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Bitcoin atgriežas pie 50 000 USD, saņemot ETF apstiprinājumu, un procentu likmju krituma iespēja veicina pieprasījumu pēc kriptovalūtas Biznesa banka un finanses Bitcoin atgriežas pie 50 000 USD, saņemot ETF apstiprinājumu, un procentu likmju krituma iespēja veicina pieprasījumu pēc kriptovalūtas Sākotnējās kriptovalūtas vērtība kopš pagājušā gada sākuma ir trīskāršojusies, atkāpjoties no 64% krituma 2022. gadā. Pēdējais mītiņš, ko izraisīja optimisms, ka pagājušajā mēnesī ASV apstiprinājums biržā tirgotajiem fondiem tieši piederēt bitkoiniem, noved pie lielākas vispārējas piekrišanas. Bitcoin Bitcoin cena pirmo reizi vairāk nekā divu gadu laikā pieauga līdz 50 000 ASV dolāru, iestudējot ievērojamu atgriešanos pēc virknes kriptovalūtu nozares skandālu un bankrotu, kas radīja jautājumus par digitālo aktīvu dzīvotspēju. Sākotnējās kriptovalūtas vērtība kopš pagājušā gada sākuma ir trīskāršojusies, atkāpjoties no 64 procentu krituma 2022. gadā. Bitcoin pēdējo reizi tirgojās par USD 50 000 2021. gada decembrī. Cena joprojām ir zemāka par visu laiku augstāko līmeni - gandrīz 69 000 USD. 2021. gada novembrī. Mežonīgās cenu svārstības, kas novērotas kopš bitkoina ieviešanas pirms vairāk nekā desmit gadiem, jau sen ir bijusi viena no galvenajām spekulantu pievilcībām. Lai gan sākotnēji tas tika reklamēts kā alternatīva tradicionālajai finanšu sistēmai, jaunāko mītiņu izraisīja optimisms, ka pagājušajā mēnesī ASV apstiprinātais biržā tirgoto fondu tiesības tieši piederēt bitkoiniem ir novedis pie lielākas vispārējas piekrišanas. "Ir daudz runāts par naudas ieplūšanu šajā īpašumā," sacīja Mets Meilijs, Miller Tabak & Co galvenais tirgus stratēģis. "Es arī atzīmēju, ka arī spēlētāji ir satraukti."#Write2Earn
Bitcoin atgriežas pie 50 000 USD, saņemot ETF apstiprinājumu, un procentu likmju krituma iespēja veicina pieprasījumu pēc kriptovalūtas

Biznesa banka un finanses
Bitcoin atgriežas pie 50 000 USD, saņemot ETF apstiprinājumu, un procentu likmju krituma iespēja veicina pieprasījumu pēc kriptovalūtas
Sākotnējās kriptovalūtas vērtība kopš pagājušā gada sākuma ir trīskāršojusies, atkāpjoties no 64% krituma 2022. gadā.
Pēdējais mītiņš, ko izraisīja optimisms, ka pagājušajā mēnesī ASV apstiprinājums biržā tirgotajiem fondiem tieši piederēt bitkoiniem, noved pie lielākas vispārējas piekrišanas.

Bitcoin cena pirmo reizi vairāk nekā divu gadu laikā pieauga līdz 50 000 ASV dolāru, iestudējot ievērojamu atgriešanos pēc virknes kriptovalūtu nozares skandālu un bankrotu, kas radīja jautājumus par digitālo aktīvu dzīvotspēju.
Sākotnējās kriptovalūtas vērtība kopš pagājušā gada sākuma ir trīskāršojusies, atkāpjoties no 64 procentu krituma 2022. gadā. Bitcoin pēdējo reizi tirgojās par USD 50 000 2021. gada decembrī. Cena joprojām ir zemāka par visu laiku augstāko līmeni - gandrīz 69 000 USD. 2021. gada novembrī.
Mežonīgās cenu svārstības, kas novērotas kopš bitkoina ieviešanas pirms vairāk nekā desmit gadiem, jau sen ir bijusi viena no galvenajām spekulantu pievilcībām. Lai gan sākotnēji tas tika reklamēts kā alternatīva tradicionālajai finanšu sistēmai, jaunāko mītiņu izraisīja optimisms, ka pagājušajā mēnesī ASV apstiprinātais biržā tirgoto fondu tiesības tieši piederēt bitkoiniem ir novedis pie lielākas vispārējas piekrišanas.
"Ir daudz runāts par naudas ieplūšanu šajā īpašumā," sacīja Mets Meilijs, Miller Tabak & Co galvenais tirgus stratēģis. "Es arī atzīmēju, ka arī spēlētāji ir satraukti."#Write2Earn
Skatīt oriģinālu Pievienojieties kopienai un pieprasiet savu, izmantojot novirzīšanas saiti #codaPievienojieties kopienai un pieprasiet Coda Pievienojieties kopienai un pieprasiet savu, izmantojot novirzīšanas saiti #coda

Pievienojieties kopienai un pieprasiet Coda
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin cena ir pieaugusi, padarot savu labāko nedēļu pēdējo mēnešu laikā. Kopš trešdienas kriptovalūtas cena ir pieaugusi par gandrīz 11 procentiem. Pēdējā dienā tas ir pieaudzis gandrīz par 5 procentiem. Bitcoin joprojām ir tālu no saviem augstumiem pandēmijas laikā: šodien tā tirdzniecība ir aptuveni 47 000 USD, bet 2021. gada sākumā tas sasniedza 67 000 USD. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
Bitcoin cena ir pieaugusi, padarot savu labāko nedēļu pēdējo mēnešu laikā.

Kopš trešdienas kriptovalūtas cena ir pieaugusi par gandrīz 11 procentiem. Pēdējā dienā tas ir pieaudzis gandrīz par 5 procentiem.

Bitcoin joprojām ir tālu no saviem augstumiem pandēmijas laikā: šodien tā tirdzniecība ir aptuveni 47 000 USD, bet 2021. gada sākumā tas sasniedza 67 000 USD.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
Hey! Join RepubliK, home of the interaction economy. Where every action is rewarded! #Write2Earn
Hey! Join RepubliK, home of the interaction economy. Where every action is rewarded!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mūsdienās lielākie kriptovalūtu ieguvēji — populārākais saraksts Turklāt Dogwifhat ir kļuvis par labāko sniegumu pēdējā gada laikā, sasniedzot iespaidīgu pieaugumu 4600,39%. Tikmēr Lihtenšteinas Cryptoassets ir bijusi zvaigzne no 2022. gada līdz šim, pieaugot par 170,06%. Tikmēr ziņu jomā notiek debates par optimālu Bitcoin sadali diversificētos portfeļos pēc jaunā BTC ETF palaišanas janvārī. 1. Pendle (PENDLE) Mūsdienās investori cieši uzrauga PENDLE, kļūstot par populārākajiem kriptovalūtu ieguvējiem. Pendle kāpumu atbalsta investoru prognoze par & Greed indeksu, kas norāda uz 60 (Greed). Tikmēr Pendle pašreizējā cena ir USD 3,12, kas atspoguļo 11,10% pieaugumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Tāpat tā tirgus ierobežojums ir palielinājies par 10,95% līdz USD 744 243 800, ierindojot to #Write2Earn .
Mūsdienās lielākie kriptovalūtu ieguvēji — populārākais saraksts
Turklāt Dogwifhat ir kļuvis par labāko sniegumu pēdējā gada laikā, sasniedzot iespaidīgu pieaugumu 4600,39%. Tikmēr Lihtenšteinas Cryptoassets ir bijusi zvaigzne no 2022. gada līdz šim, pieaugot par 170,06%. Tikmēr ziņu jomā notiek debates par optimālu Bitcoin sadali diversificētos portfeļos pēc jaunā BTC ETF palaišanas janvārī.

1. Pendle (PENDLE)
Mūsdienās investori cieši uzrauga PENDLE, kļūstot par populārākajiem kriptovalūtu ieguvējiem. Pendle kāpumu atbalsta investoru prognoze par & Greed indeksu, kas norāda uz 60 (Greed). Tikmēr Pendle pašreizējā cena ir USD 3,12, kas atspoguļo 11,10% pieaugumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Tāpat tā tirgus ierobežojums ir palielinājies par 10,95% līdz USD 744 243 800, ierindojot to #Write2Earn .
Skatīt oriģinālu
BTC-Spot ETF tirgus redz piecas dienas pēc kārtas neto ieplūdes BTC piektdien pieauga par 0,12%. Pēc 1,25% pieauguma ceturtdien BTC beidza sesiju pie USD 43 164. Ceturtdien, 15. tirdzniecības dienā, BTC-spot ETF tirgus reģistrēja piekto dienu pēc kārtas neto ieplūdes. Pelēktoņu Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) neto aizplūde samazinājās otrajā secīgajā sesijā. GBTC aizplūde ceturtdien samazinājās no 188 miljoniem USD līdz 182 miljoniem USD. Ceturtdien neto ieplūde sasniedza 38,5 miljonus ASV dolāru. iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) vadīja ceļu, reģistrējot neto pieplūdumu 163,9 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā. Tomēr ceturtdien Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund neto ieplūde samazinājās no 232, 1 miljona USD līdz tikai 35, 8 miljoniem USD. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
BTC-Spot ETF tirgus redz piecas dienas pēc kārtas neto ieplūdes
BTC piektdien pieauga par 0,12%. Pēc 1,25% pieauguma ceturtdien BTC beidza sesiju pie USD 43 164.

Ceturtdien, 15. tirdzniecības dienā, BTC-spot ETF tirgus reģistrēja piekto dienu pēc kārtas neto ieplūdes. Pelēktoņu Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) neto aizplūde samazinājās otrajā secīgajā sesijā. GBTC aizplūde ceturtdien samazinājās no 188 miljoniem USD līdz 182 miljoniem USD.

Ceturtdien neto ieplūde sasniedza 38,5 miljonus ASV dolāru. iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) vadīja ceļu, reģistrējot neto pieplūdumu 163,9 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā. Tomēr ceturtdien Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund neto ieplūde samazinājās no 232, 1 miljona USD līdz tikai 35, 8 miljoniem USD.

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
Avalanche (AVAX) Avalanche (AVAX) demonstrates resilience by confirming critical support after encountering resistance. The price action of AVAX garners investor attention, signaling a potential upward trend. In the weekly outlook, AVAX declines from its yearly high of $50, slightly below the significant resistance zone at $55. #Write2Earn #PYTH #TrendingTopic
Avalanche (AVAX)
Avalanche (AVAX) demonstrates resilience by confirming critical support after encountering resistance. The price action of AVAX garners investor attention, signaling a potential upward trend. In the weekly outlook, AVAX declines from its yearly high of $50, slightly below the significant resistance zone at $55.
#Write2Earn #PYTH #TrendingTopic
Pyth Network (PYTH) Binance has announced the PYTH token as its latest addition to the altcoin roster. This announcement caused PYTH to surge 25%, swiftly reaching $0.4923, subsequently hitting the top crypto gainers today. Today, the price of Pyth Network stands at $0.512949, marking a substantial increase of 26.53% within the last 24 hours. PYTH Price Chart Moreover, this surge in price is accompanied by a trading volume of $907.41M and a market dominance of 0.05%. In addition, the sentiment towards Pyth Network’s price prediction is bullish, mirrored by a Fear & Greed Index showing 63 (Greed).#Write2Earn #PYTH #TrendingTopic
Pyth Network (PYTH)
Binance has announced the PYTH token as its latest addition to the altcoin roster. This announcement caused PYTH to surge 25%, swiftly reaching $0.4923, subsequently hitting the top crypto gainers today. Today, the price of Pyth Network stands at $0.512949, marking a substantial increase of 26.53% within the last 24 hours.

PYTH Price Chart
Moreover, this surge in price is accompanied by a trading volume of $907.41M and a market dominance of 0.05%. In addition, the sentiment towards Pyth Network’s price prediction is bullish, mirrored by a Fear & Greed Index showing 63 (Greed).#Write2Earn #PYTH #TrendingTopic
The EU’s Stance on Bitcoin Energy Consumption In a screenshot Batten shared, the EU report presents an alarming assessment of Bitcoin and other PoW blockchain protocols. Suggesting a possible ban on Bitcoin and its mining processes in the region, the analysis highlighted that they are environmentally harmful due to their high energy demands. The report added that this unsafe mining process could threaten the EU’s energy security. These recent remarks tie into a 2023 ‘eTender’ submission titled ‘Developing a Methodology and Sustainability Standards for Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Crypto Assets.’#Write2Earn #JUP #TrendingTopic #TrandNTell
The EU’s Stance on Bitcoin Energy Consumption
In a screenshot Batten shared, the EU report presents an alarming assessment of Bitcoin and other PoW blockchain protocols. Suggesting a possible ban on Bitcoin and its mining processes in the region, the analysis highlighted that they are environmentally harmful due to their high energy demands.

The report added that this unsafe mining process could threaten the EU’s energy security. These recent remarks tie into a 2023 ‘eTender’ submission titled ‘Developing a Methodology and Sustainability Standards for Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Crypto Assets.’#Write2Earn #JUP #TrendingTopic #TrandNTell
Crypto markets take a hit at the start of Feb 2024 At the time of writing, Bitcoin (BTC) is worth $42,162.02, down 0.1% from an hour ago and 1.9% from yesterday. The value of BTC today is 5.1% higher than what it was seven days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Bitcoin transactions was $26,520,587,977. The global crypto market cap is $1.7 trillion today, down 2.18% in the last 24 hours and 51.81% a year ago. As of today, Bitcoin has a market cap of $827 billion, reflecting a 48.78% crypto market dominance. Meanwhile, stablecoins’ market capitalization is $137 billion, accounting for 8.07% of the overall crypto market capitalization. Bitcoin fell on Jan. 31 as the US Federal Reserve opted to keep interest rates constant and dampened chances of a rate drop in March, prompting one analyst to anticipate doom for US markets and BTC#TrendingTopic #TrandNTell #Write2Earn
Crypto markets take a hit at the start of Feb 2024

At the time of writing, Bitcoin (BTC) is worth $42,162.02, down 0.1% from an hour ago and 1.9% from yesterday. The value of BTC today is 5.1% higher than what it was seven days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Bitcoin transactions was $26,520,587,977.

The global crypto market cap is $1.7 trillion today, down 2.18% in the last 24 hours and 51.81% a year ago. As of today, Bitcoin has a market cap of $827 billion, reflecting a 48.78% crypto market dominance. Meanwhile, stablecoins’ market capitalization is $137 billion, accounting for 8.07% of the overall crypto market capitalization.

Bitcoin fell on Jan. 31 as the US Federal Reserve opted to keep interest rates constant and dampened chances of a rate drop in March, prompting one analyst to anticipate doom for US markets and BTC#TrendingTopic #TrandNTell #Write2Earn
dentistry, and more. Meanwhile, the couple knew that INDXcoin was essentially worthless after a report by the auditor Hacken called INDXcoin code “unsafe, unsecure and riddled with serious technical problems,” and gave it a rating of “zero out of 10.” Pastors Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn Regalado say God told them to start a crypto currency. $3.2m later, they are being sued by their flock. This is a teachable moment, no? — Billy G Edwards (@BillyGEdwardsch) January 25, 2024 Despite that report, the Regalados allegedly continued to promote the INDXcoin as a low-risk, high-profit investment. “God is not done with INDXcoin” In a since-deleted video from INDXcoin’s website, Eli Regalado seemingly admitted to the charges brought against him and his wife. “So the charges are that Kaitlyn and I pocketed $1.3 million, and I just want to come out and say that those charges are true,” the accused pastor said. Eli Regalado then claimed that $500,000 worth of the money taken went to the IRS, while “a few hundred thousand” went to a renovation of his home “that the Lord told us to.” “God is not done with this project,” he continued. “God is not done with INDXcoin.” The Regalaldos were out of town and not in attendance during Monday’s hearing. “This case is a sad case for me,” Denver District Court Judge David Goldberg said on Monday. “It’s one of the more egregious cases I have seen where someone in the name of faith, the name of God, preyed upon his congregants, and he did so in the name of the Lord.”#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #JUP #xrp
dentistry, and more.

Meanwhile, the couple knew that INDXcoin was essentially worthless after a report by the auditor Hacken called INDXcoin code “unsafe, unsecure and riddled with serious technical problems,” and gave it a rating of “zero out of 10.”

Pastors Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn Regalado say God told them to start a crypto currency. $3.2m later, they are being sued by their flock. This is a teachable moment, no?

— Billy G Edwards (@BillyGEdwardsch) January 25, 2024

Despite that report, the Regalados allegedly continued to promote the INDXcoin as a low-risk, high-profit investment.

“God is not done with INDXcoin”
In a since-deleted video from INDXcoin’s website, Eli Regalado seemingly admitted to the charges brought against him and his wife.

“So the charges are that Kaitlyn and I pocketed $1.3 million, and I just want to come out and say that those charges are true,” the accused pastor said.

Eli Regalado then claimed that $500,000 worth of the money taken went to the IRS, while “a few hundred thousand” went to a renovation of his home “that the Lord told us to.”

“God is not done with this project,” he continued. “God is not done with INDXcoin.”

The Regalaldos were out of town and not in attendance during Monday’s hearing.

“This case is a sad case for me,” Denver District Court Judge David Goldberg said on Monday. “It’s one of the more egregious cases I have seen where someone in the name of faith, the name of God, preyed upon his congregants, and he did so in the name of the Lord.”#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #JUP #xrp
The Role of INDXcoin in the Crypto Scheme In total, the Regalados raised over $3.2 million from over 300 people to benefit their scheme. According to prosecutors cited in the Denver Post, the husband and wife duo then spent a large portion of the funds on a Range Rover, home renovations, cosmetic dentistry, and more. Meanwhile, the couple knew that INDXcoin was essentially worthless after a report by the auditor Hacken called INDXcoin code “unsafe, unsecure and riddled with serious technical problems,” and gave it a rating of “zero out of 10.” Crypto News Cryptonews Altcoin News Judge Orders Continued Freezing of Colorado Crypto Pastor’s Accounts After $3 Million Crypto Fraud Scheme Judge Orders Continued Freezing of Colorado Crypto Pastor’s Accounts After $3 Million Crypto Fraud Scheme Julia Smith Julia Smith #TrendingTopic Courtesy: #Write2Earn A Colorado pastor and his wife accused of orchestrating a $3 million crypto fraud scheme have been barred from selling crypto in the state and will continue to have their accounts frozen by regulators, a judge presiding over the case ruled this week. Uncovering the $3 Million Crypto Fraud Just over a week ago, Pastor Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn Regalado, were charged with fraud by the Colorado Division of Securities upon discovering the couple had pocketed $1.3 million worth of crypto. The Regalados launched their own cryptocurrency called INDXcoin through the Kingdom Wealth Exchange, a faith-based crypto exchange also created by the couple. “Regalado targeted Christian communities in Denver and claimed that God told him directly that investors would become wealthy if they put money into INDXcoin,” a press release from the Colorado Division of Securities reads. The Role of INDXcoin in the Crypto Scheme In total, the Regalados raised over $3.2 million from over 300 people to benefit their scheme. According to prosecutors cited in the Denver Post, the husband and wife duo then spent a large portion of the funds on a Range Rover, home renovations,
The Role of INDXcoin in the Crypto Scheme
In total, the Regalados raised over $3.2 million from over 300 people to benefit their scheme. According to prosecutors cited in the Denver Post, the husband and wife duo then spent a large portion of the funds on a Range Rover, home renovations, cosmetic dentistry, and more.

Meanwhile, the couple knew that INDXcoin was essentially worthless after a report by the auditor Hacken called INDXcoin code “unsafe, unsecure and riddled with serious technical problems,” and gave it a rating of “zero out of 10.”
Crypto News
Cryptonews Altcoin News Judge Orders Continued Freezing of Colorado Crypto Pastor’s Accounts After $3 Million Crypto Fraud Scheme
Judge Orders Continued Freezing of Colorado Crypto Pastor’s Accounts After $3 Million Crypto Fraud Scheme
Julia Smith
Julia Smith

Courtesy: #Write2Earn
A Colorado pastor and his wife accused of orchestrating a $3 million crypto fraud scheme have been barred from selling crypto in the state and will continue to have their accounts frozen by regulators, a judge presiding over the case ruled this week.

Uncovering the $3 Million Crypto Fraud
Just over a week ago, Pastor Eli Regalado and his wife, Kaitlyn Regalado, were charged with fraud by the Colorado Division of Securities upon discovering the couple had pocketed $1.3 million worth of crypto.

The Regalados launched their own cryptocurrency called INDXcoin through the Kingdom Wealth Exchange, a faith-based crypto exchange also created by the couple.

“Regalado targeted Christian communities in Denver and claimed that God told him directly that investors would become wealthy if they put money into INDXcoin,” a press release from the Colorado Division of Securities reads.
The Role of INDXcoin in the Crypto Scheme
In total, the Regalados raised over $3.2 million from over 300 people to benefit their scheme. According to prosecutors cited in the Denver Post, the husband and wife duo then spent a large portion of the funds on a Range Rover, home renovations,
JPMorgan’s Perspective on Inflation and Growth The widespread anticipation of lower interest rates gained traction as inflation diminished in 2023, and the Federal Reserve hinted at a shift toward rate cuts during its December meeting. As per the Fed funds futures market, traders are expecting a substantial 140 basis points of rate cuts this year. This figure is almost twice the amount indicated by the Fed’s interest-rate projections chart released in December. Central bank policymakers, as indicated in their quarterly dot plot, are forecasting a total of 75 basis points in cuts by the end of the year. JPMorgan’s macro strategy team, led by Shrenick Shah, also suggested that the Fed’s dedication to addressing a potential resurgence in inflation is not fully recognized, which could create the possibility of a correction in risk assets. “In our view, the market may be too optimistic as we see limited evidence of disinflation in certain areas that are a focus for the Fed, specifically core services inflation and wage data,” the strategists wrote in the note.” “Furthermore, continued resilience in U.S. growth may inhibit the disinflation process or even create upward pressure.” #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #JUP
JPMorgan’s Perspective on Inflation and Growth
The widespread anticipation of lower interest rates gained traction as inflation diminished in 2023, and the Federal Reserve hinted at a shift toward rate cuts during its December meeting.

As per the Fed funds futures market, traders are expecting a substantial 140 basis points of rate cuts this year. This figure is almost twice the amount indicated by the Fed’s interest-rate projections chart released in December. Central bank policymakers, as indicated in their quarterly dot plot, are forecasting a total of 75 basis points in cuts by the end of the year.

JPMorgan’s macro strategy team, led by Shrenick Shah, also suggested that the Fed’s dedication to addressing a potential resurgence in inflation is not fully recognized, which could create the possibility of a correction in risk assets.

“In our view, the market may be too optimistic as we see limited evidence of disinflation in certain areas that are a focus for the Fed, specifically core services inflation and wage data,” the strategists wrote in the note.” “Furthermore, continued resilience in U.S. growth may inhibit the disinflation process or even create upward pressure.” #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #JUP
FTX’s Decision and Bankruptcy Proceedings The failed negotiations suggest that FTX may not have been what it appeared to be, and founder Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly failed to establish the necessary technology or administration to operate the company as a viable business, Dietderich said. Bankman-Fried has been convicted on fraud charges related to his operation of FTX. The FTX founder has also faced convictions on charges of conspiracy and money laundering. His sentencing, scheduled for March 28, 2024, is anticipated to result in a lengthy prison term, with experts predicting he may face decades behind bars. “FTX was an irresponsible sham created by a convicted felon,” Dietderich remarked. “The costs and risks of creating a viable exchange from what Mr. Bankman-Fried left in a dumpster were simply too high.” #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #JUP
FTX’s Decision and Bankruptcy Proceedings
The failed negotiations suggest that FTX may not have been what it appeared to be, and founder Sam Bankman-Fried allegedly failed to establish the necessary technology or administration to operate the company as a viable business, Dietderich said.

Bankman-Fried has been convicted on fraud charges related to his operation of FTX. The FTX founder has also faced convictions on charges of conspiracy and money laundering. His sentencing, scheduled for March 28, 2024, is anticipated to result in a lengthy prison term, with experts predicting he may face decades behind bars.

“FTX was an irresponsible sham created by a convicted felon,” Dietderich remarked. “The costs and risks of creating a viable exchange from what Mr. Bankman-Fried left in a dumpster were simply too high.” #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #JUP
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