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#VeChain: vai šis svarīgais atjauninājums prasīs PIA līdz 50 centiem? VeChain (VET) ir ieguvis apgriezienus kriptovalūtu tirgū, demonstrējot iespaidīgu sniegumu plašākā Bitcoin izraisītā rallijā. Ar ievērojamu 11% pieaugumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā un ievērojamu 24% pieaugumu salīdzinājumā ar pagājušās nedēļas zemākajām cenām, VET pašlaik tiek tirgots par USD 0,04551, pievēršot investoru uzmanību visā pasaulē. Analītiķu prognozes Kripto analītiķis Ali Martiness ir izteicies par PIA potenciālu, norādot, ka monētai joprojām ir vietas turpmākai izaugsmei. Martiness ir noteicis PIA ilgtermiņa mērķus, paredzot, ka tā varētu sasniegt pat USD 0,7 par monētu. Nesenā tviterī Martiness uzsvēra konsolidācijas modeli, kas novērots PIA pirms tās pieauguma fāzes. Saskaņā ar Martinesa analīzi PIA saglabājās relatīvi nemainīga 595 dienas, pirms 2021. gadā bija vērojams kāpums. Tas vainagojās ar rekordaugstu līmeni — USD 0,2782 aprīlī. Martiness paredz līdzīgu modeli PIA jomā, prognozējot, ka šonedēļ monēta varētu sasniegt 0,05 USD atzīmi. Šīs prognozes pamatā ir PIA cenu svārstības 2020. gadā. Tas ir tad, kad aktīvs pieauga no USD 0,0035 līdz USD 0,054 mazāk nekā divu mēnešu laikā. $VET#VETUSDT#InvestmentStrategies
#VeChain: vai šis svarīgais atjauninājums prasīs PIA līdz 50 centiem?

VeChain (VET) ir ieguvis apgriezienus kriptovalūtu tirgū, demonstrējot iespaidīgu sniegumu plašākā Bitcoin izraisītā rallijā. Ar ievērojamu 11% pieaugumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā un ievērojamu 24% pieaugumu salīdzinājumā ar pagājušās nedēļas zemākajām cenām, VET pašlaik tiek tirgots par USD 0,04551, pievēršot investoru uzmanību visā pasaulē.

Analītiķu prognozes
Kripto analītiķis Ali Martiness ir izteicies par PIA potenciālu, norādot, ka monētai joprojām ir vietas turpmākai izaugsmei. Martiness ir noteicis PIA ilgtermiņa mērķus, paredzot, ka tā varētu sasniegt pat USD 0,7 par monētu.

Nesenā tviterī Martiness uzsvēra konsolidācijas modeli, kas novērots PIA pirms tās pieauguma fāzes. Saskaņā ar Martinesa analīzi PIA saglabājās relatīvi nemainīga 595 dienas, pirms 2021. gadā bija vērojams kāpums. Tas vainagojās ar rekordaugstu līmeni — USD 0,2782 aprīlī.
Martiness paredz līdzīgu modeli PIA jomā, prognozējot, ka šonedēļ monēta varētu sasniegt 0,05 USD atzīmi. Šīs prognozes pamatā ir PIA cenu svārstības 2020. gadā. Tas ir tad, kad aktīvs pieauga no USD 0,0035 līdz USD 0,054 mazāk nekā divu mēnešu laikā.
$VET #VETUSDT#InvestmentStrategies
Skatīt oriģinālu
Dogecoin: Elona Muska X maksājumi rada jautājumus par kriptovalūtu Ņemot vērā pieaugošo tirgus nepastāvību, kas ietekmē mēmu monētas, ir manāmas izmaiņas investoru noskaņojumā, ko raksturo dominējošā lācīgā perspektīva. Dogecoin, mēmu monētu sektora celmlauzis, ir ieņēmis neitrālu pozīciju, veicot nelielu korekciju zem 2% vērtības. Tomēr kriptovalūtu arēnā nesen tika atklāta ievērojama informācija, jo uzņēmējs un Tesla izpilddirektors Īlons Masks sarunā ar Benu Šapiro sniedza ieskatu ļoti gaidītajā X maksājumu funkcijā.
Dogecoin: Elona Muska X maksājumi rada jautājumus par kriptovalūtu

Ņemot vērā pieaugošo tirgus nepastāvību, kas ietekmē mēmu monētas, ir manāmas izmaiņas investoru noskaņojumā, ko raksturo dominējošā lācīgā perspektīva. Dogecoin, mēmu monētu sektora celmlauzis, ir ieņēmis neitrālu pozīciju, veicot nelielu korekciju zem 2% vērtības. Tomēr kriptovalūtu arēnā nesen tika atklāta ievērojama informācija, jo uzņēmējs un Tesla izpilddirektors Īlons Masks sarunā ar Benu Šapiro sniedza ieskatu ļoti gaidītajā X maksājumu funkcijā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#shib $SHIB Shiba Inu: SHIB, lai 2024. gadā palaistu digitālo identitāti, Shibdentity Shiba Inu 2024. gadā ieviesīs jaunu digitālo identitāti, norāda Shiba Inu komanda. Jaunā X pavedienā SHIB komanda paskaidro, ka maka adreses ir ieņēmušas galveno vietu kā jūsu identitāte pakalpojumā Web3, un komanda strādā, lai to mainītu. Shiba Inu kaut kad šogad uzsāks jauno Shibdentity projektu. Sadarbojoties ar D3Inc, SHIB komanda izstrādā Shibdentity, lai piedāvātu drošu, vienotu veidu, kā izveidot un uzturēt jūsu digitālo klātbūtni. Tas tiks izmantots SHIB nosaukumā, saka komanda. "Mērķis ir padarīt marķieru nosūtīšanu tikpat vienkāršu kā e-pasta sūtīšanu, izmantojot savu unikālo SHIB vārdu," grupa norāda pavedienā.
#shib $SHIB Shiba Inu: SHIB, lai 2024. gadā palaistu digitālo identitāti, Shibdentity

Shiba Inu 2024. gadā ieviesīs jaunu digitālo identitāti, norāda Shiba Inu komanda. Jaunā X pavedienā SHIB komanda paskaidro, ka maka adreses ir ieņēmušas galveno vietu kā jūsu identitāte pakalpojumā Web3, un komanda strādā, lai to mainītu. Shiba Inu kaut kad šogad uzsāks jauno Shibdentity projektu.

Sadarbojoties ar D3Inc, SHIB komanda izstrādā Shibdentity, lai piedāvātu drošu, vienotu veidu, kā izveidot un uzturēt jūsu digitālo klātbūtni. Tas tiks izmantots SHIB nosaukumā, saka komanda. "Mērķis ir padarīt marķieru nosūtīšanu tikpat vienkāršu kā e-pasta sūtīšanu, izmantojot savu unikālo SHIB vārdu," grupa norāda pavedienā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin: cik daudz BTC pieder BlackRock? Bitcoin (BTC) ir viens no pēdējās desmitgades labākajiem aktīviem. Kopš tā palaišanas BTC cena ir pieaugusi par daudziem tūkstošiem procentu. Par peļņu ir ieinteresējušas daudzas globālas finanšu institūcijas, tostarp BlackRock, pasaulē lielākais aktīvu pārvaldītājs, kura pārvaldībā ir gandrīz 10 triljonu dolāru vērti aktīvi. Tomēr, neskatoties uz BTC milzīgo peļņu, finanšu giganti bija piesardzīgi par ienākšanu kriptovalūtu tirgū, iespējams, nepastāvības dēļ. Iestādes deva priekšroku tūlītējam ETF (biržā tirgotajam fondam), kas samazinātu riskus. ASV SEC (Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija) šā mēneša sākumā pieņēma vēsturisku lēmumu un apstiprināja 11 Bitcoin (BTC) ETF. Viens no pretendentiem ir BlackRock. Šobrīd pasaulē lielākajam aktīvu pārvaldītājam pieder 11 439 BTC, kuru vērtība ir aptuveni 469 925 559 USD. Starp SEC apstiprinātajiem fondiem BlackRock pašlaik ir otrs lielākais BTC turējums aiz GrayScale. Neskatoties uz masveida turēšanu, BlackRock nav labākais Bitcoin turētājs. BTC veidotāja Satoši Nakamoto makā joprojām ir vislielākais BTC daudzums ar vairāk nekā 1 miljonu monētu, kuru vērtība šodien ir aptuveni 35 miljardi USD. $BTC #BTCETFSPOT #BlackRock
Bitcoin: cik daudz BTC pieder BlackRock?

Bitcoin (BTC) ir viens no pēdējās desmitgades labākajiem aktīviem. Kopš tā palaišanas BTC cena ir pieaugusi par daudziem tūkstošiem procentu. Par peļņu ir ieinteresējušas daudzas globālas finanšu institūcijas, tostarp BlackRock, pasaulē lielākais aktīvu pārvaldītājs, kura pārvaldībā ir gandrīz 10 triljonu dolāru vērti aktīvi.

Tomēr, neskatoties uz BTC milzīgo peļņu, finanšu giganti bija piesardzīgi par ienākšanu kriptovalūtu tirgū, iespējams, nepastāvības dēļ. Iestādes deva priekšroku tūlītējam ETF (biržā tirgotajam fondam), kas samazinātu riskus. ASV SEC (Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija) šā mēneša sākumā pieņēma vēsturisku lēmumu un apstiprināja 11 Bitcoin (BTC) ETF. Viens no pretendentiem ir BlackRock.

Šobrīd pasaulē lielākajam aktīvu pārvaldītājam pieder 11 439 BTC, kuru vērtība ir aptuveni 469 925 559 USD. Starp SEC apstiprinātajiem fondiem BlackRock pašlaik ir otrs lielākais BTC turējums aiz GrayScale.

Neskatoties uz masveida turēšanu, BlackRock nav labākais Bitcoin turētājs. BTC veidotāja Satoši Nakamoto makā joprojām ir vislielākais BTC daudzums ar vairāk nekā 1 miljonu monētu, kuru vērtība šodien ir aptuveni 35 miljardi USD.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$DOGE Dogecoin: cik daudz DOGE ir Elonam Maskam? Nav noslēpums, ka tehnoloģiju miljardieris Elons Masks ir dedzīgs Dogecoin (DOGE) fans. Tesla, X un SpaceX izpilddirektors nekad nav vairījies slavēt oriģinālo memecoin. Musks ir teicis, ka viņam patīk projekta nenopietnība. Viņš arī sacījis, ka būtu ironiski, ja valūta, kas sākās kā joks, kļūtu par nākotnes valūtu. Muska komentāri par DOGE bieži ir izraisījuši vardarbīgas cenu svārstības. Turklāt tehnoloģiju miljardieris ir arī saskāries ar tiesas prāvām no DOGE investoriem, kuri apgalvo, ka viņi zaudējuši naudu Muska dēļ. Cik daudz Dogecoin maksā Elons Cik daudz Dogecoin ir Elonam Maskam? Avots: NewsBTC Elons Masks ir bagātākais cilvēks pasaulē. Kad viņš saka, ka viņam ir daudz DOGE, tas var nozīmēt vairāk nekā sešus ciparus. Tomēr nav skaidrs, cik daudz DOGE Musk pieder. Viena teorija liecina, ka Musks ir noslēpumains Dogecoin (DOGE) valis ar vairāk nekā 36 miljardiem žetonu. Šim makam pieder aptuveni 28,27% no kopējā apgrozībā esošā DOGE. Citi apstrīd šo apgalvojumu un saka, ka Musks ir pret kriptovalūtām, kas koncentrētas dažu cilvēku rokās. #Dogecoin-DOGE $DOGE #InvestmentStrategies
$DOGE Dogecoin: cik daudz DOGE ir Elonam Maskam?

Nav noslēpums, ka tehnoloģiju miljardieris Elons Masks ir dedzīgs Dogecoin (DOGE) fans. Tesla, X un SpaceX izpilddirektors nekad nav vairījies slavēt oriģinālo memecoin. Musks ir teicis, ka viņam patīk projekta nenopietnība. Viņš arī sacījis, ka būtu ironiski, ja valūta, kas sākās kā joks, kļūtu par nākotnes valūtu.

Muska komentāri par DOGE bieži ir izraisījuši vardarbīgas cenu svārstības. Turklāt tehnoloģiju miljardieris ir arī saskāries ar tiesas prāvām no DOGE investoriem, kuri apgalvo, ka viņi zaudējuši naudu Muska dēļ.

Cik daudz Dogecoin maksā Elons

Cik daudz Dogecoin ir Elonam Maskam?

Avots: NewsBTC

Elons Masks ir bagātākais cilvēks pasaulē. Kad viņš saka, ka viņam ir daudz DOGE, tas var nozīmēt vairāk nekā sešus ciparus. Tomēr nav skaidrs, cik daudz DOGE Musk pieder.

Viena teorija liecina, ka Musks ir noslēpumains Dogecoin (DOGE) valis ar vairāk nekā 36 miljardiem žetonu. Šim makam pieder aptuveni 28,27% no kopējā apgrozībā esošā DOGE. Citi apstrīd šo apgalvojumu un saka, ka Musks ir pret kriptovalūtām, kas koncentrētas dažu cilvēku rokās.
#Dogecoin-DOGE $DOGE #InvestmentStrategies
Skatīt oriģinālu
$SHIB #ShibaInvestment $ ​​Robinhood iegādājas 230 miljardus Shiba Inu 💥💥💥 Finanšu gigants Robinhood ir veicis vēl vienu nozīmīgu ieguldījumu uzņēmumā Shiba Inu. Saskaņā ar kriptovalūtu biržas Arkham datiem, Robinhood nepilnu 24 stundu laikā saviem krājumiem pievienoja 231 miljardu SHIB žetonu. Savā jaunākajā X ziņojumā Shiba Inu entuziaste Lola paskaidro, ka, kamēr Robinhood papildina savu SHIB krātuvi, Bitcoin tiek ielādēts cita birža TradeFi. Salīdzinot ar otrdienu, Robinhood kopējais SHIB palielinājās no 36,454 triljoniem līdz 36,684 triljoniem. Shiba Inu pašlaik ir trešais lielākais kriptogrāfijas līdzeklis pēc dolāra vērtības Robinhood. Preses laikā Shiba Inu tirgojas par USD 0,00000953. Jaunākais SHIB gājiens, iespējams, norāda, ka vaļi sāks uzkrāt Shiba Inu. Pamatojoties uz viņu ieguldījumiem, šķiet, ka Robinhood ir spēcīgs SHIB jomā. Šie bankomāti ir Shiba Inu nākotne Avots: WatcherGuru Shiba Inu pašlaik ir trešais lielākais kriptogrāfijas līdzeklis pēc dolāra vērtības Robinhood. Preses laikā Shiba Inu tirgojas par USD 0,00000953. Jaunākais SHIB gājiens, iespējams, norāda, ka vaļi sāks uzkrāt Shiba Inu. Pamatojoties uz viņu ieguldījumiem, šķiet, ka Robinhood ir spēcīgs SHIB jomā. Ķēdes dati no IntoTheBlock papildina stāstījumu par nozīmīgu vaļu darbību SHIB tirgū. Īpaši lielais turētājs ir palielinājies par 1542%. Turklāt, tā kā SHIB cena ir diezgan zema, vaļi un biržas, piemēram, Robinhood, iekļūst, kamēr var, pirms potenciālā vērša bēgšanas. Tiem, kas rūpīgi uzrauga Shiba Inu īstermiņa cenu izmaiņas, saskaņā ar Changelly teikto, sagaidāms, ka SHIB pieaugs līdz 0,00001018 USD. Tas ir saistīts arī ar kāpumu, kas, kā tiek prognozēts 17. janvārī, kopā ar ievērojamu vērtības pieaugumu par 5%.
$SHIB #ShibaInvestment $ ​​Robinhood iegādājas 230 miljardus Shiba Inu 💥💥💥

Finanšu gigants Robinhood ir veicis vēl vienu nozīmīgu ieguldījumu uzņēmumā Shiba Inu. Saskaņā ar kriptovalūtu biržas Arkham datiem, Robinhood nepilnu 24 stundu laikā saviem krājumiem pievienoja 231 miljardu SHIB žetonu.

Savā jaunākajā X ziņojumā Shiba Inu entuziaste Lola paskaidro, ka, kamēr Robinhood papildina savu SHIB krātuvi, Bitcoin tiek ielādēts cita birža TradeFi. Salīdzinot ar otrdienu, Robinhood kopējais SHIB palielinājās no 36,454 triljoniem līdz 36,684 triljoniem.

Shiba Inu pašlaik ir trešais lielākais kriptogrāfijas līdzeklis pēc dolāra vērtības Robinhood. Preses laikā Shiba Inu tirgojas par USD 0,00000953. Jaunākais SHIB gājiens, iespējams, norāda, ka vaļi sāks uzkrāt Shiba Inu. Pamatojoties uz viņu ieguldījumiem, šķiet, ka Robinhood ir spēcīgs SHIB jomā.

Šie bankomāti ir Shiba Inu nākotne

Avots: WatcherGuru

Shiba Inu pašlaik ir trešais lielākais kriptogrāfijas līdzeklis pēc dolāra vērtības Robinhood. Preses laikā Shiba Inu tirgojas par USD 0,00000953. Jaunākais SHIB gājiens, iespējams, norāda, ka vaļi sāks uzkrāt Shiba Inu. Pamatojoties uz viņu ieguldījumiem, šķiet, ka Robinhood ir spēcīgs SHIB jomā.

Ķēdes dati no IntoTheBlock papildina stāstījumu par nozīmīgu vaļu darbību SHIB tirgū. Īpaši lielais turētājs ir palielinājies par 1542%. Turklāt, tā kā SHIB cena ir diezgan zema, vaļi un biržas, piemēram, Robinhood, iekļūst, kamēr var, pirms potenciālā vērša bēgšanas.

Tiem, kas rūpīgi uzrauga Shiba Inu īstermiņa cenu izmaiņas, saskaņā ar Changelly teikto, sagaidāms, ka SHIB pieaugs līdz 0,00001018 USD. Tas ir saistīts arī ar kāpumu, kas, kā tiek prognozēts 17. janvārī, kopā ar ievērojamu vērtības pieaugumu par 5%.
$SHIB Shiba Inu: Ethereum Whale Makes Massive Shib Purchase After Robinhood Within the constantly evolving cryptocurrency sphere, an Ethereum whale identified by the wallet address “0xfb2” has reemerged after a prolonged period of dormancy to undertake a substantial investment in the Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency. According to data from Etherscan, the enigmatic investor conducted a series of purchases. The whale acquired an astounding 606.36 billion SHIB in the past 24 hours. This translates to a noteworthy investment of $5.80 million. Shiba Inu Portfolio Soars This abrupt surge in buying activity has elevated the Ethereum whale to the pinnacle of the SHIB token buyers’ list for the specified period. Presently, the investor’s cryptocurrency portfolio showcases an impressive 733.21 billion SHIB. This is valued at $6.97 million, with SHIB now standing as the second-largest holding in the portfolio, surpassed only by Ethereum. The Ethereum whale’s dedication to SHIB traces back to two years ago when it initially procured nearly 200 billion tokens. This recent resurgence in SHIB holdings introduces a captivating aspect to the dynamic crypto market. It seizes the attention of both SHIB enthusiasts and traders. #shibainu #shib
Shiba Inu: Ethereum Whale Makes Massive Shib Purchase After Robinhood

Within the constantly evolving cryptocurrency sphere, an Ethereum whale identified by the wallet address “0xfb2” has reemerged after a prolonged period of dormancy to undertake a substantial investment in the Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency. According to data from Etherscan, the enigmatic investor conducted a series of purchases. The whale acquired an astounding 606.36 billion SHIB in the past 24 hours. This translates to a noteworthy investment of $5.80 million.

Shiba Inu Portfolio Soars

This abrupt surge in buying activity has elevated the Ethereum whale to the pinnacle of the SHIB token buyers’ list for the specified period. Presently, the investor’s cryptocurrency portfolio showcases an impressive 733.21 billion SHIB. This is valued at $6.97 million, with SHIB now standing as the second-largest holding in the portfolio, surpassed only by Ethereum.
The Ethereum whale’s dedication to SHIB traces back to two years ago when it initially procured nearly 200 billion tokens. This recent resurgence in SHIB holdings introduces a captivating aspect to the dynamic crypto market. It seizes the attention of both SHIB enthusiasts and traders.
#shibainu #shib
SEC Approves The First Spot-Bitcoin ETFs Chair Gery Gensler : “Today, the Commission approved the listing and trading of a number of spot bitcoin exchange-traded product (ETP) shares.I have often said that the Commission acts within the law and how the courts interpret the law. Beginning under Chair Jay Clayton in 2018 and through March 2023, the Commission disapproved more than 20 exchange rule filings for spot bitcoin ETPs. One of those filings, made by Grayscale, contemplated the conversion of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust into an ETP.“ #ETF #BTC $BTC
SEC Approves The First Spot-Bitcoin ETFs
Chair Gery Gensler :

“Today, the Commission approved the listing and trading of a number of spot bitcoin exchange-traded product (ETP) shares.I have often said that the Commission acts within the law and how the courts interpret the law. Beginning under Chair Jay Clayton in 2018 and through March 2023, the Commission disapproved more than 20 exchange rule filings for spot bitcoin ETPs. One of those filings, made by Grayscale, contemplated the conversion of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust into an ETP.“
#XAI : The First Layer 3 Network on Arbitrum What is Xai? Xai (XAI), the 43rd project on Binance Launchpool, is the first Layer 3 network developed on the Arbitrum network. In this article, we will examine Xai, which stands out as a Layer 3 network. Now, let’s move on to our article where we answer many questions such as what Xai listed on the cryptocurrency exchange Binance is, and where to buy XAI coin. x What is Xai? Xai is the 43rd project added to the Binance launchpool. As the first Layer 3 network developed on Arbitrum, Xai is built on top of Ethereum’s Layer 2 scaling solution Arbitrum. Xai is essentially a hub for various blockchain-based games rather than being a blockchain itself. x Xai offers customers higher transaction speeds and lower costs while providing higher security and reliability based on Ethereum’s strong foundation. Developed to facilitate the easy acquisition and trading of in-game items without the need for complex cryptocurrency wallets, Xai aims to merge the traditional gaming industry with the Web3 world. Table of Contents In this open and decentralized network, anyone can run a node, in other words, a node, and in return, be rewarded with XAI coin and participate in ecosystem governance. The native asset of the Xai network is the XAI coin. XAI coin serves many important purposes including paying transaction fees and participating in governance. XAI is a currency used for all network-based transactions such as purchasing and selling in-game items in games. XAI holders have a say in the development of the network by voting on important proposals and decisions. Network participants who run nodes are rewarded with XAI coin. #xai $BTC $XAI $ARB
#XAI : The First Layer 3 Network on Arbitrum
What is Xai?
Xai (XAI), the 43rd project on Binance Launchpool, is the first Layer 3 network developed on the Arbitrum network. In this article, we will examine Xai, which stands out as a Layer 3 network. Now, let’s move on to our article where we answer many questions such as what Xai listed on the cryptocurrency exchange Binance is, and where to buy XAI coin.
What is Xai?

Xai is the 43rd project added to the Binance launchpool. As the first Layer 3 network developed on Arbitrum, Xai is built on top of Ethereum’s Layer 2 scaling solution Arbitrum. Xai is essentially a hub for various blockchain-based games rather than being a blockchain itself.
Xai offers customers higher transaction speeds and lower costs while providing higher security and reliability based on Ethereum’s strong foundation. Developed to facilitate the easy acquisition and trading of in-game items without the need for complex cryptocurrency wallets, Xai aims to merge the traditional gaming industry with the Web3 world.
Table of Contents

In this open and decentralized network, anyone can run a node, in other words, a node, and in return, be rewarded with XAI coin and participate in ecosystem governance.

The native asset of the Xai network is the XAI coin. XAI coin serves many important purposes including paying transaction fees and participating in governance. XAI is a currency used for all network-based transactions such as purchasing and selling in-game items in games. XAI holders have a say in the development of the network by voting on important proposals and decisions. Network participants who run nodes are rewarded with XAI coin.
#xai $BTC $XAI $ARB
BITCOIN SPOT ETF SEC’s Fake Spot Bitcoin ETF Approval Causes $140M Liquidation * The global crypto and stock markets await the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision on spot Bitcoin ETF today. The final deadline for the SEC to approve or deny ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF (ARKB) is today, January 10. Experts anticipate approval of all 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs prospectus at the same time. Meanwhile, hackers took over the U.S. SEC’s X account and posted fake posts regarding the approval of all Bitcoin ETFs. SEC Chair Gary Gensler revealed immediately the securities agency has not approved the listing and trading of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products. It caused over $140 million in liquidation in a few hours. * Gary Gensler took to X after fake spot Bitcoin ETF post. He said “The SEC twitter account was compromised, and an unauthorized tweet was posted. The SEC has not approved the listing and trading of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products. #BTC #etf 💥Question: Who is manipulator ?
SEC’s Fake Spot Bitcoin ETF Approval Causes $140M Liquidation
The global crypto and stock markets await the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision on spot Bitcoin ETF today. The final deadline for the SEC to approve or deny ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF (ARKB) is today, January 10. Experts anticipate approval of all 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs prospectus at the same time.

Meanwhile, hackers took over the U.S. SEC’s X account and posted fake posts regarding the approval of all Bitcoin ETFs. SEC Chair Gary Gensler revealed immediately the securities agency has not approved the listing and trading of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products. It caused over $140 million in liquidation in a few hours.

Gary Gensler took to X after fake spot Bitcoin ETF post. He said “The SEC twitter account was compromised, and an unauthorized tweet was posted. The SEC has not approved the listing and trading of spot bitcoin exchange-traded products.
#BTC #etf
💥Question: Who is manipulator ?
In the past 24 hours, there have been a total of 9,352,492,391 $SHIB tokens burned and 4 transactions. Just HODL #shib token 💥💥 #BTC
In the past 24 hours, there have been a total of 9,352,492,391 $SHIB tokens burned and 4 transactions.
Just HODL #shib token 💥💥
Shiba Inu 9.25T SHIB Burn Sparks Rumors of $0.001 Breakout #shib #SHIBburn Shiba Inu team member Ragnar has sparked rumors of a potential breakout for SHIB. In a since-deleted X post, Ragnar alludes to a breakout caused by a record-shattering Shiba Inu burn, with 9.25 trillion SHIB being burned this month. It’s unclear why the post was deleted, but some in the SHIB community believe it was to avoid raising expectations too high.  For context, the highest number of SHIB tokens burned in a month was in the mere billions. The only time a trillion Shiba Inu tokens were burned in a single year, let alone a month, was from Etherehm founder Vitalik Buterin.  Also Read: Shiba Inu [SHIB] Weekly Price Prediction Perhaps a burn is coming this month, and Ragnar’s tweet was a typo, or overall overlooking on his part. Shibarium will likely contribute to a major Shiba Inu burn phase this month, but one in the trillions is unlikely. The layer 2 network contributed almost 34 billion burned SHIB to last year’s total 76 billion+ burned in total. In January this far, 64 million SHIB has been burned.  Therefore, Ragnar’s tweet hinting at rumors of a huge Shiba Inu burn is likely dramatized. At most, the dog-themed cryptocurrency will likely burn in the hundreds of billions in January. A bullish breakout for Shiba Inu may come with a Shiba Inu burn phase, but not in the trillions.
Shiba Inu 9.25T SHIB Burn Sparks Rumors of $0.001 Breakout
#shib #SHIBburn

Shiba Inu team member Ragnar has sparked rumors of a potential breakout for SHIB. In a since-deleted X post, Ragnar alludes to a breakout caused by a record-shattering Shiba Inu burn, with 9.25 trillion SHIB being burned this month. It’s unclear why the post was deleted, but some in the SHIB community believe it was to avoid raising expectations too high. 

For context, the highest number of SHIB tokens burned in a month was in the mere billions. The only time a trillion Shiba Inu tokens were burned in a single year, let alone a month, was from Etherehm founder Vitalik Buterin. 

Also Read: Shiba Inu [SHIB] Weekly Price Prediction

Perhaps a burn is coming this month, and Ragnar’s tweet was a typo, or overall overlooking on his part. Shibarium will likely contribute to a major Shiba Inu burn phase this month, but one in the trillions is unlikely. The layer 2 network contributed almost 34 billion burned SHIB to last year’s total 76 billion+ burned in total. In January this far, 64 million SHIB has been burned. 

Therefore, Ragnar’s tweet hinting at rumors of a huge Shiba Inu burn is likely dramatized. At most, the dog-themed cryptocurrency will likely burn in the hundreds of billions in January. A bullish breakout for Shiba Inu may come with a Shiba Inu burn phase, but not in the trillions.
MicroStrategy nets $840 Million from Bitcoin gains as El Salvador’s investment turns profitable The ongoing surge in Bitcoin’s value is bringing substantial unrealized profits to MicroStrategy, a leading American software technology firm. As the world’s largest corporate holder of Bitcoin, MicroStrategy’s investment strategy has been immensely rewarding, especially in 2024. The company’s Bitcoin treasury, last updated in December 2023, comprises a staggering 189,150 BTC. This portfolio, valued at about $8.832 billion as of January 9, 2024, represents an increase of $840 million since the start of the year. MicroStrategy’s success story is highlighted by the events of January 8, when a significant spike in Bitcoin’s value – a $3,000 increase in a single day – resulted in a gain of approximately $600 million for the firm. This remarkable achievement underscores the company’s strategic foresight in cryptocurrency investment, which began in August 2020 when Bitcoin was priced just over $10,000. While the company’s Bitcoin investments are flourishing, MicroStrategy’s stock tells a different story. Despite bullish trends in the Bitcoin market, MicroStrategy’s stock (MSTR) has seen a decline of over 15% since the beginning of the year. This paradoxical situation is further compounded by CEO Michael Saylor’s personal investment strategies, which have been focused on increasing his Bitcoin holdings, evident from his recent sale of $216 million in company options. El Salvador’s Bitcoin journey In another part of the world, El Salvador’s foray into Bitcoin investments is finally paying off. After two years of fluctuating fortunes, the country is now sitting on $12.6 million in unrealized profits. El Salvador’s Bitcoin journey began in September 2021, with the nation accumulating a total of 2,798 BTC, valued at $131.3 million. This strategic move, coupled with the Bitcoin market’s recent 75% surge since October, has positioned El Salvador favorably in the cryptocurrency landscape.
MicroStrategy nets $840 Million from Bitcoin gains as El Salvador’s investment turns profitable

The ongoing surge in Bitcoin’s value is bringing substantial unrealized profits to MicroStrategy, a leading American software technology firm.

As the world’s largest corporate holder of Bitcoin, MicroStrategy’s investment strategy has been immensely rewarding, especially in 2024. The company’s Bitcoin treasury, last updated in December 2023, comprises a staggering 189,150 BTC. This portfolio, valued at about $8.832 billion as of January 9, 2024, represents an increase of $840 million since the start of the year.

MicroStrategy’s success story is highlighted by the events of January 8, when a significant spike in Bitcoin’s value – a $3,000 increase in a single day – resulted in a gain of approximately $600 million for the firm.

This remarkable achievement underscores the company’s strategic foresight in cryptocurrency investment, which began in August 2020 when Bitcoin was priced just over $10,000.

While the company’s Bitcoin investments are flourishing, MicroStrategy’s stock tells a different story. Despite bullish trends in the Bitcoin market, MicroStrategy’s stock (MSTR) has seen a decline of over 15% since the beginning of the year.

This paradoxical situation is further compounded by CEO Michael Saylor’s personal investment strategies, which have been focused on increasing his Bitcoin holdings, evident from his recent sale of $216 million in company options.

El Salvador’s Bitcoin journey
In another part of the world, El Salvador’s foray into Bitcoin investments is finally paying off. After two years of fluctuating fortunes, the country is now sitting on $12.6 million in unrealized profits.

El Salvador’s Bitcoin journey began in September 2021, with the nation accumulating a total of 2,798 BTC, valued at $131.3 million. This strategic move, coupled with the Bitcoin market’s recent 75% surge since October, has positioned El Salvador favorably in the cryptocurrency landscape.
Binance will then list XAI #XAI at 2024-01-09 10:00 (UTC), and open trading with the XAI/BTC, XAI/USDT, XAI/BNB, XAI/FDUSD, XAI/TUSD and XAI/TRY trading pairs Introducing Xai (XAI) on Binance Launchpool! Farm XAI by Staking BNB, FDUSD and TUSD Fellow Binancians, Binance is excited to announce the 43rd project on Binance Launchpool - Xai (XAI), a gaming blockchain built on top of Arbitrum as its first L3. The webpage is estimated to be available in 24 hours, before the Launchpool starts.  Users will be able to stake their BNB, FDUSD and TUSD into separate pools to farm XAI tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-01-05 00:00 (UTC). #XaiAirdrop Listing Binance will then list XAI at 2024-01-09 10:00 (UTC), and open trading with the XAI/BTC, XAI/USDT, XAI/BNB, XAI/FDUSD, XAI/TUSD and XAI/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to XAI. XAI Launchpool Details: Token Name: Xai (XAI) Max Token Supply: 2,500,000,000 XAI  Launchpool Token Rewards: 75,000,000 XAI (3% of total token supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 277,118,150 XAI (~11.08% of the total token supply) Smart Contract Details: XAI Token (XAI) Staking Terms: KYC required  Hourly Hard Cap per User:  62,500 XAI in BNB pool 7,812.5 XAI in FDUSD pool 7,812.5 XAI in TUSD pool Supported Pools:  Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 60,000,000 XAI in rewards (80%)  Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 7,500,000 XAI in rewards (10%) Stake TUSD (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 7,500,000 XAI in rewards (10%) Farming Period: 2024-01-05 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-01-08 23:59 (UTC).
Binance will then list XAI
at 2024-01-09 10:00 (UTC), and open trading with the XAI/BTC, XAI/USDT, XAI/BNB, XAI/FDUSD, XAI/TUSD and XAI/TRY trading pairs

Introducing Xai (XAI) on Binance Launchpool! Farm XAI by Staking BNB, FDUSD and TUSD

Fellow Binancians,

Binance is excited to announce the 43rd project on Binance Launchpool - Xai (XAI), a gaming blockchain built on top of Arbitrum as its first L3. The webpage is estimated to be available in 24 hours, before the Launchpool starts. 

Users will be able to stake their BNB, FDUSD and TUSD into separate pools to farm XAI tokens over four days, with farming starting from 2024-01-05 00:00 (UTC).


Binance will then list XAI at 2024-01-09 10:00 (UTC), and open trading with the XAI/BTC, XAI/USDT, XAI/BNB, XAI/FDUSD, XAI/TUSD and XAI/TRY trading pairs. The Seed Tag will be applied to XAI.

XAI Launchpool Details:

Token Name: Xai (XAI)

Max Token Supply: 2,500,000,000 XAI 

Launchpool Token Rewards: 75,000,000 XAI (3% of total token supply)

Initial Circulating Supply: 277,118,150 XAI (~11.08% of the total token supply)

Smart Contract Details: XAI Token (XAI)

Staking Terms: KYC required 

Hourly Hard Cap per User: 

62,500 XAI in BNB pool

7,812.5 XAI in FDUSD pool

7,812.5 XAI in TUSD pool

Supported Pools: 

Stake BNB (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 60,000,000 XAI in rewards (80%) 

Stake FDUSD (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 7,500,000 XAI in rewards (10%)

Stake TUSD (webpage will be available in around 24 hours): 7,500,000 XAI in rewards (10%)

Farming Period: 2024-01-05 00:00 (UTC) to 2024-01-08 23:59 (UTC).
Shiba Inu: Shibarium To Burn 10 Trillion SHIB in January 2024? #shib #ShibaPriceAnalysys Crypto News Shiba Inu: Shibarium To Burn 10 Trillion SHIB in January 2024? SHIBA Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) rally after the automated burns? Shiba Inu (SHIB) fans might be in for a treat as the project’s Shibarium network will begin to automate token burning in January. The automated burns will bid farewell to manual token burning. However, SHIB fans and investors are curious about how many tokens the Shibarium network would incinerate. Also Read: Shiba Inu: How High Can SHIB Rise In January 2024? According to some rumors, the network may burn trillions of tokens yearly. Shiba Inu (SHIB) influencer and team member “Lucie” had said the project could burn 111 trillion tokens yearly. Going by that estimate, we may see almost 10 trillion SHIB tokens being removed from circulation every month. However, the team has not confirmed how many tokens Shibarium may burn. Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) rally after the automated burns? Shiba Inu (SHIB) is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market. However, the dog-themed crypto has faced a sharp 10% correction in the last 24 hours and consequently gained a zero after its decimal point, which it struggled to delete towards the end of 2023
Shiba Inu: Shibarium To Burn 10 Trillion SHIB in January 2024?
#shib #ShibaPriceAnalysys

Crypto News

Shiba Inu: Shibarium To Burn 10 Trillion SHIB in January 2024?


Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) rally after the automated burns?

Shiba Inu (SHIB) fans might be in for a treat as the project’s Shibarium network will begin to automate token burning in January. The automated burns will bid farewell to manual token burning. However, SHIB fans and investors are curious about how many tokens the Shibarium network would incinerate.

Also Read: Shiba Inu: How High Can SHIB Rise In January 2024?

According to some rumors, the network may burn trillions of tokens yearly. Shiba Inu (SHIB) influencer and team member “Lucie” had said the project could burn 111 trillion tokens yearly. Going by that estimate, we may see almost 10 trillion SHIB tokens being removed from circulation every month.

However, the team has not confirmed how many tokens Shibarium may burn.

Will Shiba Inu (SHIB) rally after the automated burns?

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market. However, the dog-themed crypto has faced a sharp 10% correction in the last 24 hours and consequently gained a zero after its decimal point, which it struggled to delete towards the end of 2023
Bitcoin halving countdown 📈📈 #BTC
Bitcoin halving countdown 📈📈
List of 6 Tokens Whales are Buying As the current crypto year wraps up, crypto whales who have bought various tokens and profited are in search of the tokens with huge potential ahead of the bull run.With major events lined up for 2024; the anticipated Cancun Upgrade for Ethereum, the impending bitcoin ETF approval, bitcoin supply's halving, etc, experts predict that the bull run will be ignited by a group of six tokens and Whales are beginning to pump huge funds into the tokens.An accumulation of these tokens especially Retik Finance in Whale's portfolio is a sign of good faith for a huge growth in the portfolio’s worth.This listicle explores the top six tokens that have attracted the attention of Whales to the extent that they're buying them: 1- Retik Finance (RETIK) 2- Cosmos (ATOM) #atom 3- Avalanche (AVAX) #Avax 4- Lido Finance (LDO) #ldo 5- Near Protocol (NEAR) #Near 6- Chainlink (LINK) #link
List of 6 Tokens Whales are Buying

As the current crypto year wraps up, crypto whales who have bought various tokens and profited are in search of the tokens with huge potential ahead of the bull run.With major events lined up for 2024; the anticipated Cancun Upgrade for Ethereum, the impending bitcoin ETF approval, bitcoin supply's halving, etc, experts predict that the bull run will be ignited by a group of six tokens and Whales are beginning to pump huge funds into the tokens.An accumulation of these tokens especially Retik Finance in Whale's portfolio is a sign of good faith for a huge growth in the portfolio’s worth.This listicle explores the top six tokens that have attracted the attention of Whales to the extent that they're buying them:

1- Retik Finance (RETIK)
2- Cosmos (ATOM) #atom
3- Avalanche (AVAX) #Avax
4- Lido Finance (LDO) #ldo
5- Near Protocol (NEAR) #Near
6- Chainlink (LINK) #link
#shib Massive 76 Billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) Burned in 2023: Details Shiba Inu’s burning mechanism saw a record spike in December when around 36 billion assets were destroyed.  MASSIVE 76 BILLION SHIBA INU (SHIB) BURNED IN 2023: DETAILS Massive 76 Billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) Burned in 2023: Details Author: Dimitar Dzhondzhorov Last Updated Jan 2, 2024 @ 12:45 Shiba Inu’s burning mechanism saw a record spike in December when around 36 billion assets were destroyed. TL;DR Shiba Inu Token Burns in 2023: Shiba Inu burned over 76 billion tokens in 2023, a decrease from the previous year, with December seeing the highest burn rate. Shibarium’s Development: Shiba Inu’s Shibarium, a layer-2 blockchain solution, has shown significant progress, recording a high number of transactions and blocks. Shiba Inu’s Recent Price Trends: The asset’s value has shown an uptrend, with a significant increase in the past month. Shiba Inu’s Burn Rate Last Year The popular memecoin project – Shiba Inu – witnessed over 76 billion tokens burned throughout 2023 (equaling more than $820,000 at current prices), representing an 8.33% decrease compared to 2022. The record month was December, when approximately 35 billion assets were destroyed. Despite sounding quite substantial, the figure represents a tiny chunk of Shiba Inu’s tremendous circulating supply of nearly 590 trillion. The mechanism aims to reduce that supply, making SHIB more scarce and potentially valuable in time. The asset’s price has been on an uptrend lately, spiking by 5% in the past 24 hours and around 30% on a monthly basis (per CoinGecko’s data). #ShibaBurns #ShibaInvestment #btc
#shib Massive 76 Billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) Burned in 2023: Details

Shiba Inu’s burning mechanism saw a record spike in December when around 36 billion assets were destroyed.


Massive 76 Billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) Burned in 2023: Details

Author: Dimitar Dzhondzhorov

Last Updated Jan 2, 2024 @ 12:45

Shiba Inu’s burning mechanism saw a record spike in December when around 36 billion assets were destroyed.


Shiba Inu Token Burns in 2023: Shiba Inu burned over 76 billion tokens in 2023, a decrease from the previous year, with December seeing the highest burn rate.

Shibarium’s Development: Shiba Inu’s Shibarium, a layer-2 blockchain solution, has shown significant progress, recording a high number of transactions and blocks.

Shiba Inu’s Recent Price Trends: The asset’s value has shown an uptrend, with a significant increase in the past month.

Shiba Inu’s Burn Rate Last Year

The popular memecoin project – Shiba Inu – witnessed over 76 billion tokens burned throughout 2023 (equaling more than $820,000 at current prices), representing an 8.33% decrease compared to 2022. The record month was December, when approximately 35 billion assets were destroyed.

Despite sounding quite substantial, the figure represents a tiny chunk of Shiba Inu’s tremendous circulating supply of nearly 590 trillion. The mechanism aims to reduce that supply, making SHIB more scarce and potentially valuable in time.

The asset’s price has been on an uptrend lately, spiking by 5% in the past 24 hours and around 30% on a monthly basis (per CoinGecko’s data).
#ShibaBurns #ShibaInvestment #btc
#Shib #SHIB💥 (SHIB) Rally Skyrockets: Burning Mechanism Sparks Surge Shiba Inu's recent value surge by 6% in a week and over 30% in a month is largely attributed to the successful implementation of its burning mechanism. The burning mechanism's unprecedented surge, escalating by over 160,000% in 24 hours, led to the obliteration of 8.6 billion tokens. The progress in Shibarium is marked by December's daily transactions exceeding 160 million and the accumulation of more than 2.2 million total blocks. In a dynamic surge, Shiba Inu's (SHIB) value has escalated by 6% within the past week and soared beyond 30% in the last month. This exceptional surge in value could be mostly credited to effectively implementing the project’s burning mechanism, marking a notable accomplishment in SHIB's trajectory. SHIB is trading at $0.00001054, marking a 1.39% upward movement within 24 hours. The burning mechanism, a pivotal aspect in reducing SHIB's circulating supply, has witnessed an unprecedented spike, soaring by over 160,000% in the last 24 hours alone. An astronomical amount totaling 8.6 billion tokens has been sent to an inaccessible address, contributing significantly to the program’s goal of scarcity and potential value increase. Reports from Shibburn indicate that approximately 41% of Shiba Inu’s total supply has already been obliterated, amplifying its scarcity narrative. #ShibaInuSurge
#Shib #SHIB💥 (SHIB) Rally Skyrockets: Burning Mechanism Sparks Surge

Shiba Inu's recent value surge by 6% in a week and over 30% in a month is largely attributed to the successful implementation of its burning mechanism.

The burning mechanism's unprecedented surge, escalating by over 160,000% in 24 hours, led to the obliteration of 8.6 billion tokens.

The progress in Shibarium is marked by December's daily transactions exceeding 160 million and the accumulation of more than 2.2 million total blocks.

In a dynamic surge, Shiba Inu's (SHIB) value has escalated by 6% within the past week and soared beyond 30% in the last month. This exceptional surge in value could be mostly credited to effectively implementing the project’s burning mechanism, marking a notable accomplishment in SHIB's trajectory. SHIB is trading at $0.00001054, marking a 1.39% upward movement within 24 hours.

The burning mechanism, a pivotal aspect in reducing SHIB's circulating supply, has witnessed an unprecedented spike, soaring by over 160,000% in the last 24 hours alone. An astronomical amount totaling 8.6 billion tokens has been sent to an inaccessible address, contributing significantly to the program’s goal of scarcity and potential value increase. Reports from Shibburn indicate that approximately 41% of Shiba Inu’s total supply has already been obliterated, amplifying its scarcity narrative.
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