Binance Square
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Omni ir tas žetons, kas var padarīt jūs bagātu❤️❤️❤️❤️Vienkārši dariet īsi Nekad nedariet ilgi, ja viņš tirgus centimenti tajā laikā ir slikti, kad mēs redzēsim atlēcienu, tad tikai šis okens reaģēs vai nu Nē, vienkārši klausieties uzmanīgi, nekļūsti likvidēts. Vienkārši izmantojiet šo metode ietaupīs jūsu laiku aizņem īsu baudīt peļņu [Sākuma līmenis =] 24-23 Izmantojiet kredītsaistību 20x Rezervei jābūt 300 USD Tirgojiet ar vienmēr no 50 līdz 100 USD Gūstiet peļņu plkst 22.44 22.11 21.55 21.05 Stop loss 28
Omni ir tas žetons, kas var padarīt jūs bagātu❤️❤️❤️❤️Vienkārši dariet īsi Nekad nedariet ilgi, ja viņš tirgus centimenti tajā laikā ir slikti, kad mēs redzēsim atlēcienu, tad tikai šis okens reaģēs vai nu Nē, vienkārši klausieties uzmanīgi, nekļūsti likvidēts. Vienkārši izmantojiet šo metode ietaupīs jūsu laiku aizņem īsu baudīt peļņu
[Sākuma līmenis =] 24-23
Izmantojiet kredītsaistību 20x
Rezervei jābūt 300 USD
Tirgojiet ar vienmēr no 50 līdz 100 USD
Gūstiet peļņu plkst
Stop loss 28
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sāciet pirkt Ltc, ja .Ltc ir apstiprināts Etf, mēs varam redzēt lielu sūkni LTC vienkārši iegādājieties 1 Ltc un 2025. gadā Ltc var pārspēt rekordu.
Sāciet pirkt Ltc, ja .Ltc ir apstiprināts Etf, mēs varam redzēt lielu sūkni LTC vienkārši iegādājieties 1 Ltc un 2025. gadā Ltc var pārspēt rekordu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) 23. maijā apstiprināja vairākus biržā tirgotos Ether tūlītējos fondus, taču lēmums neaizdedzināja Ether.  ETH  3756 ASV dolāri  vai kriptovalūtu tirgi. Vai tas nozīmē, ka ETF lēmuma cena jau bija noteikta? Ir grūti spriest pēc sākotnējās reakcijas, jo Bitcoin’s  BTC  68 674 ASV dolāri  cena bija arī tuvās tieši pēc apstiprināšanas vietas Bitcoin ETF. Tomēr cena pēc dažām dienām apgriezās un strauji pieauga līdz jaunam visu laiku augstākajam līmenim. Saskaņā ar Bloomberg ETF analītiķa Ērika Balčunas teikto, apstiprinātie Ether ETF tiks laisti apgrozībā līdz jūnija vidum. Viņš prognozē, ka ētera ETF savāc aptuveni 10–15% no Bitcoin ETF ieplūdes. Tiklīdz nauda sāks ieplūst Ether ETF, tūlītējais tirgus, visticamāk, reaģēs labvēlīgi.
Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) 23. maijā apstiprināja vairākus biržā tirgotos Ether tūlītējos fondus, taču lēmums neaizdedzināja Ether. 


3756 ASV dolāri

 vai kriptovalūtu tirgi. Vai tas nozīmē, ka ETF lēmuma cena jau bija noteikta? Ir grūti spriest pēc sākotnējās reakcijas, jo Bitcoin’s 


68 674 ASV dolāri

 cena bija arī tuvās tieši pēc apstiprināšanas vietas Bitcoin ETF. Tomēr cena pēc dažām dienām apgriezās un strauji pieauga līdz jaunam visu laiku augstākajam līmenim.

Saskaņā ar Bloomberg ETF analītiķa Ērika Balčunas teikto, apstiprinātie Ether ETF tiks laisti apgrozībā līdz jūnija vidum. Viņš prognozē, ka ētera ETF savāc aptuveni 10–15% no Bitcoin ETF ieplūdes. Tiklīdz nauda sāks ieplūst Ether ETF, tūlītējais tirgus, visticamāk, reaģēs labvēlīgi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Etherium Long Signal🚀🚀🚨 Eth Entry Level pie 3823 Mērķis 1 3897 Mērķis 2 3990 Mērķis 3 4200 Mērķis 4 4500 Pēc šī Short no 4500 līdz 3700 Ja tiks apstiprināts Etf, mēs varam redzēt Etherium 5000💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Etherium Long Signal🚀🚀🚨
Eth Entry Level pie 3823
Mērķis 1 3897
Mērķis 2 3990
Mērķis 3 4200
Mērķis 4 4500
Pēc šī Short no 4500
līdz 3700
Ja tiks apstiprināts Etf, mēs varam redzēt Etherium 5000💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es mīlu Etherium❤️❤️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀Līdz 5000k
Es mīlu Etherium❤️❤️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀Līdz 5000k
Etherium is the Bestest Project ❤️❤️ This 3 coins will make you rich Btc Ltc Etherium Just spend money At low 100x your money But All you need a patience 🔥🔥🔥
Etherium is the Bestest Project ❤️❤️
This 3 coins will make you rich
Just spend money At low 100x your money But All you need a patience 🔥🔥🔥
#ETHETFS #BTC☀️ Btc is on fire Long till 75k because 22 there is bitcoin Pizza day and we can see more pump till 22 may Enjoy the profit Lets btc make New Ath 80k soon🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
#ETHETFS #BTC☀️ Btc is on fire Long till 75k because 22 there is bitcoin Pizza day and we can see more pump till 22 may Enjoy the profit Lets btc make New Ath 80k soon🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Btc will Take some correction Again we can see pump 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Btc will Take some correction Again we can see pump 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Small Correction 62k 63k
Big pump soon 68 k 74k
5 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
Skatīt oriģinālu
$FTM Pirms es domāju, ka Fantom marķieris ir izkrāpts, bet šis marķieris cieta Btc izgāztuvi, tomēr viņš saglabā 50% Mēs varam redzēt milzīgu sūkni Alt sezonā. Es iesaku jums neskriet aiz jaunajiem marķieriem, kas ir tikko izlaisti, jo, ja jūs nevācat informāciju un jūs steidzaties to pirkt, un jūs saņemat nedaudz USD, jūs jūtaties labi, bet pēc monētas izgāztuves jūs sākat raudāt, vienkārši analizējiet monētu, pagaidiet perfektu laiku un iegādājieties šo monētu Mēs varam redzēt, vai Btc ir stabils, virzoties uz 70 k, mēs varam redzēt Fantom marķieri virs 1 $. Tātad šis ir labākais laiks, lai ielādētu atlikumu ar FTM❤️🚀🚀🚀
$FTM Pirms es domāju, ka Fantom marķieris ir izkrāpts, bet šis marķieris cieta Btc izgāztuvi, tomēr viņš saglabā 50% Mēs varam redzēt milzīgu sūkni Alt sezonā. Es iesaku jums neskriet aiz jaunajiem marķieriem, kas ir tikko izlaisti, jo, ja jūs nevācat informāciju un jūs steidzaties to pirkt, un jūs saņemat nedaudz USD, jūs jūtaties labi, bet pēc monētas izgāztuves jūs sākat raudāt, vienkārši analizējiet monētu, pagaidiet perfektu laiku un iegādājieties šo monētu
Mēs varam redzēt, vai Btc ir stabils, virzoties uz 70 k, mēs varam redzēt Fantom marķieri virs 1 $. Tātad šis ir labākais laiks, lai ielādētu atlikumu ar FTM❤️🚀🚀🚀
Omni Short Entry Level From 15$OMNI Target 1 14.88 Target 2 14.55 Target 3 13.45 Target 4 12$ Target 5 11$ this coin Just short Dont think it will Go up again Just to recover your old profit who does long on Omni Get Another account Short Omni follow the market because Btc will also fall this if btc reach 58k Omni e can seel Till 10$ If uou want beleive check my Pin post.
Omni Short
Entry Level From 15$OMNI
Target 1 14.88
Target 2 14.55
Target 3 13.45
Target 4 12$
Target 5 11$
this coin Just short Dont think it will Go up again Just to recover your old profit who does long on Omni Get Another account Short Omni follow the market because Btc will also fall this if btc reach 58k Omni e can seel Till 10$ If uou want beleive check my Pin post.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance laukumā visi ir iegrimuši, un Rhey saka, ka tirgus būs dinamisks, lūdzu, paskaidrojiet, kā tirgus iepriecinās.
Binance laukumā visi ir iegrimuši, un Rhey saka, ka tirgus būs dinamisks, lūdzu, paskaidrojiet, kā tirgus iepriecinās.
Omni$OMNI Short signal🚨 Entry from 17.65 use 20x Margin cost 15 to 20$ For Liquidation set it till 12$ Stop loss 26 Trade ith At least 100$ to 200$ to Avoild Liquidate Cover All your Money rom Omni By doing Short And once you get the profit Leave this project Omni Is A Scam.
Omni$OMNI Short signal🚨
Entry from 17.65
use 20x
Margin cost 15 to 20$
For Liquidation set it till 12$
Stop loss 26
Trade ith At least 100$ to 200$ to Avoild Liquidate Cover All your Money rom Omni By doing Short And once you get the profit Leave this project Omni Is A Scam.
Btc slowly Going down till 55k again pump so Dont stuck in Long
Btc slowly Going down till 55k again pump so Dont stuck in Long
Pump till 65 k
Dump till 55k
4 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
Again there will be a fake pump to Eat your All Money if you saw pump just ndo short take leaverage like 5x to 10x not more than that Margin Should be Good between 100$ play safe Guys btc already on its peak we dont know tomorrow they manupulate the market and do crash so be afe Guys just Go with short position Btc price preduction Target 60k 58k 55k 52k than Small Pump
Again there will be a fake pump to Eat your All Money if you saw pump just ndo short take leaverage like 5x to 10x not more than that Margin Should be Good between 100$ play safe Guys btc already on its peak we dont know tomorrow they manupulate the market and do crash so be afe Guys just Go with short position
Btc price preduction
than Small Pump
Btc Halving is over wakeup to the reality i aid when you listen to much Fud it Means the Whales are playing with you Btc is Already on High Just do Short and relax if you are running behind the fake news and you re bullish its totaly Wrong just check the market relax And Do Short only peoples are making you fool on Binance Square they are already put Short But you innocent peoples didnt underatand they will Show you there engineerings skills its just a shit just be with News and trend you will Never loose Dont put all of the Money in one time Do DCA If someone who is misguiding and Telling you to Buy just Observe that coin the peoples will how you that coins which is already Going Down so it means you do Short when the market is up Now you can Short...$BTC
Btc Halving is over wakeup to the reality i aid when you listen to much Fud it Means the Whales are playing with you Btc is Already on High Just do Short and relax if you are running behind the fake news and you re bullish its totaly Wrong just check the market relax And Do Short only peoples are making you fool on Binance Square they are already put Short But you innocent peoples didnt underatand they will Show you there engineerings skills its just a shit just be with News and trend you will Never loose Dont put all of the Money in one time Do DCA

If someone who is misguiding and Telling you to Buy just Observe that coin the peoples will how you that coins which is already Going Down so it means you do Short when the market is up Now you can Short...$BTC
$OMNI is A Scam token No potential No future Will should Avoid New token Who Agree whats you opinion
$OMNI is A Scam token No potential No future Will should Avoid New token Who Agree whats you opinion
Omni is A truly Scam10$ soon
Omni will recovered till 28$
62 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
Short on Omni 🚨🚨🚨 Entry 18$ Take profit 17.88 Tp- 17 Tp-16 If btc Start falling on Weekend than we can see omni till 14
Short on Omni 🚨🚨🚨
Entry 18$
Take profit 17.88
Tp- 17
If btc Start falling on Weekend than we can see omni till 14
The whales are very clever guys every one is bullish yesterday when bitcoin reaches 65k people are greedy thinking that now we are getting more money btc will reached 80k remove from your mind about Halving just try to short dont try to do Short If you saw some New coins Dont go with that coin because if you put long Sure they will give you profit once you get Good amount thry will dump and eat all your money its better start doing Short
The whales are very clever guys every one is bullish yesterday when bitcoin reaches 65k people are greedy thinking that now we are getting more money btc will reached 80k remove from your mind about Halving
just try to short dont try to do Short
If you saw some New coins Dont go with that coin because if you put long Sure they will give you profit once you get Good amount thry will dump and eat all your money its better start doing Short
Now the Market is Bullish 💪 Trade on 5 coins that having where you can make Good Money 1. Bitcoin 2. Ltc dont miss this Gem 3.Manta 4. Ftm 5. Omni This week we can see Alts will perform Good🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🔥
Now the Market is Bullish 💪
Trade on 5 coins that having where you can make Good Money
1. Bitcoin
2. Ltc dont miss this Gem
4. Ftm
5. Omni
This week we can see Alts will perform Good🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🔥
Btc Update🚨🚨 The whales are doing same hing which i said they will dump from 64k before also they repeat the same thing peoples are so stupid if they got fake dump they enjoying in the shower once its dump hard they will cray this was my last money blaah blaah and they will ask you money and promise you to pay you back he thing is Just wait choose your Best price to short because the market is already Up if you put long its up to you So dont Be greedy just wait and short
Btc Update🚨🚨
The whales are doing same hing which i said they will dump from 64k before also they repeat the same thing peoples are so stupid if they got fake dump they enjoying in the shower once its dump hard they will cray this was my last money blaah blaah and they will ask you money and promise you to pay you back he thing is Just wait choose your Best price to short because the market is already Up
if you put long its up to you So dont Be greedy just wait and short
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