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I am a crypto enthusiast and a programmer want to learn and share my learning for other people help
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Nvidia šodien #btc $BTC $POND
Nvidia šodien #btc $BTC $POND
Skatīt oriģinālu
$POND bulis nespiež, tāpēc pagaidi iegremdēšanos un pērc vēlreiz
$POND bulis nespiež, tāpēc pagaidi iegremdēšanos un pērc vēlreiz
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC neliels kritums un pēc tam pieaugums ir nepieciešams, lai novērstu Berish tendences nenoteiktību
$BTC neliels kritums un pēc tam pieaugums ir nepieciešams, lai novērstu Berish tendences nenoteiktību
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Visa šī izgāztuve ir tikai BTC uzkrāšanai, jo pasaule nevar strādāt tālāk bez pielāgošanās kriptovalūtām Piemēram Apple ir paziņojusi par plāniem integrēties USDC ar pieskārienu, lai maksātu un citām NFC opcijām, kas paver iespējas kriptovalūtu maksājumiem un digitālajiem ID. Šis solis tiek uzskatīts par nozīmīgu soli ceļā uz kriptovalūtu ieviešanu, daudziem lietotājiem paužot optimismu par iespējamo ietekmi uz kriptovalūtu tirgu. - Paredzams, ka integrācija būs pieejama līdz ar iOS 18.1 izlaišanu, potenciāli sasniedzot vairāk nekā 1,4 miljardus iPhone lietotāju. Šī attīstība ir izraisījusi diskusijas starp kriptovalūtu entuziastiem un investoriem, kuri to uzskata par nozares spēles mainītāju. Turklāt klīst baumas, ka Tesla drīzumā varētu pieņemt Bitcoin kā maksāšanas veids. #BlackRockETHOptions #Apple2024 #pond $POND
Visa šī izgāztuve ir tikai BTC uzkrāšanai, jo pasaule nevar strādāt tālāk bez pielāgošanās kriptovalūtām

Apple ir paziņojusi par plāniem integrēties
USDC ar pieskārienu, lai maksātu un citām NFC opcijām, kas paver iespējas kriptovalūtu maksājumiem un digitālajiem ID.
Šis solis tiek uzskatīts par nozīmīgu soli ceļā uz kriptovalūtu ieviešanu, daudziem lietotājiem paužot optimismu par iespējamo ietekmi uz kriptovalūtu tirgu.
- Paredzams, ka integrācija būs pieejama līdz ar iOS 18.1 izlaišanu, potenciāli sasniedzot vairāk nekā 1,4 miljardus iPhone lietotāju.
Šī attīstība ir izraisījusi diskusijas starp kriptovalūtu entuziastiem un investoriem, kuri to uzskata par nozares spēles mainītāju.
Turklāt klīst baumas, ka Tesla drīzumā varētu pieņemt
Bitcoin kā maksāšanas veids.

#BlackRockETHOptions #Apple2024 #pond $POND
Skatīt oriģinālu
Jā, tas ir viens no vissvarīgākajiem žetoniem šajā AI vadītajā pasaulē
Jā, tas ir viens no vissvarīgākajiem žetoniem šajā AI vadītajā pasaulē
POND marķierim ir izšķiroša loma Marlin platformā. POND kalpo kā vietējā tīkla kriptovalūta un tiek izmantota kā atlīdzība dalībniekiem, kuri nodrošina joslas platumu un skaitļošanas resursus Marlin tīklam. Turklāt POND kalpo arī kā pārvaldības marķieris, kas ļauj turētājiem piedalīties lēmumu pieņemšanas procesos par tīkla attīstību un turpmāku izaugsmi.

6. Syscoin (SYS)

Syscoin (SYS) ir daudzsološa Zero Knowledge (ZK) monēta. Šīs kriptovalūtas projekta mērķis ir izveidot decentralizētu platformu preču un pakalpojumu tirdzniecībai. Syscoin mērķis ir nodrošināt drošu un efektīvu darījumu veikšanas veidu, sniedzot lietotājiem pilnīgu kontroli pār saviem datiem un privātumu. Platforma izmanto blokķēdes tehnoloģiju un piedāvā virkni funkciju, piemēram, viedos līgumus, tokenizāciju un decentralizētu tirgu.

Syscoin marķieris, SYS marķieris, spēlē izšķirošu lomu platformā. Tas kalpo kā apmaiņas līdzeklis darījumiem Syscoin decentralizētajā tirgū. Tas ļauj lietotājiem pirkt un pārdot produktus un pakalpojumus. Izmantojot Syscoin marķieri, lietotāji var piekļūt arī viedajiem līgumiem sarežģītākiem darījumiem un līgumiem.

7. Phala tīkls (PHA)

Phala Network (PHA) ir daudzsološs projekts Zero Knowledge monētu pasaulē. Phala Network mērķis ir nodrošināt drošu un uz privātumu vērstu infrastruktūru dApps darbināšanai. Phala Network izceļas, izmantojot konfidenciālu skaitļošanu, kurā sensitīvi dati tiek apstrādāti, tos neatklājot publiski. Tādējādi platforma ir ideāli piemērota lietojumprogrammām, kur privātumam ir izšķiroša nozīme, piemēram, finanšu darījumiem, veselības aprūpei un datu apmaiņai.

PHA marķieris ir platformas lietderības marķieris, un to izmanto dažādiem mērķiem. To izmanto kā līdzekli, lai piekļūtu tīkla resursiem. Turklāt PHA tiek izmantota kā atlīdzība tiem tīkla dalībniekiem, kuri padara savus datora resursus pieejamus dApps palaišanai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Vai btc var sasniegt 100 tūkstošus šoziem, tikai lūdzot paskaidrot savas domas?
$BTC Vai btc var sasniegt 100 tūkstošus šoziem, tikai lūdzot paskaidrot savas domas?
Skatīt oriģinālu
$POND Saskaņā ar mūsu Marlin cenas prognozi POND cena nākamo 10 dienu laikā var sasniegt USD 0,0133, ilgtermiņa prognozētā cena 2025. gadam būs USD 0,3009, un prognoze 2030. gadam ir USD 0,5711. Ejot vēl tālāk, ņemot vērā visus iepriekšējos maksimumus un zemākās laika prognozes, prognoze 2040. gadam ir 1,75 USD. Marlina prognoze 2024. gadam ir 0,0416 USD. Tā ir maksimālā cena, ko mēs sagaidām, ka POND sasniegs līdz šī gada beigām, un minimālā cena ir USD 0,0726, tāpēc mēs sagaidām, ka cena būs diapazonā no USD 0,0726 līdz USD 0,0416. Marlin cenas prognoze nākamajam, 2025. gadam, ir 0,3009 USD. Tas ir maksimums, ko mēs prognozējam, ka POND sasniegs, un minimālā cena ir USD 0,2266. Diors Kopēts #squar #bitcoin
Saskaņā ar mūsu Marlin cenas prognozi POND cena nākamo 10 dienu laikā var sasniegt USD 0,0133, ilgtermiņa prognozētā cena 2025. gadam būs USD 0,3009, un prognoze 2030. gadam ir USD 0,5711. Ejot vēl tālāk, ņemot vērā visus iepriekšējos maksimumus un zemākās laika prognozes, prognoze 2040. gadam ir 1,75 USD.
Marlina prognoze 2024. gadam ir 0,0416 USD. Tā ir maksimālā cena, ko mēs sagaidām, ka POND sasniegs līdz šī gada beigām, un minimālā cena ir USD 0,0726, tāpēc mēs sagaidām, ka cena būs diapazonā no USD 0,0726 līdz USD 0,0416.
Marlin cenas prognoze nākamajam, 2025. gadam, ir 0,3009 USD. Tas ir maksimums, ko mēs prognozējam, ka POND sasniegs, un minimālā cena ir USD 0,2266.



#squar #bitcoin
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Iespējama atkārtota pārbaude, tāpēc gaidiet apstiprinājumu #BTCMarketPanic
$BTC Iespējama atkārtota pārbaude, tāpēc gaidiet apstiprinājumu #BTCMarketPanic
Skatīt oriģinālu
Nāks lieliskas ziņas, aizraujoties un iegādājieties šo mērci, kuru esmu ieguldījis 100% uz #pond Kāda ir tava monēta #bitcoin☀️ $BTC $POND
Nāks lieliskas ziņas, aizraujoties un iegādājieties šo mērci, kuru esmu ieguldījis 100% uz #pond

Kāda ir tava monēta

#bitcoin☀️ $BTC $POND
This is my first time that I didn’t even lose a single dollar in this crash and what is the reason for this? If you hear you will be amazed. Reason Long-term vision will create the most accurate short term steps My this month return was 20%, which is the return Warren Buffett cannot achieve it but the difference in me and Warren Buffett is that he was in the game for a very long time and his short term vision and steps were very equate due to his low greed and mindfulness for the long-term game if I pursue this game, I will always win there is no chances for loss Altcoins have dipped about 30 to 40% which is a great chance for me but let’s wait for the disasters that is coming and I will enter in the trade and enjoy the success of 20 to 25% again the next month Buy from hopeless and sell to the hopeful {spot}(BTCUSDT) $POND
This is my first time that I didn’t even lose a single dollar in this crash and what is the reason for this? If you hear you will be amazed.

Long-term vision will create the most accurate short term steps

My this month return was 20%, which is the return Warren Buffett cannot achieve it but the difference in me and Warren Buffett is that he was in the game for a very long time and his short term vision and steps were very equate due to his low greed and mindfulness for the long-term game if I pursue this game, I will always win there is no chances for loss

Altcoins have dipped about 30 to 40% which is a great chance for me but let’s wait for the disasters that is coming and I will enter in the trade and enjoy the success of 20 to 25% again the next month

Buy from hopeless and sell to the hopeful
lessons for a great investor$BTC Market is a pendulum that swings between unsustainable optimism in which Stokes are too expensive and unjustifiable pessimism in which stocks are too cheap. The intelligent investor is realist who sells to optimist and buy from pessimist. Look to the pessimism in the market I have invested all my money and now waiting to see the result and test my knowledge as an intelligent investor $OM $ETH

lessons for a great investor

$BTC Market is a pendulum that swings between unsustainable optimism in which Stokes are too expensive and unjustifiable pessimism in which stocks are too cheap. The intelligent investor is realist who sells to optimist and buy from pessimist.

Look to the pessimism in the market I have invested all my money and now waiting to see the result and test my knowledge as an intelligent investor

$BTC you know that there are important news today but my suggestion is remove all your investment because if there is good news the market may be manipulated by 3 to 4% and if it’s a bad news imagine the circumstances I have read the book intelligent investor in which it say that stock is the piece of value. It’s not just a tick of computer. It’s a life it’s a mission. Will you break your life for a 2 to 3% gain of uncertainty? Do your own research
$BTC you know that there are important news today but my suggestion is remove all your investment because if there is good news the market may be manipulated by 3 to 4% and if it’s a bad news imagine the circumstances

I have read the book intelligent investor in which it say that stock is the piece of value. It’s not just a tick of computer. It’s a life it’s a mission. Will you break your life for a 2 to 3% gain of uncertainty?

Do your own research
$POND has tested its ground level and today the Fed statement of dot plot may boost this coin I am not giving you any suggestion to invest do your own research$BTC $ETH
$POND has tested its ground level and today the Fed statement of dot plot may boost this coin I am not giving you any suggestion to invest do your own research$BTC $ETH
$SYN target 1$
$SYN target 1$
why Bitcoin / crypto is important for world ? Bitcoin / cryptocurrency is important for the world for several reasons: 1. Decentralized finance: Bitcoin operates independently of central banks and governments, offering an alternative to traditional fiat currencies. 2. Security and transparency: Bitcoin's blockchain technology ensures secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. 3. Accessibility and inclusivity: Anyone with an internet connection can use Bitcoin, regardless of their geographical location or financial status. 4. Limited supply: Bitcoin's capped supply prevents inflation and maintains its value. 5. Privacy and anonymity: Bitcoin transactions can be made pseudonymously, protecting users' identities. 6. Innovation and development: Bitcoin has spawned a global community of developers, entrepreneurs, and innovators, driving advancements in blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. 7. Store of value: Bitcoin serves as a digital store of value, similar to gold, providing a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. 8. Cross-border transactions: Bitcoin enables fast, low-cost international transactions, facilitating global commerce and economic exchange. 9. Financial freedom: Bitcoin offers individuals control over their money, free from government or institutional manipulation. 10. Future of money: Bitcoin pioneers a new era in digital currency, potentially revolutionizing the way we think about and use money. By offering a decentralized, secure, and inclusive financial system, Bitcoin has the potential to positively impact global commerce, economic development, and individual freedom. #altcoins #MicroStrategy
why Bitcoin / crypto is important for world ?

Bitcoin / cryptocurrency is important for the world for several reasons:

1. Decentralized finance: Bitcoin operates independently of central banks and governments, offering an alternative to traditional fiat currencies.

2. Security and transparency: Bitcoin's blockchain technology ensures secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions.

3. Accessibility and inclusivity: Anyone with an internet connection can use Bitcoin, regardless of their geographical location or financial status.

4. Limited supply: Bitcoin's capped supply prevents inflation and maintains its value.

5. Privacy and anonymity: Bitcoin transactions can be made pseudonymously, protecting users' identities.

6. Innovation and development: Bitcoin has spawned a global community of developers, entrepreneurs, and innovators, driving advancements in blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies.

7. Store of value: Bitcoin serves as a digital store of value, similar to gold, providing a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.

8. Cross-border transactions: Bitcoin enables fast, low-cost international transactions, facilitating global commerce and economic exchange.

9. Financial freedom: Bitcoin offers individuals control over their money, free from government or institutional manipulation.

10. Future of money: Bitcoin pioneers a new era in digital currency, potentially revolutionizing the way we think about and use money.

By offering a decentralized, secure, and inclusive financial system, Bitcoin has the potential to positively impact global commerce, economic development, and individual freedom.

#altcoins #MicroStrategy
$POND join pond marlin on reddit

join pond marlin on reddit
$POND Today the price will get stable around and tomorrow is the day of this coin it is on the list of binance #tournaments tag as will as #gainer tag so patient is the key to earn do your own research $BTC $ETH
Today the price will get stable around and tomorrow is the day of this coin it is on the list of binance #tournaments tag as will as #gainer tag so patient is the key to earn

do your own research

$BTC $POND Marlin Protocol is a platform designed to meet the data processing and verification needs of DApp applications. 🌐🔒 Marlin uses zero knowledge proof (ZKP) and TEE trusted execution environments to ensure data security and privacy. Marlin Oyster provides developers with a TEE-supported software and hardware environment, increasing data processing speed and security. 🚀⚙️ Marlin also supports major development languages such as Python, C++ or Go to help developers easily deploy and maintain their DApps. 🛠️👨‍💻 Marlin's market capitalization is $1.7 billion and its $POND tokens are listed on major exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase. 📈💰 copied
Marlin Protocol is a platform designed to meet the data processing and verification needs of DApp applications. 🌐🔒 Marlin uses zero knowledge proof (ZKP) and TEE trusted execution environments to ensure data security and privacy. Marlin Oyster provides developers with a TEE-supported software and hardware environment, increasing data processing speed and security. 🚀⚙️ Marlin also supports major development languages such as Python, C++ or Go to help developers easily deploy and maintain their DApps. 🛠️👨‍💻 Marlin's market capitalization is $1.7 billion and its $POND tokens are listed on major exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase. 📈💰

Uzzini jaunākās kriptovalūtu ziņas
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