Binance Square
The only limit is our own imagination :)
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BinanceTournament Sākoties jaunajam Binance nākotnes darījumu Grand turnīram, vēlos dalīties ar jums savā iepriekšējā pieredzē. Esmu piedalījies pēdējā turnīrā un nekādā gadījumā nebiju profesionālis, gluži otrādi, es jutos kā iesācējs un jutos uztraukts ar katru darījumu, taču turnīru izmantoju kā iespēju mācīties un pārbaudīt sevi konkurences vidē. . Koncentrējoties uz riska pārvaldību (Stop Loss 🤝) un pieturoties pie sava tirdzniecības plāna, es uzkāpu uz līderu sarakstiem un varēju iegūt daļu no balvas! Mans godīgais padoms? Nebaidieties uzņemties aprēķinātus riskus, bet vienmēr piešķiriet prioritāti sava kapitāla pārvaldīšanai. Pirms jebkura darījuma noteikti nosakiet, cik daudz jūs piekrītat zaudēt un kad gūt peļņu, fjūčeru tirdzniecībā stop loss ir jūsu lielākais sabiedrotais. 🙂🤝

Sākoties jaunajam Binance nākotnes darījumu Grand turnīram, vēlos dalīties ar jums savā iepriekšējā pieredzē.

Esmu piedalījies pēdējā turnīrā un nekādā gadījumā nebiju profesionālis, gluži otrādi, es jutos kā iesācējs un jutos uztraukts ar katru darījumu, taču turnīru izmantoju kā iespēju mācīties un pārbaudīt sevi konkurences vidē. .

Koncentrējoties uz riska pārvaldību (Stop Loss 🤝) un pieturoties pie sava tirdzniecības plāna, es uzkāpu uz līderu sarakstiem un varēju iegūt daļu no balvas!

Mans godīgais padoms? Nebaidieties uzņemties aprēķinātus riskus, bet vienmēr piešķiriet prioritāti sava kapitāla pārvaldīšanai. Pirms jebkura darījuma noteikti nosakiet, cik daudz jūs piekrītat zaudēt un kad gūt peļņu, fjūčeru tirdzniecībā stop loss ir jūsu lielākais sabiedrotais. 🙂🤝
Binance Square Official
Publicējiet savu#BinanceTournamentceļojumu uz Binance Square un sacentieties par 5000 USDT!
Pievienojieties Futures Grand Tournament, lai sacenstos par 3 miljonu USDT balvu fondu. Daloties ar savu turnīru pieredzi Binance laukumā, jums ir iespēja laimēt daļu no EKSKLUZĪVA 5000 USDT balvu fonda.
Aktivitātes periods: 2024-06-13 00:00 līdz 2024-7-14 23:59 (UTC)

Kā uzvarēt?
Izveidojiet oriģinālu saturu, kas saistīts ar #BinanceTournament vietnē Binance Square, un savā saturā iekļaujiet "#BinanceTournament ".
Nodrošiniet, lai jūsu saturā būtu vismaz 200 rakstzīmes un vismaz trīs mijiedarbības (piemēram, emocijzīmes, komentāri, kopīgošana vai citāti).
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin cenas prognoze veikta un noputināta 😎🤝 #HalvingHorizons Komentējiet savu prognozi par $BTC cenu 20. aprīlī 00:00 (UTC+0) šajā ierakstā zemāk, lai laimētu $1000SATS 👇
Bitcoin cenas prognoze veikta un noputināta 😎🤝

Komentējiet savu prognozi par $BTC cenu 20. aprīlī 00:00 (UTC+0) šajā ierakstā zemāk, lai laimētu $1000SATS 👇
Binance Square Official
Paredziet BTC cenu 20. aprīlī 00:00 (UTC+0), lai laimētu līdz pat $10000 SATS žetonu!
Lai atzīmētu šo Bitcoin Halving pavērsienu, visi pārbaudītie lietotāji var veikt konkrētus uzdevumus Binance laukumā aktivitātes perioda laikā un pretendēt uz SATS marķiera kupona atlīdzību līdz USD 10 000. Darbības periods: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) līdz 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)Visi KYC verificētie Binance lietotāji, kuri piesakās savos Binance kontos un izpilda tālāk norādītos uzdevumus darbības perioda laikā, varēs saņemt $10 000 SATS atlīdzība. Uzdevumi: Komentējiet šajā ziņā savu prognozi par BTC cenu 20. aprīlī plkst. 00:00 (UTC+0). Kopīgojiet šo ziņu savos sociālajos medijos un#HalvingHorizonsLietotājs ar vistuvāko prognozi laimēs $5000. Ja vairāk nekā vienam lietotājam ir viena un tā pati prognoze, jūs dalīsit cenu kopumu. Un, ja jūs pareizi uzminējāt cenu un aktivitātes periodā reģistrējāties Binance kontam, izmantojot šīs ziņas kopīgoto saiti vai numuru Binance Square referral link, varat atbloķēt daļu no papildu $ 2000 cenu kopasUnJa pareizi uzminējāt cenu un pabeidzāt vismaz 10 darījumus aktivitātes periodā, jūs atbloķēsit daļu no papildu $3000 cenu kopasKatrs lietotājs var iesniegt tikai 1 ierakstu. Noteikumi un nosacījumi Šī darbība var nebūt pieejama jūsu reģionā. Atbilstīgajiem lietotājiem ir jāpiesakās savos verificētajos Binance kontos, veicot uzdevumus darbības periodā, lai kvalificētos. SATS marķiera kuponu atlīdzības fonds $ 10 000 apmērā tiks sadalīts vienādi starp visiem kvalificētajiem lietotājiem. Uzvarētāji tiks informēti, izmantojot informatīvo paziņojumu sadaļā Creator. Centrs > Square Assistant. Kuponu balvas tiks sadalītas 21 darba dienas laikā pēc aktivitātes beigām. Lietotāji var pārbaudīt savus kuponu atlīdzības, izmantojot Profils > Rewards Hub. Kupona derīguma termiņš ir septiņas dienas no izplatīšanas dienas. Uzziniet, kā izpirkt kuponu. Nelikumīgi lielapjoma reģistrēti konti vai apakškonti nevar piedalīties vai saņemt atlīdzības. Binance patur tiesības atcelt lietotāja tiesības veikt šo darbību, ja konts ir iesaistīts jebkādā darbībā, kas pārkāpj Binance Square kopienas pārvaldības vadlīnijas vai Binance Square kopienas platformas noteikumus un nosacījumus.Binance patur tiesības jebkurā laikā pēc saviem ieskatiem bez iepriekšēja brīdinājuma noteikt un/vai grozīt vai mainīt šos noteikumus un nosacījumus, tostarp, bet ne tikai, šīs aktivitātes atcelšanu, pagarināšanu, izbeigšanu vai apturēšanu, atbilstības nosacījumus un kritērijus, uzvarētāju atlase un skaits, kā arī jebkuras veicamās darbības laiks, un šie grozījumi ir saistoši visiem dalībniekiem.Binance patur tiesības uz šīs aktivitātes galīgo interpretāciju.Papildu veicināšanas noteikumiem un nosacījumiem var piekļūt šeit.Var būt var būt neatbilstības šī oriģinālā raksta tulkotajā versijā angļu valodā. Lūdzu, skatiet šo sākotnējo versiju, lai iegūtu jaunāko vai precīzāko informāciju, ja var rasties neatbilstības.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pievienojieties Ramadāna svinībām @Binance laukumā kopā ar mums!

Lai saņemtu savu 1000 ASV dolāru daļu PIXEL, izveidojiet ziņu vietnē Binance Square, izmantojot tēmturi#BinancePIXELlīdz 2024. gada 29. marta plkst. 23:59 GST. Atrodiet mūsu profila saiti pavedienā!

Un ar to jautrība nebeidzas! Pievienojieties mums Suhoor sesijai pakalpojumā Binance Live! Mēs izpētīsim visus pikseļus, sazināsimies ar Binance komandu un veiksim dažas jautras viktorīnas (ar iespēju laimēt PIXEL ASV dolārus!)

Iestatiet savu atgādinājumu zemāk ⬇️

Publicējiet savu ierakstu Binance laukumā ⬇️
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC #TradeNTell Bitcoin mīta atmaskošana! Viens izplatīts mīts ir tas, ka Bitcoin ir anonīms. Patiesībā Bitcoin darījumi tiek reģistrēti publiskā virsgrāmatā, ko sauc par blokķēdi, un, lai gan tie tieši neatklāj personas identitāti, tie ir izsekojami. Lietotāju privātums lielā mērā ir atkarīgs no tā, kā viņi pārvalda savas adreses un darījumus, taču pilnīgas anonimitātes pieprasīšana ir maldīgs priekšstats. Bitcoin piedāvā pseidonimitāti, nevis pilnīgu anonimitāti.
$BTC #TradeNTell

Bitcoin mīta atmaskošana!

Viens izplatīts mīts ir tas, ka Bitcoin ir anonīms. Patiesībā Bitcoin darījumi tiek reģistrēti publiskā virsgrāmatā, ko sauc par blokķēdi, un, lai gan tie tieši neatklāj personas identitāti, tie ir izsekojami. Lietotāju privātums lielā mērā ir atkarīgs no tā, kā viņi pārvalda savas adreses un darījumus, taču pilnīgas anonimitātes pieprasīšana ir maldīgs priekšstats. Bitcoin piedāvā pseidonimitāti, nevis pilnīgu anonimitāti.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC #TradeNTell , 7. diena ✌️ Viens vērtīgs ieskats Bitcoin vai jebkuras citas kriptovalūtas tirdzniecībā ir riska pārvaldība. Definējiet savu riska toleranci un iestatiet stop-loss rīkojumus, lai aizsargātu savu ieguldījumu. Kriptogrāfijas tirgus var būt ļoti nestabils, un skaidra riska stratēģija palīdz tikt galā ar ārkārtējām svārstībām un pieņemt pārdomātākus lēmumus.
$BTC #TradeNTell , 7. diena ✌️

Viens vērtīgs ieskats Bitcoin vai jebkuras citas kriptovalūtas tirdzniecībā ir riska pārvaldība.

Definējiet savu riska toleranci un iestatiet stop-loss rīkojumus, lai aizsargātu savu ieguldījumu. Kriptogrāfijas tirgus var būt ļoti nestabils, un skaidra riska stratēģija palīdz tikt galā ar ārkārtējām svārstībām un pieņemt pārdomātākus lēmumus.
$BTC #TradeNTell There's the story of a guy who mined Bitcoin in its early days, but he discarded an old computer containing his wallet. Years later, when Bitcoin's value surged, he desperately tried to locate the landfill where the computer ended up, without success. Moral of the story, secure your digital assets today so you don’t have to worry about them tomorrow! 👍
$BTC #TradeNTell

There's the story of a guy who mined Bitcoin in its early days, but he discarded an old computer containing his wallet. Years later, when Bitcoin's value surged, he desperately tried to locate the landfill where the computer ended up, without success.

Moral of the story, secure your digital assets today so you don’t have to worry about them tomorrow! 👍
$BTC #TradeNTell Day 5 🤝 A curious Bitcoin history fact: In 2023, Paypal accidentally paid $510,750 for a Bitcoin Transaction Fee. This unintentional fee, became one of the most expensive mistakes in Bitcoin history. It highlights the importance of double-checking transactions in the crypto world. 🕵️‍♂️
$BTC #TradeNTell Day 5 🤝

A curious Bitcoin history fact:

In 2023, Paypal accidentally paid $510,750 for a Bitcoin Transaction Fee.

This unintentional fee, became one of the most expensive mistakes in Bitcoin history. It highlights the importance of double-checking transactions in the crypto world. 🕵️‍♂️
Skatīt oriģinālu
#TradeNTell 4. diena Kādreiz $BNB iegāja bārā, kur tusējās visi pārējie altkoini. $ETH teica: "Es esmu gudrākais šeit," savukārt Bitcoin lepojās ar to, ka ir pirmais. $BNB ar smīnu teica: "Nu, es esmu partijas dzīve!" Drīz visi saprata, ka BNB nodrošina bāra darījumus un saņēma atlaidi dzērieniem. Monēta ar patiesu lietderību. 😎 #BuildNBuild
#TradeNTell 4. diena

Kādreiz $BNB iegāja bārā, kur tusējās visi pārējie altkoini.

$ETH teica: "Es esmu gudrākais šeit," savukārt Bitcoin lepojās ar to, ka ir pirmais.

$BNB ar smīnu teica: "Nu, es esmu partijas dzīve!"

Drīz visi saprata, ka BNB nodrošina bāra darījumus un saņēma atlaidi dzērieniem.

Monēta ar patiesu lietderību. 😎 #BuildNBuild
$BTC #TradeNTell Day 3 Why did Bitcoin refuse to play hide and seek with the altcoins? It said, "I'm the OG crypto, always transparent, no need to hide. But sure, I'll count while you all find a use case. 😂
$BTC #TradeNTell Day 3

Why did Bitcoin refuse to play hide and seek with the altcoins?

It said, "I'm the OG crypto, always transparent, no need to hide.

But sure, I'll count while you all find a use case. 😂
$BTC #TradeNTell Day 2 😎 " Why did the Bitcoin break up with $USDC ? It wanted a more decentralized relationship! “ 💔 🤷‍♂️
$BTC #TradeNTell Day 2 😎

" Why did the Bitcoin break up with $USDC ?

It wanted a more decentralized relationship! “ 💔 🤷‍♂️
SATOSHI: Are Ya Winning, Son? BITCOIN: Yes Dad, i’m up 100% since last year! $BTC #TradeNTell
SATOSHI: Are Ya Winning, Son?

BITCOIN: Yes Dad, i’m up 100% since last year!

$BTC #TradeNTell
Dear @Binance there is one last #BinanceWish i had in mind, Maybe you could make it come true during this holiday night. I’ve always dreamt about space and time, It was always a magical passion of mine. My dream is to visit space one day, And experience the fascinating zero gravity that way. It might be a lot to ask it seems, Maybe a zero gravity flight would be enough for this dream. BNB has a special place in my heart, It was indeed my first cryptocurrency since the start. How amazing it would be if this dream became true, Payed with BNB on a trip to the Moon. Once again thank you dear Binance for this amazing opportunity, May the Satoshi force be with you during this time of unity. 🙂🍀 I Wish you all happy holidays filled with joy, May your days be merry, and your heart find its ploy. 🎄✨☃️🎁 @MFMB @FDSB
Dear @Binance there is one last #BinanceWish i had in mind,
Maybe you could make it come true during this holiday night.

I’ve always dreamt about space and time,
It was always a magical passion of mine.

My dream is to visit space one day,
And experience the fascinating zero gravity that way.

It might be a lot to ask it seems,
Maybe a zero gravity flight would be enough for this dream.

BNB has a special place in my heart,
It was indeed my first cryptocurrency since the start.

How amazing it would be if this dream became true,
Payed with BNB on a trip to the Moon.

Once again thank you dear Binance for this amazing opportunity,
May the Satoshi force be with you during this time of unity. 🙂🍀

I Wish you all happy holidays filled with joy,
May your days be merry, and your heart find its ploy. 🎄✨☃️🎁 @MFMB @FDSB
Binance Announcement
Unlock the Magic of Christmas with Binance: $150,000 Giveaway!
This is a general announcement. Products and services referred to here may not be available in your region.
Activity Period: 2023-12-12 13:00 (UTC) to 2023-12-22 13:00 (UTC)
This festive season, Binance is spreading joy by granting your Christmas wishes with a staggering giveaway of $150,000 in BNB token vouchers!
How to Participate
Follow us and post your Christmas wishes on any of our social platforms.
X (Twitter)
Retweet: Spread the holiday spirit by retweeting our giveaway post.Follow @Binance: Stay in the loop for more exciting updates.Share Your Wish: Tweet your Christmas wish using #BinanceWish and tag two friends who deserve some festive joy.
Follow @Binance: Keep up with us on Instagram for a chance to win!Comment on the giveaway post with your wish and tag two friends.Share the giveaway post on your Stories using #BinanceWish to share the magic.
Follow @Binance: Stay tuned on TikTok for exclusive holiday content!Tag Two Friends: Mention two friends in the comments who should see your wish.Create a Video: Post a creative video explaining your Christmas wish with the hashtag #BinanceWish.
Binance Square
Follow @Binance_Square_Official or @BinanceSquareCN.Quote the giveaway post.Share Your Wish: Post it using #BinanceWish and mention two friends in your post.
Join any of the Binance Telegram communities, whether global or local.Share Your Wish: Post your wish using #BinanceWish.
Join the Binance Discord server.Share Your Wish: Post your wish using #BinanceWish in the #global-chat channel.
Winners will be selected based on a number of factors, including the creativity, uniqueness, purpose of the wish of the participants’ entries, authenticity, and so on.
Rewards Structure:
We will select one winner per social platform. Each winner will be rewarded with $25,000 in BNB token voucher.
Terms & Conditions
By entering or participating, each entrant or participant (“Entrant”) agrees to these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”, including https://www.%domain%/en/pp-terms) and the decisions of Binance, which are final and binding in all respects.
Only KYC-ed users are eligible to join this activity.This giveaway is in no way associated with X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, Discord or Telegram.To enter the giveaway on social media platforms, follow the mechanics in the promotion announcement or in the social post referring to this promotion on X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, Square, Discord or Telegram.One winner will be selected from each social platform based on a number of factors, including the creativity and uniqueness of the participants’ entries, authenticity, and so on. A total of six winners will be selected in the promotion.Participants should set their social media accounts public [not private account] until the winners are announced to ensure Binance can send winners a DM and verify their entry post. Six winners will each win $25,000 from a total of $150,000 BNB token voucher rewards pool.Winners will be announced via Binance social accounts on X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, Square, Discord and Telegram, within four weeks after the promotion ends. Binance will contact winners through their social handles used to participate.Winners will have to reply within five days of winner notification, or their prizes will be forfeited.Rewards will be sent in the form of BNB token vouchers within 30 days of the end of the promotion. BNB/USDT opening price at 00:00 (UTC) on the date of distribution will be used for calculating the rewards. Users may login and redeem their token voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub.All vouchers will expire within 10 days after distribution. Eligible users should claim their voucher rewards before the expiration date. Learn how to redeem a token voucher.Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.
Dear @Binance , it’s with great pleasure that i write you this #BinanceWish letter. My journey in crypto started back in 2021, and curiously BNB was the first ever crypto that i bought. 🙂 I want to thank you for making everything so simple and easy with your platform, for all the giveaways you guys keep doing and for making me truly believe in this financial freedom. So many things come into my mind of what i could do with $25.000 in BNB, but in reality my true wish is to provide for my parents and family. I wish to provide them a future where financial worries are a thing of the past. Regardless of the outcome, it makes me really happy how you keep changing so many people’s life and educating them with Crypto wisdom. 💛 I’m very proud to be part of this community, and with great honor i can say that i am in fact a true Binancian. 😌🤝 Wishing you all Happy Holidays filled with joy! ⛄️🎄✨ @MFMB @FDSB Warm regards, Marco
Dear @Binance , it’s with great pleasure that i write you this #BinanceWish letter.

My journey in crypto started back in 2021, and curiously BNB was the first ever crypto that i bought. 🙂

I want to thank you for making everything so simple and easy with your platform, for all the giveaways you guys keep doing and for making me truly believe in this financial freedom.

So many things come into my mind of what i could do with $25.000 in BNB, but in reality my true wish is to provide for my parents and family.

I wish to provide them a future where financial worries are a thing of the past.

Regardless of the outcome, it makes me really happy how you keep changing so many people’s life and educating them with Crypto wisdom. 💛

I’m very proud to be part of this community, and with great honor i can say that i am in fact a true Binancian. 😌🤝

Wishing you all Happy Holidays filled with joy! ⛄️🎄✨ @MFMB @FDSB

Warm regards,

Binance Square Official
We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅

Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how:

🔸 Follow us @Binance_Square_Official on Binance Square
🔸 Quote this post, share your wish with #BinanceWish and mention 2 friends in your post.

We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative!

Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
#BinanceWish Once upon a time, i had a wish that was mine. The odds to fulfill this dream were small, but Binance make a wish made me believe in this call. My wish is to achieve financial freedom, and who knows it may come during this special season. Through the hustle and hum of life's grand scheme, A desire blooms, like a sacred dream. To break free from financial worries that bind so tight, Binance whispers, "Embrace the crypto flight. Thank you dear Binance for this kind opportunity, May the force be with you during this time of unity. Happy Holidays 🙂🎄✨ @MFMB @FDSB

Once upon a time,
i had a wish that was mine.

The odds to fulfill this dream were small,
but Binance make a wish made me believe in this call.

My wish is to achieve financial freedom,
and who knows it may come during this special season.

Through the hustle and hum of life's grand scheme,
A desire blooms, like a sacred dream.

To break free from financial worries that bind so tight,
Binance whispers, "Embrace the crypto flight.

Thank you dear Binance for this kind opportunity,
May the force be with you during this time of unity.

Happy Holidays 🙂🎄✨

Binance Square Official
We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅

Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how:

🔸 Follow us @Binance_Square_Official on Binance Square
🔸 Quote this post, share your wish with #BinanceWish and mention 2 friends in your post.

We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative!

Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
A Story insight about Binance Futures Grand Tournament #BinanceTournament :) As I embarked on the thrilling journey of the Binance Futures Tournament, the adrenaline surged through my veins, echoing the pulse of the crypto market itself. The virtual battleground awaited, promising a test of skill, strategy, and nerve. With every trade, I felt the weight of decision-making, a dance between risk and reward. The charts became my compass, guiding me through the volatile seas of crypto prices. Each candlestick told a tale, and I deciphered it with the precision of a seasoned explorer. The competition was fierce, a congregation of traders from every corner of the crypto realm. As we navigated the turbulent waves of the market, my strategy evolved. It wasn't just about making profits, it was about outsmarting opponents, predicting their moves like a chess grandmaster. The leaderboard, a digital arena of triumphs and setbacks, fueled my determination. Climbing its ranks felt like conquering peaks, and the pursuit of that coveted top spot became an obsession. Late nights turned into early mornings as the tournament clock ticked away. Risk management became my shield, protecting me from the market's unpredictable storms. Every trade was a calculated move, a step closer to victory. I learned to embrace the market's twists and turns, finding opportunity in the chaos. The community aspect added another layer to the experience. Chat rooms buzzed with insights, strategies, and the occasional word of encouragement. It was a shared journey, a collective pursuit of excellence in the crypto trading realm. In the end, whether standing on the podium or reflecting on the lessons learned, the Binance Futures Tournament is more than a competition. It is an odyssey of mastering the markets, deciphering the charts, and embracing the ever-changing nature of cryptocurrency trading. Thank you for reading 📖✌️, may the Satoshi force be with you. 🍀
A Story insight about Binance Futures Grand Tournament #BinanceTournament :)

As I embarked on the thrilling journey of the Binance Futures Tournament, the adrenaline surged through my veins, echoing the pulse of the crypto market itself. The virtual battleground awaited, promising a test of skill, strategy, and nerve.

With every trade, I felt the weight of decision-making, a dance between risk and reward. The charts became my compass, guiding me through the volatile seas of crypto prices. Each candlestick told a tale, and I deciphered it with the precision of a seasoned explorer.

The competition was fierce, a congregation of traders from every corner of the crypto realm. As we navigated the turbulent waves of the market, my strategy evolved. It wasn't just about making profits, it was about outsmarting opponents, predicting their moves like a chess grandmaster.

The leaderboard, a digital arena of triumphs and setbacks, fueled my determination. Climbing its ranks felt like conquering peaks, and the pursuit of that coveted top spot became an obsession. Late nights turned into early mornings as the tournament clock ticked away.

Risk management became my shield, protecting me from the market's unpredictable storms. Every trade was a calculated move, a step closer to victory. I learned to embrace the market's twists and turns, finding opportunity in the chaos.

The community aspect added another layer to the experience. Chat rooms buzzed with insights, strategies, and the occasional word of encouragement. It was a shared journey, a collective pursuit of excellence in the crypto trading realm.

In the end, whether standing on the podium or reflecting on the lessons learned, the Binance Futures Tournament is more than a competition. It is an odyssey of mastering the markets, deciphering the charts, and embracing the ever-changing nature of cryptocurrency trading.

Thank you for reading 📖✌️, may the Satoshi force be with you. 🍀
Binance Square Official
Share Your #BinanceTournament Experience on Binance Square to Grab a Share of 5,000 USDT!
Activity Period: 2023-11-27 00:00 to 2023-12-24 23:59 (UTC)
Join the Futures Grand Tournament and compete for 2 Million USDT in prizes! Share your tournament insights on Binance Square and get a chance to win from an EXCLUSIVE 5,000 USDT prize pool.
How to Win?
Simply create an original content piece related to your tournament experience or insights on Binance Square during the Campaign Period, and mention “#BinanceTournament ".Make sure each of your posts/articles receives at least three interactions (likes, comments, or shares).
Remember, share your posts to draw more interactions from your friends and other Binance Square community members. The more interactions you gather, the higher your chances of winning!

Promotion A: Community Engagement Pool (3,000 USDT in token voucher)
All users who create an eligible content piece during the Activity Period will qualify for an equal share of the 3,000 USDT rewards pool.

Promotion B: Top Contents Pool (2,000 USDT in token voucher)
The top 10 posts with the #BinanceTournament hashtag having the highest 'like👍' reactions (other emojis reactions will not be counted) will be rewarded as follows:

Terms & Conditions
This activity may not be available in your region. Only #BinanceTournament related content pieces (including posts and articles) that include the #BinanceTournament hashtag and receive at least 3 engagements (i.e., the total number of emojis, comments, or shares) during the Activity Period, will qualify as eligible content pieces. Any cases of hashtag abuse will lead to exclusion from the campaign.Only original, new content qualifies. Previous submissions are ineligible.You can create multiple content and potentially win in both promotions. However, each user is only entitled to 1 reward in promotion B.
Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > [Square Assistant]( within 15 working days after the activity ends. The USDT token voucher rewards will be distributed within 15 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their rewards via Profile > [Rewards Hub]( The validity period for the token voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. [Learn how to redeem a voucher]( reserves the right to disqualify any account acting against the [Binance Square Community Guidelines]( or [Terms and Conditions]( reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments. Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.This Campaign and the Futures Grand Tournament is only available to users who are eligible for Binance Futures trading and may not be available or may be restricted in certain jurisdictions or regions or to certain users, depending on legal and regulatory requirements. 
Binance Live
Win $500 with our Road to Istanbul live stream! Here’s how:

- Share a photo of your set-up when watching

- Include #BinanceBlockchainWeek in your post

We’ll pick 5 of the best to win!
Binance Live
Win $500 with our Road to Istanbul live stream! Here’s how:

- Share a photo of your set-up when watching

- Include #BinanceBlockchainWeek in your post

We’ll pick 5 of the best to win!
Binance Live
Win $500 with our Road to Istanbul live stream! Here’s how:

- Share a photo of your set-up when watching

- Include #BinanceBlockchainWeek in your post

We’ll pick 5 of the best to win!
Halloween, an ancient timeless cultural tradition. 🎃 In celebration of #BinanceTreats Halloween i would Cosplay as a Steampunk Time Traveler. Inspired by a blend of Victorian-era fashion, intricate clockwork, and the idea of time manipulation. Maybe i could travel back in time to let’s say…2010 and get Some Satoshis 😌💭
Halloween, an ancient timeless cultural tradition. 🎃

In celebration of #BinanceTreats Halloween i would Cosplay as a Steampunk Time Traveler.

Inspired by a blend of Victorian-era fashion, intricate clockwork, and the idea of time manipulation.

Maybe i could travel back in time to let’s say…2010 and get Some Satoshis 😌💭
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