Binance Square
Ambassador for Astar Network. Marketing and branding enthusiast. More observer than executor.
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada augustsĀtrums kopā ar citiem aktīviem kriptovalūtu jomā šogad ir strauji samazinājies līdz ATL. Bet, lai gan tirgus lēnām konsolidējas un sāk atgriezties pie vēršu kustības, ASTR ir stabila pozīcija šajā pašreizējā cenu zonā, tajā pašā zonā tieši pirms kāpuma tempa pagājušajā gadā. Tikmēr Astar sociālie mediji ir mazliet klusi pēc tam, kad viņi paziņoja par savu sadarbību Chainlink CCIP, un pārsteidzoši, nevis ar viņu Astar zkEVM (L2 ETH), bet gan ar viņu Astar Native (Astar L1 uz Polkadot), kaut kas tiek gatavots fonā.

VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada augusts


kopā ar citiem aktīviem kriptovalūtu jomā šogad ir strauji samazinājies līdz ATL. Bet, lai gan tirgus lēnām konsolidējas un sāk atgriezties pie vēršu kustības, ASTR ir stabila pozīcija šajā pašreizējā cenu zonā, tajā pašā zonā tieši pirms kāpuma tempa pagājušajā gadā. Tikmēr Astar sociālie mediji ir mazliet klusi pēc tam, kad viņi paziņoja par savu sadarbību
Chainlink CCIP, un pārsteidzoši, nevis ar viņu Astar zkEVM (L2 ETH), bet gan ar viņu Astar Native (Astar L1 uz Polkadot), kaut kas tiek gatavots fonā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada jūlijsBinance pievienots uz to Vienkārša Earn Locked programma šeit 11. jūlijā. Šī partnerība iezīmēja ievērojamu saskarsmi ar tiem, kuri iepriekš nav izmantojuši Astar. Kā visi ASTR apkopoti no lietotājiem, kuri piedalās Simple Earn. Tas nodrošinās līdzekļus, kas tiks ieguldīti tieši Kopienas kasē saistībā ar Astar dApp Staking. Atgādinām, ka viena no Astar unikālajām funkcijām ir Astar dApp Staking, ar iepriekš palaito Tokenomics 2.0 platformā Astar pašreizējā inflācija tagad ir dinamiska no 2 līdz 3%, iepriekš tā tika fiksēta līdz 10%. dApp Staking ir mehānisms, ar kuru visi projekti, kas balstās uz Astar, infrastruktūru, kas atbalsta Astar, un Community Treasury, tiek iekļauti baltajā sarakstā, un ieinteresētās personas var piesaistīt savus ASTR ar tiem Astar portālā. Bloku atlīdzības pēc tam tiek sadalītas starp dalībniekiem un sarakstā iekļautajiem projektiem.

VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada jūlijs

Binance pievienots

uz to

Vienkārša Earn Locked programma šeit

11. jūlijā. Šī partnerība iezīmēja ievērojamu saskarsmi ar tiem, kuri iepriekš nav izmantojuši Astar. Kā visi ASTR apkopoti no lietotājiem, kuri piedalās Simple Earn. Tas nodrošinās līdzekļus, kas tiks ieguldīti tieši Kopienas kasē saistībā ar Astar dApp Staking.
Atgādinām, ka viena no Astar unikālajām funkcijām ir Astar dApp Staking, ar iepriekš palaito Tokenomics 2.0 platformā Astar pašreizējā inflācija tagad ir dinamiska no 2 līdz 3%, iepriekš tā tika fiksēta līdz 10%. dApp Staking ir mehānisms, ar kuru visi projekti, kas balstās uz Astar, infrastruktūru, kas atbalsta Astar, un Community Treasury, tiek iekļauti baltajā sarakstā, un ieinteresētās personas var piesaistīt savus ASTR ar tiem Astar portālā. Bloku atlīdzības pēc tam tiek sadalītas starp dalībniekiem un sarakstā iekļautajiem projektiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
2. nedēļa – 2024. gada jūlijs $ETH Otrajam spēcīgākajam kriptovalūtas īpašumam ir tāds pats liktenis kā Bitcoin. Bet pēc cita atbalsta atkārtotas pārbaudes 2700–2800 diapazonā, iespējams, tas mainīsies vai iet uz sāniem. #Market_Update
2. nedēļa – 2024. gada jūlijs


Otrajam spēcīgākajam kriptovalūtas īpašumam ir tāds pats liktenis kā Bitcoin. Bet pēc cita atbalsta atkārtotas pārbaudes 2700–2800 diapazonā, iespējams, tas mainīsies vai iet uz sāniem.
Week 2 - July 2024 $BTC Will definetely testing another support zone on this week. Death cross happens on EMA 5 >< EMA 20. We are retesting nearest support on 49-52k range, with further downtrend can hit a very strong support which is 42k #Market_Update #bitcoin☀️
Week 2 - July 2024


Will definetely testing another support zone on this week. Death cross happens on EMA 5 >< EMA 20. We are retesting nearest support on 49-52k range, with further downtrend can hit a very strong support which is 42k
Skatīt oriģinālu
VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada jūnijsLai gan tirgus ir mīnusos, #Astarnetwork joprojām ir konsekvents, nodrošinot dažādus sasniegtos pavērsienus un vairākus atjauninājumus nākotnē. Šeit mēs redzam, ko Astar vēlas darīt: Dedziniet $ASTR žetonus no Genesis Supply par 5%. Šis sadedzinātais krājums nāk no rezerves piešķīruma Parachain izsolei Polkadot. Tā kā Parachain Auction ir mainīta uz Polkadot 2.0, šis piedāvājums vairs nav vajadzīgs, un sabiedrība piekrīt. Sadedzināto žetonu skaits bija 350 miljoni ASTR Aptuveni 2 gadu laikā piegāde tika veikta, un tika iegūta atlīdzība ~ 72 miljonu ASTR apmērā. Tas tiks iekļauts Kopienas kasē, pēc tam tiks veikta atkārtota līdzdalība projektiem, kas iekļauti Neapturamās Kopienas dotācijas (UCG) programmā.

VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada jūnijs

Lai gan tirgus ir mīnusos, #Astarnetwork joprojām ir konsekvents, nodrošinot dažādus sasniegtos pavērsienus un vairākus atjauninājumus nākotnē. Šeit mēs redzam, ko Astar vēlas darīt:
Dedziniet $ASTR žetonus no Genesis Supply par 5%. Šis sadedzinātais krājums nāk no rezerves piešķīruma Parachain izsolei Polkadot. Tā kā Parachain Auction ir mainīta uz Polkadot 2.0, šis piedāvājums vairs nav vajadzīgs, un sabiedrība piekrīt. Sadedzināto žetonu skaits bija 350 miljoni ASTR

Aptuveni 2 gadu laikā piegāde tika veikta, un tika iegūta atlīdzība ~ 72 miljonu ASTR apmērā. Tas tiks iekļauts Kopienas kasē, pēc tam tiks veikta atkārtota līdzdalība projektiem, kas iekļauti Neapturamās Kopienas dotācijas (UCG) programmā.
#MarketSentimentToday While almost all alts are red, but not with bluechips ($BTC $ETH ) I'm looking on this trio that will be merged by the next month AGIX FET OCEAN

While almost all alts are red, but not with bluechips ($BTC $ETH )

I'm looking on this trio that will be merged by the next month AGIX FET OCEAN
I'm more bullish on $ETH compare to $BTC , as ETH now returning 3400-3600 support zone. It will try to retest again on to 4000 price barrier. Meanwhile, token merge between AGIX, FET and OCEAN into ASI, will surely reignite A.I sector competition, especially against TAO. ENA still got hammered by selling pressure from airdropper. While its big unlock vesting still happening next year, a lot of retailers worried this things will going south like LUNA. Token to watch for next week : Bluechips (1-50) NEAR, ETH, SOL Tier A ( 50-100) FET (merge into ASI) TAO Tier B (100-200) ASTR, MANTA #BinanceTournament #Write2Earn!
I'm more bullish on $ETH compare to $BTC , as ETH now returning 3400-3600 support zone. It will try to retest again on to 4000 price barrier.

Meanwhile, token merge between AGIX, FET and OCEAN into ASI, will surely reignite A.I sector competition, especially against TAO.

ENA still got hammered by selling pressure from airdropper. While its big unlock vesting still happening next year, a lot of retailers worried this things will going south like LUNA.

Token to watch for next week :
Bluechips (1-50)

Tier A ( 50-100)
FET (merge into ASI)

Tier B (100-200)

#BinanceTournament #Write2Earn!
EVERYTHING ASTAR - May 2024While Astar zkEVM already reached ~2.2M tx after 2 months launched, Astar newest L2 Eth, despite a bit buggy when it was launched, now is running real smooth and it's ecosystem is growing steadily, with the avg gas fee is around 0.01 USD / tx ($ETH ~3k USD). Here are latest curated updates regarding Astar Network: Yoki Origins, Astar zkEVM launch campaign, will end on May 31st,2024. $ASTR will be airdropped to eligible participant.ON1 Force, a reputable NFT collection, is set to launch on Astar zkEVM on May 23rd, 2024. Be ready for a minting clash. Team SoNoisy is also deployinhg their Sony-related NFT collection on Astar zkEVMThere are possible airdrops on VeryLongSwap (VLS), new emerging DeFi AMM on Astar zkEVM, just stake ASTR, Earn VLS Points, & Unlock Rewards.Neurolaunche, a reputable GameFi/AI project on Astar, is helding an airdrop for those who staked their ASTR with them on Astar Portal. And also hosting their first token sale.Astar 3.0 will be announced in very short time, also this will explained the relationship between Startale and Sony, related to Sony blockchain launching by Q4 2024.Staking ASTR on Astar zkEVM using Omni LS is currently on maintenance, user who has vASTR can swap to ASTR on Quickswap.On Astar L1 Native, there's an airdrop of PINK token and DED token for active ASTR staker and DOT staker.Astar fully On-Chain Governance, which will be launched very soon, will accomplished it's primary objectives becoming mature and full decentralized, permisionless and community driven blockchain. #Astarnetwork #astar #L2


While Astar zkEVM already reached ~2.2M tx after 2 months launched, Astar newest L2 Eth, despite a bit buggy when it was launched, now is running real smooth and it's ecosystem is growing steadily, with the avg gas fee is around 0.01 USD / tx ($ETH ~3k USD). Here are latest curated updates regarding Astar Network:
Yoki Origins, Astar zkEVM launch campaign, will end on May 31st,2024. $ASTR will be airdropped to eligible participant.ON1 Force, a reputable NFT collection, is set to launch on Astar zkEVM on May 23rd, 2024. Be ready for a minting clash. Team SoNoisy is also deployinhg their Sony-related NFT collection on Astar zkEVMThere are possible airdrops on VeryLongSwap (VLS), new emerging DeFi AMM on Astar zkEVM, just stake ASTR, Earn VLS Points, & Unlock Rewards.Neurolaunche, a reputable GameFi/AI project on Astar, is helding an airdrop for those who staked their ASTR with them on Astar Portal. And also hosting their first token sale.Astar 3.0 will be announced in very short time, also this will explained the relationship between Startale and Sony, related to Sony blockchain launching by Q4 2024.Staking ASTR on Astar zkEVM using Omni LS is currently on maintenance, user who has vASTR can swap to ASTR on Quickswap.On Astar L1 Native, there's an airdrop of PINK token and DED token for active ASTR staker and DOT staker.Astar fully On-Chain Governance, which will be launched very soon, will accomplished it's primary objectives becoming mature and full decentralized, permisionless and community driven blockchain.
#Astarnetwork #astar #L2
Skatīt oriģinālu
#MarketSentimentToday $PYTH Attiecībā uz viņu piešķirto atbloķēšanas marķieri, kas notiks šodien, cena jau ir ļoti pazemināta. Var sasniegt super zemāko punktu uz 0,22-0,27, bet es prognozēju, ka 0,34 - 0,36 ir labi pirkt. $ASTR Astar veic iknedēļas atbalsta pārbaudi, un cena pašlaik ir atkāpusies līdz tādam līmenim, kāds bija pirms megapump notikuma 2023. gada decembrī. Viņu L2 pakāpeniski pieaug, un viens no faktoriem, kas izraisīs bullish signālu, ir tad, kad viss sekvencēra uzkrātais ETH tiks izmantots atpirkšanai un sadedzināt ASTR. (tā ir daļa no viņu tokenomikas)

$PYTH Attiecībā uz viņu piešķirto atbloķēšanas marķieri, kas notiks šodien, cena jau ir ļoti pazemināta. Var sasniegt super zemāko punktu uz 0,22-0,27, bet es prognozēju, ka 0,34 - 0,36 ir labi pirkt.

$ASTR Astar veic iknedēļas atbalsta pārbaudi, un cena pašlaik ir atkāpusies līdz tādam līmenim, kāds bija pirms megapump notikuma 2023. gada decembrī. Viņu L2 pakāpeniski pieaug, un viens no faktoriem, kas izraisīs bullish signālu, ir tad, kad viss sekvencēra uzkrātais ETH tiks izmantots atpirkšanai un sadedzināt ASTR. (tā ir daļa no viņu tokenomikas)
Skatīt oriģinālu
VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada martsAstar zkEVM $ASTR tika laists klajā 2024. gada marta sākumā, pārņemot AggLayer tehnoloģiju no Polygon CDK, un Astar zkEVM kļuva par pirmo Layer2 papildus $ETH, kas pārņēma jaunākās tehnoloģijas no Polygon $MATIC. Tajā pašā laikā sākās Astar atklāšanas kampaņa ar nosaukumu "Yoki Origins". Liela kampaņa, kurā iesaistīti labi zināmi NFT projekti, DeFi dApps un vairāki lieli uzņēmumi Japānā. Tiek spekulēts, ka Yoki Origins nodrošinās atlīdzību visiem dalībniekiem, kas piedalīsies kampaņā. Kā spēlēt nemaz nav grūti, vienkārši atveriet Yoki lapu Astar Network ( yoki . astar . network ), pēc tam izkaliet Yoki kapsulu, atveriet kapsulu, savāciet un sapludiniet pēc iespējas vairāk Yoki. Dalībnieki ar visvairāk Yokis vēlāk iegūs punktu skaitu, ko varēs redzēt globālajā līderu sarakstā. Lai spēlētu, ir īpašs NFT, ko sauc par OMA marķieriem, kurus lietotāji var pieprasīt katru dienu, kā arī OMA tiks atmesti tiem, kuri veica uzdevumus Yo-Port (Yoki kapsulas mašīna no dažādiem projektiem, kas pievienojas šai kampaņai).

VISS ASTAR — 2024. gada marts

Astar zkEVM $ASTR tika laists klajā 2024. gada marta sākumā, pārņemot AggLayer tehnoloģiju no Polygon CDK, un Astar zkEVM kļuva par pirmo Layer2 papildus $ETH, kas pārņēma jaunākās tehnoloģijas no Polygon $MATIC. Tajā pašā laikā sākās Astar atklāšanas kampaņa ar nosaukumu "Yoki Origins". Liela kampaņa, kurā iesaistīti labi zināmi NFT projekti, DeFi dApps un vairāki lieli uzņēmumi Japānā.

Tiek spekulēts, ka Yoki Origins nodrošinās atlīdzību visiem dalībniekiem, kas piedalīsies kampaņā. Kā spēlēt nemaz nav grūti, vienkārši atveriet Yoki lapu Astar Network ( yoki . astar . network ), pēc tam izkaliet Yoki kapsulu, atveriet kapsulu, savāciet un sapludiniet pēc iespējas vairāk Yoki. Dalībnieki ar visvairāk Yokis vēlāk iegūs punktu skaitu, ko varēs redzēt globālajā līderu sarakstā. Lai spēlētu, ir īpašs NFT, ko sauc par OMA marķieriem, kurus lietotāji var pieprasīt katru dienu, kā arī OMA tiks atmesti tiem, kuri veica uzdevumus Yo-Port (Yoki kapsulas mašīna no dažādiem projektiem, kas pievienojas šai kampaņai).
Skatīt oriģinālu
VISS ASTAR — 24. febrAttiecībā uz Astar Network $ASTR  2024. gada februārī ir divi galvenie pagrieziena punkti: dApp Staking v3: Tas tika palaists jau 12. februārī, un tas tika atzīmēts ar jauno lietotāja interfeisa portālu un milzīgu dinamisku ~7% bonusa atlīdzību agrīnajiem dalībniekiem/balsotājiem balsošanas posmā. kur pārējās neaizpildītās dApp vietas izraisīs ievērojami mazāku inflāciju. Raksta rakstīšanas laikā tika likti aptuveni 37% no maksimālā piedāvājuma. Balsošanas apakšperiods sastāv no 11 dienām (dalībnieki nesaņēma nekādu atlīdzību, bet ir tiesīgi saņemt bonusu), Build&Earn sastāv ~4 mēneši ( lietotāji saņem parasto atlīdzību plus bonusu, ja viņi veic likmes visā balsošanas + Build&EarnTier sistēmu dApps/Projektiem periodā, kur augstākais līmenis nodrošina lielāku atlīdzību par projektiem2 apstiprina savu vietējo marķieru nolaišanu gaisā, ja lietotājs izdara savu ASTR DeStore un Neurolaunche ( DYOR TnC)1 apstiprināja atlīdzības piešķiršanu ASTR, ja lietotājs ir ieguldījis Astar Degens (DYOR TnC) Palaižot dApp Staking v3, tad Tokenomics 2.0 ir 100% izvietots ar mazāku inflāciju (aprēķināts ~5,8% — 7% varētu būt mazāks ar ASTR atpirkšana un sadedzināšana, iepriekš bija 10%)

VISS ASTAR — 24. febr

Attiecībā uz Astar Network $ASTR  2024. gada februārī ir divi galvenie pagrieziena punkti:
dApp Staking v3:
Tas tika palaists jau 12. februārī, un tas tika atzīmēts ar jauno lietotāja interfeisa portālu un milzīgu dinamisku ~7% bonusa atlīdzību agrīnajiem dalībniekiem/balsotājiem balsošanas posmā. kur pārējās neaizpildītās dApp vietas izraisīs ievērojami mazāku inflāciju. Raksta rakstīšanas laikā tika likti aptuveni 37% no maksimālā piedāvājuma. Balsošanas apakšperiods sastāv no 11 dienām (dalībnieki nesaņēma nekādu atlīdzību, bet ir tiesīgi saņemt bonusu), Build&Earn sastāv ~4 mēneši ( lietotāji saņem parasto atlīdzību plus bonusu, ja viņi veic likmes visā balsošanas + Build&EarnTier sistēmu dApps/Projektiem periodā, kur augstākais līmenis nodrošina lielāku atlīdzību par projektiem2 apstiprina savu vietējo marķieru nolaišanu gaisā, ja lietotājs izdara savu ASTR DeStore un Neurolaunche ( DYOR TnC)1 apstiprināja atlīdzības piešķiršanu ASTR, ja lietotājs ir ieguldījis Astar Degens (DYOR TnC) Palaižot dApp Staking v3, tad Tokenomics 2.0 ir 100% izvietots ar mazāku inflāciju (aprēķināts ~5,8% — 7% varētu būt mazāks ar ASTR atpirkšana un sadedzināšana, iepriekš bija 10%)
EVERYTHING ASTAR - Jan 24Happy New Year 2024! $ASTR prices experienced a significant and fantastic increase during December, before a correction occurred in early January 2024. In December, the Astar team also worked hard on one of the most important upgrades to the Astar Network before launching Astar zkEVM in February, namely dApp Staking v3. Currently dApp Staking v3 is in the final audit and UI polishing so that users can be comfortable when using the Astar portal. dApp Staking v3 marked the final phase for Tokenomic 2.0. What's changed? Let's take a look. Voting and Staking Mechanism: For Stakers, the minimum requirement to stake is 500 ASTR and the token unstaking time is ~10 ERAs (10 Days). In 1 Periode (~3 months) There are 2 SubPeriodes : Voting phase and BuildAndEarn phase.Voting phase is ~10 DaysBuildAndEarn phase are ~81 daysDuring the Voting phase, stakers didn't received any staking rewards, and their token were locked. The same happened with the dApps / Projects, they don't earn any staking rewards either.During the Voting phase, if a staker put 1000 ASTR and didn't reduced his/her stake below that number until the 1 Periode end (after 3 months) then he/she are eligible for bonus reward. During the Voting phase, a staker can move to whichever projects that he/she wants.During Voting and BuildAndEarn phases, stakers can add or unstake their tokens and claiming their rewards any time they want.Users who didn't stake their token on Voting phase, didn't eligible for rewards.There's a limit of how many days you can claim your staking reward. Be advised to claim your rewards each week, otherwise it will be expired by the end of the periode.Every new periode start all dApps stakes will be reset.By staking means all staker's ASTR never leave their wallet. They are just locked and can't be transferred. dApp/Project Tiers: Now there are 4 tiers for the dApp. Each has limited slots.Different with previous dApp Staking v2, in v3 all dApps got reward depending on their tier.If a dApp/project has a lot ASTR delegated to them, their chances to land on the highest tier is big.There is possibility of another reward from a dApp or project if a staker staked their ASTR with them, kindly DYOR before you delegate your $ASTR with them.If there are empty slots in a tier, all reward for that slot will be burned. Tokenomic 2.0: Staker's APY still ~10%There's no max supply, but now ASTR has less inflation, reduced from ~10% to ~5.8%All $ETH revenue on Astar zkEVM will be use to buyback ASTR and burn (both actions using third party)ASTR gas fee on Astar Native VM (the one using Substrate wallet) now equals with Astar EVM with all tips to Collator (Tx validator on Polkadot eco terms), and the rest is burned.In the case if the traffic txs on Astar is very high, the actual number of inflation can be extremely lower than ~5.8% because of the massive burn mechanism. #Astarnetwork #astar


Happy New Year 2024! $ASTR prices experienced a significant and fantastic increase during December, before a correction occurred in early January 2024. In December, the Astar team also worked hard on one of the most important upgrades to the Astar Network before launching Astar zkEVM in February, namely dApp Staking v3. Currently dApp Staking v3 is in the final audit and UI polishing so that users can be comfortable when using the Astar portal. dApp Staking v3 marked the final phase for Tokenomic 2.0. What's changed? Let's take a look.

Voting and Staking Mechanism:
For Stakers, the minimum requirement to stake is 500 ASTR and the token unstaking time is ~10 ERAs (10 Days). In 1 Periode (~3 months) There are 2 SubPeriodes : Voting phase and BuildAndEarn phase.Voting phase is ~10 DaysBuildAndEarn phase are ~81 daysDuring the Voting phase, stakers didn't received any staking rewards, and their token were locked. The same happened with the dApps / Projects, they don't earn any staking rewards either.During the Voting phase, if a staker put 1000 ASTR and didn't reduced his/her stake below that number until the 1 Periode end (after 3 months) then he/she are eligible for bonus reward. During the Voting phase, a staker can move to whichever projects that he/she wants.During Voting and BuildAndEarn phases, stakers can add or unstake their tokens and claiming their rewards any time they want.Users who didn't stake their token on Voting phase, didn't eligible for rewards.There's a limit of how many days you can claim your staking reward. Be advised to claim your rewards each week, otherwise it will be expired by the end of the periode.Every new periode start all dApps stakes will be reset.By staking means all staker's ASTR never leave their wallet. They are just locked and can't be transferred.
dApp/Project Tiers:
Now there are 4 tiers for the dApp. Each has limited slots.Different with previous dApp Staking v2, in v3 all dApps got reward depending on their tier.If a dApp/project has a lot ASTR delegated to them, their chances to land on the highest tier is big.There is possibility of another reward from a dApp or project if a staker staked their ASTR with them, kindly DYOR before you delegate your $ASTR with them.If there are empty slots in a tier, all reward for that slot will be burned.

Tokenomic 2.0:
Staker's APY still ~10%There's no max supply, but now ASTR has less inflation, reduced from ~10% to ~5.8%All $ETH revenue on Astar zkEVM will be use to buyback ASTR and burn (both actions using third party)ASTR gas fee on Astar Native VM (the one using Substrate wallet) now equals with Astar EVM with all tips to Collator (Tx validator on Polkadot eco terms), and the rest is burned.In the case if the traffic txs on Astar is very high, the actual number of inflation can be extremely lower than ~5.8% because of the massive burn mechanism.
#Astarnetwork #astar
EVERYTHING ASTAR - Dec 23The beginning of December was marked by the return of bulls in the crypto market. The positive situation and the sudden return of holders and various analysts on various social media are signs of the start of the bull season. Likewise, the activity of the core team at Astar Network reached its peak to this December. Below we discuss Astar's various achievements from last month to today. Let's take a look : The implementation of Phase 2 of Tokenomic 2.0 has resulted in an increase in gas fees for using the Astar Network, especially on the EVM side. This is a bit surprising to many people who are very used to very, very cheap gas fees. However, if Tokenomic 2.0 is 100 percent implemented, it is hoped that the gas fee will result in an efficient token burn mechanism and will reduce annual inflation in Astar.The Astar Portal comes with a new look. This is believed to make it easier for users to connect to the Astar Network. Especially for the transfer flow between Astar Native / EVM and Astar zkEVM (L2 on Ethereum)The number of transactions on the Astar Network reached the 10M milestone with a total of 593k holders, this figure is predicted to explode even more after Astar zkEVM is launched.LayerZero, Sentio and Band Protocol, all of them are partnering with Astar Network, currently they have been testing on Astar zKatana (Astar zkEVM testnet)Even though Astar Network has openly announced market expansion to Korea. However, incognito, the presence of Astar Network as the best blockchain for B2B is present in Indonesia, specifically at Aeon Mall BSD. Sushi Top collaborates with PT Aeon Mall Indonesia for NFT (SBT) distribution services at the "Aksi Bersama Untuk SDGs" event.Verifiable Random Function (VRF) will be launched on Astar zkEVM. It is believed that this will enrich the convenience of builders, especially those who focus on gaming, NFT generation and various other things. This was realized through the collaboration of Astar Network and Gelato.Astar Network will launch Astar zkEVM on Q1 2024, There will also be a rumored launch campaign with attractive reward. Astar Network currently the biggest L1 on top of Polkadot ecosystem based on market cap. #Astarnetwork #AltcoinPotential #ASTR/USDT #Polkadot $ASTR


The beginning of December was marked by the return of bulls in the crypto market. The positive situation and the sudden return of holders and various analysts on various social media are signs of the start of the bull season. Likewise, the activity of the core team at Astar Network reached its peak to this December. Below we discuss Astar's various achievements from last month to today. Let's take a look :
The implementation of Phase 2 of Tokenomic 2.0 has resulted in an increase in gas fees for using the Astar Network, especially on the EVM side. This is a bit surprising to many people who are very used to very, very cheap gas fees. However, if Tokenomic 2.0 is 100 percent implemented, it is hoped that the gas fee will result in an efficient token burn mechanism and will reduce annual inflation in Astar.The Astar Portal comes with a new look. This is believed to make it easier for users to connect to the Astar Network. Especially for the transfer flow between Astar Native / EVM and Astar zkEVM (L2 on Ethereum)The number of transactions on the Astar Network reached the 10M milestone with a total of 593k holders, this figure is predicted to explode even more after Astar zkEVM is launched.LayerZero, Sentio and Band Protocol, all of them are partnering with Astar Network, currently they have been testing on Astar zKatana (Astar zkEVM testnet)Even though Astar Network has openly announced market expansion to Korea. However, incognito, the presence of Astar Network as the best blockchain for B2B is present in Indonesia, specifically at Aeon Mall BSD. Sushi Top collaborates with PT Aeon Mall Indonesia for NFT (SBT) distribution services at the "Aksi Bersama Untuk SDGs" event.Verifiable Random Function (VRF) will be launched on Astar zkEVM. It is believed that this will enrich the convenience of builders, especially those who focus on gaming, NFT generation and various other things. This was realized through the collaboration of Astar Network and Gelato.Astar Network will launch Astar zkEVM on Q1 2024, There will also be a rumored launch campaign with attractive reward.
Astar Network currently the biggest L1 on top of Polkadot ecosystem based on market cap.
#Astarnetwork #AltcoinPotential #ASTR/USDT #Polkadot
What am I thinking about $ORDI ? - Scarce supply (only 21 M) - Full circulation - Minted on top premium network (BRC20) as the first living proof - (still) No utilities (for now) Possible to beat its own ATH and break new ATH maybe 38-42 USD in the next few weeks.
What am I thinking about $ORDI ?
- Scarce supply (only 21 M)
- Full circulation
- Minted on top premium network (BRC20) as the first living proof
- (still) No utilities (for now)

Possible to beat its own ATH and break new ATH maybe 38-42 USD in the next few weeks.
Astar and KoreaLast month during Astar Network $ASTR Community Call, Astar's founder Sota Watanabe was announcing that Astar going to expand its B2B penetration in Korea. It may seem like it doesn't mean anything to crypto enthusiasts who generally always look at price movements and hype alone, but this step is a long-term plan for the development of the Astar Network from a global perspective, especially Asia. Astar has established an outstanding B2B record with traditional institutional entities, and has proven to be a huge success in Japan. B2B collaboration was announced first with NTT Docomo, then Toyota Global, followed by Sony Network, and also others such as Calbee, Mazda or Mitsubishi Estate. Even though the majority of this collaboration is more experimental, this is quite an eye-opener for stakeholders from these institutions. Until finally Sony Network announced that it would build their own blockchain in collaboration with Startale, a for-profit company for the development of the Astar Network, and the Astar Foundation itself. The first step in market expansion in Korea is to become a member of the Busan Blockchain Alliance. This membership was announced during Blockhain Week in Busan 2023 (BWB 23). Rhee Sanghyun, one of the Business Development team from Astar Network, introduced Astar in front of the visitors who incidentally were executives from giant industries in Korea and of course crypto enthusiasts. This positive step was warmly welcomed by Astar holders, who believe that blockchain should be used more for various utilities, not just trading, staking and NFT collection. Also in the next week, the presence of Sota Watanabe, Astar Founder / Startale CEO and Marteen Henskens, Head of Astar Foundation, where they will carry out various activities to introduce the Astar Network, especially to industrial giants in Korea. As we know, the same as its neighbor Japan, Korea also has globalized industries such as Samsung, LG or Hyundai. Even though if there is a partnership it will not be announced openly because it is an NDA, it cannot be denied that this will happen, just when Astar collaborated with Toyota Global at the hackaton contest earlier this year. With the recovery of crypto market conditions globally, and the increasing value of Bitcoin in the market and the return of both retail and institutional investors. So it cannot be denied that the world needs the presence of Web3.0. Web3.0 infrastructure cannot be denied is the best upgrade that must be quickly implemented to welcome the future. And of course Astar will try its best in the global market, and Asia is just the beginning.

Astar and Korea

Last month during Astar Network $ASTR Community Call, Astar's founder Sota Watanabe was announcing that Astar going to expand its B2B penetration in Korea. It may seem like it doesn't mean anything to crypto enthusiasts who generally always look at price movements and hype alone, but this step is a long-term plan for the development of the Astar Network from a global perspective, especially Asia. Astar has established an outstanding B2B record with traditional institutional entities, and has proven to be a huge success in Japan. B2B collaboration was announced first with NTT Docomo, then Toyota Global, followed by Sony Network, and also others such as Calbee, Mazda or Mitsubishi Estate. Even though the majority of this collaboration is more experimental, this is quite an eye-opener for stakeholders from these institutions. Until finally Sony Network announced that it would build their own blockchain in collaboration with Startale, a for-profit company for the development of the Astar Network, and the Astar Foundation itself.

The first step in market expansion in Korea is to become a member of the Busan Blockchain Alliance. This membership was announced during Blockhain Week in Busan 2023 (BWB 23). Rhee Sanghyun, one of the Business Development team from Astar Network, introduced Astar in front of the visitors who incidentally were executives from giant industries in Korea and of course crypto enthusiasts. This positive step was warmly welcomed by Astar holders, who believe that blockchain should be used more for various utilities, not just trading, staking and NFT collection.

Also in the next week, the presence of Sota Watanabe, Astar Founder / Startale CEO and Marteen Henskens, Head of Astar Foundation, where they will carry out various activities to introduce the Astar Network, especially to industrial giants in Korea. As we know, the same as its neighbor Japan, Korea also has globalized industries such as Samsung, LG or Hyundai. Even though if there is a partnership it will not be announced openly because it is an NDA, it cannot be denied that this will happen, just when Astar collaborated with Toyota Global at the hackaton contest earlier this year.

With the recovery of crypto market conditions globally, and the increasing value of Bitcoin in the market and the return of both retail and institutional investors. So it cannot be denied that the world needs the presence of Web3.0. Web3.0 infrastructure cannot be denied is the best upgrade that must be quickly implemented to welcome the future. And of course Astar will try its best in the global market, and Asia is just the beginning.
EVERYTHING ASTAR - Nov 23In the following summary, let's take a look at the growth journey and tech developments of Astar Network $ASTR at the beginning of November 2023. This article is the first article to be written on a monthly basis and only published on Binance Square. Astar collaborates with Biconomy, by integrating the Biconomy SDK. Biconomy SDK is an all-in-one toolkit for building applications (dApps) with ERC4337 account abstractions and smart accounts. With this collaboration, it will be easy for dApps builders to implement Account Abstraction. Currently available on Astar Native VM (Substrate) and Astar EVMThe Account Abstraction feature will also be available in the upcoming L2 Astar zkEVM chain. By utilizing social login, account recovery and so on, it will be easier for users to onboard into the Astar ecosystemThe first offline meetup in Japan was held by the Astar Network Japan community at the end of last week at Golden Egg, Tokyo, Japan. This large meeting was held for the first time and coincided with the presence of Maarten Henskens, Head of Astar Foundation and Luiz Ramirez, Lead Community GrowthHaneda Airport collaborates with Astar Network, where travelers can collect digital stamps across 17 stores at Haneda Airport, Haneda Innovation City, and Ota Ward. This partnership is supported by Sushi Top NFT, as one of the major NFT projects on the Astar NetworkAs an initial step to develop growth in the South Korean market. Astar Network announces collaboration with Factomind. This collaboration is believed to be able to increase the positive growth of Astar Network, especially in South Korea in early 2024As a step to get closer to users and the community, Astar held the Astar Idea Matsuri. An ideathon with rewards where anyone can present their wild ideas complete with a draft plan, without the need for an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which means without having to code.From October 2023 to early November 2023, the testnet of Astar zKEVM (Astar zKatana) has achieved high traffic spikes. This traffic spike comes from various dApp builders who want to launch their dApps on Astar zKEVM, various tests carried out internally by the Astar Foundation along with its infrastructure partners and also from users who are taking advantage of this momentum to hope for retroactive rewards (which no official announcement until now). Those are all the activities that occurred on Astar Network at the beginning of this month. With the speed and aggressiveness of the Astar Network team and with its big partnerships with several giant enterprises, we will see how lively the chain will be, especially on Astar zKEVM which is highly anticipated.


In the following summary, let's take a look at the growth journey and tech developments of Astar Network $ASTR at the beginning of November 2023. This article is the first article to be written on a monthly basis and only published on Binance Square.
Astar collaborates with Biconomy, by integrating the Biconomy SDK. Biconomy SDK is an all-in-one toolkit for building applications (dApps) with ERC4337 account abstractions and smart accounts. With this collaboration, it will be easy for dApps builders to implement Account Abstraction. Currently available on Astar Native VM (Substrate) and Astar EVMThe Account Abstraction feature will also be available in the upcoming L2 Astar zkEVM chain. By utilizing social login, account recovery and so on, it will be easier for users to onboard into the Astar ecosystemThe first offline meetup in Japan was held by the Astar Network Japan community at the end of last week at Golden Egg, Tokyo, Japan. This large meeting was held for the first time and coincided with the presence of Maarten Henskens, Head of Astar Foundation and Luiz Ramirez, Lead Community GrowthHaneda Airport collaborates with Astar Network, where travelers can collect digital stamps across 17 stores at Haneda Airport, Haneda Innovation City, and Ota Ward. This partnership is supported by Sushi Top NFT, as one of the major NFT projects on the Astar NetworkAs an initial step to develop growth in the South Korean market. Astar Network announces collaboration with Factomind. This collaboration is believed to be able to increase the positive growth of Astar Network, especially in South Korea in early 2024As a step to get closer to users and the community, Astar held the Astar Idea Matsuri. An ideathon with rewards where anyone can present their wild ideas complete with a draft plan, without the need for an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which means without having to code.From October 2023 to early November 2023, the testnet of Astar zKEVM (Astar zKatana) has achieved high traffic spikes. This traffic spike comes from various dApp builders who want to launch their dApps on Astar zKEVM, various tests carried out internally by the Astar Foundation along with its infrastructure partners and also from users who are taking advantage of this momentum to hope for retroactive rewards (which no official announcement until now).
Those are all the activities that occurred on Astar Network at the beginning of this month. With the speed and aggressiveness of the Astar Network team and with its big partnerships with several giant enterprises, we will see how lively the chain will be, especially on Astar zKEVM which is highly anticipated.
#Polkadot Hidden Projects Overview $DOT These hidden gems probably you never heard before unless you are a Dot explorer, all projects are L1 , some of them are appchain : - Interlay : a DeFi project that brings BTC on Polkadot eco, atm they are building a new platform on top of Bitcoin L2. Ticker : INTR, not yet listed on Binance - HydraDX : a DeFi project that brings all liquidity from all connected L1 parachains, a giant hub for swapping tokens on Polkadot. $ASTR and $GLMR listed here. Ticker : HDX, not yet listed on Binance - Nodle : an IoT project that let mobile users become a node operator and shares connections with each other. Ticker : NODL , not yet listed on Binance - Manta : the upcoming privacy network, also expand to Eth L2 using Polygon CDK. Ticker : MA (not yet released) - Zeitgeist : a decentralize prediction market, formerly on Kusama and move to Polkadot. Ticker : ZTG , not yet listed on Binance. - Bit Country Continuum : a metaverse network hub that let users create their own metaverse dApp. Ticker : NUUM (not yet released) - Oak : an infrastructure for other network that focuses with automation. Ticker : OAK (not yet released) - BiFrost : a DeFi project that already well known in the community for liquid staking with all parachains that already connected. Ticker : BNC , not yet listed on Binance - SubSquid : an infrastructure that focuses on indexer. Ticker : SQD (not yet released). - Aleph Zero : a smart contract platform that focuses on WASM-based dApp. Ticker : AZERO, not yet listed on Binance These are all the hidden gems that silently build on Polkadot ecosystem. Keep DYOR.
#Polkadot Hidden Projects Overview $DOT

These hidden gems probably you never heard before unless you are a Dot explorer, all projects are L1 , some of them are appchain :

- Interlay : a DeFi project that brings BTC on Polkadot eco, atm they are building a new platform on top of Bitcoin L2. Ticker : INTR, not yet listed on Binance

- HydraDX : a DeFi project that brings all liquidity from all connected L1 parachains, a giant hub for swapping tokens on Polkadot. $ASTR and $GLMR listed here. Ticker : HDX, not yet listed on Binance

- Nodle : an IoT project that let mobile users become a node operator and shares connections with each other. Ticker : NODL , not yet listed on Binance

- Manta : the upcoming privacy network, also expand to Eth L2 using Polygon CDK. Ticker : MA (not yet released)

- Zeitgeist : a decentralize prediction market, formerly on Kusama and move to Polkadot. Ticker : ZTG , not yet listed on Binance.

- Bit Country Continuum : a metaverse network hub that let users create their own metaverse dApp. Ticker : NUUM (not yet released)

- Oak : an infrastructure for other network that focuses with automation. Ticker : OAK (not yet released)

- BiFrost : a DeFi project that already well known in the community for liquid staking with all parachains that already connected. Ticker : BNC , not yet listed on Binance

- SubSquid : an infrastructure that focuses on indexer. Ticker : SQD (not yet released).

- Aleph Zero : a smart contract platform that focuses on WASM-based dApp. Ticker : AZERO, not yet listed on Binance

These are all the hidden gems that silently build on Polkadot ecosystem. Keep DYOR.
Everything About Astar Network $ASTR - Currently top no.1 L1 on Polkadot Eco by mcap - Q1 2024 Astar zKEVM will expand on ETH as L2 on Ethereum with $ETH as gas fee - Q1 2024 will launch Tokenomic 2.0 with less inflation almost deflationary - Official B2B partnership with NTT Docomo, Sony, Toyota, Mitsubishi Estate, Mazda, etc. - Having a strong relationship with many Japanese IP (manga, anime, video game) - Q1 2024 expanding its partnership to South Korean B2B - Close ties with Japan Government - Big users / holders came from Far East Asia, Europe and Latam region - Unique staking mechanism with users can choose which projects/dApps they want to support (similar to Kickstarter, but holders didn't loss their staked ASTR if the project fails)
Everything About Astar Network $ASTR

- Currently top no.1 L1 on Polkadot Eco by mcap
- Q1 2024 Astar zKEVM will expand on ETH as L2 on Ethereum with $ETH as gas fee
- Q1 2024 will launch Tokenomic 2.0 with less inflation almost deflationary
- Official B2B partnership with NTT Docomo, Sony, Toyota, Mitsubishi Estate, Mazda, etc.
- Having a strong relationship with many Japanese IP (manga, anime, video game)
- Q1 2024 expanding its partnership to South Korean B2B
- Close ties with Japan Government
- Big users / holders came from Far East Asia, Europe and Latam region
- Unique staking mechanism with users can choose which projects/dApps they want to support (similar to Kickstarter, but holders didn't loss their staked ASTR if the project fails)
$BTC Bitcoin Overview : As of now Blackrock is just waiting for approval from the SEC, which is unlikely to be further delayed after losing court proceedings with various crypto entities. Many financial institutions have accumulated BTC when the market was sideways a month ago and ready to attract retailers. From the technical side, this week's bold green candle, is a sign of bullish awakenings toward Bitcoin halving next year. 🔴 39.000 - 42.000 (if approved before Xmas / before Black Friday) 🟢 28.000 - 31.000 (sideways until approval)
$BTC Bitcoin Overview :

As of now Blackrock is just waiting for approval from the SEC, which is unlikely to be further delayed after losing court proceedings with various crypto entities. Many financial institutions have accumulated BTC when the market was sideways a month ago and ready to attract retailers.

From the technical side, this week's bold green candle, is a sign of bullish awakenings toward Bitcoin halving next year.
🔴 39.000 - 42.000 (if approved before Xmas / before Black Friday)
🟢 28.000 - 31.000 (sideways until approval)
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