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Hello everyone, in my channel you can expect daily market sentiments, important crypto news, coins i am investing in, and some futures signal. Like and follow.❤
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiki visiem, es veicu dažus pirkšanas pasūtījumus pa $MANTA un $SUI , es domāju, ka viņi darīs vismaz 10 reizes no šejienes.
Sveiki visiem, es veicu dažus pirkšanas pasūtījumus pa $MANTA un $SUI , es domāju, ka viņi darīs vismaz 10 reizes no šejienes.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#MarketSentimentToday Sveicināti visi! $BTC , Gox kalns sāka atmaksāt 54 000, Alts stipri asiņo, un daudzi cilvēki panikā pārdod. Tas liek gudriem cilvēkiem pirkt par lētām cenām. Mans viedoklis ir tāds, ka $BTC joprojām samazināsies līdz 48 līdz 51 k apgabalam (skatiet fotoattēlu un tendences līnijas apakšējo daļu), un no turienes mēs varam sagaidīt apvērsumu. Esiet droši, draugi un neļaujiet viņiem jūs izkratīt, jo tuvojas lielākais vēršu skrējiens. Padalīšos ar jaunajām monētām, kuras arī drīzumā nopirkšu. Novēlu jums skaistu dienu ❤️.
#MarketSentimentToday Sveicināti visi! $BTC , Gox kalns sāka atmaksāt 54 000, Alts stipri asiņo, un daudzi cilvēki panikā pārdod. Tas liek gudriem cilvēkiem pirkt par lētām cenām. Mans viedoklis ir tāds, ka $BTC joprojām samazināsies līdz 48 līdz 51 k apgabalam (skatiet fotoattēlu un tendences līnijas apakšējo daļu), un no turienes mēs varam sagaidīt apvērsumu. Esiet droši, draugi un neļaujiet viņiem jūs izkratīt, jo tuvojas lielākais vēršu skrējiens.
Padalīšos ar jaunajām monētām, kuras arī drīzumā nopirkšu.
Novēlu jums skaistu dienu ❤️.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pērkot vairāk $RUNE šeit ap 3$, vienreiz $BTC apgriežas bullish, tas eksplodēs. Mans mērķis ir vismaz 10x no šejienes 🚀
Pērkot vairāk $RUNE šeit ap 3$, vienreiz $BTC apgriežas bullish, tas eksplodēs. Mans mērķis ir vismaz 10x no šejienes 🚀
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es pērku vairāk $ARB $SEI un $APT , šī ir liela pirkšanas iespēja. Šis ir vājo roku satricinājums, esiet visi spēcīgi, jo tuvojas lielākais vēršu skrējiens.
Es pērku vairāk $ARB $SEI un $APT , šī ir liela pirkšanas iespēja. Šis ir vājo roku satricinājums, esiet visi spēcīgi, jo tuvojas lielākais vēršu skrējiens.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Nekrītiet panikā un pērciet vairāk, jūlijs būs bullish mēnesis, $BTC var izgāzties vēl vairāk, bet tas ātri atgūsies. Man ir pirkšanas pasūtījumi par 57 tūkst.
Nekrītiet panikā un pērciet vairāk, jūlijs būs bullish mēnesis, $BTC var izgāzties vēl vairāk, bet tas ātri atgūsies. Man ir pirkšanas pasūtījumi par 57 tūkst.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiki visiem, šodien es nopirku vairāk $APT Mana prognoze ir tāda, ka tas viegli izpildīs 10x šo bullrun. Vienmēr pērciet, kad ir asinis, un tagad ir ideāls laiks dca. DYOR.
Sveiki visiem, šodien es nopirku vairāk $APT Mana prognoze ir tāda, ka tas viegli izpildīs 10x šo bullrun. Vienmēr pērciet, kad ir asinis, un tagad ir ideāls laiks dca. DYOR.
$BTC BTC will pump to $80,000 soon. $ETH will make new ATH. Then we will have the biggest #AltSeasonComing Be ready and buy more.
$BTC BTC will pump to $80,000 soon.
$ETH will make new ATH.

Then we will have the biggest #AltSeasonComing

Be ready and buy more.
I am giving away some $PORTAL Code is BPCIKAB9UG.
I am giving away some $PORTAL Code is BPCIKAB9UG.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiki visiem! Nesen esmu nopircis vairāk $OMNI un $OP , es uzskatu, ka tie ātri atjaunojas. Iestatiet arī dažus pasūtījumus uz $TIA aptuveni 5,5 $ diapazonā. Redzēsim, vai tas tiks aizpildīts. Novēlu visiem lielisku nedēļu un atcerieties nekrist panikā šajā grūtajā laikā. Lielākais vēršu skrējiens notiks ātrāk, nekā jūs domājat.
Sveiki visiem! Nesen esmu nopircis vairāk $OMNI un $OP , es uzskatu, ka tie ātri atjaunojas. Iestatiet arī dažus pasūtījumus uz $TIA aptuveni 5,5 $ diapazonā. Redzēsim, vai tas tiks aizpildīts. Novēlu visiem lielisku nedēļu un atcerieties nekrist panikā šajā grūtajā laikā. Lielākais vēršu skrējiens notiks ātrāk, nekā jūs domājat.
If you see when $BTC dropped from 71k alts were bleeding hard, but now they show strength even when Bitcoin still dropping, i think the bottom is in and alts are oversold. Perfect buying time in my opinion.
If you see when $BTC dropped from 71k alts were bleeding hard, but now they show strength even when Bitcoin still dropping, i think the bottom is in and alts are oversold. Perfect buying time in my opinion.
Buy more and don't panic sell, $BTC will go above 80k and $ETH will make new ATH, then alt season 🚀. Even if we drop more it will recover sooner or later. Gonna share coins i am buying this dip.
Buy more and don't panic sell, $BTC will go above 80k and $ETH will make new ATH, then alt season 🚀. Even if we drop more it will recover sooner or later.
Gonna share coins i am buying this dip.
Hello everyone, recently i've packed my bags with $OP and $ARB , i think they are strong coins that can do at least 5x easy. Also i added one memecoin which is $BOME , super undervalued, my prediction is 7x or more.
Hello everyone, recently i've packed my bags with $OP and $ARB , i think they are strong coins that can do at least 5x easy.
Also i added one memecoin which is $BOME , super undervalued, my prediction is 7x or more.
I see people talking ooh $PORTAL is dead, is shitcoin... guys if you see the market every coin looks like it's over. Just buy more stop panic selling 🤦‍♂️. Any coin can jump 2 to 3x now being oversold. Be patient.
I see people talking ooh $PORTAL is dead, is shitcoin... guys if you see the market every coin looks like it's over. Just buy more stop panic selling 🤦‍♂️. Any coin can jump 2 to 3x now being oversold. Be patient.
If you lost hope in $PORTAL that is what they want you to do, it's my biggest holding, you will realise soon why. DYOR
If you lost hope in $PORTAL that is what they want you to do, it's my biggest holding, you will realise soon why. DYOR
#MarketSentimentToday $BTC showing weakness, not as i expected but i am highly sure it won't go below 64.5k area, and if it reaches this i will be going all in, as i believe it is the bottom.Funding rates are negative and also there is more than 10$billion liquidations if $BTC go above 73k. Stay safe friends and DYOR. Gonna share new alts i'm looking to buy soon🚀.
#MarketSentimentToday $BTC showing weakness, not as i expected but i am highly sure it won't go below 64.5k area, and if it reaches this i will be going all in, as i believe it is the bottom.Funding rates are negative and also there is more than 10$billion liquidations if $BTC go above 73k. Stay safe friends and DYOR.
Gonna share new alts i'm looking to buy soon🚀.
Buy more, altcoins will easily 10 to 20x from here.
Buy more, altcoins will easily 10 to 20x from here.
#MarketSentimentToday $BTC dropped after the FOMC yesterday, i expect it to touch 65.5k now not lower, then only up above 74k. This is a perfect time to buy guys don't get shaken out, it's a matter of time $ETH etf starts aswell, this will send eth to new ath real soon, alts will follow. This is my thoughts, im buying every dip now, but always DYOR.
#MarketSentimentToday $BTC dropped after the FOMC yesterday, i expect it to touch 65.5k now not lower, then only up above 74k.
This is a perfect time to buy guys don't get shaken out, it's a matter of time $ETH etf starts aswell, this will send eth to new ath real soon, alts will follow. This is my thoughts, im buying every dip now, but always DYOR.
🚨CPI IS OUT🚨 U.S. Inflation Rate comes in at 3.3%! Lower than expected 🚀 I told you guys to not panic, we need $BTC consolidation around 70k area now and alts will explode.

U.S. Inflation Rate comes in at 3.3%!

Lower than expected 🚀
I told you guys to not panic, we need $BTC consolidation around 70k area now and alts will explode.
Don't panic, just buy more, i told in previous post if btc rejects alts will bleed hard which makes perfect time to dca.Worst case scenario for me is 67k. Bought more $AVAX $DYDX and $GMX today.
Don't panic, just buy more, i told in previous post if btc rejects alts will bleed hard which makes perfect time to dca.Worst case scenario for me is 67k. Bought more $AVAX $DYDX and $GMX today.
#MarketSentimentToday $BTC moving exacly as predicted, my target is still 74k then a correction to 71 or 69k. Alts will bleed if $BTC gets rejected, avoid futures trading now as anything can happen. Wish you a good night or day ❤️
#MarketSentimentToday $BTC moving exacly as predicted, my target is still 74k then a correction to 71 or 69k. Alts will bleed if $BTC gets rejected, avoid futures trading now as anything can happen. Wish you a good night or day ❤️
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