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Investing in Binance is not just about financial gain, it's about embracing the future of finance and empowering yourself with the tools to shape it.
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Pievienojieties VIP signālam un gūstiet peļņu $💸 Pirmie 10 cilvēki saņems 80% atlaidi‼️ Lai pievienotos ziņojumam telegrammā: 👇 Vai @trade_sage @mahfuj_alam
Pievienojieties VIP signālam un gūstiet peļņu $💸

Pirmie 10 cilvēki saņems 80% atlaidi‼️

Lai pievienotos ziņojumam telegrammā:
👇 Vai @trade_sage

@Trade Sage
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BREMŽU ZIŅAS VISIEM ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 🚨 🚨 Visu laiku labākā investora perspektīva attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu tirgus nepastāvību INVESTORIU UZMANĪBU‼️‼️‼️⚠️Pašreizējās tirgus bailes ir saprotamas. Nekad nav viegli redzēt, kā jūsu portfelis trīs mēnešu laikā samazinās par 30% (spot tirgotājiem) vai saskaras ar ātru likvidāciju (fjūčeru tirgotājiem). Kā cilvēks, kurš sāka ieguldīt kriptovalūtās 2016. gadā, esmu apkopojis dažas galvenās atziņas: TURI STIPRI: Kad tirgus samazinās, pretojieties vēlmei pārdot savus aktīvus. Saglabājiet savu pozīciju, jo panikas pārdošana bieži vien izraisa nožēlu, kad tirgus atgūstas. Atcerieties, ka tūlītējā tirdzniecībā zaudējumi tiek realizēti tikai tad, kad pārdodat ar zaudējumiem. Ignorēt TROKSNI: Tirgus prognozes labākajā gadījumā ir spekulatīvas, un, lai gan tirgus var svārstīties, tas nepaliks lejup bezgalīgi. Galu galā lēmums paturēt savu portfeli ir jūsu ziņā. Izmantojiet pacietību un pārvaldiet savas emocijas. Panākumi šajā tirgū dod priekšroku tiem, kam ir garīgs spēks. Vienmēr atcerieties gūt peļņu tirgus maksimumu laikā, jo šie ieguvumi būs nenovērtējami lejupslīdes laikā. Sekojiet [Expert]( Varat sekot ekspertam, ja esat zaudējis un jums ir jāatgūst zaudējumi. Varat arī pievienoties man, sekot manam signālam, gūt peļņu un masēt mani telegrammā: @sage_sensei #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #BreakingNews #trade_sage #MarketAlert $BTC $ETH $BNB #Alert🔴

🚨 🚨 Visu laiku labākā investora perspektīva attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu tirgus nepastāvību

INVESTORIU UZMANĪBU‼️‼️‼️⚠️Pašreizējās tirgus bailes ir saprotamas.

Nekad nav viegli redzēt, kā jūsu portfelis trīs mēnešu laikā samazinās par 30% (spot tirgotājiem) vai saskaras ar ātru likvidāciju (fjūčeru tirgotājiem).

Kā cilvēks, kurš sāka ieguldīt kriptovalūtās 2016. gadā, esmu apkopojis dažas galvenās atziņas:


Kad tirgus samazinās, pretojieties vēlmei pārdot savus aktīvus. Saglabājiet savu pozīciju, jo panikas pārdošana bieži vien izraisa nožēlu, kad tirgus atgūstas.

Atcerieties, ka tūlītējā tirdzniecībā zaudējumi tiek realizēti tikai tad, kad pārdodat ar zaudējumiem.

Ignorēt TROKSNI:

Tirgus prognozes labākajā gadījumā ir spekulatīvas, un, lai gan tirgus var svārstīties, tas nepaliks lejup bezgalīgi.

Galu galā lēmums paturēt savu portfeli ir jūsu ziņā. Izmantojiet pacietību un pārvaldiet savas emocijas.

Panākumi šajā tirgū dod priekšroku tiem, kam ir garīgs spēks. Vienmēr atcerieties gūt peļņu tirgus maksimumu laikā, jo šie ieguvumi būs nenovērtējami lejupslīdes laikā.

Sekojiet Expert:

Varat sekot ekspertam, ja esat zaudējis un jums ir jāatgūst zaudējumi. Varat arī pievienoties man, sekot manam signālam, gūt peļņu un masēt mani telegrammā: @sage_sensei

#BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #BreakingNews #trade_sage #MarketAlert $BTC $ETH $BNB #Alert🔴
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Galvenie notikumi kriptovalūtu un ASV finanšu politikā: galvenie notikumiJUST IN: 🇺🇸 CFTC priekšsēdētājs saka, ka Ilinoisas tiesa lēma, ka #bitcoin☀️ un $ETH ir preces. JUST IN: 🇺🇸 CFTC priekšsēdētājs saka, ka 70–80% kriptovalūtu nav vērtspapīri. TIKŠI: 🇺🇸 Divpartiju senatoru grupa plāno paziņot par vienošanos par aizliegumu Kongresam [trading]( akcijas. JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Federālo rezervju sistēmas priekšsēdētājs Džeroms Pauels saka, ka viņam nav bijušas nekādas tikšanās vai sarunas ar prezidentu Baidenu kopš 2022. gada. JUST IN: 1,64 triljonu dolāru aktīvu pārvaldnieks Goldman Sachs šogad uzsāks trīs tokenizācijas projektus.

Galvenie notikumi kriptovalūtu un ASV finanšu politikā: galvenie notikumi

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 CFTC priekšsēdētājs saka, ka Ilinoisas tiesa lēma, ka #bitcoin☀️ un $ETH ir preces.
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 CFTC priekšsēdētājs saka, ka 70–80% kriptovalūtu nav vērtspapīri.
TIKŠI: 🇺🇸 Divpartiju senatoru grupa plāno paziņot par vienošanos par aizliegumu Kongresam trading akcijas.
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Federālo rezervju sistēmas priekšsēdētājs Džeroms Pauels saka, ka viņam nav bijušas nekādas tikšanās vai sarunas ar prezidentu Baidenu kopš 2022. gada.
JUST IN: 1,64 triljonu dolāru aktīvu pārvaldnieks Goldman Sachs šogad uzsāks trīs tokenizācijas projektus.
BRAKING NEWS EVERYONE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 🚨 🚨 All Time Best Investor's Perspective Over Crypto Market Volatility ATTENTION INVESTORS‼️‼️‼️⚠️The current market fear is understandable. Seeing your portfolio drop by 30% over three months (for spot traders) or facing quick liquidations (for futures traders) is never easy. As someone who began investing in crypto in 2016, I’ve gathered some key insights: HOLD STRONG: When the market declines, resist the urge to sell off your assets. Maintain your position, as panic selling often leads to regret when the market rebounds. Remember, in spot trading, losses are only realized when you sell at a loss. IGNORE THE NOISE: The Market predictions are speculative at best, and while the market can fluctuate, it won’t remain down indefinitely. Ultimately, the decision to hold your portfolio is yours.Exercise patience and manage your emotions. Success in this market favors those with mental fortitude. Always remember to take profits during market highs, as those gains will be invaluable during downturns. Follow an Expert : You can follow an expert if you're in loss and need recover your losses. You can also join me, follow my signal make profit and massage me on telegram: @sage_sensei #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Ton_Coin_Surge #BinanceTurns7 #trade_sage #MarketAlert $BTC $ETH $BNB

🚨 🚨 All Time Best Investor's Perspective Over Crypto Market Volatility

ATTENTION INVESTORS‼️‼️‼️⚠️The current market fear is understandable.

Seeing your portfolio drop by 30% over three months (for spot traders) or facing quick liquidations (for futures traders) is never easy.

As someone who began investing in crypto in 2016, I’ve gathered some key insights:


When the market declines, resist the urge to sell off your assets. Maintain your position, as panic selling often leads to regret when the market rebounds.

Remember, in spot trading, losses are only realized when you sell at a loss.


The Market predictions are speculative at best, and while the market can fluctuate, it won’t remain down indefinitely.

Ultimately, the decision to hold your portfolio is yours.Exercise patience and manage your emotions.

Success in this market favors those with mental fortitude. Always remember to take profits during market highs, as those gains will be invaluable during downturns.

Follow an Expert :

You can follow an expert if you're in loss and need recover your losses. You can also join me, follow my signal make profit and massage me on telegram: @sage_sensei

#BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Ton_Coin_Surge #BinanceTurns7 #trade_sage #MarketAlert $BTC $ETH $BNB
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$BB $AEVO Peļņa +350% 💸🎯 Telegram grupas Signal Target 4 sasniegts 💸✅ Masējiet mani telegrammā, lai pievienotos un gūtu peļņu 💸💸: @trade_sage Pievienojieties signālam telegrammā: @trade_sage Sekojiet un patīk, lai iegūtu vairāk satura un kopētu signālus, tirgus atjauninājumus. #BBUSD #AEVO_USDT #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Ton_Coin_Surge #FutureSignals $BTC
$BB $AEVO Peļņa +350% 💸🎯

Telegram grupas Signal Target 4 sasniegts 💸✅

Masējiet mani telegrammā, lai pievienotos un gūtu peļņu 💸💸: @trade_sage

Pievienojieties signālam telegrammā: @trade_sage

Sekojiet un patīk, lai iegūtu vairāk satura un kopētu signālus, tirgus atjauninājumus.

#BBUSD #AEVO_USDT #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Ton_Coin_Surge #FutureSignals $BTC
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🚨 TAS IR ŠOKĒJOŠI, BET MĒS ESAM ATBILDĪGI PAR ZAUDĒJUMU🚨Pēkšņā $BOND , $DOCK , $MDX un POLS noņemšana no saraksta kalpo kā stingrs atgādinājums, ka nevienam altcoin vai kriptovalūtai nav garantijas. Jebkuru monētu jebkurā brīdī var izņemt no saraksta, pakļaujot turētājiem milzīgus zaudējumus. Tikai paziņojums par izņemšanu no saraksta var izraisīt monētas vērtības krišanos par vairāk nekā 50%. Ilgtermiņa turētājiem tas var nozīmēt zaudējumus līdz pat 90% vai vairāk. Iedomājieties, ka ieguldāt 1000 USD vienā no šīm monētām, lai redzētu, ka tā samazinās līdz USD 5 vai mazāk. Tas ir postošs trieciens. Šis notikums uzsver izšķirošo nepieciešamību pēc gudras riska [management]( un diversifikācijas neparedzamajā kriptovalūtas pasaulē.


Pēkšņā $BOND , $DOCK , $MDX un POLS noņemšana no saraksta kalpo kā stingrs atgādinājums, ka nevienam altcoin vai kriptovalūtai nav garantijas.
Jebkuru monētu jebkurā brīdī var izņemt no saraksta, pakļaujot turētājiem milzīgus zaudējumus.
Tikai paziņojums par izņemšanu no saraksta var izraisīt monētas vērtības krišanos par vairāk nekā 50%.
Ilgtermiņa turētājiem tas var nozīmēt zaudējumus līdz pat 90% vai vairāk.
Iedomājieties, ka ieguldāt 1000 USD vienā no šīm monētām, lai redzētu, ka tā samazinās līdz USD 5 vai mazāk. Tas ir postošs trieciens.

Šis notikums uzsver izšķirošo nepieciešamību pēc gudras riska management un diversifikācijas neparedzamajā kriptovalūtas pasaulē.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Emergency Alert ‼️‼️Today, I want to remind everyone, especially those new to the cryptocurrency world, of a crucial precaution. It's not about hackers or viruses, but a simple mistake that could wipe out your wallet with no chance of recovery! When updating your cryptocurrency apps on your mobile phone, proceed slowly and carefully. Many domestic mobile phones view these apps, like wallets and exchange apps, as high-risk software or even viruses. Occasionally, you'll be prompted to update the software, and this is when you must be extra cautious. Take a look at the following scenario: after downloading the update installation package, your phone might warn you of detected risks and suggest exiting the installation and deleting the package. Do not click to delete! If your wallet isn't backed up, a single mistake could result in a total loss. With apps like [Binance](, OK, and others now linked to Web3 wallets, deleting without backup can cause significant trouble. Even though it might just delete the update package, there's a risk the original software could be removed too. Instead, select "Install regardless of risk" and proceed. However, the danger isn’t over yet. Post-installation, your phone might again prompt you about a [risky]( app, suggesting immediate uninstallation. Do not click uninstall! This action will definitely remove your app. Therefore, when updating any cryptocurrency app, take your time and proceed carefully. If prompted again, choose "Ignore Risk." Only then can you ensure everything remains intact and your wallet stays safe. #BinanceTurns7 #trade_sage #Alert🔴 #Beginners #BeginnerTrader

Emergency Alert ‼️‼️

Today, I want to remind everyone, especially those new to the cryptocurrency world, of a crucial precaution.
It's not about hackers or viruses, but a simple mistake that could wipe out your wallet with no chance of recovery!
When updating your cryptocurrency apps on your mobile phone, proceed slowly and carefully.
Many domestic mobile phones view these apps, like wallets and exchange apps, as high-risk software or even viruses.
Occasionally, you'll be prompted to update the software, and this is when you must be extra cautious.
Take a look at the following scenario: after downloading the update installation package, your phone might warn you of detected risks and suggest exiting the installation and deleting the package.
Do not click to delete! If your wallet isn't backed up, a single mistake could result in a total loss. With apps like Binance, OK, and others now linked to Web3 wallets, deleting without backup can cause significant trouble.
Even though it might just delete the update package, there's a risk the original software could be removed too. Instead, select "Install regardless of risk" and proceed.
However, the danger isn’t over yet. Post-installation, your phone might again prompt you about a risky app, suggesting immediate uninstallation.
Do not click uninstall! This action will definitely remove your app. Therefore, when updating any cryptocurrency app, take your time and proceed carefully.
If prompted again, choose "Ignore Risk." Only then can you ensure everything remains intact and your wallet stays safe.
#BinanceTurns7 #trade_sage #Alert🔴 #Beginners #BeginnerTrader
Do you know scamming someone via Bitcoin can be tracked and arrested in 2024?Do you know if you scam someone via Bitcoin you can be tracked and arrested ? A lot of you People think Bitcoin is untraceable Hehehe… let’s break the news to you on how you can easily track any crypto wallet address used by a scammer and fetch the scammer’s details. So, for those persons online scamming people via crypto, this might be heartbreaking for them, because a lot of them are not aware that they can be tracked and their details gotten Look here, if some scams you via #Ethereum - $ETH #solona - $SOL #bitcoin☀️ or any coin All you need to do is to copy the wallet address and go to the Blockchain of that crypto, for Ethereum, you will go to Ether Scan For #solona , you will go to Sol Scan For Binance BNB, you will go to BSC scan For $BTC , you will go to BTC scan Now, if you are scammed, all you need to do is to copy the wallet address you sent the coins to and take it to any of the blockchain explorers.the transaction happened. You will see a search bar or box above or around Paste the Wallet address you sent your crypto to and hit the search button. You will see the details of the wallet address that received your crypto Some Block Explorers, like a BSC scan would show you the balance the wallet currently has. Scroll down or look around and you will see the transaction button or filter, tap it to view all the transactions that have happened on/with that particular wallet address While you are there, you will also see your transaction details showing the amount and when the wallet address received your Coins Now, how do you get the details of the scammer and get them arrested ? This is another write up, we would post it for you as soon as possible Follow to get notified when we drop the next guide We need to create more awareness on this. #scamriskwarning #Alert🔴

Do you know scamming someone via Bitcoin can be tracked and arrested in 2024?

Do you know if you scam someone via Bitcoin you can be tracked and arrested ?
A lot of you People think Bitcoin is untraceable
Hehehe… let’s break the news to you on how you can easily track any crypto wallet address used by a scammer and fetch the scammer’s details.
So, for those persons online scamming people via crypto, this might be heartbreaking for them, because a lot of them are not aware that they can be tracked and their details gotten
Look here, if some scams you via
#Ethereum - $ETH
#solona - $SOL
#bitcoin☀️ or any coin
All you need to do is to copy the wallet address and go to the Blockchain of that crypto, for

Ethereum, you will go to Ether Scan
For #solona , you will go to Sol Scan
For Binance BNB, you will go to BSC scan
For $BTC , you will go to BTC scan
Now, if you are scammed, all you need to do is to copy the wallet address you sent the coins to and take it to any of the blockchain explorers.the transaction happened.
You will see a search bar or box above or around
Paste the Wallet address you sent your crypto to and hit the search button.
You will see the details of the wallet address that received your crypto Some Block Explorers,
like a BSC scan would show you the balance the wallet currently has.
Scroll down or look around and you will see the transaction button or filter,
tap it to view all the transactions that have happened on/with that particular wallet address While you are there,
you will also see your transaction details showing the amount and when the wallet address received your Coins Now,
how do you get the details of the scammer and get them arrested ?
This is another write up, we would post it for you as soon as possible Follow to get notified when we drop the next guide We need to create more awareness on this.
#scamriskwarning #Alert🔴
$BNX 430% Profit Done 💸🎯 #bnxUstd Hit all Target 🎯 Like And Follow to Copy My Signals. {future}(BNXUSDT)
$BNX 430% Profit Done 💸🎯

#bnxUstd Hit all Target 🎯

Like And Follow to Copy My Signals.
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