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Skatīt oriģinālu
📢📢📢 NEIEROBEŽOTAS KRIPTO ATBALVAS 📢📢📢 🎁🎁🎁 *Drīzumā sāksies izplatīšana*🎁🎁🎁 Athene tīkls — lejupielādējiet lietotni un izmantojiet kodu: {403a3e00d775}, lai iegūtu bezmaksas marķiera atlīdzības (Android/iOS) Reģistrējieties, izmantojot kodu {403a3e00d775}, un saņemiet papildu marķierus. Pieprasiet tūlīt.🎁🎊💶💶💵 Drīzumā būs pieejams binance.💹💹💹 Tāpēc nekavējieties. PlayStore vai App Store (Athene tīkls) Lieliska iespēja reģistrēties un saņemt bezmaksas žetonus un milzīgās balvas. #BTC #ARB #ETH-ETF #Solana-SOL #trendingtoday $BTC $SOL $BONK
🎁🎁🎁 *Drīzumā sāksies izplatīšana*🎁🎁🎁

Athene tīkls — lejupielādējiet lietotni un izmantojiet kodu: {403a3e00d775}, lai iegūtu bezmaksas marķiera atlīdzības (Android/iOS)

Reģistrējieties, izmantojot kodu {403a3e00d775}, un saņemiet papildu marķierus.

Pieprasiet tūlīt.🎁🎊💶💶💵
Drīzumā būs pieejams binance.💹💹💹
Tāpēc nekavējieties.

PlayStore vai App Store (Athene tīkls)

Lieliska iespēja reģistrēties un saņemt bezmaksas žetonus un milzīgās balvas.
#BTC #ARB #ETH-ETF #Solana-SOL #trendingtoday
Skatīt oriģinālu
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵 ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus... Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, kamēr viņiem ir vairāk ledus lietotnē. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums... 💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir sniegti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳 1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē. 2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā. 3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā. (Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20) ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi. Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu. Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man komentāros.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵

ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus...

Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, kamēr viņiem ir vairāk ledus lietotnē. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums...

💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir sniegti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳

1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē.

2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā.

3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā.

(Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20)
ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi.

Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu.

Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man

Skatīt oriģinālu
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵 ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus... Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, kamēr viņiem ir vairāk ledus lietotnē. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums... 💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir norādīti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳 1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē. 2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā. 3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā. (Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20) ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi. Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu. Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man komentāros.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵

ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus...

Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, kamēr viņiem ir vairāk ledus lietotnē. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums...

💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir norādīti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳

1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē.

2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā.

3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā.

(Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20)
ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi.

Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu.

Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man

Skatīt oriģinālu
$KĀ PĀRVĒRTĪT DĀRGAKĻUS PAR ATĒNES žetoniem 1. Lejupielādējiet Athene tīklu. 2. atveriet to. 3. Iegūstiet papildu 50 atēna žetonus, izmantojot manu ReFFER (e230bf6d2a) 4. Mans uz vienu mēnesi. 5. Regulārs klikšķis 24 stundu laikā. 6. Veiciet savu KYC. 6. Pēc viena mēneša jūsu dārgakmeņi paši mainās par atēnas žetoniem. #ARB #BTC #sol #ETH-ETF #MANTA $SOL $BTC $BONK

1. Lejupielādējiet Athene tīklu.

2. atveriet to.

3. Iegūstiet papildu 50 atēna žetonus, izmantojot manu ReFFER (e230bf6d2a)

4. Mans uz vienu mēnesi.

5. Regulārs klikšķis 24 stundu laikā.

6. Veiciet savu KYC.

6. Pēc viena mēneša jūsu dārgakmeņi paši mainās par atēnas žetoniem.

Skatīt oriģinālu
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵 ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus... Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, bet ledus lietotnē ir vairāk. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums... 💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir sniegti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳 1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē. 2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā. 3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā. (Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20) ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi. Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu. Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man komentāros.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵

ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus...

Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, bet ledus lietotnē ir vairāk. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums...

💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir sniegti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳

1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē.

2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā.

3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā.

(Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20)
ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi.

Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu.

Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man

Skatīt oriģinālu
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵 ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus... Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, bet ledus lietotnē ir vairāk. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums... 💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir sniegti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳 1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē. 2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā. 3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā. (Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20) ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi. Es ceru, ka ar šo ziņu jūs sapratāt ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu. Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man komentāros.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵

ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus...

Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, bet ledus lietotnē ir vairāk. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums...

💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir sniegti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳

1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē.

2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā.

3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā.

(Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20)
ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad notiks otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi.

Es ceru, ka ar šo ziņu jūs sapratāt ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu.

Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man

Skatīt oriģinālu
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵 ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus... Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, kamēr viņiem ir vairāk ledus lietotnē. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums... 💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir norādīti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳 1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē. 2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā. 3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā. (Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20) ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad tiks veikta otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi. Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu. Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man komentāros.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ledus sadales politika***💵💵💵

ja jums nav ledus lietotnes, lejupielādējiet to un izmantojiet {mehedi45upwork} kā novirzīšanas kodu, lai iegūtu 10 bezmaksas ledus...

Daudzi cilvēki jautā, kāpēc viņiem ir mazāk ledus makā, kamēr viņiem ir vairāk ledus lietotnē. Atbilde ir vienkārša, ka tas ir viņu regulējums...

💰💰💰💰 Tālāk ir norādīti ledus sadales noteikumi:🥳🥳🥳

1. Iepriekš saliktais ledus netiks ieskaitīts sadalē.

2. Ledus, kas nopelnīti no ieteikumiem, kas nav pārbaudīti, netiks ieskaitīti izplatīšanā.

3. Kopējais ledus daudzums lietotnē tiks vienādi sadalīts starp mēnešiem, kas palikuši līdz tīkla palaišanai, kas ir oktobrī. Piem. ja lietotnē ir 2000 ledus un līdz tīkla palaišanai atlikuši 10 mēneši, jūs saņemsiet 200 ledus savā konkrētajā makā.

(Man ir 78 ieteikumi un daži no tiem (20)
ir pievienojušies pirms dažām dienām, un pieci no viņiem jau ir paveikuši 1. un 2. darbību. Es tos novērtēju) Jums vajadzētu pievienoties arī tagad, lai gūtu labumu no tā. Pirmā izplatīšana ir pabeigta, taču neuztraucieties pēc 28 dienām, kad tiks veikta otrā izplatīšana. rasties Tāpēc turpiniet ieguvi.

Es ceru, ka esat sapratis ledus sadalījuma aprēķinu, izmantojot šo ziņu.

Ja jums ir kādi jautājumi, jautājiet man

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

📢📢📢 UNLIMITED CRYPTO REWARDS 📢📢📢 🎁🎁🎁 *Distribution starting soon*🎁🎁🎁 Athene Network - Download the app and using the code: {403a3e00d775} for free token rewards (Android/iOS) Register using the code {403a3e00d775} and get extra tokens. Claim Now.🎁🎊💶💶💵 Listing in binance soon.💹💹💹 So dont be late. playStore Or App store (Athene Network) Great opportunity get yourself register and claim your free tokens and huge rewards. #BTC #ARB #ETH-ETF #Solana-SOL #trendingtoday $BTC $SOL $BONK
🎁🎁🎁 *Distribution starting soon*🎁🎁🎁

Athene Network - Download the app and using the code: {403a3e00d775} for free token rewards (Android/iOS)

Register using the code {403a3e00d775} and get extra tokens.

Claim Now.🎁🎊💶💶💵
Listing in binance soon.💹💹💹
So dont be late.

playStore Or App store (Athene Network)

Great opportunity get yourself register and claim your free tokens and huge rewards.
#BTC #ARB #ETH-ETF #Solana-SOL #trendingtoday
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵 if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice... A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation... 💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳 1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution. 2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution. 3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet. (I have 78 referrals and some of them (20) have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining. I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post. If you have any question ask me in the comments.... #BTC #Solana-SOL #ETFsApproval #MANTA #ETH-ETF $BTC $BONK $TRB
💵💵💵 ***Ice distribution Policy***💵💵💵

if you don't have ice app, download it and use {mehedi45upwork} as referral code to get 10 free ice...

A lot of people are asking why they got less ice in wallet while they have more in ice app. The simple answer is that this is their regulation...

💰💰💰💰 Following are the regulations of ice distribution:🥳🥳🥳

1. The pre staked ice will not count in distribution.

2. Ice earned from referrals which are not verified will not count in distribution.

3. The total ice in the app will be equally split between the months left in mainnet launch which is in October. Eg. if you have 2000 ice in app and months left in mainnet launch are 10 so you will receive 200 ice in your given wallet.

(I have 78 referrals and some of them (20)
have joined a few days ago and five of them have already done kyc step 1 and 2. I appreciate them) You should also join now to get benefit from it, the first distribution is done but don't worry after 28 days second distribution will occur So keep mining.

I hope you have understood ice distribution calculation through this post.

If you have any question ask me
in the comments....

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