Binance Square
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GBTC 3. visu laiku labākā diena + 28,2 miljoni Bitcoin spot ETF un pelēktoņu 100. diena ir pozitīva + 28,2 miljoni ASV dolāru, kas ir viņu trešā labākā diena jebkad. Būs laba nakts komanda.
GBTC 3. visu laiku labākā diena + 28,2 miljoni

Bitcoin spot ETF un pelēktoņu 100. diena ir pozitīva + 28,2 miljoni ASV dolāru, kas ir viņu trešā labākā diena jebkad. Būs laba nakts komanda.
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚠️ TĀDA JAUNS VISU LAIKU AUGSTĀKAIS? 😍 Viss notiek pēc plāna... 🎯 Pateicoties impulsīvajai kustībai, #Bitcoin sortimenta sadalījums ir redzams.. 👀 Ir nepieciešama pacietība, taču, ja šī kustība izturēsies, $BTC izsitīs 73 000 USD un izveido jaunu ATH 🚀

Viss notiek pēc plāna... 🎯

Pateicoties impulsīvajai kustībai, #Bitcoin sortimenta sadalījums ir redzams.. 👀

Ir nepieciešama pacietība, taču, ja šī kustība izturēsies, $BTC izsitīs 73 000 USD un izveido jaunu ATH 🚀
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Bitcoin  ar katru atkārtotu pārbaudi pārdošanas pasūtījumi tiks aizpildīti, līdz tie visi būs aizpildīti. Tad nāk īsa saspiešana. 80k ir dienu vai nedēļu jautājums. (Jost don't go 100x leveraged in pie pretestības...🙈

ar katru atkārtotu pārbaudi pārdošanas pasūtījumi tiks aizpildīti, līdz tie visi būs aizpildīti.

Tad nāk īsa saspiešana.

80k ir dienu vai nedēļu jautājums.

(Jost don't go 100x leveraged in pie pretestības...🙈
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ķīna ir atgriezusies ChinaAMC iegādājas 457#Bitcoin(31,5 miljoni USD) Sveiki 🇭🇰 Honkonga! Atcerieties, ka tas var izklausīties kā mazi kartupeļi, taču 457 ir vairāk nekā ikdienas Bitcoin emisija.
Ķīna ir atgriezusies

ChinaAMC iegādājas 457#Bitcoin(31,5 miljoni USD)

Sveiki 🇭🇰 Honkonga!

Atcerieties, ka tas var izklausīties kā mazi kartupeļi, taču 457 ir vairāk nekā ikdienas Bitcoin emisija.
Skatīt oriģinālu
📊BTC/USD un ASV M1 naudas piedāvājuma diagramma. 🤔 Diagrammā redzams, ka izrāviena fāze faktiski sākās pagājušajā gadā, bet pēc vēsturiskiem standartiem tas vēl nav licis par sevi manīt
📊BTC/USD un ASV M1 naudas piedāvājuma diagramma.

🤔 Diagrammā redzams, ka izrāviena fāze faktiski sākās pagājušajā gadā, bet pēc vēsturiskiem standartiem tas vēl nav licis par sevi manīt
RIP all other blockchains... if they nail it Mert was a hold out and not sure they could get to 1M TPS. Now he has seen results. He now believes it is not only possible but possible soon. The use of C++ for Firedancer results in more efficient code and better performance compared to the previous Rust-based version. Introducing Firedancer as a new validator client diversifies the network, lowering the risk of a single bug affecting the entire system. Firedancer's design emphasizes performance and scalability, with early tests indicating it can handle up to 1 million transactions per second per GPU core.
RIP all other blockchains... if they nail it

Mert was a hold out and not sure they could get to 1M TPS.

Now he has seen results. He now believes it is not only possible but possible soon.

The use of C++ for Firedancer results in more efficient code and better performance compared to the previous Rust-based version.

Introducing Firedancer as a new validator client diversifies the network, lowering the risk of a single bug affecting the entire system. Firedancer's design emphasizes performance and scalability, with early tests indicating it can handle up to 1 million transactions per second per GPU core.
** ALPHA - DOT & APT** The chart explains all, breakout points, criteria and targets. There is a trade here, and it’s for the taking. Please use this to your advantage. **Criteria set, upon satisfaction execute the trade 🤝* You don’t have to take the trade if you disagree with the analysis, Good luck !!!
** ALPHA - DOT & APT**

The chart explains all, breakout points, criteria and targets.

There is a trade here, and it’s for the taking. Please use this to your advantage.

**Criteria set, upon satisfaction execute the trade 🤝*

You don’t have to take the trade if you disagree with the analysis, Good luck !!!
Skatīt oriģinālu
1,5T Japānas pensiju fonds, kas pēta Bitcoin GPIF - super liels Japānas pensiju fonds ar 1,5 triljonu dolāru aktīviem apsver iespēju ieguldīt Bitcoin. Viņi vēlas uzzināt vairāk par to un citiem alternatīviem ieguldījumiem, lai dažādotu savu portfeli. Valdības marta dati liecina, ka GPIF, kas nodēvēts par "vali" tās lielās klātbūtnes dēļ, pārvalda aktīvus aptuveni 200 triljonu jenu vērtībā. Tas nav arī vienīgais valsts naudas glabātājs Japānā. Šī varētu būt milzīga Bitcoin spēļu teorijas spēle, ja viņi nolemtu piedalīties. Lieki piebilst, ka Japānai ir daudz problēmu — ne tikai novecojoša pop, ekonomikas palēnināšanās, bet arī vāja valūta. Ņemiet vērā, ka tas ir Japānas firmas Metaplanet papēži, kas, ievērojot MicroStrategy stratēģiju, iegādājās Bitcoin 6,5 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā kā galveno kases aktīvu.
1,5T Japānas pensiju fonds, kas pēta Bitcoin

GPIF - super liels Japānas pensiju fonds ar 1,5 triljonu dolāru aktīviem apsver iespēju ieguldīt Bitcoin. Viņi vēlas uzzināt vairāk par to un citiem alternatīviem ieguldījumiem, lai dažādotu savu portfeli.

Valdības marta dati liecina, ka GPIF, kas nodēvēts par "vali" tās lielās klātbūtnes dēļ, pārvalda aktīvus aptuveni 200 triljonu jenu vērtībā. Tas nav arī vienīgais valsts naudas glabātājs Japānā. Šī varētu būt milzīga Bitcoin spēļu teorijas spēle, ja viņi nolemtu piedalīties.

Lieki piebilst, ka Japānai ir daudz problēmu — ne tikai novecojoša pop, ekonomikas palēnināšanās, bet arī vāja valūta.

Ņemiet vērā, ka tas ir Japānas firmas Metaplanet papēži, kas, ievērojot MicroStrategy stratēģiju, iegādājās Bitcoin 6,5 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā kā galveno kases aktīvu.
Mt Gox Distro Triggering Fears The recent dip for BTC is fear around Mt. Gox distribution of 142,000 BTC to its creditors. This distribution, valued at over $9 billion, was scheduled to take place later this year, 10 years after the exchange's collapse due to a hack in 2014. It looks like some have already moved. This could bring about some sell pressure. While many of the OGs in the space will probably hold, some will sell a portion for lifestyle. Others will leave altogether. Just another day in Crypto. While Bitcoin is down, it is not cataclysmic. Stay tuned for more updates.
Mt Gox Distro Triggering Fears

The recent dip for BTC is fear around Mt. Gox distribution of 142,000 BTC to its creditors. This distribution, valued at over $9 billion, was scheduled to take place later this year, 10 years after the exchange's collapse due to a hack in 2014.

It looks like some have already moved. This could bring about some sell pressure.

While many of the OGs in the space will probably hold, some will sell a portion for lifestyle. Others will leave altogether. Just another day in Crypto.

While Bitcoin is down, it is not cataclysmic.

Stay tuned for more updates.
🔥Starting May 29, the US Treasury will initiate a buyback program. About $2 billion will flow into the economy every week. This means that the economy will receive an influx of new and fresh dollars, as if the printing presses were running at full capacity again. Bullish 🚀🚀
🔥Starting May 29, the US Treasury will initiate a buyback program.

About $2 billion will flow into the economy every week.

This means that the economy will receive an influx of new and fresh dollars, as if the printing presses were running at full capacity again.

Bullish 🚀🚀
Skatīt oriģinālu
Globālās sacensības ir sākušās BTC Londonas Fondu birža sāks tirgot Bitcoin un Ethereum biržā tirgotās parādzīmes (ETN) 2024. gada 28. maijā. Tas notika pēc tam, kad Apvienotās Karalistes Finanšu pārvaldības iestāde (FCA) ir devusi atļauju WisdomTree un 21Shares kotēt savus Bitcoin un Ethereum ETP biržā. Šis apstiprinājums ir liels solis Apvienotajai Karalistei attiecībā uz to, kā tā regulē kriptovalūtas. Apvienotā Karaliste seko ASV un pēc tam Honkongas pēdām, kuras arī ir apstiprinājušas kriptovalūtu ieguldījumu produktus. Mums vēl nav visas detaļas. Paredzams, ka šiem produktiem būs konkurētspējīga maksa, un WisdomTree piedāvājums iekasēs 0,95%. Šī palaišana ir liels darījums Apvienotās Karalistes kriptovalūtu tirgum, jo ​​tas ļauj lieliem investoriem iesaistīties Bitcoin un Ethereum, izmantojot regulētas un tradicionālās ieguldījumu iespējas. Tas arī parāda, ka kriptovalūtas kļūst arvien pieņemtākas un integrētākas galvenajos finanšu tirgos. Tomēr skumji, ka mazumtirdzniecība Apvienotajā Karalistē nevar piekļūt.
Globālās sacensības ir sākušās BTC

Londonas Fondu birža sāks tirgot Bitcoin un Ethereum biržā tirgotās parādzīmes (ETN) 2024. gada 28. maijā. Tas notika pēc tam, kad Apvienotās Karalistes Finanšu pārvaldības iestāde (FCA) ir devusi atļauju WisdomTree un 21Shares kotēt savus Bitcoin un Ethereum ETP biržā. Šis apstiprinājums ir liels solis Apvienotajai Karalistei attiecībā uz to, kā tā regulē kriptovalūtas.

Apvienotā Karaliste seko ASV un pēc tam Honkongas pēdām, kuras arī ir apstiprinājušas kriptovalūtu ieguldījumu produktus. Mums vēl nav visas detaļas. Paredzams, ka šiem produktiem būs konkurētspējīga maksa, un WisdomTree piedāvājums iekasēs 0,95%.

Šī palaišana ir liels darījums Apvienotās Karalistes kriptovalūtu tirgum, jo ​​tas ļauj lieliem investoriem iesaistīties Bitcoin un Ethereum, izmantojot regulētas un tradicionālās ieguldījumu iespējas. Tas arī parāda, ka kriptovalūtas kļūst arvien pieņemtākas un integrētākas galvenajos finanšu tirgos. Tomēr skumji, ka mazumtirdzniecība Apvienotajā Karalistē nevar piekļūt.


📣 Grayscale launches two new trusts investing in NEAR and STX Crypto asset manager Grayscale Investments launched two new investment trusts for diversified crypto exposure. Grayscale Near Trust and Grayscale Stacks Trust opened on May 23, allowing individual and institutional accredited investors to access daily subscriptions. One trust is exclusively invested in NEAR, which supports the Near Protocol, while the other trust is exclusively invested in STX, which is part of the Bitcoin Layer 2 Stacks, according to a Thursday release.
📣 Grayscale launches two new trusts investing in NEAR and STX

Crypto asset manager Grayscale Investments launched two new investment trusts for diversified crypto exposure. Grayscale Near Trust and Grayscale Stacks Trust opened on May 23, allowing individual and institutional accredited investors to access daily subscriptions.

One trust is exclusively invested in NEAR, which supports the Near Protocol, while the other trust is exclusively invested in STX, which is part of the Bitcoin Layer 2 Stacks, according to a Thursday release.
Based on MVRV price ranges, if Bitcoin continues to trade above $65,125, the next local $BTC top before a short correction could be around $77,593🚀
Based on MVRV price ranges, if Bitcoin continues to trade above $65,125, the next local $BTC top before a short correction could be around $77,593🚀
#Bitcoin  - fakeout before the next leg up 🤝 Since the $15,500 bottom, we have witnessed a similar pattern in BTC. Price consolidates inside a range for a few weeks or months, then it breaks down below the range, trapping all the bears, followed by a quick reclaim and another leg up. If the pattern repeats, we are going to see a massive leg up soon.
#Bitcoin  - fakeout before the next leg up 🤝

Since the $15,500 bottom, we have witnessed a similar pattern in BTC.

Price consolidates inside a range for a few weeks or months, then it breaks down below the range, trapping all the bears, followed by a quick reclaim and another leg up.

If the pattern repeats, we are going to see a massive leg up soon.
Grayscale $16 million outflow today Grayscale experienced a $16 million outflow today, which may seem insignificant compared to its recent history over the previous 91 days. However, this outflow is approaching the company's trend line, raising some concerns about potential acceleration once again... and implications for the BTC price.
Grayscale $16 million outflow today

Grayscale experienced a $16 million outflow today, which may seem insignificant compared to its recent history over the previous 91 days.

However, this outflow is approaching the company's trend line, raising some concerns about potential acceleration once again... and implications for the BTC price.
FIT21 Passed - in a landslide It passed the house, off to the senate - but given this land slide... it should pass there also. Thank you to all here who made the call today. This puts the SEC and GARY GENSLER in hot water without control. H.R. 4763, known as the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act, is a bill introduced in the United States Congress. This bill aims to regulate digital assets by assigning regulatory authority over cash or spot markets for digital commodities to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It also establishes the conditions under which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would regulate a digital asset as a security. The bill classifies a blockchain as decentralized if no person or entity has unilateral authority to control it or its usage, and no issuer or affiliated person has control of 20% or more of the digital asset or its voting power. The bill also provides for certain exceptions to SEC regulation for digital assets that meet specific criteria. The CFTC and SEC are required to jointly issue rules defining terms and exempting dually registered exchanges from duplicative rules.
FIT21 Passed - in a landslide

It passed the house, off to the senate - but given this land slide... it should pass there also.

Thank you to all here who made the call today.

This puts the SEC and GARY GENSLER in hot water without control.

H.R. 4763, known as the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act, is a bill introduced in the United States Congress.

This bill aims to regulate digital assets by assigning regulatory authority over cash or spot markets for digital commodities to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). It also establishes the conditions under which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would regulate a digital asset as a security.

The bill classifies a blockchain as decentralized if no person or entity has unilateral authority to control it or its usage, and no issuer or affiliated person has control of 20% or more of the digital asset or its voting power.

The bill also provides for certain exceptions to SEC regulation for digital assets that meet specific criteria. The CFTC and SEC are required to jointly issue rules defining terms and exempting dually registered exchanges from duplicative rules.
***ALPHA - OP** The chart explains all, breakout points, criteria and targets. There is a trade here, and it’s for the taking. Please use this to your advantage. **Criteria set, upon satisfaction execute the trade 🤝**
***ALPHA - OP**

The chart explains all, breakout points, criteria and targets.

There is a trade here, and it’s for the taking. Please use this to your advantage.

**Criteria set, upon satisfaction execute the trade 🤝**

US Crypto Vote - FIT21 Call to action Several members have requested that I reach out to the community regarding FIT21. If you are interested, please call your congressional representatives and express your support for FIT21. It is evident that the current administration has taken an anti-crypto stance, with figures like Gary Gensler and Elizabeth Warren appearing to act in the interests of banks and other powerful entities. However, we are at a pivotal moment where crypto cannot be suppressed or ignored any longer. While I usually avoid political discussions, I believe it is crucial for us to speak up on matters like this. Banks are NOT our friends. SEC did not protect us. Calling is definitely more effective than emailing.Calls register immediately and show stronger motivation than emails, which are often ignored until they're swept up as a statistic weeks later. STATUS Here are the current dynamics as of right now for FIT21 which is slated to come up for a vote a little after 4:30 today: ✅ Most (if not all) GOP ✅ 8 Ds have publicly supported already (many more not public but unclear how many exactly at the moment) ✅ CFTC Chair presented to House members yesterday on FIT21 benefits ⚠️No veto threat from the White House yet ⚠️House D Lead @RepJeffries told members they are not against FIT21 and some reports indicate @SpeakerPelosi could be a yes (likely will lead to many more Ds to vote in support) ❌ SEC Chair came out aggressively this AM against FIT21 ❌ @RepMaxineWaters will be leading the debate against the bipartisan set of supporters which is slated to start around noon. Waters has no clue about finance or markets or crypto. Stunning she is in this role. Truly the blind leading the blind here.
US Crypto Vote - FIT21 Call to action

Several members have requested that I reach out to the community regarding FIT21. If you are interested, please call your congressional representatives and express your support for FIT21. It is evident that the current administration has taken an anti-crypto stance, with figures like Gary Gensler and Elizabeth Warren appearing to act in the interests of banks and other powerful entities. However, we are at a pivotal moment where crypto cannot be suppressed or ignored any longer. While I usually avoid political discussions, I believe it is crucial for us to speak up on matters like this.

Banks are NOT our friends.
SEC did not protect us.
Calling is definitely more effective than emailing.Calls register immediately and show stronger motivation than emails, which are often ignored until they're swept up as a statistic weeks later.

Here are the current dynamics as of right now for FIT21 which is slated to come up for a vote a little after 4:30 today:

✅ Most (if not all) GOP

✅ 8 Ds have publicly supported already (many more not public but unclear how many exactly at the moment)

✅ CFTC Chair presented to House members yesterday on FIT21 benefits

⚠️No veto threat from the White House yet

⚠️House D Lead @RepJeffries told members they are not against FIT21 and some reports indicate @SpeakerPelosi could be a yes (likely will lead to many more Ds to vote in support)

❌ SEC Chair came out aggressively this AM against FIT21

❌ @RepMaxineWaters will be leading the debate against the bipartisan set of supporters which is slated to start around noon. Waters has no clue about finance or markets or crypto. Stunning she is in this role. Truly the blind leading the blind here.
Uzzini jaunākās kriptovalūtu ziņas
⚡️ Iesaisties jaunākajās diskusijās par kriptovalūtām
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