Binance Square
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Vienīgā Alfa SolanāHumanz NFT kolekcija: #$Apraksts: Humanz ir 5000 NFT (neaizvietojamu marķieru) kolekcija Solana blokķēdē.Mākslinieks: NFT ir izstrādājis pasaulslavenais mākslinieks Haizeels, kurš pazīstams ar citu veiksmīgu Solana NFT kolekciju, piemēram, Brohalla un SoDead, radīšanu.Ceļvedis:Februāris: projekts tika uzsākts, un programmā Discord tika atvērts hakeru tīkls. Komanda izveidoja Invent HMNZ off-chain marķieri un Invent SPL marķieri. Turklāt tika uzsākta likmju platforma.Marts: sākās darbs pie Inventagious testa tīkla modeļa, un tika sākta iekšējā testēšana. Komanda arī izveidoja īpašu izlozi sabiedrībai un atklāja BTC Ordinals kolekciju.

Vienīgā Alfa Solanā

Humanz NFT kolekcija: #$Apraksts: Humanz ir 5000 NFT (neaizvietojamu marķieru) kolekcija Solana blokķēdē.Mākslinieks: NFT ir izstrādājis pasaulslavenais mākslinieks Haizeels, kurš pazīstams ar citu veiksmīgu Solana NFT kolekciju, piemēram, Brohalla un SoDead, radīšanu.Ceļvedis:Februāris: projekts tika uzsākts, un programmā Discord tika atvērts hakeru tīkls. Komanda izveidoja Invent HMNZ off-chain marķieri un Invent SPL marķieri. Turklāt tika uzsākta likmju platforma.Marts: sākās darbs pie Inventagious testa tīkla modeļa, un tika sākta iekšējā testēšana. Komanda arī izveidoja īpašu izlozi sabiedrībai un atklāja BTC Ordinals kolekciju.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pamattīkls: Blockchain tehnoloģijas nākotne Pamattīkls strauji kļūst par nozīmīgu spēlētāju blokķēdes telpā, piedāvājot unikālas funkcijas un iespējas, kas to atšķir no citām blokķēdes platformām. Ar savu novatorisko pieeju decentralizācijai, drošībai un mērogojamībai Core Network ir gatavs kļūt par vadošo blokķēdi, potenciāli pat pārspējot pašreizējos milžus šajā nozarē. **Ar ko pamattīkls izceļas?** 1. **Decentralizācija un drošība** Pamattīkls darbojas decentralizētā infrastruktūrā, nodrošinot, ka nevienai vienībai nav kontroles pār tīklu. Šī decentralizācija uzlabo drošību un lietotāju uzticēšanos. Katru darījumu pārbauda mezglu tīkls, tāpēc ļaunprātīgiem dalībniekiem ir gandrīz neiespējami mainīt datus.

Pamattīkls: Blockchain tehnoloģijas nākotne

Pamattīkls strauji kļūst par nozīmīgu spēlētāju blokķēdes telpā, piedāvājot unikālas funkcijas un iespējas, kas to atšķir no citām blokķēdes platformām. Ar savu novatorisko pieeju decentralizācijai, drošībai un mērogojamībai Core Network ir gatavs kļūt par vadošo blokķēdi, potenciāli pat pārspējot pašreizējos milžus šajā nozarē.

**Ar ko pamattīkls izceļas?**

1. **Decentralizācija un drošība**
Pamattīkls darbojas decentralizētā infrastruktūrā, nodrošinot, ka nevienai vienībai nav kontroles pār tīklu. Šī decentralizācija uzlabo drošību un lietotāju uzticēšanos. Katru darījumu pārbauda mezglu tīkls, tāpēc ļaunprātīgiem dalībniekiem ir gandrīz neiespējami mainīt datus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitbot sapņo katrs tirgotājsĀtrajā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības pasaulē ir jauns spēlētājs, kurš pagriež galvu un nosaka etalonus. Iepazīstieties ar Bitbot — Telegram tirdzniecības robotu bez aizbildnības, kas ir katra tirgotāja sapnis. Ar savu progresīvāko mākslīgā intelekta vadīto tehnoloģiju un uzsvaru uz drošību, Bitbot maina veidu, kā mēs tirdzniecībā digitālos aktīvus. **Kāpēc Bitbot izceļas pūlī** No brīža, kad sākat lietot Bitbot, jūs sapratīsit, ka tas nav tikai vēl viens tirdzniecības robots. Tas ir spēles mainītājs. Lūk, kāpēc jūs nevēlaties palaist garām šo novatorisko platformu:

Bitbot sapņo katrs tirgotājs

Ātrajā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības pasaulē ir jauns spēlētājs, kurš pagriež galvu un nosaka etalonus. Iepazīstieties ar Bitbot — Telegram tirdzniecības robotu bez aizbildnības, kas ir katra tirgotāja sapnis. Ar savu progresīvāko mākslīgā intelekta vadīto tehnoloģiju un uzsvaru uz drošību, Bitbot maina veidu, kā mēs tirdzniecībā digitālos aktīvus.

**Kāpēc Bitbot izceļas pūlī**

No brīža, kad sākat lietot Bitbot, jūs sapratīsit, ka tas nav tikai vēl viens tirdzniecības robots. Tas ir spēles mainītājs. Lūk, kāpēc jūs nevēlaties palaist garām šo novatorisko platformu:
Corepepe, these crazy memes are here to take the crypto space by storm, the core network which is bitcoin layer 2 so think of bitcoin like etherium but much much better and the fees are way low, developers can build anything now on the btc network and theses core pepes are very very limited so go on the core network quicky and get your self the core Pepe token and at the same time mint yourself a random corepepe and store the keys away for 6 months and your a millionaire, 6 months from now ill post another update and don't say didn't warn you, don't waste away generational wealth go corepepes. #core #Write&Earn
Corepepe, these crazy memes are here to take the crypto space by storm, the core network which is bitcoin layer 2 so think of bitcoin like etherium but much much better and the fees are way low, developers can build anything now on the btc network and theses core pepes are very very limited so go on the core network quicky and get your self the core Pepe token and at the same time mint yourself a random corepepe and store the keys away for 6 months and your a millionaire, 6 months from now ill post another update and don't say didn't warn you, don't waste away generational wealth go corepepes.

#core #Write&Earn
Skatīt oriģinālu
### Kriptovalūtas pamattīkls - **Blockchain**: kriptovalūtas pamattīkls ir balstīts uz blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, kas ir decentralizēta virsgrāmata, kas reģistrē visus darījumus datoru tīklā. - **Konsensa mehānisms**: kriptovalūtas izmanto dažādus vienprātības mehānismus, lai apstiprinātu darījumus un aizsargātu tīklu. Piemēram, pamattīkls darbojas, izmantojot “Satoshi Plus” vienprātības mehānismu, kas apvieno Bitcoin ieguves hash un deleģētās likmes apliecinājuma (DPoS) elementus, lai nodrošinātu tīklu⁴. - **Vietējie marķieri**: daudziem pamattīkliem ir savi sākotnējie marķieri, kas tiek izmantoti darījumiem, pārvaldībai un dalībnieku stimulēšanai. Piemēram, pamattīklam ir vietējais marķieris, ko sauc par CORE¹. - **Drošība un mērogojamība**: kriptogrāfijas pamattīkla mērķis ir izveidot drošu, decentralizētu un mērogojamu tīklu, apvienojot dažādu vienprātības modeļu priekšrocības³. Būtībā pamattīkls ir kriptovalūtas mugurkauls, kas nodrošina visas tās sistēmas integritāti un funkcionalitāti. Tas ir atbildīgs par darījumu apstrādi, drošības uzturēšanu un dažādu kriptovalūtas piedāvāto funkciju iespējošanu. $BTC #earntowrite
### Kriptovalūtas pamattīkls

- **Blockchain**: kriptovalūtas pamattīkls ir balstīts uz blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, kas ir decentralizēta virsgrāmata, kas reģistrē visus darījumus datoru tīklā.
- **Konsensa mehānisms**: kriptovalūtas izmanto dažādus vienprātības mehānismus, lai apstiprinātu darījumus un aizsargātu tīklu. Piemēram, pamattīkls darbojas, izmantojot “Satoshi Plus” vienprātības mehānismu, kas apvieno Bitcoin ieguves hash un deleģētās likmes apliecinājuma (DPoS) elementus, lai nodrošinātu tīklu⁴.
- **Vietējie marķieri**: daudziem pamattīkliem ir savi sākotnējie marķieri, kas tiek izmantoti darījumiem, pārvaldībai un dalībnieku stimulēšanai. Piemēram, pamattīklam ir vietējais marķieris, ko sauc par CORE¹.
- **Drošība un mērogojamība**: kriptogrāfijas pamattīkla mērķis ir izveidot drošu, decentralizētu un mērogojamu tīklu, apvienojot dažādu vienprātības modeļu priekšrocības³.

Būtībā pamattīkls ir kriptovalūtas mugurkauls, kas nodrošina visas tās sistēmas integritāti un funkcionalitāti. Tas ir atbildīgs par darījumu apstrādi, drošības uzturēšanu un dažādu kriptovalūtas piedāvāto funkciju iespējošanu.

$BTC #earntowrite
Skatīt oriģinālu
Padziļināta tirdzniecība, lai revolucionizētu blokķē ir platforma, kas piedāvā vieglu tirdzniecību Solana blokķēdes¹ modernajā likviditātes slānī. Šeit ir norādītas dažas no tā galvenajām funkcijām un aspektiem, kas to izceļ: - Likviditātes slānis: nodrošina likviditātes slāni, kura mērķis ir uzlabot tirgus dalībnieku ekonomiku, piedāvājot ātru un zemu cenu tirdzniecību vietnē Solana¹. - Pasūtījumu plūsmas tirgi: tas veido pasūtījumu plūsmas tirgus, kur ārpus ķēdes esošie uzņēmumi var pārdot signālus ķēdes programmām. Tas ir īpaši noderīgi, lai pārdotu plūsmas toksicitātes signālus decentralizētām likviditāti nesošām vietām, piemēram, AMM un CLOB².

Padziļināta tirdzniecība, lai revolucionizētu blokķēdi. ir platforma, kas piedāvā vieglu tirdzniecību Solana blokķēdes¹ modernajā likviditātes slānī. Šeit ir norādītas dažas no tā galvenajām funkcijām un aspektiem, kas to izceļ:
- Likviditātes slānis: nodrošina likviditātes slāni, kura mērķis ir uzlabot tirgus dalībnieku ekonomiku, piedāvājot ātru un zemu cenu tirdzniecību vietnē Solana¹.
- Pasūtījumu plūsmas tirgi: tas veido pasūtījumu plūsmas tirgus, kur ārpus ķēdes esošie uzņēmumi var pārdot signālus ķēdes programmām. Tas ir īpaši noderīgi, lai pārdotu plūsmas toksicitātes signālus decentralizētām likviditāti nesošām vietām, piemēram, AMM un CLOB².
Skatīt oriģinālu
0Dogs Bitcoin DogsŠim ir jābūt vislielākajam izstrādātājam, ko x publicējis visvairāk gaidītajiem Brc 20 memecoin 0dogs ar revolucionāro nft kolekciju, investori, tirgotāji un fani ir visu laiku lielāko pārsteigumā. NFT ir interaktīvi tie, kas dzimuši 80. un 90. gados, labi atceras tamagoči, ko tagad varat iegādāties saviem digitālajiem tamagoči, kā arī suņu māju un gardumus. Paredzamais izlaišanas datums nav minēts, bet tas ir maija vidus vai maija beigas, un sagaidāms, ka tas būs asinspirts, tiek gaidīts, ka interesenti rīkosies ātri, ar 0dogs piedāvājumu, kas tiks izpārdots pēc rekorda iepriekšpārdošanas vairāk nekā 13 miljoni USD pārdoti mazāk nekā mēneša laikā.

0Dogs Bitcoin Dogs

Šim ir jābūt vislielākajam izstrādātājam, ko x publicējis visvairāk gaidītajiem Brc 20 memecoin 0dogs ar revolucionāro nft kolekciju, investori, tirgotāji un fani ir visu laiku lielāko pārsteigumā.
NFT ir interaktīvi tie, kas dzimuši 80. un 90. gados, labi atceras tamagoči, ko tagad varat iegādāties saviem digitālajiem tamagoči, kā arī suņu māju un gardumus.
Paredzamais izlaišanas datums nav minēts, bet tas ir maija vidus vai maija beigas, un sagaidāms, ka tas būs asinspirts, tiek gaidīts, ka interesenti rīkosies ātri, ar 0dogs piedāvājumu, kas tiks izpārdots pēc rekorda iepriekšpārdošanas vairāk nekā 13 miljoni USD pārdoti mazāk nekā mēneša laikā.
Alpha A.I### Alpha AI: The New Frontier in Cryptocurrency The cryptocurrency landscape is ever-evolving, and the latest entrant, Alpha AI, is set to redefine the way we think about blockchain and artificial intelligence. Alpha AI is not just another token; it's a project that promises to integrate AI algorithms with smart contract auditing, offering a new level of security and efficiency in the blockchain ecosystem¹. #### Features and Potential of Alpha AI Alpha AI stands out with its innovative approach to DeFi aggregation. It serves as a one-stop solution for cryptocurrency investors and altcoin enthusiasts, providing a simplified platform for tracking and managing tokens. With Alpha AI, users can monitor their assets across multiple addresses through a single, user-friendly interface². One of the key features of Alpha AI is the Smart Alerts system. This system allows users to set up price alerts, so they can stay informed about their investments without the need to constantly watch the markets. It's designed to save time and provide valuable insights into market trends#write2earn🌐💹 . #### Contract ID 6HPBookTDQeTvfFiVQ7d2jXUmCt7yFcBgKPWef7uTbFC #### The Future of Alpha AI The potential of Alpha AI lies in its ability to harness the power of AI for blockchain auditing. This could lead to more secure and transparent transactions, fostering trust in the blockchain space. Moreover, the project's focus on user experience and asset management positions it as a potential game-changer for both seasoned traders and newcomers to the crypto world. In conclusion, Alpha AI is a promising project with the potential to impact the cryptocurrency market significantly. Its focus on AI-driven solutions and user-centric features could make it a valuable asset for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of blockchain investments. Keep an eye on Alpha AI as it continues to develop and release more information about its offerings. (1) Alpha Ai Price: ALPHA AI Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today .... (2) Alpha AI - Unleashing the power of blockchain-based trading.

Alpha A.I

### Alpha AI: The New Frontier in Cryptocurrency
The cryptocurrency landscape is ever-evolving, and the latest entrant, Alpha AI, is set to redefine the way we think about blockchain and artificial intelligence. Alpha AI is not just another token; it's a project that promises to integrate AI algorithms with smart contract auditing, offering a new level of security and efficiency in the blockchain ecosystem¹.
#### Features and Potential of Alpha AI
Alpha AI stands out with its innovative approach to DeFi aggregation. It serves as a one-stop solution for cryptocurrency investors and altcoin enthusiasts, providing a simplified platform for tracking and managing tokens. With Alpha AI, users can monitor their assets across multiple addresses through a single, user-friendly interface².
One of the key features of Alpha AI is the Smart Alerts system. This system allows users to set up price alerts, so they can stay informed about their investments without the need to constantly watch the markets. It's designed to save time and provide valuable insights into market trends#write2earn🌐💹 .
#### Contract ID

#### The Future of Alpha AI
The potential of Alpha AI lies in its ability to harness the power of AI for blockchain auditing. This could lead to more secure and transparent transactions, fostering trust in the blockchain space. Moreover, the project's focus on user experience and asset management positions it as a potential game-changer for both seasoned traders and newcomers to the crypto world.
In conclusion, Alpha AI is a promising project with the potential to impact the cryptocurrency market significantly. Its focus on AI-driven solutions and user-centric features could make it a valuable asset for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of blockchain investments. Keep an eye on Alpha AI as it continues to develop and release more information about its offerings.

(1) Alpha Ai Price: ALPHA AI Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today ....
(2) Alpha AI - Unleashing the power of blockchain-based trading.
Bitcoin Dogs: The Ultimate Mashup of Crypto and Man’s Best Friend $BTC #write2earn🌐💹 What is Bitcoin Dogs? Bitcoin Dogs is not your ordinary cryptocurrency project. It’s the world’s first Bitcoin ICO that combines the love for dogs with the excitement of crypto trading and collecting. Imagine a playground where dog lovers and crypto fanatics come together to have a barking-good time! 🌟 The Grand Opening: Making History In 2024, Bitcoin Dogs made history by launching the first-ever ICO on the Bitcoin blockchain. Forget about boring ICOs; this one is all about adorable pups and groundbreaking technology. 🎉 How Does It Work? $0DOG Token: Bitcoin Dogs introduces the $0DOG token, a BRC-20 cryptocurrency secured on the BTC blockchain. Thanks to the Ordinals protocol, which went live in 2023, developers can create coins like $0DOG and even bring NFTs to Bitcoin. 🌐Dogaverse Metaverse: Step into the Bitcoin Dogs Club Metaverse, where having fun is not just encouraged—it’s required for yields! Every playful moment can be a rewarding opportunity. 🌈Feed Your Dog: Influence appetite levels and general body health by feeding your virtual dog. After all, a well-fed pup is a happy pup! 🍖Social Ripple Effects: Every move you make has its own ripple effects socially. Are you expanding your influence within the Dogaverse? 🌐PvP Duels and Betting: Love a good rivalry? Challenge others to a Duel Race and up the stakes with the betting system. 🏁10k Ordinals NFT Club: Whether you’re a casual pupper admirer or a downright Doga devotee, the 10k Ordinals NFT Club has something for everyone. Parade, collect, and trade! 🎨 The Roadmap: Q1’24: BRC-20 claims $0DOG on CEX, NFT debut, game beta, P2E partners.Q2’24: Game launch, social contests, multi-chain bridge.Q3’24: Further developments, multi-chain support, governance vote, BTC partnerships.Q4’24: Into the Dogaverse Metaverse launch, partnership growth.Q1’25: The adventure continues! 🚀

Bitcoin Dogs: The Ultimate Mashup of Crypto and Man’s Best Friend

$BTC #write2earn🌐💹
What is Bitcoin Dogs?
Bitcoin Dogs is not your ordinary cryptocurrency project. It’s the world’s first Bitcoin ICO that combines the love for dogs with the excitement of crypto trading and collecting. Imagine a playground where dog lovers and crypto fanatics come together to have a barking-good time! 🌟
The Grand Opening: Making History
In 2024, Bitcoin Dogs made history by launching the first-ever ICO on the Bitcoin blockchain. Forget about boring ICOs; this one is all about adorable pups and groundbreaking technology. 🎉
How Does It Work?
$0DOG Token: Bitcoin Dogs introduces the $0DOG token, a BRC-20 cryptocurrency secured on the BTC blockchain. Thanks to the Ordinals protocol, which went live in 2023, developers can create coins like $0DOG and even bring NFTs to Bitcoin. 🌐Dogaverse Metaverse: Step into the Bitcoin Dogs Club Metaverse, where having fun is not just encouraged—it’s required for yields! Every playful moment can be a rewarding opportunity. 🌈Feed Your Dog: Influence appetite levels and general body health by feeding your virtual dog. After all, a well-fed pup is a happy pup! 🍖Social Ripple Effects: Every move you make has its own ripple effects socially. Are you expanding your influence within the Dogaverse? 🌐PvP Duels and Betting: Love a good rivalry? Challenge others to a Duel Race and up the stakes with the betting system. 🏁10k Ordinals NFT Club: Whether you’re a casual pupper admirer or a downright Doga devotee, the 10k Ordinals NFT Club has something for everyone. Parade, collect, and trade! 🎨
The Roadmap:
Q1’24: BRC-20 claims $0DOG on CEX, NFT debut, game beta, P2E partners.Q2’24: Game launch, social contests, multi-chain bridge.Q3’24: Further developments, multi-chain support, governance vote, BTC partnerships.Q4’24: Into the Dogaverse Metaverse launch, partnership growth.Q1’25: The adventure continues! 🚀
Noctiscoin the meme killer. last day for presale 4th April knock knock.
Noctiscoin the meme killer.
last day for presale 4th April knock knock.
Few weeks ago a meme token on solana has been making waves across platforms first launch on solana then etherium and as of yesterday bnb this so called the people's token is named $GME aiming at mimicking GameStop stocks which has turned wallstreet traders on their heads when they tried to short it known as the ' The Short Squeeze' the stock showed wallstreet elites that when common people are united for the sole purpose of making money and getting back at them at what they represent back in 2011 financial crisis when large banks gambled with people's saving and lost them because that's what they do and when that happends don't expect are refund however in that case the government bailed out the large banks and they got huge bonuses while the those about to retire individuals or family members lost everything, left many homeless and unemployed. fast forward almost 10 years past after the financial meltdown wallstreet took a shot at them again and this time it came at something personal which touched every person who lived in the early 80s and late 90s memory's even wallstreets, cause once they were young before putting on greed. greed took a shot at GameStop and almost brought in on its knees until one unexpected American guy who invests in his little computer at home saw something no one did not even wallstreet, he put on this red head Bandana and got the People together and went on a rampage because he loves the stock, and found many others along the way these individuals some who pulled a David and Goliath, it was everywhere GameStop on the news on people mind people just stared buying and buying the stock reached a 1$ or less by the time people banded together and started buying it went over a 100$ till a point they made move about them now it's the crypto age, GameStop came in a form of ticker symbol $GME and people are uniting again these bunch of apes are going to pull the the biggest crypto flipping in the history of crypto and are aiming to hit market cap of billions not billion yes that's right there's an 's' time will tellz. MS
Few weeks ago a meme token on solana has been making waves across platforms first launch on solana then etherium and as of yesterday bnb this so called the people's token is named $GME aiming at mimicking GameStop stocks which has turned wallstreet traders on their heads when they tried to short it known as the ' The Short Squeeze' the stock showed wallstreet elites that when common people are united for the sole purpose of making money and getting back at them at what they represent back in 2011 financial crisis when large banks gambled with people's saving and lost them because that's what they do and when that happends don't expect are refund however in that case the government bailed out the large banks and they got huge bonuses while the those about to retire individuals or family members lost everything, left many homeless and unemployed.
fast forward almost 10 years past after the financial meltdown wallstreet took a shot at them again and this time it came at something personal which touched every person who lived in the early 80s and late 90s memory's even wallstreets, cause once they were young before putting on greed.
greed took a shot at GameStop and almost brought in on its knees until one unexpected American guy who invests in his little computer at home saw something no one did not even wallstreet, he put on this red head Bandana and got the People together and went on a rampage because he loves the stock, and found many others along the way these individuals some who pulled a David and Goliath, it was everywhere GameStop on the news on people mind people just stared buying and buying the stock reached a 1$ or less by the time people banded together and started buying it went over a 100$ till a point they made move about them now it's the crypto age, GameStop came in a form of ticker symbol $GME and people are uniting again these bunch of apes are going to pull the the biggest crypto flipping in the history of crypto and are aiming to hit market cap of billions not billion yes that's right there's an 's' time will tellz.

beware of pinksale presales most of them are scams even if they are audited. everyone beware of investing your hard earned money in pinksale presale, I have invested around 200$ in their presale of solong and bonko they were both audited, kyc, doxed and everything and still got rugged by them, solong apparently after collecting half of the amount of the 2000 sol stated in their telegram that it would move its launch few days ahead to get better marketing and stuff and wet cold after that no comms whatsoever after that and for bonko oh well I leave u this.
beware of pinksale presales most of them are scams even if they are audited.

everyone beware of investing your hard earned money in pinksale presale, I have invested around 200$ in their presale of solong and bonko they were both audited, kyc, doxed and everything and still got rugged by them, solong apparently after collecting half of the amount of the 2000 sol stated in their telegram that it would move its launch few days ahead to get better marketing and stuff and wet cold after that no comms whatsoever after that and for bonko oh well I leave u this.
@binance @GME @Solana_Official @jupiterexchange game stop token breaking records on solana network as of this moment 100ml mc reached within 5 days and on the run now to 1 billion mc, has the best tg channels of all time created still earlier do not miss out on this token and binance what are you waiting for ???. also DYOR.
@binance @GME @Solana Official @Jupiter 🪐 game stop token breaking records on solana network as of this moment 100ml mc reached within 5 days and on the run now to 1 billion mc, has the best tg channels of all time created still earlier do not miss out on this token and binance what are you waiting for ???.

also DYOR.
when binance
when binance
Onchain Research - TheDatafi
People call $ANALOS will be the next $BONK and even higher!
Don't you think so?

The lowest price of $ANALOS was recorded at 0.003011, and the highest was 0.002121. It means Smart Traders can make profits up to 700% their initial capital!

#kucoin will list $ANALOS at 9 AM UTC+0. So the first wave of $ANALOS is coming.

When will it be listed on #Binance ?

check out the coin jefe last week it announced its bridging ftm with eth the price was 0.02 and as of now its 0.21.
check out the coin jefe last week it announced its bridging ftm with eth the price was 0.02 and as of now its 0.21.
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