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Bezmaksas #BTCto90k Atlīdzība līdz 3 USD Šeit #Follow2Earn Pieprasiet atlīdzību šeit 💰 pasteidzieties#Visi#BTC #Aevo #TrendingTopic." #followandearn Atruna: ietver trešo pušu viedokļus. Nav finanšu padomu. Skatiet noteikumus un nosacījumus. 3,3 tūkst Skati 12 Patīk 0 Citāti 2 Akcijas 8 atbildes Jaunākie Visatbilstošākais
Bezmaksas #BTCto90k Atlīdzība līdz 3 USD Šeit #Follow2Earn
Pieprasiet atlīdzību šeit 💰 pasteidzieties#Visi#BTC #Aevo #TrendingTopic." #followandearn
Atruna: ietver trešo pušu viedokļus. Nav finanšu padomu. Skatiet noteikumus un nosacījumus.
3,3 tūkst
8 atbildes
Skatīt oriģinālu
Vai zini, cik šobrīd cena ir #Aevo? Saņemiet atlīdzību 💰 Aevo oficiālajā vietnē tas tiek tirgots par USDVai zini, cik šobrīd cena ir #Aevo? Saņemiet atlīdzību 💰 Aevo oficiālajā tīmekļa vietnē tas tiek tirgots par USD 2,62 ASV dolāriem, kas nozīmē, ja es nekļūdos, kad <t-23/>beidzas cena maija #launchpoll paaugstināšana līdz USD 3,5 par 1 Aevo vai varbūt pat USD 4,2 USD sākumā. stundas. Tātad, kas jums jāzina, pirms pērkat Aevo, kad tas ir iekļauts uz vietas? 1. Aevo tika izveidots 2022. gadā, kas nozīmē, ka tā ir jauna decentralizēta birža. 2. Viņi izmanto viltīgu aprakstu savai oficiālajai vietnei (Aevo ir pasaulē pirmā...) šie vārdi apraksta pirmajā daļā liek domāt, ka tā ir pirmā pasaules decentralizētā apmaiņa.

Vai zini, cik šobrīd cena ir #Aevo? Saņemiet atlīdzību 💰 Aevo oficiālajā vietnē tas tiek tirgots par USD

Vai zini, cik šobrīd cena ir #Aevo?
Saņemiet atlīdzību 💰
Aevo oficiālajā tīmekļa vietnē tas tiek tirgots par USD 2,62 ASV dolāriem, kas nozīmē, ja es nekļūdos, kad <t-23/>beidzas cena maija #launchpoll paaugstināšana līdz USD 3,5 par 1 Aevo vai varbūt pat USD 4,2 USD sākumā. stundas.
Tātad, kas jums jāzina, pirms pērkat Aevo, kad tas ir iekļauts uz vietas?
1. Aevo tika izveidots 2022. gadā, kas nozīmē, ka tā ir jauna decentralizēta birža.
2. Viņi izmanto viltīgu aprakstu savai oficiālajai vietnei (Aevo ir pasaulē pirmā...) šie vārdi apraksta pirmajā daļā liek domāt, ka tā ir pirmā pasaules decentralizētā apmaiņa.
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚠️ Uzmanies no turpmākajām kļūdām! ⚠️ Noklikšķiniet, lai saņemtu atlīdzību 💰💰 Neiekrītiet FOMO lamatās un nepieļaujiet to pašu kļūdu, ko daudzi šodien nožēlos! 💸 Sagatavojieties, jo $AEVO hype vilciens gatavojas aties, un tas strauji uzņem tvaiku! 🚂💨 Bet esiet piesardzīgs, mans draugs, jo tad, kad iedegas palaišanas panelis, iedegas arī neprāts, un jūs varat viegli nokļūt sajūsmas viesulī! 🌪️✨ Tomēr atcerieties to: kas iet uz augšu, tam jānāk uz leju. ⬆️➡️⬇️ Neļauj eiforijai aptumšot tavu spriedumu, jo tendenču un palaišanas platformu pasaulē liktenis var mainīties vienā acu mirklī! 👁️💰 Tāpēc esiet modri, esiet informēti un, galvenais, esiet droši, kolēģi investori! 🛡️💼 Ja šis brīdinājums tev šķita noderīgs, dalies ar to un palīdzēsim viens otram orientēties kriptovalūtu tirgus nemierīgajos ūdeņos! 🚀💡 #AEVO #HotTrends #LaunchpadInsights 📈🔍 Dodiet padomu 3 personas sniedza dzeramnaudu satura veidotājam. 182,8 tūkst Skati 68 Patīk 1 Citāti 6 Akcijas 13 atbildes Jaunākie Visatbilstošākais Kortnija Hārtorna weAz
⚠️ Uzmanies no turpmākajām kļūdām! ⚠️
Noklikšķiniet, lai saņemtu atlīdzību 💰💰
Neiekrītiet FOMO lamatās un nepieļaujiet to pašu kļūdu, ko daudzi šodien nožēlos! 💸 Sagatavojieties, jo $AEVO hype vilciens gatavojas aties, un tas strauji uzņem tvaiku! 🚂💨
Bet esiet piesardzīgs, mans draugs, jo tad, kad iedegas palaišanas panelis, iedegas arī neprāts, un jūs varat viegli nokļūt sajūsmas viesulī! 🌪️✨ Tomēr atcerieties to: kas iet uz augšu, tam jānāk uz leju.
⬆️➡️⬇️ Neļauj eiforijai aptumšot tavu spriedumu, jo tendenču un palaišanas platformu pasaulē liktenis var mainīties vienā acu mirklī! 👁️💰
Tāpēc esiet modri, esiet informēti un, galvenais, esiet droši, kolēģi investori! 🛡️💼 Ja šis brīdinājums tev šķita noderīgs, dalies ar to un palīdzēsim viens otram orientēties kriptovalūtu tirgus nemierīgajos ūdeņos! 🚀💡
#AEVO #HotTrends #LaunchpadInsights 📈🔍
Dodiet padomu
3 personas sniedza dzeramnaudu satura veidotājam.
182,8 tūkst
13 atbildes
Kortnija Hārtorna weAz
Skatīt oriģinālu
Floki Inu sadedzina 14,5 miljonus žetonus, jo cena pieaug par 455% MTD Tendences NOIDA ( — Floki Inu (FLFloki Inu sadedzina 14,5 miljonus žetonus, jo cena pieaug par 455% MTD Tendences NOIDA ( — Floki Inu (FLOKI) pēdējo septiņu dienu laikā sadedzināja vairāk nekā 14,5 miljardus FLOKI žetonu vairāk nekā 3,2 miljonu dolāru vērtībā. FLOKI, viens no daudzajiem suņu tematikas memecoiniem, pārspēja plašāku tirgus kāpumu, lai sasniegtu augstāko līmeni pēdējo divu gadu laikā. Projekta nesenā žetonu dedzināšana varētu būt veicinājusi tā mītiņu. Floki Burns Fuel Token’s Rally Floki Inu jau kādu laiku ir uz žetonu izdegšanas ceļa, un pagājušā gada janvārī Floki Inu DAO sadedzināja 4,2 triljonus FLOKI žetonu. Tokenu vērtība tajā laikā bija 100 miljoni USD.

Floki Inu sadedzina 14,5 miljonus žetonus, jo cena pieaug par 455% MTD Tendences NOIDA ( — Floki Inu (FL

Floki Inu sadedzina 14,5 miljonus žetonus, jo cena pieaug par 455% MTD
NOIDA ( — Floki Inu (FLOKI) pēdējo septiņu dienu laikā sadedzināja vairāk nekā 14,5 miljardus FLOKI žetonu vairāk nekā 3,2 miljonu dolāru vērtībā. FLOKI, viens no daudzajiem suņu tematikas memecoiniem, pārspēja plašāku tirgus kāpumu, lai sasniegtu augstāko līmeni pēdējo divu gadu laikā. Projekta nesenā žetonu dedzināšana varētu būt veicinājusi tā mītiņu.
Floki Burns Fuel Token’s Rally
Floki Inu jau kādu laiku ir uz žetonu izdegšanas ceļa, un pagājušā gada janvārī Floki Inu DAO sadedzināja 4,2 triljonus FLOKI žetonu. Tokenu vērtība tajā laikā bija 100 miljoni USD.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mazāk nekā 2 dienas līdz Farm AEVO! LFG 🔥 Tendences Hei ļaudis, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, laiks tikšķ. Pagaidām #AEVO. Lauksaimniecība deg, un jums ir mazāk nekā 4 stundas, lai audzētu. Ar $BNB vairāk nekā $500 tagad nepalaidiet garām iespēju likt sev līdzi un saņemt par to kādu sulīgu atlīdzību. Vēlreiz īsumā pastāstīsim par visu, kas jums jāzina par #AEVO. 1. Kas ir #AEVO. Es jums to padarīju vienkāršu. Vienkārši apskatiet zemāk redzamo attēlu, un jūs atradīsit visu, kas jums jāzina: Man patīk tas, ko Aevo būvē. Viņu DEX darbojas ļoti gludi un ātri. Nekad nav radušās problēmas ar tā lietošanu! 2. #AEVO. #AEVO. personīgi man. Ak, ļaudis, es esmu diezgan uzmanīgs par katru Binance Launchpool projektu. Tas pats ar #AEVO. Tā bija ārpusbiržas tirdzniecība aptuveni no USD 0,25 līdz USD 0,30, un es sagaidu, ka sarakstā būs vismaz 10x, un, protams, ilgtermiņā ar pašreizējo Bull ciklu nav nekādu ierobežojumu, kur mēs varam iet, bet noteikti pacietība vienmēr atmaksājas kriptovalūtā, tāpēc panākumu atslēga ir noturēt ! 3. Kā saimniekot 🚜 Nu tā ir visvieglākā lieta. Mazāk nekā 48 stundas, lai to paveiktu 2 dažādos veidos! 🔥 Likojiet savu $BNB un saimniecību: 🔥 Lietojiet savu $ FDUSD un fermu: AEVO Socials: 👉 Vietne: 👉 Papīrs: 👉 X: 👉 Nesaskaņas: 👉 Vidējs: Laimīgu lauksaimniecību 🚜🚜🚜#AEVOLAUNCHPOOL Dodiet padomu 0 personu sniedza dzeramnaudu satura veidotājam. 6,2 tūkst Skati 276 Patīk 324 Citāti 88 Akcijas 148 atbildes Jaunākie Visatbilstošākais aleale LFG🔥 9 m Skatīt tulkojumu 0 shao_lin маркетинг так се,воо у меня во 29 m Skatīt tulkojumu 1 shao_lin эт рофл бро 29 m Skatīt tulkojumu 1 ElshanumRizqy Goodluck Aevo $Aevo Token 31 m Skatīt tulkojumu 0 saulainās ķepas priekšā aizraujoši laiki, jo#AEVOturpina ceļu uz savu mērķi. 34 m 0 MattC Oho, interesanti. Paldies 🔥
Mazāk nekā 2 dienas līdz Farm AEVO! LFG 🔥
Hei ļaudis, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, laiks tikšķ. Pagaidām #AEVO. Lauksaimniecība deg, un jums ir mazāk nekā 4 stundas, lai audzētu. Ar $BNB vairāk nekā $500 tagad nepalaidiet garām iespēju likt sev līdzi un saņemt par to kādu sulīgu atlīdzību.
Vēlreiz īsumā pastāstīsim par visu, kas jums jāzina par #AEVO.
1. Kas ir #AEVO.
Es jums to padarīju vienkāršu. Vienkārši apskatiet zemāk redzamo attēlu, un jūs atradīsit visu, kas jums jāzina:
Man patīk tas, ko Aevo būvē. Viņu DEX darbojas ļoti gludi un ātri. Nekad nav radušās problēmas ar tā lietošanu!
2. #AEVO. #AEVO. personīgi man. Ak, ļaudis, es esmu diezgan uzmanīgs par katru Binance Launchpool projektu. Tas pats ar #AEVO.
Tā bija ārpusbiržas tirdzniecība aptuveni no USD 0,25 līdz USD 0,30, un es sagaidu, ka sarakstā būs vismaz 10x, un, protams, ilgtermiņā ar pašreizējo Bull ciklu nav nekādu ierobežojumu, kur mēs varam iet, bet noteikti pacietība vienmēr atmaksājas kriptovalūtā, tāpēc panākumu atslēga ir noturēt !
3. Kā saimniekot 🚜
Nu tā ir visvieglākā lieta. Mazāk nekā 48 stundas, lai to paveiktu 2 dažādos veidos!
🔥 Likojiet savu $BNB un saimniecību:
🔥 Lietojiet savu $ FDUSD un fermu:
AEVO Socials:
👉 Vietne:
👉 Papīrs:
👉 X:
👉 Nesaskaņas:
👉 Vidējs:
Laimīgu lauksaimniecību 🚜🚜🚜#AEVOLAUNCHPOOL
Dodiet padomu
0 personu sniedza dzeramnaudu satura veidotājam.
6,2 tūkst
148 atbildes
9 m
Skatīt tulkojumu
маркетинг так се,воо у меня во
29 m
Skatīt tulkojumu
эт рофл бро
29 m
Skatīt tulkojumu
Goodluck Aevo $Aevo Token
31 m
Skatīt tulkojumu
saulainās ķepas
priekšā aizraujoši laiki, jo#AEVOturpina ceļu uz savu mērķi.
34 m
Oho, interesanti. Paldies 🔥
#TrendingTopic Binance Square #TrendingTopic Challenge: Win Swag & Have Your Articles Featured! Starting January 16, the top three creators each week who post the best trending topic content on Binance Square will be rewarded with exclusive swag! Standout article submissions will also be spotlighted on our ‘Trending Articles’ page! Here are the Trending Topics for March 8 — March 10:
#TrendingTopic Binance Square #TrendingTopic Challenge: Win Swag & Have Your Articles Featured!
Starting January 16, the top three creators each week who post the best trending topic content on Binance Square will be rewarded with exclusive swag! Standout article submissions will also be spotlighted on our ‘Trending Articles’ page!
Here are the Trending Topics for March 8 — March 10:
Worldcoin: How Will Elon Musk’s Lawsuit Against OpenAI Impact WLD Price?  Trending Between Feb. 25 and March 7, WLD prices dipped 40% from its $9.50 all-time high after Elon Musk filed a lawsuit against Worldcoin’s parent firm. Between bullish tailwinds from the NVIDIA-led Crypto AI renaissance and bearish headings from the legal battle between Elon Musk and OpenAI, Worldcoin price levers have been pulled in opposite directions since March 1.  On-chain data trends provide vital insights into how initial response among crypto whales and Worldcoin long-term investors could impact WLD short-term price action.  Worldcoin price initially dipped 40% after Elon Musk filed lawsuit On March 1, Elon Musk filed a lawsuit against Worldcoin’s parent company, OpenAI, for breach of fiduciary duty and claims of unfair business practices. The news effectively truncated a historic February rally for the Worldcoin’s native WLD token.  Worldcoin (WLD) Price action before and after Elon Musk Lawsuit | February – March 7, 2024. Source: TradingView WLD’s price soared 320% to an all-time high of $9.50 on Feb 25, which momentarily saw its market cap surpass the $1 billion mark. As news of Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI broke, it set off a panic yard sale, sending Worldcoin’s price spiraling 40% to a two-week low of $5.60 on March 5.   It has now been a week since Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI. The two major stakeholder blocs within any cryptocurrency network are long-term holders and whale investors. On-chain indicators show that both groups have taken on a bullish disposition on Worldcoin.  Crypto Whales continue investing in Worldcoin With one eye on the crypto AI, rave partly triggered by NVIDIA’s record-breaking 2023 fourth-quarter earnings and growing adoption of the controversial iris scanning orbs, risk-seeking Worldcoin whales have refused to throw in the towel.  The Santiment chart below depicts real-time changes in whale wallets holding 1 million to 10 million WLD balances. It shows that the week following Elon Musk’s lawsuit filing, the
Worldcoin: How Will Elon Musk’s Lawsuit Against OpenAI Impact WLD Price? 
Between Feb. 25 and March 7, WLD prices dipped 40% from its $9.50 all-time high after Elon Musk filed a lawsuit against Worldcoin’s parent firm.
Between bullish tailwinds from the NVIDIA-led Crypto AI renaissance and bearish headings from the legal battle between Elon Musk and OpenAI, Worldcoin price levers have been pulled in opposite directions since March 1. 
On-chain data trends provide vital insights into how initial response among crypto whales and Worldcoin long-term investors could impact WLD short-term price action. 
Worldcoin price initially dipped 40% after Elon Musk filed lawsuit
On March 1, Elon Musk filed a lawsuit against Worldcoin’s parent company, OpenAI, for breach of fiduciary duty and claims of unfair business practices. The news effectively truncated a historic February rally for the Worldcoin’s native WLD token. 
Worldcoin (WLD) Price action before and after Elon Musk Lawsuit | February – March 7, 2024. Source: TradingView
WLD’s price soared 320% to an all-time high of $9.50 on Feb 25, which momentarily saw its market cap surpass the $1 billion mark. As news of Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI broke, it set off a panic yard sale, sending Worldcoin’s price spiraling 40% to a two-week low of $5.60 on March 5.  
It has now been a week since Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI. The two major stakeholder blocs within any cryptocurrency network are long-term holders and whale investors. On-chain indicators show that both groups have taken on a bullish disposition on Worldcoin. 
Crypto Whales continue investing in Worldcoin
With one eye on the crypto AI, rave partly triggered by NVIDIA’s record-breaking 2023 fourth-quarter earnings and growing adoption of the controversial iris scanning orbs, risk-seeking Worldcoin whales have refused to throw in the towel. 
The Santiment chart below depicts real-time changes in whale wallets holding 1 million to 10 million WLD balances. It shows that the week following Elon Musk’s lawsuit filing, the
How Does a Coin Burn Work? Basically speaking, a token burn event happens in the following order: A cryptocurrency holder will call the burn function, stating that they want to burn a nominated amount of coins. The smart contract will then verify that the person has the coins in their wallet and that the number of coins stated is valid. The burning mechanism only allows positive numbers. If the person doesn’t have enough coins, or if the stated number is invalid (e.g., 0 or -5), the burn function won’t be executed. If they do have enough, then the coins will be subtracted from that wallet. The total supply of that coin will then be updated, meaning that the coins were permanently burned. If you execute the burn function to burn your coins, they will be destroyed forever. It's impossible to recover coins after they are burned, and thanks to blockchain technology, the proof of burn can be easily verified on a blockchain explorer.
How Does a Coin Burn Work?
Basically speaking, a token burn event happens in the following order:
A cryptocurrency holder will call the burn function, stating that they want to burn a nominated amount of coins.
The smart contract will then verify that the person has the coins in their wallet and that the number of coins stated is valid. The burning mechanism only allows positive numbers.
If the person doesn’t have enough coins, or if the stated number is invalid (e.g., 0 or -5), the burn function won’t be executed.
If they do have enough, then the coins will be subtracted from that wallet. The total supply of that coin will then be updated, meaning that the coins were permanently burned.
If you execute the burn function to burn your coins, they will be destroyed forever. It's impossible to recover coins after they are burned, and thanks to blockchain technology, the proof of burn can be easily verified on a blockchain explorer.
Binance Will Support the Ethereum (ETH) Network Upgrade & Hard Fork Fellow Binancians, Starting at approximately 2024-03-13 13:25 (UTC), Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the Ethereum (ETH), Arbitrum (ARB), Optimism (OP), zkSync Era, Base Protocol (BASE), Manta Network (MANTA), Starknet (STRK) and Polygon (MATIC) networks to support the Ethereum network upgrade and hard fork to ensure the best user experience.  The network upgrade and hard fork will take place at epoch 269,568, or approximately at 2024-03-13 13:55 (UTC). Please note: The trading of token(s) on the aforementioned networks will not be impacted. Binance will handle all technical requirements involved for all users. Deposits and withdrawals for token(s) on the aforementioned networks will be reopened once the upgraded network is deemed to be stable. No further announcement will be posted. There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. For more information, please refer to the announcement from the project team. Thank you for your support! Binance Team 2024-03-08
Binance Will Support the Ethereum (ETH) Network Upgrade & Hard Fork
Fellow Binancians,
Starting at approximately 2024-03-13 13:25 (UTC), Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the Ethereum (ETH), Arbitrum (ARB), Optimism (OP), zkSync Era, Base Protocol (BASE), Manta Network (MANTA), Starknet (STRK) and Polygon (MATIC) networks to support the Ethereum network upgrade and hard fork to ensure the best user experience. 
The network upgrade and hard fork will take place at epoch 269,568, or approximately at 2024-03-13 13:55 (UTC).
Please note:
The trading of token(s) on the aforementioned networks will not be impacted.
Binance will handle all technical requirements involved for all users.
Deposits and withdrawals for token(s) on the aforementioned networks will be reopened once the upgraded network is deemed to be stable. No further announcement will be posted.
There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
For more information, please refer to the announcement from the project team.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
Crypto Investment Scams in US Surge 53% to $3.94 Billion in 2023, Says FBI Report According to CoinDesk, losses from crypto investment scams in the U.S. reached $3.94 billion in 2023, marking a 53% increase from $2.57 billion in 2022, as per a new report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The overall investment frauds grew by 38% to $4.57 billion from $3.31 billion, according to the bureau's Internet Crime Report 2023. Crypto scams account for most of these frauds, emphasizing the significant role that cryptocurrency plays in this area of online crime. The report stated that fraudsters are increasingly using custodial accounts held at financial institutions for cryptocurrency exchanges or third-party payment processors, or having targeted individuals send funds directly to these platforms where funds are quickly dispersed. Losses from investment scams became the most common internet crime in 2023, accounting for over a third of the total $12.5 billion, according to the report. #TrendingTopic #EOS #Aevo #ARB
Crypto Investment Scams in US Surge 53% to $3.94 Billion in 2023, Says FBI Report
According to CoinDesk, losses from crypto investment scams in the U.S. reached $3.94 billion in 2023, marking a 53% increase from $2.57 billion in 2022, as per a new report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The overall investment frauds grew by 38% to $4.57 billion from $3.31 billion, according to the bureau's Internet Crime Report 2023. Crypto scams account for most of these frauds, emphasizing the significant role that cryptocurrency plays in this area of online crime.
The report stated that fraudsters are increasingly using custodial accounts held at financial institutions for cryptocurrency exchanges or third-party payment processors, or having targeted individuals send funds directly to these platforms where funds are quickly dispersed. Losses from investment scams became the most common internet crime in 2023, accounting for over a third of the total $12.5 billion, according to the report.
#TrendingTopic #EOS #Aevo #ARB
Binance Will Support the Ethereum (ETH) Network Upgrade & Hard Fork Fellow Binancians, Starting at approximately 2024-03-13 13:25 (UTC), Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the Ethereum (ETH), Arbitrum (ARB), Optimism (OP), zkSync Era, Base Protocol (BASE), Manta Network (MANTA), Starknet (STRK) and Polygon (MATIC) networks to support the Ethereum network upgrade and hard fork to ensure the best user experience.  The network upgrade and hard fork will take place at epoch 269,568, or approximately at 2024-03-13 13:55 (UTC). Please note: The trading of token(s) on the aforementioned networks will not be impacted. Binance will handle all technical requirements involved for all users. Deposits and withdrawals for token(s) on the aforementioned networks will be reopened once the upgraded network is deemed to be stable. No further announcement will be posted. There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. For more information, please refer to the announcement from the project team. Thank you for your support! Binance Team 2024-03-08 176k Views 97 Likes 1 Quotes 9 Shares 27 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant Coleen Zarr s4yc
Binance Will Support the Ethereum (ETH) Network Upgrade & Hard Fork
Fellow Binancians,
Starting at approximately 2024-03-13 13:25 (UTC), Binance will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of token(s) on the Ethereum (ETH), Arbitrum (ARB), Optimism (OP), zkSync Era, Base Protocol (BASE), Manta Network (MANTA), Starknet (STRK) and Polygon (MATIC) networks to support the Ethereum network upgrade and hard fork to ensure the best user experience. 
The network upgrade and hard fork will take place at epoch 269,568, or approximately at 2024-03-13 13:55 (UTC).
Please note:
The trading of token(s) on the aforementioned networks will not be impacted.
Binance will handle all technical requirements involved for all users.
Deposits and withdrawals for token(s) on the aforementioned networks will be reopened once the upgraded network is deemed to be stable. No further announcement will be posted.
There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
For more information, please refer to the announcement from the project team.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
27 Replies
Most Recent
Most Relevant
Coleen Zarr s4yc
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