Binance Square
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Bezmaksas signāli jums Monēta: $BTC /USDT gara Svira: Cross x20 Ieraksts: 57803 Mērķi: 58159 - 58903 - 60427 - 61987SL: 56755
Bezmaksas signāli jums

Monēta: $BTC /USDT gara

Svira: Cross x20

Ieraksts: 57803

Mērķi: 58159 - 58903 - 60427 - 61987SL: 56755
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Bitcoin nuking uz negatīvo pusi, kamēr akciju tirgus turpina drukāt ATH... $BTC
#Bitcoin nuking uz negatīvo pusi, kamēr akciju tirgus turpina drukāt ATH...
Skatīt oriģinālu
$GAU #4h Vietnei varētu būt labs mēģinājums, noapaļojot apakšējo zīmējumu, ja mēs pārkāptu virs horizontālā pretestības līmeņa, mēs noteikti varētu redzēt ļoti spēcīgu kustību uz augšu. Iespējama 38% peļņa uz vietas.
$GAU #4h

Vietnei varētu būt labs mēģinājums, noapaļojot apakšējo zīmējumu, ja mēs pārkāptu virs horizontālā pretestības līmeņa, mēs noteikti varētu redzēt ļoti spēcīgu kustību uz augšu. Iespējama 38% peļņa uz vietas.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ETH / $BTC Veidojot krītošu ķīļa rakstu, bet uzmini ko? Mēs skatāmies uz iknedēļas laika grafiku, nākamais solis, tiklīdz pamanīsim izrāvienu, būs ļoti milzīgs, 57% ir minimālā peļņa, ko mēs ceram gūt. 🚀💹
Veidojot krītošu ķīļa rakstu, bet uzmini ko? Mēs skatāmies uz iknedēļas laika grafiku, nākamais solis, tiklīdz pamanīsim izrāvienu, būs ļoti milzīgs, 57% ir minimālā peļņa, ko mēs ceram gūt. 🚀💹
Skatīt oriģinālu
FTX drīzumā atsāks darbību 🚨 Jaunākie atjauninājumi atklāj, ka FTX ir atmaksājis gandrīz visus parādus klientiem. Gandrīz visi sabrukušās kriptovalūtu biržas FTX klienti atgūs savu naudu — un vēl vairāk, saskaņā ar tiesas iesniegumu. FTX lēš, ka tā kreditoriem ir parādā aptuveni 11,2 miljardus ASV dolāru. FTX paziņoja, ka tai ir no 14,5 līdz 16,3 miljardiem USD, ko sadalīt kreditoriem. Klienti, kuru prasījumu summa ir USD 50 000 vai mazāka, saņems aptuveni 118% no viņu atļautās prasības summas, teikts plānā. Šo kompensāciju saņems aptuveni 98% kreditoru.
FTX drīzumā atsāks darbību 🚨

Jaunākie atjauninājumi atklāj, ka FTX ir atmaksājis gandrīz visus parādus klientiem.

Gandrīz visi sabrukušās kriptovalūtu biržas FTX klienti atgūs savu naudu — un vēl vairāk, saskaņā ar tiesas iesniegumu.

FTX lēš, ka tā kreditoriem ir parādā aptuveni 11,2 miljardus ASV dolāru. FTX paziņoja, ka tai ir no 14,5 līdz 16,3 miljardiem USD, ko sadalīt kreditoriem.

Klienti, kuru prasījumu summa ir USD 50 000 vai mazāka, saņems aptuveni 118% no viņu atļautās prasības summas, teikts plānā.

Šo kompensāciju saņems aptuveni 98% kreditoru.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Atjauninājums Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir 8. jūnijs vai šodien, diagrammās es neredzu ievērojamu Bitcoin pārdošanas apjomu.
$BTC Atjauninājums
Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir 8. jūnijs vai šodien, diagrammās es neredzu ievērojamu Bitcoin pārdošanas apjomu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ATA / usdt 4 stundu laika posmā. Pārkāpts no zemākās tendences, sagaidot lielu lejupslīdes turpinājumu. vismaz līdz USD 0,14 - USD 0,13
$ATA / usdt 4 stundu laika posmā.
Pārkāpts no zemākās tendences, sagaidot lielu lejupslīdes turpinājumu. vismaz līdz USD 0,14 - USD 0,13
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 $BTC DARBA LAUŠANA🚨 Veidojot lācīgu dubultdibena zīmējumu, bet saskaņā ar pirmo 200 EMA atkārtoto testu, mums ir spēcīgi balsti virs kakla izgriezuma, sagaidot apvērsumu otrādi, viltus dubultdibenu, kas drīz atkal likvidēs lāčus. Šeit mēs tikai slaukām vēlos īsākus, tas ir nepieciešams bullrun laikā.

Veidojot lācīgu dubultdibena zīmējumu, bet saskaņā ar pirmo 200 EMA atkārtoto testu, mums ir spēcīgi balsti virs kakla izgriezuma, sagaidot apvērsumu otrādi, viltus dubultdibenu, kas drīz atkal likvidēs lāčus. Šeit mēs tikai slaukām vēlos īsākus, tas ir nepieciešams bullrun laikā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$Blum, hey guys, cik daudz jūs esat nopelnījis Blūma monētu? Blum ir jaunais projekts, piemēram, $NOT coin, bet tas ir reāls produkts, kas atšķiras no $NOT un citiem telegrammu klikšķinātājiem. Turklāt Binance Labs komanda Blūmu ir izvēlējusies dalībai MVB VI programmā. Atbalsts no Binance = Listing on Binance. Tagad mums ir iespēja iegūt agrīnu piekļuvi un iegūt Blum punktus = airdrop (gada beigās). Ja vēlaties būt daļa no Blum farming point, komentējiet zemāk.
$Blum, hey guys, cik daudz jūs esat nopelnījis Blūma monētu? Blum ir jaunais projekts, piemēram, $NOT coin, bet tas ir reāls produkts, kas atšķiras no $NOT un citiem telegrammu klikšķinātājiem. Turklāt Binance Labs komanda Blūmu ir izvēlējusies dalībai MVB VI programmā. Atbalsts no Binance = Listing on Binance. Tagad mums ir iespēja iegūt agrīnu piekļuvi un iegūt Blum punktus = airdrop (gada beigās). Ja vēlaties būt daļa no Blum farming point, komentējiet zemāk.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTCUSDT atjauninājums: Nesen nedēļas nogalē tika izmantots ļoti spēcīgs sūknis, atkārtoti pārbaudīja vietējo 0,618 Fibonacci retracement, sagaidot, ka no turienes redzēsim apvērsumu uz negatīvo pusi, redzot drīzu izlaušanos, varētu būt nedaudz grūti, mēs ejam uz sāniem. Ja mums izdosies nolauzt vimpeļa augšpusi, mēs redzēsim 69500
$BTCUSDT atjauninājums:
Nesen nedēļas nogalē tika izmantots ļoti spēcīgs sūknis, atkārtoti pārbaudīja vietējo 0,618 Fibonacci retracement, sagaidot, ka no turienes redzēsim apvērsumu uz negatīvo pusi, redzot drīzu izlaušanos, varētu būt nedaudz grūti, mēs ejam uz sāniem.
Ja mums izdosies nolauzt vimpeļa augšpusi, mēs redzēsim 69500
$BTC update : Almost nothing has changed since the last report. Conclusion - institutionals still anticipate Bitcoin to go significantly above 70k+. Wait for it 😉
$BTC update :

Almost nothing has changed since the last report.
Conclusion - institutionals still anticipate Bitcoin to go significantly above 70k+.
Wait for it 😉

$ETH / USDT Update:🚀 On the 1 hour timeframe we are currently giving the first retest of the 200 EMA after a large movement to the upside, which will give us a strong reversal to the upside, otherwise we have to retest 3680 horizontal support which will give us strong longs from there! 🚀
$ETH / USDT Update:🚀
On the 1 hour timeframe we are currently giving the first retest of the 200 EMA after a large movement to the upside, which will give us a strong reversal to the upside, otherwise we have to retest 3680 horizontal support which will give us strong longs from there! 🚀
$PEPE market analysis , Richest PEPE investors are dumping ? PEPE's price surged by 7.60%, reaching an all-time high of $0.00001725. This marks an impressive 88% increase since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the Ether ETF filings on May 20. Other Ethereum-standard memecoins, including Dogecoin $DOGE , Shib Inu $SHIB and Mog Coin (MOG), also posted significant gains after the ETF filings approval. PEPE's bearish technical outlook is further reinforced by the ongoing profit-taking activities of its wealthiest investors. Notably, during the market uptrend, the supply of PEPE held by entities with balances exceeding 1 billion tokens has decreased. This indicates that these "whales" have been selling at local price peaks. Consequently, the supply of PEPE held by smaller investors has increased. Nonetheless, there have been individual cases wherein traders have withdrawn millions of dollars worth of PEPE tokens from exchanges after the latest pump, reflecting their intention to hold the memecoin instead of selling it at its current highs. The impact of these withdrawals on the overall whale supply data is yet to be seen, however, which furthers PEPE's correction risks in June.
$PEPE market analysis , Richest PEPE investors are dumping ?

PEPE's price surged by 7.60%, reaching an all-time high of $0.00001725. This marks an impressive 88% increase since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the Ether ETF filings on May 20.

Other Ethereum-standard memecoins, including Dogecoin $DOGE , Shib Inu $SHIB and Mog Coin (MOG), also posted significant gains after the ETF filings approval.

PEPE's bearish technical outlook is further reinforced by the ongoing profit-taking activities of its wealthiest investors.

Notably, during the market uptrend, the supply of PEPE held by entities with balances exceeding 1 billion tokens has decreased. This indicates that these "whales" have been selling at local price peaks. Consequently, the supply of PEPE held by smaller investors has increased.

Nonetheless, there have been individual cases wherein traders have withdrawn millions of dollars worth of PEPE tokens from exchanges after the latest pump, reflecting their intention to hold the memecoin instead of selling it at its current highs.
The impact of these withdrawals on the overall whale supply data is yet to be seen, however, which furthers PEPE's correction risks in June.
Why Is $SOL Price Rising? Solana’s recent surge is due to allocating 100% of priority fees to network validators, boosting blockchain security. This move aims to enhance reliability and attract traders. SOL’s price increased by 6.5%, reflecting market confidence in Solana’s infrastructure improvements. The network’s commitment to strengthening its system makes it appealing for investors and traders seeking opportunities for growth. Factors That Could Drive Solana Price to $200 1. Market Sentiment and Trading Volume of Solana Price $SOL has experienced a notable 13.48% increase in trading volume, totaling $6.62 billion, showing increased trading activity and investor attention. Even with this bullish signal, open interest has dropped slightly by 1.17% to $2.40 billion, indicating a sense of caution from traders. According to Coinglass data, the long/short ratios on major exchanges such as Binance and OKX show a high level of bullish sentiment, especially among top traders who have a strong preference for long positions. This positive outlook is balanced by significant sell-offs, particularly in holdings held for a long period, underscoring the instability of the market. 2. Technical Analysis Overview of Solana Price $SOL technical indicators present a mixed yet cautiously optimistic outlook. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at 54.28, indicating neutral conditions. Most oscillators also signal neutrality. However, the MACD level at 4.96 suggests potential bearish momentum. The moving averages paint a more favorable picture. Short-term EMAs and SMAs are slightly bearish, but the 20-day and longer-term averages are bullish. Notably, the 50-day and 100-day moving averages signal strong buy positions, with the 200-day EMA and SMA far below the current price, reinforcing a long-term bullish trend. 3. Memecoin Mania and Ecosystem Growth A significant factor driving Solana price recent rally is the explosive growth in its memecoin sector. Leading Solana-based memecoins like Dogwifhat (WIF), Bonk (BONK), BOOK OF MEME (BOME), and Popcat (POPCAT)
Why Is $SOL Price Rising?
Solana’s recent surge is due to allocating 100% of priority fees to network validators, boosting blockchain security. This move aims to enhance reliability and attract traders. SOL’s price increased by 6.5%, reflecting market confidence in Solana’s infrastructure improvements. The network’s commitment to strengthening its system makes it appealing for investors and traders seeking opportunities for growth.

Factors That Could Drive Solana Price to $200

1. Market Sentiment and Trading Volume of Solana Price
$SOL has experienced a notable 13.48% increase in trading volume, totaling $6.62 billion, showing increased trading activity and investor attention. Even with this bullish signal, open interest has dropped slightly by 1.17% to $2.40 billion, indicating a sense of caution from traders.
According to Coinglass data, the long/short ratios on major exchanges such as Binance and OKX show a high level of bullish sentiment, especially among top traders who have a strong preference for long positions. This positive outlook is balanced by significant sell-offs, particularly in holdings held for a long period, underscoring the instability of the market.

2. Technical Analysis Overview of Solana Price
$SOL technical indicators present a mixed yet cautiously optimistic outlook. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at 54.28, indicating neutral conditions. Most oscillators also signal neutrality. However, the MACD level at 4.96 suggests potential bearish momentum.
The moving averages paint a more favorable picture. Short-term EMAs and SMAs are slightly bearish, but the 20-day and longer-term averages are bullish. Notably, the 50-day and 100-day moving averages signal strong buy positions, with the 200-day EMA and SMA far below the current price, reinforcing a long-term bullish trend.

3. Memecoin Mania and Ecosystem Growth
A significant factor driving Solana price recent rally is the explosive growth in its memecoin sector. Leading Solana-based memecoins like Dogwifhat (WIF), Bonk (BONK), BOOK OF MEME (BOME), and Popcat (POPCAT)
#Memecoins are leading the market.
#Memecoins are leading the market.
$NOT coin price prediction ? will it go $1 The Notcoin price is chopping sideways on the four-hour timeframe after a rejection from the $0.009930 roadblock. However, with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) holding above the mean level of 50, at 67, the odds continue to favor the upside. The Awesome Oscillator (AO) is also in positive territory. This implies a bullish momentum in the Notcoin price. Traders and analysts often interpret this as a signal that the buying pressure is stronger than selling pressure in the short term. With this, the Notcoin price could still climb, shattering the $0.009930 blockade to potentially record a new peak. On the other hand, with the AO flashing red, it is impossible to ignore the presence of the bears or sellers in the NOT market. If bullish momentum wanes, the bears could easily take over. A slip below the $78.6% Fibonacci retracement level of $0.008786 could trigger panic selling. This would send the Notcoin price to find the next support level at 61.8% at $0.007887. In a dire case, the downtrend could extend to the 50% Fibonacci placeholder of $0.007256, below which the bullish thesis would be invalidated. Even as the Notcoin price action indicates waning NOT token euphoria, casino token DICE is going from strength to strength, and YouTuber The Crypto Mark says it could be the next 100X crypto gem.
$NOT coin price prediction ? will it go $1

The Notcoin price is chopping sideways on the four-hour timeframe after a rejection from the $0.009930 roadblock. However, with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) holding above the mean level of 50, at 67, the odds continue to favor the upside.

The Awesome Oscillator (AO) is also in positive territory. This implies a bullish momentum in the Notcoin price. Traders and analysts often interpret this as a signal that the buying pressure is stronger than selling pressure in the short term.

With this, the Notcoin price could still climb, shattering the $0.009930 blockade to potentially record a new peak.

On the other hand, with the AO flashing red, it is impossible to ignore the presence of the bears or sellers in the NOT market. If bullish momentum wanes, the bears could easily take over. A slip below the $78.6% Fibonacci retracement level of $0.008786 could trigger panic selling.

This would send the Notcoin price to find the next support level at 61.8% at $0.007887.

In a dire case, the downtrend could extend to the 50% Fibonacci placeholder of $0.007256, below which the bullish thesis would be invalidated.

Even as the Notcoin price action indicates waning NOT token euphoria, casino token DICE is going from strength to strength, and YouTuber The Crypto Mark says it could be the next 100X crypto gem.
$BTCUSDT Update: Currently retesting horizontal level of support with a bullish momentum. Expecting to see some reversal to the upside here, this scenario will only be cancelled if we break below. $BTC
$BTCUSDT Update:
Currently retesting horizontal level of support with a bullish momentum. Expecting to see some reversal to the upside here, this scenario will only be cancelled if we break below. $BTC
$BTC Bitcoin should go back above of this 0.618 Fibonacci retracement, if that happens we will be expecting to retest $69,400
$BTC Bitcoin should go back above of this 0.618 Fibonacci retracement, if that happens we will be expecting to retest $69,400
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