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Kripto analītiķis Altcoins paredz 7 triljonu dolāru tirgus ierobežojumu — lūk, kad Vai Altcoins atkal kļūs parabolisks? Ziņojumā par X Mags izvirzīja drosmīgu altkoinu tirgus kapitalizācijas prognozi un sagaida, ka tuvākajos gados vairumam kriptovalūtu vērtība kļūs paraboliska. Kripto analītiķa bullish arguments ir saistīts ar mainīgās vidējās konverģences/atšķirības (MACD) indikatoru altcoin diagrammas ikmēneša laika posmā. Izceltajā diagrammā ikmēneša MACD ir uz kāpuma krustojuma robežas. No vēsturiskā viedokļa kriptovalūtu analītiķis minēja, ka 2020. gadā slīdošās vidējās konverģences/atšķirības rādītājā notika līdzīgs bullish krustojums. Pēc šī krustojuma altkoinu tirgus maksimālā vērtība pieauga par vairāk nekā 2000% no 85 miljardiem USD līdz 1,73 triljoniem USD. Ja šis MACD krustojums atkal izveidosies, Mags sagaida līdzīgu bullīšu skrējienu altkoinu tirgū. Tā kā šķita reālāka nostāja, kriptogrāfijas analītiķis apgalvoja, ka līdz 2025. gadam tirgus maksimālais apjoms sasniedz 7 triljonus USD, pat ja altkoīni piedzīvos tikai pusi no 2020. gada pieauguma. Tas ir aptuveni 1000% pieaugums no pašreizējā altcoin tirgus maksimālā apjoma 637 miljardu USD apmērā. #altcoinprice #AltcoinAction #AltcoinTrends
Kripto analītiķis Altcoins paredz 7 triljonu dolāru tirgus ierobežojumu — lūk, kad

Vai Altcoins atkal kļūs parabolisks?
Ziņojumā par X Mags izvirzīja drosmīgu altkoinu tirgus kapitalizācijas prognozi un sagaida, ka tuvākajos gados vairumam kriptovalūtu vērtība kļūs paraboliska. Kripto analītiķa bullish arguments ir saistīts ar mainīgās vidējās konverģences/atšķirības (MACD) indikatoru altcoin diagrammas ikmēneša laika posmā. Izceltajā diagrammā ikmēneša MACD ir uz kāpuma krustojuma robežas. No vēsturiskā viedokļa kriptovalūtu analītiķis minēja, ka 2020. gadā slīdošās vidējās konverģences/atšķirības rādītājā notika līdzīgs bullish krustojums. Pēc šī krustojuma altkoinu tirgus maksimālā vērtība pieauga par vairāk nekā 2000% no 85 miljardiem USD līdz 1,73 triljoniem USD. Ja šis MACD krustojums atkal izveidosies, Mags sagaida līdzīgu bullīšu skrējienu altkoinu tirgū.

Tā kā šķita reālāka nostāja, kriptogrāfijas analītiķis apgalvoja, ka līdz 2025. gadam tirgus maksimālais apjoms sasniedz 7 triljonus USD, pat ja altkoīni piedzīvos tikai pusi no 2020. gada pieauguma. Tas ir aptuveni 1000% pieaugums no pašreizējā altcoin tirgus maksimālā apjoma 637 miljardu USD apmērā.

#altcoinprice #AltcoinAction #AltcoinTrends
Skatīt oriģinālu
Blūmberga Hanna Millere un plašie plašsaziņas līdzekļi nopietni cīnās par kriptovalūtu nozari CZ Binance ziņās.
Blūmberga Hanna Millere un plašie plašsaziņas līdzekļi nopietni cīnās par kriptovalūtu nozari CZ Binance ziņās.
Skatīt oriģinālu
CZ ir atbrīvots no apcietinājuma par 175 miljonu ASV dolāru personīgās atzīšanas ķīlu, kas ir viena no lielākajām drošības naudas summām vēsturē. Viņa uzklausīšana paredzēta 2024. gada 23. februārī. #CZAndBinanceForLife
CZ ir atbrīvots no apcietinājuma par 175 miljonu ASV dolāru personīgās atzīšanas ķīlu, kas ir viena no lielākajām drošības naudas summām vēsturē. Viņa uzklausīšana paredzēta 2024. gada 23. februārī.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Argentīnas jaunievēlētais prezidents Havjers Milei ir ieņēmis stingru pret centrālo banku vērstu nostāju, pagājušā gada oktobrī televīzijā simboliski iznīcinot šīs institūcijas pinatu. Lai gan Milei ir Bitcoin atbalstītājs, nav paredzams, ka tā sekos Salvadoras vadībai, pieņemot to kā likumīgu maksāšanas līdzekli. Tā vietā viņš iestājas par pilnīgu dolārizāciju, lai risinātu pieaugošo inflāciju, kas liecina par būtiskām pārmaiņām ekonomikas un monetārajā politikā viņa prezidentūras laikā.
Argentīnas jaunievēlētais prezidents Havjers Milei ir ieņēmis stingru pret centrālo banku vērstu nostāju, pagājušā gada oktobrī televīzijā simboliski iznīcinot šīs institūcijas pinatu. Lai gan Milei ir Bitcoin atbalstītājs, nav paredzams, ka tā sekos Salvadoras vadībai, pieņemot to kā likumīgu maksāšanas līdzekli.

Tā vietā viņš iestājas par pilnīgu dolārizāciju, lai risinātu pieaugošo inflāciju, kas liecina par būtiskām pārmaiņām ekonomikas un monetārajā politikā viņa prezidentūras laikā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Grayscale tikās ar SEC un atklāja, ka tā panāca pārsūtīšanas aģentūras un pakalpojumu līgumu ar BNY Mellon par tā vietas Bitcoin ETF.
Grayscale tikās ar SEC un atklāja, ka tā panāca pārsūtīšanas aģentūras un pakalpojumu līgumu ar BNY Mellon par tā vietas Bitcoin ETF.
Report show that $1.3 billion in user funds were withdrawn from Binance following US Government indictment.
Report show that $1.3 billion in user funds were withdrawn from Binance following US Government indictment.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sems Altmens atgriezās OpenAI galvenajā mītnē un drīzumā varētu tikt atjaunots izpilddirektora amatā. Elons Masks saka, ka "sabiedrība ir jāinformē", kāpēc viņš vispār tika atlaists Šī ir bijusi nemierīga nedēļas nogale OpenAI un ikvienam, kas seko mākslīgā intelekta jomai. Pēc tam, kad OpenAI valde piektdien atlaida izpilddirektoru Semu Altmanu, investori, kurus šis solis bija atcēlis, sacentās, lai viņu atjaunotu. Svētdienas pēcpusdienā Altmans atgriezās OpenAI galvenajā mītnē, ziņoja Blumbergs, un drīzumā varētu tikt pieņemts lēmums par viņa atjaunošanu. Altmens kopīgoja fotoattēlu, kurā redzams uz X, kurš valkā viesa emblēmu un veido seju, rakstot: "pirmo un pēdējo reizi, kad es valkāju kādu no šiem". Bet pat tad, ja viņš tiek atjaunots, joprojām ir jautājumi par to, kāpēc padome viņu vispār atlaida. Valde piektdien sniedza tikai neskaidrus iemeslus. Starp tiem, kas vēlas uzzināt, ir Tesla izpilddirektors Īlons Masks, kurš uz X rakstīja: "Ņemot vērā progresīvā mākslīgā intelekta radīto risku un jaudu, sabiedrība ir jāinformē par to, kāpēc padome uzskatīja, ka viņiem ir jāveic tik krasi." Kad kāds X lietotājs teica, ka šķiet, ka Altmana šaušanas pamatā ir "bumbas mainīgais", ko sabiedrība nezina, Musks atbildēja: "Tieši tā." #TwitterX
Sems Altmens atgriezās OpenAI galvenajā mītnē un drīzumā varētu tikt atjaunots izpilddirektora amatā. Elons Masks saka, ka "sabiedrība ir jāinformē", kāpēc viņš vispār tika atlaists

Šī ir bijusi nemierīga nedēļas nogale OpenAI un ikvienam, kas seko mākslīgā intelekta jomai. Pēc tam, kad OpenAI valde piektdien atlaida izpilddirektoru Semu Altmanu, investori, kurus šis solis bija atcēlis, sacentās, lai viņu atjaunotu.

Svētdienas pēcpusdienā Altmans atgriezās OpenAI galvenajā mītnē, ziņoja Blumbergs, un drīzumā varētu tikt pieņemts lēmums par viņa atjaunošanu. Altmens kopīgoja fotoattēlu, kurā redzams uz X, kurš valkā viesa emblēmu un veido seju, rakstot: "pirmo un pēdējo reizi, kad es valkāju kādu no šiem".

Bet pat tad, ja viņš tiek atjaunots, joprojām ir jautājumi par to, kāpēc padome viņu vispār atlaida. Valde piektdien sniedza tikai neskaidrus iemeslus.

Starp tiem, kas vēlas uzzināt, ir Tesla izpilddirektors Īlons Masks, kurš uz X rakstīja: "Ņemot vērā progresīvā mākslīgā intelekta radīto risku un jaudu, sabiedrība ir jāinformē par to, kāpēc padome uzskatīja, ka viņiem ir jāveic tik krasi."

Kad kāds X lietotājs teica, ka šķiet, ka Altmana šaušanas pamatā ir "bumbas mainīgais", ko sabiedrība nezina, Musks atbildēja: "Tieši tā."

Shibarium main metrics slow down Shibariumscan explorer shows a slowdown in two major metrics that measure the utility of this Layer-2 blockchain — transactions and connected wallets. Currently, the total transaction count on Shibarium stands really close to the 4-million mark at 3,968,531 with only around 100,000 new transactions added over the past couple of weeks. For more than a month, the total count froze slightly above the 1,800,000 level too. #ShibaInuUpdate $SHIB
Shibarium main metrics slow down Shibariumscan explorer shows a slowdown in two major metrics that measure the utility of this Layer-2 blockchain — transactions and connected wallets. Currently, the total transaction count on Shibarium stands really close to the 4-million mark at 3,968,531 with only around 100,000 new transactions added over the past couple of weeks. For more than a month, the total count froze slightly above the 1,800,000 level too.

#ShibaInuUpdate $SHIB
Millions of Shiba Inu Burned, While SHIB Price 10% Down $SHIB #shubarium According to data provided by the Shibburn wallet tracker, over the span of the last 24 hours, the SHIB army has transferred several tens of millions of SHIB to dead-end wallets — 49,806,773 Shiba Inu meme coins in total. Nearly all of these SHIB got burned in a single transfer, which moved 49,750,000 SHIB to the "blockchain furnace." The other four transfers have not exceeded 20,360 Shiba Inu. In the meantime, the second largest meme cryptocurrency Shiba Inu shows an approximately 10% decrease since Nov. 11. On Tuesday, Nov. 14, the SHIB price reached a 15% drop but then reversed and has shown a 6.77% increase since then. It has several times tried to break through the $0.00000910 resistance, but these attempts were unsuccessful.
Millions of Shiba Inu Burned, While SHIB Price 10% Down $SHIB #shubarium

According to data provided by the Shibburn wallet tracker, over the span of the last 24 hours, the SHIB army has transferred several tens of millions of SHIB to dead-end wallets — 49,806,773 Shiba Inu meme coins in total.

Nearly all of these SHIB got burned in a single transfer, which moved 49,750,000 SHIB to the "blockchain furnace." The other four transfers have not exceeded 20,360 Shiba Inu.

In the meantime, the second largest meme cryptocurrency Shiba Inu shows an approximately 10% decrease since Nov. 11. On Tuesday, Nov. 14, the SHIB price reached a 15% drop but then reversed and has shown a 6.77% increase since then. It has several times tried to break through the $0.00000910 resistance, but these attempts were unsuccessful.
Cryptocurrency exchange Bullish has bought CoinDesk, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Monday. Bullish, which is run by former New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) President Tom Farley, bought 100% of CoinDesk from crypto-focused investor Digital Currency Group (DCG) in an all-cash deal, the Journal said. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Cryptocurrency exchange Bullish has bought CoinDesk, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Monday.

Bullish, which is run by former New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) President Tom Farley, bought 100% of CoinDesk from crypto-focused investor Digital Currency Group (DCG) in an all-cash deal, the Journal said. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Can SOL Surpass XRP? $SOL $XRP Solana’s native token – SOL – has captured much attention lately due to its considerable price increase. It spiked to almost $70 on November 16, a figure last observed in May 2022. Its market dynamics have become a trendy topic among cryptocurrency participants, with some wondering whether an additional rally could be on the cards before the year’s end. According to the AI-powered language model ChatGPT, SOL could continue its uptrend in the remaining months of 2023 and even surpass the market capitalization of Ripple’s native token – XRP – should several critical factors be in place. One such element is the regulatory environment. ChatGPT estimated that a favorable update surrounding the lawsuit between Ripple and the US SEC could benefit XRP, meaning it would be tough for SOL to catch up with the pace. The overall sentiment across the community is also worth observing. The general feeling of investors toward a certain crypto asset could play a role in its price swings, while positive news and partnerships might also propel a bull run. q
Can SOL Surpass XRP? $SOL $XRP

Solana’s native token – SOL – has captured much attention lately due to its considerable price increase. It spiked to almost $70 on November 16, a figure last observed in May 2022. Its market dynamics have become a trendy topic among cryptocurrency participants, with some wondering whether an additional rally could be on the cards before the year’s end.

According to the AI-powered language model ChatGPT, SOL could continue its uptrend in the remaining months of 2023 and even surpass the market capitalization of Ripple’s native token – XRP – should several critical factors be in place.

One such element is the regulatory environment. ChatGPT estimated that a favorable update surrounding the lawsuit between Ripple and the US SEC could benefit XRP, meaning it would be tough for SOL to catch up with the pace.

The overall sentiment across the community is also worth observing. The general feeling of investors toward a certain crypto asset could play a role in its price swings, while positive news and partnerships might also propel a bull run. q
Top 5 Crypto Which Will Skyrocket soon: ScapesMania: Marked by an innovative approach and successful presale, ScapesMania is emerging as a unique and promising new entrant in the altcoin market. Solana (SOL): Experiencing a significant rally, Solana demonstrates robust technology and growing market confidence. Chainlink (LINK): Gaining institutional interest, Chainlink’s integration across multiple blockchains suggests a stable and promising future. Cardano (ADA): With advancements in developer tools, Cardano is steadily building a strong and innovative ecosystem. Ripple (XRP): Despite legal challenges, Ripple maintains a resilient market position, backed by a strong community and investor base. Avalanche (AVAX): Gaining momentum in the wake of Bitcoin’s recovery, Avalanche shows potential as a versatile and adaptable blockchain platform. $SOL $LINK $ADA and $XRP $AVAX
Top 5 Crypto Which Will Skyrocket soon:
ScapesMania: Marked by an innovative approach and successful presale, ScapesMania is emerging as a unique and promising new entrant in the altcoin market.

Solana (SOL): Experiencing a significant rally, Solana demonstrates robust technology and growing market confidence.

Chainlink (LINK): Gaining institutional interest, Chainlink’s integration across multiple blockchains suggests a stable and promising future.

Cardano (ADA): With advancements in developer tools, Cardano is steadily building a strong and innovative ecosystem.

Ripple (XRP): Despite legal challenges, Ripple maintains a resilient market position, backed by a strong community and investor base.

Avalanche (AVAX): Gaining momentum in the wake of Bitcoin’s recovery, Avalanche shows potential as a versatile and adaptable blockchain platform.

$2 Billion Surge on Solana (SOL) DeFi Exceptional, Here's Why #SOLUSD $SOL The Solana ecosystem is riding a wave of unprecedented growth, particularly in its decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. In just a week, trading volumes on Solana-based decentralized exchanges (DEXes) soared by 54%, reaching over $3 billion, shattering previous records and signifying a new era for the blockchain's DeFi activities This surge is not just a number; it represents Solana's growing challenge to established smart contract platforms like Ethereum. With Solana's capacity to handle up to 65,000 transactions per second at incredibly low fees, it is becoming the go-to blockchain for yield-seeking traders and high-frequency decentralized trading. The price chart corroborates this growth, showing a robust and steady uptrend for Solana's native token, SOL. The graph displays a bullish pattern, with the token's price being supported by a series of moving averages that are in alignment for a continued upward momentum. This technical analysis suggests that the market is responding positively to developments within the Solana ecosystem. Furthermore, leading Solana DEXes such as Orca and Raydium have witnessed a spike in trading volumes by over 70%, indicating concentrated and robust growth within the platform's ecosystem. Solana has now positioned itself as the third-largest blockchain by transaction activity, trailing behind only Ethereum and Arbitrum, which is a clear indicator of its burgeoning potential and market acceptance. With this momentum, Solana is fast becoming a formidable competitor in the DeFi space. The platform's rapid onboarding of projects and users hints at an ecosystem ripe for further explosive growth, ready to take on the dominance of established players in decentralized finance. Read more on U.Today
$2 Billion Surge on Solana (SOL) DeFi Exceptional, Here's Why #SOLUSD $SOL

The Solana ecosystem is riding a wave of unprecedented growth, particularly in its decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. In just a week, trading volumes on Solana-based decentralized exchanges (DEXes) soared by 54%, reaching over $3 billion, shattering previous records and signifying a new era for the blockchain's DeFi activities

This surge is not just a number; it represents Solana's growing challenge to established smart contract platforms like Ethereum. With Solana's capacity to handle up to 65,000 transactions per second at incredibly low fees, it is becoming the go-to blockchain for yield-seeking traders and high-frequency decentralized trading.

The price chart corroborates this growth, showing a robust and steady uptrend for Solana's native token, SOL. The graph displays a bullish pattern, with the token's price being supported by a series of moving averages that are in alignment for a continued upward momentum. This technical analysis suggests that the market is responding positively to developments within the Solana ecosystem. Furthermore, leading Solana DEXes such as Orca and Raydium have witnessed a spike in trading volumes by over 70%, indicating concentrated and robust growth within the platform's ecosystem. Solana has now positioned itself as the third-largest blockchain by transaction activity, trailing behind only Ethereum and Arbitrum, which is a clear indicator of its burgeoning potential and market acceptance.

With this momentum, Solana is fast becoming a formidable competitor in the DeFi space. The platform's rapid onboarding of projects and users hints at an ecosystem ripe for further explosive growth, ready to take on the dominance of established players in decentralized finance.

Read more on U.Today
Cardano (ADA) Forms Golden Cross: Details $ADA #ADA+2.65% Cardano (ADA), the eighth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has formed a golden cross on its daily chart Cardano's daily moving average (MA) 50 has crossed above the moving average (MA) 200, confirming a pattern known as a "golden cross" — a bullish indicator. A golden cross indicates a long-term bull market going forward and, as such, traders are on the lookout to see if Cardano will sustain its recent advance. Cardano has enjoyed a price increase since the weekend and might mark its third consecutive day of gains if today closes in green. What's next for price? Cardano's ADA rebounded sharply off lows of $0.35 on Nov. 18, as seen from the long tail on the candlestick. The bulls advanced the rally to today's high of $0.3996, with the next target being the $0.409 high. If bulls can cross this barrier, Cardano might reach $0.46. Read more on U.Today
Cardano (ADA) Forms Golden Cross: Details $ADA #ADA+2.65%

Cardano (ADA), the eighth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has formed a golden cross on its daily chart

Cardano's daily moving average (MA) 50 has crossed above the moving average (MA) 200, confirming a pattern known as a "golden cross" — a bullish indicator. A golden cross indicates a long-term bull market going forward and, as such, traders are on the lookout to see if Cardano will sustain its recent advance. Cardano has enjoyed a price increase since the weekend and might mark its third consecutive day of gains if today closes in green.
What's next for price? Cardano's ADA rebounded sharply off lows of $0.35 on Nov. 18, as seen from the long tail on the candlestick. The bulls advanced the rally to today's high of $0.3996, with the next target being the $0.409 high. If bulls can cross this barrier, Cardano might reach $0.46.

Read more on U.Today
25 million XRP on move, sender exposed Prominent cryptocurrency tracker Whale Alert has reported that an anonymous wallet transferred an impressive 25 million XRP to the Bitstamp crypto trading platform. This XRP lump is equal to $15,559,207 in fiat. The transaction caused a wave of comments, among which both concerned and surprised ones could be found. One X user, however, mentioned why and by whom the transfer was made. "Ripple to ODL," he stated under the Whale Alert X post. Data provided by Bithomp confirmed this user's assumption. Read more on U.Today #XRP $XRP
25 million XRP on move, sender exposed Prominent cryptocurrency tracker Whale Alert has reported that an anonymous wallet transferred an impressive 25 million XRP to the Bitstamp crypto trading platform. This XRP lump is equal to $15,559,207 in fiat. The transaction caused a wave of comments, among which both concerned and surprised ones could be found. One X user, however, mentioned why and by whom the transfer was made. "Ripple to ODL," he stated under the Whale Alert X post. Data provided by Bithomp confirmed this user's assumption.

Read more on U.Today #XRP $XRP
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