Binance Square
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🚨X1 MINER ir tiešraidē pakalpojumā APPLE APP STORE! 🚨 Reģistrācijai izmantojiet manu novirzīšanas kodu: YLG8YLe9 Gaidīšana ir beigusies! Mūsu X1 MINER APP tagad ir pieejama Apple App Store! Pārvērtiet savu viedtālruni par kriptoraktuves spēkstaciju! Mēs esam sākuši ieguvi divus mēnešus agrāk pakalpojumā DEVNET! Jūsu BDAG monētas tiks migrētas uz testnetu un pēc tam uz mainnet! Iegūstiet 20 BDAG dienā bez novirzīšanas un aiciniet citus paaugstināt jūsu likmi, tāpēc dalieties, iegūstiet ieguvi un nopelniet! Lejupielādējiet lietotni X1 Miner no App Store, meklējot BlockDAG X1 — Ready, Set, MINE! Android lietotājiem, lietotne X1 Miner drīzumā būs pieejama Play veikalā! - līdz tam izmantojiet apk. Saite zemāk. Lejupielādējiet tūlīt: 🤖Play veikals: Iegādājieties savas BDAG monētas šeit: #blockDAG
🚨X1 MINER ir tiešraidē pakalpojumā APPLE APP STORE! 🚨
Reģistrācijai izmantojiet manu novirzīšanas kodu: YLG8YLe9
Gaidīšana ir beigusies! Mūsu X1 MINER APP tagad ir pieejama Apple App Store!
Pārvērtiet savu viedtālruni par kriptoraktuves spēkstaciju!
Mēs esam sākuši ieguvi divus mēnešus agrāk pakalpojumā DEVNET! Jūsu BDAG monētas tiks migrētas uz testnetu un pēc tam uz mainnet!
Iegūstiet 20 BDAG dienā bez novirzīšanas un aiciniet citus paaugstināt jūsu likmi, tāpēc dalieties, iegūstiet ieguvi un nopelniet!
Lejupielādējiet lietotni X1 Miner no App Store, meklējot BlockDAG X1 — Ready, Set, MINE!
Android lietotājiem, lietotne X1 Miner drīzumā būs pieejama Play veikalā! - līdz tam izmantojiet apk. Saite zemāk.
Lejupielādējiet tūlīt:
🤖Play veikals:
Iegādājieties savas BDAG monētas šeit:
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀 Laipni lūdzam Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift kopīgajā pasākumā! 🌌 Izveidojiet MPC Binance Web3 maku (Keyless Wallet), izveidojiet pilsonības karti šeit: un dalieties ar balvu fondu! 💰 Izmantojiet manu ieteikuma kodu: mrNa85kpus, lai baudītu vairāk priekšrocību! 🌠#Binance#StarryNift
🚀 Laipni lūdzam Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift kopīgajā pasākumā! 🌌
Izveidojiet MPC Binance Web3 maku (Keyless Wallet), izveidojiet pilsonības karti šeit: un dalieties ar balvu fondu! 💰
Izmantojiet manu ieteikuma kodu: mrNa85kpus, lai baudītu vairāk priekšrocību! 🌠#Binance#StarryNift
Skatīt oriģinālu
StarryNFT ir platforma, kas ļauj lietotājiem Solana blokķēdē izveidot, pirkt un pārdot unikālus digitālos aktīvus, piemēram, mākslu, kolekcionējamus priekšmetus un citus. Nosaukums "StarryNFT" izraisa debesu brīnuma un neierobežotu iespēju sajūtu, liekot domāt par platformu, kas ir ārpus šīs pasaules! Ja meklējat aprakstu, šeit ir kāds iespējamais apraksts: "StarryNFT: kur radošums satiekas ar kosmosu. Izpētiet unikālu digitālo līdzekļu klāstu, ko izstrādājuši inovatīvi mākslinieki un satura veidotāji. Apkopojiet, tirgojiet un demonstrējiet savus iecienītākos darbus un esiet daļa no dinamiskas kopienas, kas virza digitālās mākslas robežas un kolekcionējamie priekšmeti." Jūtieties brīvi modificēt vai izmantot šo aprakstu, lai tas atbilstu savām vajadzībām! 🚀 Laipni lūdzam Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift kopīgajā pasākumā! 🌌 Izveidojiet MPC Binance Web3 maku (Keyless Wallet), izveidojiet pilsonības karti šeit: un dalieties ar balvu fondu! 💰 Izmantojiet manu ieteikuma kodu: mrNa85kpus, lai baudītu vairāk priekšrocību! 🌠#Binance#StarryNift NORĀDES KODS: mrNa85kpus
StarryNFT ir platforma, kas ļauj lietotājiem Solana blokķēdē izveidot, pirkt un pārdot unikālus digitālos aktīvus, piemēram, mākslu, kolekcionējamus priekšmetus un citus. Nosaukums "StarryNFT" izraisa debesu brīnuma un neierobežotu iespēju sajūtu, liekot domāt par platformu, kas ir ārpus šīs pasaules!
Ja meklējat aprakstu, šeit ir kāds iespējamais apraksts:
"StarryNFT: kur radošums satiekas ar kosmosu. Izpētiet unikālu digitālo līdzekļu klāstu, ko izstrādājuši inovatīvi mākslinieki un satura veidotāji. Apkopojiet, tirgojiet un demonstrējiet savus iecienītākos darbus un esiet daļa no dinamiskas kopienas, kas virza digitālās mākslas robežas un kolekcionējamie priekšmeti."
Jūtieties brīvi modificēt vai izmantot šo aprakstu, lai tas atbilstu savām vajadzībām!
🚀 Laipni lūdzam Binance Web3 Wallet & StarryNift kopīgajā pasākumā! 🌌
Izveidojiet MPC Binance Web3 maku (Keyless Wallet), izveidojiet pilsonības karti šeit: un dalieties ar balvu fondu! 💰
Izmantojiet manu ieteikuma kodu: mrNa85kpus, lai baudītu vairāk priekšrocību! 🌠#Binance#StarryNift

NORĀDES KODS: mrNa85kpus
$CAKE šeit izskatās sulīgi. Tas nesamazinās, neskatoties uz to, ka bitkoins ir lācīgs.
Es domāju, ka tas drīz sasniegs 2,2 dolārus.
Mans ieejas punkts: 1.845
Binance Square Official
#BinanceTurns7 Nosviniet Binance 7 gadus kopā ar mums, lai atbloķētu digitālās nozīmītes un laimētu ekskluzīvu 7YA balvu! 

1. uzdevums: kopīgojiet savus Binances dzimšanas dienas vēlējumus, lai atbloķētu pamata 7YA digitālo emblēmu
- Pabeidziet sava Binance Square profila iestatīšanu (piem., lietotājvārdu, profilu, biogrāfijas datus) un darbības perioda laikā sekojiet šim kontam @Binance_Square_Official. 

- Komentējiet šo Binance Square oficiālo ziņu ar saviem Binance dzimšanas dienas apsveikumiem un pārliecinieties, ka jūsu ziņā ir iekļauta atsauce #BinanceTurns7, lai atbloķētu pamata 7YA digitālo emblēmu. 

2. uzdevums: publicējiet savas iecienītākās Binance atmiņas, lai atbloķētu jaunināto 7YA digitālo emblēmu un Binance 7YA preces

- Lietotāji, kuri veiksmīgi pabeiguši 1. uzdevumu, var saņemt 7YA digitālās emblēmas jaunināto versiju, daloties savās visskaistākajās atmiņās ar Binance jaunā Binance Square ierakstā, kurā darbības perioda laikā ir pieminēta atsauce #BinanceTurns7. 

- Turklāt septiņi labākie dalībnieki ar vislielāko kopējo iesaistīšanos (t.i., atzīmes Patīk, kopīgošana, komentāri, citāti) 2. uzdevuma kvalificētai ziņai aktivitātes periodā, katrs saņems vienu Binance 7YA preču komplektu. 

Noteikumi un nosacījumi: 
- 7YA digitālās emblēmas parādīsies blakus kvalificēto dalībnieku profiliem četru darba dienu laikā pēc akcijas beigām. 
- 7YA preču ieguvēji tiks informēti, izmantojot pašpiegādes paziņojumu sadaļā Creator Center > Square Assistant četru nedēļu laikā pēc akcijas beigām. 
- Lai veiksmīgi saņemtu preču balvas, lietotājiem ir jāizpilda nepieciešamie norādījumi push paziņojumā noteiktajā laikā. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka uzvarētājiem ir jānorāda derīga piegādes adrese un viņi būs atbildīgi par visiem nodokļiem, ja tādi ir piemērojami. 
- Atlīdzības vai naudas ekvivalenta vērtība netiks piešķirta.

Aktivitātes periods: 2024-07-05 12:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-07-10 11:59 (UTC)
Here are some brief details about BlockDAG Coin ¹ ² ³: - BlockDAG Coin (BDAG) utilizes a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure to bypass the restrictions seen in traditional blockchain models. - BlockDAG is the world’s most advanced layer 1 blockchain, delivering industry-leading speeds, unbeatable security, and high decentralization. - BlockDAG can power everyday applications to enterprise-grade DeFi protocols. - BlockDAG coin (BDAG) has a supply of 150 billion coins. - BlockDAG price is expected to rise to $0.05 at launch, $10 by 2025 and $30 by 2030. #blockdag
Here are some brief details about BlockDAG Coin ¹ ² ³:
- BlockDAG Coin (BDAG) utilizes a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure to bypass the restrictions seen in traditional blockchain models.
- BlockDAG is the world’s most advanced layer 1 blockchain, delivering industry-leading speeds, unbeatable security, and high decentralization.
- BlockDAG can power everyday applications to enterprise-grade DeFi protocols.
- BlockDAG coin (BDAG) has a supply of 150 billion coins.
- BlockDAG price is expected to rise to $0.05 at launch, $10 by 2025 and $30 by 2030.
A crypto airdrop is a marketing strategy where crypto token creators distribute their tokens to wallet addresses free of charge ¹. There are several types of crypto airdrops, including ¹ ²: - Standard Airdrops: Tokens are distributed to users who hold a specific cryptocurrency. - Holder Airdrops: A reward system for holders of a certain coin. - Exclusive Airdrops: Tokens are only available to a select group of people. - Bounty Airdrops: Users are rewarded with tokens for completing specific tasks. - Retroactive Airdrops: Early users of a platform are rewarded with governance tokens. - Airdrop Farming: Actively searching for and participating in airdrops to accumulate as many tokens as possible. Some successful airdrops include Uniswap (UNI) and Stellar Lumens (XLM) ¹. To find and participate in airdrops, you can follow these steps ¹ ²: - Stay updated on social media and newsletters. - Hold a diverse range of cryptocurrencies. - Complete tasks like sharing posts on social media. - Check the status of your airdrop participation. - Verify the legitimacy of the airdrop and secure your assets. #AirdropGuide #AirdropBinance #AirdropguidcCampaign
A crypto airdrop is a marketing strategy where crypto token creators distribute their tokens to wallet addresses free of charge ¹. There are several types of crypto airdrops, including ¹ ²:
- Standard Airdrops: Tokens are distributed to users who hold a specific cryptocurrency.
- Holder Airdrops: A reward system for holders of a certain coin.
- Exclusive Airdrops: Tokens are only available to a select group of people.
- Bounty Airdrops: Users are rewarded with tokens for completing specific tasks.
- Retroactive Airdrops: Early users of a platform are rewarded with governance tokens.
- Airdrop Farming: Actively searching for and participating in airdrops to accumulate as many tokens as possible.
Some successful airdrops include Uniswap (UNI) and Stellar Lumens (XLM) ¹. To find and participate in airdrops, you can follow these steps ¹ ²:
- Stay updated on social media and newsletters.
- Hold a diverse range of cryptocurrencies.
- Complete tasks like sharing posts on social media.
- Check the status of your airdrop participation.
- Verify the legitimacy of the airdrop and secure your assets.
Join our exciting REVOX airdrop campaign with Binance Web3 Wallet! Use my invite code VIXK6R to earn REVOX $RGT AIRDROP! Find REVOX campaign on Binance Web3 Wallet. #REVOX #binanceweb3 @ReadOnMe3
Join our exciting REVOX airdrop campaign with Binance Web3 Wallet! Use my invite code VIXK6R to earn REVOX $RGT AIRDROP! Find REVOX campaign on Binance Web3 Wallet.
#REVOX #binanceweb3 @ReadOnMe3
I’m earning points and tokens on Revox Lense: Use my invitation code VIXK6R to get free READ Tokens and win Revox points with me! #Revox #Lense @ReadOnMe3
I’m earning points and tokens on Revox Lense: Use my invitation code VIXK6R to get free READ Tokens and win Revox points with me! #Revox #Lense @ReadOnMe3
Predicting the cryptocurrency market is challenging due to its volatility and many influencing factors. However, based on current trends and developments, here are some possible predictions for 2025: 1. _Increased adoption_: More mainstream acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum, as a store of value and medium of exchange. 2. _Regulatory clarity_: Clearer guidelines and regulations from governments worldwide, potentially leading to increased institutional investment. 3. _Altcoin season_: A potential surge in alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) as innovation and development continue. 4. _DeFi growth_: Continued growth of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols and platforms, offering lending, borrowing, and yield farming opportunities. 5. _NFT expansion_: Further adoption of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in art, gaming, and other industries. 6. _Web3 development_: Advancements in Web3 technologies, enabling more decentralized applications and services. 7. _Stablecoin popularity_: Increased use of stablecoins, pegged to fiat currencies, for everyday transactions and DeFi applications. 8. _Bitcoin price_: Potential for Bitcoin to reach new highs, possibly exceeding $100,000. 9. _Ethereum upgrade_: Completion of Ethereum's transition to Proof of Stake (PoS), enhancing scalability and security. 10. _Increased institutional investment_: More traditional investors and financial institutions entering the cryptocurrency market. Remember, these predictions are based on current trends and the rapidly evolving nature of the cryptocurrency market. Always do your own research and consider multiple sources before making investment decisions.
Predicting the cryptocurrency market is challenging due to its volatility and many influencing factors. However, based on current trends and developments, here are some possible predictions for 2025:
1. _Increased adoption_: More mainstream acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum, as a store of value and medium of exchange.
2. _Regulatory clarity_: Clearer guidelines and regulations from governments worldwide, potentially leading to increased institutional investment.
3. _Altcoin season_: A potential surge in alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) as innovation and development continue.
4. _DeFi growth_: Continued growth of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols and platforms, offering lending, borrowing, and yield farming opportunities.
5. _NFT expansion_: Further adoption of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in art, gaming, and other industries.
6. _Web3 development_: Advancements in Web3 technologies, enabling more decentralized applications and services.
7. _Stablecoin popularity_: Increased use of stablecoins, pegged to fiat currencies, for everyday transactions and DeFi applications.
8. _Bitcoin price_: Potential for Bitcoin to reach new highs, possibly exceeding $100,000.
9. _Ethereum upgrade_: Completion of Ethereum's transition to Proof of Stake (PoS), enhancing scalability and security.
10. _Increased institutional investment_: More traditional investors and financial institutions entering the cryptocurrency market.
Remember, these predictions are based on current trends and the rapidly evolving nature of the cryptocurrency market. Always do your own research and consider multiple sources before making investment decisions.
@base Meet DeFido We have successfully migrated to Base at long last. You’ll be seeing a little more of me from now on… Contract address: 0xD064c53f043d5aee2Ac9503B13eE012BF2def1d0 #DEFIDO
@base Meet DeFido
We have successfully migrated to Base at long last.
You’ll be seeing a little more of me from now on…
Contract address:
RevoX Web3 Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive digital assets. Here are some key features: 1. *Multi-chain support*: RevoX supports multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. 2. *User-friendly interface*: The wallet has a simple and intuitive design, making it easy for beginners to navigate. 3. *Security*: RevoX implements robust security measures, including encryption, 2-factor authentication, and a secure password manager. 4. *Decentralized finance (DeFi) integration*: The wallet allows users to interact with DeFi protocols, such as lending, borrowing, and yield farming. 5. *NFT support*: RevoX supports the storage and management of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 6. *Web3 browser*: The wallet includes a built-in Web3 browser, enabling users to explore decentralized applications (dApps) and websites. 7. *Extension support*: RevoX offers browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Brave, allowing users to access their wallet and interact with Web3 services directly from their browser. 8. *Mobile app*: A mobile app is available for on-the-go access to the wallet. RevoX aims to provide a comprehensive Web3 wallet solution, catering to both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency users. invite code:VIXK6R
RevoX Web3 Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive digital assets. Here are some key features:
1. *Multi-chain support*: RevoX supports multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon.
2. *User-friendly interface*: The wallet has a simple and intuitive design, making it easy for beginners to navigate.
3. *Security*: RevoX implements robust security measures, including encryption, 2-factor authentication, and a secure password manager.
4. *Decentralized finance (DeFi) integration*: The wallet allows users to interact with DeFi protocols, such as lending, borrowing, and yield farming.
5. *NFT support*: RevoX supports the storage and management of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
6. *Web3 browser*: The wallet includes a built-in Web3 browser, enabling users to explore decentralized applications (dApps) and websites.
7. *Extension support*: RevoX offers browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Brave, allowing users to access their wallet and interact with Web3 services directly from their browser.
8. *Mobile app*: A mobile app is available for on-the-go access to the wallet.
RevoX aims to provide a comprehensive Web3 wallet solution, catering to both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency users.
invite code:VIXK6R
in solana ecosystem try #topg Welcome to ❔❔❔❔❔ Where Andrew Tate burnt over 50% of our supply. We are a CTO governed project and is focus on creating and shaping our community in to TOP G's via the Hustlers University and bringing awareness to it. The university was created by Andrew Tate the TOP G himself. The time is now will you ❔ UP!
in solana ecosystem try #topg Welcome to ❔❔❔❔❔
Where Andrew Tate burnt over 50% of our supply. We are a CTO governed project and is focus on creating and shaping our community in to TOP G's via the Hustlers University and bringing awareness to it.
The university was created by Andrew Tate the TOP G himself.
The time is now will you ❔ UP!
Lista DAO functions as a open-source liquidity protocol for earning yields on collateralized Crypto assets (BNB, ETH, Stablecoins, and other cryptocurrencies) and borrowing of our decentralized stablecoin, lisUSD, also known as a "Destablecoin". It uses and expands the proven MakerDAO model for a decentralized, unbiased, collateral-backed destablecoin. The protocol consists of a dual token model (lisUSD and LISTA) and a set of mechanisms that support instant conversions, asset collateralization, borrowing, yield farming, etc. We are native to the BNB Chain ecosystem and have plans to expand to multiple chains in the near future.#ListaNewEra @lista_dao #ListaToken
Lista DAO functions as a open-source liquidity protocol for earning yields on collateralized Crypto assets (BNB, ETH, Stablecoins, and other cryptocurrencies) and borrowing of our decentralized stablecoin, lisUSD, also known as a "Destablecoin".
It uses and expands the proven MakerDAO model for a decentralized, unbiased, collateral-backed destablecoin.
The protocol consists of a dual token model (lisUSD and LISTA) and a set of mechanisms that support instant conversions, asset collateralization, borrowing, yield farming, etc. We are native to the BNB Chain ecosystem and have plans to expand to multiple chains in the near future.#ListaNewEra @ListaDAO #ListaToken
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