Binance Square
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
iestrēdzis roktura tirdzniecībā? cik daudz tas var nākt uz leju, lai es varētu slēgt šo pozīciju #pendle
iestrēdzis roktura tirdzniecībā? cik daudz tas var nākt uz leju, lai es varētu slēgt šo pozīciju #pendle
Skatīt oriģinālu
inj atnāks uz 15$ vai nē? vai kāds var man pastāstīt par tintes #inj analīzi
inj atnāks uz 15$ vai nē? vai kāds var man pastāstīt par tintes #inj analīzi
Skatīt oriģinālu
kas notiek ar $TRB
kas notiek ar $TRB
Skatīt oriģinālu
pārtrauciet manipulācijas $TRB
pārtrauciet manipulācijas $TRB
the manipulation in trb is not ending lost so much money in funding and liquidation . How this decentralized ?? whales controlling the coin it's not fair$TRB everyone give feedback to Binance
the manipulation in trb is not ending lost so much money in funding and liquidation . How this decentralized ?? whales controlling the coin it's not fair$TRB everyone give feedback to Binance
only if Binance leave the supply of $trb it might dump.
only if Binance leave the supply of $trb it might dump.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es redzu, ka daudzi cilvēki mēģina noķert#TRBtop. Neizmantojiet īso TRB, dažreiz tas galu galā izgāzīsies, bet nav vērts pārdzīvot tik lielu stresu, ticiet maniem vārdiem, oktobra novembrī manipulāciju dēļ es zaudēju gandrīz 6 ciparus uz short trb. ar vaļiem.$TRB
Es redzu, ka daudzi cilvēki mēģina noķert#TRBtop. Neizmantojiet īso TRB, dažreiz tas galu galā izgāzīsies, bet nav vērts pārdzīvot tik lielu stresu, ticiet maniem vārdiem, oktobra novembrī manipulāciju dēļ es zaudēju gandrīz 6 ciparus uz short trb. ar vaļiem.$TRB
is there going to be any action against market manipulation which cost normal traders like me lost their life saving in $TRB is there any fairness ? The negative funding and manipulation by whales since 6 months ! can you stop this now
is there going to be any action against market manipulation which cost normal traders like me lost their life saving in $TRB is there any fairness ? The negative funding and manipulation by whales since 6 months ! can you stop this now
$Trb is manipulated by whales since August it was 9$ and now reaches 250! whales are not leaving this coin . liquidated many people like me it's big truma not fair . give feedback to Binance and Trb to stop the manipulation there should be fair trading .
$Trb is manipulated by whales since August it was 9$ and now reaches 250! whales are not leaving this coin . liquidated many people like me it's big truma not fair . give feedback to Binance and Trb to stop the manipulation there should be fair trading .
20 whales running the #trb this is not fare they are keep liquidated people . they are controlling the rise of Trb . Do not short Trb
20 whales running the #trb this is not fare they are keep liquidated people . they are controlling the rise of Trb . Do not short Trb
Binance News
Spot On Chain:TRB鲸鱼通过拉高抛售循环来清算他们所持代币
据深潮TechFlow报道,Spot On Chain在X上表示,250万个TRB中,大约170万个在交易所,66万个由20名鲸鱼持有。在过去的两个月里,鲸鱼们慢慢地将他们的代币存入交易所,形成了一个拉高抛售的循环来清算他们所持的代币。
whole Market is down $BTC is down while $TRB the manipulated coin still been pumping by whales . I urge binance community to take action against those whales who are ruining market by their manipulation . and retail trades like me lost life saving . who will compensate our losses its really traumatic situation for me.#trb
whole Market is down $BTC is down while $TRB the manipulated coin still been pumping by whales . I urge binance community to take action against those whales who are ruining market by their manipulation . and retail trades like me lost life saving . who will compensate our losses its really traumatic situation for me.#trb
guys all this trb pump was manipulated there is no actual real uptrend I almost 8000$ in trb there is many people who lost it because of whales manipulated the market. there should be investigation about this coin so many people lost their life saving because of scam manipulated market. why?? It's Been 5 month I never saw a coin goes like that? it's pure manipulated . #trb Please binance take action against trb everyone please submit feedback about trb tellor.
guys all this trb pump was manipulated there is no actual real uptrend I almost 8000$ in trb there is many people who lost it because of whales manipulated the market. there should be investigation about this coin so many people lost their life saving because of scam manipulated market. why?? It's Been 5 month I never saw a coin goes like that? it's pure manipulated .
#trb Please binance take action against trb everyone please submit feedback about trb tellor.
#Trb is scam coin it's pump from August and still pumping it's manipulated and liquidated many people . should be investigated #trb
#Trb is scam coin it's pump from August and still pumping it's manipulated and liquidated many people . should be investigated #trb
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