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$BTC 2024. gada 18. jūnijā kriptovalūtu tirgū notiek dempings vairāku iemeslu dēļ: - Malaizijas varas iestādes vēršas pret kriptovalūtu investoriem, lai izvairītos no nodokļiem - ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) vs. Ripple lieta - Spēcīgāki, nekā gaidīts, ASV darbavietu dati - Bezdarba līmeņa pieaugums - Federālo rezervju sistēmas pazeminātas likmes izredzes samazinātas - Riska samazināšanas režīms investoru vidū - Vairāk nekā 380 miljoni USD garo pozīciju likvidācijā, salīdzinot ar īsajām pozīcijām - Lāču novirze no RSI - Ekonomiskā un regulējošā nenoteiktība - Augsts inflācijas līmenis ASV un Apvienotajā Karalistē. Ja vēlaties gūt pastāvīgu peļņu, kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 #BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch #altcoins #BTC☀ #Write2Earn!
$BTC 2024. gada 18. jūnijā kriptovalūtu tirgū notiek dempings vairāku iemeslu dēļ:
- Malaizijas varas iestādes vēršas pret kriptovalūtu investoriem, lai izvairītos no nodokļiem
- ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) vs. Ripple lieta
- Spēcīgāki, nekā gaidīts, ASV darbavietu dati
- Bezdarba līmeņa pieaugums
- Federālo rezervju sistēmas pazeminātas likmes izredzes samazinātas
- Riska samazināšanas režīms investoru vidū
- Vairāk nekā 380 miljoni USD garo pozīciju likvidācijā, salīdzinot ar īsajām pozīcijām
- Lāču novirze no RSI
- Ekonomiskā un regulējošā nenoteiktība
- Augsts inflācijas līmenis ASV un Apvienotajā Karalistē.

Ja vēlaties gūt pastāvīgu peļņu, kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗

#BinanceTournament #BTCFOMCWatch #altcoins #BTC☀ #Write2Earn!
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sveiki puiši, es gūstu nelielu peļņu un izvairos no zaudējumiem, izmantojot 2x līdz 5x, un man ir minimālais mēneša mērķis līdz 20% līdz 30% 💲💸💲🤑💲💸💲 Tātad, ja jūs man uzticaties, kopējiet manu portfeli ar savu minimālo vai maksimālo ieguldījumu un redziet insha'ALLAH, es jums došu labu peļņu 🤗🤗🤗 Paldies
sveiki puiši, es gūstu nelielu peļņu un izvairos no zaudējumiem, izmantojot 2x līdz 5x, un man ir minimālais mēneša mērķis līdz 20% līdz 30% 💲💸💲🤑💲💸💲
Tātad, ja jūs man uzticaties, kopējiet manu portfeli ar savu minimālo vai maksimālo ieguldījumu un redziet insha'ALLAH, es jums došu labu peļņu
🤗🤗🤗 Paldies
7 dienu PZA
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$BTC Brīdinājums Bitcoin turpinās izgāzties, tāpēc dariet savus darījumus atbilstoši riska pārvaldībai un padziļinātai izpētei un analīzei. Analītiķis sacīja, ka varētu pārdot līdz pat 99% no Mt. Gox 8,2 miljardu dolāru vērtībā Lielākā daļa Bitcoin, kas tiek atmaksāta ar neesošu biržu Mt. Gox, tiks pārdota tirgū, draudot radīt lielāku spiedienu uz BTC. Pēc finanšu analītiķa Džeikoba Kinga domām, Mt. Gox atmaksas varētu pievienot Bitcoin (BTC) cenai papildu pārdošanas spiedienu USD 8,2 miljardu vērtībā. Analītiķi teica, ka ķēdes kustības jau norāda uz faktu, ka Goksa kalna kreditori ir sākuši pārdot, King rakstīja 4. jūlija ziņojumā: "Neviens Bitcoiner to nepateiks skaļi, bet lielākā daļa no USD 8,2 miljardiem $BTC , kas tiks sadalīti atpakaļ bijušajiem klientiem, tiks pārdoti." Drūmā prognoze nāk dažas stundas pēc tam, kad Mt. Gox sāka atmaksāt savus parādus Bitcoin un Bitcoin Cash (BCH), sabrukusī kriptovalūtu birža paziņoja 5. jūlijā. tas nav finansiāls padoms, tāpēc pirms jebkādas tirdzniecības veikšanas veiciet savu izpēti un analīzi. Es gūstu nelielu peļņu, nesaskaroties ar zaudējumiem, tāpēc, ja vēlaties ar mani gūt peļņu, kopējiet manu portfeli 🤗 #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #MtGoxJulyRepayments #IntroToCopytrading #SOFR_Spike
Brīdinājums Bitcoin turpinās izgāzties, tāpēc dariet savus darījumus atbilstoši riska pārvaldībai un padziļinātai izpētei un analīzei.
Analītiķis sacīja, ka varētu pārdot līdz pat 99% no Mt. Gox 8,2 miljardu dolāru vērtībā

Lielākā daļa Bitcoin, kas tiek atmaksāta ar neesošu biržu Mt. Gox, tiks pārdota tirgū, draudot radīt lielāku spiedienu uz BTC.

Pēc finanšu analītiķa Džeikoba Kinga domām, Mt. Gox atmaksas varētu pievienot Bitcoin (BTC) cenai papildu pārdošanas spiedienu USD 8,2 miljardu vērtībā.

Analītiķi teica, ka ķēdes kustības jau norāda uz faktu, ka Goksa kalna kreditori ir sākuši pārdot, King rakstīja 4. jūlija ziņojumā:

"Neviens Bitcoiner to nepateiks skaļi, bet lielākā daļa no USD 8,2 miljardiem $BTC , kas tiks sadalīti atpakaļ bijušajiem klientiem, tiks pārdoti."

Drūmā prognoze nāk dažas stundas pēc tam, kad Mt. Gox sāka atmaksāt savus parādus Bitcoin un Bitcoin Cash (BCH), sabrukusī kriptovalūtu birža paziņoja 5. jūlijā.

tas nav finansiāls padoms, tāpēc pirms jebkādas tirdzniecības veikšanas veiciet savu izpēti un analīzi.
Es gūstu nelielu peļņu, nesaskaroties ar zaudējumiem, tāpēc, ja vēlaties ar mani gūt peļņu, kopējiet manu portfeli 🤗

#US_Job_Market_Slowdown #MtGoxJulyRepayments #IntroToCopytrading #SOFR_Spike
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$BTC Kriptogrāfijas tirgus dempings, un iemesli ir norādīti tālāk: - Mt. Gox Dump: neveiksmīgā kriptovalūtas birža Mt. Gox atdod Bitcoin kreditoriem, izraisot pārdošanas spiedienu un bailes no žetonu izgāztuves līdz pat 9 miljardu ASV dolāru vērtībā, tostarp 2,7 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā, kas jau ir pārvietoti. - Procentu likmju paaugstināšana: Federālo rezervju sistēmas procentu likmju paaugstināšana, lai cīnītos pret inflāciju, ir samazinājusi tādu riskantu aktīvu kā kriptovalūtu pievilcību. - Regulatīvā nenoteiktība: stingrāki noteikumi un juridiski izaicinājumi rada nenoteiktību, ietekmējot tirgus noskaņojumu. - Likviditātes krīze: dažas biržas un aizdevēji saskaras ar likviditātes problēmām, kas veicina tirgus lejupslīdi. - Tirgus nepastāvība: kriptovalūtu tirgi ir pazīstami ar svārstībām, un šis izgāzums var būt dabiska korekcija pēc nesenajiem ieguvumiem. - Vaļu pārdošana. Iespējams, ka lielie investori pārdod, izraisot viļņošanās efektu tirgū. Atcerieties, ka kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti neparedzams, un cenas var strauji svārstīties. Šie faktori var mainīties, un tirgus var atgūties vai turpināt dempingu. Es gūstu nelielu peļņu, nesaskaroties ar zaudējumiem, tāpēc, ja vēlaties ar mani gūt peļņu, kopējiet manu portfeli 🤗 #IntroToCopytrading #MtGoxJulyRepayments #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #CPIAlert
$BTC Kriptogrāfijas tirgus dempings, un iemesli ir norādīti tālāk:

- Mt. Gox Dump: neveiksmīgā kriptovalūtas birža Mt. Gox atdod Bitcoin kreditoriem, izraisot pārdošanas spiedienu un bailes no žetonu izgāztuves līdz pat 9 miljardu ASV dolāru vērtībā, tostarp 2,7 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā, kas jau ir pārvietoti.

- Procentu likmju paaugstināšana: Federālo rezervju sistēmas procentu likmju paaugstināšana, lai cīnītos pret inflāciju, ir samazinājusi tādu riskantu aktīvu kā kriptovalūtu pievilcību.

- Regulatīvā nenoteiktība: stingrāki noteikumi un juridiski izaicinājumi rada nenoteiktību, ietekmējot tirgus noskaņojumu.

- Likviditātes krīze: dažas biržas un aizdevēji saskaras ar likviditātes problēmām, kas veicina tirgus lejupslīdi.

- Tirgus nepastāvība: kriptovalūtu tirgi ir pazīstami ar svārstībām, un šis izgāzums var būt dabiska korekcija pēc nesenajiem ieguvumiem.

- Vaļu pārdošana. Iespējams, ka lielie investori pārdod, izraisot viļņošanās efektu tirgū.

Atcerieties, ka kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti neparedzams, un cenas var strauji svārstīties. Šie faktori var mainīties, un tirgus var atgūties vai turpināt dempingu.

Es gūstu nelielu peļņu, nesaskaroties ar zaudējumiem, tāpēc, ja vēlaties ar mani gūt peļņu, kopējiet manu portfeli 🤗
#IntroToCopytrading #MtGoxJulyRepayments #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #CPIAlert
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$BTC Btc tuvojas 54k, tāpēc esiet uzmanīgi ar saviem darījumiem. ja vēlaties konsekventu peļņu, kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 Paldies
$BTC Btc tuvojas 54k, tāpēc esiet uzmanīgi ar saviem darījumiem.

ja vēlaties konsekventu peļņu, kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 Paldies
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$BTC Bitcoin pieskārās tā pretestībai un nekā sūknējot uz 60k, un ir daudz iespēju sūknēt vairāk, bet ja tas samazināsies, tas pieskaras 50k un tad pieaugs līdz 60k. tāpēc pirms jebkādas tirdzniecības veikšanas veiciet dziļu izpēti un analīzi. ja vēlaties gūt pastāvīgu peļņu, kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 Paldies #IntroToCopytrading #CopyTradingDiscover #CopytradingSuccess
$BTC Bitcoin pieskārās tā pretestībai un nekā sūknējot uz 60k, un ir daudz iespēju sūknēt vairāk, bet ja tas samazināsies, tas pieskaras 50k un tad pieaugs līdz 60k.
tāpēc pirms jebkādas tirdzniecības veikšanas veiciet dziļu izpēti un analīzi.

ja vēlaties gūt pastāvīgu peļņu, kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 Paldies

#IntroToCopytrading #CopyTradingDiscover #CopytradingSuccess
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$BTC pašlaik BTC ir lācīgs, un ir iespēja pārbaudīt zonu 56600-58000 un, ja pretestība nereaģēs uz šo zonu, mēs redzēsim BTS 49000-51000 zonā. tas nav finanšu padoms, tāpēc esiet uzmanīgi, kad veicat darījumus, un vissvarīgākais ir jūsu riska pārvaldība, tāpēc atkal esiet uzmanīgi 🤗 Sveiki, puisis, ja vēlaties gūt peļņu, nesaskaroties ar milzīgiem zaudējumiem, pārbaudiet manu portfolio un kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 Paldies #SOFR_Spike #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #CopyTradingDiscover #copymyportfolio
$BTC pašlaik BTC ir lācīgs, un ir iespēja pārbaudīt zonu 56600-58000 un, ja pretestība nereaģēs uz šo zonu, mēs redzēsim BTS 49000-51000 zonā.

tas nav finanšu padoms, tāpēc esiet uzmanīgi, kad veicat darījumus, un vissvarīgākais ir jūsu riska pārvaldība, tāpēc atkal esiet uzmanīgi 🤗

Sveiki, puisis, ja vēlaties gūt peļņu, nesaskaroties ar milzīgiem zaudējumiem, pārbaudiet manu portfolio un kopējiet manu portfolio 🤗 Paldies

#SOFR_Spike #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #CopyTradingDiscover #copymyportfolio
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$BTC BTC pabeidz savu konsolidācijas laiku, un tagad šis laiks ir paredzēts milzīgam sūknim, tāpēc esiet piesardzīgs un veiciet padziļinātu izpēti un analīzi, pirms veicat jebkādu darījumu, un svarīgs faktors ir riska pārvaldība, tāpēc paturiet to prātā tirdzniecības laikā. [Click here to claim USDT Red packet gift For you]( ja vēlaties gūt pastāvīgu peļņu, nesaskaroties ar milzīgiem zaudējumiem, kopējiet manu portfeli 🤗 Paldies #IntroToCopytrading #CopyTradingDiscover #CopytradingSuccess #Write2Earn!
BTC pabeidz savu konsolidācijas laiku, un tagad šis laiks ir paredzēts milzīgam sūknim, tāpēc esiet piesardzīgs un veiciet padziļinātu izpēti un analīzi, pirms veicat jebkādu darījumu, un svarīgs faktors ir riska pārvaldība, tāpēc paturiet to prātā tirdzniecības laikā.
Click here to claim USDT Red packet gift For you

ja vēlaties gūt pastāvīgu peļņu, nesaskaroties ar milzīgiem zaudējumiem, kopējiet manu portfeli
🤗 Paldies

#IntroToCopytrading #CopyTradingDiscover #CopytradingSuccess #Write2Earn!
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$SOL Here is the info about Solana (SOL) project ... - Solana is a Layer 1 blockchain that offers users fast speeds and affordable costs. - It supports smart contracts and facilitates the creation of decentralized applications (dApps). - Projects built on Solana include a variety of DeFi platforms as well as NFT marketplaces. - Its high performance means Solana doesn’t require a traditional scaling Layer 2 solution. - Layer 2s on Solana focus on interoperability and connecting Solana to other chains. - Solana combines the Proof-of-History (PoH) consensus mechanism alongside the more common Proof-of-Stake. - SOL is the native token of the Solana blockchain. - SOL can be used to pay for transaction fees (also known as gas fees) when sending transactions or interacting with smart contracts. - SOL can also be used to secure the network through staking. if you want consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #solonapumping #SolETFApproved
$SOL Here is the info about Solana (SOL) project ...
- Solana is a Layer 1 blockchain that offers users fast speeds and affordable costs.
- It supports smart contracts and facilitates the creation of decentralized applications (dApps).
- Projects built on Solana include a variety of DeFi platforms as well as NFT marketplaces.
- Its high performance means Solana doesn’t require a traditional scaling Layer 2 solution.
- Layer 2s on Solana focus on interoperability and connecting Solana to other chains.
- Solana combines the Proof-of-History (PoH) consensus mechanism alongside the more common Proof-of-Stake.
- SOL is the native token of the Solana blockchain.
- SOL can be used to pay for transaction fees (also known as gas fees) when sending transactions or interacting with smart contracts.
- SOL can also be used to secure the network through staking.

if you want consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You
#IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #solonapumping #SolETFApproved
$BONK Here are some important points about Bonk (BONK): - Bonk is the first dog-themed coin on Solana and is similar to Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) memecoins. - It was launched on December 25, 2022, and led to an increase in the price of the SOL token. - 50% of the total supply of the cryptocurrency was airdropped to the Solana community. - BONK tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like OrangeX, Binance, Toobit and Coinbase etc. - The current price of Bonk has increased by 0.35% in the last hour and increased by 14.24% in the past 24 hours. - The current market cap of Bonk is $1.7 billion. if you want to make sure consistent profits without facing huge losses than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank you #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #CPIAlert
$BONK Here are some important points about Bonk (BONK):

- Bonk is the first dog-themed coin on Solana and is similar to Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) memecoins.
- It was launched on December 25, 2022, and led to an increase in the price of the SOL token.
- 50% of the total supply of the cryptocurrency was airdropped to the Solana community.
- BONK tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like OrangeX, Binance, Toobit and Coinbase etc.
- The current price of Bonk has increased by 0.35% in the last hour and increased by 14.24% in the past 24 hours.
- The current market cap of Bonk is $1.7 billion.

if you want to make sure consistent profits without facing huge losses than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank you

#IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #CPIAlert
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Here are the latest cryptocurrency market updates of the day: - Japanese investment adviser acquires more than 20.2 BTC - A federal judge rules that the SEC has plausibly alleged that Binance, (link unavailable), and Changpeng Zhao have violated federal securities laws - IRS sets up reporting system for crypto brokers but sets aside related rules for DeFi and unhosted wallets - District judges' opinions on given tokens being a security or not determines the level of regulation - SEC alleges that MetaMask acted as an unregistered securities broker and that its staking service violated securities laws - VanEck and 21Shares' applications seem doomed under the Biden administration if you want to make consistent profits without facing huge losses than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You #IntroToCopytrading #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments
Here are the latest cryptocurrency market updates of the day:
- Japanese investment adviser acquires more than 20.2 BTC
- A federal judge rules that the SEC has plausibly alleged that Binance, (link unavailable), and Changpeng Zhao have violated federal securities laws
- IRS sets up reporting system for crypto brokers but sets aside related rules for DeFi and unhosted wallets
- District judges' opinions on given tokens being a security or not determines the level of regulation
- SEC alleges that MetaMask acted as an unregistered securities broker and that its staking service violated securities laws
- VanEck and 21Shares' applications seem doomed under the Biden administration

if you want to make consistent profits without facing huge losses than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You

#IntroToCopytrading #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments
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Here are the latest news on U.S. inflation: - In May, inflation was below expectations - Annual U.S. CPI inflation slowed to 3.6% in April - The core US inflation was up 0.2% monthly and 3.4% from the previous year - The U.S. Federal Reserve has not raised or cut interest rates since July 2023 - The Federal Reserve is attempting to navigate a balancing act of maintaining aggressively high interest rates to bring down inflation without tipping the U.S. economy into recession - U.S. inflation cools in May, boosting hopes of Fed rate cut - Jobs and inflation data may break the U.S. Treasury market out of a narrow range - The U.S. dollar fell against the yen after data showed inflation in the world's largest economy cooled down last month if you want to make sure consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You #US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #IntroToCopytrading
Here are the latest news on U.S. inflation:

- In May, inflation was below expectations
- Annual U.S. CPI inflation slowed to 3.6% in April
- The core US inflation was up 0.2% monthly and 3.4% from the previous year
- The U.S. Federal Reserve has not raised or cut interest rates since July 2023
- The Federal Reserve is attempting to navigate a balancing act of maintaining aggressively high interest rates to bring down inflation without tipping the U.S. economy into recession
- U.S. inflation cools in May, boosting hopes of Fed rate cut
- Jobs and inflation data may break the U.S. Treasury market out of a narrow range
- The U.S. dollar fell against the yen after data showed inflation in the world's largest economy cooled down last month

if you want to make sure consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You

#US_Inflation_Easing_Alert #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #IntroToCopytrading
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$PHA Here are some information about Phala Network (PHA) coin: - Phala Network is a coprocessor for blockchains that enhances dApps with connectivity, internet access, and heavy computation. - PHA is the native token of the Phala Network that can be used for Trusted Computing and other purposes. - The Phala Network has one of the largest Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) on Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) hardware, which protects any code/data from unauthorized access. - The market cap of PHA tokens is $115,381,414. - The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of PHALA (PHA) is BTC2,650.6758. - The circulating supply of PHA tokens is 730,000,000. - PHA tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like MEXC, Binance and DigiFinex. if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You #IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #CopyTradingDiscover #CopytradingSuccess
$PHA Here are some information about Phala Network (PHA) coin:
- Phala Network is a coprocessor for blockchains that enhances dApps with connectivity, internet access, and heavy computation.
- PHA is the native token of the Phala Network that can be used for Trusted Computing and other purposes.
- The Phala Network has one of the largest Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) on Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) hardware, which protects any code/data from unauthorized access.
- The market cap of PHA tokens is $115,381,414.
- The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of PHALA (PHA) is BTC2,650.6758.
- The circulating supply of PHA tokens is 730,000,000.
- PHA tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like MEXC, Binance and DigiFinex.

if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You

#IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #CopyTradingDiscover #CopytradingSuccess
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$NTRN Here are the latest news about Neutron (NTRN) coin : - Neutron is the most secure cross-chain smart-contracting platform. - It combines the security of a top 10 blockchain by staked capitalization with bleeding-edge cross-chain infrastructure to enable DeFi applications to securely scale across a growing network of 51+ interconnected blockchains. - NTRN tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like MEXC, Binance and BingX. - The current price of Neutron has increased by 0.22% in the last hour and increased by 25.65% in the past 24 hours. - The current price of Neutron has also fallen by 0.85% in the past week. if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You #IntroToCopytrading #altcoins #Write2Earn! #NTRNBULLISH
$NTRN Here are the latest news about Neutron (NTRN) coin :
- Neutron is the most secure cross-chain smart-contracting platform.
- It combines the security of a top 10 blockchain by staked capitalization with bleeding-edge cross-chain infrastructure to enable DeFi applications to securely scale across a growing network of 51+ interconnected blockchains.
- NTRN tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges like MEXC, Binance and BingX.
- The current price of Neutron has increased by 0.22% in the last hour and increased by 25.65% in the past 24 hours.
- The current price of Neutron has also fallen by 0.85% in the past week.

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$BNX There could be several reasons why BNX coin is dumping, including: 1. Market volatility: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their fluctuations, and BNX might be experiencing a downturn. 2. Liquidity issues: If there's a lack of buyers or a surge in sellers, it can lead to a price drop. 3. Whales selling: Large holders (whales) might be selling their BNX coins, causing a price drop. 4. Negative news or events: Adverse news or events related to the project or its partners could be affecting investor confidence. 5. Profit-taking: Investors might be selling their BNX coins to realize profits, leading to a price decrease. 6. Market correction: If BNX has experienced a significant price increase recently, it might be due for a correction. 7. Lack of adoption: If the project's adoption rate is slower than expected, it could lead to a decrease in price. 8. Competition: Increased competition in the cryptocurrency market might be affecting BNX's price. Keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is highly unpredictable, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. It's essential to conduct thorough research and stay up-to-date with market trends before making any investment decisions. if you want to make a consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 #IntroToCopytrading
$BNX There could be several reasons why BNX coin is dumping, including:

1. Market volatility: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their fluctuations, and BNX might be experiencing a downturn.

2. Liquidity issues: If there's a lack of buyers or a surge in sellers, it can lead to a price drop.
3. Whales selling: Large holders (whales) might be selling their BNX coins, causing a price drop.

4. Negative news or events: Adverse news or events related to the project or its partners could be affecting investor confidence.

5. Profit-taking: Investors might be selling their BNX coins to realize profits, leading to a price decrease.

6. Market correction: If BNX has experienced a significant price increase recently, it might be due for a correction.

7. Lack of adoption: If the project's adoption rate is slower than expected, it could lead to a decrease in price.
8. Competition: Increased competition in the cryptocurrency market might be affecting BNX's price.

Keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is highly unpredictable, and prices can fluctuate rapidly. It's essential to conduct thorough research and stay up-to-date with market trends before making any investment decisions.

if you want to make a consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗

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$BTC Copy trading offers several benefits, including.... These are the key points of copy trading ; 1. Passive income: Automatically replicate successful traders' strategies to generate passive income. 2. Learning opportunities: Observe and learn from experienced traders' techniques and strategies. 3. Diversification: Spread risk by copying multiple traders with different strategies and assets. 4. Time-saving: No need to constantly monitor markets or perform technical analysis. 5. Access to expertise: Leverage the knowledge and experience of professional traders. 6. Emotional detachment: Avoid emotional decision-making by automating trades. 7. Scalability: Easily scale your investments by allocating more capital to successful traders. 8. Risk management: Set stop-losses and limits to control potential losses. 9. Transparency: View detailed performance statistics and trade history. 10. Convenience: Automate your investments with minimal effort and time commitment. Remember, copy trading also involves risks, and it's essential to thoroughly research and understand the process before beginning. if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You #IntroToCopytrading
$BTC Copy trading offers several benefits, including....
These are the key points of copy trading ;

1. Passive income: Automatically replicate successful traders' strategies to generate passive income.

2. Learning opportunities: Observe and learn from experienced traders' techniques and strategies.

3. Diversification: Spread risk by copying multiple traders with different strategies and assets.

4. Time-saving: No need to constantly monitor markets or perform technical analysis.

5. Access to expertise: Leverage the knowledge and experience of professional traders.

6. Emotional detachment: Avoid emotional decision-making by automating trades.

7. Scalability: Easily scale your investments by allocating more capital to successful traders.

8. Risk management: Set stop-losses and limits to control potential losses.

9. Transparency: View detailed performance statistics and trade history.

10. Convenience: Automate your investments with minimal effort and time commitment.

Remember, copy trading also involves risks, and it's essential to thoroughly research and understand the process before beginning.

if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank You

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$AKRO Akropili (AKRO) is pumping today because of the following reasons: - The amount of Akropolis traded has risen to PKR 238,261,808,220.30 in the last 24 hours, which is a 974.46% increase - In the last day, PKR 24,450,725,083.59 worth of AKRO has been traded - The current price of Akropolis is PKR 2.15 per AKRO, with a circulating supply of 4,436,209,629.921 AKRO - It means that Akropolis has a total market cap of PKR 9,480,299,827.18 - The exchange rate of Akropolis is increasing and has increased by 66.53% in the last 7 days - In the last 24 hours, the rate has changed by 70% if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank you #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #IntroToCopytrading #MicroStrategy #MtGoxJulyRepayments
$AKRO Akropili (AKRO) is pumping today because of the following reasons:
- The amount of Akropolis traded has risen to PKR 238,261,808,220.30 in the last 24 hours, which is a 974.46% increase
- In the last day, PKR 24,450,725,083.59 worth of AKRO has been traded
- The current price of Akropolis is PKR 2.15 per AKRO, with a circulating supply of 4,436,209,629.921 AKRO
- It means that Akropolis has a total market cap of PKR 9,480,299,827.18
- The exchange rate of Akropolis is increasing and has increased by 66.53% in the last 7 days
- In the last 24 hours, the rate has changed by 70%

if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank you
#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #IntroToCopytrading #MicroStrategy #MtGoxJulyRepayments
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$BETA Here are some reasons why any coin may be pumping : - Higher Market Cap: Coins with higher market caps are more stable and less likely to pump. - Trading Volume: Coins with higher trading volumes are more liquid and easier to sell when they pump. - Social Media Buzz: Positive social media attention can increase a coin's potential to pump, but be wary of paid influencers. - News: Positive news can increase a coin's potential to pump, while negative news can make it more likely to dump. - Technical Analysis: Studying past price charts can help predict future price movements, but it's not a perfect science. this is not a financial advice. if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank you #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #CryptoTradingGuide #Megadrop #MicroStrategy
$BETA Here are some reasons why any coin may be pumping :

- Higher Market Cap: Coins with higher market caps are more stable and less likely to pump.
- Trading Volume: Coins with higher trading volumes are more liquid and easier to sell when they pump.
- Social Media Buzz: Positive social media attention can increase a coin's potential to pump, but be wary of paid influencers.
- News: Positive news can increase a coin's potential to pump, while negative news can make it more likely to dump.
- Technical Analysis: Studying past price charts can help predict future price movements, but it's not a perfect science.
this is not a financial advice.

if you want to make consistent profits than copy my portfolio 🤗 Thank you
#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #CryptoTradingGuide #Megadrop #MicroStrategy
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$BTC Btc is looking bery bearish now soooo.... this is not a financial advice so do your own research and analysis before you make any trade
$BTC Btc is looking bery bearish now soooo....

this is not a financial advice so do your own research and analysis before you make any trade
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