Binance Square
40 years in trading ,crypto holder from 2014
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TUVUMĀ cenu prognozei!! Pamatojoties uz BTC koeficientu. Btc cenu diapazons no 25k līdz 130k Laika posms līdz 2025. gada beigām! Bez liela notikuma. Min. 1$USDC līdz 20 $USDC #NEARToken #Near_usdt #TULU🚀🚀� #NearBullish �
TUVUMĀ cenu prognozei!!
Pamatojoties uz BTC koeficientu.
Btc cenu diapazons no 25k līdz 130k
Laika posms līdz 2025. gada beigām!
Bez liela notikuma.
Min. 1$USDC līdz 20 $USDC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Abreviatūra Jūs pazaudēsit savu naudas monētu YGLYMC
Jūs pazaudēsit savu naudas monētu
Skatīt oriģinālu
No 100 altkoiniem 99 ir nulles vērti !!!! Es to izskaidrošu tik vienkārši, cik vien spēju!!!Tu radīsi jauku ideju, kas izklausās labi, bet kuras vērtība mūsdienu realitātē ir nulle. Jūs piepūšat domājamās vērtības balonu tik ārkārtīgi augstu, lai pārliecinātu pat visnotaļ skeptiskākos cilvēkus, ka kaut kas pastāv, piemēram, ja monētas izveidošanas kopējais darbs maksā 50 000 USD; jūs izlaižat miljardu monētu par USD 1 un pārveidojat 50 000 $ miljardu un tad jūs sākat nepārtraukti pārdot un pārdot, jums ir iespēja pārdot pat par 0,00005 USD un gūt peļņu, un visi brīnās, kas notiek, un visi zaudē savu naudu. Tik vienkārši tam noticēt.!!!! Turpinājums sekos…….. Kā es varu izmantot priekšrocības, ja es to zinu???? P.S Dažas idejas, kuras atbalsta konkrētas monētas, ir tik revolucionāras un nākamajos gados mainīs visu finanšu sektorā un ne tikai šajā sektorā un daudzās citās, bet es atkārtoju dažas!!!!
No 100 altkoiniem 99 ir nulles vērti !!!!
Es to izskaidrošu tik vienkārši, cik vien spēju!!!Tu radīsi jauku ideju, kas izklausās labi, bet kuras vērtība mūsdienu realitātē ir nulle. Jūs piepūšat domājamās vērtības balonu tik ārkārtīgi augstu, lai pārliecinātu pat visnotaļ skeptiskākos cilvēkus, ka kaut kas pastāv, piemēram, ja monētas izveidošanas kopējais darbs maksā 50 000 USD; jūs izlaižat miljardu monētu par USD 1 un pārveidojat 50 000 $
miljardu un tad jūs sākat nepārtraukti pārdot un pārdot, jums ir iespēja pārdot pat par 0,00005 USD
un gūt peļņu, un visi brīnās, kas notiek, un visi zaudē savu naudu.
Tik vienkārši tam noticēt.!!!!
Turpinājums sekos……..
Kā es varu izmantot priekšrocības, ja es to zinu????
Dažas idejas, kuras atbalsta konkrētas monētas, ir tik revolucionāras un nākamajos gados mainīs visu finanšu sektorā un ne tikai šajā sektorā un daudzās citās, bet es atkārtoju dažas!!!!
Skatīt oriģinālu
$AEVO Šim uzņēmumam ir jābūt reālam novērtējumam aptuveni 10 000 000, ja tam ir ???? Tāpēc izveidojiet matemātikas 1b gabalus no (ziniet) reālās vērtības 0,001 par sh.. monētu, un joprojām pastāv iespēja, ka mērķis ir tie 10 miljoni USD, tāpēc nākamā pietura 0,0001.
$AEVO Šim uzņēmumam ir jābūt reālam novērtējumam aptuveni 10 000 000, ja tam ir ????
Tāpēc izveidojiet matemātikas 1b gabalus no (ziniet) reālās vērtības 0,001 par sh.. monētu, un joprojām pastāv iespēja, ka mērķis ir tie 10 miljoni USD, tāpēc nākamā pietura 0,0001.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pirmais vilnis 50,5 līdz 48,5 k reakcija uz 60 k trešais vilnis līdz 38 reakcija uz 60 k piekto vilnis zem 38 mirgo līdz 29 k (pat konservatīvākie gari 2x zaudēs savu naudu).
Pirmais vilnis 50,5 līdz 48,5 k reakcija uz 60 k trešais vilnis līdz 38 reakcija uz 60 k piekto vilnis zem 38 mirgo līdz 29 k (pat konservatīvākie gari 2x zaudēs savu naudu).
Skatīt oriģinālu
Izšķiroša cena NEAR NEAR/BTC 0,00005793 ar BTC TO 50k. Tuvākā cena būs 2,89 $ Laba cena uz dažām nedēļām.
Izšķiroša cena NEAR
NEAR/BTC 0,00005793 ar BTC TO 50k. Tuvākā cena būs 2,89 $
Laba cena uz dažām nedēļām.
Rune crucial price 0,00005327rune/BTC with Btc to 50k price of Rune 2,60$ In this level there is high possibility take a good profit because they will stay in this level several weeks .!!!!
Rune crucial price 0,00005327rune/BTC with Btc to 50k price of Rune 2,60$
In this level there is high possibility take a good profit because they will stay in this level several weeks .!!!!
There is no bottom in any case without 90% of all buyers to have regretted about their choice!!!! Their money is the fuel for the next circle, and they will go as deep as it needs to collect those money . There is no sign of buying , but is quite clear that they do everything to shell (so many pull backs ), and the selling starts again . If you don’t see BTC at 38k don’t buy anything.(for long term buyers).
There is no bottom in any case without 90% of all buyers to have regretted about their choice!!!! Their money is the fuel for the next circle, and they will go as deep as it needs to collect those money .
There is no sign of buying , but is quite clear that they do everything to shell (so many pull backs ), and the selling starts again .
If you don’t see BTC at 38k don’t buy anything.(for long term buyers).
About SOL Be patient and you will buy first at 80$ and later at 60$
About SOL
Be patient and you will buy first at 80$ and later at 60$
NEAR starts travelling to 1,90-1,50 USD Rune start travelling to 1,00- 1,10 USD Be patient and don’t eat the bites!!!
NEAR starts travelling to 1,90-1,50
Rune start travelling to 1,00- 1,10
Be patient and don’t eat the bites!!!
Why the altcoins falling??? That’s a good question??? How the 100% clean air falls???
Why the altcoins falling??? That’s a good question??? How the 100% clean air falls???
I published in 17 of March “” OPEN YOUR MIND TO CHALLENGES I remember that during the last BTC movement FROM 3,9k to 60k when we approached the last peek of 19 k , i analyse hundreds of scenarios of the future. We face a 5x movement in that time, like today . Thanks God , Btc solves all that in just 3 weeks, no fakes movements nothing at all , just a stop 3 weeks period , with a nice 20% dump , then broke the last high and we face the land of 40k . Double !!! In this level of 40 k was created the left shoulder . So it’s very simple don’t try to predict you will be always wrong , just observe the movements ,and follow the waves , remember waves are best friends , never be a contrarian you gonna lose everything. So let’s make the maths now 20 % retrace drive us to the area of 59 and a fake flashing the most 57k . Don’t try to find the absolute bottom , it’s a fantasy find the area and be patient. For all this must believe in the basic principle to participate in this life time journey “ that’s BTC IS A UNIQUE FUTURE ASSET THATS CHANGE EVERYTHING. Apple , Tesla are kids on the block, BTC and blockchain are the future, imagine a world without TRADITIONAL BANKS, TRADITIONAL VALIDATORS IN EVERYTHING AND STATES MANIPULATIONS, that’s blockchains future, and be careful the new gold journey is full of crooks and BELIEVERS, be the second and avoid the first .I will meet you in the land of 150k the journey just start !!!!”” And today I believe that the next three weeks , BTC WILL PUMP TO 90-110k. No negative signs until now.
I published in 17 of March
I remember that during the last BTC movement FROM 3,9k to 60k when we approached the last peek of 19 k , i analyse hundreds of scenarios of the future. We face a 5x movement in that time, like today .
Thanks God , Btc solves all that in just 3 weeks, no fakes movements nothing at all , just a stop 3 weeks period , with a nice 20% dump , then broke the last high and we face the land of 40k .
Double !!!
In this level of 40 k was created the left shoulder .
So it’s very simple don’t try to predict you will be always wrong , just observe the movements ,and follow the waves , remember waves are best friends , never be a contrarian you gonna lose everything.
So let’s make the maths now
20 % retrace drive us to the area of 59 and a fake flashing the most 57k .
Don’t try to find the absolute bottom , it’s a fantasy find the area and be patient.
For all this must believe in the basic principle to participate in this life time journey “ that’s BTC IS A UNIQUE FUTURE ASSET THATS CHANGE EVERYTHING.
Apple , Tesla are kids on the block, BTC and blockchain are the future, imagine a world without TRADITIONAL BANKS, TRADITIONAL VALIDATORS IN EVERYTHING AND STATES MANIPULATIONS, that’s blockchains future, and be careful the new gold journey is full of crooks and BELIEVERS, be the second and avoid the first .I will meet you in the land of 150k the journey just start !!!!””
And today I believe that the next three weeks , BTC WILL PUMP TO 90-110k.
No negative signs until now.
#BTCMovement: #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTCTo1Million #btc Historical week!!!! Note we all see for last time BTC in 70k we are never see that number again . The continuous uptrend for the next four years just started until next halving in 2028 the BTC will establish a level of 400k each , if everything will be stable with the USD, if not WILL DOUBLE THE PRICE AT LEAST 800k. I first bought BTC in 2014 I heard about in a conversation with successful in risk management investors , my first reaction was “ Guys you are qoing to lose your money on this “ My second who am I to advise those people???? The result was buying BTC in 250 USD. Oh I forgot I was asked the selling price and they said me 2k . I remember that I didn’t had the opportunity to sell in 2k because when I wake up starting to think scenarios , I just found the price in 6.5 k Conclusion don’t try to predict, just follow the market , so simple ,look charts in weeks and months and all the noise will be disappeared all the swings all the dumps and pumps and you will win money BECAUSE OF YOUR RISK CHOISE . So just think !!!!!

Historical week!!!!
Note we all see for last time BTC in 70k we are never see that number again .
The continuous uptrend for the next four years just started until next halving in 2028 the BTC will establish a level of 400k each , if everything will be stable with the USD, if not WILL DOUBLE THE PRICE AT LEAST 800k.
I first bought BTC in 2014 I heard about in a conversation with successful in risk management investors , my first reaction was
“ Guys you are qoing to lose your money on this “
My second who am I to advise those people????
The result was buying BTC in 250 USD.
Oh I forgot I was asked the selling price and they said me 2k .
I remember that I didn’t had the opportunity to sell in 2k because when I wake up starting to think scenarios , I just found the price in 6.5 k
Conclusion don’t try to predict, just follow the market , so simple ,look charts in weeks and months and all the noise will be disappeared all the swings all the dumps and pumps and you will win money BECAUSE OF YOUR RISK CHOISE .
So just think !!!!!
#BTC80K #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN THE LAST TIME In the correction of January 2021 btc spend 4 weeks to climb up again to 41.9 k now one week less in three weeks is again 69 k ( I count as highs the closing value in a week period ). And now to a 100k the next two weeks . Fasten your seat belts .!!!! And buy Tickets in RUNE AND NEAR air companies, for a pleasant and safe trip (except BTC).

In the correction of January 2021 btc spend 4 weeks to climb up again to 41.9 k now one week less in three weeks is again 69 k ( I count as highs the closing value in a week period ).
And now to a 100k the next two weeks .
Fasten your seat belts .!!!!
And buy Tickets in RUNE AND NEAR
air companies, for a pleasant and safe trip (except BTC).
#BTCTo1Million ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN THE LAST TIME In the correction of January 2021 btc spend 4 weeks to climb up again to 41.9 k now one week less in three weeks is again 69 k ( I count as highs the closing value in a week period ). And now to a 100k the next two weeks . Fasten your seat belts .!!!! And buy Tickets in RUNE AND NEAR air companies, for a pleasant and safe trip (except BTC).

In the correction of January 2021 btc spend 4 weeks to climb up again to 41.9 k now one week less in three weeks is again 69 k ( I count as highs the closing value in a week period ).
And now to a 100k the next two weeks .
Fasten your seat belts .!!!!
And buy Tickets in RUNE AND NEAR
air companies, for a pleasant and safe trip (except BTC).
#BTCMovement: ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN THE LAST TIME In the correction of January 2021 btc spend 4 weeks to climb up again to 41.9 k now one week less in three weeks is again 69 k ( I count as highs the closing value in a week period ). And now to a 100k the next two weeks . Fasten your seat belts .!!!! And buy Tickets in RUNE AND NEAR air companies, for a pleasant and safe trip (except BTC).
In the correction of January 2021 btc spend 4 weeks to climb up again to 41.9 k now one week less in three weeks is again 69 k ( I count as highs the closing value in a week period ).
And now to a 100k the next two weeks .
Fasten your seat belts .!!!!
And buy Tickets in RUNE AND NEAR
air companies, for a pleasant and safe trip (except BTC).
OPEN YOUR MIND TO CHALLENGES I remember that during the last BTC movement FROM 3,9k to 60k when we approached the last peek of 19 k , i analyse hundreds of scenarios of the future. We face a 5x movement in that time, like today . Thanks God , Btc solves all that in just 3 weeks, no fakes movements nothing at all , just a stop 3 weeks period , with a nice 20% dump , then broke the last high and we face the land of 40k . Double !!! In this level of 40 k was created the left shoulder . So it’s very simple don’t try to predict you will be always wrong , just observe the movements ,and follow the waves , remember waves are best friends , never be a contrarian you gonna lose everything. So let’s make the maths now 20 % retrace drive us to the area of 59 and a fake flashing the most 57k . Don’t try to find the absolute bottom , it’s a fantasy find the area and be patient. For all this must believe in the basic principle to participate in this life time journey “ that’s BTC IS A UNIQUE FUTURE ASSET THATS CHANGE EVERYTHING. Apple , Tesla are kids on the block, BTC and blockchain are the future, imagine a world without TRADITIONAL BANKS, TRADITIONAL VALIDATORS IN EVERYTHING AND STATES MANIPULATIONS, that’s blockchains future, and be careful the new gold journey is full of crooks and BELIEVERS, be the second and avoid the first .I will meet you in the land of 150k the journey just start !!!!
I remember that during the last BTC movement FROM 3,9k to 60k when we approached the last peek of 19 k , i analyse hundreds of scenarios of the future. We face a 5x movement in that time, like today .
Thanks God , Btc solves all that in just 3 weeks, no fakes movements nothing at all , just a stop 3 weeks period , with a nice 20% dump , then broke the last high and we face the land of 40k .
Double !!!
In this level of 40 k was created the left shoulder .
So it’s very simple don’t try to predict you will be always wrong , just observe the movements ,and follow the waves , remember waves are best friends , never be a contrarian you gonna lose everything.
So let’s make the maths now
20 % retrace drive us to the area of 59 and a fake flashing the most 57k .
Don’t try to find the absolute bottom , it’s a fantasy find the area and be patient.
For all this must believe in the basic principle to participate in this life time journey “ that’s BTC IS A UNIQUE FUTURE ASSET THATS CHANGE EVERYTHING.
Apple , Tesla are kids on the block, BTC and blockchain are the future, imagine a world without TRADITIONAL BANKS, TRADITIONAL VALIDATORS IN EVERYTHING AND STATES MANIPULATIONS, that’s blockchains future, and be careful the new gold journey is full of crooks and BELIEVERS, be the second and avoid the first .I will meet you in the land of 150k the journey just start !!!!
General observations from my memory in btc from experience the last decade . Two weeks retrace, with a bottom to 53k , area will give full to 95k area in the coming 4-5 weeks , if doesn’t break 74k , you will see three peeks and three bottoms in the zone 53-74 k in long period 4-6 months and then 100k, My opinion the first scenario with three pics above 74k in 95 k area , 115k and 125k area. Choose in this deep Solana, Rune,Axs,,Cake,Burger,Front,Aevo,and you will take 3x to 5x your money back. Pe patient my predictions are to open your views, i always adjust my believes to what really happens in market . Market is the suit, I am trying to be fit with this suit ,in my minds suit I am always fit but this doesn’t count. And don’t forget market will test the guts of the last 6-9 weeks buyers if you see during the next two weeks the price to touch the 6 weeks EMA , and the second week , the 7-8 weeks EMA, buy with all your power , in opposite of btc stays those two weeks here from 65-74k will have bigger in time correction for months ., .and perhaps deeper to 45k area . Always be observed,informed, and patient don’t look the moves in hours you gonna be mad from suings, follow days and weeks . I believe that will will see btc to 200k during a year from now , I never seen in the past so dynamic move as the last one from 38k to 74 k.
General observations from my memory in btc from experience the last decade .
Two weeks retrace, with a bottom to 53k , area will give full to 95k area in the coming 4-5 weeks , if doesn’t break 74k , you will see three peeks and three bottoms in the zone 53-74 k in long period 4-6 months and then 100k,
My opinion the first scenario with three pics above 74k in 95 k area , 115k and 125k area.
Choose in this deep Solana, Rune,Axs,,Cake,Burger,Front,Aevo,and you will take 3x to 5x your money back.
Pe patient my predictions are to open your views, i always adjust my believes to what really happens in market .
Market is the suit, I am trying to be fit with this suit ,in my minds suit I am always fit but this doesn’t count.
And don’t forget market will test the guts of the last 6-9 weeks buyers if you see during the next two weeks the price to touch the 6 weeks EMA , and the second week , the 7-8 weeks EMA, buy with all your power , in opposite of btc stays those two weeks here from 65-74k will have bigger in time correction for months ., .and perhaps deeper to 45k area .
Always be observed,informed, and patient don’t look the moves in hours you gonna be mad from suings, follow days and weeks .
I believe that will will see btc to 200k during a year from now , I never seen in the past so dynamic move as the last one from 38k to 74 k.
You have seen very frequently this patterns published in relative forums the second it’s a zoom one In current situation, you can see a clear cup formation half in red half in yellow but the hand of the cup it’s missing. In common hands lasts at least 6 months ( in btc in last halving was nine months) the more the bigger the bulls run. So you will see in the formation of hand ups and downs and be sure that you can buy in the area 28k-31k .Be patient and you will win the reward before the big move to 150k.
You have seen very frequently this patterns published in relative forums the second it’s a zoom one In current situation, you can see a clear cup formation half in red half in yellow but the hand of the cup it’s missing.
In common hands lasts at least 6 months ( in btc in last halving was nine months) the more the bigger the bulls run. So you will see in the formation of hand ups and downs and be sure that you can buy in the area 28k-31k .Be patient and you will win the reward before the big move to 150k.
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