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Ilgtermiņa Bitcoin turētāju izplatīšana ETF kavē 70 000 USD izrāvienu
Saskaņā ar U.Today, tirgotājs Gerts van Lagens ir ierosinājis, ka Bitcoin izplatīšana no ilgtermiņa īpašniekiem jauniem ETF īpašniekiem ir nozīmīgs faktors, kas neļauj kriptovalūtai pārkāpt 70 000 USD atzīmi. Maijā van Lagens novēroja, ka šis izplatīšanas process jau ir labi sācies, un secinājums tika izdarīts no ķēdes datiem, kas liecina par vairāk nekā gadu glabāto monētu apgrozījumu.

Van Lagens jau iepriekš ir atzīmējis, ka šāda izplatīšana bieži noved pie "parabolisku" cenu atklājumiem, kam seko paplašināti lāču tirgi. Neskatoties uz Bitcoin cīņu, lai pārsniegtu izšķirošo 70 000 USD līmeni, daudzi uzskata, ka pašreizējais vēršu skrējiens nebūt nav galā. Piemēram, Galaxy Digital izpilddirektors Maiks Novogracs ir prognozējis, ka Bitcoin līdz gada beigām varētu sasniegt 100 000 USD, ja tas drīzumā spēs pārvarēt lielāko pretestības zonu ap 73 000 USD. Līdzīgi Fundstrat līdzdibinātājs Toms Lī un slavenais preču tirgotājs Pīters Brandts ir ierosinājuši, ka šī cikla laikā Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 150 000 USD.
Binance News
5 labākās valstis ar vislielāko interesi par Bitcoin: Salvadora, Nigērija un citas
Saskaņā ar CryptoPotato datiem, Salvadora ieņem pirmo vietu to valstu sarakstā, kurās ir vislielākā interese par Bitcoin, kā liecina Google Trends dati. Centrālamerikas valsts nokļuva virsrakstos 2021. gadā, kad tā kļuva par pirmo valsti, kas oficiāli atzina Bitcoin par likumīgu maksāšanas līdzekli. Kopš tā laika tās pro-Bitcoin politiskais līderis Nayib Bukele un viņa administrācija ir izklāstījuši daudzas ar Bitcoin saistītas iniciatīvas, tostarp veterinārārstu slimnīcu, kas apmaksāta ar kriptovalūtu, vulkāna obligācijām un tās ieguvi ar lieko vulkāna enerģiju. Salvadorai pašlaik pieder BTC 400 miljonu dolāru vērtībā.
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Binance News
Magic Eden, lai atbalstītu gaidāmo Bitcoin Runes Token Standard
Saskaņā ar PANews, starpķēžu NFT tirgus Magic Eden plāno atbalstīt gaidāmo Bitcoin Runes marķiera standartu. Rūnas ir aizstājams marķiera standarts, ko izveidojis Keisijs Rodarmors, Bitcoin NFT protokola Ordinals dibinātājs. Paredzams, ka tas tiks uzsākts Bitcoin galvenajā tīklā pēc Bitcoin samazināšanās uz pusi.

Runes marķiera standarta integrācija Magic Eden platformā ļaus lietotājiem tirgoties un mijiedarboties ar Bitcoin balstītiem NFT, paplašinot tirgus piedāvājumu un nodrošinot lietotājiem vairāk iespēju. Šis solis izceļ pieaugošo interesi par NFT Bitcoin ekosistēmā un NFT tehnoloģijas tālākas attīstības un ieviešanas potenciālu Bitcoin tīklā.
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Binance News
ConsenSys mudina SEC apstiprināt Ethereum Spot ETF
Saskaņā ar PANews, Ethereum infrastruktūras nodrošinātājs ConsenSys ir iesniedzis komentāru vēstuli ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijai (SEC), aicinot apstiprināt Ethereum spot ETF. Vēstule atspēko SEC bažas par iespējamu krāpšanu un manipulācijām, kā arī bažas par Ethereum pierādījumiem par likmju vienprātību. Tas izceļ Ethereum ātro bloka galīgumu, izplatīto un izlases veida verifikācijas procesu, augstās uzbrukuma izmaksas, sodu samazināšanu un ieguvumus videi.
Binance News
Pamaniet Bitcoin ETF atsāk pozitīvas plūsmas, neto ieplūde pārsniedz 12 miljardus USD
Saskaņā ar CryptoPotato datiem, tūlītējie Bitcoin biržā tirgotie fondi (ETF) Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs ir atsākuši pozitīvas plūsmas, atzīmējot ceturto dienu pēc kārtas neto ieplūdes un noslēdzot martu ar spēcīgu noti. Kopējā neto pieplūde spot Bitcoin ETF sasniedza 183 miljonus ASV dolāru 28. martā. SoSo Value dati liecina, ka jaunākie skaitļi veicināja kumulatīvo neto pieplūdumu gandrīz 12,13 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā. BlackRock iShares Bitcoin ETF (IBIT) ieņēma paketi ar vairāk nekā 95 miljonu dolāru neto ieplūdi, kam sekoja Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund (FBTC) ar 69,09 miljoniem dolāru. Bitwise BITB un ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF (ARKB) reģistrēja 67 miljonus USD un 27,6 miljonus USD ieplūdes, savukārt VanEck HODL norēķinājās ar 20 miljonu USD ieplūdi.
FTX Estate, lai izkrautu 7,6 miljardu dolāru bloķētu Solana bilanci ar 68% atlaidi
Bankrotējušās kriptovalūtas biržas FTX īpašums pārdos savu atlikumu 41 miljona Solana (SOL) apmērā, kura vērtība publicēšanas brīdī bija 7,65 miljardi USD, institucionālajiem investoriem par aptuveni 60 USD jeb 68% atlaidi no pašreizējās tirgus cenas.

Kā pastāstīja FTX kreditors Sunils Kavuri, FTX līdzdibinātājam un bijušajam izpilddirektoram Semam Bankmanam-Frīdam (SBF) 28. martā pasludinot spriedumu, biržas bankrota dēļ ne visi klienti ir kļuvuši veseli. "Salivans un Kromvels [FTX bankrota padomnieks] ir pārkāpuši mūsu īpašuma tiesības," apgalvoja Kavuri. "Viņi ir likvidējuši kriptovalūtu aktīvus miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Ir marķieris S&C, kas tiek pārdots par 11 centiem; tagad tas tirgojas par diviem dolāriem. FTX Solana žetonos bija 10 miljardi dolāru — viņi tos pārdeva ar 70% atlaidi.
Binance News
Fidelity Submits S-1 Form for Proposed Ethereum Spot ETF with Staking Feature
According to Foresight News, Fidelity has submitted an S-1 form for its proposed Ethereum spot ETF, which includes a staking feature. The news was reported by The Block.
Bitcoin Price Falters As Macroeconomic and Regulatory Headwinds Mount
Bitcoin (BTC) price faced a moderate correction to $68,430 on March 27 after failing to break above the $71,000 mark. Data from Bitcoin derivatives data reveal a decline in bullish sentiment among professional traders over the past week, which could possibly indicate that the $69,000 level will not hold.

Bitcoin spot ETF inflows will be decisive for BTC’s price

Despite a rally from $63,800 to $70,000 in the five days leading up to March 27, only $151 million in leveraged short positions were forcibly closed in the BTC futures markets. This suggests that bears remained cautious, even in light of last week's significant $888 million net withdrawal from U.S. Bitcoin spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

On a positive note, Bitcoin has demonstrated resilience by recovering from a 17.6% drop from $73,757 on March 14 to $60,795 on March 20 without causing panic among spot ETF investors. However, some market observers argue that the primary driver behind BTC reaching a new high before the April Bitcoin halving was the unexpectedly high inflows into spot ETFs, highlighting the importance for bulls to monitor such trends.

A positive for Bitcoin enthusiasts, this week saw a reversal in spot ETF flows, with a total of $418 million in net inflows recorded on March 26. Crucially, this was not due to reduced outflows from Grayscale's GBTC, indicating genuine institutional demand even as Bitcoin's price lingered just 4% below its peak. However, this does not assure professional traders that $69,000 will serve as a support level.

Analysts can discern whether whales and arbitrage desks are adopting a bullish or bearish stance by analyzing aggregated positions across spot, perpetual, and quarterly futures contracts.

Exchanges’ top traders BTC long-to-short ratio, 12 hours. Source: Coinglass

On Binance, the long-to-short ratio among professional traders was 1.50, favoring long positions on March 22, a figure that has slightly decreased to 1.42 currently. On OKX, the sentiment was much more bullish on March 22, with a long-to-short ratio of 3.22, a sentiment that has since diminished, with the ratio currently at 1.49 in favor of longs. This indicates a notable reduction in optimism among top traders, despite the 9.5% price increase during the period, suggesting other factors may be dampening bullish sentiment.

Global economic concerns and mixed market signals impact Bitcoin price

Some analysts argue that the global economic downturn is impacting Bitcoin's performance, particularly after the S&P 500 index could not maintain its all-time high of 5,320 achieved on March 21. The uncertainty surrounding the U.S. Federal Reserve's interest rate decisions for 2024 is causing investors to lose confidence; rate cuts are generally seen as positive for risk-on assets like Bitcoin. According to the CME FedWatch Tool, which reflects the expectations of the fixed-income markets, there's only an 8% chance of a rate cut at the Federal Reserve's May 1 meeting.

Furthermore, analysts caution that a Fed rate cut may signal troubles rather than prosperity. Paul Hickey, co-founder of Bespoke Investment Group, shared his concern over the lack of earnings growth posing the greatest risk to the stock market. He also highlighted worries about the overemphasis on artificial intelligence, which has significantly propelled the stock market's recent gains.

Related: Massive Bitcoin consolidation sparks sell-side liquidity concerns

Data on Bitcoin's top traders indicates a decrease in the preference for leveraged long positions, differing from an increase in bears’ comfort. This shift may stem from simultaneous all-time highs in diverse asset classes, including gold, U.S. stocks, Bitcoin, Japan's Nikkei 225 index, and live cattle, suggesting market anticipation of a weaker U.S. dollar against scarce resources.

The diminished interest in leveraged BTC longs should not alarm investors, nor a signal that Bitcoin will trade below $69,000, as it likely reflects broader economic recession concerns and external pressures, such as the U.S. Justice Department's charges against KuCoin exchange on March 26 and the European Parliament's committee discussions on limiting cryptocurrency payments from self-hosted wallets.

This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.
Binance News
Unknown Entity Consolidates 2,000 BTC Mined in 2010 into Single Wallet
According to CryptoPotato, an unknown individual or entity recently consolidated 2,000 BTC mined in 2010 into a single wallet. The consolidation occurred on March 26, involving the transfer of 40 sets of mining rewards, each consisting of 50 BTC, into one wallet. At the time of mining, the rewards amounted to $600. Developer mononautical, who noted the consolidation, remarked, 'Imagine holding for 14 years as the value rockets from a few hundred dollars to $140 million.'

Responding to the revelation, another user raised concerns about the possibility of compromised key generation, suggesting either a known pool or a random origin for the rewards. However, mononautical clarified that the miner remains unidentified, suggesting the transfer may have been a strategic move rather than a security breach. 'It’s possible the keys were compromised, but it seems like this went straight to an OTC desk,' mononautical added, citing a previous instance of similar old mining wallet sweeps.

This news follows another significant Bitcoin movement over the weekend. The fifth richest Bitcoin address, which had remained dormant since 2019, suddenly sprung to life. According to blockchain analytics firm Arkham, in 2019, this address was funded with 94,500 BTC worth $6.05 billion. The Bitcoin remained untouched until recently when it was divided and transferred to new addresses. CryptoQuant founder and CEO Ki Young Ju pointed out that the consolidation indicates a 'sell-side liquidity crisis waking up old Bitcoin.' Ju also suggested that the transaction pattern indicates over-the-counter (OTC) sales of the funds. Meanwhile, CryptoQuant’s latest 'Weekly Crypto Report' outlined an upcoming 'sell-side liquidity crisis.' The report attributed the crisis to a surge in Bitcoin demand, mainly fueled by the introduction of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the U.S. This heightened demand has drastically reduced the available supply for sale. According to the report, Bitcoin’s liquid inventory has reached its lowest level ever in terms of months of demand, with current supply only sufficient to cover demand growth for twelve months.
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