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Aoa,Hello I am Nasir .I have been trading Since 2020. Spot Trading is best But Future Trading is very risky.Welcome Here.
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Hahahaaah. Tāda pati sajūta šeit Bet My Believe un mans šīs monētas izpētes rezultāts ir pārsteidzošs pēc btc.d Down un Alt P
Tāda pati sajūta šeit
Bet My Believe un mans šīs monētas izpētes rezultāts ir pārsteidzošs pēc btc.d Down un Alt P
$XAI , atlaidiet, tas ir jūsu. Kas pie velna tas ir?
Vai katra diena ir sāpīga Vai jūs nekad neesat izsalcis, atpūšaties?
Skatīt oriģinālu
$XAI Skatiet šīs monētas 4h diagrammu skaists Trend Reversal sākums ar Volume meklēt šo monētu ņemt Mazo ieeju vietā
$XAI Skatiet šīs monētas 4h diagrammu
skaists Trend Reversal sākums ar Volume
meklēt šo monētu
ņemt Mazo ieeju vietā
Skatīt oriģinālu
$PORTAL a skaists Trend Reversal sākums Ir jāievada ieraksts šajā monētā Uzticieties pilnai monētai Jūs varat meklēt šo monētu monētu tirgus vāciņā Jāmeklē un tad jāpieņem lēmums pirkt op izbaudiet labo tirdzniecību uz vietas
$PORTAL a skaists Trend Reversal sākums
Ir jāievada ieraksts šajā monētā
Uzticieties pilnai monētai
Jūs varat meklēt šo monētu monētu tirgus vāciņā
Jāmeklē un tad jāpieņem lēmums
pirkt op
izbaudiet labo tirdzniecību uz vietas
Skatīt oriģinālu
$AI mana tirdzniecība šobrīd ir dzīva Nepieciešami ieteikumi ko jūs sakāt par šo tirdzniecību Vai es turēšu vai aizveru vai Dca
$AI mana tirdzniecība šobrīd ir dzīva
Nepieciešami ieteikumi
ko jūs sakāt par šo tirdzniecību
Vai es turēšu vai aizveru vai Dca
Skatīt oriģinālu
$UNI ir lielisks projekts es ņemu ierakstu šajā monētā brīnišķīgā monētā Labi atkopšanas režīmā mans mērķis ir 7 dolāri un jūsu
$UNI ir lielisks projekts
es ņemu ierakstu šajā monētā brīnišķīgā monētā
Labi atkopšanas režīmā
mans mērķis ir 7 dolāri un jūsu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ievietojiet limita pasūtījumu 1,38 Op. Gandrīz 4,7 gadi Dot you 4.50 Pasūtījuma 30.2 Kauls 0,83 Eth 2520 Doge .10180 Shib 0,001350 Ftm 0,465 Izbaudiet saņemšanas pasūtīšanu Dolārs ir jūsu, ja to iegādājaties pirms pēdējās ziņas Slepenais batāns tiem, kam ir usdt.
Ievietojiet limita pasūtījumu 1,38 Op.
Gandrīz 4,7 gadi
Dot you
Pasūtījuma 30.2
Kauls 0,83

Izbaudiet saņemšanas pasūtīšanu
Dolārs ir jūsu, ja to iegādājaties pirms pēdējās ziņas Slepenais batāns tiem, kam ir usdt.
$FTM after a Dump now Ftm is good position my first target 0.49 and 0.52 0.52 take Entry and enjoy
$FTM after a Dump
now Ftm is good position
my first target

take Entry and enjoy
Skatīt oriģinālu
$AI Tendences maiņa pozitīva zīme ņemt Mazo ierakstu. vai Dca Laba iespēja iegādāties
$AI Tendences maiņa
pozitīva zīme
ņemt Mazo ierakstu.
vai Dca
Laba iespēja iegādāties
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BB BB/USDT tehniskā analīze Atruna: šī analīze ir balstīta uz sniegto attēlu, un tā ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem. Tas nav finansiāls padoms. Pirms jebkādu ieguldījumu lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet rūpīgu izpēti un apsveriet savu riska toleranci. Galvenie novērojumi: * Augšupejoša tendence: diagrammas vispārējā tendence ir kāpjoša, par ko liecina pieaugošā cena un mainīgo vidējo rādītāju augšupejoša trajektorija. * Spēcīgs atbalsts: cena pašlaik pārsniedz 200 dienu mainīgo vidējo rādītāju, kas ir ievērojams atbalsta līmenis. * Pārpirkts stāvoklis: relatīvā stipruma indekss (RSI) ir tuvu pārpirkšanas zonai (80), kas liecina, ka aktīvam varētu būt nepieciešama korekcija vai konsolidācija. * Apjoma pieaugums: tirdzniecības apjoms ir palielinājies, kas varētu liecināt par pieaugošu interesi un potenciālo impulsu. * Pozitīva atšķirība: var būt pozitīva atšķirība starp cenu un RSI. Cena sasniedz augstākus maksimumus, savukārt RSI sasniedz zemākus maksimumus, kas varētu liecināt par potenciālu augšupejas tendences maiņu vai turpināšanos. Potenciālie scenāriji: * Augšupošās tendences turpināšana: ja cena var uzturēt atbalstu virs 200 dienu mainīgā vidējā un RSI atkāpjas no pārpirktās zonas, augšupejošā tendence varētu turpināties. * Īstermiņa korekcija: ņemot vērā pārpirkuma stāvokli, ir iespējama īstermiņa korekcija vai konsolidācija. Tomēr, kamēr cena saglabāsies virs galvenajiem atbalsta līmeņiem, vispārējā kāpuma tendence varētu palikt neskarta.
$BB BB/USDT tehniskā analīze
Atruna: šī analīze ir balstīta uz sniegto attēlu, un tā ir paredzēta tikai informatīviem nolūkiem. Tas nav finansiāls padoms. Pirms jebkādu ieguldījumu lēmumu pieņemšanas vienmēr veiciet rūpīgu izpēti un apsveriet savu riska toleranci.
Galvenie novērojumi:
* Augšupejoša tendence: diagrammas vispārējā tendence ir kāpjoša, par ko liecina pieaugošā cena un mainīgo vidējo rādītāju augšupejoša trajektorija.
* Spēcīgs atbalsts: cena pašlaik pārsniedz 200 dienu mainīgo vidējo rādītāju, kas ir ievērojams atbalsta līmenis.
* Pārpirkts stāvoklis: relatīvā stipruma indekss (RSI) ir tuvu pārpirkšanas zonai (80), kas liecina, ka aktīvam varētu būt nepieciešama korekcija vai konsolidācija.
* Apjoma pieaugums: tirdzniecības apjoms ir palielinājies, kas varētu liecināt par pieaugošu interesi un potenciālo impulsu.
* Pozitīva atšķirība: var būt pozitīva atšķirība starp cenu un RSI. Cena sasniedz augstākus maksimumus, savukārt RSI sasniedz zemākus maksimumus, kas varētu liecināt par potenciālu augšupejas tendences maiņu vai turpināšanos.
Potenciālie scenāriji:
* Augšupošās tendences turpināšana: ja cena var uzturēt atbalstu virs 200 dienu mainīgā vidējā un RSI atkāpjas no pārpirktās zonas, augšupejošā tendence varētu turpināties.
* Īstermiņa korekcija: ņemot vērā pārpirkuma stāvokli, ir iespējama īstermiņa korekcija vai konsolidācija. Tomēr, kamēr cena saglabāsies virs galvenajiem atbalsta līmeņiem, vispārējā kāpuma tendence varētu palikt neskarta.
My First Trade half close positive aik bhai ny kaha tha ap Negative he Dekhty ho jb apki trade positive ho tu dekhna ye dekh ly shukar ha Malik ka 2 month future ma Sabir kiya
My First Trade half close positive
aik bhai ny kaha tha ap Negative he Dekhty ho
jb apki trade positive ho tu dekhna
ye dekh ly
shukar ha Malik ka 2 month future ma Sabir kiya
📢Since the cycle low established in Nov 2022. ➡️Bitcoin Dominance: 38.7% (Nov 2022) —> 56.2% (Current) ➡️Ethereum Dominance 16.8% —> 15.2% ➡️Stablecoin Dominance 17.3% —> 7.4% ➡️Altcoin Dominance 27.2% —> 21.3%. 🔗Source: Click here
📢Since the cycle low established in Nov 2022.

➡️Bitcoin Dominance: 38.7% (Nov 2022) —> 56.2% (Current)
➡️Ethereum Dominance 16.8% —> 15.2%
➡️Stablecoin Dominance 17.3% —> 7.4%
➡️Altcoin Dominance 27.2% —> 21.3%.

🔗Source: Click here
Skatīt oriģinālu
Interesanti, cik naudas ir iztērēts? Tagad Insha Allah tas nav uz leju tik daudz, cik Btc lidot inko ly k ata tha. Šonedēļ ir maz iespēju atgūties. Vai pērk? Kura ir stabila monēta vai stabila monēta? Es personīgi skatos Momentum. ftm op Ens Netālu Punkts Matic Phb Wld (mazs ieraksts) Tia icp Domuzīme Es nevēlos ieguldīt Meme Coin. Jb līdz btc pareizs stabils ni hota. Ir iespējama tikai neliela ieeja Shib Doge Floki Wif fida Cik daudz tilpuma ir atlikušajai spēļu monētai? Portāls Manta खाई alt Wegra ma lakin trust pilna monēta ni. Jb tak in ma apjoma hai pump kry gy. Atpūta Insha Allah, cerība ir. Btc agr maksimālais samazinājums sasniedz 55500 diapazonu. Eth maksās līdz 2500 Rs. Sliktākajā gadījumā ha. Izspēle bija redzama. Jo apakšā ir mazāk likvidācijas un augšā vairāk. Tirgus ir kļuvis par līdzekli peļņas palielināšanai. Tātad, kāda monēta ir uzrakstīta iepriekš, ievadiet savu ierakstu jau šodien. Insha Allah Es joprojām esmu ļoti izdevīgs. Jūs varat veikt ierakstu ar monētu. Fazol Coin sy pašlaik Dor rhy. Kāpēc šīs ir stabilas monētas? Vai Eth k Sth reversal kr jaty hain so Enjoy the Next trade.
Interesanti, cik naudas ir iztērēts? Tagad Insha Allah tas nav uz leju tik daudz, cik Btc lidot inko ly k ata tha.

Šonedēļ ir maz iespēju atgūties.
Vai pērk?

Kura ir stabila monēta vai stabila monēta?

Es personīgi skatos Momentum.

Wld (mazs ieraksts)
Es nevēlos ieguldīt Meme Coin. Jb līdz btc pareizs stabils ni hota.

Ir iespējama tikai neliela ieeja


Cik daudz tilpuma ir atlikušajai spēļu monētai?
Wegra ma lakin trust pilna monēta ni. Jb tak in ma apjoma hai pump kry gy.

Atpūta Insha Allah, cerība ir.

Btc agr maksimālais samazinājums sasniedz 55500 diapazonu.

Eth maksās līdz 2500 Rs. Sliktākajā gadījumā ha.
Izspēle bija redzama. Jo apakšā ir mazāk likvidācijas un augšā vairāk. Tirgus ir kļuvis par līdzekli peļņas palielināšanai.

Tātad, kāda monēta ir uzrakstīta iepriekš, ievadiet savu ierakstu jau šodien. Insha Allah Es joprojām esmu ļoti izdevīgs.

Jūs varat veikt ierakstu ar monētu. Fazol Coin sy pašlaik Dor rhy. Kāpēc šīs ir stabilas monētas?
Vai Eth k Sth reversal kr jaty hain so Enjoy the Next trade.
$BTC The BTC/USDT pair is currently exhibiting a neutral to slightly bearish bias. The price is below its key moving averages, indicating potential downward pressure. However, the RSI is near the oversold territory, suggesting a possible price reversal
$BTC The BTC/USDT pair is currently exhibiting a neutral to slightly bearish bias. The price is below its key moving averages, indicating potential downward pressure. However, the RSI is near the oversold territory, suggesting a possible price reversal
Technical Analysis of BTC/USDT Chart Disclaimer: This analysis is based solely on the provided chart and does not consider external factors that might influence the price of Bitcoin. Trading cryptocurrencies involves significant risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Overview The BTC/USDT chart presents a short-term timeframe, likely a 15-minute or hourly chart. The price is currently trading below its 25 and 99-period Moving Averages (MAs), suggesting a potential bearish bias in the short term. Key Indicators * Price: The price is below its 25 and 99-period MAs, indicating a potential bearish trend. * Volume: The volume is relatively low, which might suggest indecision or consolidation in the market. * RSI (Relative Strength Index): The RSI is around 49.42, which is close to the neutral level of 50. This suggests that the market is neither significantly overbought nor oversold. * Other Indicators: The chart also displays indicators like Bollinger Bands, Average True Range (ATR), and possibly others, but without specific values or calculations, it's difficult to draw definitive conclusions. Potential Scenarios * Continued Downward Pressure: If the price continues to decline and breaks below the recent low, it could signal further bearish momentum. The 57,642.21 level (24h low) might act as a support level. * Consolidation and Potential Reversal: If the price stabilizes around the current level or experiences a slight rebound, it could indicate a period of consolidation before a potential trend reversal. * Breakout to the Upside: A decisive break above the 25 and 99-period MAs could signal a potential bullish reversal. Trading Implications Based on the current chart, a cautious approach is advisable. The market seems to be in a state of indecision. Traders could consider waiting for a clearer price action signal before taking any significant positions.
Technical Analysis of BTC/USDT Chart
Disclaimer: This analysis is based solely on the provided chart and does not consider external factors that might influence the price of Bitcoin. Trading cryptocurrencies involves significant risk, and it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider consulting with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
The BTC/USDT chart presents a short-term timeframe, likely a 15-minute or hourly chart. The price is currently trading below its 25 and 99-period Moving Averages (MAs), suggesting a potential bearish bias in the short term.
Key Indicators
* Price: The price is below its 25 and 99-period MAs, indicating a potential bearish trend.
* Volume: The volume is relatively low, which might suggest indecision or consolidation in the market.
* RSI (Relative Strength Index): The RSI is around 49.42, which is close to the neutral level of 50. This suggests that the market is neither significantly overbought nor oversold.
* Other Indicators: The chart also displays indicators like Bollinger Bands, Average True Range (ATR), and possibly others, but without specific values or calculations, it's difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
Potential Scenarios
* Continued Downward Pressure: If the price continues to decline and breaks below the recent low, it could signal further bearish momentum. The 57,642.21 level (24h low) might act as a support level.
* Consolidation and Potential Reversal: If the price stabilizes around the current level or experiences a slight rebound, it could indicate a period of consolidation before a potential trend reversal.
* Breakout to the Upside: A decisive break above the 25 and 99-period MAs could signal a potential bullish reversal.
Trading Implications
Based on the current chart, a cautious approach is advisable. The market seems to be in a state of indecision. Traders could consider waiting for a clearer price action signal before taking any significant positions.
$BTC The BTC/USDT pair is currently exhibiting a neutral to slightly bearish bias. The price is below its key moving averages, indicating potential downward pressure. However, the RSI is near the oversold territory, suggesting a possible price reversal.
$BTC The BTC/USDT pair is currently exhibiting a neutral to slightly bearish bias. The price is below its key moving averages, indicating potential downward pressure. However, the RSI is near the oversold territory, suggesting a possible price reversal.
$ETH ETH/USDT is currently displaying a neutral to slightly bullish bias. The price is hovering around its key moving averages, suggesting indecision in the market. Key Indicators Price: $2,618.08 Trend: Neutral to slightly bullish Support: $2,594.46 (24h low), $2,588.40 (potential support level) Resistance: $2,720.00 (24h high), $2,726.58 (potential resistance level) Moving Averages: 7-day MA: 2,636.04 25-day MA: 2,633.86 99-day MA: 2,570.25 Volume: 616.04M USDT (24h) RSI(6): 29.00 (oversold territory) Analysis Price Action: The price is trading above the 99-day MA but below the 7-day and 25-day MAs, indicating a short-term bearish bias but a longer-term bullish potential. Support and Resistance: The $2,594.46 (24h low) and $2,588.40 levels could act as potential support, while the $2,720.00 (24h high) and $2,726.58 levels could act as resistance. RSI: The RSI is at 29.00, which is in the oversold territory. This suggests a potential price reversal to the upside
$ETH ETH/USDT is currently displaying a neutral to slightly bullish bias. The price is hovering around its key moving averages, suggesting indecision in the market.

Key Indicators
Price: $2,618.08
Trend: Neutral to slightly bullish
Support: $2,594.46 (24h low), $2,588.40 (potential support level)
Resistance: $2,720.00 (24h high), $2,726.58 (potential resistance level)
Moving Averages:
7-day MA: 2,636.04
25-day MA: 2,633.86
99-day MA: 2,570.25
Volume: 616.04M USDT (24h)
RSI(6): 29.00 (oversold territory)
Price Action: The price is trading above the 99-day MA but below the 7-day and 25-day MAs, indicating a short-term bearish bias but a longer-term bullish potential.
Support and Resistance: The $2,594.46 (24h low) and $2,588.40 levels could act as potential support, while the $2,720.00 (24h high) and $2,726.58 levels could act as resistance.
RSI: The RSI is at 29.00, which is in the oversold territory. This suggests a potential price reversal to the upside
80% chance Market Goes up Logic Cme Gap Mining Sentiment of people are sell. Most of panic selling Short position opened 20% chance to down 1. Red cross 2. Bearish sentiment 3. Rate cuts problem 4. War situation
80% chance Market Goes up
Cme Gap
Sentiment of people are sell.
Most of panic selling
Short position opened

20% chance to down
1. Red cross
2. Bearish sentiment
3. Rate cuts problem
4. War situation
Tulkot free give away of bonk token

free give away of bonk token
$TNSR The TNSR/USDT pair is currently trading above its key moving averages, indicating a potential bullish trend. The RSI is in the neutral territory, suggesting that the market is indecisive. Key Indicators Price: TNSR is currently trading at $0.3574, up 1.62% in the last 24 hours. Moving Averages: 7-day MA: 0.3600 25-day MA: 0.3470 99-day MA: 0.4129 Volume: 24-hour trading volume is 2.46M USDT. RSI(6): 51.09, indicating neutral market sentiment. Analysis Trend: The overall trend appears bullish as the price is above all key moving averages. However, the RSI value of 51.09 suggests a neutral market sentiment, which could lead to increased volatility. Support and Resistance: The 25-day MA at 0.3470 could act as potential support. The 7-day MA at 0.3600 is a nearby resistance level. A break above the 99-day MA at 0.4129 could signal a stronger bullish trend. Potential Patterns: No clear reversal patterns are visible on the chart at this time. Trading Implications Short-term: Traders might consider buying on dips with a stop-loss below the 25-day MA. Long-term: The overall bullish trend is positive, but traders should monitor for potential pullbacks.
$TNSR The TNSR/USDT pair is currently trading above its key moving averages, indicating a potential bullish trend. The RSI is in the neutral territory, suggesting that the market is indecisive.

Key Indicators
Price: TNSR is currently trading at $0.3574, up 1.62% in the last 24 hours.
Moving Averages:
7-day MA: 0.3600
25-day MA: 0.3470
99-day MA: 0.4129
Volume: 24-hour trading volume is 2.46M USDT.
RSI(6): 51.09, indicating neutral market sentiment.

The overall trend appears bullish as the price is above all key moving averages.
However, the RSI value of 51.09 suggests a neutral market sentiment, which could lead to increased volatility.
Support and Resistance:

The 25-day MA at 0.3470 could act as potential support.
The 7-day MA at 0.3600 is a nearby resistance level.
A break above the 99-day MA at 0.4129 could signal a stronger bullish trend.
Potential Patterns:

No clear reversal patterns are visible on the chart at this time.
Trading Implications
Short-term: Traders might consider buying on dips with a stop-loss below the 25-day MA.
Long-term: The overall bullish trend is positive, but traders should monitor for potential pullbacks.
BTC / USDT 🔹Price is taking a slight Pullback. 🔹60300$ is an important support for BTC. 🔹Price is trying to hold above this in daily TF. 🔹Soon we will see an upward move in BTC . Keep an eye on it.

🔹Price is taking a slight Pullback.

🔹60300$ is an important support for BTC.

🔹Price is trying to hold above this in daily TF.

🔹Soon we will see an upward move in BTC .

Keep an eye on it.
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