehnisko analīzi.

Cits cilvēks ir nopelnījis 50 $, publicējot mēmes. Šīs ir lietas, kuras jūs katru reizi darāt vietnē Twitter, nesaņemot atlīdzību. Un tagad subsocial dod jums iespēju no viņiem nopelnīt. Esi tur anon.

Vai es aizmirsu pieminēt, ka platformā ir nebeidzams konkursu kopums, es šobrīd piedalos vienā un jūs varat man palīdzēt uzvarēt, vienkārši atzīmējot šo ziņu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TrendingTopic #BTC #pepe #writetoearn Mikrostratēģija pērk vairāk Bitcoin Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā likvidēti#Bitcoinšorti 160 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā. Kriptofonu cenas šodien reģistrēja pozitīvas izmaiņas, kad Bitcoin tuvojās 56 000 USD, Ethereum pieauga pāri USD 3200, bet citi altkoīni pieauga, PEPE Rally 52%. Projekta atjauninājumi Vietnē @bitforexcom notiek aizdomīgas lietas, brīdināja @zachxbt Noplūda AleoHq lietotāju privātā KYC informācija ParclLimited paziņo $PRCL marķiera airdrop🔥 Sadarbojieties ar OVERDARE, lai integrētu USDC izmaksas un makus FjordFoundry ķircina $FJO marķieri🔥 Fraxfinance apsver atlīdzības mehānismus tiem, kas veic žetonus AvailProject paziņo par 27 miljonu dolāru sākuma kārtu + Avail DA, Avail Nexus un Avail Fusion Security🔥 0xMantle priekšlikums par savu otro kapitālieguldījumu aicinājumu SynapseProtocol paziņo testnetu Līdz manai dzimšanas dienai ir palikušas mazāk nekā 24 stundas. Ja mans saturs jums ir bijis labs, varat apsvērt iespēju mani atbalstīt šeit 0xef84a6EC83317d012da98f19E4f0fdf104DF7576
#TrendingTopic #BTC #pepe #writetoearn

Mikrostratēģija pērk vairāk Bitcoin

Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā likvidēti#Bitcoinšorti 160 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā.

Kriptofonu cenas šodien reģistrēja pozitīvas izmaiņas, kad Bitcoin tuvojās 56 000 USD, Ethereum pieauga pāri USD 3200, bet citi altkoīni pieauga, PEPE Rally 52%.

Projekta atjauninājumi

Vietnē @bitforexcom notiek aizdomīgas lietas, brīdināja @zachxbt

Noplūda AleoHq lietotāju privātā KYC informācija

ParclLimited paziņo $PRCL marķiera airdrop🔥

Sadarbojieties ar OVERDARE, lai integrētu USDC izmaksas un makus

FjordFoundry ķircina $FJO marķieri🔥

Fraxfinance apsver atlīdzības mehānismus tiem, kas veic žetonus

AvailProject paziņo par 27 miljonu dolāru sākuma kārtu + Avail DA, Avail Nexus un Avail Fusion Security🔥

0xMantle priekšlikums par savu otro kapitālieguldījumu aicinājumu

SynapseProtocol paziņo testnetu

Līdz manai dzimšanas dienai ir palikušas mazāk nekā 24 stundas. Ja mans saturs jums ir bijis labs, varat apsvērt iespēju mani atbalstīt šeit

Skatīt oriģinālu
Sākotnējā sezona var notikt bez jūsu somām. Savā ziņā alternatīvā sezona jau ir sākusies. Viss altcoin tirgus, iespējams, vēl nav pārspējis bitcoin, taču pēdējos mēnešos tas aktīvi pieaug. Tas nav tikai rotācijas kapitāls kā pagājušajā gadā. Tikai tāpēc, ka jūsu XRP somas, jūsu ADA somas, jūsu LTC somas, jūsu ... vēl nepumpējas. Tas nenozīmē, ka mēs neesam vienā. Pēdējā cikla (2021) alts bija pilnīgi banāniem. Un tomēr mans draugs bija patiesi pārliecināts, ka īstai sezonai vēl jāsākas. Es domāju pie sevis "vai viņš skatās uz citu tirgu nekā es?" 😅 Bet argumentācija bija skaidra. Viņa somas vēl nepumpējās. Man bija jāpaskaidro, kā tas nedarbojas. Katru dienu buļļu sezonā tirgū ienāk 100 jaunu žetonu. Pat ja Altseason piesaista daudz kapitāla altcoins. Joprojām nav matemātiska veida, kā nauda plūst uz KATRU vienu altu un viss sūknē. Risinājums? Zināt, kur kapitāls plūst visvairāk. - Jauni, patiešām uzmundrināti projekti Īpaši tie, kuriem ir ido reģistrācija, jūs varētu iekļūt. - vecāki projekti (nevis dino) ar spēcīgākiem naratīviem. Tirgus dod priekšroku ne tikai patiešām jaunajiem. Tas dod priekšroku arī vecākiem cilvēkiem ar spēcīgiem stāstiem. AI projekti / RWA projekti / ... Visi ir redzējuši milzīgu jaunu pieaugumu, neskatoties uz to, ka viņi ir 1–3 gadus veci. Vienkārši pārliecinieties, ka tas nav dino vecs. Daži vecāki joprojām varētu nedaudz sūknēt, bet maz ticams, ka viņi to darīs. Nevajag man ticēt, bet tirgus atkal un atkal ir pierādījis to. - Projekti nav sūknēšanas bullis Tas ir labi, ja jūsu projekts nedarbojas lāču tirgū. Tas nav labi, ja viņi neizsūknē visu buļļu tirgus pirmo pusi. Viņi, visticamāk, nebūs arī otrajā puslaikā. Ir izņēmumi, un daži joprojām var sūknēt pēdējā brīdī. Bet tas kļūst arvien mazāk ticams. Un tirdzniecība ir izredzes spēle. Necerot uz izņēmumu. Esi uzmanīgs, ko tu tur un ko netur. #Write2Earn $ETH
Sākotnējā sezona var notikt bez jūsu somām.

Savā ziņā alternatīvā sezona jau ir sākusies.

Viss altcoin tirgus, iespējams, vēl nav pārspējis bitcoin, taču pēdējos mēnešos tas aktīvi pieaug.

Tas nav tikai rotācijas kapitāls kā pagājušajā gadā.

Tikai tāpēc, ka jūsu XRP somas, jūsu ADA somas, jūsu LTC somas, jūsu ... vēl nepumpējas.

Tas nenozīmē, ka mēs neesam vienā.

Pēdējā cikla (2021) alts bija pilnīgi banāniem.

Un tomēr mans draugs bija patiesi pārliecināts, ka īstai sezonai vēl jāsākas.

Es domāju pie sevis "vai viņš skatās uz citu tirgu nekā es?" 😅

Bet argumentācija bija skaidra. Viņa somas vēl nepumpējās.

Man bija jāpaskaidro, kā tas nedarbojas.

Katru dienu buļļu sezonā tirgū ienāk 100 jaunu žetonu.

Pat ja Altseason piesaista daudz kapitāla altcoins.

Joprojām nav matemātiska veida, kā nauda plūst uz KATRU vienu altu un viss sūknē.


Zināt, kur kapitāls plūst visvairāk.

- Jauni, patiešām uzmundrināti projekti

Īpaši tie, kuriem ir ido reģistrācija, jūs varētu iekļūt.

- vecāki projekti (nevis dino) ar spēcīgākiem naratīviem.

Tirgus dod priekšroku ne tikai patiešām jaunajiem.

Tas dod priekšroku arī vecākiem cilvēkiem ar spēcīgiem stāstiem.

AI projekti / RWA projekti / ...

Visi ir redzējuši milzīgu jaunu pieaugumu, neskatoties uz to, ka viņi ir 1–3 gadus veci.

Vienkārši pārliecinieties, ka tas nav dino vecs.

Daži vecāki joprojām varētu nedaudz sūknēt, bet maz ticams, ka viņi to darīs.

Nevajag man ticēt, bet tirgus atkal un atkal ir pierādījis to.

- Projekti nav sūknēšanas bullis

Tas ir labi, ja jūsu projekts nedarbojas lāču tirgū.

Tas nav labi, ja viņi neizsūknē visu buļļu tirgus pirmo pusi.

Viņi, visticamāk, nebūs arī otrajā puslaikā.

Ir izņēmumi, un daži joprojām var sūknēt pēdējā brīdī.

Bet tas kļūst arvien mazāk ticams.

Un tirdzniecība ir izredzes spēle. Necerot uz izņēmumu.

Esi uzmanīgs, ko tu tur un ko netur.
#Write2Earn $ETH
#Write2Earn #WLD #Pixels/USDT History is useful to evaluate things from a wider perspective but needs to be contextualized. The best approach is always to work step by step and adapt to bullish/bearish circumstances. In previous market, Bitcoin pumps and after a while liquidity starts flowing to lower caps (mostly refered to as altcoins) and we crypto natives call this the altcoins season. It is the season when Bitcoin dumps and altcoins pumps, but this season has dared to be different. History is taking a different route this time, Bitcoin is holding it present highs firmly and we can see Ethereum and other altcoins performing well too. So what is actually going, will Bitcoin still dump pre-halving, what about altcoins season ? Well, first of all, you have to realize that the BTC ETF brought a new set of traders into the crypto world. And these traders are all about securing little profits, they will rarely move their money and dump on altcoins. Bitcoin dominance is now a fuel for altcoins too, so if you are holding a bag, be ready to take profits anytime, because tables have turned this time. Don't wait for the alts season, it is already upon us like a thief in the night. If you were prepared you should be in profits by now, if you were not, you will be our exist liquidity. Anyways, moon or dust as usual, see you at the top, stay SAFU. Ciao Ticktalker
#Write2Earn #WLD #Pixels/USDT
History is useful to evaluate things from a wider perspective but needs to be contextualized.

The best approach is always to work step by step and adapt to bullish/bearish circumstances.

In previous market, Bitcoin pumps and after a while liquidity starts flowing to lower caps (mostly refered to as altcoins) and we crypto natives call this the altcoins season.

It is the season when Bitcoin dumps and altcoins pumps, but this season has dared to be different.

History is taking a different route this time, Bitcoin is holding it present highs firmly and we can see Ethereum and other altcoins performing well too.

So what is actually going, will Bitcoin still dump pre-halving, what about altcoins season ?

Well, first of all, you have to realize that the BTC ETF brought a new set of traders into the crypto world. And these traders are all about securing little profits, they will rarely move their money and dump on altcoins.

Bitcoin dominance is now a fuel for altcoins too, so if you are holding a bag, be ready to take profits anytime, because tables have turned this time.

Don't wait for the alts season, it is already upon us like a thief in the night.

If you were prepared you should be in profits by now, if you were not, you will be our exist liquidity. Anyways, moon or dust as usual, see you at the top, stay SAFU.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOT #Write2Earn Polkaverse social-fi Es nesen atradu projektu, kas novirza sociālo tīklu citā virzienā, un nē, tas nav farcaster. Tas ir subsociāls. Subsocial ir projekts, kas izveidots zem polkadot ekosistēmas. Tas ir spēļu laukums izstrādātājiem, lai izveidotu savu sociālo Dapp un pielāgotu to, lai tas izskatītos kā citas esošās web2 sociālās lietotnes. Mērķis ir izmantot Blockchain tehnoloģiju, lai novērstu starpniecību un piešķirtu jums tikai īpašumtiesības uz jūsu datiem. Divi no aizraujošākajiem projektiem, ko izmēģināju subsociālajā vidē, ir polkaverse un grillchat. Polkaverse veido sistēmu, kurā veidotāji tiek atalgoti un arī sekotāji tiek atalgoti par savu laiku. Kā tas ir iespējams ... labi ar saturu, kas tiek likts uz polkaverse Dapp. Viss, kas jums jādara, ir izveidot savu sub id, pievienoties Polkaverse un likt 2000sub, lai kļūtu par Create. Lai gan jūsu likmes marķieri ģenerē jums vairāk žetonu, veicot likmju likšanu, jūsu saturs ģenerē arī tokenus jums. Jūs arī sadedziniet dažus žetonus, lai radītu enerģiju darījumu veikšanai. Kad es saku darījumus, es domāju tādas lietas kā publicēšana, retvītošana, komentēšana, ziņu atzīmēšana ar Patīk, cilvēku sekošana... tie visi maksā nelielu 0,03 sub. Viens sub pašlaik tiek tirgots par 0,0099 USD, tāpēc jūs varat redzēt, ka es gandrīz neko. Mana pieredze liecina, ka es pievienojos polkaverse pirms 3 dienām, un viss, ko es iztērēju, pievienojoties, bija 2000 sub naudas likšanai (ko varu jebkurā laikā izņemt) un 5 subs, kas tika sadedzināti, lai radītu enerģiju darījumiem. Pirms 8 stundām es jau esmu izveidojis 1153sub tikai no satura piesaistīšanas, tas ir 57% no tā, ko es ieguldīju. Tātad, kamēr daudzi cilvēki tur deģenerēja un tirgoja nākotnes līgumus, es vienkārši atpūšos polkaversā un pelnīju naudu. Tā ir sociālā tīkla nākotne. Tā minēts agri, jā. Polkaverse ir paredzēts saziņai un satura publicēšanai, savukārt ir vairāk paredzēts kopienas veidošanai un ciešai tērzēšanai. Grill lietotāja interfeiss ir ļoti līdzīgs telegrammas lietotāja interfeisam, un tiek ziņots, ka viņi strādā pie tērzēšanas funkcijas monetizācijas. Šī ir alfa, dariet ar to, ko vēlaties, es esmu ieņēmis savu pozīciju. Ciao Ticktalker ārā
$DOT #Write2Earn
Polkaverse social-fi

Es nesen atradu projektu, kas novirza sociālo tīklu citā virzienā, un nē, tas nav farcaster. Tas ir subsociāls. Subsocial ir projekts, kas izveidots zem polkadot ekosistēmas.

Tas ir spēļu laukums izstrādātājiem, lai izveidotu savu sociālo Dapp un pielāgotu to, lai tas izskatītos kā citas esošās web2 sociālās lietotnes.

Mērķis ir izmantot Blockchain tehnoloģiju, lai novērstu starpniecību un piešķirtu jums tikai īpašumtiesības uz jūsu datiem.

Divi no aizraujošākajiem projektiem, ko izmēģināju subsociālajā vidē, ir polkaverse un grillchat.

Polkaverse veido sistēmu, kurā veidotāji tiek atalgoti un arī sekotāji tiek atalgoti par savu laiku.

Kā tas ir iespējams ... labi ar saturu, kas tiek likts uz polkaverse Dapp. Viss, kas jums jādara, ir izveidot savu sub id, pievienoties Polkaverse un likt 2000sub, lai kļūtu par Create. Lai gan jūsu likmes marķieri ģenerē jums vairāk žetonu, veicot likmju likšanu, jūsu saturs ģenerē arī tokenus jums.

Jūs arī sadedziniet dažus žetonus, lai radītu enerģiju darījumu veikšanai. Kad es saku darījumus, es domāju tādas lietas kā publicēšana, retvītošana, komentēšana, ziņu atzīmēšana ar Patīk, cilvēku sekošana... tie visi maksā nelielu 0,03 sub.

Viens sub pašlaik tiek tirgots par 0,0099 USD, tāpēc jūs varat redzēt, ka es gandrīz neko.

Mana pieredze liecina, ka es pievienojos polkaverse pirms 3 dienām, un viss, ko es iztērēju, pievienojoties, bija 2000 sub naudas likšanai (ko varu jebkurā laikā izņemt) un 5 subs, kas tika sadedzināti, lai radītu enerģiju darījumiem.

Pirms 8 stundām es jau esmu izveidojis 1153sub tikai no satura piesaistīšanas, tas ir 57% no tā, ko es ieguldīju.

Tātad, kamēr daudzi cilvēki tur deģenerēja un tirgoja nākotnes līgumus, es vienkārši atpūšos polkaversā un pelnīju naudu. Tā ir sociālā tīkla nākotne.

Tā minēts agri, jā.

Polkaverse ir paredzēts saziņai un satura publicēšanai, savukārt ir vairāk paredzēts kopienas veidošanai un ciešai tērzēšanai.

Grill lietotāja interfeiss ir ļoti līdzīgs telegrammas lietotāja interfeisam, un tiek ziņots, ka viņi strādā pie tērzēšanas funkcijas monetizācijas.

Šī ir alfa, dariet ar to, ko vēlaties, es esmu ieņēmis savu pozīciju.


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#Write2Earn $BTC Bērnu skrējiens, kuru visi ir gaidījuši, lai palīdzētu viņiem doties pensijā, ir pienācis ........atvainojiet, es domāju, ka mēs tikai sākam to pamanīt skaidrāk. Bullrun sākās, kad Bitcoin bija aptuveni 15k. Tas, ko daudzi nesaprot, ka ienesīgums buļļu tirgū vairāk ir saistīts ar peļņas ņemšanu no savām pozīcijām. Tu nemācās cīnīties, kad jau esi kaujā, lielākā daļa cilvēku, kas no bullīšu tirgus sasniegs lielus panākumus, ir cilvēki, kuri agri ieņēma pozīcijas. Lielākais uzdevums, lai gūtu peļņu, ir noturēties pozīcijā, laicīgi pērkot šīs somas. Bitcoin ir paveicis vairāk nekā divas reizes no 15 000 USD, kad tas bija USD 15 000, kur cilvēki, kuri gaidīja, ka tas samazināsies līdz USD 12 000. Jūsu emocijas nekontrolē tirgu, un tām nevajadzētu kontrolēt jūs arī tirgū. Bitcoin tagad ir 50 000 USD, un kāds kaut kur joprojām gaida USD 35 000. Ne tas, ka tas nenotiks, bet ir divas lietas, vienu sauc par iespējamību, bet otru par varbūtību. Vai Bitcoin ir iespējams sasniegt 35 tūkstošus USD, jā. Cik liela ir iespējamība, ka tas notiks, ļoti maz ticams, ka tuvākajā laikā. Ja jūs joprojām to gaidāt, tas nozīmē, ka jūs pilnībā nesaprotat Bitcoin ETF un iepriekšējas sadalīšanas ietekmi. Ieguldiet kriptovalūtā, paturot prātā ilgtermiņa mērķi, tie (nigērieši), kuri 2022. gadā iegādājās 1 Bitcoin par 15 000 USD, to iegādājās par N745 x 15 000 = N11 175 000. Jūs būtu guvuši peļņu N60 000 000, ja turēsit līdz šim. Tas ir saistīts ar nairas vērtības samazināšanos pret dolāru, un tas arī izceļ Bitcoin kā vērtības krātuve, kas ir imūna pret citiem ekonomiskiem faktoriem.
$BTC Bērnu skrējiens, kuru visi ir gaidījuši, lai palīdzētu viņiem doties pensijā, ir pienācis ........atvainojiet, es domāju, ka mēs tikai sākam to pamanīt skaidrāk.

Bullrun sākās, kad Bitcoin bija aptuveni 15k. Tas, ko daudzi nesaprot, ka ienesīgums buļļu tirgū vairāk ir saistīts ar peļņas ņemšanu no savām pozīcijām.

Tu nemācās cīnīties, kad jau esi kaujā, lielākā daļa cilvēku, kas no bullīšu tirgus sasniegs lielus panākumus, ir cilvēki, kuri agri ieņēma pozīcijas.

Lielākais uzdevums, lai gūtu peļņu, ir noturēties pozīcijā, laicīgi pērkot šīs somas. Bitcoin ir paveicis vairāk nekā divas reizes no 15 000 USD, kad tas bija USD 15 000, kur cilvēki, kuri gaidīja, ka tas samazināsies līdz USD 12 000.

Jūsu emocijas nekontrolē tirgu, un tām nevajadzētu kontrolēt jūs arī tirgū.

Bitcoin tagad ir 50 000 USD, un kāds kaut kur joprojām gaida USD 35 000.

Ne tas, ka tas nenotiks, bet ir divas lietas, vienu sauc par iespējamību, bet otru par varbūtību.

Vai Bitcoin ir iespējams sasniegt 35 tūkstošus USD, jā.

Cik liela ir iespējamība, ka tas notiks, ļoti maz ticams, ka tuvākajā laikā.

Ja jūs joprojām to gaidāt, tas nozīmē, ka jūs pilnībā nesaprotat Bitcoin ETF un iepriekšējas sadalīšanas ietekmi.

Ieguldiet kriptovalūtā, paturot prātā ilgtermiņa mērķi, tie (nigērieši), kuri 2022. gadā iegādājās 1 Bitcoin par 15 000 USD, to iegādājās par N745 x 15 000 = N11 175 000.

Jūs būtu guvuši peļņu N60 000 000, ja turēsit līdz šim.

Tas ir saistīts ar nairas vērtības samazināšanos pret dolāru, un tas arī izceļ Bitcoin kā vērtības krātuve, kas ir imūna pret citiem ekonomiskiem faktoriem.
#Write2Earn #SafetyTips #SAFUcrypto This is the season farmers will reap the fruit of their labour, but a lot of people will give their money to hackers because of some silly mistakes I am going to mention in this thread. Let me start by making this clear, the concept of total security when you are only is an illusion You are only as strong as your weakest link, and with powerful softwares now available to us, the weakest link in our security is us the human, we the users of these technologies. An antivirus software can only warn you of a virus, but if you with your greed decide to forge ahead, it can't stop you. Same thing applies to malicious links, your browser can only warn you, but if decide to go ahead. One of the most recent wallet hacks people have been experiencing recently is what I call wallet address correction, You paste your wallet address for a transaction or to claim something and immediately you will see the address you pasted just changed to another address, how? This is mostly common for android and desktop users who download apps from uncertified stores. Yes, that modded app you downloaded has been watching your keystrokes, they now have most of the passwords you used to log into apps and Dapps, these hackers full time job is to monitor your wallet once anything enters,you like free things right ? If that app or software is not on the official play store or app store let it slide for the sake of your security. But we as hunters sometimes we have to alpha and beta apps before release. And yes, these apps in beta test stages are not put on official play store so what do we do. Let me introduce you to something called burner We often use the term "what you can afford to loose" alot in crypto. You should have a burner phone for such tasks. And again, we often always way to be the first in whatever we do, but for the sake of your security, you should wait for others to click that link, to connect to that Dapp, to swap that token. We learn from mistakes, but you don't have to make yourself the scapegoat.
#Write2Earn #SafetyTips #SAFUcrypto
This is the season farmers will reap the fruit of their labour, but a lot of people will give their money to hackers because of some silly mistakes I am going to mention in this thread.

Let me start by making this clear, the concept of total security when you are only is an illusion

You are only as strong as your weakest link, and with powerful softwares now available to us, the weakest link in our security is us the human, we the users of these technologies.

An antivirus software can only warn you of a virus, but if you with your greed decide to forge ahead, it can't stop you.

Same thing applies to malicious links, your browser can only warn you, but if decide to go ahead.

One of the most recent wallet hacks people have been experiencing recently is what I call wallet address correction,
You paste your wallet address for a transaction or to claim something and immediately you will see the address you pasted just changed to another address, how?

This is mostly common for android and desktop users who download apps from uncertified stores.

Yes, that modded app you downloaded has been watching your keystrokes, they now have most of the passwords you used to log into apps and Dapps, these hackers full time job is to monitor your wallet once anything enters,you like free things right ?

If that app or software is not on the official play store or app store let it slide for the sake of your security.

But we as hunters sometimes we have to alpha and beta apps before release.

And yes, these apps in beta test stages are not put on official play store so what do we do.

Let me introduce you to something called burner
We often use the term "what you can afford to loose" alot in crypto.

You should have a burner phone for such tasks.

And again, we often always way to be the first in whatever we do, but for the sake of your security, you should wait for others to click that link, to connect to that Dapp, to swap that token.

We learn from mistakes, but you don't have to make yourself the scapegoat.
$SOL #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #FTX2.0 📰News Binance Code and Internal Passwords Exposed on GitHub for Months Crypto Regulation: Modi Urges Nations to Collaborate Against Cyber Threats Bitcoin ATM Scam Warning Issued by Kenosha Police to Residents FTX Reorganization Plan is a “Highway Robbery” – Ex-SEC Official FTX Eyes Fast Sale of Its $1.4 Billion Anthropic Stake Project Updates LybraFinance PSA on recent TVL drop KinetixFi announces airdrop for multiple token stakers Apple's 'Vision Pro' to Get First Crypto-Focused Metaverse App From VictoriaVRcom Epic Games is listing crypto video game playSHRAPNEL Shardeum shares Phase 1 airdrop program updates SolanaMobile announces snapshot in 4 days
$SOL #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #FTX2.0
Binance Code and Internal Passwords Exposed on GitHub for Months

Crypto Regulation: Modi Urges Nations to Collaborate Against Cyber Threats

Bitcoin ATM Scam Warning Issued by Kenosha Police to Residents

FTX Reorganization Plan is a “Highway Robbery” – Ex-SEC Official

FTX Eyes Fast Sale of Its $1.4 Billion Anthropic Stake

Project Updates

LybraFinance PSA on recent TVL drop

KinetixFi announces airdrop for multiple token stakers

Apple's 'Vision Pro' to Get First Crypto-Focused Metaverse App From VictoriaVRcom

Epic Games is listing crypto video game playSHRAPNEL

Shardeum shares Phase 1 airdrop program updates

SolanaMobile announces snapshot in 4 days
#Write2Earn One of the best qualities you can have in this space is staying level-headed. Why? Your competition doesn't. It might seem funny today but the majority in 2017 were calling for another 100x on XRP at 100 billion market cap. You know what their reasoning was? The banks will make you f*cking rich! It wasn't just 1,2 or 3 persons either. 80-90% of the space back then was calling for it! You disagreed? You looked like the insane one. "You fool" "You must not like money" "Have fun staying poor" "You'll see in the end" "You are probably paid to fud* "You'll buy x50 from here" "You ..." For a level headed person however? Hmm, why would the banks spend billions of even trillions to make the common folk rich and transfer their wealth? Buying a publically traded coin on the market that has been available for years in the hands of most crypto users? Why not pay a few 1000$ to a developer and create their own? Digital dollar or digital euro or something else? Today? Talks of CBDC's everywhere. But level-headed or not: "You just don't understand" This post wasn't just about XRP. It's just one of the most well known examples from back then. Every cycle there's plenty of other examples like that where you will look like the insane one. But you have to remember that's a good thing. If the majority when peak retails comes in agrees? You ARE the majority. And the majority can't all win. That's the basic principle of the markets. It's tough to sound sane and have conviction when everyone tells you differently. But staying level-headed through it all and looking past the hype? That's probably the single best quality and asset you have. As this is pretty much a common trait among anyone that ever made millions in crypto. It's also probably the holy grail of crypto. And it's also what you are going to need. Take my word for it. Conclusion: Stay level-headed fam. It's more important than you think. You'll need it. Hope you learnt something today, I am ticktalker and I always post crypto/educative content #xrp #JUP $XRP
One of the best qualities you can have in this space is staying level-headed.

Why? Your competition doesn't.

It might seem funny today but the majority in 2017 were calling for another 100x on XRP at 100 billion market cap.

You know what their reasoning was?

The banks will make you f*cking rich!

It wasn't just 1,2 or 3 persons either.

80-90% of the space back then was calling for it!

You disagreed? You looked like the insane one.

"You fool"
"You must not like money"
"Have fun staying poor"
"You'll see in the end"
"You are probably paid to fud*
"You'll buy x50 from here"
"You ..."

For a level headed person however?

Hmm, why would the banks spend billions of even trillions to make the common folk rich and transfer their wealth?

Buying a publically traded coin on the market that has been available for years in the hands of most crypto users?

Why not pay a few 1000$ to a developer and create their own?

Digital dollar or digital euro or something else?

Today? Talks of CBDC's everywhere.

But level-headed or not:

"You just don't understand"

This post wasn't just about XRP. It's just one of the most well known examples from back then.

Every cycle there's plenty of other examples like that where you will look like the insane one.

But you have to remember that's a good thing.

If the majority when peak retails comes in agrees?

You ARE the majority.

And the majority can't all win. That's the basic principle of the markets.

It's tough to sound sane and have conviction when everyone tells you differently.

But staying level-headed through it all and looking past the hype?

That's probably the single best quality and asset you have.

As this is pretty much a common trait among anyone that ever made millions in crypto.

It's also probably the holy grail of crypto.

And it's also what you are going to need. Take my word for it.


Stay level-headed fam. It's more important than you think.

You'll need it.
Hope you learnt something today, I am ticktalker and I always post crypto/educative content
#xrp #JUP $XRP
#Write2Earn The next is duel, duel is gamefi built on AI, it offers benefits to both gamers and creators now imagine you are a streamer, just imagine but dont use imagination wound yourself. Duel (gamegpt) is designed to offers tools and experiences to both AI and game enthusiasts. Imagine soccer in gamefi, no not you holding fan tokens I mean real soccer, that is what MBS (UNKJD) is doing. You can play soccer games on their website. And no, not your regular footballers play the ball, we are talking about apes balling 😎😎 That is is for gamefi narrative let's move to AI. AI is a very hot narrative and while most of the AI tokens are built on chatgpt engine, some others have dedicated to make life easy in cryptocurrency using a host of AI tools, examples are; Sleepless AI, is a big name, I could have added it to the gamefi narrative but I somehow feel it is more appropriate to be in the AI section, sleepless AI is not offering to give you sleepless nights but rather they are building a companionship game called him and her. Yea matchmaking in web3 😉 GTAI, is another AI token with a lot of hopium, launched few days ago, it hopes to make life easier with it's advanced web3 AI execution technology. Cryptogpt (Gpt) is another AI token launched last year. A zk layer 2 solution that merges Blockchain and AI. All these tokens I listed above are criminally undervalued at this point so you can do yourself a great deal to scoop some into your bag and wait for the hype to meet them #Gamegptofficial
The next is duel, duel is gamefi built on AI, it offers benefits to both gamers and creators now imagine you are a streamer, just imagine but dont use imagination wound yourself. Duel (gamegpt) is designed to offers tools and experiences to both AI and game enthusiasts.

Imagine soccer in gamefi, no not you holding fan tokens I mean real soccer, that is what MBS (UNKJD) is doing. You can play soccer games on their website.
And no, not your regular footballers play the ball, we are talking about apes balling 😎😎
That is is for gamefi narrative let's move to AI.

AI is a very hot narrative and while most of the AI tokens are built on chatgpt engine, some others have dedicated to make life easy in cryptocurrency using a host of AI tools, examples are;
Sleepless AI, is a big name, I could have added it to the gamefi narrative but I somehow feel it is more appropriate to be in the AI section, sleepless AI is not offering to give you sleepless nights but rather they are building a companionship game called him and her. Yea matchmaking in web3 😉

GTAI, is another AI token with a lot of hopium, launched few days ago, it hopes to make life easier with it's advanced web3 AI execution technology.

Cryptogpt (Gpt) is another AI token launched last year. A zk layer 2 solution that merges Blockchain and AI.

All these tokens I listed above are criminally undervalued at this point so you can do yourself a great deal to scoop some into your bag and wait for the hype to meet them
#Write2Earn #GameTokenX Crypto narratives are a way of grouping a coin into a particular category of problems it was made to address. There are lots of crypto narratives out there and I know you may be wondering, why is the most scalable blockchain not just used for everything, well the answer is quite technical. The essence of all these narratives is because one Blockchain can not solve everything, so these smaller narratives tend to build an ecosystem for their tokens under them. One common thing in crypto is that once one token in a narrative start trending, all the other coins in that narrative will pick momentum and any project building under that particular narrative will receive huge hopium (hype and anticipation) so everyone will want to cash out of that narratives, and look for airdrops and tokens that are yet to launch in it. In Q4 2023, social was one of the most trending narrative and lot of people farmed it, you must have heard of tipcoin and ratio, even starsarena last year. That was their glory days, now it is time for gamefi to shine, a lot of projects have been building under gamefi and many of them are launching in the first quarter of this year (Q1) Farcana has already launched and it did very well in holding it's price despite a huge selling pressure from people that received their airdrops. There are other narratives that will still do very well in this year, and as you know, the best way to make profits in this space is to be early. Early doing what you may ask, well early holding this tokens before they become copium. Before I begin listing these tokens, I want to clarify that this is not a financial advice and you should do your proper due diligence before you ape into anything. So my first pick it the $far @farcana this token has huge potential as the native token for the farcana ecosystem but not that, this game is a big thing in web3 as one of the third person shooter game which is a big thing in web2. In simple terms, this game is like the codm in web3. this article is continued in the next post
#Write2Earn #GameTokenX
Crypto narratives are a way of grouping a coin into a particular category of problems it was made to address.

There are lots of crypto narratives out there and I know you may be wondering, why is the most scalable blockchain not just used for everything, well the answer is quite technical.

The essence of all these narratives is because one Blockchain can not solve everything, so these smaller narratives tend to build an ecosystem for their tokens under them.

One common thing in crypto is that once one token in a narrative start trending, all the other coins in that narrative will pick momentum and any project building under that particular narrative will receive huge hopium (hype and anticipation) so everyone will want to cash out of that narratives, and look for airdrops and tokens that are yet to launch in it.

In Q4 2023, social was one of the most trending narrative and lot of people farmed it, you must have heard of tipcoin and ratio, even starsarena last year.

That was their glory days, now it is time for gamefi to shine, a lot of projects have been building under gamefi and many of them are launching in the first quarter of this year (Q1)

Farcana has already launched and it did very well in holding it's price despite a huge selling pressure from people that received their airdrops.

There are other narratives that will still do very well in this year, and as you know, the best way to make profits in this space is to be early.

Early doing what you may ask, well early holding this tokens before they become copium.

Before I begin listing these tokens, I want to clarify that this is not a financial advice and you should do your proper due diligence before you ape into anything.

So my first pick it the $far @farcana this token has huge potential as the native token for the farcana ecosystem but not that, this game is a big thing in web3 as one of the third person shooter game which is a big thing in web2.

In simple terms, this game is like the codm in web3.
this article is continued in the next post
The market slowly starts moving again towards $50k but both sides don't trust it yet. They call it a "scam pump" or fake-out before the real further down move to low 30s to buy back in. Sector 3 effect ✅ 4️⃣ The real bull market begins. Bitcoin is back at $50k again but it doesn't dump? The market is moving back up and traders are in disbelief. They buy back in when the market is close to making new highs. The cycle repeats itself. While some may say "it's easy to speak in hindsight and tell us what happened in sector 1 and 2 now that it has already happened" While I don't have a crystal ball and every thesis is a little bit of speculation I did previously express my thoughts on a post I made before the approval and it came out as expected. There are certain patterns in the market that keep repeating itself to a certain extent. No prediction is perfect but some things do often rhyme. You just have to understand that this is a game between you and the market makers and to win, you have to think like one of them. Especially when it comes to trapping traders. What was the ideal approach? You just had to wait. It's no secret that the market favour's investors vs traders. Most of us have been waiting for years (bear market) so a few more weeks or months was easy. But traders? Those are the ones the market tries to flush out. And it almost succeeds every time. Bob thinks he's a pro trader but Bob gets rekt every time. Don't get rekt like Bob because neither him nor you can time the markets. Don't get flushed out. Just HODL. Remember FOMO is a sin #TrendingTopic $BTC #BTC
The market slowly starts moving again towards $50k but both sides don't trust it yet.

They call it a "scam pump" or fake-out before the real further down move to low 30s to buy back in.
Sector 3 effect ✅

4️⃣ The real bull market begins.

Bitcoin is back at $50k again but it doesn't dump?

The market is moving back up and traders are in disbelief.

They buy back in when the market is close to making new highs.

The cycle repeats itself.
While some may say "it's easy to speak in hindsight and tell us what happened in sector 1 and 2 now that it has already happened"

While I don't have a crystal ball and every thesis is a little bit of speculation I did previously express my thoughts on a post I made before the approval and it came out as expected.

There are certain patterns in the market that keep repeating itself to a certain extent.

No prediction is perfect but some things do often rhyme. You just have to understand that this is a game between you and the market makers and to win, you have to think like one of them.

Especially when it comes to trapping traders.
What was the ideal approach?

You just had to wait.

It's no secret that the market favour's investors vs traders.

Most of us have been waiting for years (bear market) so a few more weeks or months was easy.

But traders? Those are the ones the market tries to flush out.
And it almost succeeds every time.

Bob thinks he's a pro trader but Bob gets rekt every time.

Don't get rekt like Bob because neither him nor you can time the markets.

Don't get flushed out. Just HODL. Remember FOMO is a sin
#TrendingTopic $BTC
One week has passed since the Bitcoin spot ETF was approved. But most did not expect today's market reaction. What if I told you everything is all happening according to plan? Here's what will happen 👇 Most crypto traders have been divided in 2 groups on what the spot ETF would do to the market. 1️⃣ Up only traders 2️⃣ Sell the news traders I believe the post ETF effect is divided in 4 sectors to make up a circle, and after those four sectors are complete it is a rinse and repeat to trap most traders. And we are currently in sector 2 1️⃣ Small market pump The first reaction we saw from the market after the approval was a small market pump. The first sector to trap the "sell the news" traders. Pump the market so these traders think they are wrong and ape back in. Pump the market but only a small pump so the "up-only" people think they are right but not enough yet so they can benefit from it (profit taking). Just only to convince them to hold and not sell high. They'll be trapped in the next sector. Sector 1 effect as intended ✅ 2️⃣ Market dump The second reaction we saw from the market after the initial pump was a dump. Sell the news traders that bought back in and the up only traders think they are right. But now the market is dumping after all? The up only traders think it was a sell the news after all and start selling once bitcoin moves towards $40k to buy back lower at $30k. The sell the news traders think the same. They sell lower than their purchase to recoup the loss by buying at $30k again. Sector 2 effect ✅ 3️⃣ Market pumps sooner than expected. The final flush out. Both sides of traders are out and patiently anticipating to fully benefit and recoup all losses by buying back at $30k to ride or all up again. Only however bitcoin doesn't dump to $BTC 30k at all. The market dumps but only slightly to convince them enough so they can be trapped again. Bitcoin moves sideways but never sees low 30s. It stays trading around $40k with only the slight chance to see the upper regions of 30 (38-40k). TBC
One week has passed since the Bitcoin spot ETF was approved.

But most did not expect today's market reaction.

What if I told you everything is all happening according to plan?

Here's what will happen 👇
Most crypto traders have been divided in 2 groups on what the spot ETF would do to the market.

1️⃣ Up only traders

2️⃣ Sell the news traders

I believe the post ETF effect is divided in 4 sectors to make up a circle, and after those four sectors are complete it is a rinse and repeat to trap most traders.

And we are currently in sector 2

1️⃣ Small market pump

The first reaction we saw from the market after the approval was a small market pump.

The first sector to trap the "sell the news" traders.

Pump the market so these traders think they are wrong and ape back in.
Pump the market but only a small pump so the "up-only" people think they are right but not enough yet so they can benefit from it (profit taking).

Just only to convince them to hold and not sell high.

They'll be trapped in the next sector.

Sector 1 effect as intended ✅

2️⃣ Market dump

The second reaction we saw from the market after the initial pump was a dump.

Sell the news traders that bought back in and the up only traders think they are right.

But now the market is dumping after all?
The up only traders think it was a sell the news after all and start selling once bitcoin moves towards $40k to buy back lower at $30k.

The sell the news traders think the same.

They sell lower than their purchase to recoup the loss by buying at $30k again.
Sector 2 effect ✅

3️⃣ Market pumps sooner than expected.

The final flush out.

Both sides of traders are out and patiently anticipating to fully benefit and recoup all losses by buying back at $30k to ride or all up again.

Only however bitcoin doesn't dump to $BTC 30k at all.
The market dumps but only slightly to convince them enough so they can be trapped again.

Bitcoin moves sideways but never sees low 30s.

It stays trading around $40k with only the slight chance to see the upper regions of 30 (38-40k).
📰News Binance and Gulf Innova Crypto Exchange start trading operations in Thailand Bloomberg Analyst Says Backlash for Vanguard “Highly Unlikely” To Dent the Firms Inflows The crypto prices today stayed flat as investor risk appetite wanes, and regulatory concerns persist despite SEC's Spot Bitcoin ETF Grayscale Investments has moved another batch of 9,000 Bitcoin into multiple wallets, a move sparking potential selloff scare A crypto analyst sold a massive share of his Bitcoin holdings to acquire Ethereum ahead of the anticipated launch of Spot Ethereum ETFs. OKX Middle East Fintech FZE Granted VASP License by Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority in Dubai Solanamobile plans 2nd version of their smartphone Project Updates MakerDAO on native DAI on Starknet to stop functioning, asks users to migrate NukemLoans exploited/attacked TrueUSD stablecoin depegs Tempcheck for aaveaave to deploy on Neon EVM Frame_xyz launching on January 31st Finschia merging with Klaytn_Official blockchain MovementLabsxyz presents Parthenon Proposal to launch $APOLLO by ApolloDAO InverseFinance introduces XY=K DBR auction Newslybot partners with HyperliquidX Jupiter launching on the 31st of January Rabby_Io hints snapshot - Introducing @KodiakFi 🚀Launches Ajna Airdrop | [Live, Eth] Soma Finance TGE | [Today] ZeroLend | [Live, Manta] BananaGun on Sol | [Live, Solana] Flashloans on MarginFi | [Live, Solana] Lyve Finance LBP | [Live, Eth] Shell Trade IDO (ended) | [Ended, Solana/Bitcoin] QwikMine (degen) | [4-6pm UTC, Eth] 💎New Projects Perps AI | Data,Analytics Zest | Blast | CDP Qwik Mine | Ethereum | Mining Easy X | Blast | Derivatives Arbi Peas | Arbitrum | Peapods Fork Vector Reserve | Ethereum | LPD Units Network Ancient9 | L2,Game Fi,Chain Stor AI | Multichain | Storage ShortSwap | Ethereum Bit Swap | Bitcoin | Cross Chain,DEX

Binance and Gulf Innova Crypto Exchange start trading operations in Thailand

Bloomberg Analyst Says Backlash for Vanguard “Highly Unlikely” To Dent the Firms Inflows

The crypto prices today stayed flat as investor risk appetite wanes, and regulatory concerns persist despite SEC's Spot Bitcoin ETF

Grayscale Investments has moved another batch of 9,000 Bitcoin into multiple wallets, a move sparking potential selloff scare

A crypto analyst sold a massive share of his Bitcoin holdings to acquire Ethereum ahead of the anticipated launch of Spot Ethereum ETFs.

OKX Middle East Fintech FZE Granted VASP License by Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority in Dubai

Solanamobile plans 2nd version of their smartphone

Project Updates

MakerDAO on native DAI on Starknet to stop functioning, asks users to migrate

NukemLoans exploited/attacked

TrueUSD stablecoin depegs

Tempcheck for
aaveaave to deploy on Neon EVM

Frame_xyz launching on January 31st

Finschia merging with Klaytn_Official blockchain

MovementLabsxyz presents Parthenon

Proposal to launch $APOLLO by ApolloDAO

InverseFinance introduces XY=K DBR auction

Newslybot partners with HyperliquidX

Jupiter launching on the 31st of January

Rabby_Io hints snapshot

- Introducing @KodiakFi


Ajna Airdrop | [Live, Eth]

Soma Finance TGE | [Today]

ZeroLend | [Live, Manta]

BananaGun on Sol | [Live, Solana]

Flashloans on MarginFi | [Live, Solana]

Lyve Finance LBP | [Live, Eth]

Shell Trade IDO (ended) | [Ended, Solana/Bitcoin]

QwikMine (degen) | [4-6pm UTC, Eth]

💎New Projects

Perps AI | Data,Analytics

Zest | Blast | CDP

Qwik Mine | Ethereum | Mining

Easy X | Blast | Derivatives

Arbi Peas | Arbitrum | Peapods Fork

Vector Reserve | Ethereum | LPD

Units Network

Ancient9 | L2,Game Fi,Chain

Stor AI | Multichain | Storage

ShortSwap | Ethereum

Bit Swap | Bitcoin | Cross Chain,DEX
$BTC GM crypto folks and by GM I mean get money, it is a regular Tuesday in the crypto industry so expect big things to happen today. 📰News - Attempted attack on Bitfinex Venezuela Ends Controversial Petro Cryptocurrency Project Updates Binance announces $MANTA on their Launchpool Kwenta reveals roadmap for 2024 Proposal fo$r Lido_Finance to build an L1 MantaNetwork reveals tokenomics Starknet distributed STRK tokens to open source contributions GoogleCloud joins  FlareNetworks as a validator and infra provider 0xMantle collabs with Lagrangedev   🚀Launches Mirage TGE | [Today, Solana]  Marshmallo DAPP | [Live]  Rosa Finance IDO | [6pm UTC, Arbitrum]  Match Finance TGE | [2pm UTC, Eth]  mETH Cap Increase | [Live, Mantle] DeChat IDO | [Live, Eth]  Vulcan Poker | [Today]  Ledgity LBP | [Live, Eth]    💎New Projects Blasted | Blast | DEX Tropical Swap | Mantle | DEX Blastoise | Blast | Memecoin Bit Layer | Bitcoin | L2 Note Protocol | Bitcoin | L2 Euclid Finance | Ethereum | Restaking Algomist | AI Haiko | Starknet | Strategies Open Sky Finance | Bitcoin,Ethereum,Solana | NFT Lending NetMind | AI That's it for now guys, hope you enjoyed the read. Don't forget to subscribe to this page and turn on the notification bell to stay well informed. #MantaNewParadigm
$BTC GM crypto folks and by GM I mean get money, it is a regular Tuesday in the crypto industry so expect big things to happen today.


- Attempted attack on Bitfinex

Venezuela Ends Controversial Petro Cryptocurrency

Project Updates

Binance announces $MANTA on their Launchpool

Kwenta reveals roadmap for 2024

Proposal fo$r Lido_Finance to build an L1

MantaNetwork reveals tokenomics

Starknet distributed STRK tokens to open source contributions GoogleCloud joins 

FlareNetworks as a validator and infra provider

0xMantle collabs with Lagrangedev



Mirage TGE | [Today, Solana] 

Marshmallo DAPP | [Live] 

Rosa Finance IDO | [6pm UTC, Arbitrum] 

Match Finance TGE | [2pm UTC, Eth] 

mETH Cap Increase | [Live, Mantle]

DeChat IDO | [Live, Eth] 

Vulcan Poker | [Today] 

Ledgity LBP | [Live, Eth] 


💎New Projects

Blasted | Blast | DEX

Tropical Swap | Mantle | DEX

Blastoise | Blast | Memecoin

Bit Layer | Bitcoin | L2

Note Protocol | Bitcoin | L2

Euclid Finance | Ethereum | Restaking

Algomist | AI

Haiko | Starknet | Strategies

Open Sky Finance | Bitcoin,Ethereum,Solana | NFT Lending

NetMind | AI

That's it for now guys, hope you enjoyed the read. Don't forget to subscribe to this page and turn on the notification bell to stay well informed.

#BTC $BTC $XRP $SOL It A New TRADING Week Bosses. Hopefully This week would be one of the best For Us. Remember These Few Trading Tips. FOMO Is A Sin  Always Use A Stop Loss.  Before entering Determine You profits. Loss and break even Points. Always Ask when In Doubt. PATIENCE DOES IT Here's what's happening today: 📰News Sotheby's opens bidding for curated Bitcoin Ordinals auction Bitcoin (BTC) Price to Touch $1M in Days to Weeks – Samson Mow The Sui blockchain's native token nabs significant attention globally as the SUI TVL flipped Bitcoin's TVL recently. GameStop axes NFT marketplace Project Updates XpandrFinancial on Fantom drained Wise_Lending exploited for $464k MeritCircle_Io introduces the BEAM burn counter SynFuturesDefi v3 deployed on Arbitrum zkLink_Official annoucnes token sale on Coinlist AlchemixFi introduces Alchemistresses - Jito_Sol introduces StakeNet 💎New Projects POAT | Ethereum | Ponzi Discord GLHFers | Game Fi Discord Bog Network | Ethereum | Mining Inura Network | Ethereum | L2 Chest Bot | Airdrop,Service Azurance | Insurance Nimbus App Tabo Protocol Hyper Blast | Blast | AMM
#BTC $BTC $XRP $SOL It A New TRADING Week Bosses.

Hopefully This week would be one of the best For Us.

Remember These Few Trading Tips.

FOMO Is A Sin 

Always Use A Stop Loss. 

Before entering Determine You profits. Loss and break even Points.

Always Ask when In Doubt.


Here's what's happening today:


Sotheby's opens bidding for curated Bitcoin Ordinals auction

Bitcoin (BTC) Price to Touch $1M in Days to Weeks – Samson Mow

The Sui blockchain's native token nabs significant attention globally as the SUI TVL flipped Bitcoin's TVL recently.

GameStop axes NFT marketplace

Project Updates

XpandrFinancial on Fantom drained

Wise_Lending exploited for $464k

MeritCircle_Io introduces the BEAM burn counter

SynFuturesDefi v3 deployed on Arbitrum

zkLink_Official annoucnes token sale on Coinlist

AlchemixFi introduces Alchemistresses


Jito_Sol introduces StakeNet

💎New Projects

POAT | Ethereum | Ponzi


GLHFers | Game Fi


Bog Network | Ethereum | Mining

Inura Network | Ethereum | L2

Chest Bot | Airdrop,Service

Azurance | Insurance

Nimbus App

Tabo Protocol

Hyper Blast | Blast | AMM
$$BTC #shiba "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Author has advocated for allocating investment in #Bitcoin alongside other assets to shield from financial meltdown Peter Schiff warns of risks as Bitcoin ETFs trigger a market downturn, with Bitcoin value plummeting post-launch. Miller Value Partners' CFA, Bill Miller IV, stated that investing in MicroStrategy stock could provide better exposure to Bitcoin than ETFs. Shiba Inu gained significant traction across the global market as the token recorded a roughly 6000% upswing in its burn rate. #ShibaInuBurnMechanism Price Prediction As Whales Accumulate in Correction Phase; Is $0.000015 Within Reach? The SHIB price nearing a decisive breakout to resume its prior recovery trend. Crypto Price Prediction: The crypto market witnessed sudden selling pressure as Bitcoin failed to show new heights with the recent launch of Spot Bitcoin ETFs Analysts view Bitcoin's price dip as a chance to buy, foreseeing a $200K surge amid short-term challenges and ETF-related fluctuations. Ethereum faces a potential price dip as a whale moves 15K ETH to Coinbase, triggering market concerns and analysis of key indicators. Binance, a prominent crypto exchange, recorded a downfall in Indian traders following FIU's recent ban. Locally registered exchanges propel. Cathie Wood's Ark Invest sells millions of Coinbase and Robinhood Shares amid spot Bitcoin ETF launch to buys Elon Musk's Tesla shares.
$$BTC #shiba
"Rich Dad Poor Dad" Author has advocated for allocating investment in #Bitcoin alongside other assets to shield from financial meltdown

Peter Schiff warns of risks as Bitcoin ETFs trigger a market downturn, with Bitcoin value plummeting post-launch.

Miller Value Partners' CFA, Bill Miller IV, stated that investing in MicroStrategy stock could provide better exposure to Bitcoin than ETFs.

Shiba Inu gained significant traction across the global market as the token recorded a roughly 6000% upswing in its burn rate.

#ShibaInuBurnMechanism Price Prediction As Whales Accumulate in Correction Phase; Is $0.000015 Within Reach?

The SHIB price nearing a decisive breakout to resume its prior recovery trend.

Crypto Price Prediction: The crypto market witnessed sudden selling pressure as Bitcoin failed to show new heights with the recent launch of Spot Bitcoin ETFs

Analysts view Bitcoin's price dip as a chance to buy, foreseeing a $200K surge amid short-term challenges and ETF-related fluctuations.

Ethereum faces a potential price dip as a whale moves 15K ETH to Coinbase, triggering market concerns and analysis of key indicators.

Binance, a prominent crypto exchange, recorded a downfall in Indian traders following FIU's recent ban. Locally registered exchanges propel.

Cathie Wood's Ark Invest sells millions of Coinbase and Robinhood Shares amid spot Bitcoin ETF launch to buys Elon Musk's Tesla shares.
#etf #BTC There's a big lesson with the recent dump. We saw mass media loudly promoting the ETF. Major news accounts talking about an imminent takeoff. We often make the mistake that we can outsmart the market makers by been early in a game they want to play. Before the real ETF approval came up, many people believed institutions will pump my bags, I'm earlier than them, but just today it was announced that BlackRock now owns 11,439 BTC, when and how did they purchased these that it didn't greatly influence price. More people have understood price action and it is now more of a player verse player game, everyone wants to dump the market on who comes it last and that is why the bull run we are expecting will not coming like a thief in the night but more like a steady slow progression. It's always the same trick disguised with another narrative. Is it a coincidence that Bitcoin has been strongly rejected by the 0.618 at 48K, a key HTF level? Well, we are still hoping for mild rejection owing to the way the whole ETF issue played out, we can say the players have been played, liquidity has been wiped. Still early to decree if this has been the local top (HTF closures will provide further clarification) but the lesson is clear: Every time we approach an important HTF level, news intensifies, and it's hard for people to protect the capital/watch the market from the trench. This applies to the upside but also to the downside.
#etf #BTC
There's a big lesson with the recent dump. We saw mass media loudly promoting the ETF.

Major news accounts talking about an imminent takeoff.

We often make the mistake that we can outsmart the market makers by been early in a game they want to play.

Before the real ETF approval came up, many people believed institutions will pump my bags, I'm earlier than them, but just today it was announced that BlackRock now owns 11,439 BTC, when and how did they purchased these that it didn't greatly influence price.

More people have understood price action and it is now more of a player verse player game, everyone wants to dump the market on who comes it last and that is why the bull run we are expecting will not coming like a thief in the night but more like a steady slow progression.

It's always the same trick disguised with another narrative.

Is it a coincidence that Bitcoin has been strongly rejected by the 0.618 at 48K, a key HTF level?

Well, we are still hoping for mild rejection owing to the way the whole ETF issue played out, we can say the players have been played, liquidity has been wiped.

Still early to decree if this has been the local top (HTF closures will provide further clarification) but the lesson is clear:

Every time we approach an important HTF level, news intensifies, and it's hard for people to protect the capital/watch the market from the trench.

This applies to the upside but also to the downside.
Around the world crypto news update for 13th January 2024 Vanguard says they will not offer spot Bitcoin ETF Bitcoin ETFs available on tradingview Robinhood lists all 11 spot bitcoin ETFs on trading app Coinshares bought over Bitcoin ETF provider Valkyrie Samsung Securities, Mirae Asset suspend foreign spot bitcoin ETFs amid regulatory warning [Project Updates] Injective_ Volan Mainnet Upgrade live FrontierDotXYZ announces token swap to SELF WombatExchange introduces WomPets SynapseNetwork_ migrates to ZkSync Optismism RetroPGF Round 3 distributed 30M OP to contributors 🚀Launches Definitive | [Live, Avax] Ajna Relaunch | [Live, Eth] Platypus Relaunch | [Live, Avax] Totoro Scanner (degen) | [Today, Eth] 💎New Projects Bitfinity | Bitcoin | L2,EVM Lysergic AI | AI,Art Creation BRC Starter | Bitcoin | BRC20,Launchpads Nav Finance | Arbitrum | Strategies,Yield Generation Circle Tech | Base That's it for now guys, hope you enjoyed the read. Don't forget to subscribe to this page and turn on the notification bell to stay well informed.
Around the world crypto news update for 13th January 2024

Vanguard says they will not offer spot Bitcoin ETF

Bitcoin ETFs available on tradingview

Robinhood lists all 11 spot bitcoin ETFs on trading app

Coinshares bought over Bitcoin ETF provider Valkyrie

Samsung Securities, Mirae Asset suspend foreign spot bitcoin ETFs amid regulatory warning

[Project Updates]

Injective_ Volan Mainnet Upgrade live

FrontierDotXYZ announces token swap to SELF

WombatExchange introduces WomPets

SynapseNetwork_ migrates to ZkSync

Optismism RetroPGF Round 3 distributed 30M OP to contributors

Definitive | [Live, Avax]

Ajna Relaunch | [Live, Eth]

Platypus Relaunch | [Live, Avax]

Totoro Scanner (degen) | [Today, Eth]

💎New Projects
Bitfinity | Bitcoin | L2,EVM

Lysergic AI | AI,Art Creation

BRC Starter | Bitcoin | BRC20,Launchpads

Nav Finance | Arbitrum | Strategies,Yield Generation

Circle Tech | Base

That's it for now guys, hope you enjoyed the read. Don't forget to subscribe to this page and turn on the notification bell to stay well informed.
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