Binance Square
Raafax Crypto Husky
Crypto Husky-chasing crypto opportunities.No matter what-always is a chance to fail-but most important is to succeed more times than fail
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atjaunināts: 12.03.2023 tas ir vēl viens ķieģelis pie sienas. esi mierīgs, nepārdzīvo ar BTC uzstāšanos citādi dziedāsi "sarkanos Ziemassvētkus", nevis baltus...✌️Izlasi... atjaunināts: 21-11-2023 Ziņas par Binance un CZ... šī ir minētā stāsta daļa... Krievija/Ķīna pret ASV... sūds sākas... nevis strauji, bet lēnām, kā viņiem patīk... ja es tev pastāstīšu īsu stāstu... Buļļi skrien ir aiz šī "sūdu" situācija aktīvi aug un vienalga kas ietekmēs visu zaļo tirgu...ātrāk nekā tu domā... par ko es runāju? nu lielas pārmaiņas ceļā ar krievu iebrukumu . galvenie mediji klusē lietas neizskatās labi... Krievijas teroristi ir guvuši mācību un diemžēl ir ceļā uz lielu kustību, un neviens no ES nemirs par Ukrainu, ja tas notiks... Vai esmu pesimists? nē, es esmu reālistisks, jo ES tirgus nav gatavs šāda veida triecienam ... $BTC #Ukraine #Russia #China #usa #BTC #CZ
tas ir vēl viens ķieģelis pie sienas. esi mierīgs, nepārdzīvo ar BTC uzstāšanos citādi dziedāsi "sarkanos Ziemassvētkus", nevis baltus...✌️Izlasi...

21-11-2023 Ziņas par Binance un CZ...
šī ir minētā stāsta daļa...
Krievija/Ķīna pret ASV...
sūds sākas...
nevis strauji, bet lēnām, kā viņiem patīk...

ja es tev pastāstīšu īsu stāstu...

Buļļi skrien ir aiz šī "sūdu" situācija aktīvi aug un vienalga kas ietekmēs visu zaļo tirgu...ātrāk nekā tu domā...
par ko es runāju?

nu lielas pārmaiņas ceļā ar krievu iebrukumu . galvenie mediji klusē lietas neizskatās labi... Krievijas teroristi ir guvuši mācību un diemžēl ir ceļā uz lielu kustību, un neviens no ES nemirs par Ukrainu, ja tas notiks...
Vai esmu pesimists? nē, es esmu reālistisks, jo ES tirgus nav gatavs šāda veida triecienam ... $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vienmēr pārdodiet zaļas sveces un pērciet sarkanas Atcerieties, ka šis puisis... pārdod pircējiem un pērc no pārdevējiem... dzenā to pareizajā virzienā neiet ar masu... manas šodienas jūtas un varbūt es kļūdos, bet... Es sajutu smaržu... 35k brīvs...;)$BTC $BTC #FuturesTrading #BTC #CryptoHusky
Vienmēr pārdodiet zaļas sveces un pērciet sarkanas

Atcerieties, ka šis puisis... pārdod pircējiem un pērc no pārdevējiem...
dzenā to pareizajā virzienā neiet ar masu...

manas šodienas jūtas un varbūt es kļūdos, bet...
Es sajutu smaržu... 35k brīvs...;)$BTC


Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
wow!!!!such a crazy day...I hope all of you made some penny!!!! Absolutely positive smash after year of dormant market... fingers crossed for continuing... big thing will happen in next couple of weeks... wait and you will be surprised . all my positions closed atm... waiting for market shock calm down ... Profit 💯% outstanding. #BTC #CryptoHusky
wow!!!!such a crazy day...I hope all of you made some penny!!!!
Absolutely positive smash after year of dormant market... fingers crossed for continuing...
big thing will happen in next couple of weeks... wait and you will be surprised .
all my positions closed atm... waiting for market shock calm down ...
Profit 💯% outstanding.

#BTC #CryptoHusky
$TRB under radar... potential shorting ... Average entry 82 and moving in the right direction #CryptoHusky
$TRB under radar... potential shorting ...
Average entry 82 and moving in the right direction

New week started with profit but never enough Husky loves to chase so if any opportunity pops up I'll let you know. Keep in mind: Crypto Husky considering technical analysis but also all political challenges + macroeconomics-based on these factors looking for potential crypto "prey" to make profit. But Crypto Husky also loves to run and chase no matter what and you could expect some crazy movements if "profit" appears on the horizon . I don't take any responsibility for other losses but you are free to follow and copy me. still holding from the previous week: $ETH $DOGE $ICP #ETH #DOGE #ICP #CryptoHusky
New week started with profit but never enough Husky loves to chase so if any opportunity pops up I'll let you know.
Keep in mind:
Crypto Husky considering technical analysis but also all political challenges + macroeconomics-based on these factors looking for potential crypto "prey" to make profit.
But Crypto Husky also loves to run and chase no matter what and you could expect some crazy movements if "profit" appears on the horizon .
I don't take any responsibility for other losses but you are free to follow and copy me.
still holding from the previous week:

$ICP from the pub after discussion ... ICP under my radar considering rising to 5.1 in next few days worth to watch ...and earn... update : bought some ICP average price 3.19 let's see what will happen in 7 days from now... fingers crossed and let's go-new week on the way. looking good 😁
from the pub after discussion ...
ICP under my radar considering rising to 5.1 in next few days
worth to watch ...and earn...
update : bought some ICP average price 3.19
let's see what will happen in 7 days from now...
fingers crossed and let's go-new week on the way.

looking good 😁
considering shorting BTC soon... nice scalping before lazy Saturday night. Amazing "scalp"...some coins for well deserved Jack Daniels on rocks ...😂 more content after the weekend .
considering shorting BTC soon... nice scalping before lazy Saturday night.
Amazing "scalp"...some coins for well deserved Jack Daniels on rocks ...😂
more content after the weekend .
$MANA squeeze it more ❤️ nice... target 0.31 than close
squeeze it more ❤️ nice... target 0.31 than close
$DOGE sweet ❤️ lazy weekend and after the weekend still growing my little doggy ❤️ $DOGE #BTC #CryptoHusky
sweet ❤️ lazy weekend
and after the weekend still growing my little doggy ❤️

$ETH so far so good target 1635-1645 added closing after 1636 time😁
so far so good target 1635-1645 added
closing after 1636 time😁
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