Binance Square
Fat Unicorn
There's an old German proverb: "Trees don't grow to the sky". That applies to the market, it will invariably come down after a bull run. #treesdontgrowtothesky
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgus cena vienmēr atspoguļo aktīvu vērtību tajā brīdī, ņemot vērā visus aspektus, tostarp iespējamo nākotnes vērtību. Tātad pašreizējā BTC vērtība ir ieviesusi cerības, ka tā sasniegs 150 000, un visas citas lielās cerības, ko cilvēki saista ar BTC! Tiklīdz cilvēki sāks pārstāt ticēt, cena attiecīgi noregulēsies uz leju. Jautājums ir, cik ilgi cilvēki turpinās ticēt 150000 Bitcoin īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā pret labticīgiem pārvērtēšanas rādītājiem? BTC diagramma zemāk ar joslām un RSI, ja esat to palaidis garām👇 #BTC #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #Megadrop
Tirgus cena vienmēr atspoguļo aktīvu vērtību tajā brīdī, ņemot vērā visus aspektus, tostarp iespējamo nākotnes vērtību. Tātad pašreizējā BTC vērtība ir ieviesusi cerības, ka tā sasniegs 150 000, un visas citas lielās cerības, ko cilvēki saista ar BTC! Tiklīdz cilvēki sāks pārstāt ticēt, cena attiecīgi noregulēsies uz leju. Jautājums ir, cik ilgi cilvēki turpinās ticēt 150000 Bitcoin īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā pret labticīgiem pārvērtēšanas rādītājiem? BTC diagramma zemāk ar joslām un RSI, ja esat to palaidis garām👇
#BTC #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #Megadrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mani var apklusināt, bet es tik un tā publicēšu pēcnācējiem. Ar nākotnes līgumiem uzskaitītajām monētām manipulē galvenais tirgus veidotājs (Binance??)! Es vienmēr esmu bijis pret kriptovalūtu regulēšanu, bet atvasinātās darbības noteikti ir jāregulē! Tā burtiski nozīmē izsmalcinātu naudas nolaupīšanu, kas ir sliktāka nekā Bernijs Merdofs #fraud #BTC #Memecoins #Futures_Trading
Mani var apklusināt, bet es tik un tā publicēšu pēcnācējiem. Ar nākotnes līgumiem uzskaitītajām monētām manipulē galvenais tirgus veidotājs (Binance??)! Es vienmēr esmu bijis pret kriptovalūtu regulēšanu, bet atvasinātās darbības noteikti ir jāregulē! Tā burtiski nozīmē izsmalcinātu naudas nolaupīšanu, kas ir sliktāka nekā Bernijs Merdofs #fraud #BTC #Memecoins #Futures_Trading
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fat Unicorn
Tirgus cena vienmēr atspoguļo aktīvu vērtību tajā brīdī, ņemot vērā visus aspektus, tostarp iespējamo nākotnes vērtību. Tātad pašreizējā BTC vērtība ir ieviesusi cerības, ka tā sasniegs 150 000, un visas citas lielās cerības, ko cilvēki saista ar BTC! Tiklīdz cilvēki sāks pārstāt ticēt, cena attiecīgi noregulēsies uz leju. Jautājums ir, cik ilgi cilvēki turpinās ticēt 150000 Bitcoin īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā pret labticīgiem pārvērtēšanas rādītājiem? BTC diagramma zemāk ar joslām un RSI, ja esat to palaidis garām👇
#BTC #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #Megadrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pārpublicēt un atjaunināt: Tirgus cena vienmēr atspoguļo aktīvu vērtību tajā brīdī, ņemot vērā visus aspektus, tostarp iespējamo nākotnes vērtību. Tātad pašreizējā BTC vērtība ir ieviesusi cerības, ka tā sasniegs 150 000, un visas citas lielās cerības, ko cilvēki saista ar BTC! Tiklīdz cilvēki sāks pārstāt ticēt, cena attiecīgi noregulēsies uz leju. Jautājums ir, cik ilgi cilvēki turpinās ticēt 150000 Bitcoin īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā pret labticīgiem pārvērtēšanas rādītājiem? BTC diagramma zemāk ar joslām un RSI, ja esat to palaidis garām👇 #BTC #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #Megadrop
Pārpublicēt un atjaunināt:
Tirgus cena vienmēr atspoguļo aktīvu vērtību tajā brīdī, ņemot vērā visus aspektus, tostarp iespējamo nākotnes vērtību. Tātad pašreizējā BTC vērtība ir ieviesusi cerības, ka tā sasniegs 150 000, un visas citas lielās cerības, ko cilvēki saista ar BTC! Tiklīdz cilvēki sāks pārstāt ticēt, cena attiecīgi noregulēsies uz leju. Jautājums ir, cik ilgi cilvēki turpinās ticēt 150000 Bitcoin īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā pret labticīgiem pārvērtēšanas rādītājiem? BTC diagramma zemāk ar joslām un RSI, ja esat to palaidis garām👇
#BTC #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #Megadrop
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ONG atkal pārkāpj tirgus loģiku? Maz ticams. Viss saaukstējas, kad #BTC šķauda. Esiet piesardzīgs šajos nemierīgajos ūdeņos. Atcerieties, ka, ja jūs nekontrolējat, jūs, visticamāk, kļūsit par upuri. Skatāmais numurs no 0,45 līdz 0,49 #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear
#ONG atkal pārkāpj tirgus loģiku? Maz ticams. Viss saaukstējas, kad #BTC šķauda. Esiet piesardzīgs šajos nemierīgajos ūdeņos. Atcerieties, ka, ja jūs nekontrolējat, jūs, visticamāk, kļūsit par upuri. Skatāmais numurs no 0,45 līdz 0,49
#treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fat Unicorn
Tirgus cena vienmēr atspoguļo aktīvu vērtību tajā brīdī, ņemot vērā visus aspektus, tostarp iespējamo nākotnes vērtību. Tātad pašreizējā BTC vērtība ir ieviesusi cerības, ka tā sasniegs 150 000, un visas citas lielās cerības, ko cilvēki saista ar BTC! Tiklīdz cilvēki sāks pārstāt ticēt, cena attiecīgi noregulēsies uz leju. Jautājums ir, cik ilgi cilvēki turpinās ticēt 150000 Bitcoin īstermiņā un vidējā termiņā pret labticīgiem pārvērtēšanas rādītājiem? BTC diagramma zemāk ar joslām un RSI, ja esat to palaidis garām👇
#BTC #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #Megadrop
In light of my previous forecast on #ONG returning to the golden ratio, 1.618, a few people have been asking me if the price will go up again as they bought well above .62. While no one can predict the TIMING of market movements, markets by definition will go down and will go up largely dependent on the whims of people. The trick is to make an intelligent guess (and that's all it is!) as to how high and how low and then wait to be proven wrong or right. If you're wrong, there's almost certainly something you missed and if find out and correct that you become better next time. With that in mind, below is the ONG graph but this time on 1 month candlesticks with Fibonacci ratios imposed. As you can see, the long-term view (possibly months or years but could be weeks ) is that the golden ratio is at $8.42! So if you have the emotional fortitude to wait that long then even if you bought at .82 you're ok. This is by no means guaranteed but it's an intelligent guess in the dark so DYOR and adjust accordingly. That's why I was short term bearish and long-term bullish. The longer the view the wiser the intention. #BullorBear #treesdontgrowtothesky #BTC $ONG
In light of my previous forecast on #ONG returning to the golden ratio, 1.618, a few people have been asking me if the price will go up again as they bought well above .62. While no one can predict the TIMING of market movements, markets by definition will go down and will go up largely dependent on the whims of people. The trick is to make an intelligent guess (and that's all it is!) as to how high and how low and then wait to be proven wrong or right. If you're wrong, there's almost certainly something you missed and if find out and correct that you become better next time. With that in mind, below is the ONG graph but this time on 1 month candlesticks with Fibonacci ratios imposed. As you can see, the long-term view (possibly months or years but could be weeks ) is that the golden ratio is at $8.42! So if you have the emotional fortitude to wait that long then even if you bought at .82 you're ok. This is by no means guaranteed but it's an intelligent guess in the dark so DYOR and adjust accordingly. That's why I was short term bearish and long-term bullish. The longer the view the wiser the intention.
#BullorBear #treesdontgrowtothesky #BTC $ONG
5 days ago I made the below post. #ONG went on to hit the 80s after that post. As of now, we're back at the golden ratio as below. I've never known anything to defy the Fibonacci ratio 1.618. Turns out trees don't grow to the sky after all. ONG DID catch a cold when #BTC sneezed. This should be a lesson to all. Don't be an emotional gambler. By the way, BTC is still ABOVE the top Bollinger band on the 1 month graph....see my other posts on that! #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #bitcoin
5 days ago I made the below post. #ONG went on to hit the 80s after that post. As of now, we're back at the golden ratio as below. I've never known anything to defy the Fibonacci ratio 1.618. Turns out trees don't grow to the sky after all. ONG DID catch a cold when #BTC sneezed. This should be a lesson to all. Don't be an emotional gambler. By the way, BTC is still ABOVE the top Bollinger band on the 1 month graph....see my other posts on that!
#treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šis ir TRB 1 mēneša grafiks. Tas ir acīmredzams pierādījums kaut kam bez patiesas vērtības, kas ir smagi manipulēts citiem mērķiem. Tiem no jums, kas domā, ka varētu godīgi nopelnīt nākotnes līgumus ar #ONG , es ļoti aicinu apsvērt šo grafiku. ONG ir pietiekami mazs, lai ar to manipulētu galvenais tirgus veidotājs. Būtībā jūs varētu ziedot savu naudu. Jūs veicat garu - ar to tiek manipulēts īsi, jūs īsi, tas tiek manipulēts ilgi. Izplatiet citiem, pirms šis ziņojums tiek cenzēts, un DYOR #treesdontgrowtothesky #MarketManipulation #BullorBear
Šis ir TRB 1 mēneša grafiks. Tas ir acīmredzams pierādījums kaut kam bez patiesas vērtības, kas ir smagi manipulēts citiem mērķiem. Tiem no jums, kas domā, ka varētu godīgi nopelnīt nākotnes līgumus ar #ONG , es ļoti aicinu apsvērt šo grafiku. ONG ir pietiekami mazs, lai ar to manipulētu galvenais tirgus veidotājs. Būtībā jūs varētu ziedot savu naudu. Jūs veicat garu - ar to tiek manipulēts īsi, jūs īsi, tas tiek manipulēts ilgi. Izplatiet citiem, pirms šis ziņojums tiek cenzēts, un DYOR #treesdontgrowtothesky #MarketManipulation #BullorBear
Skatīt oriģinālu
Interesanti, cik ilgi #ONG var turpināt pretoties zelta griezumam? 😂. Vairāk nekā 0,62 tā štancēšana ir ievērojami augstāka par tā svaru. Riskanti stratēģija no galvenā tirgus veidotāja... ja BTC šķauda, ​​viņi ir grauzdiņi! Varbūt viņi liks šim konkrētajam kokam izaugt līdz debesīm! Gaidīsim un redzēsim! #treesdontgrowtothesky #bullorbear #BTC
Interesanti, cik ilgi #ONG var turpināt pretoties zelta griezumam? 😂. Vairāk nekā 0,62 tā štancēšana ir ievērojami augstāka par tā svaru. Riskanti stratēģija no galvenā tirgus veidotāja... ja BTC šķauda, ​​viņi ir grauzdiņi! Varbūt viņi liks šim konkrētajam kokam izaugt līdz debesīm! Gaidīsim un redzēsim!
#treesdontgrowtothesky #bullorbear #BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin ETF, fjūčeru tirdzniecības, maržas un visa starpā parādīšanās man atgādina 2007.–2008. gada atvasināto finanšu instrumentu darījumus. Kriptofons ātri atdalās no kriptogrāfijas lietderības un kļūst par līdzekli savvaļas un sarežģītas finanšu spekulācijas. Ar šādu ātrumu ir iespējama viena no 2 iespējām, no kurām neviena nav īpaši pievilcīga: 1. Regula 2. Nejauks krūšutēls tad regulējums #ONG #bullorbear #treesdontgrowtothesky
Bitcoin ETF, fjūčeru tirdzniecības, maržas un visa starpā parādīšanās man atgādina 2007.–2008. gada atvasināto finanšu instrumentu darījumus. Kriptofons ātri atdalās no kriptogrāfijas lietderības un kļūst par līdzekli savvaļas un sarežģītas finanšu spekulācijas. Ar šādu ātrumu ir iespējama viena no 2 iespējām, no kurām neviena nav īpaši pievilcīga:

1. Regula

2. Nejauks krūšutēls tad regulējums

#ONG #bullorbear #treesdontgrowtothesky
Two questions to consider in light of the Bitcoin halving fiasco: 1. Does a market effect continue to be true after a critical mass of people know about it? 2. Who are the incremental buyers? #BullorBear #bitcoinhalving #btc #Memecoins
Two questions to consider in light of the Bitcoin halving fiasco:

1. Does a market effect continue to be true after a critical mass of people know about it?

2. Who are the incremental buyers?

#BullorBear #bitcoinhalving #btc #Memecoins
One way to make money is to know the intentions of those that make the rules of the game and sell the ticket to the game then align yourself to their intentions. While fundamentals are good, you're still not the one in control if you're buying a ticket to the game so act accordingly. Oh and stop taking advice from the vendors at the game selling hotdogs AND antacids in the same cart! - they had to get a ticket to get into the game just like you; DYOR! Ask yourself this ; what is the chief market maker trying to do? When you've worked that out don't try to antagonise him unless of course you fully intend to start selling tickets to your own game! #BullorBear #SHIB #ONG #bitcoinhalving
One way to make money is to know the intentions of those that make the rules of the game and sell the ticket to the game then align yourself to their intentions. While fundamentals are good, you're still not the one in control if you're buying a ticket to the game so act accordingly. Oh and stop taking advice from the vendors at the game selling hotdogs AND antacids in the same cart! - they had to get a ticket to get into the game just like you; DYOR! Ask yourself this ; what is the chief market maker trying to do? When you've worked that out don't try to antagonise him unless of course you fully intend to start selling tickets to your own game!
#BullorBear #SHIB #ONG #bitcoinhalving
24 hours from my last post #ONG has had a massive swing back up; something is definitely up! Interestingly, when coins/tokens display this sort of volatile anomalous activity Binance slaps them with the "monitoring" tag. I wonder will they do the same with ONG given its strange behaviour in the last few days and for the simple reason that its been more volatile than most everything ? even temporarily ?? Somehow I strongly doubt that. Let's breakout the popcorn 🍿, watch and see where this is going. Not bearish not bullish but watchfully waiting #knowhoyouareupagainst #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #bitcoinhalving
24 hours from my last post #ONG has had a massive swing back up; something is definitely up! Interestingly, when coins/tokens display this sort of volatile anomalous activity Binance slaps them with the "monitoring" tag. I wonder will they do the same with ONG given its strange behaviour in the last few days and for the simple reason that its been more volatile than most everything ? even temporarily ?? Somehow I strongly doubt that. Let's breakout the popcorn 🍿, watch and see where this is going. Not bearish not bullish but watchfully waiting #knowhoyouareupagainst #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #bitcoinhalving
I'm seeing all sorts of "technical analysis" as to why #ONG is down which really miss the point. I said a few posts ago that the behaviour of #ONG was anomalous; suspecting that the chief market maker was artificially keeping the price up to combat shorts. Well, it seems with bitcoin halving tomorrow the price was tactfully brought back down to reduce exposure risk to a sudden crush and also to gain a tactical advantage against shorts in this eventuality. ONG is normally very sensitive to #BTC and there is hardly any other explanation for its short term decoupling from BTC ; the chief market marker, whoever that is, is obviously keen to reduce exposure risk. You will also crucially note that the price was brought down AFTER BTC had stabled off, meaning they could reverse the trend to cover any ridiculous shorts if needs be during the process. #knowhoyouareupagainst #treesdontgrowtothesky
I'm seeing all sorts of "technical analysis" as to why #ONG is down which really miss the point. I said a few posts ago that the behaviour of #ONG was anomalous; suspecting that the chief market maker was artificially keeping the price up to combat shorts. Well, it seems with bitcoin halving tomorrow the price was tactfully brought back down to reduce exposure risk to a sudden crush and also to gain a tactical advantage against shorts in this eventuality. ONG is normally very sensitive to #BTC and there is hardly any other explanation for its short term decoupling from BTC ; the chief market marker, whoever that is, is obviously keen to reduce exposure risk. You will also crucially note that the price was brought down AFTER BTC had stabled off, meaning they could reverse the trend to cover any ridiculous shorts if needs be during the process.
#knowhoyouareupagainst #treesdontgrowtothesky
All this pain and we're still only there 👇 Never invest without insurance, as previously stated, making money only when the market is going up is like walking on one leg when you've got 2 perfectly functioning legs! #treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #SHIB
All this pain and we're still only there 👇
Never invest without insurance, as previously stated, making money only when the market is going up is like walking on one leg when you've got 2 perfectly functioning legs!
#treesdontgrowtothesky #BullorBear #SHIB
When the figure in the orange circle goes below 20 and the candlestick gets to the purple line shown by the arrow all on the 1 month chart; it will be time to buy with reckless abandon REGARDLESS of the price and whatever news will be doing the rounds. BONUS: If the CBOE vix is also over 60 at the time, sell your boss, colleagues and underwear!! DYOR though and this is definitely NOT financial advice. #btc #treesdontgrowtothesky #etf
When the figure in the orange circle goes below 20 and the candlestick gets to the purple line shown by the arrow all on the 1 month chart; it will be time to buy with reckless abandon REGARDLESS of the price and whatever news will be doing the rounds. BONUS: If the CBOE vix is also over 60 at the time, sell your boss, colleagues and underwear!! DYOR though and this is definitely NOT financial advice. #btc #treesdontgrowtothesky #etf
As previously stated exuberance has returned. The fundamental dynamic remains the same; RSI is overbought at 80, we are way above the 200 Day moving average, we are well above the top Bollinger and last but not least - even shoe shine boys and taxi drivers are talking about Bitcoin. No it's not different this time. Still bearish in the near to medium term but bullish for the next four years. Learn now how to profit in a down market#treesdontgrowtothesky #BTC #SHIB
As previously stated exuberance has returned. The fundamental dynamic remains the same; RSI is overbought at 80, we are way above the 200 Day moving average, we are well above the top Bollinger and last but not least - even shoe shine boys and taxi drivers are talking about Bitcoin. No it's not different this time. Still bearish in the near to medium term but bullish for the next four years. Learn now how to profit in a down market#treesdontgrowtothesky #BTC #SHIB
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