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5 labākās mēmu monētas, izlasiet plūsmas ziņu
5 labākās mēmu monētas, izlasiet plūsmas ziņu
Crypto Expert BNB
🐯 5 populārākajiem mēmu žetoniem zem 1 $ ir liels potenciāls 2024. gadā🦊

🚩1. Shiba Inu (SHIB 🐕

Informācija par projektu: SHIB, iedvesmojoties no Shiba Inu suņu šķirnes, lepojas ar dinamisku kopienu, un tā mērķis ir būt decentralizētam vērtības glabātavai. Projekts nesen uzsāka Shibarium — 2. slāņa blokķēdi ātrākiem darījumiem un zemākām maksām.
Pašreizējā cena: aptuveni USD 0,000012 maksimālā augstākā cena 2021. gada oktobrī, bet es ceru, ka cena 0,001 2024. gada beigās
Paredzamās cenas trajektorija Analītiķu prognozes ir ļoti dažādas. Daži uzskata, ka līdz 2024. gada beigām tas varētu sasniegt USD 0,001
🚩2. Floki Inu (FLOKI 🐶

Projekta informācija FLOKI, vēl viena suņu tēmas mēmu monēta, ir saistīta ar Elona Muska tvītiem par viņa Shiba Inu kucēnu. Projekts koncentrējas uz DeFi lietojumprogrammām un NFT.
Pašreizējā cena: ~ 0,000018 USD

Paredzamā cenu trajektorija Līdzīgi kā SHIB, FLOKI cenu prognozes atšķiras. Daži avoti liecina par pieaugumu līdz 0,0003 USD līdz 2024. gada beigām.

🚩3. Pepe (PEPE 🐸🦄

Informācija par projektu: PEPE veicina mēmas Pepe the Frog popularitāti. Projekta mērķis ir būt sabiedrības virzītai mēmu monētai, koncentrējoties uz DeFi un NFT.
Pašreizējā cena: ~ 0,0024 USD
Paredzamā cenu trajektorija Tā kā PEPE nesen tika laists klajā, ir grūti atrast uzticamas prognozes. Tomēr tā mēmu potenciāls un koncentrēšanās uz DeFi varētu radīt ievērojamu izaugsmi.

🚩4. Bonks (BONK 🐕🐏🐈

Informācija par projektu: BONK ir mēmu monēta, kas veidota uz Solana blokķēdes, kas saistīta ar Solanas suņa talismanu, un tās mērķis ir būt sabiedrības virzītam, koncentrējoties uz NFT.

Pašreizējā cena ~ 0,000054 USD
Paredzamās cenas trajektorijas BONK prognozes ir ierobežotas, jo tā nesen tika uzsākta. Tomēr tā saistība ar Solanu un NFT traka varētu ietekmēt
🚩5 Dogecoin (DOGE 🐕🐈

Projekta informācija Dogecoin ir oriģinālā mēmu monēta, kas 2021. gadā strauji pieauga līdz slavai, galvenokārt pateicoties Elona Maska apstiprinājumam. Sākotnēji radīts kā joks, DOGE ir izveidojis spēcīgu kopienu.

Cenu tendences DOGE sasniedza visu laiku augstāko līmeni — 0,76 $ 2021. gada maijā, taču kopš tā laika tas ir labojies. Pašlaik tā tirgojas ap 0 USD.13.

Iespējamās cenu prognozes beigās, ja 2024. gada doge cena līdz 0,40 $
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mani Brāļi. Šis viens solis, izvēloties mērķi un turoties pie tā, maina visu.🌌 Vai vēlaties paplašināt savu kriptovalūtu portfeli ārpus parastajiem aizdomās turamajiem? Altcoins ir jūsu vārti uz aizraujošām jaunām iespējām, un Binance ir jūsu vienas pieturas galamērķis, lai tās visas izpētītu! 🌐💼 🔍 "Ienirstiet daudzveidībā", Altcoins vai alternatīvas kriptovalūtas piedāvā daudzveidīgu projektu klāstu un izmantošanas gadījumus ārpus Bitcoin un Ethereum. Sākot no decentralizētām finansēm līdz neatvietojamiem žetoniem (NFT) un visam pa vidu, ir pieejams altkoins katra investora apetītei! 📈🔮 daudzi altkoini klusi rada revolūciju dažādās nozarēs. Atklājiet daudzsološus projektus laicīgi un pozicionējiet sevi par potenciālajām izaugsmes iespējām, pirms tie nonāks vispārizglītojošā virzienā! 💎🔍 📊 "Pārvaldīt risku ar stratēģiju" 👉👉Lai veidotu visaptverošu portfeli, bija nepieciešama rūpīga dzīves apsvēršana un stratēģiskā plānošana. Diversifikācija Altcoins var palīdzēt mazināt risku, sadalot jūsu ieguldījumu dažādos aktīvos ar pieauguma korelācijas līmeni. 💼📉 🛠️ Tagad Altcoin kurss ir tikai 0.33💲 un pēc nedēļas vai mēneša tā vērtība pieauga ☺️ un paredzamā cena viens 1💲un 💯 💰 kļūst par 500💲un 1000💲kļūs par 5000💲un es esmu bezrūpīgs par jums un ceru to. 🌟 """""Pievienojieties Altkoinu revolūcijai'''''''""""Aptveriet finanšu nākotni un atraisiet altcoin potenciālu vietnē Binance jau šodien! Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat pieredzējis tirgotājs vai tikai sāciet darbu, nekad nebūs bija labāks laiks, lai izpētītu altcoin tirgus bezgalīgās iespējas 🌟🤑🤑🤑🤑😃 #altcoins #ALTrestaking $ALT $KAVA
Mani Brāļi. Šis viens solis, izvēloties mērķi un turoties pie tā, maina visu.🌌

Vai vēlaties paplašināt savu kriptovalūtu portfeli ārpus parastajiem aizdomās turamajiem? Altcoins ir jūsu vārti uz aizraujošām jaunām iespējām, un Binance ir jūsu vienas pieturas galamērķis, lai tās visas izpētītu! 🌐💼

🔍 "Ienirstiet daudzveidībā", Altcoins vai alternatīvas kriptovalūtas piedāvā daudzveidīgu projektu klāstu un izmantošanas gadījumus ārpus Bitcoin un Ethereum. Sākot no decentralizētām finansēm līdz neatvietojamiem žetoniem (NFT) un visam pa vidu, ir pieejams altkoins katra investora apetītei! 📈🔮

daudzi altkoini klusi rada revolūciju dažādās nozarēs. Atklājiet daudzsološus projektus laicīgi un pozicionējiet sevi par potenciālajām izaugsmes iespējām, pirms tie nonāks vispārizglītojošā virzienā! 💎🔍

📊 "Pārvaldīt risku ar stratēģiju" 👉👉Lai veidotu visaptverošu portfeli, bija nepieciešama rūpīga
dzīves apsvēršana un stratēģiskā plānošana. Diversifikācija Altcoins var palīdzēt mazināt risku, sadalot jūsu ieguldījumu dažādos aktīvos ar pieauguma korelācijas līmeni. 💼📉

🛠️ Tagad Altcoin kurss ir tikai 0.33💲 un pēc nedēļas vai mēneša tā vērtība pieauga ☺️ un paredzamā cena viens 1💲un 💯 💰 kļūst par 500💲un 1000💲kļūs par 5000💲un es esmu bezrūpīgs par jums un ceru to.

🌟 """""Pievienojieties Altkoinu revolūcijai'''''''""""Aptveriet finanšu nākotni un atraisiet altcoin potenciālu vietnē Binance jau šodien! Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat pieredzējis tirgotājs vai tikai sāciet darbu, nekad nebūs bija labāks laiks, lai izpētītu altcoin tirgus bezgalīgās iespējas 🌟🤑🤑🤑🤑😃
#altcoins #ALTrestaking $ALT $KAVA
On April 18, 2024, My Friend dipped his toes into the world of crypto, depositing $440 each into $PEPE ,$BONK , $FLOKI , and Shiba Inu for a little experiment. Fast forward to May 11, 2024, and the results are in: PEPE is up by a stellar $195, BONK has surged by $137, FLOKI has seen a modest increase of $36, while Shiba Inu took a slight dip of $30. Throughout this rollercoaster ride, I had three opportunities to buy and sell, witnessing dramatic highs and lows. But I held on, waiting for the big breakout moment. With a gut feeling that this quartet has the potential to #Memecoins
On April 18, 2024, My Friend dipped his toes into the world of crypto, depositing $440 each into $PEPE ,$BONK , $FLOKI , and Shiba Inu for a little experiment.

Fast forward to May 11, 2024, and the results are in: PEPE is up by a stellar $195, BONK has surged by $137, FLOKI has seen a modest increase of $36, while Shiba Inu took a slight dip of $30.

Throughout this rollercoaster ride, I had three opportunities to buy and sell, witnessing dramatic highs and lows. But I held on, waiting for the big breakout moment. With a gut feeling that this quartet has the potential to
BTC: Should You Buy Directly or Through ETFs? 🚀 Hey there! 👋 Thinking about diving into Bitcoin trading? Well, there are two main avenues to consider: purchasing Bitcoin directly (BTC) or investing in a Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). Let's weigh the pros and cons of each! 💫 Direct Bitcoin Purchase 💫 - You're in control! When you buy Bitcoin, it's all yours to use for transactions or to store away. - Convenience at its best! Bitcoin trades round the clock, allowing you to react to market changes anytime. - Potentially cost-effective, with minimal ongoing expenses apart from transaction fees. But, beware of the downsides: - Security is on you! Safeguarding your Bitcoin means safeguarding your private keys, as losing them equals losing your Bitcoin forever. - Setting up exchanges and wallets can be daunting for beginners. - Tax tracking can be a headache come tax season. Before we move on, do you know which cryptocurrency reigns supreme in the market? 🤔 📈 Bitcoin ETFs: A Simplified Alternative 📈 - Hassle-free investing through your regular brokerage account, sans the complexities of crypto exchanges. - Safety first! ETFs mitigate risks like hacks or key losses by holding the Bitcoin for you. - Regulatory oversight offers added peace of mind. - Simplified tax reporting compared to individual Bitcoin transactions. Yet, there are some drawbacks: - You technically don't own Bitcoin but rather shares in a fund tracking its price. - Management fees can eat into your returns. - Limited trading hours compared to the 24/7 nature of direct trading. Final thoughts? 🛎️ The choice between Bitcoin ETFs and direct purchases hinges on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and comfort level with digital assets. While I lean towards direct buying, it's essential to conduct thorough research and opt for the path that aligns best with your needs!#ETFvsBTC
BTC: Should You Buy Directly or Through ETFs? 🚀

Hey there! 👋 Thinking about diving into Bitcoin trading? Well, there are two main avenues to consider: purchasing Bitcoin directly (BTC) or investing in a Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). Let's weigh the pros and cons of each!

💫 Direct Bitcoin Purchase 💫
- You're in control! When you buy Bitcoin, it's all yours to use for transactions or to store away.
- Convenience at its best! Bitcoin trades round the clock, allowing you to react to market changes anytime.
- Potentially cost-effective, with minimal ongoing expenses apart from transaction fees.

But, beware of the downsides:
- Security is on you! Safeguarding your Bitcoin means safeguarding your private keys, as losing them equals losing your Bitcoin forever.
- Setting up exchanges and wallets can be daunting for beginners.
- Tax tracking can be a headache come tax season.

Before we move on, do you know which cryptocurrency reigns supreme in the market? 🤔

📈 Bitcoin ETFs: A Simplified Alternative 📈
- Hassle-free investing through your regular brokerage account, sans the complexities of crypto exchanges.
- Safety first! ETFs mitigate risks like hacks or key losses by holding the Bitcoin for you.
- Regulatory oversight offers added peace of mind.
- Simplified tax reporting compared to individual Bitcoin transactions.

Yet, there are some drawbacks:
- You technically don't own Bitcoin but rather shares in a fund tracking its price.
- Management fees can eat into your returns.
- Limited trading hours compared to the 24/7 nature of direct trading.

Final thoughts? 🛎️
The choice between Bitcoin ETFs and direct purchases hinges on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and comfort level with digital assets. While I lean towards direct buying, it's essential to conduct thorough research and opt for the path that aligns best with your needs!#ETFvsBTC
good post
good post
Muhammad Amir Rajpoot
BTC: tiešs pirkums vai ar ETF starpniecību 🔥

Sveiki, draugi 🤗 Vai jūs domājat par Bitcoin Trading So

👉🏻 Ir divi galvenie veidi, kā iegūt savu BTC:
Bitcoin pirkšana tieši (BTC) vai Bitcoin biržā tirgotā fondā (ETF)

Abiem ir savas priekšrocības un dīvainības, tāpēc izjauksim to!

✨ Tiešā Bitcoin pirkšana 🎯 ✨

-Tu esi boss! Kad jūs pērkat Bitcoin, tas viss ir jūsu. Izmantojiet to darījumiem, noglabājiet to!
👉🏻 Man patīk šis 🕜 Vienmēr atvērts! Bitcoin tirgojas visu laiku, lai jūs jebkurā laikā reaģētu uz tirgu.
- Potenciāli lētāk! Izņemot darījumu maksu, nav nekādu pastāvīgu izmaksu.

⚠️ Bet tā ir tumšā puse 🤧

- Turiet cepures! Jūsu pienākums ir nodrošināt savu Bitcoin drošību. Privāto atslēgu pazaudēšana nozīmē uz visiem laikiem zaudēt savu Bitcoin!
- Kripto apmaiņu un maku iestatīšana iesācējiem var būt sarežģīta.
- Nodokļu laiks: katra Bitcoin darījuma izsekošana nodokļiem var sagādāt patiesas galvassāpes.

👉🏻 Pirms pāriet uz nākamo, atbildiet man, kura ir dominējošākā kriptogrāfijas monēta tirgū?

🚀 Bitcoin ETF: racionalizēta iespēja 🎯

- Viegli līdzekļi! Vienkārši izmantojiet savu parasto brokeru kontu, jums nav jājaucas ar kriptovalūtu apmaiņu.
- Drošība pirmajā vietā 🥇 ETF nodrošinātājs tur Bitcoin, samazinot uzlaušanas vai atslēgu pazaudēšanas risku.
- Es domāju, ka lieta ir tāda, ka ETF ir regulēti, piedāvājot papildu sirdsmieru.
- Nodokļu laika glābējs! ETF var vienkāršot nodokļu pārskatu sniegšanu, salīdzinot ar atsevišķu Bitcoin darījumu izsekošanu.

🔄 ETF tumšā puse🔄

- Jums faktiski nepieder Bitcoin Jums pieder akcijas fondā, kas izseko Bitcoin cenu. Tātad, nav jātērē jūsu Bitcoins 😆
- Pārvaldības maksas Nibble Away ETF iekasē maksu, kas var ietekmēt jūsu peļņu.
- Tirgus stundas Tirgojiet tikai parastajā tirgus darba laikā, atšķirībā no 24/7.

🔔 Mani pēdējie vārdi jums ❣️

Izvēle starp Bitcoin ETF un tiešajiem pirkumiem ir atkarīga no jūsu ieguldījumu mērķiem, riska tolerances un komforta ar digitālajiem aktīviem.

👉🏻 Es personīgi dodu priekšroku tiešajai pirkšanai, taču iesaku veikt izpēti, izvēlēties sev piemērotāko ceļu!
if you want good knowledge about crypto then read feed post
if you want good knowledge about crypto then read feed post
Crypto Expert BNB
Bitcoin ETF pret Bitcoin tiešu iegādi: kurš ir labākais? 💼💰

Pastāv divas galvenās pieejas:

👉 Tieši pērkot Bitcoin (BTC)
👉 Ieguldījumi Bitcoin ETF

Bitcoin ETF priekšrocības:

📌 Vieglāka piekļuve un drošība: ETF novērš nepieciešamību pēc kriptovalūtas maiņas, vienkāršojot procesu iesācējiem un samazinot drošības riskus, piemēram, uzlaušanu.

📌 Regulējums un lielāka spēle: Bitcoin ETF ir pakļauti noteikumiem, nodrošinot ieguldītāju aizsardzību.

📌 Liela likviditāte: ETF parasti piedāvā lielāku likviditāti nekā tieša Bitcoin pirkšana, ļaujot ērti pirkt un pārdot jebkurā laikā.

Bitcoin ETF trūkumi:

🍅 Ieguldot Bitcoin ETF, bieži vien ir jāmaksā papildu maksa, salīdzinot ar Bitcoin tiešu iegādi.

🍅 Nav tiešu īpašumtiesību: tas novērš tādas priekšrocības kā Bitcoin tērēšana vai turēšana personīgajā makā.

Bitcoin tiešās pirkšanas priekšrocības:

📌 Tiešās īpašumtiesības un kontrole: jums ir pilnīga kontrole, tieši pērkot Bitcoin, un varat to uzglabāt personīgajos makos.

📌 Potenciāli zemākas maksas: Bitcoin pirkšana kriptovalūtas biržā var būt lētāka nekā ieguldīšana Bitcoin ETF.

Trūkumi, pērkot Bitcoin tieši:

🗿 Dažu biržu un maku sarežģītība var būt izaicinājums jauniem investoriem. Izpētiet tehniskos aspektus un iespējamās krāpniecības.

🗿 Lai droši uzglabātu Bitcoin, ir jāizmanto personīgais seifs, kas saistīts ar tādiem drošības riskiem kā zādzība vai uzlaušana.

Labākais risinājums ir atkarīgs no jūsu ieguldījumu mērķiem. Veiciet izpēti, izprotiet savu riska toleranci un nekad neieguldiet vairāk, nekā varat atļauties zaudēt. 💡

👉 Kura ir dominējošākā monēta? $BTC
🚀📈 Great news! Despite the slowdown of Bitcoin, $ENA is standing strong at 0.8$. An upward trend can take it all the way to 1.54$! Of course, there may be some bumps in the road, but it has solid support at 0.65$. 😎 There's been a historical 140% profit boost. 💰 #BTC 🤑💵💵🤑💵🤑
🚀📈 Great news! Despite the slowdown of Bitcoin, $ENA is standing strong at 0.8$. An upward trend can take it all the way to 1.54$! Of course, there may be some bumps in the road, but it has solid support at 0.65$. 😎 There's been a historical 140% profit boost. 💰
#BTC 🤑💵💵🤑💵🤑
Here's My Suggestions about Bitcoin ETFs vs. Buying Bitcoin Directly: Which One is Best? 🌀🌀 🗿 So we all know Two main approaches exist: 👉 Directly buying Bitcoin (BTC) or 👉 Investing in Bitcoin ETFs Both offer exposure to Bitcoin's price movements, but Here's a breakdown of the advantages and drawbacks of each one: What do You Think Which is Best Way to Buy BTC ? 📌 Bitcoin ETFs (Advantages) Easier Access and Security: ETFs eliminate the need for cryptocurrency exchanges, which can be complex for beginners and carry security risks like hacking. Regulation and Bigger Game: Bitcoin ETFs are subject to regulations, offering a layer of investor protection. Much Vast Liquidity: ETFs generally offer higher liquidity than directly buying Bitcoin. This means you can easily buy and sell at spot anytime easily. 🍅 Now Some ☔Bitcoin ETFs (Drawbacks) Investing in a Bitcoin ETF often comes with additional fees compared to buying Bitcoin directly. No Direct Ownership so it eliminates some benefits associated with owning Bitcoin, like the ability to spend it or hold it in a personal wallet. 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 Now Come on the other side that Buying Bitcoin Directly Advantages Direct Ownership and Control: When you buy Bitcoin directly, you have complete control on it. You can store your BTCs in a personal wallet. Potentially Lower Fees: Buying Bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange can be cheaper than investing in a Bitcoin ETF, So I personally Prefer this 🍎 It Also has some Drawbacks) 🗿 Complexity in some cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets can be bad for new investors. i must say you to have technical aspects and potential scams research Storing Bitcoin securely requires using a personal wallet, which comes with its own set of security risks like stolen or hacking 📌👉The best option for you depends on your investment goals. $BTC I just want to say that Do your research, understand your risk tolerance, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.#ETFvsBTC
Here's My Suggestions about Bitcoin ETFs vs. Buying Bitcoin Directly: Which One is Best? 🌀🌀 🗿

So we all know Two main approaches exist:
👉 Directly buying Bitcoin (BTC)
👉 Investing in Bitcoin ETFs

Both offer exposure to Bitcoin's price movements, but Here's a breakdown of the advantages and drawbacks of each one:

What do You Think Which is Best Way to Buy BTC ?
📌 Bitcoin ETFs (Advantages)

Easier Access and Security: ETFs eliminate the need for cryptocurrency exchanges, which can be complex for beginners and carry security risks like hacking.
Regulation and Bigger Game: Bitcoin ETFs are subject to regulations, offering a layer of investor protection.
Much Vast Liquidity: ETFs generally offer higher liquidity than directly buying Bitcoin. This means you can easily buy and sell at spot anytime easily.

🍅 Now Some ☔Bitcoin ETFs (Drawbacks)

Investing in a Bitcoin ETF often comes with additional fees compared to buying Bitcoin directly.
No Direct Ownership so it eliminates some benefits associated with owning Bitcoin, like the ability to spend it or hold it in a personal wallet.


Now Come on the other side that Buying Bitcoin Directly Advantages

Direct Ownership and Control: When you buy Bitcoin directly, you have complete control on it. You can store your BTCs in a personal wallet.
Potentially Lower Fees: Buying Bitcoin on a cryptocurrency exchange can be cheaper than investing in a Bitcoin ETF, So I personally Prefer this 🍎

It Also has some Drawbacks) 🗿

Complexity in some cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets can be bad for new investors. i must say you to have technical aspects and potential scams research
Storing Bitcoin securely requires using a personal wallet, which comes with its own set of security risks like stolen or hacking

📌👉The best option for you depends on your investment goals. $BTC

I just want to say that Do your research, understand your risk tolerance, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.#ETFvsBTC
🚀📉 $ENA order placed at the box! Expect the price to dip below the trendline to scoop up some liquidity and land us an entry at the support. 💰📉
🚀📉 $ENA order placed at the box! Expect the price to dip below the trendline to scoop up some liquidity and land us an entry at the support. 💰📉
$ENA order placed at the box. Expect the price to go below the trendline to grab some liquidity and give us an entry at the support. #BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFS
$ENA order placed at the box.
Expect the price to go below the trendline to grab some liquidity and give us an entry at the support.
#BinanceLaunchpool #ETHETFS
📢 Breaking News: Massive $PEPE Transfer Sparks Excitement 🐸 🔥 A staggering 1,238,332,920,144 $PEPE (equivalent to $10,571,648) has been transferred from an undisclosed wallet on the Ethereum blockchain to Binance, making headlines on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 03:04:47 UTC. 👉 This monumental move serves as a reminder to keep striving for your dreams, even if it seems risky. Remember, all cryptocurrencies come with volatility and uncertainty - that's the thrill of the game! ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT
📢 Breaking News: Massive $PEPE Transfer Sparks Excitement 🐸 🔥

A staggering 1,238,332,920,144 $PEPE (equivalent to $10,571,648) has been transferred from an undisclosed wallet on the Ethereum blockchain to Binance, making headlines on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 03:04:47 UTC.

👉 This monumental move serves as a reminder to keep striving for your dreams, even if it seems risky. Remember, all cryptocurrencies come with volatility and uncertainty - that's the thrill of the game!

Everyone gets very hopeless at some point in their life when they have no hope for others😞 At such a time, if we pray to Allah, then Allah accepts our prayer and He makes a way for us from where there is no hope of escape. At such times we realize that the person sitting far away who is narrating to us has no experience whatsoever of what we have gained after this disappointment. Similarly, in the path of life, there are ups and downs, sometimes there is a valley and sometimes there is a mountain .And not everyone is born with a golden spoon in life. Our bad times tell how people are and our good times tell how we are. So save a bitcoin for the good times. If you haven't bought it, there is no problem, you have to wait for it to be cheap. Most of the big people in the world are getting rich nowadays, and crypto is a big part of it. Never tell your friends before you are rich or else they will pray for you out of jealousy..... Nowadays, trading has changed the lives of big people, people who used to be very poor and beggars yesterday have built their palaces with the money of these bags through crypto. If a person works from morning to evening and endures the hardships of work, listens to his kisses, but still does not earn as much as he desires, then there is a problem in his mind. He thought why not change his life through trading #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 $GRT $JASMY
Everyone gets very hopeless at some point in their life when they have no hope for others😞 At such a time, if we pray to Allah, then Allah accepts our prayer and He makes a way for us from where there is no hope of escape. At such times we realize that the person sitting far away who is narrating to us has no experience whatsoever of what we have gained after this disappointment.
Similarly, in the path of life, there are ups and downs, sometimes there is a valley and sometimes there is a mountain
.And not everyone is born with a golden spoon in life.
Our bad times tell how people are and our good times tell how we are.
So save a bitcoin for the good times.
If you haven't bought it, there is no problem, you have to wait for it to be cheap.
Most of the big people in the world are getting rich nowadays, and crypto is a big part of it.
Never tell your friends before you are rich or else they will pray for you out of jealousy.....
Nowadays, trading has changed the lives of big people, people who used to be very poor and beggars yesterday have built their palaces with the money of these bags through crypto.
If a person works from morning to evening and endures the hardships of work, listens to his kisses,
but still does not earn as much as he desires, then there is a problem in his mind.
He thought why not change his life through trading #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 $GRT $JASMY
Top 5 🪙 to watch on Binance in May 2024! 🚀 👉1- Bitcoin (BTC): Market Cap - $1.2 trillion. Long-term bullish! 📈 Limited supply and growing adoption. May reach 85k by end of 2024. 💰 Known as the king of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin continues to dominate the market with its first-mover advantage and widespread recognition. 👉2- Ethereum (ETH): Market Cap - $358.3 billion. Stable coin, may reach up to 6k. 🌐 Ethereum, the pioneer of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), holds a significant position in the crypto space. Its ongoing development, including the transition to Ethereum 2.0, promises scalability and sustainability. 👉3 -Binance Coin ($BNB ): Market Cap - $82.7 billion. Popular coin with various offers. 💼 May reach up to $1000 by end of 2024. 💸 Binance Coin, the native token of the Binance exchange, enjoys widespread adoption within the Binance ecosystem. With benefits such as trading fee discounts and participation in token sales, BNB serves as a utility and investment asset. 👉4 -Solana ($SOL ): Market Cap - $61.5 billion. High-performance blockchain with fast transactions. ⚡ Solana's scalability and transaction speed set it apart as a leading blockchain platform. Its innovative consensus mechanism, Proof of History, enables high throughput and low latency, making it ideal for decentralized applications and financial services. 👉5-Saga ($SAGA ): Stablecoin designed for stability and decentralization. 💱 Aims to combine traditional stability with crypto benefits. 🌍 Saga offers stability in an otherwise volatile market, providing a reliable digital currency for everyday transactions and store of value. Its decentralized nature ensures transparency and resilience, addressing concerns often associated with centralized stablecoins. Remember: Cryptocurrency market is volatile. Do your own research before investing. 📚 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BlackRock #buythedip #CryptoWatchMay2024
Top 5 🪙 to watch on Binance in May 2024! 🚀

👉1- Bitcoin (BTC): Market Cap - $1.2 trillion. Long-term bullish! 📈 Limited supply and growing adoption. May reach 85k by end of 2024. 💰 Known as the king of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin continues to dominate the market with its first-mover advantage and widespread recognition.

👉2- Ethereum (ETH): Market Cap - $358.3 billion. Stable coin, may reach up to 6k. 🌐 Ethereum, the pioneer of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), holds a significant position in the crypto space. Its ongoing development, including the transition to Ethereum 2.0, promises scalability and sustainability.

👉3 -Binance Coin ($BNB ): Market Cap - $82.7 billion. Popular coin with various offers. 💼 May reach up to $1000 by end of 2024. 💸 Binance Coin, the native token of the Binance exchange, enjoys widespread adoption within the Binance ecosystem. With benefits such as trading fee discounts and participation in token sales, BNB serves as a utility and investment asset.

👉4 -Solana ($SOL ): Market Cap - $61.5 billion. High-performance blockchain with fast transactions. ⚡ Solana's scalability and transaction speed set it apart as a leading blockchain platform. Its innovative consensus mechanism, Proof of History, enables high throughput and low latency, making it ideal for decentralized applications and financial services.

👉5-Saga ($SAGA ): Stablecoin designed for stability and decentralization. 💱 Aims to combine traditional stability with crypto benefits. 🌍 Saga offers stability in an otherwise volatile market, providing a reliable digital currency for everyday transactions and store of value. Its decentralized nature ensures transparency and resilience, addressing concerns often associated with centralized stablecoins.

Remember: Cryptocurrency market is volatile. Do your own research before investing. 📚
#CryptoWatchMay2024 #BlackRock #buythedip #CryptoWatchMay2024
The 🍕 tale of the guy who bought 2 🍕 for 10,000 bitcoins. 🤔 Does he hold any BTC left? 📅 Ten years ago, a developer named Laszlo Hanyecz made history by becoming the first person to use Bitcoin in a commercial transaction. 🗓️ On May 22, 2010, when Bitcoin was just over a year old, he did something that would forever be remembered in the cryptocurrency space: he bought two pizzas for a whopping 10,000 BTC. 💰 Back then, those 10,000 BTC were worth about $41. 📈 Now BTC is sitting at 70k each, so if you want to calculate those with the current price, those two pizzas are the most expensive pizzas in the world, costing 700M USD! Those 🍕 must be yummy as $. 🎉 Now May 22 is celebrated as “Bitcoin Pizza Day” in the crypto space. ❓ Now the question is? Does he hold any BTC left? 🤫 As of now, Laszlo Hanyecz has not publicly disclosed whether he still holds any Bitcoin (BTC) from the original 10,000 BTC he used to buy those two pizzas. Given the significant appreciation in Bitcoin’s value over the years, it’s possible that he might have many BTCs left in his bag. He should become a silent millionaire right now, that if he lost his key to his wallet... But I sure hope he do!!! 💭 I strongly believe that he still holds some BTC, the more important thing is most people already sold them at $1000, even at $100! thinking that it was the peak back then. 💀 The ones that make it are either lost their key, or simply (this rather dark) already passed away, leaving their BTC permanently unusable till the end of time... 📷 Pic below: "What you get for 10,000 BTC in 2010 vs 0.0015 BTC in 2024"$BTC #BinanceLaunchpool $ETH $SOL #BullorBear
The 🍕 tale of the guy who bought 2 🍕 for 10,000 bitcoins.
🤔 Does he hold any BTC left?
📅 Ten years ago, a developer named Laszlo Hanyecz made history by becoming the first person to use Bitcoin in a commercial transaction.
🗓️ On May 22, 2010, when Bitcoin was just over a year old, he did something that would forever be remembered in the cryptocurrency space: he bought two pizzas for a whopping 10,000 BTC.
💰 Back then, those 10,000 BTC were worth about $41.
📈 Now BTC is sitting at 70k each, so if you want to calculate those with the current price, those two pizzas are the most expensive pizzas in the world, costing 700M USD! Those 🍕 must be yummy as $.
🎉 Now May 22 is celebrated as “Bitcoin Pizza Day” in the crypto space.
❓ Now the question is? Does he hold any BTC left?
🤫 As of now, Laszlo Hanyecz has not publicly disclosed whether he still holds any Bitcoin (BTC) from the original 10,000 BTC he used to buy those two pizzas. Given the significant appreciation in Bitcoin’s value over the years, it’s possible that he might have many BTCs left in his bag. He should become a silent millionaire right now, that if he lost his key to his wallet... But I sure hope he do!!!
💭 I strongly believe that he still holds some BTC, the more important thing is most people already sold them at $1000, even at $100! thinking that it was the peak back then.
💀 The ones that make it are either lost their key, or simply (this rather dark) already passed away, leaving their BTC permanently unusable till the end of time...
📷 Pic below: "What you get for 10,000 BTC in 2010 vs 0.0015 BTC in 2024"$BTC #BinanceLaunchpool $ETH $SOL #BullorBear
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