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Muhammad SÄĀD____
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TON Blockchain sasniedz 317 miljonu dolāru kopējo vērtību, kas ir bloķēta, ko nodrošina Open League iniciatīva Atvērtais tīkls (TON) ir sasniedzis nozīmīgu pagrieziena punktu, un tā kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) pirmo reizi kopš tā darbības uzsākšanas pārsniedz 317 miljonus ASV dolāru. Šo iespaidīgo izaugsmi lielā mērā var saistīt ar The Open League (OL) panākumiem, kas ir ekosistēmas iniciatīva, ko uzsāka TON, lai stimulētu lietotāju iesaistīšanos ar vadošajām decentralizētajām lietojumprogrammām (dApps) savā ekosistēmā. Kopš Open League iniciatīvas uzsākšanas marta sākumā TON TVL ir strauji palielinājies no 23 miljoniem USD līdz pašreizējiem 317 miljoniem USD, kas ir pieaugums par aptuveni 1278%. Šo ievērojamo izaugsmi ir veicinājusi decentralizēto biržu, piemēram, un Dedust, popularitāte, kā arī tādi likvīdās līdzdalības projekti kā Tonstakers un bemo. Programma Open League, kuras mērķis ir izplatīt lietotājiem 30 000 000 Toncoin (TON), ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu dalību, veicinot TVL straujo pieaugumu. Neskatoties uz šī jaunā pavērsiena sasniegšanu, TON marķieris ir saglabājies salīdzinoši stabils, pagājušajā nedēļā tirgojoties ap 6 USD atzīmi. Papildus TVL sasniegumam TON ir reģistrējis vairākus citus ievērojamus sasniegumus, tostarp kļūšanu par pasaulē ātrāko blokķēdi 2023. gada novembrī ar ātrumu 104 715 darījumi sekundē. Tīkls ir arī nodrošinājis partnerattiecības ar galvenajiem nozares dalībniekiem, piemēram, Pantera Capital, KuCoin, MEXC, Tether, MoonPay un FireBlocks, vēl vairāk nostiprinot savu pozīciju kriptovalūtu ekosistēmā.$NOT
TON Blockchain sasniedz 317 miljonu dolāru kopējo vērtību, kas ir bloķēta, ko nodrošina Open League iniciatīva
Atvērtais tīkls (TON) ir sasniedzis nozīmīgu pagrieziena punktu, un tā kopējā bloķētā vērtība (TVL) pirmo reizi kopš tā darbības uzsākšanas pārsniedz 317 miljonus ASV dolāru. Šo iespaidīgo izaugsmi lielā mērā var saistīt ar The Open League (OL) panākumiem, kas ir ekosistēmas iniciatīva, ko uzsāka TON, lai stimulētu lietotāju iesaistīšanos ar vadošajām decentralizētajām lietojumprogrammām (dApps) savā ekosistēmā.
Kopš Open League iniciatīvas uzsākšanas marta sākumā TON TVL ir strauji palielinājies no 23 miljoniem USD līdz pašreizējiem 317 miljoniem USD, kas ir pieaugums par aptuveni 1278%. Šo ievērojamo izaugsmi ir veicinājusi decentralizēto biržu, piemēram, un Dedust, popularitāte, kā arī tādi likvīdās līdzdalības projekti kā Tonstakers un bemo.

Programma Open League, kuras mērķis ir izplatīt lietotājiem 30 000 000 Toncoin (TON), ir piedzīvojusi ievērojamu dalību, veicinot TVL straujo pieaugumu. Neskatoties uz šī jaunā pavērsiena sasniegšanu, TON marķieris ir saglabājies salīdzinoši stabils, pagājušajā nedēļā tirgojoties ap 6 USD atzīmi.
Papildus TVL sasniegumam TON ir reģistrējis vairākus citus ievērojamus sasniegumus, tostarp kļūšanu par pasaulē ātrāko blokķēdi 2023. gada novembrī ar ātrumu 104 715 darījumi sekundē. Tīkls ir arī nodrošinājis partnerattiecības ar galvenajiem nozares dalībniekiem, piemēram, Pantera Capital, KuCoin, MEXC, Tether, MoonPay un FireBlocks, vēl vairāk nostiprinot savu pozīciju kriptovalūtu ekosistēmā.$NOT
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$W kāpēc šīs monētas dod naudu tam, kurš saīsina šo 0,770 un nelikvidē līdz 0,950#w
$W kāpēc šīs monētas dod naudu tam, kurš saīsina šo 0,770 un nelikvidē līdz 0,950#w
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sui garā pozīcija #sui $BTC
sui garā pozīcija #sui $BTC
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es pazaudēju visu savu naudu #BTC‬ $BTC $USDC $SOL
es pazaudēju visu savu naudu #BTC‬ $BTC $USDC $SOL
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Tagad beidzot $ENA monēta ir stabila, tāpēc ir labākais laiks pirkšanai un nogaidiet divas līdz trīs dienas, jūs gūsit peļņu #ena #b
Tagad beidzot $ENA monēta ir stabila, tāpēc ir labākais laiks pirkšanai un nogaidiet divas līdz trīs dienas, jūs gūsit peļņu #ena #b
Skatīt oriģinālu
#ENA Price of ENA today The live price of Ethena is $ 1.013115 per (ENA / USD) with a current market cap of $ 1.44B USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 668.11M USD. ENA to USD price is updated in real-time. Ethena is +8.72% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 1.43B.
#ENA Price of ENA today
The live price of Ethena is $ 1.013115 per (ENA / USD) with a current market cap of $ 1.44B USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 668.11M USD. ENA to USD price is updated in real-time. Ethena is +8.72% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 1.43B.
Things to do While Market Crash This Post is gonna help you alot just read till the end. Whenever the market goes down people get panic and made few common mistakes in result they make huge loss. instead do these things, am sure you will not just made yourself keep away from loss but make good profit even in these type of crash. 1. Stick To your Plan. plan is very important for anything in life. So in crypto market it becomes very essential. Before taking any trade,make some plan of buying, DCA and selling. then stick to that plan even you are in 90% loss. 2. Do DCA DCA is very important. we can't neglect the value of DCA in trading. Every crash is an opportunity to enter in the market not just to take down your entry point but to make some quick profit. So always spare some dollars for DCA. DCA will help you alot in not making big loses. 3. Avoid From Future Trade Future trades not just increase the probability of profit and quick profit but also increase the chances of loses. No one can predict the bottom of the crash, so it becomes very lethal to do future Trade in dump. I have seen many people getting liquidated their entire portfolio due to future Trade. so avoid it in crash until unless you are a pro trader. 4. Trust in Yourself Believing yourself is a great thing. have seen many crashes in my life. Now it doesn't affect because have a strong believe that can get out from the break even point. When you believe yourself you don't get panic. When you don't get panic you don't make mistake. 5. Stick to Some Giants coins Always keep some big coins in your portfolio like $BTC $ETH $BNB $SOl $Ada $ DOT $Doge. As they don't go very fast up in the same manner they don't go down to much. #BullorBear #Memecoins #BTC #HotTrends #Write2Earn BTC $67,343.67 -4.85% ETH $3,258.26 -7.53% BNB $598.6 -3.37% Share with friends now Give a Tip 0 people tipped the creator. 88.2k Views 57 Likes 1 Quotes 23 Shares 9 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant Vincent Wischmeier XBMX#w #meme #WIF #SHIB
Things to do While Market Crash
This Post is gonna help you alot just read till the end. Whenever the market goes down people get panic and made few common mistakes in result they make huge loss. instead do these things, am sure you will not just made yourself keep away from loss but make good profit even in these type of crash.
1. Stick To your Plan.
plan is very important for anything in life. So in crypto market it becomes very essential. Before taking any trade,make some plan of buying, DCA and selling. then stick to that plan even you are in 90% loss.
2. Do DCA
DCA is very important. we can't neglect the value of DCA in trading. Every crash is an opportunity to enter in the market not just to take down your entry point but to make some quick profit. So always spare some dollars for DCA. DCA will help you alot in not making big loses.
3. Avoid From Future Trade
Future trades not just increase the probability of profit and quick profit but also increase the chances of loses. No one can predict the bottom of the crash, so it becomes very lethal to do future Trade in dump. I have seen many people getting liquidated their entire portfolio due to future Trade. so avoid it in crash until unless you are a pro trader.
4. Trust in Yourself
Believing yourself is a great thing. have seen many crashes in my life. Now it doesn't affect because have a strong believe that can get out from the break even point. When you believe yourself you don't get panic. When you don't get panic you don't make mistake.
5. Stick to Some Giants coins
Always keep some big coins in your portfolio like $BTC $ETH $BNB $SOl $Ada $ DOT $Doge. As they don't go very fast up in the same manner they don't go down to much.
#BullorBear #Memecoins #BTC #HotTrends #Write2Earn
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Vincent Wischmeier XBMX#w #meme #WIF #SHIB
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$W Šī sūdu monēta izraisīs manu nāvi, Dievs, glāb mani. Esmu lielās nepatikšanās Es pārdevu savu māju un ieguldiet šajā sūdu monētā, man nekas nebūs, ja tikšu likvidēts 🥹🥹 W 0,602 ASV dolāri -22,32% #BullorBear #w
$W Šī sūdu monēta izraisīs manu nāvi, Dievs, glāb mani. Esmu lielās nepatikšanās Es pārdevu savu māju un ieguldiet šajā sūdu monētā, man nekas nebūs, ja tikšu likvidēts 🥹🥹
0,602 ASV dolāri
#BullorBear #w
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Uzmanību visiem: 👇👇👇👇💰💰💰💰💰 Aizraujoši jaunumi! SAGA COIN šodien laiž klajā lielu baseinu. Mana prognoze ir tāda, ka šīs monētas cena būs 0,06, un tikai pirms dažām minūtēm tā jau ir pieaugusi līdz 3,0 USD! Es ļoti iesaku visiem saviem draugiem apsvērt šīs monētas iegādi sākuma punktā, lai palielinātu peļņu. Tomēr, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka šī prognoze attiecas tikai uz tūlītējiem tirgotājiem, nevis uz turpmāko tirdzniecību 🚫. Atruna: ietver trešo pušu viedokļus. Nav finanšu padomu. Skatiet noteikumus un nosacījumus. SAGA Launchpool -- Kopīgojiet ar draugiem tūlīt 39,5 tūkst Skati 31 Patīk 0 Citāti 11 Akcijas 39 atbildes Jaunākie Visatbilstošākais Feed-Creator-e36d76b11 #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #saga
Uzmanību visiem:
Aizraujoši jaunumi!
SAGA COIN šodien laiž klajā lielu baseinu. Mana prognoze ir tāda, ka šīs monētas cena būs 0,06, un tikai pirms dažām minūtēm tā jau ir pieaugusi līdz 3,0 USD! Es ļoti iesaku visiem saviem draugiem apsvērt šīs monētas iegādi sākuma punktā, lai palielinātu peļņu. Tomēr, lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka šī prognoze attiecas tikai uz tūlītējiem tirgotājiem, nevis uz turpmāko tirdzniecību 🚫.
Atruna: ietver trešo pušu viedokļus. Nav finanšu padomu. Skatiet noteikumus un nosacījumus.
Kopīgojiet ar draugiem tūlīt
39,5 tūkst
39 atbildes
#BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #saga
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Skatīt oriģinālu
BNB izpārdošana pirms ENA iekļaušanas biržā turpinās. Pasūtījumu grāmatā ir redzams vairāk pārdevēju nekā pircēju, kuru mērķis, iespējams, ir peļņas gūšana, bet pārdevēju pārpalikums uz brīdi nospiež cenu. BNB saīsināšana varētu būt rentabla, taču veiksmīgas palaišanas fonda dēļ BNB nevar aizņemties. Iespējamais BNB diapazons varētu samazināties līdz 575–580 USD. Agrīnie rādītāji liecina par būtisku cenu korekciju pirms palaišanas un nedaudz pēc Launchpad notikuma.#BinanceLaunchpool#BNB#ENA#Write2Earrn #BullorBear
BNB izpārdošana pirms ENA iekļaušanas biržā turpinās. Pasūtījumu grāmatā ir redzams vairāk pārdevēju nekā pircēju, kuru mērķis, iespējams, ir peļņas gūšana, bet pārdevēju pārpalikums uz brīdi nospiež cenu. BNB saīsināšana varētu būt rentabla, taču veiksmīgas palaišanas fonda dēļ BNB nevar aizņemties. Iespējamais BNB diapazons varētu samazināties līdz 575–580 USD. Agrīnie rādītāji liecina par būtisku cenu korekciju pirms palaišanas un nedaudz pēc Launchpad notikuma.#BinanceLaunchpool#BNB#ENA#Write2Earrn #BullorBear
#BinanceLaunchpool $ETH $BTC When to take out profits from $PEPE in this Bull run ? Let's go back a bit. After reaching its highest point (0.00001080), Pepe coin took a big tumble, dropping below 0.00000670. But guess what? That dip was a chance for smart investors to get in. Despite all the talk about Pepe being delisted or going back to its peak, I advised sticking around and buying when it was low. Remember, stick with one trusted guide. Now, let's look ahead. Pepe's been getting a lot of attention lately, and that's driven its price up. Some reliable sources even think it could go above $0.00001193 soon. And believe it or not, some folks are dreaming of it hitting $1 or even $0.5! But for now, let's focus on the possibilities. Here's my advice: Hold onto some Pepe coins with the goal of hitting $1, but don't cash out everything. Sell some when the price goes above $0.00001110. ( follow now, I will guide you in every future situation ) #Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #WIF #sui PEPE $0.00000880 +8.37% Share with friends now Give a Tip 0 people tipped the creator. 31.9k Views 43 Likes 0 Quotes 14 Shares 5 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant Elroy Gabel GPCC
#BinanceLaunchpool $ETH $BTC When to take out profits from $PEPE in this Bull run ?
Let's go back a bit. After reaching its highest point (0.00001080), Pepe coin took a big tumble, dropping below 0.00000670. But guess what? That dip was a chance for smart investors to get in. Despite all the talk about Pepe being delisted or going back to its peak, I advised sticking around and buying when it was low. Remember, stick with one trusted guide.
Now, let's look ahead. Pepe's been getting a lot of attention lately, and that's driven its price up. Some reliable sources even think it could go above $0.00001193 soon. And believe it or not, some folks are dreaming of it hitting $1 or even $0.5! But for now, let's focus on the possibilities.
Here's my advice:
Hold onto some Pepe coins with the goal of hitting $1, but don't cash out everything. Sell some when the price goes above $0.00001110. ( follow now, I will guide you in every future situation )
#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #WIF #sui
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Elroy Gabel GPCC
🎉🚀 Celebrating a Remarkable Achievement on Binance Launchpool! 🚀🎉 Congratulations to our fellow Binance user for their incredible journey and success! 🥳 In their recent post, titled "ENA: MY EARNINGS IN 28 HOURS," they shared a captivating tale of staking $10k FDUSD and claiming 143 ENA tokens on Lunchpool Binance within just 28 hours. 🌟 Their post exudes passion, precision, and strategic insight as they detail their decision-making process. 💪 Opting for $FDUSD instead of $BNB, they highlighted the stability and low volatility it offers, showcasing a keen understanding of the market dynamics. 📈 Their journey began with a simple click on Ethena and the commitment of $10,000 FDUSD, setting the stage for an exciting farming experience. 🌾💰 After 28 hours of anticipation, their dedication bore fruit as they harvested a rewarding 143 tokens from the ENA farm. Now, let's delve into the realm of prediction and mathematics to forecast the future of ENA! 🚀✨ Leveraging market analysis, tokenomics, and optimism, we can envision a promising trajectory for ENA. 🔮 Considering the evident demand, utility, and potential partnerships, we dare to predict that ENA could launch at a significantly higher value. 📊💼 While precise forecasts are subject to market fluctuations, let's embrace the excitement and optimism for ENA's journey ahead. 🌟💸 So, let's celebrate this milestone, fueled by enthusiasm and ambition, as we eagerly anticipate the bright future of ENA! 🚀🌌 #BinanceERN #BinanceLaunchpool #ENA #ENALAUNCHPOOL #bullruns Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. Share with friends now Give a Tip 0 people tipped the creator. 14.2k Views 8 Likes 0 Quotes 1 Shares 5 Replies Most Recent Most Relevant Myrl Montooth IAV3
🎉🚀 Celebrating a Remarkable Achievement on Binance Launchpool! 🚀🎉
Congratulations to our fellow Binance user for their incredible journey and success! 🥳 In their recent post, titled "ENA: MY EARNINGS IN 28 HOURS," they shared a captivating tale of staking $10k FDUSD and claiming 143 ENA tokens on Lunchpool Binance within just 28 hours. 🌟
Their post exudes passion, precision, and strategic insight as they detail their decision-making process. 💪 Opting for $FDUSD instead of $BNB, they highlighted the stability and low volatility it offers, showcasing a keen understanding of the market dynamics. 📈
Their journey began with a simple click on Ethena and the commitment of $10,000 FDUSD, setting the stage for an exciting farming experience. 🌾💰 After 28 hours of anticipation, their dedication bore fruit as they harvested a rewarding 143 tokens from the ENA farm.
Now, let's delve into the realm of prediction and mathematics to forecast the future of ENA! 🚀✨ Leveraging market analysis, tokenomics, and optimism, we can envision a promising trajectory for ENA. 🔮
Considering the evident demand, utility, and potential partnerships, we dare to predict that ENA could launch at a significantly higher value. 📊💼 While precise forecasts are subject to market fluctuations, let's embrace the excitement and optimism for ENA's journey ahead. 🌟💸
So, let's celebrate this milestone, fueled by enthusiasm and ambition, as we eagerly anticipate the bright future of ENA! 🚀🌌
#BinanceERN #BinanceLaunchpool #ENA #ENALAUNCHPOOL #bullruns
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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Myrl Montooth IAV3
What is $ENA Coin? Ethena is an Ethereum-based synthetic dollar protocol and aims to offer financial stability without dependence on traditional banking systems. Essentially, Ethena offers a reliable dollar alternative using the advantages provided by cryptocurrencies. Some of the main components included in the project are: 1. **USDe:** USDe, a fully backed dollar currency, is provided by crypto assets and corresponding short futures positions. This allows users to get a reliable dollar alternative. 2. **Internet Bond:** This provides returns in dollars, backed by staked Ethereum returns and funds from perpetual and futures markets. It offers the opportunity to save and invest, especially for users in certain jurisdictions. The operation of Ethena is quite simple: 1. Users can easily buy and sell USDe via interface or API. 2. The exchange process takes place by users exchanging USDe for the corresponding asset of their choice. 3. Protocol-provided return sources include consensus and execution layer rewards, as well as funding from delta hedging derivative positions and underlying spreads. Ethena's key features are: - Receiving USD from Unauthorized External Liquidity Pools - Authorization to Print and Exchange USD Directly - No Need to Rely on Traditional Banking Infrastructure - Fully Powered by User Investments - Cross Market Arbitrage Opportunity The functioning of Ethena involves certain steps to provide liquidity to users, offset risks in the market, and ensure security. These steps include transactions such as transferring assets and transferring ownership to asset exchanges. This process ensures that users can buy and sell USD reliably and that the platform maintains its financial stability.
What is $ENA Coin?
Ethena is an Ethereum-based synthetic dollar protocol and aims to offer financial stability without dependence on traditional banking systems. Essentially, Ethena offers a reliable dollar alternative using the advantages provided by cryptocurrencies. Some of the main components included in the project are:
1. **USDe:** USDe, a fully backed dollar currency, is provided by crypto assets and corresponding short futures positions. This allows users to get a reliable dollar alternative.
2. **Internet Bond:** This provides returns in dollars, backed by staked Ethereum returns and funds from perpetual and futures markets. It offers the opportunity to save and invest, especially for users in certain jurisdictions.
The operation of Ethena is quite simple:
1. Users can easily buy and sell USDe via interface or API.
2. The exchange process takes place by users exchanging USDe for the corresponding asset of their choice.
3. Protocol-provided return sources include consensus and execution layer rewards, as well as funding from delta hedging derivative positions and underlying spreads.
Ethena's key features are:
- Receiving USD from Unauthorized External Liquidity Pools
- Authorization to Print and Exchange USD Directly
- No Need to Rely on Traditional Banking Infrastructure
- Fully Powered by User Investments
- Cross Market Arbitrage Opportunity
The functioning of Ethena involves certain steps to provide liquidity to users, offset risks in the market, and ensure security. These steps include transactions such as transferring assets and transferring ownership to asset exchanges. This process ensures that users can buy and sell USD reliably and that the platform maintains its financial stability.
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square!
#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square!
Binance Announcement
Binance Will Cease Support for Deposits and Withdrawals of USDC via the Tron Network (TRC20)
Fellow Binancians,
Following Circle’s discontinuation of USDC support on the Tron (TRC20) network, Binance will cease support for USDC deposits and withdrawals via TRC20 starting from 2024-04-05 02:00 (UTC).
Please note:
Deposits of USDC tokens via TRC20 will no longer be credited to users’ accounts after 2024-04-05 02:00 (UTC). Users may continue trading USDC on Binance.Deposits and withdrawals of USDC via other supported networks will not be impacted.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise.
Thank you for your support!
Binance Team
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