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NFT par labāko cenu... e 5mdCUyNTI1MkZpdGVtJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyMiUyNTI1MkMlMjUyNTIyaXN Db25jYXRlbmF0ZWQlMjUyNTIyJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyNTIyaXN MA&description=Explore+Premium%2C+Unique+and+Exclusive+NFT&title=Binance+NFT&utm_medium=mini_program_1kq94jFiS3LLBZTWU9C1LV&utm_source=mini_programma
NFT par labāko cenu... e 5mdCUyNTI1MkZpdGVtJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyMiUyNTI1MkMlMjUyNTIyaXN Db25jYXRlbmF0ZWQlMjUyNTIyJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyNTIyaXN MA&description=Explore+Premium%2C+Unique+and+Exclusive+NFT&title=Binance+NFT&utm_medium=mini_program_1kq94jFiS3LLBZTWU9C1LV&utm_source=mini_programma
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Binance Academy
7 lietas, kas jums jāzina par NFT

NFT ir marķieri, kolekcionējami priekšmeti, kas novērtēti to unikalitātes un retuma dēļ un ir populāri BNB ķēdē un Ethereum. NFT vērtība ir atkarīga no to autentiskuma un trūkuma, tāpēc var būt noderīgi tuvāk apskatīt blokķēdes pētnieka marķieri.

NFT ir vairāk izmantošanas gadījumu nekā tikai kriptogrāfijas māksla, un BNB ķēdei tagad ir novatoriska, neatvietojama marķiera ekosistēma. Sakarā ar neseno NFT popularitāti ziņās un milzīgajām pārdošanas cenām, ir viegli saskatīt līdzības ar 2017. gada ICO traku. Bet patiesībā abas ir ļoti atšķirīgas lietas.
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Ikviens šeit, lai iegādātos Greatest NFT. Pārbaudiet šo #NFT​ #NFTRewards #SellInMay #CommunityCelebration e 5mdCUyNTI1MkZpdGVtJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyMiUyNTI1MkMlMjUyNTIyaXN Db25jYXRlbmF0ZWQlMjUyNTIyJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyNTIyaXN MA&description=Explore+Premium%2C+Unique+and+Exclusive+NFT&title=Binance+NFT&utm_medium=mini_program_1kq94jFiS3LLBZTWU9C1LV&utm_source=mini_programma
Ikviens šeit, lai iegādātos Greatest NFT.

Pārbaudiet šo
#CommunityCelebration e 5mdCUyNTI1MkZpdGVtJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyMiUyNTI1MkMlMjUyNTIyaXN Db25jYXRlbmF0ZWQlMjUyNTIyJTI1MjUyRjU5NDc4NDMwJTI1MjUyNTIyaXN MA&description=Explore+Premium%2C+Unique+and+Exclusive+NFT&title=Binance+NFT&utm_medium=mini_program_1kq94jFiS3LLBZTWU9C1LV&utm_source=mini_programma
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Binance zelta olu dāvanas.[BINANCE GOLDEN EGGS]( #binance #btc #public

Binance zelta olu dāvanas.

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Binance Announcement
Iepazīstinām ar Ethenu (ENA) vietnē Binance Launchpool! Saimniecība ENA, ko piedāvā Staking BNB un FDUSD
SVARĪGI! Binance būs pirmā platforma, kurā tiks uzskaitīts šeit minētais marķieris, un tirdzniecība sāksies 2024-04-02 plkst. 8:00 (UTC). Visi apgalvojumi par šī marķiera piedāvāšanu pārdošanai pirms norādītā laika grafika ir nepatiesa reklāma. Lūdzu, veiciet savu izpēti, lai nodrošinātu savu līdzekļu drošību!
Binansiešu kolēģi,
Binance ar prieku paziņo par 50. projektu Binance Launchpool — Ethena (ENA), sintētiskā dolāru protokolā. Tiek lēsts, ka tīmekļa lapa būs pieejama 5 stundu laikā pirms Launchpool sākuma.
Lietotāji varēs izvietot savus BNB un FDUSD atsevišķos fondos, lai audzētu ENA marķierus trīs dienu laikā, un lauksaimniecība sākas no 2024. gada 3. materiāla 30. gada plkst. 00:00 (UTC).
Binance Academy
Kas ir BNB ķēde?
Key Takeaways

BNB ķēde ir decentralizēta blokķēdes ekosistēma, kas vērsta uz stabilas infrastruktūras nodrošināšanu Web3 ekonomikai.

BNB ķēde piedāvā daudzveidīgu pakalpojumu klāstu, veicinot decentralizētu datu pārvaldību, 2. slāņa mērogošanu un inovatīvus risinājumus decentralizēto finanšu (DeFi) pasaulei.

Šajā rakstā ir apskatīts BNB ķēdes pārveidojošais ceļojums no tās pirmsākumiem 2017. gadā līdz mūsdienām, parādot tās spēju pielāgoties un ieviest jauninājumus.


BNB ķēde ir decentralizēta blokķēdes ekosistēma, kas koncentrējas uz Web3 ekonomiku, infrastruktūru un pakalpojumiem. Tā piedāvā dažādus uzlabotus rīkus un līdzekļus, lai lietotāji varētu izpētīt decentralizēto finanšu (DeFi) pasauli, bet izstrādātājiem – veidot liela mēroga decentralizētas lietojumprogrammas (DApps).
Just Like The NFT Get A Chance To Win 1 BNB 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 @Square-Creator-495858986
Just Like The NFT
Get A Chance To Win

1 BNB 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Citētais saturs tika izņemts
NFT Means?? Easy,Cheap,Reliable,
Hi @Ameer91
What do you think 🤔 about NFT.
NON Fungible Token.
Accordingly it's the best creativity or addition of success to the modern times,as nowadays the life train 🚆 is moving faster and faster as next moment to the hell.
Isn't it ?
So why wasting time to think think 🤔 and think....
So friends save your time by fulfill your dreams and explore your ideas through one click.
I hope you like my thoughts and I will share more but when you appreciate.
Stay blessed!
#NFTDreams #Nft #Usdt_gift #BTCTo1Million
NFT Means?? Easy,Cheap,Reliable,Hi @Square-Creator-495858986 #Write2Earrn What do you think 🤔 about NFT. NON Fungible Token. Accordingly it's the best creativity or addition of success to the modern times,as nowadays the life train 🚆 is moving faster and faster as next moment to the hell. Really? Isn't it ? So why wasting time to think think 🤔 and think.... So friends save your time by fulfill your dreams and explore your ideas through one click. I hope you like my thoughts and I will share more but when you appreciate. Thanks Stay blessed! #NFTDreams #Nft #Usdt_gift #BTCTo1Million

NFT Means?? Easy,Cheap,Reliable,

Hi @Ameer91
What do you think 🤔 about NFT.
NON Fungible Token.
Accordingly it's the best creativity or addition of success to the modern times,as nowadays the life train 🚆 is moving faster and faster as next moment to the hell.
Isn't it ?
So why wasting time to think think 🤔 and think....
So friends save your time by fulfill your dreams and explore your ideas through one click.
I hope you like my thoughts and I will share more but when you appreciate.
Stay blessed!
#NFTDreams #Nft #Usdt_gift #BTCTo1Million
Crypto Ninjaxx
Don't Miss the ENA Genesis: Your Ticket to DeFi's Future

The future of finance is knocking, and it sounds a lot like... a synthetic dollar? Buckle up, DeFi enthusiasts, because the ENA Genesis on Binance Launchpool is your chance to be a pioneer in this revolutionary movement. Here's why you can't afford to miss out:

1. Be a Founding Farmer, Not Just Another Follower:

Forget FOMO (fear of missing out) – with ENA farming on Binance Launchpool, you get to be a FOGO (First One Growing Opportunity). Be among the very first to cultivate ENA tokens, the lifeblood of the Ethena protocol. This isn't just about early access – it's about shaping the future of DeFi from the ground floor.

2. Ditch the Banks, Embrace Stability:

Imagine a world where you can hold a stablecoin without relying on traditional financial institutions. Ethena's synthetic dollar aims to do exactly that, offering stability without the hassle. By joining the ENA Genesis, you're not just farming a token; you're supporting a paradigm shift in finance.

3. The Power is in Your Hands (Literally):

ENA isn't just another governance token. It grants you real voting rights within the Ethena protocol. This means you have a say in the project's development, shaping its features and functionalities. Talk about an investment with impact!

4. Earning Potential That'll Make You Blush:

Let's be honest, earning rewards is pretty darn sweet. With ENA farming on Binance Launchpool, you can stake your BNB or FUSD tokens and watch your ENA harvest grow exponentially. Early participation often translates to bigger rewards, so don't miss this golden opportunity.

5. Join the DeFi Revolution, One Seed at a Time:

The ENA Genesis is more than just a token launch; it's a chance to be part of something bigger. You're joining a community of forward-thinking individuals who believe in a decentralized future. Together, you'll cultivate a more accessible and inclusive financial landscape.

Ready to Plant the Seeds of Your DeFi Future?

#ENA #Memecoins #BullorBear #BinanceLaunchpool
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ENA is about to launch. #BinanceLaunchpool
ENA is about to launch.
The Biggest Merge In Crypto History: 🔥Superintelligence Alliance Token Merge $ASI🔥
Congratulations If you hold $FET or $OCEAN or AGXI this is All You Need To Know & how to SWAP or Automatically get your Super Token. is joining forces with SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol to create the Superintelligence Alliance with the token ticker $ASI "Artificial Superintelligence." You can read the full story about the Superintelligence Alliance here.
This blog post will detail the changes that are taking place to our native cryptocurrency FET.

The Superintelligence Alliance will form through the union of three top decentralized AI companies,, SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol. With increased activity on our platform, combined with a period of exponential growth for AI projects, the time is right to switch gears with our token too. As part of the union, there will be a token merge of FET, OCEAN and AGIX into a new ASI token. Let's dive in🥂
💥What is $ASI?💥
The most important thing to note is that FET is the reserve currency of The Superintelligence Alliance and will be changing its name to ASI, pending successful governance proposals., SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol will shortly be submitting governance proposals to their respective communities and voting is expected to open on 2nd April. will complete voting on 7th April with all proposals scheduled to complete voting by 16th April.
If approved, it will then be possible to swap FET for Artificial Superintelligence token at a rate of 1:1. For example, if you hold 100 FET then you will be able to swap it for 100 ASI.
As part of the new initiative, Ocean Protocol will convert OCEAN tokens into ASI and SingularityNET will convert AGIX tokens into ASI at a fixed exchange rate, detailed further down.
The ASI token (the renamed FET token) will have a new market capitalization based on the token merge. The combined value of the Superintelligence Alliance is expected to be around $7.5 Billion with 2.631 Billion tokens, and with FET as the benchmark currency, valued at $2.82 per FET at the time of writing.
Snapshot of the Projects

💡ASI Token Exchange Mechanism💡
Starting with FET as the base token of the Alliance, the FET token will be renamed $ASI, and an additional 1.48 Billion tokens will be minted, with 867 million $ASI allocated to AGXI holders and 611 million $ASI allocated to OCEAN token holders.
The total supply of ASI tokens will be 2.63 Billion tokens.
A snapshot taken on Monday, 25 March 2024 shows a summary of the Max Supply (#) and Fully Diluted Value ($):

Here is the calculation basis for the token minting to give a proportional share of new $ASI tokens to OCEAN and AGIX holders:

Token holders will receive 0.433226 ASI per OCEAN and 0.433350 ASI per AGIX. This exchange rate is fixed and will not change. We expect that smart arbitrageurs will notice if a price differential between the tokens arises, and then arb it out to maintain a balance and equilibrium in the exchange rate.
🟢 I am a FET holder, what action should I take?
FET holders don't need to do anything right now. With the announcement live, each Foundation will speak to business partners, answer questions from the community and start to plan the next steps.
The first priority is to execute the token merge. As mentioned, FET token will be the reserve currency of the Superintelligence Alliance and it will be renamed ASI --- 'Artificial Superintelligence.'
Holders of OCEAN and AGIX need not do anything right now. The exchange rate between FET/ASI and OCEAN and ASI and AGIX is fixed and the swap mechanism will remain open indefinitely, so users can choose to swap tokens at their leisure.
✨ FET Tokens on Exchanges
If you have OCEAN and AGIX tokens on an exchange, no action is needed. We will work with each exchange to ensure a smooth conversion and your holdings will automatically be converted to $ASI tokens directly by the exchange. You won't see OCEAN or AGIX on the exchange --- but don't panic! Your tokens are there, just look for the ASI symbol.
Don't Deposit OCEAN / AGIX tokens into Exchanges after they've Executed a Conversion When an exchange has converted all OCEAN and AGIX tokens, the tickers OCEAN and AGXI will be retired from the exchange. If anyone accidentally sends OCEAN or AGIX an exchange after the conversion event, we cannot guarantee that the tokens will be available or converted to ASI. So please keep abreast of notices and announcements from your exchanges.
If you hold OCEAN or AGIX outside of an exchange and want to convert them to $ASI tokens, please see the next paragraph.
⚡ OCEAN / AGIX Tokens in Hard Wallets or Offline
For those of you holding your tokens in hard wallets or offline, a token swap mechanism will be available in the coming weeks to allow holders to exchange their OCEAN and AGIX for ASI.
Once made available, this swap mechanism will be available indefinitely to allow long-term stakers to exchange their OCEAN and AGIX for ASI tokens when their tokens unlock, without any FX or exchange risk.
⏳Timing for the Token Swap Mechanism
The token swap contracts have been tested and audited but given the complexity of the coordination with hundreds of business partners, we'll complete a more detailed analysis, speak with partners & exchanges, and come back to the community with a firm date to release the token swap tool. Stay tuned to our official channels which you should access via links on our website.
🎯DEXes and Pool Liquidity
We encourage liquidity providers to remove any OCEAN and AGIX related liquidity from DEXs at their convenience. Users may experience higher slippage in pools with lower liquidity. We recommend that you size your swap according to the available liquidity to minimize slippage.
Once a threshold of 95% of the OCEAN and AGIX token supply is converted to ASI, Ocean Protocol and SingularityNET Foundations will remove any pool liquidity that we have provisioned.
🌿New Beginnings🌿
We hope you will continue to join us on this journey into AI. We are extremely excited to move forward as an Alliance and bring our combined knowledge and expertise to bear. All three companies have been working on different parts of the decentralized stack and by teaming up, the value-flow from deep research, to tools & applications, and finally to large-scale commercialization of data and AI services can be expedited.
📚 Source: FET News Article.
🖋️ By @CryptoVenom
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Brand New Project .
Brand New Project .
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Binance Announcement
Binance Futures Bonus Week — 50,000 USDT in Futures Bonus Vouchers to Be Given Away!
Binance is excited to launch a new promotion, where each new futures user who registers for the promotion and completes identity verification can receive a 5 USDT futures bonus voucher on a first-come, first-served basis, until all 50,000 USDT rewards are distributed!
Promotion Period: 2024-03-29 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-02 23:59 (UTC)
Register Now
Eligibility Criteria:
The promotion is applicable to:Users who have opened their futures accounts, but have neither traded futures nor made any deposits into their futures wallets prior to the start of the promotion.Users who activate their futures accounts during the Promotion Period. Eligible Users should click the Register Now button, and complete identity verification to participate.
Terms and Conditions
Only verified users from eligible regions who click "Register Now" on the promotion page during the Promotion Period may qualify for rewards from the promotion (“Eligible Users”).New futures users are defined as Binance users who have neither made a futures trade nor made a deposit to their futures wallets on Binance prior to the start of the promotion. For avoidance of doubt, this promotion is only available to Eligible Users who are enabled for Binance Futures services, and may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions, or to certain users, depending on legal and regulatory requirements. All Eligible Users are responsible for informing themselves about and observing any restrictions and/or requirements imposed with respect to the access to and use of Binance Futures services in each country from which the services are accessed.Eligible Users will each get a futures bonus voucher worth 5 USDT on a first-come, first-served basis within three working days after the activity ends. Users will be able to log in and redeem their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. Futures bonus vouchers will expire by 2024-04-07 23:59 (UTC). Learn how to redeem a voucher.Binance reserves the right to disqualify any participants showing any signs of fraudulent behavior immediately (e.g., wash trading, bulk account registrations, self dealing, market manipulation, and more).Binance reserves the right to determine and/or amend or vary these Terms & Conditions, its eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done if it is justified due to important reasons, including but not limited to:Changes in applicable regulations or policies;Obligations arising out of law or decisions issued by common courts or public administration;Anti-money laundering or combating financing terrorism rules;Technical issues beyond our control;Necessity to protect users from potential losses; andNecessity to protect Binance from the loss of reputation.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
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Binance Co-Founder Changpeng Zhao Announces New Project

Binance co-founder and former CEO Changpeng Zhao announced a new project on Monday, which he said he’ll give more details soon. In a post on X, CZ says that a new project is coming, not a new token but an “Education project.”

There is no indication of what exactly the project will entail or if it will work on the Binance platform. Since Zhao has stepped down as CEO of the Binance company, it is quite possible he could be launching a new project to teach investors and cryptocurrency newbies about the market.

Since his ousting, CZ has also stayed off social media for the most part. He only recently posts on holidays such as International Women’s Day or Valentine’s Day. Hence, his message sharing a new project was met with a lot of attention in the crypto world. Many are speculating what the project will revolve around.

It’s unclear when Changpeng Zhao will reveal more details on his new project. It will be interesting to learn in the near future what the project is and who will be involved. Back in December, Zhao posted to X, saying, “Learning again by meeting founders.” Perhaps the new project will be in collaboration with founders of other prominent crypto companies/platforms.
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Latest Binance.
Richard Teng
Held discussion with Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin on the future of dynamic Web 3 industry and support for Thailand’s development in the blockchain sector.

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