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Nepalaidiet garām puiši 😍🔥 CARV #binanceweb3airdrop
Nepalaidiet garām puiši 😍🔥
CARV #binanceweb3airdrop
Crypto Revolution Masters
Carv Protocol Insights un viss, kas jums jāzina, tostarp Binance & CARV Airdrop
CARV protokols ir decentralizētas finansēšanas (DeFi) projekts, kura mērķis ir nodrošināt lietotājiem drošu un neuzticamu platformu digitālo aktīvu tirdzniecībai un apmaiņai. Tas darbojas Ethereum blokķēdē un izmanto viedos līgumus, lai automatizētu darījumus, neizmantojot starpniekus.
Decentralizētā apmaiņa (DEX): CARV protokols piedāvā DEX, kurā lietotāji var droši tirgoties ar dažādām kriptovalūtām un žetoniem.
Likviditātes pūli: lietotāji var nodrošināt platformai likviditāti, noguldot savus aktīvus likviditātes fondos un pretī nopelnot atlīdzību.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Lista Dao — 2. projekts pakalpojumā Binance Megadrop! Bullish Insights un kā piedalīties
Sveiki, Lista Dao ir otrais Binance Megadrop projekts. Izpētīsim, kas īsti ir Lista Dao un kā iegūt maksimālu atlīdzību no Megadrop kampaņas!
Lista DAO ir BNB likmju likmju protokols un decentralizēta stabilu monētu platforma, kas lietotājiem ļauj iemaksāt savu BNB apmaiņā pret LS marķieri slisBNB. SlisBNB kopā ar citiem LST var izmantot ne tikai dažādu DeFi lietojumprogrammu LP, bet arī kā nodrošinājumu, lai aizņemtos lisUSD stabilu monētu, sniedzot LST kā nodrošinājumu savā platformā.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
MANTA - Viss, kas jums jāzina, un kāpēc es par to esmu īsts!
2023. gadā Manta Network piedzīvoja strauju izaugsmi, ko raksturo ievērojami sasniegumi, revolucionāra produktu laišana tirgū un nelokāma apņemšanās ieviest jauninājumus nulles zināšanu (ZK) tehnoloģiju jomā. Darbojoties kā revolucionāra modulāra ekosistēma, kas pielāgota ZK lietojumprogrammām, Manta Network ir sasniedzis nozīmīgu pavērsienu kā pirmā EVM līdzvērtīgā ZK lietojumprogrammu platforma. Pateicoties efektīvai ZK kriptogrāfijas izmantošanai, ekosistēma piedāvā nepārspējamu pieredzi progresīvu tīmekļa 3 lietojumprogrammu izstrādei un pieņemšanai. Mēs šodien apskatīsim Manta tīkla ekosistēmu, izpētot tās ceļu uz panākumiem un to, kas tīklu sagaida nākotnē.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Pēdējās dienas, lai piedalītos BounceBit-The 1st Project on Binance Megadrop. Viss, kas jums jāzina
Kas ir BounceBit (BB)?
BounceBit (BB) ir pirmā vietējā likmju ķēde Bitcoin. Tas ievieš jaunu pieeju naudas likšanai, izmantojot divu marķieru sistēmu. Šī novatoriskā platforma izmanto Bitcoin drošību līdzās pilnīgai Ethereum virtuālās mašīnas (EVM) saderībai, lai lietotājiem piedāvātu ērtu un drošu atkārtotas spēles pieredzi.
🔥 Personīgais viedoklis par BounceBit 🔥
Pēc Genesis Trading, Babel Finance un Celsius bankrota Bitcoin ekosistēmā tika atstāts ievērojams trūkums finanšu pakalpojumu sniegšanā. Tas izraisīja BTC aktīvu nepietiekamu izmantošanu un neizmantoja peļņas iespējas, īpaši tādās nozarēs kā DeFi un NFT
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Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo ir 53. projekts uz #BinanceLaunchpool

Renzo Protocol ir likvīda staking platforma un EigenLayer stratēģijas vadītājs. Tas ļauj lietotājiem likt lietā savu ETH apmaiņā pret likmēm un GPL, kā arī ezETH LST, ko var izmantot dažādās DeFi lietojumprogrammās, lai nopelnītu papildu atlīdzību. To darbina vietējais Renzo marķieris ($REZ), kas tiks izmantots, lai piedalītos platformas pārvaldības balsojumā.

Lai piedalītos $REZ IEO pakalpojumā Binance, jums ir jābūt reģistrētam kontam un jāpabeidz KYC verifikācija pakalpojumā Binance. Pēc tam jums savā Binance kontā jāiegādājas daži BNB vai FDUSD marķieri, jāapmeklē palaišanas lapa, jāizvēlas Renzo IEO lapa un jāiekļauj šie marķieri.

Par stundu jūs saņemsiet atlīdzību, kas ir proporcionāla jūsu daļai FDUSD un BNB likmju fondos, savukārt kopējās atlīdzības par katru ieguldījumu fondu ir:

212 500 000 USD REZ par BNB ieguldījumu fondu (85% no kopējās atlīdzības);
37 500 000 USD REZ par FDUSD ieguldījumu fondu (15% no kopējās atlīdzības).

🔥PRO PADOMS 1. Lai gan atlīdzība par BNB ieguldījumu fondu ir daudz lielāka nekā par FDUSD, ņemiet vērā, ka FDUSD pūlam parasti ir daudz mazāk bloķēto vērtību. Tas nozīmē, ka jūsu daļa FDUSD pūlā var būt ievērojami lielāka nekā BNB pūlā, tādējādi nodrošinot lielāku atlīdzību.

🔥PRO 2. PADOMS: $BNB iemaksāšana arī sniedz ļoti labas priekšrocības, jo esat reģistrēts arī Binance Megadrop programmā, kur varat nopelnīt vēl vienu bezmaksas žetonu!


🔥Ar veiksmīgu EigenLayer M2 līgumu jaunināšanu, Renzo komanda ir izvirzījusi prioritāti darbam ar vairākām auditorfirmām, lai sagatavotu protokolu Mainnet izņemšanai:
🔥HalbornSecurity, uzticams partneris no 1. dienas, veic pilnu atkārtotu protokola auditu, lai tas būtu pabeigts maija vidū
🔥Sigma Prime jauna audita partnera izveide ir plānota līdz maija beigām
🔥Code4rena audita konkursa sākums ir paredzēts maija pirmajā nedēļā.

👉 Apmēram 3 dienas līdz Farming Folks, negaidi pēdējo brīdi! Vienkārši ielieciet savu BNB vai FDUSD šeit:

Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo ir 53. projekts uz #BinanceLaunchpool

Renzo Protocol ir likvīda staking platforma un EigenLayer stratēģijas vadītājs. Tas ļauj lietotājiem likt lietā savu ETH apmaiņā pret likmēm un GPL, kā arī ezETH LST, ko var izmantot dažādās DeFi lietojumprogrammās, lai nopelnītu papildu atlīdzību. To darbina vietējais Renzo marķieris ($REZ), kas tiks izmantots, lai piedalītos platformas pārvaldības balsojumā.

Lai piedalītos $REZ IEO pakalpojumā Binance, jums ir jābūt reģistrētam kontam un jāpabeidz KYC verifikācija pakalpojumā Binance. Pēc tam jums savā Binance kontā jāiegādājas daži BNB vai FDUSD marķieri, jāapmeklē palaišanas lapa, jāizvēlas Renzo IEO lapa un jāiekļauj šie marķieri.

Par stundu jūs saņemsiet atlīdzību, kas ir proporcionāla jūsu daļai FDUSD un BNB likmju fondos, savukārt kopējās atlīdzības par katru ieguldījumu fondu ir:

212 500 000 USD REZ par BNB ieguldījumu fondu (85% no kopējās atlīdzības);
37 500 000 USD REZ par FDUSD ieguldījumu fondu (15% no kopējās atlīdzības).

🔥PRO PADOMS 1. Lai gan atlīdzība par BNB ieguldījumu fondu ir daudz lielāka nekā par FDUSD, ņemiet vērā, ka FDUSD pūlam parasti ir daudz mazāk bloķēto vērtību. Tas nozīmē, ka jūsu daļa FDUSD pūlā var būt ievērojami lielāka nekā BNB pūlā, tādējādi nodrošinot lielāku atlīdzību.

🔥PRO 2. PADOMS: $BNB iemaksāšana arī sniedz ļoti labas priekšrocības, jo esat reģistrēts arī Binance Megadrop programmā, kur varat nopelnīt vēl vienu bezmaksas žetonu!


🔥Ar veiksmīgu EigenLayer M2 līgumu jaunināšanu, Renzo komanda ir izvirzījusi prioritāti darbam ar vairākām auditorfirmām, lai sagatavotu protokolu Mainnet izņemšanai:
🔥HalbornSecurity, uzticams partneris no 1. dienas, veic pilnu atkārtotu protokola auditu, lai tas būtu pabeigts maija vidū
🔥Sigma Prime jauna audita partnera izveide ir plānota līdz maija beigām
🔥Code4rena audita konkursa sākums ir paredzēts maija pirmajā nedēļā.

👉 Apmēram 3 dienas līdz Farming Folks, negaidi pēdējo brīdi! Vienkārši ielieciet savu BNB vai FDUSD šeit:

Crypto Revolution Masters
Renzo — viss, kas jums jāzina par 53. Binance Launchpool projektu un jaunākajiem atjauninājumiem
Renzo protokols ir likvīda staking platforma un stratēģijas pārvaldnieks, kas veidots uz EigenLayer. Tas ļauj lietotājiem iemaksāt savu ETH apmaiņā pret APR no vietējās likmju un atkārtotas likmes EigenLayer, kā arī šķidro likmju likšanu no Renzo (ezETH), ko var izmantot dažādās DeFi lietojumprogrammās. Platformas pārvaldības slāni darbina vietējais $REZ marķieris, kura galvenā loma ir nodrošināt lietotājiem piekļuvi DAO balsojumiem platformā.
Kopš dibināšanas 2023. gada vidū uzņēmums ir piesaistījis tādu vadošo fondu un investoru uzmanību kā Binance Labs, OKX Ventures un citi, nodrošinot no tiem vairāk nekā 3,2 miljonus ASV dolāru.
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Crypto Revolution Masters
RENZO — 53. projekts par Binance Launchpool. Ieskats un kā saimniekot!
Sveiki, ļaudis, laiks iepazīt #RENZO
Pēc Dencun jaunināšanas Liquid staking palielināja popularitāti, palielinoties TVL. Renzo Protocol ierindojās pirmajā trijniekā TVL LSDfi tirgus projektos un saņēma ieguldījumu no Binance Labs 2024. gada 22. februārī, iezīmējot otro Binance Labs finansēto likvīdās pārņemšanas protokolu pēc Puffer Finance.
Kas ir Renzo?
Renzo, starpķēžu Liquid Restaking protokols uz EigenLayer, ļauj lietotājiem veikt ETH un citus šķidruma piesaistes marķierus (LST) tādās platformās kā Ethereum, Arbitrum un BNB Chain. Staking atlīdzības lietotājiem ar ezETH, kas var nopelnīt ezPoint atlīdzības par turpmākiem gaisa pilienu un atkārtotu.
Hurry guys $OMNI 🔥🔥🔥
Hurry guys $OMNI 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Mazāk nekā 2 dienas, lai audzētu $OMNI! Nepalaidiet to garām, ļaudis!
Omni tīkls no jauna definē Ethereum infrastruktūru, integrējot apkopojumus, lai nodrošinātu universālu piekļuvi platformas likviditātei un funkcijām bez jebkādiem kompromisiem. Kā novatorisks Actively Validated Service (AVS) tas ir nodrošinājis vairāk nekā 1 miljardu ASV dolāru pārņemtajām ETH saistībām, iezīmējot savu pozīciju kā Ethereum vietējās sadarbspējas stūrakmens.
Omni tīkls kalpo kā galvenā blokķēdes platforma, kas izstrādāta, lai uzlabotu Ethereum funkcionalitāti, droši apvienojot visus apkopojumus. Šī integrācijas infrastruktūra ne tikai optimizē ātrumu, bet arī izmanto Ethereum stingros drošības pasākumus, padarot to par stūrakmeni apkopojošām ekosistēmām. Šeit ir dažas galvenās Omni tīkla funkcijas un komponenti:
Crypto Revolution Masters
OMNI tīkls — nākamais Binance Launchpool dārgakmens! Vēl dziļākas atziņas! Ceļa karte un kā uz lauku saimniecību
Sveiki, ļaudis, ir pienācis laiks iedziļināties OMNI tīklā un aplūkot #OMNICOIN ceļvedi, kas man šķiet diezgan ātrs!
Šajā tirgus korekcijas lauksaimniecībā OMNI tagad ir labākais lēmums, ko varat pieņemt!
Omni tīkls ir 1. slāņa blokķēde, ko darbina divkāršais Proof of Stake mehānisms, kas tiek izmantots pārspēlētajā ETH un sākotnējā $ OMNI marķieris. Tas ļauj izstrādātājiem izvietot Omni apkopotos viedos līgumus Omni tīklā, uzlabojot Ethereum L2 risinājumu savietojamību un apvienojot tos vienā mehānismā.
Crypto Revolution Masters
OMNI Network - The 52th Project on Binance Launchpool! Farming Live now
Hey Folks, let's dive into OMNI Network - the 52th Project on #BinanceLaunchpool As always don't miss the Opportunity to 🚜 🔥
What is OMNI Network?
👉Omni Network is a Blockchain platform based on Cosmos SDK, secured by verifiers on Ethereum. This means that to ensure safety, Omni Network will use the ETH that Eigenlayer has staking. To put it simply, Omni Network combines the security of Ethereum with the flexibility and scalability of Cosmos.
👉The operating model of Omni Network can be understood as a Layer 1 platform, in which Blockchains built on Omni Network will be Rollup Chains. However, Omni Network operates differently from Ethereum and current Layer 2 solutions. The main difference is that Omni Network targets platforms built on Cross-rollup Applications.
👉Cross-rollup Applications can interact, transact and transmit information to each other easily, creating synchronization and connectivity in the Omni Network ecosystem. This also means that there is no need for cross-chain solutions to convert assets within the ecosystem of Cross-rollup Applications.
The Omni Protocol consists of two main parts:
🔥Omni EVM: This is an EVM implementation layer, capable of accepting transactions involving ETH.
🔥Omni Driver: This layer enables secure interaction and connects the Omni Validator with the ETH restaker, requiring them to participate in the consensus process.
KEY BENEFITS in my Opinion are:
🔥Broad Interoperability
🔥Connects Ethereum rollups for easy cross-rollup interactions.
🔥EVM Compatibility
🔥Familiar environment for Ethereum developers and users.
🔥Concentrated Liquidity
🔥Helps deploy dApps on multiple layers to centralize liquidity.
🔥Cross-Rollup Deployment
🔥Aggregates users and liquidity from all rollups, enhancing experiences.
🔥Investor Support
🔥Backed by notable investors, adding credibility and financial backing.
🔥ETH Restaking Feature
🔥Utilizes Eigenlayer for real-time Ethereum rollup data for dApps
Guys as always participating in #BinanceLaunchpool Projects is a Golden Opportunity in my Opinion. We all can see how the recent oner performed so far. I'm expecting very good ROI for OMNI as well!
Let's dive into the Utilities and Use Cases for the OMNI token
🔥Governance: OMNI token holders have voting rights on proposals that shape the future of the network. These proposals can address protocol upgrades, fee structures, and integrations with other blockchains.
🔥Staking: Users can stake their OMNI tokens to contribute to the security of the network and earn rewards in return. Staked OMNI, alongside restaked ETH, forms the foundation of the dual staking mechanism that safeguards the network.
🔥Transaction Fees: OMNI tokens are the primary currency used to pay transaction fees on the Omni Network. This simplifies user experience by eliminating the need for multiple tokens across different rollups.
🔥Gas Abstraction: OMNI tokens facilitate gas abstraction, a core feature of the network. Users can pay transaction fees on any rollup within the network, regardless of the location of their funds. OMNI acts as the universal fuel for transactions across the entire Omni Network.
Also it's important that OMNI Network announced Genesis Airdrop for early community members and partners. You can read more about it here:
OMNI Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: Omni Network (OMNI)
👉Max Token Supply: 100,000,000 OMNI
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 3,500,000 OMNI (3.5% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (10.39% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
🔥3,098.95 OMNI in BNB pool
🔥546.87 OMNI in FDUSD pool
💪Stake $BNB and farm Omni:
💪Stake $FDUSD and farm Omni:
Crypto Revolution Masters
Meet Saga - The New Binance Launchpool Project
Binance is excited to announce the 51st project on Binance Launchpool - Saga
Users will be able to stake their BNB and FDUSD into separate pools to farm SAGA tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-04-05 00:00 (UTC).
The Saga protocol was designed to streamline the creation of application-specific blockchains. This is achieved by transforming how developers and users interact with blockchain technology.
Saga simplifies the launch of bespoke blockchains, termed "Chainlets," by leveraging a model of shared security in managing validator activities, and a streamlined process for deploying blockchains. This makes the process of deploying smart contracts very straightforward.
What is super impressive about Saga for me personally:
🔥 340 projects on testnet
🔥 Gaming made up 80% testnet projects
🔥 Partnerships with Polygon, Avalanche, Celestia
🔥 Partnerships with gaming giants MarbleX & Com2us
Also they have few key events happening in April:
💪 Mainnet Launch should happen very soon
💪 They have huge announcement coming around the Mainnet release
💪 Bringing the Revolution in #GameFi which is super important cause we all know #GameFi is one of the Metas this Cycle.
Saga Protocol represents a transformative approach to blockchain development, particularly for application-specific needs. By simplifying the deployment process and democratizing access to secure, scalable blockchain infrastructure, Saga addresses critical pain points in building blockchain applications.
The protocol's innovative use of shared security, alongside mechanisms like Optimistic Coordination, not only alleviates the complexities associated with securing individual chains but ensures that every Chainlet benefits from the robust security framework of the Saga Mainnet.
Saga opens up new possibilities where developers can launch and manage their blockchain applications with ease and confidence. With its focus on scalability, flexibility, and security, Saga Protocol is set to play an important role in the evolution of the web3 infrastructure, making it an indispensable tool for developers looking to navigate the vast landscape of decentralized applications.
Just look at this super impressive statistics:

Of course when it comes to price prediction I am sure more of you reading this know my personal opinion. All #BinanceLaunchpool Projects are doing extremely well and #SAGA. won't be exclusion from that, especially if you hold long-term!
SAGA Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: Saga (SAGA)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 SAGA
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 90,000,000 SAGA (9% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Saga Security Chain
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
👉37,500 SAGA in BNB pool
👉9,375 SAGA in FDUSD pool
Two Pools as usual:
🔥Stake $BNB : ( Pool will be live at 12 AM UTC Time, 4th of April )
🔥Stake $FDUSD : (Pool will be live at 12 AM UTC Time, 4th of April )
SAGA Socials:
🔥 Website:
🔥 Whitepaper:
🔥 Medium:
🔥 X:
🔥 Discord:
🔥 Telegram:

Let's make profit 🤑🔥🚀
Let's make profit 🤑🔥🚀
Crypto Revolution Masters
Top 100 24h Gainers 🚀

MNT      $1.38          +11.20%
CHZ      $0.1416      +8.30% 
BCH      $637.60      +7.48% 
MKR      $4040.00    +6.99% 
BNB      $593.50      +6.40% 

Top 100 24h Losers 🔻

CORE    $2.54          -23.47%
W          $1.20          -19.63%
ENA      $1.03          -14.96%
FLR      $0.0401      -7.48% 
JUP      $1.58          -7.26%
Let's farming 😍😍😍 don't miss out
Let's farming 😍😍😍 don't miss out
Crypto Revolution Masters
ETHENA - NEXT 100x On Binance Launchpool. Farming Live Now
Hey Folks, Binance Launchpool introduced another super good Project, farming already live. Let me give you a quick Introduction at what is Ethena and how you can farm it!
Brief Introduction of ETHENA
Ethena is a revolutionary Ethereum-based project aiming to revolutionize the world of money. Here’s what they offer:
1. A Banking System Alternative: Forget traditional banking infrastructure. Ethena provides crypto-native solutions for your financial needs, starting with the “Internet Bond,” a globally accessible dollar-denominated savings instrument.
2. Stable and Scalable “Synthetic Dollar”: Introducing USDe, Ethena’s innovative synthetic dollar. This first-of-its-kind token offers a censorship-resistant, scalable, and stable crypto-based alternative to traditional money. Its stability is achieved through a unique method called delta-hedging with staked Ethereum collateral.
3. Transparent and Secure: Ethena prioritizes transparency and security. USDe is fully backed by audited on-chain assets, ensuring complete visibility into its backing and free composability within the DeFi ecosystem.
4. Backed by Industry Leaders: Ethena has secured $14 million in funding from prominent investors like Binance, Dragonfly, and Wintermute, demonstrating their potential and reliability.

5. Earning Potential: While they currently don’t have their own token besides USDe, they offer an exciting points system called “shards.” Users can earn shards by minting, providing liquidity, and staking USDe, with additional rewards for referrals. These shards could potentially grant access to future airdrops if they launch their own governance token.
I've personally minted an USDe. The process is pretty simple and My earnings so far are pretty good!
As you can see how all Binance Launchpool Projects are performing so far I am expecting absolutely the same for ETHENA. Especially if you hold long-term!
How to mint USDe?
You can read fir the full detailed process on ETHENA Gitbook here:
General Use Cases of ETHENA
🔥Permissionless Acquire USDe. Access external AMM pools to acquire or sell USDe with stablecoin collateral such as USDT or USDC.
🔥Direct Mint USDe. Deposit stETH collateral and receive USDe, subject to clearing KYC/KYB checks for approved market making counterparties.
🔥Direct Redeem USDe. Deposit USDe & receive stETH, subject to clearing KYC/KYB checks for approved market making counterparties.
🔥Stake & Unstake USDe. Receive a proportionate share of the generated yield. Available for users in permitted jurisdictions.
Launchpool Detals:
👉Token Name: Ethena (ENA)
👉Max Token Supply: 15,000,000,000 ENA
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 300,000,000 ENA (2% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 1,425,000,000 ENA (9.5% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
🔥333,333.33 ENA in BNB pool
🔥83,333.33 ENA in FDUSD pool
Supported Pools:
1. Stake #BNB to earn ETHENA
2. Stake #FDUSD‬⁩ to earn ETHENA
Project Links
👉 Website:
Happy Farming Folks!
Crypto Revolution Masters
ETHERFI - The Next Big Project on Binance Launchpool. Farming Live
Hey Folks, Danny here, Crypto Revolution Masters Founder. I would like to introduce you #Ether.Fi the brand new Project you currently can farm on Binance Launchpool!
🔥 What is EtherFi - Truly decentralized staking. Keep your keys. Build the network. Or with simple words you stake your $ETH you get very good Rewards for it!
Let me explain deeper how you do that! Steps by steps so it's more easy!
1. To mint eETH, simply go to the dapp and stake your ETH
2. To Bond 2 ETH for BNFT or Stake a full 32 ETH Validator. This is for large Stakers where you need minimum 32 ETH to stake!
When you stake your $ETH on #Ether.Fi you also earn Loyalty Points!
Loyalty Points formula
By staking .001 Ether, you will receive 1 point / day.
This simply means that loyalty points earned = ETH staked * 1000 * days staked
Example: If you have 5 ETH staked for 6 days, you will receive 30k of loyalty points (5 * 1000 *6)
There is also different Badges you can earn while you stake. More information you can find here:

So In General what's important for me!
If you're looking for where to stake your ETH for the highest interest rate and in one of the safest places to stake ETH, then you're probably looking for EtherFi.
EtherFi is a new LSD that allows stakers to directly stake to the Ethereum network reducing risks that you may have from the protocol. You get pretty much the same rate that you would get staking from Ethereum, which the competitors aren't providing.
By holding EtherFi's eETH or EtherFan NFT, you would be earning EtherFi points and Eigenlayer points which could be assumed that is what's qualifying people for the airdrop.
Actually EtherFi Team just realized article on Medium saying that staking is just the beginning for them! It's interesting one! You can read here:
Also see some of the Investors in it:

Of course my Price Predictions like every Project on Binance Launchpool are super optimistic. Expecting personally atleast 20x!
ETHFI Launchpool Details:
👉Token Name: (ETHFI)
👉Max Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 ETHFI
👉Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 ETHFI (2% of max token supply)
👉Initial Circulating Supply: 115,200,000 ETHFI (11.52% of max token supply)
👉Smart Contract Details: Ethereum
👉Staking Terms: KYC required
👉Hourly Hard Cap per User:
👉16,666.66 ETHFI in BNB pool
👉4,166.66 ETHFI in FDUSD pool
Again Folks you have two options to farm:
1. Stake $BNB and farm ETHFI
2. Stake $FDUSD and farm ETHFI
Project Links
Don't miss this chance #aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Don't miss this chance #aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Less than 2 days to Farm AEVO! LFG 🔥
Hey Folks, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, time is ticking. So far #AEVO. Farming is on fire and you have less than 4 hours to farm some. With $BNB over $500 now don't miss the Opportunity to stake yours and get some juicy Rewards for it.
Let's go again briefly about everything you need to know about #AEVO.
1. What is #AEVO.
I've made it simple for you. Just look at the below picture and you will find everything you need to know:

I love what Aevo are building. Their DEX works super smoothly and fast. Never got any issues using it!
2. #AEVO. #AEVO. personally for me. Oh well, Folks, I am pretty bullish on every single Project on Binance Launchpool. Same with #AEVO.
It was trading OTC around $0.25 - $0.30 and I am expecting atleast 10x on Listing and of course long term with the current Bull Cycle there is no limits where we can go but definitely patience always pays off in Crypto so the key for success is to hold!
3. How to Farm 🚜
Well that's the easiest thing out there. Less than 48 hours to do it in 2 different ways!
🔥 Stake your $BNB and farm:
🔥 Stake your $FDUSD and farm:
AEVO Socials:
👉 Website:
👉 Whitepaper:
👉 X:
👉 Discord:
👉 Medium:
Happy Farming 🚜🚜🚜
Useful guide for everything #Aevo 👇🏻
Useful guide for everything #Aevo 👇🏻
Crypto Revolution Masters
Watch my video for everything AEVO - From how to farm it on Binance Launchpool to how to use AEVO DEX. And dont forget I am pretty bullish on whats coming from AEVO Team! #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Watch my video for everything AEVO - From how to farm it on Binance Launchpool to how to use AEVO DEX. And dont forget I am pretty bullish on whats coming from AEVO Team! #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Crypto Revolution Masters
AEVO - Another bullish Project on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, it's time to share my opinion for another Project coming on Binance Launchpool. That's AEVO! What is AEVO? Its the first Derivatives L2, focused on options & perps trading! Built on #Ethereum and backed by huge names in the Industry like Coinbase, Paradigm and Dragonfly! Why I believe AEVO will be huge and is good Long term Hold? I want you just to look at the following picture:In some days without even it's token yet AEVO got more volume than all well known DEXs out there! And the most important thing to mark here is actually that only DYDX was close to that, not any other single DEX! I am using AEVO personally since I love to trade options and so far my experience has been excellent. Everything works super fast and smooth! About the price that I think we will have let me share the Tokenomics with you:Not too many tokens are hitting the Market on Listing and also vesting for Private Sale is pretty good and no huge dump will occur. So I'm expecting good performance on Listing. And of course is Binance Launchpool Project. Everything do good Numbers. But the key is always to try and hold a bit long term and you will get the real benefits of been patient! USE Cases of AEVO:Aevo supports options, perpetual futures, and many other products within a single margin account. Combining off-chain matching with on-chain settlement, the platform allows traders to have unparalleled performance and latency while inheriting the security of Ethereum. With one account you have it all Folks, how dope is that? TWO FARMING POOLS OPENING 8TH OF MARCH:🔥 Stake BNB to earn AEVO:🔥 Stake FDUSD to earn AEVO: Pools will be live for 5 days and will start at 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March! AEVO Socials:Website:
Happy Farming #Aevo 🔥 #AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Happy Farming #Aevo 🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
Hey Folks I've recently talked about #AEVO. Farming is now live and it's pretty easy to get your hands on Aevo. And don't forget you can farm in the next 5 days so the earliest you start the better.

Here is how:
1. Stake $BNB
2. Stake $FDUSD
#AEVO is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform. Let me share how it looks with you guys:

You can see that the Interface looks pretty clean, it's easy to do trading and you have all the information you need to feel comfortable when you take Desicion!
The ecosystem of Aevo products provides everything any trader needs. Trade options, perps, yield and structured products in a single place.
I am personally farming every Project on Binance Launchpool since I believe all of them are very good Long Term Hold. #Aevo is not exceptional and I think will do very good on Listing day!
And let's look again at the Utilities of the #Aevo token!
🔥Governance: Aevo token holders can vote on network upgrades, new listings and on general DAO governance
🔥Staking: Users that stake Aevo tokens will get discounted trading fees on the Aevo exchange and boosted rewards on Aevo’s trader reward program.
Happy Farming Folks!
Bullish project #Aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Bullish project #Aevo 🔥🔥🔥
Crypto Revolution Masters
AEVO - Another bullish Project on Binance Launchpool
Hey Folks, it's time to share my opinion for another Project coming on Binance Launchpool. That's AEVO! What is AEVO? Its the first Derivatives L2, focused on options & perps trading! Built on #Ethereum and backed by huge names in the Industry like Coinbase, Paradigm and Dragonfly! Why I believe AEVO will be huge and is good Long term Hold? I want you just to look at the following picture:In some days without even it's token yet AEVO got more volume than all well known DEXs out there! And the most important thing to mark here is actually that only DYDX was close to that, not any other single DEX! I am using AEVO personally since I love to trade options and so far my experience has been excellent. Everything works super fast and smooth! About the price that I think we will have let me share the Tokenomics with you:Not too many tokens are hitting the Market on Listing and also vesting for Private Sale is pretty good and no huge dump will occur. So I'm expecting good performance on Listing. And of course is Binance Launchpool Project. Everything do good Numbers. But the key is always to try and hold a bit long term and you will get the real benefits of been patient! USE Cases of AEVO:Aevo supports options, perpetual futures, and many other products within a single margin account. Combining off-chain matching with on-chain settlement, the platform allows traders to have unparalleled performance and latency while inheriting the security of Ethereum. With one account you have it all Folks, how dope is that? TWO FARMING POOLS OPENING 8TH OF MARCH:🔥 Stake BNB to earn AEVO:🔥 Stake FDUSD to earn AEVO: Pools will be live for 5 days and will start at 00.00 UTC Time on 8th of March! AEVO Socials:Website:
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