Binance Square
Megatronik mühendisiyim, Japonca ve İngilizce biliyorum. Hayatımı koinlerden kazanıyorum, BTC nin 10 dolar olduğu zamandan bu yana bu işlerin içindeyim.
Viss saturs
$BTC bir süre daha bu yapıda devam edecek yani 50k - 60k - 65k bantlarında gezecekne zaman 70k üstüne yerleşecek şimdilik söylemek zor, yatırımcılar ufak ufak BTC topluyor, btc tutan adresleden belli oluyor lakin kar yapıp eldeki btcleri satmaktan geri durmuyorlar yani kısaca amaç sonuç oluşumu var. Yıl sonuna doğru Bi 75k gelirse şaşırmam ama beklememde çünkü btc nin buradaki konumu tahtacıları mutlu ediyor #Write2Earn! $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
$BTC bir süre daha bu yapıda devam edecek yani 50k - 60k - 65k bantlarında gezecekne zaman 70k üstüne yerleşecek şimdilik söylemek zor, yatırımcılar ufak ufak BTC topluyor, btc tutan adresleden belli oluyor lakin kar yapıp eldeki btcleri satmaktan geri durmuyorlar yani kısaca amaç sonuç oluşumu var. Yıl sonuna doğru Bi 75k gelirse şaşırmam ama beklememde çünkü btc nin buradaki konumu tahtacıları mutlu ediyor
#Write2Earn! $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
$FRONT Šī monēta, kas iepriekš bija manā daudzsološo monētu sarakstā, šobrīd ir aizņemta ar šova izlikšanu. Tirdzniecības vieta nav zināma.
$FRONT Šī monēta, kas iepriekš bija manā daudzsološo monētu sarakstā, šobrīd ir aizņemta ar šova izlikšanu. Tirdzniecības vieta nav zināma.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$LEVER Teicu, ka šai monētai būs liels kāpums, novēlu pacietību tiem, kam tā ir, jo grūti zināt kur tiks pārdota, var būt peļņas pārdošana par 0.0044.
$LEVER Teicu, ka šai monētai būs liels kāpums, novēlu pacietību tiem, kam tā ir, jo grūti zināt kur tiks pārdota, var būt peļņas pārdošana par 0.0044.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin pašlaik testē pretestības apgabalu. Redzēsim, vai cena var izlauzties virs tās. Noraidījums no pretestības zonas, visticamāk, novirzīs cenu uz 69 000–70 000 USD atbalsta apgabalu. No otras puses, pārrāvums virs pretestības zonas, visticamāk, virzīs cenu uz 75 000 USD līmeni. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC
Bitcoin pašlaik testē pretestības apgabalu. Redzēsim, vai cena var izlauzties virs tās. Noraidījums no pretestības zonas, visticamāk, novirzīs cenu uz 69 000–70 000 USD atbalsta apgabalu. No otras puses, pārrāvums virs pretestības zonas, visticamāk, virzīs cenu uz 75 000 USD līmeni. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 Bitcoin ir atlēcis no atbalsta zonas un tagad tuvojas $ 69 000 - $ 70 000 pretestībai. Redzēsim, kā cena reaģē uz šo jomu. Pagaidām tirgū nekas nav mainījies.
#EarnFreeCrypto2024 Bitcoin ir atlēcis no atbalsta zonas un tagad tuvojas $ 69 000 - $ 70 000 pretestībai. Redzēsim, kā cena reaģē uz šo jomu. Pagaidām tirgū nekas nav mainījies.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Bitcoin pārtrauca trijstūra modeli virzienā uz augšu, bet nespēja noturēt augšupejošu kustību. Cena pašlaik turas virs 67 000 USD atbalsta apgabala, kas ir pozitīva zīme. Ja cena ir zemāka par šo atbalsta apgabalu, mēs varam redzēt virzību uz 65 000 USD atbalsta apgabalu.#EarnFreeCrypto2024
$BTC Bitcoin pārtrauca trijstūra modeli virzienā uz augšu, bet nespēja noturēt augšupejošu kustību. Cena pašlaik turas virs 67 000 USD atbalsta apgabala, kas ir pozitīva zīme. Ja cena ir zemāka par šo atbalsta apgabalu, mēs varam redzēt virzību uz 65 000 USD atbalsta apgabalu.#EarnFreeCrypto2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
Saimniecības analīze: Cena ir izlauzusies no lielā trīsstūra modeļa un tagad veido nelielu krītošu ķīli zemākos laika periodos. Mēs varētu redzēt šī modeļa izlaušanos un augšupejošās kustības turpinājumu. Šeit varat apsvērt nelielas garās pozīcijas atvēršanu ar stingru stop loss. $FARM Pretestības zona: 79,50–80,00 USD
Saimniecības analīze:

Cena ir izlauzusies no lielā trīsstūra modeļa un tagad veido nelielu krītošu ķīli zemākos laika periodos. Mēs varētu redzēt šī modeļa izlaušanos un augšupejošās kustības turpinājumu. Šeit varat apsvērt nelielas garās pozīcijas atvēršanu ar stingru stop loss. $FARM

Pretestības zona: 79,50–80,00 USD
Skatīt oriģinālu
Īstermiņa turētāja (STH) piedāvājums pašlaik ir 3,36 miljoni BTC. Nesenās tirgus korekcijas laikā vairāk nekā 2,14 miljoni BTC (63,2%) bija nerealizētos zaudējumos. Tomēr, tirgus pieaugot virs USD 70 000, tas ir samazinājies tikai līdz 230 000 BTC (6,8% no kopējā apjoma). Neraugoties uz to, ka daudzas monētas ir tuvu pašreizējai tūlītējai cenai, ļoti maz šobrīd ir ar nerealizētiem zaudējumiem. Tas ievērojami samazina tirgus lejupslīdes risku lielā pārdošanas spiediena dēļ. Tirgus šķiet stabilāks ar mazāk monētu ar zaudējumiem. $BTC #Binance
Īstermiņa turētāja (STH) piedāvājums pašlaik ir 3,36 miljoni BTC. Nesenās tirgus korekcijas laikā vairāk nekā 2,14 miljoni BTC (63,2%) bija nerealizētos zaudējumos. Tomēr, tirgus pieaugot virs USD 70 000, tas ir samazinājies tikai līdz 230 000 BTC (6,8% no kopējā apjoma).

Neraugoties uz to, ka daudzas monētas ir tuvu pašreizējai tūlītējai cenai, ļoti maz šobrīd ir ar nerealizētiem zaudējumiem. Tas ievērojami samazina tirgus lejupslīdes risku lielā pārdošanas spiediena dēļ. Tirgus šķiet stabilāks ar mazāk monētu ar zaudējumiem. $BTC #Binance
Bitcoin is now trying to reclaim above the $70,000 area. Let's see if the price can break this level or not. We may see a move on Monday when the US markets open. #Bitcoin $BTC
Bitcoin is now trying to reclaim above the $70,000 area. Let's see if the price can break this level or not. We may see a move on Monday when the US markets open. #Bitcoin $BTC
Bitcoin has rebounded from the $67,000 support level and is now testing the resistance area. Let's see if the price can break the key level of $70,000. Overall, the market is looking bullish, and we expect upward movement.$BTC #BinanceHerYerde
Bitcoin has rebounded from the $67,000 support level and is now testing the resistance area. Let's see if the price can break the key level of $70,000. Overall, the market is looking bullish, and we expect upward movement.$BTC #BinanceHerYerde
Bitcoin was unable to hold the $69,000 level and the price dropped to the support area. Currently, BTC is testing the $67,000 level and it needs to hold this level; otherwise, we may see a continuation of the downtrend. The next support area is between $64,500 and $65,200, and the resistance area is between $69,000 and $70,000.
Bitcoin was unable to hold the $69,000 level and the price dropped to the support area. Currently, BTC is testing the $67,000 level and it needs to hold this level; otherwise, we may see a continuation of the downtrend. The next support area is between $64,500 and $65,200, and the resistance area is between $69,000 and $70,000.
Bitcoin is currently attempting to maintain the $69,000-$70,000 support range, which is crucial for preserving the bullish structure. The resistance level remains unchanged, with the next support area at $67,000-$67,500. $BTC
Bitcoin is currently attempting to maintain the $69,000-$70,000 support range, which is crucial for preserving the bullish structure. The resistance level remains unchanged, with the next support area at $67,000-$67,500.
SOL analysis: Price grabbed liquidity from a major support area and initiated a strong upward rally. It also retested the support area before continuing its upward movement. Support Area: $167-$172 (add some here if missed earlier) Resistance Area: $195-$205 $BTC $SOL
SOL analysis:

Price grabbed liquidity from a major support area and initiated a strong upward rally. It also retested the support area before continuing its upward movement.

Support Area: $167-$172 (add some here if missed earlier)

Resistance Area: $195-$205
$ETH experienced significant price movement as expected, increasing by over 30% since our entry. The surge is believed to be in anticipation of the ETH ETF approval date approaching. The next major resistance level is expected in the $3900-$4000 range.
$ETH experienced significant price movement as expected, increasing by over 30% since our entry. The surge is believed to be in anticipation of the ETH ETF approval date approaching. The next major resistance level is expected in the $3900-$4000 range.
Bitcoin balance on exchanges has hit a 5-year low, indicating that traders are accumulating BTC for the long term. This trend suggests growing confidence in Bitcoin's future potential. $BTC
Bitcoin balance on exchanges has hit a 5-year low, indicating that traders are accumulating BTC for the long term. This trend suggests growing confidence in Bitcoin's future potential. $BTC
The TOTAL crypto market cap broke the downtrend channel in an upward direction. This is a good sign for the crypto market, and we may see a continuation of the upward movement. The next few months will be good for the crypto market.#Binance #btc
The TOTAL crypto market cap broke the downtrend channel in an upward direction. This is a good sign for the crypto market, and we may see a continuation of the upward movement. The next few months will be good for the crypto market.#Binance #btc
According to Glassnode data, the number of whales in $BTC has started to grow again! This resurgence signals renewed interest and confidence among major holders, setting the stage for potential big moves in the market! #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
According to Glassnode data, the number of whales in $BTC has started to grow again!

This resurgence signals renewed interest and confidence among major holders, setting the stage for potential big moves in the market!
#BinanceHerYerde #Binance #btc TAO analysis: Price is currently trading within a downtrend channel and has been rejected from the resistance line. We will likely see a test of the support area before the next move, so it would be prudent to wait for new entry opportunities. Support Area: $330-$340 Resistance Area: $395-$405
#BinanceHerYerde #Binance #btc
TAO analysis:

Price is currently trading within a downtrend channel and has been rejected from the resistance line. We will likely see a test of the support area before the next move, so it would be prudent to wait for new entry opportunities.

Support Area: $330-$340

Resistance Area: $395-$405
SUI analysis: Price is currently trading in a falling wedge pattern, approaching a decision zone. Consider initiating a small long position with a tight stop loss, as falling wedges typically break upward. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Support Area: $0.88-$0.90 Resistance Area: $1.05-$1.07
SUI analysis:

Price is currently trading in a falling wedge pattern, approaching a decision zone. Consider initiating a small long position with a tight stop loss, as falling wedges typically break upward. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Support Area: $0.88-$0.90

Resistance Area: $1.05-$1.07
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