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9 000 USD līdz 1,2 miljoni USD 4 dienās ar SOL meme monētāmPārsteidzoši ieguvumi no viena darījuma. Redzēsim, kā viņš to panāca un kā agri atrast šīs iespējas. $SOL mēmu monēta $MEW ir viena no karstākajām #Memecoins🤑🤑 #Solana⁩ ekosistēmā. Šis tirgotājs bija viens no pirmajiem. Viņš nopirka monētu tikai vienu stundu pēc palaišanas — 245,3 miljoni tikai par 9 000 USD. $MEW guva lielu uzplaukumu, ātri sasniedzot $ 100 miljonu tirgus ierobežojumu stundas laikā pēc tā palaišanas. Neilgi pēc tam tas noslīdēja zem 85 miljoniem USD, bet piecu dienu laikā tas pieauga līdz iespaidīgiem 920 miljoniem USD.

9 000 USD līdz 1,2 miljoni USD 4 dienās ar SOL meme monētām

Pārsteidzoši ieguvumi no viena darījuma.
Redzēsim, kā viņš to panāca un kā agri atrast šīs iespējas.
$SOL mēmu monēta $MEW ir viena no karstākajām #Memecoins🤑🤑 #Solana⁩ ekosistēmā.
Šis tirgotājs bija viens no pirmajiem. Viņš nopirka monētu tikai vienu stundu pēc palaišanas — 245,3 miljoni tikai par 9 000 USD.
$MEW guva lielu uzplaukumu, ātri sasniedzot $ 100 miljonu tirgus ierobežojumu stundas laikā pēc tā palaišanas.
Neilgi pēc tam tas noslīdēja zem 85 miljoniem USD, bet piecu dienu laikā tas pieauga līdz iespaidīgiem 920 miljoniem USD.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kā Kripto tirgus ir mainījies pēdējo 24 stundu laikā #ETFs : Honkongas zaļās gaismas pirmā vieta #BitcoinETF💰💰💰 un Ethereum ETF $OKB — #OKX palaiž Ethereum Layer 2 Mainnet. Tīkls tika izveidots, izmantojot Polygon's CDK. $SOL - Solana izlaiž atjauninājumu, lai novērstu tīkla sastrēgumus $INJ — Injective ierosina INJ 3.0 uzlabot tā tokenomiku, lai padarītu $INJ ārkārtīgi deflāciju. $ENA - #Ethena! Labs ir palielinājis ENA pūla limitu līdz 300 miljoniem ASV dolāru; Omni tīkls: OMNI marķieri būs pieejami pieprasīšanai un likmju veikšanai 17. aprīlī pulksten 19:00. Iespējams, X paplašina savu politiku, lai no jauniem lietotājiem iekasētu maksu, pirms viņi atbild/patīk/atzīmē ziņu ar grāmatzīmi. (Elona muskusa šiliņš vēlreiz $DOGE )
Kā Kripto tirgus ir mainījies pēdējo 24 stundu laikā
#ETFs : Honkongas zaļās gaismas pirmā vieta #BitcoinETF💰💰💰 un Ethereum ETF
$OKB — #OKX palaiž Ethereum Layer 2 Mainnet. Tīkls tika izveidots, izmantojot Polygon's CDK.
$SOL - Solana izlaiž atjauninājumu, lai novērstu tīkla sastrēgumus
$INJ — Injective ierosina INJ 3.0 uzlabot tā tokenomiku, lai padarītu $INJ ārkārtīgi deflāciju.
$ENA - #Ethena! Labs ir palielinājis ENA pūla limitu līdz 300 miljoniem ASV dolāru;
Omni tīkls: OMNI marķieri būs pieejami pieprasīšanai un likmju veikšanai 17. aprīlī pulksten 19:00.
Iespējams, X paplašina savu politiku, lai no jauniem lietotājiem iekasētu maksu, pirms viņi atbild/patīk/atzīmē ziņu ar grāmatzīmi. (Elona muskusa šiliņš vēlreiz $DOGE )
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir TOP 10 karstākie žetoni 6H? $CFX +12,66% $BTC + 4,12% $BOME +6,41% PEPE +2,96% #ENA +5,73% #WIF + 13,62% $DOGE + 6,41% USD FIL +7,14% #WLD🔥🔥🔥 +5,09% W $ +14,21%
Kas ir TOP 10 karstākie žetoni 6H?
$CFX +12,66%
$BTC + 4,12%
$BOME +6,41%
PEPE +2,96%
#ENA +5,73%
#WIF + 13,62%
$DOGE + 6,41%
USD FIL +7,14%
#WLD🔥🔥🔥 +5,09%
W $ +14,21%
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto notikumi, kas var palielināt jūsu žetonus Neskatoties uz nesenajiem tirgus kritumiem, nākamās nedēļas ir piepildītas ar vairākiem aizraujošiem notikumiem, neskaitot Bitcoin pusizināšanu, kas var izraisīt jūsu žetonu cenu pieaugumu. Izpētīsim, kādi ir šie aktuālie notikumi, kas rada aizrautību jūsu ieguldījumam. ------------------- 15. apr.: Honkonga — #BitcoinETFs! Apstiprinājums 15. aprīlis~ : STX — Nakamoto jauninājums 16. apr.: #Jupiter🪐 — 2. LFG palaišanas bloks 16. apr.: $FET $AGIX $OCEAN — beidzas simboliskā apvienošanās pārvaldība 17. aprīlis: SEC pret Ripple pirmstiesas izlīguma konferenci 17. aprīlis: Binance — OMNI saraksts 18. aprīlis: Coinbase Future — PEPE saraksts 18. apr.: $MNT — $PBUX palaišanas panelis 20. aprīlis : $BTC — Block Reward sadalīšana uz pusi 20. aprīlis: Runes protokola standarta palaišana 20. apr.: $DOGE — Dogu diena 21. aprīlis: $CRE $SLG — beidzas token apvienošanās pārvaldība 22. aprīlis: $AERO — Slipstream izlaidums 22. aprīlis: $MAGIC — Treasure Ruby Testnet 23. aprīlis: $GNO — $SAFE TGE 24. aprīlis: $AGLD — Adventure Forge palaišanas bloks (agrīna piekļuve) 25. aprīlis: $BEAM $FP — Forgotten Playland izlaidums 26. aprīlis: $OAS — Loot Adventure (alfa) 29. aprīlis : Coinbase Future — #Dogecoin‬⁩ saraksts 29. aprīlis: $VOXEL — Voxie taktikas palaišana 30. aprīlis: $KLAY $FNSA — jaunā vienotā zīmola atklāšana 30. aprīlī: $ILV — sāksies privātā 4. beta versija 1. maijs: $THETA — malu mākonis (1. fāze) 🔥 Galvenais paziņojums $FRONT — $SELF zīmola maiņa $ORN — $LUMIA zīmola maiņa $COMBO — ForgeHeroes palaišana $STG — Stargate V2 $AGIX $OCEAN — marķiera apvienošana $OGN $OGV — marķiera apvienošana $SAGA — Airdrop momentuzņēmums $AAVE — maksas slēdža pārvaldība 🌥️TBD aprīlī $FTM — #fantom  sonic Mainnet $MASK - Staking funkcija $MINU — marķiera sadedzināšana $MTL — metāla L2 pāreja $GPT — LayerVPN Chrome paplašinājums $NAKA — NAKARider palaišana $LRC — Loopring portāla palaišana $STRAX — Atlantis Game Reveal $ZETA — Native jaunais produkts (Aqua)
Kripto notikumi, kas var palielināt jūsu žetonus
Neskatoties uz nesenajiem tirgus kritumiem, nākamās nedēļas ir piepildītas ar vairākiem aizraujošiem notikumiem, neskaitot Bitcoin pusizināšanu, kas var izraisīt jūsu žetonu cenu pieaugumu. Izpētīsim, kādi ir šie aktuālie notikumi, kas rada aizrautību jūsu ieguldījumam.
15. apr.: Honkonga — #BitcoinETFs! Apstiprinājums
15. aprīlis~ : STX — Nakamoto jauninājums
16. apr.: #Jupiter🪐 — 2. LFG palaišanas bloks
16. apr.: $FET $AGIX $OCEAN — beidzas simboliskā apvienošanās pārvaldība
17. aprīlis: SEC pret Ripple pirmstiesas izlīguma konferenci
17. aprīlis: Binance — OMNI saraksts
18. aprīlis: Coinbase Future — PEPE saraksts
18. apr.: $MNT — $PBUX palaišanas panelis
20. aprīlis : $BTC — Block Reward sadalīšana uz pusi
20. aprīlis: Runes protokola standarta palaišana
20. apr.: $DOGE — Dogu diena
21. aprīlis: $CRE $SLG — beidzas token apvienošanās pārvaldība
22. aprīlis: $AERO — Slipstream izlaidums
22. aprīlis: $MAGIC — Treasure Ruby Testnet
23. aprīlis: $GNO — $SAFE TGE
24. aprīlis: $AGLD — Adventure Forge palaišanas bloks (agrīna piekļuve)
25. aprīlis: $BEAM $FP — Forgotten Playland izlaidums
26. aprīlis: $OAS — Loot Adventure (alfa)
29. aprīlis : Coinbase Future — #Dogecoin‬⁩ saraksts
29. aprīlis: $VOXEL — Voxie taktikas palaišana
30. aprīlis: $KLAY $FNSA — jaunā vienotā zīmola atklāšana
30. aprīlī: $ILV — sāksies privātā 4. beta versija
1. maijs: $THETA — malu mākonis (1. fāze)
🔥 Galvenais paziņojums
$FRONT — $SELF zīmola maiņa
$ORN — $LUMIA zīmola maiņa
$COMBO — ForgeHeroes palaišana
$STG — Stargate V2 $AGIX $OCEAN — marķiera apvienošana
$OGN $OGV — marķiera apvienošana
$SAGA — Airdrop momentuzņēmums
$AAVE — maksas slēdža pārvaldība
🌥️TBD aprīlī
$FTM — #fantom  sonic Mainnet
$MASK - Staking funkcija
$MINU — marķiera sadedzināšana
$MTL — metāla L2 pāreja
$GPT — LayerVPN Chrome paplašinājums
$NAKA — NAKARider palaišana
$LRC — Loopring portāla palaišana
$STRAX — Atlantis Game Reveal
$ZETA — Native jaunais produkts (Aqua)
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔥Honkonga apstiprina spot Bitcoin, Ether ETF: tuvāk, lai kļūtu par globālu kriptovalūtu centru 2024. gada 15. aprīlī Honkongas iestādes provizoriski apstiprināja numuru #ETFs tālruņiem $BTC un $ETH , kā rezultātā to cenas pēc nedēļas nogales krasa krituma strauji pieauga. Šis solis ne tikai sniedz investoriem iespējas dažādot savus portfeļus, bet arī nostiprina Honkongas kā starptautiska finanšu centra un virtuālo aktīvu centra pozīcijas, kas tieši konkurē ar ASV, kas iepriekš bija apstiprinājusi #BitcoinETFs! , bet neuzrādīja #EthereumETF apstiprinājuma pazīmes.
🔥Honkonga apstiprina spot Bitcoin, Ether ETF: tuvāk, lai kļūtu par globālu kriptovalūtu centru
2024. gada 15. aprīlī Honkongas iestādes provizoriski apstiprināja numuru #ETFs tālruņiem $BTC un $ETH , kā rezultātā to cenas pēc nedēļas nogales krasa krituma strauji pieauga.
Šis solis ne tikai sniedz investoriem iespējas dažādot savus portfeļus, bet arī nostiprina Honkongas kā starptautiska finanšu centra un virtuālo aktīvu centra pozīcijas, kas tieši konkurē ar ASV, kas iepriekš bija apstiprinājusi #BitcoinETFs! , bet neuzrādīja #EthereumETF apstiprinājuma pazīmes.
Besides #btchalving2024 , Here Are Top Tokens And Narrative You Should Pay Attention To After a week full of volatility, traders are looking towards a fresh start. So, what are the tokens and narratives worth noticing this week? $BTC - The next Bitcoin Halving is set to occur in about 5 days. $INJ - Injective will undergo a major upgrade this week. #ETH🔥🔥🔥 - Hong Kong may approve the first BTC & ETH Spot ETF funds early this week. #STX - The deployment of Stacks' Nakamoto upgrade begins on April 16. This upgrade will improve transaction speed and facilitate the acceleration of Layer 2 development on Bitcoin. $NMT - NetMind AI's new tokenomics will be launched on April 16. NetMind Power is a platform for training, fine-tuning, and reasoning about Machine Learning and AI. $ENA - #ENA has shown resilience despite the recent sharp decline in BTC, and Ethena TVL continues to grow rapidly. $DOGE - Doge Day takes place on April 20. Historically, DOGE tends to experience price increases ahead of this event. $STRK - The first large #strkusdt token unlock will occur tomorrow. $117 million worth of $STRK tokens will be distributed to early investors and contributors.
Besides #btchalving2024 , Here Are Top Tokens And Narrative You Should Pay Attention To
After a week full of volatility, traders are looking towards a fresh start. So, what are the tokens and narratives worth noticing this week?
$BTC - The next Bitcoin Halving is set to occur in about 5 days.
$INJ - Injective will undergo a major upgrade this week.
#ETH🔥🔥🔥 - Hong Kong may approve the first BTC & ETH Spot ETF funds early this week.
#STX - The deployment of Stacks' Nakamoto upgrade begins on April 16. This upgrade will improve transaction speed and facilitate the acceleration of Layer 2 development on Bitcoin.
$NMT - NetMind AI's new tokenomics will be launched on April 16. NetMind Power is a platform for training, fine-tuning, and reasoning about Machine Learning and AI.
$ENA - #ENA has shown resilience despite the recent sharp decline in BTC, and Ethena TVL continues to grow rapidly.
$DOGE - Doge Day takes place on April 20. Historically, DOGE tends to experience price increases ahead of this event.
$STRK - The first large #strkusdt token unlock will occur tomorrow. $117 million worth of $STRK tokens will be distributed to early investors and contributors.
Omni Network: The Layer 1 Blockchain Bringing Spotlight To Restaking CategoryOmni Network has just been announced by Binance to launch on #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 . This is a Layer 1 blockchain project created with a mission to connect various blockchains. Furthermore, the project is backed by significant investment funds along with an Airdrop program that is said to be substantial. Let's explore more! 1. What is Omni Network? Omni Network (Omni) is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate #Ethereum✅ rollup ecosystem into a unified system through Restaking. As a result, developers can build global applications that allow access to all liquidity sources and users of Ethereum. The project has also just announced an Airdrop for users. 2. Key features of the project include: Addressing Liquidity Fragmentation: The Omni protocol aims to tackle fragmentation challenges by facilitating smooth communication and compatibility between different rollups: Cross-rollup Communication: Omni allows users and applications to interact across different rollups as a unified network.Unified Liquidity Pools: By supporting Cross-rollup transactions, Omni helps aggregate liquidity, improve capital efficiency, and minimize slippage.Simplified User Experience:Users can enjoy a seamless experience with the ability to move assets or perform actions across rollups without complex processes or multiple steps, leveraging developer-friendly infrastructure. The Restaking mechanism: The Restaking mechanism introduced by the project presents a groundbreaking approach to blockchain security by utilizing Restaking $ETH . When ETH is Restaked on the Omni Chain, it enhances the security of other projects within the Ethereum network. Omni Network also employs a "Dual Staking" mechanism through Restaking ETH and Staking OMNI. This not only enhances the security of the Ethereum Chain but also strengthens its own security budget as more OMNI tokens are staked. Compatibility: Compatibility is crucial for any project to achieve transactional and informational exchange consistency. With Omni Network, the project addresses compatibility needs by providing a protocol that supports Cross-chain communication, bridging interaction between multiple blockchains. With this support, developers can easily create dApps that operate across multiple chains, minimizing complexity in connectivity and transactions. In particular, through integration with EigenLayer, Omni Network ensures secure and robust Cross-chain transactions. CometBFT: CometBFT is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism designed to ensure network consensus in a distributed system, even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes. Its flexibility and efficiency make it an ideal choice for Omni, aiming to provide reliable Cross-rollup and Cross-chain communication services. => Developers can build dApps on Cross-chain without compromising performance and security. Dual-Chain Architecture: Omni introduces a breakthrough approach in blockchain architecture designed to enhance performance and scalability without compromising security. Omni's architecture is divided into two main layers: Consensus Layer and Execution Layer. This dual-chain structure allows Omni to process transactions efficiently and manage global state across multiple networks. => Using a Modular blockchain structure makes Omni Network a name that maintains security from Restaking #ETH🔥🔥🔥 while improving transaction processing speed and cost efficiency through workload layering. 3. Token Information Token Metrics Token Name: Omni Network TokenTicker: OMNIBlockchain: EthereumToken Standard: ERC-20Contract: Updating...Token Type: Utility & GovernanceTotal Supply: 100,000,000 OMNICirculating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (110.39% of total supply) Token Allocation Private Sale Investors: 20.06%Public Launch Allocation: 5.77%Binance Launchpool: 3.5%Team: 25.25%Advisors: 3.25%Ecosystem Fund: 29.50%Community Fund: 12.67% 4. Token Distribution Schedule: 5. Token utility The utility of the OMNI token includes: Gas fees for transactions between Omni EVM and Cross-chain applications.Governance: decentralizing network governance through staking and governance voting.Creating a gas market for Cross-chain transactions.Staking for system security. 6. Roadmap Q2/24: Integration of Liquid Staking and Eigenlayer protocols as "Operators"#mainnet launchToken Generation Event (TGE)Deployment of a portion of the committed $11 billion to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni Q3/24: Launch of "Global Applications" (NGAs) on Omni EVMDeployment of multi-rollup smart contracts to scale applicationsRelease of Typescript frontend library to support application development Q4/24: Expansion of Omni Network to integrate Data Availability systems like EigenDA or CelestiaEnhancement of network rollup capabilitiesWelcoming MPC providers to offer services for organizations seeking access to Ethereum rollups Team Co-Founder/CEO – Austin King: He studied Computer Science at Harvard, developed InterLedger Network (processing over 10 billion transactions), sold a company to Ripple, and served as CEO of Omni Labs.Co-Founder/CTO – Tyler Tarsi: He studied Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics at Harvard. He has experience in building machine learning infrastructure for quantitative trading systems. 7. Investors & Partners Investors Omni Network successfully raised $18 million on March 26, 2023. This funding round saw participation from major funds such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures. Partners Omni Network's partners include major names, notably EigenLayer, which plays a crucial role in the platform's Restaking ETH strategy. 8. Analysis Omni Network is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate Ethereum's rollup ecosystem and address liquidity fragmentation issues. The project utilizes the Restaking ETH mechanism and Dual-Chain architecture to enhance security and performance. Notably, the support from major investors such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures, with $18 million raised, is noteworthy. Being listed on Binance Launchpool recently adds to the attractiveness of the #restaking segment. $ETHFI $ALT

Omni Network: The Layer 1 Blockchain Bringing Spotlight To Restaking Category

Omni Network has just been announced by Binance to launch on #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 . This is a Layer 1 blockchain project created with a mission to connect various blockchains.
Furthermore, the project is backed by significant investment funds along with an Airdrop program that is said to be substantial.
Let's explore more!
1. What is Omni Network?
Omni Network (Omni) is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate #Ethereum✅ rollup ecosystem into a unified system through Restaking. As a result, developers can build global applications that allow access to all liquidity sources and users of Ethereum.
The project has also just announced an Airdrop for users.

2. Key features of the project include:
Addressing Liquidity Fragmentation:
The Omni protocol aims to tackle fragmentation challenges by facilitating smooth communication and compatibility between different rollups:
Cross-rollup Communication: Omni allows users and applications to interact across different rollups as a unified network.Unified Liquidity Pools: By supporting Cross-rollup transactions, Omni helps aggregate liquidity, improve capital efficiency, and minimize slippage.Simplified User Experience:Users can enjoy a seamless experience with the ability to move assets or perform actions across rollups without complex processes or multiple steps, leveraging developer-friendly infrastructure.

The Restaking mechanism:
The Restaking mechanism introduced by the project presents a groundbreaking approach to blockchain security by utilizing Restaking $ETH . When ETH is Restaked on the Omni Chain, it enhances the security of other projects within the Ethereum network.
Omni Network also employs a "Dual Staking" mechanism through Restaking ETH and Staking OMNI. This not only enhances the security of the Ethereum Chain but also strengthens its own security budget as more OMNI tokens are staked.
Compatibility is crucial for any project to achieve transactional and informational exchange consistency. With Omni Network, the project addresses compatibility needs by providing a protocol that supports Cross-chain communication, bridging interaction between multiple blockchains.
With this support, developers can easily create dApps that operate across multiple chains, minimizing complexity in connectivity and transactions.
In particular, through integration with EigenLayer, Omni Network ensures secure and robust Cross-chain transactions.
CometBFT is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism designed to ensure network consensus in a distributed system, even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes.
Its flexibility and efficiency make it an ideal choice for Omni, aiming to provide reliable Cross-rollup and Cross-chain communication services.
=> Developers can build dApps on Cross-chain without compromising performance and security.
Dual-Chain Architecture:
Omni introduces a breakthrough approach in blockchain architecture designed to enhance performance and scalability without compromising security.
Omni's architecture is divided into two main layers: Consensus Layer and Execution Layer. This dual-chain structure allows Omni to process transactions efficiently and manage global state across multiple networks.
=> Using a Modular blockchain structure makes Omni Network a name that maintains security from Restaking #ETH🔥🔥🔥 while improving transaction processing speed and cost efficiency through workload layering.

3. Token Information
Token Metrics
Token Name: Omni Network TokenTicker: OMNIBlockchain: EthereumToken Standard: ERC-20Contract: Updating...Token Type: Utility & GovernanceTotal Supply: 100,000,000 OMNICirculating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (110.39% of total supply)
Token Allocation

Private Sale Investors: 20.06%Public Launch Allocation: 5.77%Binance Launchpool: 3.5%Team: 25.25%Advisors: 3.25%Ecosystem Fund: 29.50%Community Fund: 12.67%
4. Token Distribution Schedule:

5. Token utility
The utility of the OMNI token includes:
Gas fees for transactions between Omni EVM and Cross-chain applications.Governance: decentralizing network governance through staking and governance voting.Creating a gas market for Cross-chain transactions.Staking for system security.
6. Roadmap
Integration of Liquid Staking and Eigenlayer protocols as "Operators"#mainnet launchToken Generation Event (TGE)Deployment of a portion of the committed $11 billion to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni
Launch of "Global Applications" (NGAs) on Omni EVMDeployment of multi-rollup smart contracts to scale applicationsRelease of Typescript frontend library to support application development
Expansion of Omni Network to integrate Data Availability systems like EigenDA or CelestiaEnhancement of network rollup capabilitiesWelcoming MPC providers to offer services for organizations seeking access to Ethereum rollups
Co-Founder/CEO – Austin King: He studied Computer Science at Harvard, developed InterLedger Network (processing over 10 billion transactions), sold a company to Ripple, and served as CEO of Omni Labs.Co-Founder/CTO – Tyler Tarsi: He studied Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics at Harvard. He has experience in building machine learning infrastructure for quantitative trading systems.
7. Investors & Partners
Omni Network successfully raised $18 million on March 26, 2023. This funding round saw participation from major funds such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures.

Omni Network's partners include major names, notably EigenLayer, which plays a crucial role in the platform's Restaking ETH strategy.
8. Analysis
Omni Network is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate Ethereum's rollup ecosystem and address liquidity fragmentation issues. The project utilizes the Restaking ETH mechanism and Dual-Chain architecture to enhance security and performance. Notably, the support from major investors such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures, with $18 million raised, is noteworthy.
Being listed on Binance Launchpool recently adds to the attractiveness of the #restaking segment.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sarkanais tirgus, nezināt, ko pirkt? Šeit ir TOP 30 SKATĪŠANĀS SARAKSTS — kriptogrāfijas stāsti jūsu uzziņai Šīs ir sejas, kurām ir potenciāls vadīt tendenci 2024. gadā: 📍1. slānis: TIA , $INJ, $CHZ (jābrauc uz futbola sezonas vilni jūnijā), Monad (1 populārākais EVM), Bera (jaunā Luna versija) (gaida iekļaušanu sarakstā) 📍2. slānis: $OP, , STRK, ZKsync (gaida sarakstu) 📍Restaking: $ETHFI (pirmā Restaking sarakstā Binance), Eigen (top 1 Restaking), Puffer (gaida iekļaušanu sarakstā) 📍#memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ : $PEPE , $MEME (tikai mēmi, ko atbalsta Binance), $PEOPLE (ASV prezidenta vēlēšanas novembrī) 📍BRC20: $ORDI, $RATS (augsts risks, iekļauts Binance Future, vēl nav iekļauts Spot) 📍POW: $ETHW (Pow mazais vāciņš) 📍L2 BTC: $ZK (ZK + $BTC Staking), $ZEUS (BTC + SVM Sol, Merlin (Top 1 BTCfi) (gaida iekļaušanu sarakstā) 📍AI: $WLD, $FET 📍Depin: #RNDR , IOnet (gaida sarakstu) 📍Stablemonēta: #ENA (Jauna ponzi stablemonēta) 📍Apkopojums Rāss: $ALT (sekojot apkopojuma atjaunošanas tendencei) 📍Tilts: #Wormholecoin (W) 📍#GameFi : $PIXEL (spēle ar daudziem lietotājiem), $RON (sānu ķēdes spēle) 📍RWA: $ONDO (atpakaļ no BlackRock) Instrukcijas: 1. Necenties pirkt visu, nespēsi tam visam izsekot! --> Izvēlieties vienu jomu, kurā esat spēcīgākais, rūpīgi izpētiet to, lai jums būtu pārliecība noturēties līdz Altcoin sezonai. 2. Šis ir tikai uzziņai, NFA
Sarkanais tirgus, nezināt, ko pirkt?
Šeit ir TOP 30 SKATĪŠANĀS SARAKSTS — kriptogrāfijas stāsti jūsu uzziņai
Šīs ir sejas, kurām ir potenciāls vadīt tendenci 2024. gadā:
📍1. slānis: TIA , $INJ, $CHZ (jābrauc uz futbola sezonas vilni jūnijā), Monad (1 populārākais EVM), Bera (jaunā Luna versija) (gaida iekļaušanu sarakstā)
📍2. slānis: $OP, , STRK, ZKsync (gaida sarakstu)
📍Restaking: $ETHFI (pirmā Restaking sarakstā Binance), Eigen (top 1 Restaking), Puffer (gaida iekļaušanu sarakstā)
📍#memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ : $PEPE , $MEME (tikai mēmi, ko atbalsta Binance), $PEOPLE (ASV prezidenta vēlēšanas novembrī)
📍BRC20: $ORDI, $RATS (augsts risks, iekļauts Binance Future, vēl nav iekļauts Spot)
📍POW: $ETHW (Pow mazais vāciņš)
📍L2 BTC: $ZK (ZK + $BTC Staking), $ZEUS (BTC + SVM Sol, Merlin (Top 1 BTCfi) (gaida iekļaušanu sarakstā)
📍Depin: #RNDR , IOnet (gaida sarakstu)
📍Stablemonēta: #ENA (Jauna ponzi stablemonēta)
📍Apkopojums Rāss: $ALT (sekojot apkopojuma atjaunošanas tendencei)
📍Tilts: #Wormholecoin (W)
📍#GameFi : $PIXEL (spēle ar daudziem lietotājiem), $RON (sānu ķēdes spēle)
📍RWA: $ONDO (atpakaļ no BlackRock)
1. Necenties pirkt visu, nespēsi tam visam izsekot!
--> Izvēlieties vienu jomu, kurā esat spēcīgākais, rūpīgi izpētiet to, lai jums būtu pārliecība noturēties līdz Altcoin sezonai.
2. Šis ir tikai uzziņai, NFA
Skatīt oriģinālu
Izlasiet šo, lai uzzinātu, kāpēc fonds NEAR drīz nostiprinās savu pozīcijuKo vēlas NEAR fonds? Protams, atbilde ir nauda. Taču lielai organizācijai naudas pelnīšanai būs nepieciešams sarežģītāks paņēmiens, jo arī vēlamā naudas summa būs lielāka. Tātad, ko konkrēti vēlas NEAR fonds? 1. Tokena cena $NEAR palielināta. Netālu no Blockchain ir vairāk tx. 2. Izveidojiet jaunu spēli, palaidiet jaunu marķieri un ievelciet TVL sistēmā. 👉Lai sasniegtu šo mērķi, Near Foundation ir izveidojis jaunu spēli, kas ir "Near Wallet - HOT mine" telegrammā. Izmantojot šo lietojumprogrammu, ar īpašajām priekšrocībām, ko lietotāji saņem, iegādājoties un izmantojot NEAR, NEAR pieprasījums tiks palielināts, palīdzot NEAR palielināt cenu. Un Near Wallet arī izlaida jaunu marķieri, kas ir $HOT .

Izlasiet šo, lai uzzinātu, kāpēc fonds NEAR drīz nostiprinās savu pozīciju

Ko vēlas NEAR fonds?
Protams, atbilde ir nauda. Taču lielai organizācijai naudas pelnīšanai būs nepieciešams sarežģītāks paņēmiens, jo arī vēlamā naudas summa būs lielāka. Tātad, ko konkrēti vēlas NEAR fonds?
1. Tokena cena $NEAR palielināta. Netālu no Blockchain ir vairāk tx.
2. Izveidojiet jaunu spēli, palaidiet jaunu marķieri un ievelciet TVL sistēmā.
👉Lai sasniegtu šo mērķi, Near Foundation ir izveidojis jaunu spēli, kas ir "Near Wallet - HOT mine" telegrammā. Izmantojot šo lietojumprogrammu, ar īpašajām priekšrocībām, ko lietotāji saņem, iegādājoties un izmantojot NEAR, NEAR pieprasījums tiks palielināts, palīdzot NEAR palielināt cenu. Un Near Wallet arī izlaida jaunu marķieri, kas ir $HOT .
Is There Any Chance for Another #RWATokens Season High? Recently, #OndoFinance has tested a new feature from Circle for instant conversions from #BlackRockCrypto tokenized $BUIDL fund to USDC. Additionally, there is a transaction of $250k from Blackrock redemption to Ondo Finance. Following the news, #Ondo is up about 7.45% and $OM is up 9.73%. Is #BlackRock's latest on-chain transaction to $ONDO fueling another break out of #RWA season? $AVAX
Is There Any Chance for Another #RWATokens Season High?

Recently, #OndoFinance has tested a new feature from Circle for instant conversions from #BlackRockCrypto tokenized $BUIDL fund to USDC. Additionally, there is a transaction of $250k from Blackrock redemption to Ondo Finance.

Following the news, #Ondo is up about 7.45% and $OM is up 9.73%. Is #BlackRock's latest on-chain transaction to $ONDO fueling another break out of #RWA season?
🔥Blackrock Launched BitcoinETF : TOP 10 Hottest Crypto News in 24H $BTC - is sideways within the range of $69,000 to $70,000. Bitcoin ETF - BlackRock launches Bitcoin ETF advertising campaign on Bloomberg's homepage. $FTT - FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried appeals fraud conviction, 25-year prison sentence. $LINK - Chainlink unveils Transporter app for cross-chain token transfers, includes Ethereum. $ONDO - Ondo Finance tests Circle's instant $BUIDL to USDC conversions. $OMNI - 3M OMNI Genesis airdrop, total supply 100M. $INTRO - public sale on April 14, supplying 40% to ecosystem. $ALT - #AltLayer has launched Xterio $XTER launchpool. $MTL - Upbit has announced support for the network transition of Metal L2. $PEPE - Coinbase will launch Pepe perpetual futures contracts on April 18 $TAO - Binance announced to list Bittensor (#TAO ) #Bouncebit - Binance Labs invested in BounceBit to Support Bitcoin Restaking
🔥Blackrock Launched BitcoinETF : TOP 10 Hottest Crypto News in 24H
$BTC - is sideways within the range of $69,000 to $70,000.
Bitcoin ETF - BlackRock launches Bitcoin ETF advertising campaign on Bloomberg's homepage.
$FTT - FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried appeals fraud conviction, 25-year prison sentence.
$LINK - Chainlink unveils Transporter app for cross-chain token transfers, includes Ethereum.
$ONDO - Ondo Finance tests Circle's instant $BUIDL to USDC conversions.
$OMNI - 3M OMNI Genesis airdrop, total supply 100M.
$INTRO - public sale on April 14, supplying 40% to ecosystem.
$ALT - #AltLayer has launched Xterio $XTER launchpool.
$MTL - Upbit has announced support for the network transition of Metal L2.
$PEPE - Coinbase will launch Pepe perpetual futures contracts on April 18
$TAO - Binance announced to list Bittensor (#TAO )
#Bouncebit - Binance Labs invested in BounceBit to Support Bitcoin Restaking
🔥Bittensor ($TAO ) Listed on Binance: A Confirmation For The Upcoming #AI Era? Binance has announced listing Bittensor (#TAO ), a leading #artificialintelligence project with a market capitalization of $4.15 billion. This follows the listing of other major AI projects on Binance such as #Fetch_ai $THETA and $WLD The listing of TAO could signal explosive growing interest in AI-related cryptocurrencies. What do you think about this?
🔥Bittensor ($TAO ) Listed on Binance: A Confirmation For The Upcoming #AI Era?
Binance has announced listing Bittensor (#TAO ), a leading #artificialintelligence project with a market capitalization of $4.15 billion. This follows the listing of other major AI projects on Binance such as #Fetch_ai $THETA and $WLD
The listing of TAO could signal explosive growing interest in AI-related cryptocurrencies.
What do you think about this?
🔥#BinanceLabs invests in restaking protocol #bouncebit Bouncebit is a restaking platform on the Bitcoin network that supports the conversion of $BTC into more flexible forms such as BTCB/WBTC, enabling BTC holders to participate in CeFi & DeFi to earn additional profits. The project previously revealed a native token BB Coin (BB) but has not announced a specific launch date for this token. In addition to Binance Labs, the project previously raised $6 million in two rounds from names such as OKX Ventures, NGC Ventures, Blockchain Capital,... It can be affirmed that Binance Labs is betting big on the #restaking sector with a portfolio of projects including Babylon, Renzo and #pufferfinance Finance, $ETHFI and most recently BounceBit.
🔥#BinanceLabs invests in restaking protocol #bouncebit
Bouncebit is a restaking platform on the Bitcoin network that supports the conversion of $BTC into more flexible forms such as BTCB/WBTC, enabling BTC holders to participate in CeFi & DeFi to earn additional profits.
The project previously revealed a native token BB Coin (BB) but has not announced a specific launch date for this token.
In addition to Binance Labs, the project previously raised $6 million in two rounds from names such as OKX Ventures, NGC Ventures, Blockchain Capital,...
It can be affirmed that Binance Labs is betting big on the #restaking sector with a portfolio of projects including Babylon, Renzo and #pufferfinance Finance, $ETHFI and most recently BounceBit.
$BTC Bouncing Back to $70K l Google Launching AI photo eraser: Crypto Daily & Macro News 📍 Daily news: - $GBTC: Green returns on 10/04 with over +$124M flowing into Bitcoin spot ETFs, while Grayscale only sold -$17.5M, resulting in funds netting nearly +$142M. - $BTC: Bouncing back to $70k, the price reaction is quite unpredictable. Despite the slightly negative impact of the Core CPI on the crypto market, causing BTC to pull back at $67.5k, the price of #BTC、 has shown a strong recovery. - $UNI : Uniswap exchange receives a warning from the SEC regarding securities violations. - $SWELL : Swell opens an airdrop farming program, allowing users to stake #ETH🔥🔥🔥 , $LST, $LRT, $ALT, and receive points from EigenLayer, Swell, and other L2 Swell projects. - $GMT : M2E StepN game airdrops $30M GMT to NFT Genesis Speaker holders. - $NEAR: Plan to hire AI engineers and will release a related announcement NEAR-AI in May. - $ALPEN: Bitcoin Layer 2 project Alpen Labs raises $10.6M in funding, led by Ribbit Capital. - #sui : Mysten Labs partners with Playtron to launch SuiPlay0x1. - #THETA - $ATH: Theta announces a partnership with Aethir Cloud to launch the largest hybrid GPU marketplace for AI & DePIN. 📍Macro News - President Joe Biden: Inflation higher than expected, the interest rate cut may be further delayed by another month or longer, but it is certain to be reduced before the end of the year - Hot U.S. inflation data pushes market’s rate cut expectations to September - Google launching AI photo eraser for iPhone and Android phones in May - Biden and Kishida Enlist Amazon, Nvidia to Fund AI Research - ADB Says Developing Asia Set for Growth as China’s Economy Slows
$BTC Bouncing Back to $70K l Google Launching AI photo eraser: Crypto Daily & Macro News
📍 Daily news:
- $GBTC: Green returns on 10/04 with over +$124M flowing into Bitcoin spot ETFs, while Grayscale only sold -$17.5M, resulting in funds netting nearly +$142M.
- $BTC : Bouncing back to $70k, the price reaction is quite unpredictable. Despite the slightly negative impact of the Core CPI on the crypto market, causing BTC to pull back at $67.5k, the price of #BTC、 has shown a strong recovery.
- $UNI : Uniswap exchange receives a warning from the SEC regarding securities violations.
- $SWELL : Swell opens an airdrop farming program, allowing users to stake #ETH🔥🔥🔥 , $LST, $LRT, $ALT, and receive points from EigenLayer, Swell, and other L2 Swell projects.
- $GMT : M2E StepN game airdrops $30M GMT to NFT Genesis Speaker holders.
- $NEAR: Plan to hire AI engineers and will release a related announcement NEAR-AI in May.
- $ALPEN: Bitcoin Layer 2 project Alpen Labs raises $10.6M in funding, led by Ribbit Capital.
- #sui : Mysten Labs partners with Playtron to launch SuiPlay0x1.
- #THETA - $ATH: Theta announces a partnership with Aethir Cloud to launch the largest hybrid GPU marketplace for AI & DePIN.
📍Macro News
- President Joe Biden: Inflation higher than expected, the interest rate cut may be further delayed by another month or longer, but it is certain to be reduced before the end of the year
- Hot U.S. inflation data pushes market’s rate cut expectations to September
- Google launching AI photo eraser for iPhone and Android phones in May
- Biden and Kishida Enlist Amazon, Nvidia to Fund AI Research
- ADB Says Developing Asia Set for Growth as China’s Economy Slows
This Announcement Will Make Fantom #memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ A Boom Soon 🔥 $FTM has deployed the first #fantom Sonic validator node. And, Andre Cronje proposes to assist with the launch of memecoin on Fantom. This movement will surely boost the meme ecosystem of #FTM Which FTM meme do you think worth pay attention to? $BOME $SHIB
This Announcement Will Make Fantom #memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ A Boom Soon 🔥
$FTM has deployed the first #fantom Sonic validator node. And, Andre Cronje proposes to assist with the launch of memecoin on Fantom. This movement will surely boost the meme ecosystem of #FTM
Which FTM meme do you think worth pay attention to?
Binance Lists $TNSR : Completing Almost all #Solana⁩ Categories on This Platform Binance listed #tnsr yesterday, which means that almost all categories in the Solana ecosystem are now present on Binance, boosting trading and the value of the ecosystem. Specifically: 📍Layer 1: $SOL 📍Bridge, Cross-Chain: $W 📍NFT Marketplace: $TNSR 📍Dex, Launchpad: #Jupiter🪐 📍Liquid Staking: $JTO 📍Oracle: $PYTH 📍Meme: #WIF $BOME $BONK
Binance Lists $TNSR : Completing Almost all #Solana⁩ Categories on This Platform
Binance listed #tnsr yesterday, which means that almost all categories in the Solana ecosystem are now present on Binance, boosting trading and the value of the ecosystem. Specifically:
📍Layer 1: $SOL
📍Bridge, Cross-Chain: $W
📍NFT Marketplace: $TNSR
📍Dex, Launchpad: #Jupiter🪐
📍Liquid Staking: $JTO
📍Oracle: $PYTH
$BTC Bullish Breakout l $TNSR Airdrop: Closer Look at Crypto Market over 24H 📍 #BTC、 has surpassed the 70k mark and is currently trading at 71.5k. #ETH🔥🔥🔥 is also returning to the price of $3700. 📍 #sagacoin is scheduled to be listed on Binance at 08:00 UTC on April 9th. Saga announced the launch of Phase 1 of its mainnet. 📍 $MKR - The MakerDAO community has passed a proposal to increase the Spark MetaMorpho Vault DDM debt ceiling to 1 billion DAI. 📍 $TON - Toncoin has started pre-sales for a Web3 smartphone and announced plans for 2024. 📍 $PORTAL - Portal will launch "Crystal Dash: SOMO Legends" today. 📍 $ENA - Ethena Labs has announced ENA Staking in Season 2 campaign. The initial cap is set at $200M. 📍 #1inch - 1inch unveiled crypto debit card in partnership with MasterCard and Baanx. 📍 TNSR - Tensor token recently listed all the first-tier large exchanges, and the activities of using handling fees to receive airdrops were collectively reversed
$BTC Bullish Breakout l $TNSR Airdrop: Closer Look at Crypto Market over 24H
📍 #BTC、 has surpassed the 70k mark and is currently trading at 71.5k. #ETH🔥🔥🔥 is also returning to the price of $3700.
📍 #sagacoin is scheduled to be listed on Binance at 08:00 UTC on April 9th. Saga announced the launch of Phase 1 of its mainnet.
📍 $MKR - The MakerDAO community has passed a proposal to increase the Spark MetaMorpho Vault DDM debt ceiling to 1 billion DAI.
📍 $TON - Toncoin has started pre-sales for a Web3 smartphone and announced plans for 2024.
📍 $PORTAL - Portal will launch "Crystal Dash: SOMO Legends" today.
📍 $ENA - Ethena Labs has announced ENA Staking in Season 2 campaign. The initial cap is set at $200M.
📍 #1inch - 1inch unveiled crypto debit card in partnership with MasterCard and Baanx.
📍 TNSR - Tensor token recently listed all the first-tier large exchanges, and the activities of using handling fees to receive airdrops were collectively reversed
Q2 Roadmap Calendar: When mainnet ? When token ?👇 🖥 Mainnet Q2: Taiko - Mainnet Launch Q2: Diva Staking - Mainnet Launch Q2: Babylon - Mainnet Launch Q2: Eclipse - Mainnet Launch Q2: Initia - Mainnet Launch Apr: Avail - Mainnet Launch Apr: Aleo - Mainnet Launch (Postponed) 🪙 TGE / Airdrop / Token Sale Q2: LayerZero - TGE Q2: Berachain - TGE Q2: #Web3 Go - TGE Q2: zkPass - TGE Q2: Elixir - Point Farming Ongoing Q2: Aethir - TGE Q2: Web3Go - TGE Q2: Ambit Finance - TGE Q2: KiloEx - Airdrop point / TGE May: zklink - TGE Apr: #EigenLayer - TGE (Rumor) Apr: zkSync - TGE (Rumor) Apr~May: Gomble - OG Spaceship NFT Auction ($G Airdrop) Apr: Mode - TGE Apr: Safe - TGE Apr: Swell - TGE Apr: Ionet - TGE Apr: - TGE Apr: Parcl - TGE Apr: Avail - TGE Apr: Ultiverse - The Chips #NFT Sale ($ULTI Airdrop) Apr: Lista DAO - CAC seaseon 2 Ongoing Apr: Gomble - Season 2 Airdrop Ongoing Apr: Grass - Point Farming Ongoing Apr: Puffer - Point Farming Ongoing Apr: Zircuit - Point Farming Ongoing 🧑‍💻 Testnet Q2: EigenLayer - Stage3 Testnet Q2: Monad - Testnet Launch Q2: Kakarot - Public Testnet Launch ~May: Polymer Labs - Polyverse Testnet Ongoing ~May: tea Protocol - Incentivized Testnet Ongoing Apr: Initia - Incentive Testnet Apr: EspressoSystems - Cappuccino Testnet Apr: Tabi - Tabi chain Voyager II Ongoing 🚀 Product Launching Q2: MapleStory Universe - Game / Token Launch Apr~May: Friend tech - Friend tech V2
Q2 Roadmap Calendar: When mainnet ? When token ?👇
🖥 Mainnet
Q2: Taiko - Mainnet Launch
Q2: Diva Staking - Mainnet Launch
Q2: Babylon - Mainnet Launch
Q2: Eclipse - Mainnet Launch
Q2: Initia - Mainnet Launch
Apr: Avail - Mainnet Launch
Apr: Aleo - Mainnet Launch (Postponed)
🪙 TGE / Airdrop / Token Sale
Q2: LayerZero - TGE
Q2: Berachain - TGE
Q2: #Web3 Go - TGE
Q2: zkPass - TGE
Q2: Elixir - Point Farming Ongoing
Q2: Aethir - TGE
Q2: Web3Go - TGE
Q2: Ambit Finance - TGE
Q2: KiloEx - Airdrop point / TGE
May: zklink - TGE
Apr: #EigenLayer - TGE (Rumor)
Apr: zkSync - TGE (Rumor)
Apr~May: Gomble - OG Spaceship NFT Auction ($G Airdrop)
Apr: Mode - TGE
Apr: Safe - TGE
Apr: Swell - TGE
Apr: Ionet - TGE
Apr: - TGE
Apr: Parcl - TGE
Apr: Avail - TGE
Apr: Ultiverse - The Chips #NFT Sale ($ULTI Airdrop)
Apr: Lista DAO - CAC seaseon 2 Ongoing
Apr: Gomble - Season 2 Airdrop Ongoing
Apr: Grass - Point Farming Ongoing
Apr: Puffer - Point Farming Ongoing
Apr: Zircuit - Point Farming Ongoing
🧑‍💻 Testnet
Q2: EigenLayer - Stage3 Testnet
Q2: Monad - Testnet Launch
Q2: Kakarot - Public Testnet Launch
~May: Polymer Labs - Polyverse Testnet Ongoing
~May: tea Protocol - Incentivized Testnet Ongoing
Apr: Initia - Incentive Testnet
Apr: EspressoSystems - Cappuccino Testnet
Apr: Tabi - Tabi chain Voyager II Ongoing
🚀 Product Launching
Q2: MapleStory Universe - Game / Token Launch
Apr~May: Friend tech - Friend tech V2
$HFT AMA l $RONIN NFT Mint: More Crypto Events Awaiting on April 9 📍 Juice Finance ($JUICE) - HTX Listing: HTX lists Juice Finance with JUICE/USDT pair. 📍 Evernode ($EVR) - BitMart Listing: BitMart lists Evernode with EVR/USDT pair at 11:00 AM (UTC). 📍 LIF3 ($LIF3) - MEXC Listing: MEXC lists Lif3 with LIF3/USDT pair at 13:00 (UTC). 📍 IX Swap ($IXS) - CoachK Public Sale: Join Coach K's #GameFi Portfolio public sale running from 3.25 to 4.9. 📍 Ronin ($RONIN)- Kaidro NFT Mint: "... Allowlisted users can mint at 1pm UTC | Public sale begins at 3pm UTC | 50 $RON | per mint..." 📍 ($SFUND) - Next Gem AI Private Round: "Their goal is to help crypto investors find the next gem powered by AI insights." 📍 Hashflow ($HFT) - Hashflow AMA: Join the Hashflow team for an AMA session in the #ArbitrumARB News DAO Discord at 14:00 UTC. 📍 World Mobile Token ($WMT) - Early Staking Snapshot: World Mobile Token staking rewards for February are now available. Next snapshot at 11:00 (UTC). 📍 MARBLEX ($MBX) - Game Token Staking S10: MARBLEX announces Season 10 of their Game Token Staking; Pre-staking begins next week. 📍 Beldex ($BDX) - X Spaces with KuCoin: Join the Beldex Kucoin X Spaces at 9 AM UTC. APF coin - XT.COM Listing: XT.COM lists APF coin with APFC/USDT pair at 10:00 (UTC).
$HFT AMA l $RONIN NFT Mint: More Crypto Events Awaiting on April 9
📍 Juice Finance ($JUICE) - HTX Listing: HTX lists Juice Finance with JUICE/USDT pair.
📍 Evernode ($EVR) - BitMart Listing: BitMart lists Evernode with EVR/USDT pair at 11:00 AM (UTC).
📍 LIF3 ($LIF3) - MEXC Listing: MEXC lists Lif3 with LIF3/USDT pair at 13:00 (UTC).
📍 IX Swap ($IXS) - CoachK Public Sale: Join Coach K's #GameFi Portfolio public sale running from 3.25 to 4.9.
📍 Ronin ($RONIN )- Kaidro NFT Mint: "... Allowlisted users can mint at 1pm UTC | Public sale begins at 3pm UTC | 50 $RON | per mint..."
📍 ($SFUND) - Next Gem AI Private Round: "Their goal is to help crypto investors find the next gem powered by AI insights."
📍 Hashflow ($HFT ) - Hashflow AMA: Join the Hashflow team for an AMA session in the #ArbitrumARB News DAO Discord at 14:00 UTC.
📍 World Mobile Token ($WMT) - Early Staking Snapshot: World Mobile Token staking rewards for February are now available. Next snapshot at 11:00 (UTC).
📍 MARBLEX ($MBX) - Game Token Staking S10: MARBLEX announces Season 10 of their Game Token Staking; Pre-staking begins next week.
📍 Beldex ($BDX) - X Spaces with KuCoin: Join the Beldex Kucoin X Spaces at 9 AM UTC.
APF coin - XT.COM Listing: XT.COM lists APF coin with APFC/USDT pair at 10:00 (UTC).
Here’s Why EigenLayer Is About To Explode in Q2 This Year#EigenLayer is in the final stages of #mainnet launch. The project will update the EigenLayer Mainnet contract on April 8th. The total TVL of Liquid Restaking projects has increased by $600M since the announcement. This is expected to be the most anticipated money game on #Ethereum✅ this season, as it has already attracted $9.1B TVL in Liquid Restaking platforms and the number is still growing. Liquid Restaking projects such as $ETHFI , Puffer Finance, Renzo Protocol and Swell Network will soon be able to remove certain restrictions related to staking and rewards after EigenLayer mainnet. They have been waiting for this day for a long time. Another project directly related to EigenLayer is #AltLayer , which will also benefit from the EigenLayer mainnet. And soon, there will be many projects using AltLayer's RaaS service to airdrop to $ALT stakers. Let's watch the narrative around EigenLayer explode in Q2 this year.

Here’s Why EigenLayer Is About To Explode in Q2 This Year

#EigenLayer is in the final stages of #mainnet launch. The project will update the EigenLayer Mainnet contract on April 8th. The total TVL of Liquid Restaking projects has increased by $600M since the announcement.

This is expected to be the most anticipated money game on #Ethereum✅ this season, as it has already attracted $9.1B TVL in Liquid Restaking platforms and the number is still growing.

Liquid Restaking projects such as $ETHFI , Puffer Finance, Renzo Protocol and Swell Network will soon be able to remove certain restrictions related to staking and rewards after EigenLayer mainnet. They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Another project directly related to EigenLayer is #AltLayer , which will also benefit from the EigenLayer mainnet. And soon, there will be many projects using AltLayer's RaaS service to airdrop to $ALT stakers.
Let's watch the narrative around EigenLayer explode in Q2 this year.

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