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Lielākā peļņa šodien #SUPER/USDT 5% 🔥Sūknis tikai 24h 25 labāko kriptomonētu saraksts binances biržā, un mēs katru dienu piedāvājam šo sarakstu ar VIP PREMIUM sarakstu, kas nodrošina VIP signālu no 1 līdz 5 labākajām monētām. #Write2Eam #TrendingTēma #HotTrends Kā redzat, AI algotrading programmatūra ir noskaidrojusi, kura ir kriptogrāfijas monēta, kas tiks izlaista nākamo 48 stundu laikā. Visu šo kriptomonētu saraksts tika kopīgots pirms kāda laika, un tagad jūs varat redzēt šī saraksta monētu. Un tagad jūs varat redzēt, ka dažas no šīm monētām ir palielinājušās par vairāk nekā 20%. Cerams, ka es jums sniegšu peļņu, ko es jums apsolu, ja jūs katru dienu ieteiksiet šādas monētas no 1 līdz 5 tonnām. 👉Šeit bez maksas var redzēt Signālu un no šī saraksta top 5 bullish monēta, kas visvairāk pieaugs 48 stundu laikā.👇👇#altcoins #ETFvsBTC #BinanceLaunchpool
Lielākā peļņa šodien #SUPER/USDT 5% 🔥Sūknis tikai 24h
25 labāko kriptomonētu saraksts binances biržā, un mēs katru dienu piedāvājam šo sarakstu ar VIP PREMIUM sarakstu, kas nodrošina VIP signālu no 1 līdz 5 labākajām monētām.
Kā redzat, AI algotrading programmatūra ir noskaidrojusi, kura ir kriptogrāfijas monēta, kas tiks izlaista nākamo 48 stundu laikā. Visu šo kriptomonētu saraksts tika kopīgots pirms kāda laika, un tagad jūs varat redzēt šī saraksta monētu.
Un tagad jūs varat redzēt, ka dažas no šīm monētām ir palielinājušās par vairāk nekā 20%. Cerams, ka es jums sniegšu peļņu, ko es jums apsolu, ja jūs katru dienu ieteiksiet šādas monētas no 1 līdz 5 tonnām.
👉Šeit bez maksas var redzēt Signālu un no šī saraksta top 5 bullish monēta, kas visvairāk pieaugs 48 stundu laikā.👇👇#altcoins #ETFvsBTC #BinanceLaunchpool
Skatīt oriģinālu
😱🚀Labas ziņas Shiba Inu (SHIB) investoriem: mītiņš var būt nenovēršams.#ShibaInu(#SHIB) ikmēneša periodā ir zaudējis 20 procentus vērtības līdz ar pēdējā laikā pieredzēto straujo kritumu. Šajā periodā SHIB tirgus kapitalizācija ir nokritusies zem 13,5 miljardiem USD. Lai gan situācija SHIB ir slikta, analītiķi nekrīt panikā. Gluži pretēji, daudzi slaveni vārdi uzskata, ka populārā monēta gatavojas jaunam vēršu skrējienam. Viens no šiem analītiķiem ir Del Crxpto, kuram X ir aptuveni 100 000 sekotāju. Slavenais analītiķis teica, kas notiek SHIB un kāpēc viņš ieguldīja SHIB: “Es redzu nākotni, es zinu, kas sagaida SHIB. Es nedalīšos ar šo informāciju, jo nevēlos izjaukt savas attiecības ar SHIB. Bet es jums pateikšu to: es glābju SHIB! Kritisks Shiba Inu (SHIB) novērtējums no analītiķiem! Ali Martiness, cits analītiķis, kurš novērtē Shiba Inu ekosistēmu, norādīja, ka memecoin tehniskajā struktūrā ir izveidojies bullish karogs, kas liecina par pieaugumu par 300. Tādi analītiķi kā Rekt Capital un CRYPTO SHERIFF arī ir veikuši SHIB cenu prognozes. Rekt Capital apgalvoja, ka SHIB ir sasniedzis cenu līmeni 2022. gadā un, ja tiks pārvarēta kritiskā pretestība USD 0,00002741, aktīvs piedzīvos trīsciparu pieaugumu. Savukārt KRIPTOŠERIF prognozēja SHIB pieaugumu par 350 procentiem un apgalvoja, ka avārija jau ir notikusi.#BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFS #altcoins
😱🚀Labas ziņas Shiba Inu (SHIB) investoriem: mītiņš var būt nenovēršams.#ShibaInu(#SHIB) ikmēneša periodā ir zaudējis 20 procentus vērtības līdz ar pēdējā laikā pieredzēto straujo kritumu. Šajā periodā SHIB tirgus kapitalizācija ir nokritusies zem 13,5 miljardiem USD.
Lai gan situācija SHIB ir slikta, analītiķi nekrīt panikā. Gluži pretēji, daudzi slaveni vārdi uzskata, ka populārā monēta gatavojas jaunam vēršu skrējienam. Viens no šiem analītiķiem ir Del Crxpto, kuram X ir aptuveni 100 000 sekotāju. Slavenais analītiķis teica, kas notiek SHIB un kāpēc viņš ieguldīja SHIB:
“Es redzu nākotni, es zinu, kas sagaida SHIB. Es nedalīšos ar šo informāciju, jo nevēlos izjaukt savas attiecības ar SHIB. Bet es jums pateikšu to: es glābju SHIB!
Kritisks Shiba Inu (SHIB) novērtējums no analītiķiem!
Ali Martiness, cits analītiķis, kurš novērtē Shiba Inu ekosistēmu, norādīja, ka memecoin tehniskajā struktūrā ir izveidojies bullish karogs, kas liecina par pieaugumu par 300.
Tādi analītiķi kā Rekt Capital un CRYPTO SHERIFF arī ir veikuši SHIB cenu prognozes. Rekt Capital apgalvoja, ka SHIB ir sasniedzis cenu līmeni 2022. gadā un, ja tiks pārvarēta kritiskā pretestība USD 0,00002741, aktīvs piedzīvos trīsciparu pieaugumu. Savukārt KRIPTOŠERIF prognozēja SHIB pieaugumu par 350 procentiem un apgalvoja, ka avārija jau ir notikusi.#BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFS #altcoins
Skatīt oriģinālu
Izklausās, ka esat iesaistīts kriptovalūtu tirdzniecība un ir pabeigta darījums, kas saistīts ar marķieri $PEPE . "Sekot mērķim 2k", visticamāk, nozīmē, ka esat kuras mērķis ir 2000 USD. Veiksmi ar savu tirdzniecības stratēģiju!#altcoins #ETHETFS #BlackRock #Pips
Izklausās, ka esat iesaistīts
kriptovalūtu tirdzniecība un ir pabeigta
darījums, kas saistīts ar marķieri $PEPE .
"Sekot mērķim 2k", visticamāk, nozīmē, ka esat
kuras mērķis ir 2000 USD. Veiksmi
ar savu tirdzniecības stratēģiju!#altcoins #ETHETFS #BlackRock #Pips
Skatīt oriģinālu
Shiba Inu komanda ķircina lielu paziņojumu, rosina kopienas spekulācijas 💥🦊 Shitoshi Kusama, Shiba Inu vadošais izstrādātājs, atkal ir izraisījis sabiedrības interesi ar noslēpumainu sociālo mediju ierakstu. Gif, kurā ir ietverts vārds “Evita”, kas spāņu valodā nozīmē “dzīve” vai “dzīvošana”, sekotāju vidū ir izraisījis spekulācijas. Līdzstrādnieks Kāls Dairja pielēja eļļu ugunij ar līdzīgu tvītu, liekot SHIB kopienai pārņemt teorijas. Sākot no potenciālām partnerattiecībām līdz jaunu žetonu ieviešanai, spekulācijas ir niknas. Ņemot vērā to, ka Kusama ir devusi mājienus uz galvenajiem paziņojumiem, iespējams, ka noslēpums drīz tiks atklāts. Palielinot satraukumu, nesenais Shiba Inu tīkla atjauninājums, 2. slāņa blokķēdes risinājums, sola ievērojamus darījumu ātruma un gāzes maksas uzlabojumus. Sabiedrība ir ļoti modra, lai saņemtu jebkādus pavedienus vai paziņojumus, kas varētu izgaismot vārda "Evita" nozīmi. Vai paziņojums vēstīs par jaunu tehnoloģisku iezīmi, stratēģisku partnerību vai kaut ko pilnīgi negaidītu? To rādīs tikai laiks. Tvīta laiks ir ievērojams, jo Shiba Inu sniegums ir bijis vājš, pašlaik svārstās ap 0,000023 USD. #ETHETFS #altcoins #MicroStrategy
Shiba Inu komanda ķircina lielu paziņojumu, rosina kopienas spekulācijas 💥🦊
Shitoshi Kusama, Shiba Inu vadošais izstrādātājs, atkal ir izraisījis sabiedrības interesi ar noslēpumainu sociālo mediju ierakstu. Gif, kurā ir ietverts vārds “Evita”, kas spāņu valodā nozīmē “dzīve” vai “dzīvošana”, sekotāju vidū ir izraisījis spekulācijas. Līdzstrādnieks Kāls Dairja pielēja eļļu ugunij ar līdzīgu tvītu, liekot SHIB kopienai pārņemt teorijas.
Sākot no potenciālām partnerattiecībām līdz jaunu žetonu ieviešanai, spekulācijas ir niknas. Ņemot vērā to, ka Kusama ir devusi mājienus uz galvenajiem paziņojumiem, iespējams, ka noslēpums drīz tiks atklāts.
Palielinot satraukumu, nesenais Shiba Inu tīkla atjauninājums, 2. slāņa blokķēdes risinājums, sola ievērojamus darījumu ātruma un gāzes maksas uzlabojumus. Sabiedrība ir ļoti modra, lai saņemtu jebkādus pavedienus vai paziņojumus, kas varētu izgaismot vārda "Evita" nozīmi.
Vai paziņojums vēstīs par jaunu tehnoloģisku iezīmi, stratēģisku partnerību vai kaut ko pilnīgi negaidītu? To rādīs tikai laiks. Tvīta laiks ir ievērojams, jo Shiba Inu sniegums ir bijis vājš, pašlaik svārstās ap 0,000023 USD.
#ETHETFS #altcoins #MicroStrategy
Skatīt oriģinālu
Saskaņā ar ķēdes statistiku, PEPE vaļi vakar tirgoja daudz memecoin. Šie žetoni nonāk šeit. PEPE vaļi šodien bija tiešsaistē. Pagājušajā dienā Whale Alert ziņoja par diviem milzīgiem PEPE darījumiem dažu stundu laikā. Abas šīs darbības ir raksturīgas vaļiem, kas var ietekmēt tirgu to masveida pārvietošanas dēļ. Viņu pozīcija tīklā var ietekmēt bitcoin cenas, tāpēc to kustības ir jāvēro. Tas, ko šie ieguldītāji vēlējās paveikt, nosaka, kā viņu pārvedumi var ietekmēt aktīvu. Kā redzams, šī PEPE vaļa darījuma nosūtīšanas adrese bija nezināms seifs, kas nebija saistīts ar nevienu centralizētu platformu, piemēram, biržu. Šie maki parasti ir investoru paškontroles adreses. Tomēr Binance ir saistīta ar saņēmēja adresi. Tas liecina, ka valis no sava maka uz biržu pārskaitīja 1 238 332 920 144 PEPE (tajā laikā aptuveni 10,5 miljonu dolāru vērtībā). Šādi pārvedumi ir valūtas ieplūde. Kad investori vēlas pārdot šajās platformās, viņi ieplūst biržā. Tādējādi valūtas ieplūde var ietekmēt cenas. Ņemot vērā darījuma apmēru, PEPE var ciest, ja valis veicis depozītu, lai to pārdotu. Tomēr otrs darījums no šodienas ir valūtas aizplūšana, kas ir labas ziņas mēmu monētu investoriem. Šajā darījumā šis PEPE valis pārcēla naudu no Binance uz nezināmu maku. Ilgtermiņa investori pāriet uz personīgām adresēm, jo ​​tas ir drošāk ārpus centrālo struktūru kontroles. Iespējams, šis valis izmantos šīs valūtas. Interesanti, ka šī tirdzniecība ietver 1 241 850 000 000 PEPE (10,5 miljonus ASV dolāru), kas ir identisks valūtas pieplūdumam. Tā kā abos gadījumos tiek iesaistīta viena un tā pati tirdzniecība, atbildīgs var būt viens un tas pats valis. Bet, tā kā adreses nesakrīt, joprojām nav skaidrs. Principā vienāda lieluma maiņas aizplūdes stundām pēc pieplūduma vajadzētu kompensēt visas negatīvās sekas. PEPE tagad tirgo par USD 0,000008445479, kas ir par 21% nedēļas laikā.$ETH #buythedip #altcoins
Saskaņā ar ķēdes statistiku, PEPE vaļi vakar tirgoja daudz memecoin. Šie žetoni nonāk šeit.
PEPE vaļi šodien bija tiešsaistē.
Pagājušajā dienā Whale Alert ziņoja par diviem milzīgiem PEPE darījumiem dažu stundu laikā. Abas šīs darbības ir raksturīgas vaļiem, kas var ietekmēt tirgu to masveida pārvietošanas dēļ.
Viņu pozīcija tīklā var ietekmēt bitcoin cenas, tāpēc to kustības ir jāvēro. Tas, ko šie ieguldītāji vēlējās paveikt, nosaka, kā viņu pārvedumi var ietekmēt aktīvu.
Kā redzams, šī PEPE vaļa darījuma nosūtīšanas adrese bija nezināms seifs, kas nebija saistīts ar nevienu centralizētu platformu, piemēram, biržu. Šie maki parasti ir investoru paškontroles adreses.
Tomēr Binance ir saistīta ar saņēmēja adresi. Tas liecina, ka valis no sava maka uz biržu pārskaitīja 1 238 332 920 144 PEPE (tajā laikā aptuveni 10,5 miljonu dolāru vērtībā).
Šādi pārvedumi ir valūtas ieplūde. Kad investori vēlas pārdot šajās platformās, viņi ieplūst biržā. Tādējādi valūtas ieplūde var ietekmēt cenas.
Ņemot vērā darījuma apmēru, PEPE var ciest, ja valis veicis depozītu, lai to pārdotu. Tomēr otrs darījums no šodienas ir valūtas aizplūšana, kas ir labas ziņas mēmu monētu investoriem.
Šajā darījumā šis PEPE valis pārcēla naudu no Binance uz nezināmu maku. Ilgtermiņa investori pāriet uz personīgām adresēm, jo ​​tas ir drošāk ārpus centrālo struktūru kontroles. Iespējams, šis valis izmantos šīs valūtas.
Interesanti, ka šī tirdzniecība ietver 1 241 850 000 000 PEPE (10,5 miljonus ASV dolāru), kas ir identisks valūtas pieplūdumam. Tā kā abos gadījumos tiek iesaistīta viena un tā pati tirdzniecība, atbildīgs var būt viens un tas pats valis.
Bet, tā kā adreses nesakrīt, joprojām nav skaidrs. Principā vienāda lieluma maiņas aizplūdes stundām pēc pieplūduma vajadzētu kompensēt visas negatīvās sekas.
PEPE tagad tirgo par USD 0,000008445479, kas ir par 21% nedēļas laikā.$ETH #buythedip #altcoins
#buythedip #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #bitcoinhalving Whale Moves 800 Billion SHIB in 1 Minute: Big News, Shiba Inu Price Prediction SHIB has lost 6% in 24 hours, bringing the Shiba Inu price to $0.00002401 as the crypto market fell 1.5%. Despite a 2% weekly gain, the meme currency has dropped 10% in two weeks and 15% in 30 days. However, SHIB has gained 150% in the last year and remains popular with traders despite its ups and downs. Today's rise followed a whale's 875 billion SHIB transfer from Robinhood on May 2, indicating that the meme currency might rebound shortly. The purple relative strength indicator fell as low as 35 this morning, but it has since risen near 50, indicating that SHIB's cheap price is enticing buyers. SHIB's 30-day moving average (orange) is close below its 200-day (blue), indicating additional losses. It also suggests a bottom is near and the currency will shortly return. Additionally, SHIB's resistance (red) and support (green) levels are converging, which is promising. Convergence usually generates a pinch point that compels an asset to shift significantly in either direction. SHIB has been punished enough in recent days, so this decision should be helpful. In the tweet above, one huge trader acquired $20 million in SHIB a few days ago, which whales may anticipate. Smart money expects SHIB to rise shortly, and where whales lead, retail follows. The larger market will assist SHIB gain in the next weeks and months, since rate cuts will revive the crypto market. Since its creators raised $12 million for a privacy-focused layer-three network, Shiba Inu may have the best meme token foundations. Thus, by summer's end, Shiba Inu might hit $0.00004.
#buythedip #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #bitcoinhalving Whale Moves 800 Billion SHIB in 1 Minute: Big News, Shiba Inu Price Prediction
SHIB has lost 6% in 24 hours, bringing the Shiba Inu price to $0.00002401 as the crypto market fell 1.5%.
Despite a 2% weekly gain, the meme currency has dropped 10% in two weeks and 15% in 30 days.
However, SHIB has gained 150% in the last year and remains popular with traders despite its ups and downs.
Today's rise followed a whale's 875 billion SHIB transfer from Robinhood on May 2, indicating that the meme currency might rebound shortly.
The purple relative strength indicator fell as low as 35 this morning, but it has since risen near 50, indicating that SHIB's cheap price is enticing buyers.
SHIB's 30-day moving average (orange) is close below its 200-day (blue), indicating additional losses.
It also suggests a bottom is near and the currency will shortly return.
Additionally, SHIB's resistance (red) and support (green) levels are converging, which is promising.
Convergence usually generates a pinch point that compels an asset to shift significantly in either direction.
SHIB has been punished enough in recent days, so this decision should be helpful.
In the tweet above, one huge trader acquired $20 million in SHIB a few days ago, which whales may anticipate.
Smart money expects SHIB to rise shortly, and where whales lead, retail follows.
The larger market will assist SHIB gain in the next weeks and months, since rate cuts will revive the crypto market.
Since its creators raised $12 million for a privacy-focused layer-three network, Shiba Inu may have the best meme token foundations.
Thus, by summer's end, Shiba Inu might hit $0.00004.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Shiba Inu nav spējis pārvarēt galvenos pretestības līmeņus, un tagad tas piedzīvo lejupvērstu spiedienu. Šo kustību diagrammās raksturo dilstošs trīsstūris, kas norāda uz iespējamu turpmāku kritumu. Dilstošais trīsstūris, kas parasti tiek uzskatīts par lācīgu signālu, liecina, ka pārdevēji ir agresīvāki nekā pircēji, kas noved pie pakāpeniski zemākiem maksimumiem. Pašlaik SHIB saskaras ar pretestību gar trīsstūra augšējās tendences līniju, savukārt atbalsts ir izveidots aptuveni USD 0,0000237. Ja šo atbalsta līmeni neizdosies noturēt, pastāv liela iespēja, ka SHIB varētu samazināties līdz nākamajam nozīmīgajam atbalstam USD 0,000021 apmērā. Šķiet, ka Shiba Inu tirgus noskaņojums sliecas uz lācīgumu. Pārkāpums zem 0,000021 USD var novest pie USD 0,00002 atzīmes pārbaudes. Iespējamais sabrukums zem šī līmeņa varētu radīt pamatu vēl lielākiem zaudējumiem, radot zināmas nepatikšanas tirgus dalībniekiem un īpaši SHIB. No otras puses, ja SHIB var iegūt pietiekamu pirkšanas spiedienu, lai mainītu pašreizējo lejupslīdi, varētu būt iespējama atgriešanās pie augstākiem pretestības līmeņiem, piemēram, USD 0,0000268. Tas radītu nepieciešamību būtiski mainīt tirgus dinamiku, ko, iespējams, izraisīs pozitīvas pārmaiņas Shiba Inu ekosistēmā vai plašākas tirgus noskaņojuma pārmaiņas. Skaļuma uzraudzība šobrīd varētu būt labākais veids, kā paredzēt Shiba Inu gaidāmo pārvietošanos. Pašlaik apjoma tendences ir bijušas salīdzinoši nemainīgas, kas parasti liecina par pārliecības trūkumu tirgus virzienā. Tirdzniecības apjoma pieaugums, jo īpaši uz augšupejošu kustību, būtu pozitīva zīme, ka varētu notikt spēcīgāks atsitiens, taču tikai tad, ja tirgus kopumā virzās uz augšu, kas šobrīd diemžēl nenotiek.
Shiba Inu nav spējis pārvarēt galvenos pretestības līmeņus, un tagad tas piedzīvo lejupvērstu spiedienu. Šo kustību diagrammās raksturo dilstošs trīsstūris, kas norāda uz iespējamu turpmāku kritumu.
Dilstošais trīsstūris, kas parasti tiek uzskatīts par lācīgu signālu, liecina, ka pārdevēji ir agresīvāki nekā pircēji, kas noved pie pakāpeniski zemākiem maksimumiem. Pašlaik SHIB saskaras ar pretestību gar trīsstūra augšējās tendences līniju, savukārt atbalsts ir izveidots aptuveni USD 0,0000237. Ja šo atbalsta līmeni neizdosies noturēt, pastāv liela iespēja, ka SHIB varētu samazināties līdz nākamajam nozīmīgajam atbalstam USD 0,000021 apmērā.
Šķiet, ka Shiba Inu tirgus noskaņojums sliecas uz lācīgumu. Pārkāpums zem 0,000021 USD var novest pie USD 0,00002 atzīmes pārbaudes. Iespējamais sabrukums zem šī līmeņa varētu radīt pamatu vēl lielākiem zaudējumiem, radot zināmas nepatikšanas tirgus dalībniekiem un īpaši SHIB.
No otras puses, ja SHIB var iegūt pietiekamu pirkšanas spiedienu, lai mainītu pašreizējo lejupslīdi, varētu būt iespējama atgriešanās pie augstākiem pretestības līmeņiem, piemēram, USD 0,0000268. Tas radītu nepieciešamību būtiski mainīt tirgus dinamiku, ko, iespējams, izraisīs pozitīvas pārmaiņas Shiba Inu ekosistēmā vai plašākas tirgus noskaņojuma pārmaiņas.
Skaļuma uzraudzība šobrīd varētu būt labākais veids, kā paredzēt Shiba Inu gaidāmo pārvietošanos. Pašlaik apjoma tendences ir bijušas salīdzinoši nemainīgas, kas parasti liecina par pārliecības trūkumu tirgus virzienā. Tirdzniecības apjoma pieaugums, jo īpaši uz augšupejošu kustību, būtu pozitīva zīme, ka varētu notikt spēcīgāks atsitiens, taču tikai tad, ja tirgus kopumā virzās uz augšu, kas šobrīd diemžēl nenotiek.
The collapse of the US government debt market has begun This will have huge effects on the American economy 🛑🛑🛑 Any news or information issued by me is not advice, so do not forget to use DYOR ♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post ♥️ ♥️You can support me with tips to provide better content♥️#RNDR #altcoins #BlackRock
The collapse of the US government debt market has begun
This will have huge effects on the American economy
🛑🛑🛑 Any news or information issued by me is not advice, so do not forget to use DYOR
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♥️You can support me with tips to provide better content♥️#RNDR #altcoins #BlackRock
Pepe Coin Price Analysis: Amid a large accumulation trend in Pepe coin, the buyers gave a divisive breakout from the Inverted H&S signals signaling the potential for higher rally. Pepe Coin Price Analysis: Amid the ongoing market rebound, the Pepe Coin experienced a notable recovery this week, escalating from $0.00000592 to its current trading price of $0.00000842. This 42% upswing in the daily chart revealed the formation of an inverted head and shoulder pattern. This bullish reversal setup commonly observed in the market's local bottom indicates a shift in market dynamic from selling on rallies to buying on dips. On-Chain Indicators Align for Pepe Coin's Recovery. PEPE, the Frog-themed Memecoin entered its current recovery trend in mid-April as its price rebounded from a $0.00000393 low. The bullish turnaround propelled the asset 128% within a month to a high of $0.00000893, Amid this recovery, the PEPE coin price projected two higher low formations indicating the buyers are actively accumulating this asset at dips. Moreover, In a recent on-chain activity, the multisig wallet identified by the address 0x323 made significant moves with the cryptocurrency PEPE, as reported by the on- chain data tracker Spot On Chain. This wallet withdrew 915.85 billion PEPE tokens, valued at approximately $7.75 million, from Binance. This transaction adds to the wallet's recent activities over the past 28 hours, during which it has withdrawn a total of 1.238 trillion PEPE tokens (valued at around $10.4 million) for its initial trade involving this cryptocurrency. Amid the renewed recovery sentiment, this activity accentuates higher growth potential for the PEPE price. On May 4th, the coin buyers gave a decisive breakout from the $0.000008 neckline resistance of inverted head and shoulder pattern. If the chart pattern holds true, the PEPE price should surpass the last swing resistance of $0.0000108 to hit a potential target of $0.000012. #buythedip #eth‬ #MicroStrategy
Pepe Coin Price Analysis: Amid a large accumulation trend in Pepe coin, the buyers gave a divisive breakout from the Inverted H&S signals signaling the potential for higher rally.
Pepe Coin Price Analysis: Amid the ongoing market rebound, the Pepe Coin experienced a notable recovery this week, escalating from $0.00000592 to its current trading price of $0.00000842. This 42% upswing in the daily chart revealed the formation of an inverted head and shoulder pattern. This bullish reversal setup commonly observed in the market's local bottom indicates a shift in market dynamic from selling on rallies to buying on dips.
On-Chain Indicators Align for Pepe Coin's Recovery.
PEPE, the Frog-themed Memecoin entered its current recovery trend in mid-April as its price rebounded from a $0.00000393 low. The bullish turnaround propelled the asset 128% within a month to a high of $0.00000893,
Amid this recovery, the PEPE coin price projected two higher low formations indicating the buyers are actively accumulating this asset at dips. Moreover, In a recent on-chain activity, the multisig wallet identified by the address 0x323 made significant moves with the cryptocurrency PEPE, as reported by the on- chain data tracker Spot On Chain.
This wallet withdrew 915.85 billion PEPE tokens, valued at approximately $7.75 million, from Binance. This transaction adds to the wallet's recent activities over the past 28 hours, during which it has withdrawn a total of 1.238 trillion PEPE tokens (valued at around $10.4 million) for its initial trade involving this cryptocurrency.
Amid the renewed recovery sentiment, this activity accentuates higher growth potential for the PEPE price.
On May 4th, the coin buyers gave a decisive breakout from the $0.000008 neckline resistance of inverted head and shoulder pattern. If the chart pattern holds true, the PEPE price should surpass the last swing resistance of $0.0000108 to hit a potential target of $0.000012.
#buythedip #eth‬ #MicroStrategy
Skatīt oriģinālu
Gandrīz pirms trim gadiem Ethereum līdzdibinātājs Vitaliks Buterins satricināja kriptogrāfijas pasauli, veicot masveida Shiba Inu (SHIB) marķieru sadedzināšanu, no apgrozības izņemot satriecošus 410 triljonus. Šis drosmīgais solis, kura vērtība ir USD 6,7 miljardi, iezīmēja izšķirošu brīdi SHIB un plašākam tirgum. 2021. gada 17. maijā Buterīns nodedzināja 90% savu SHIB īpašumu, samazinot kopējo piedāvājumu gandrīz uz pusi, un atlikušos 10% ziedoja labdarībai. Viņa rīcība atspoguļoja apņemšanos decentralizēt un nodrošināt kopienas iespējas. Tagad, 1084 dienas vēlāk, šī vēsturiskā apdeguma ietekme turpina atbalsoties. Lai gan tūlīt pēc tam bija vērojams neliels cenu kāpums, ilgtermiņa ietekme ir bijusi niansēta, atspoguļojot tehnoloģisko sasniegumu, tirgus dinamikas un investoru noskaņojuma sarežģīto mijiedarbību. Tā kā SHIB pašreizējā cena atspoguļo sarežģītu faktoru kombināciju, Buterin apdegums joprojām ir nozīmīgs notikums kriptovalūtu vēsturē, un tagad tā vērtība ir 10 miljardi USD. Shiba Inu kopiena ir turpinājusi veicināt SHIB apdegumus, un nesenie apdegumi kopā ir bijuši miljardiem žetonu, kā arī BONE un LEASH. Tikai pēdējo 24 stundu laikā sešos darījumos tika sadedzināti vairāk nekā 4,7 miljoni SHIB žetonu, kas apliecina pastāvīgo apņemšanos samazināt piedāvājumu un atbalstīt marķiera vērtību. Sekojiet līdzi šifrēšanas ainavas attīstībai, un turpināsim atzīmēt pavērsienus, kas veido mūsu decentralizēto#altcoins #BlackRock #eth‬
Gandrīz pirms trim gadiem Ethereum līdzdibinātājs Vitaliks Buterins satricināja kriptogrāfijas pasauli, veicot masveida Shiba Inu (SHIB) marķieru sadedzināšanu, no apgrozības izņemot satriecošus 410 triljonus. Šis drosmīgais solis, kura vērtība ir USD 6,7 miljardi, iezīmēja izšķirošu brīdi SHIB un plašākam tirgum.
2021. gada 17. maijā Buterīns nodedzināja 90% savu SHIB īpašumu, samazinot kopējo piedāvājumu gandrīz uz pusi, un atlikušos 10% ziedoja labdarībai. Viņa rīcība atspoguļoja apņemšanos decentralizēt un nodrošināt kopienas iespējas.
Tagad, 1084 dienas vēlāk, šī vēsturiskā apdeguma ietekme turpina atbalsoties. Lai gan tūlīt pēc tam bija vērojams neliels cenu kāpums, ilgtermiņa ietekme ir bijusi niansēta, atspoguļojot tehnoloģisko sasniegumu, tirgus dinamikas un investoru noskaņojuma sarežģīto mijiedarbību.
Tā kā SHIB pašreizējā cena atspoguļo sarežģītu faktoru kombināciju, Buterin apdegums joprojām ir nozīmīgs notikums kriptovalūtu vēsturē, un tagad tā vērtība ir 10 miljardi USD. Shiba Inu kopiena ir turpinājusi veicināt SHIB apdegumus, un nesenie apdegumi kopā ir bijuši miljardiem žetonu, kā arī BONE un LEASH.
Tikai pēdējo 24 stundu laikā sešos darījumos tika sadedzināti vairāk nekā 4,7 miljoni SHIB žetonu, kas apliecina pastāvīgo apņemšanos samazināt piedāvājumu un atbalstīt marķiera vērtību.
Sekojiet līdzi šifrēšanas ainavas attīstībai, un turpināsim atzīmēt pavērsienus, kas veido mūsu decentralizēto#altcoins #BlackRock #eth‬
Shiba Inu, the meme coin that captured the hearts of crypto enthusiasts, is now treading on thin ice, showing potential signs of a weak reversal amid dwindling market demand. Here's the scoop on Shiba's shaky steps: Current Climate: - Tentative Trend: Despite some upward momentum from recent lows, Shiba Inu's recovery appears fragile, lacking the vigorous buying that marked its previous rallies. 📈↔️📉 - Critical Levels: Shiba Inu is hovering around $0.00002264, grappling with resistance at $0.00002384—a pivotal point that could make or break its next move. What to Watch: - Resistance Test: If Shiba Inu can push past $0.00002384, it might set its sights on the next hurdle at $0.00002447. 🎯 - Downward Risk: On the flip side, a slip below the support at $0.00002175 could see it spiraling towards the $0.00002000 mark, a critical threshold for its near-term trajectory. ⚠️🔻 Market Mood: - Cautious Sentiment: With the market's lukewarm appetite for risk, especially towards meme coins, Shiba Inu finds itself in a precarious position, needing more than just meme magic to sustain its market cap.#CryptoWatchMay2024 #MicroStrategy #BlackRock
Shiba Inu, the meme coin that captured the hearts of crypto enthusiasts, is now treading on thin ice, showing potential signs of a weak reversal amid dwindling market demand. Here's the scoop on Shiba's shaky steps:
Current Climate:
- Tentative Trend: Despite some upward momentum from recent lows, Shiba Inu's recovery appears fragile, lacking the vigorous buying that marked its previous rallies. 📈↔️📉
- Critical Levels: Shiba Inu is hovering around $0.00002264, grappling with resistance at $0.00002384—a pivotal point that could make or break its next move.
What to Watch:
- Resistance Test: If Shiba Inu can push past $0.00002384, it might set its sights on the next hurdle at $0.00002447. 🎯
- Downward Risk: On the flip side, a slip below the support at $0.00002175 could see it spiraling towards the $0.00002000 mark, a critical threshold for its near-term trajectory. ⚠️🔻
Market Mood:
- Cautious Sentiment: With the market's lukewarm appetite for risk, especially towards meme coins, Shiba Inu finds itself in a precarious position, needing more than just meme magic to sustain its market cap.#CryptoWatchMay2024 #MicroStrategy #BlackRock
$SHIB seems primed for a significant bullish rally ahead. 🚀 #SHIBUSDT and #USDT closely for potential bullish movements. 📈📈 @BreakOut_Expert #bitcoin #Binance #USDT $SHIB #BlackRock #altcoins #eth‬
$SHIB seems primed for a significant bullish rally ahead. 🚀
#SHIBUSDT and #USDT closely for potential bullish movements. 📈📈
@BreakOut_Expert #bitcoin #Binance #USDT $SHIB #BlackRock #altcoins #eth‬
Pepe (#PEPE ) Pepe (PEPE), a cryptocurrency inspired by the popular Pepe the Frog meme, is making waves in the digital currency market. Launched on the Ethereum blockchain, this platform is inspired by the viral internet culture, much like its predecessors Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. PEPE price has increased by 10% in the last 24 hours to $ 0.000008533. This increase comes amid a broader market correction observed last month. With a transaction volume of $ 1.24 billion during the same period, PEPE rose to ninth place in the market capitalization ranking, indicating an increased interest in meme-centric cryptocurrencies. 3. Dogwifhat (#WIF ) Dogwifhat (WIF), the digital currency on the Solana blockchain, is experiencing an extraordinary increase in growth. with a market capitalization of $2.7 billion, it is currently 39th on CoinMarketCap. is ranked. WIF has increased by 1543% since its introduction on November 20, 2023. This remarkable increase in value puts it ahead of well-known meme tokens such as Shiba Inu and Pepe coin. Investors now see Dogwifhat as a major competitor in the meme coin sector, generating potential profits of up to $100,000 in May alone. 4. Bonk (#BONK ) Bonk (BONK), a new cryptocurrency inspired by the dog themes on the Solana network, recently shook up the market by distributing 50% of its tokens to Solana users. This strategy quickly increased its market capitalization to an impressive $ 1.59 billion. Bonk, which is currently priced at $ 0.00002852, experienced a 14% increase the previous day. Moreover, its value has increased by 4153% this year. These statistics show that Bonk can be a lucrative investment and can challenge Dogecoin's potential to become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies to follow. As a result With the crypto market on the rise, these meme coins offer exciting growth opportunities. Their distinctive features and enthusiastic ensembles make them strong candidates for significant returns this month.#altcoins #MicroStrategy #buythedip
Pepe (#PEPE )
Pepe (PEPE), a cryptocurrency inspired by the popular Pepe the Frog meme, is making waves in the digital currency market. Launched on the Ethereum blockchain, this platform is inspired by the viral internet culture, much like its predecessors Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.
PEPE price has increased by 10% in the last 24 hours to $ 0.000008533. This increase comes amid a broader market correction observed last month.
With a transaction volume of $ 1.24 billion during the same period, PEPE rose to ninth place in the market capitalization ranking, indicating an increased interest in meme-centric cryptocurrencies.
3. Dogwifhat (#WIF )
Dogwifhat (WIF), the digital currency on the Solana blockchain, is experiencing an extraordinary increase in growth. with a market capitalization of $2.7 billion, it is currently 39th on CoinMarketCap. is ranked. WIF has increased by 1543% since its introduction on November 20, 2023.
This remarkable increase in value puts it ahead of well-known meme tokens such as Shiba Inu and Pepe coin. Investors now see Dogwifhat as a major competitor in the meme coin sector, generating potential profits of up to $100,000 in May alone.
4. Bonk (#BONK )
Bonk (BONK), a new cryptocurrency inspired by the dog themes on the Solana network, recently shook up the market by distributing 50% of its tokens to Solana users. This strategy quickly increased its market capitalization to an impressive $ 1.59 billion.
Bonk, which is currently priced at $ 0.00002852, experienced a 14% increase the previous day. Moreover, its value has increased by 4153% this year. These statistics show that Bonk can be a lucrative investment and can challenge Dogecoin's potential to become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies to follow.
As a result
With the crypto market on the rise, these meme coins offer exciting growth opportunities. Their distinctive features and enthusiastic ensembles make them strong candidates for significant returns this month.#altcoins #MicroStrategy #buythedip
SHIB: brief price analysis by CoinPedia Following in the footsteps of the category leader, the second largest memecoin by market cap, Shiba Inu price continues to display a similar trend by recording a jump of approximately 4% within the past 24 hours. Furthermore, the SHIB token has a Year-to-Date (YTD) of 121.38% in value. However, the SHIB coin price has lost 11% within the past seven days and 15.32% over the past 30 days, highlighting a rising bearish sentiment for the memecoin in the crypto space. On the other hand, its EMA 50-day acts as a resistance to the price chart, indicating a negative influence in the crypto space. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) shows a constant flatline in its chart, indicating weak buying and selling pressure for the memecoin in the market. However, the averages display a neutral trend, suggesting uncertainty in future price action. If the market pushes the price above the resistance level of $0.00002375, the bulls will regain momentum and prepare to test its upper resistance level of $0.0000308. Conversely, bearish price action may pull the price toward its support level of $0.0000170 during the upcoming weeks#altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy
SHIB: brief price analysis by CoinPedia
Following in the footsteps of the category leader, the second largest memecoin by market cap, Shiba Inu price continues to display a similar trend by recording a jump of approximately 4% within the past 24 hours. Furthermore, the SHIB token has a Year-to-Date (YTD) of 121.38% in value.
However, the SHIB coin price has lost 11% within the past seven days and 15.32% over the past 30 days, highlighting a rising bearish sentiment for the memecoin in the crypto space. On the other hand, its EMA 50-day acts as a resistance to the price chart, indicating a negative influence in the crypto space.
The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) shows a constant flatline in its chart, indicating weak buying and selling pressure for the memecoin in the market. However, the averages display a neutral trend, suggesting uncertainty in future price action.
If the market pushes the price above the resistance level of $0.00002375, the bulls will regain momentum and prepare to test its upper resistance level of $0.0000308. Conversely, bearish price action may pull the price toward its support level of $0.0000170 during the upcoming weeks#altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy
If you buy $1000 now in Pepe Coin at a price of $0.0000078, you would get 128,205,128 Pepe. And when the price of Pepe reaches $0.01, you will make a profit of $1,282,051. If you buy $1000 now in Lunc at a price of $0.00010, you would get 10,000,000 Lunc. And when the price of Lunc reaches $0.1, you will make a profit of $1,000,000. If you buy $1000 now in Cat Coin at a price of $0.0000000007, you would get 1,428,571,428,571 Cat. And when the price of Cat reaches $0.000001, you will make a profit of $1,428,571. Opportunities to buy are easier now, but tomorrow you may not be able to do so. This is not investment advice, but just my opinion. The decision to invest is up to you.#BinanceLaunchpool #BTC
If you buy $1000 now in Pepe Coin at a price of

$0.0000078, you would get 128,205,128 Pepe. And when the price of Pepe reaches $0.01, you will make a profit of $1,282,051.

If you buy $1000 now in Lunc at a price of $0.00010, you would get 10,000,000 Lunc. And when the price of Lunc reaches $0.1, you will make a profit of $1,000,000.

If you buy $1000 now in Cat Coin at a price of $0.0000000007, you would get 1,428,571,428,571 Cat. And when the price of Cat reaches $0.000001, you will make a profit of $1,428,571.

Opportunities to buy are easier now, but tomorrow you may not be able to do so. This is not investment advice, but just my opinion. The decision to invest is up to you.#BinanceLaunchpool #BTC
Dogecoin (DOGE) Urgent Information Issued, What It Pertains To. Dogecoin (DOGE) holders have received urgent information as Dogechain, a popular Dogecoin explorer, announced the shutdown of its wallet service. Dogechain, a Dogecoin explorer since 2013, has long served the Dogecoin community, allowing users to search the Dogecoin network for addresses, transactions and blocks, and includes a Dogecoin wallet and free developer API. However, the wallet service, which has long been of benefit to Dogecoin holders, will soon sunset, and the Dogecoin community has been alerted to this development via email. In response to the announcement, Dogecoin holders are urged to take immediate action to secure their funds and transition to alternative wallet solutions before the shutdown takes effect on June 1. Mishaboar, a vocal Dogecoin community member, sendt a reminder to Dogecoin holders along these lines. "Dear Dogecoin, Dogechain has sent an e-mail to inform their customers about the shutting down of their wallet service." Scammers might want to leverage the situation to dupe unsuspecting users out of their funds, utilizing phishing emails. As a note of warning, Mishaboar urges the Dogecoin community never to directly click on links in an email but rather type out the address manually. They should also bear in mind that the official legitimate domain is dogechain dot info. In the past, the dogechain dot com domain has been used for phishing attacks and hence should be avoided. In an earlier tweet, Mishaboar urged the Dogecoin community to move out their funds from the Dogechain wallet before the shutdown date. They should also keep a copy of their Dogechain wallets' private keys in case they still have the addresses in use somewhere, thus allowing users to recover funds they might inadvertently send or receive there in the future. #buythedip #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool
Dogecoin (DOGE) Urgent Information Issued, What It Pertains To.

Dogecoin (DOGE) holders have received urgent information as Dogechain, a popular Dogecoin explorer, announced the shutdown of its wallet service.

Dogechain, a Dogecoin explorer since 2013, has long served the Dogecoin community, allowing users to search the Dogecoin network for addresses, transactions and blocks, and includes a Dogecoin wallet and free developer API.

However, the wallet service, which has long been of benefit to Dogecoin holders, will soon sunset, and the Dogecoin community has been alerted to this development via email.

In response to the announcement, Dogecoin holders are urged to take immediate action to secure their funds and transition to alternative wallet solutions before the shutdown takes effect on June 1.

Mishaboar, a vocal Dogecoin community

member, sendt a reminder to Dogecoin

holders along these lines. "Dear Dogecoin,

Dogechain has sent an e-mail to inform

their customers about the shutting down of

their wallet service."

Scammers might want to leverage the situation to dupe unsuspecting users out of their funds, utilizing phishing emails.

As a note of warning, Mishaboar urges the

Dogecoin community never to directly click

on links in an email but rather type out the

address manually. They should also bear in mind that the official legitimate domain is

dogechain dot info. In the past, the dogechain dot com domain has been used

for phishing attacks and hence should be


In an earlier tweet, Mishaboar urged the Dogecoin community to move out their funds from the Dogechain wallet before the shutdown date. They should also keep a copy of their Dogechain wallets' private keys in case they still have the addresses in use somewhere, thus allowing users to recover funds they might inadvertently send or receive there in the future.

#buythedip #BTC #BinanceLaunchpool
With the announcement of the interest rate decision, the price got a nice positive reaction, but they couldn't follow it up and the price went back to the $57,000 level. To be frank, I predict that the decline will continue unless it closes above $59,000. At the moment, the daily chart is really not looking good at all and this gives us the $53,000 signals very clearly. If we don't see +$59,000 levels again today, I think the decline will deepen. However, I think that these are good points for small long positions. If there is a bounce with partial additions and DCA, you can close these longs with profits and open new short positions. --------------------------- $ETH --------------------------- Ethereum is definitely more robust than Bitcoin. ETHBTC is up +3% today, which is one of the highest daily gains I've seen in recent times. Also, the ETH price hasn't even hit the bottom that came with the war news yet. This means that ETH's liquidity is higher now than it used to be and people are starting to invest in ETH rather than Bitcoin. With the Halving and ETF hype over Bitcoin over, it's only natural that people would turn to ETH. I expect this trend to increase more in the fall and the real increase in ETHBTC will be then. At the moment, Bitcoin is more of an investment vehicle than a technology and has very high liquidity and volume. Ethereum, on the other hand, is still used for its technology and is not a full-fledged investment asset. If the ETH ETF is approved, it means that ETH can also be considered as an investment instrument on the US side. I prefer to open a long position on ETH rather than Bitcoin, and I plan to DCA as it falls to increase my position. My buy levels on Ethereum would be $2,650-$2,430-$2,200 respectively. I will strengthen my positions by buying in threes at these points. Remember, this does not mean that the price will fall this far. ETHBTC will hit a resistance point shortly, so it's worth being careful.#BTC‬ #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
With the announcement of the interest rate decision, the price got a nice positive reaction, but they couldn't follow it up and the price went back to the $57,000 level.
To be frank, I predict that the decline will continue unless it closes above $59,000.
At the moment, the daily chart is really not looking good at all and this gives us the $53,000 signals very clearly.
If we don't see +$59,000 levels again today, I think the decline will deepen.
However, I think that these are good points for small long positions. If there is a bounce with partial additions and DCA, you can close these longs with profits and open new short positions.
Ethereum is definitely more robust than Bitcoin. ETHBTC is up +3% today, which is one of the highest daily gains I've seen in recent times.
Also, the ETH price hasn't even hit the bottom that came with the war news yet. This means that ETH's liquidity is higher now than it used to be and people are starting to invest in ETH
rather than Bitcoin.
With the Halving and ETF hype over Bitcoin over, it's only natural that people would turn to ETH. I expect this trend to increase more in the fall and the real increase in ETHBTC will be then.
At the moment, Bitcoin is more of an investment vehicle than a technology and has very high liquidity and volume. Ethereum, on the other hand, is still used for its technology and is not a full-fledged investment asset. If the ETH ETF is approved, it means that ETH can also be considered as an investment instrument on the US side.
I prefer to open a long position on ETH rather than Bitcoin, and I plan to DCA as it falls to increase my position.
My buy levels on Ethereum would be $2,650-$2,430-$2,200 respectively. I will strengthen my positions by buying in threes at these points. Remember, this does not mean that the price will fall this far.
ETHBTC will hit a resistance point shortly, so it's worth being careful.#BTC‬ #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving
Btc has a double bottom image at 15 m. If it can break the green area up, it will also break the trumpet it is in and move to the support area. Hopefully... $BTC #ScamRiskWarning #BinanceLaunchpool #fomc
Btc has a double bottom image at 15 m. If it can break the green area up, it will also break the trumpet it is in and move to the support area. Hopefully... $BTC #ScamRiskWarning #BinanceLaunchpool #fomc
🔥🔥🔥New Development: Binance Burned 1.4 Billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Tokens Binance announced the launch of the LUNC burning mechanism on Wednesday on the 21st. he burned 1.4 billion Terra #Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens at his party. After the recent burning of Binance, the total #LUNC that the crypto exchange has burned so far has exceeded 57 billion. The incineration numbers were in line with COINGAPE's estimates that LUNC Decineration was between 1 billion and 1.5 billion. Moreover, the total number of LUNC tokens burned by the Terra Luna Classic community has reached over 112 billion. Binance continues to support the community for the revival of Terra Luna Classic since 2022 through its monthly LUNC burning mechanism. Binance's Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Burn Has Decreased to 1.4 Billion Crypto exchange Binance sent 4.17 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burning address according to the LUNC burning transaction on May 1. In particular, the 21st of the LUNC combustion mechanism. April Dec March 31st to April 29th, Binance burned through a significant amount of transaction fees. Binance has currently burned approximately 57.66 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens from LUNC spot and margin transaction fees. trading pairs. The decrease in trading volumes is due to the decrease in daily LUNC trading volume in April due to the market-wide decline in crypto prices and trading volumes. In March, LUNC saw a huge daily trading volume of over $100 million, and prices rose above the $0.0002 level. The average daily trading volume in April was $ 30 million, and prices fell to $ 0.0001. Its market capitalization also fell from $ 1 billion to less than $ 600 million in one month. Binance, 20. 4.17 Billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens were burned in the LUNC burning mechanism. The exchange burned through 4.17 billion transaction fees worth $722,630 on LUNC spot and margin trading pairs due to significantly increased trading volumes in March. #bitcoinhalving #ScamRiskWarning
🔥🔥🔥New Development: Binance Burned 1.4 Billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Tokens

Binance announced the launch of the LUNC burning mechanism on Wednesday on the 21st. he burned 1.4 billion Terra #Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens at his party. After the recent burning of Binance, the total #LUNC that the crypto exchange has burned so far has exceeded 57 billion. The incineration numbers were in line with COINGAPE's estimates that LUNC Decineration was between 1 billion and 1.5 billion.

Moreover, the total number of LUNC tokens burned by the Terra Luna Classic community has reached over 112 billion. Binance continues to support the community for the revival of Terra Luna Classic since 2022 through its monthly LUNC burning mechanism.

Binance's Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Burn Has Decreased to 1.4 Billion

Crypto exchange Binance sent 4.17 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens to the burning address according to the LUNC burning transaction on May 1.

In particular, the 21st of the LUNC combustion mechanism. April Dec March 31st to April 29th, Binance burned through a significant amount of transaction fees. Binance has currently burned approximately 57.66 billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens from LUNC spot and margin transaction fees. trading pairs.

The decrease in trading volumes is due to the decrease in daily LUNC trading volume in April due to the market-wide decline in crypto prices and trading volumes. In March, LUNC saw a huge daily trading volume of over $100 million, and prices rose above the $0.0002 level. The average daily trading volume in April was $ 30 million, and prices fell to $ 0.0001. Its market capitalization also fell from $ 1 billion to less than $ 600 million in one month.

Binance, 20. 4.17 Billion Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) tokens were burned in the LUNC burning mechanism. The exchange burned through 4.17 billion transaction fees worth $722,630 on LUNC spot and margin trading pairs due to significantly increased trading volumes in March.

#bitcoinhalving #ScamRiskWarning
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