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Viss saturs
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Paldies puišiem par atbalstu 🥳🎉, paldies par 14 sekotājiem. Nākamais mērķis ir 20 sekotāji. Paliec pieslēdzies
Paldies puišiem par atbalstu 🥳🎉, paldies par 14 sekotājiem. Nākamais mērķis ir 20 sekotāji.

Paliec pieslēdzies
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiki visiem 👋 Atvainojiet par manu prombūtni, es saskāros ar sarežģītām situācijām 😖, bet, pateicoties Dievam, man izdevās atjaunot attiecības ar jums. Paldies jūsu atbalstam 🫡
Sveiki visiem 👋

Atvainojiet par manu prombūtni, es saskāros ar sarežģītām situācijām 😖, bet, pateicoties Dievam, man izdevās atjaunot attiecības ar jums.

Paldies jūsu atbalstam 🫡
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔊 Shiba Inu tuvojas gigantiskajai 298 triljonu SHIB barjerai. Vai buļļi uzvarēs?🚀🔥📈 • Shiba Inu ir tuvu tam, lai pārvarētu lielāko un vissvarīgāko cenu barjeru, kāpjot augšup. Tas ir tāpēc, ka pilnīga šīs barjeras pārņemšana varētu veicināt Shiba Inu 100% peļņu, pamatojoties uz pašreizējām cenām. • Rakstīšanas laikā SHIB pēdējo 24 stundu laikā palielinājās par 2,79% līdz USD 0,0000079. Ļoti tuvu vietai, kur Shiba Inu tirgojas, ir minūtes barjera: 1,26 triljonus SHIB iegādājās 4440 adreses 0,000008 USD līmenī, pamatojoties uz IntoTheBlock datiem. •Ņemot vērā, ka šis ir tikai niecīgs līmenis, Shiba Inu buļļi varētu viegli uzņemties šo līmeni, taču īstais izaicinājums ir tikai priekšā. •Shiba Inu vēršu priekšā ir gigantiska cenu barjera; tas ir lielākais starp sarkanajiem klasteriem, kas norāda uz SHIB cenu pretestību. Šiba Inu SHIBUSD Globālā nauda ienākšana/izņemšana, pieklājība: IntoTheBlock •Šajā diapazonā, kas svārstās no USD 0,000008 līdz USD 0,000014, 430 600 Shiba Inu adreses iegādājās milzīgu 298,83 triljonu SHIB. Šis milzīgais SHIB daudzums tika iegādāts par vidējo cenu 0,000010 USD. • Paredzams, ka šajā cenu diapazonā būs liels pārdošanas spiediens, jo daudzas no šīm adresēm vēlēsies pārdot, kad tirgus cena sasniegs to vidējās izmaksas un to pozīciju līdzsvara punktu. Tas darbosies kā šķērslis turpmākam cenu pieaugumam šajos līmeņos. • No otras puses, sudraba odere parādās, ņemot vērā faktu, ka vairāk adrešu iegādājās milzīgus SHIB daudzumus par šiem cenu līmeņiem. •Bulls varētu censties apstiprināt šo cenu barjeru kā atbalstu, kas kalpotu par masīvu tramplīnu turpmākiem Shiba Inu kāpumiem. • Lai palielinātu lietderību, Shib Name Service (SNS) pakalpojumā Shibarium tika aktivizēta nedēļas laikā, ļaujot Shiba Inu īpašniekiem pārņemt kontroli pār savu identitāti. •Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Shiba Inu ir piedzīvojis arī ievērojamu marķieru kustību. Kriptovalūtas datu izsekotājs Whale Alert ziņoja, ka 4 454 530 677 374 SHIB 34 314 122 dolāru vērtībā no Bitvavo tika pārskaitīti uz nezināmu maku. $SHIB
🔊 Shiba Inu tuvojas gigantiskajai 298 triljonu SHIB barjerai. Vai buļļi uzvarēs?🚀🔥📈

• Shiba Inu ir tuvu tam, lai pārvarētu lielāko un vissvarīgāko cenu barjeru, kāpjot augšup. Tas ir tāpēc, ka pilnīga šīs barjeras pārņemšana varētu veicināt Shiba Inu 100% peļņu, pamatojoties uz pašreizējām cenām.

• Rakstīšanas laikā SHIB pēdējo 24 stundu laikā palielinājās par 2,79% līdz USD 0,0000079. Ļoti tuvu vietai, kur Shiba Inu tirgojas, ir minūtes barjera: 1,26 triljonus SHIB iegādājās 4440 adreses 0,000008 USD līmenī, pamatojoties uz IntoTheBlock datiem.

•Ņemot vērā, ka šis ir tikai niecīgs līmenis, Shiba Inu buļļi varētu viegli uzņemties šo līmeni, taču īstais izaicinājums ir tikai priekšā.

•Shiba Inu vēršu priekšā ir gigantiska cenu barjera; tas ir lielākais starp sarkanajiem klasteriem, kas norāda uz SHIB cenu pretestību. Šiba Inu
Globālā nauda ienākšana/izņemšana, pieklājība: IntoTheBlock

•Šajā diapazonā, kas svārstās no USD 0,000008 līdz USD 0,000014, 430 600 Shiba Inu adreses iegādājās milzīgu 298,83 triljonu SHIB. Šis milzīgais SHIB daudzums tika iegādāts par vidējo cenu 0,000010 USD.

• Paredzams, ka šajā cenu diapazonā būs liels pārdošanas spiediens, jo daudzas no šīm adresēm vēlēsies pārdot, kad tirgus cena sasniegs to vidējās izmaksas un to pozīciju līdzsvara punktu. Tas darbosies kā šķērslis turpmākam cenu pieaugumam šajos līmeņos.

• No otras puses, sudraba odere parādās, ņemot vērā faktu, ka vairāk adrešu iegādājās milzīgus SHIB daudzumus par šiem cenu līmeņiem.

•Bulls varētu censties apstiprināt šo cenu barjeru kā atbalstu, kas kalpotu par masīvu tramplīnu turpmākiem Shiba Inu kāpumiem.

• Lai palielinātu lietderību, Shib Name Service (SNS) pakalpojumā Shibarium tika aktivizēta nedēļas laikā, ļaujot Shiba Inu īpašniekiem pārņemt kontroli pār savu identitāti.

•Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Shiba Inu ir piedzīvojis arī ievērojamu marķieru kustību. Kriptovalūtas datu izsekotājs Whale Alert ziņoja, ka 4 454 530 677 374 SHIB 34 314 122 dolāru vērtībā no Bitvavo tika pārskaitīti uz nezināmu maku.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiki 👋 Vai jums patīk saturs? Apskatiet šos jaunos rīkus 📔, kas varētu jums palīdzēt: Neaizmirstiet atstāt sekošanu un pievienot patīk 👍 Lai laba diena 😁👋
Sveiki 👋
Vai jums patīk saturs?
Apskatiet šos jaunos rīkus 📔, kas varētu jums palīdzēt: Neaizmirstiet atstāt sekošanu un pievienot patīk 👍

Lai laba diena 😁👋
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 5,4 miljoni Dogecoin 🐋 Atmostas gandrīz pēc desmit gadiem, paceļot uzacis: •Snaudošs vaļu maciņš, kurā ir satriecoši 5 392 984 Dogecoins, pēkšņi ir atdzīvojies pēc 9,8 gadu snaudas, izraisot zinātkāri kriptovalūtu sabiedrībā. •Saskaņā ar Whale Alert, firmas, kas specializējas neparastu kriptovalūtu darījumu izsekošanā, sestdienas tvītu, šis noslēpumainais maciņš bija neaktīvs kopš 2014. gada. Šīs ilgstošās neaktivitātes laikā maka saturs palika neskarts, pat ja kriptovalūtu tirgū notika būtiskas pārmaiņas. Tas nozīmē, ka, ņemot vērā Dogecoin pašreizējās tirdzniecības cenas, maka vērtība kopš pēdējās darbības ir pieaugusi par pārsteidzošiem 80 000% līdz aptuveni 376 758 USD. •Tikmēr šī ilgstoši neaktivizētā Dogecoin maka atgriešana ir izraisījusi spekulācijas par īpašnieka motivāciju. Daži kriptovalūtu kopienas pārstāvji uzskata, ka tas varētu liecināt par jaunu interesi par monētu. Turpretim citi domā, vai tas ir spekulatīvs solis, lai gūtu labumu no pašreizējās ažiotāžas, kas saistīta ar Dogecoin. • Turklāt daži ir arī iebilduši, ka maka adreses pieder mēmu kriptovalūtas sākotnējam radītājam. No otras puses, daži spekulē, ka tas varētu būt saistīts ar neseno Dogecoin cenas pieaugumu, kas pēdējo septiņu dienu laikā ir palielinājies par 9,5%, liecina CoinMarketCap dati. • Pastāv arī bažas par šāda masīva turētāja iespējamo ietekmi uz tirgu, jo lieli darījumi var ietekmēt kriptovalūtas cenu. • Tikmēr, lai gan tas ir reti sastopams Dogecoin salīdzinājumā ar Bitcoin un Ethereum, šī nav pirmā reize, kad Dogecoin valis ir atmodies pēc tik ilgstošas ​​snaudas. Jūnijā vaļa adrese ar vairāk nekā 2 miljoniem Dogecoin tika atkārtoti aktivizēta pēc gandrīz 9,5 gadu neaktivitātes. Līdzīgi tā paša gada maijā pēc 9,3 gadiem tika atkārtoti aktivizēta neaktīva adrese, kurā bija 1 556 994 DOGE. DOGE $ #dogewhales
🚨 5,4 miljoni Dogecoin 🐋 Atmostas gandrīz pēc desmit gadiem, paceļot uzacis:

•Snaudošs vaļu maciņš, kurā ir satriecoši 5 392 984 Dogecoins, pēkšņi ir atdzīvojies pēc 9,8 gadu snaudas, izraisot zinātkāri kriptovalūtu sabiedrībā.

•Saskaņā ar Whale Alert, firmas, kas specializējas neparastu kriptovalūtu darījumu izsekošanā, sestdienas tvītu, šis noslēpumainais maciņš bija neaktīvs kopš 2014. gada. Šīs ilgstošās neaktivitātes laikā maka saturs palika neskarts, pat ja kriptovalūtu tirgū notika būtiskas pārmaiņas. Tas nozīmē, ka, ņemot vērā Dogecoin pašreizējās tirdzniecības cenas, maka vērtība kopš pēdējās darbības ir pieaugusi par pārsteidzošiem 80 000% līdz aptuveni 376 758 USD.

•Tikmēr šī ilgstoši neaktivizētā Dogecoin maka atgriešana ir izraisījusi spekulācijas par īpašnieka motivāciju. Daži kriptovalūtu kopienas pārstāvji uzskata, ka tas varētu liecināt par jaunu interesi par monētu. Turpretim citi domā, vai tas ir spekulatīvs solis, lai gūtu labumu no pašreizējās ažiotāžas, kas saistīta ar Dogecoin.

• Turklāt daži ir arī iebilduši, ka maka adreses pieder mēmu kriptovalūtas sākotnējam radītājam. No otras puses, daži spekulē, ka tas varētu būt saistīts ar neseno Dogecoin cenas pieaugumu, kas pēdējo septiņu dienu laikā ir palielinājies par 9,5%, liecina CoinMarketCap dati.

• Pastāv arī bažas par šāda masīva turētāja iespējamo ietekmi uz tirgu, jo lieli darījumi var ietekmēt kriptovalūtas cenu.

• Tikmēr, lai gan tas ir reti sastopams Dogecoin salīdzinājumā ar Bitcoin un Ethereum, šī nav pirmā reize, kad Dogecoin valis ir atmodies pēc tik ilgstošas ​​snaudas. Jūnijā vaļa adrese ar vairāk nekā 2 miljoniem Dogecoin tika atkārtoti aktivizēta pēc gandrīz 9,5 gadu neaktivitātes. Līdzīgi tā paša gada maijā pēc 9,3 gadiem tika atkārtoti aktivizēta neaktīva adrese, kurā bija 1 556 994 DOGE.

DOGE $ #dogewhales
Skatīt oriģinālu
🔊 Īlons Masks ir "super skaidrs" par kriptogrāfijas palaišanu: "Nekad"🥲 •Inovatīvais tehnoloģiju miljardieris, Tesla un X boss Īlons Masks pēdējo reizi, šķiet, ir atkārtoti apstiprinājis, ka neviens no viņa uzņēmumiem negrasās nākotnē laist klajā kriptovalūtas marķierus. ⚡️Elons Masks pauž savu nostāju "super skaidru" • Papildus Tesla un X viņš vada arī SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company. Šogad viņš ir arī izveidojis xAI uzņēmumu pētījumiem mākslīgā intelekta jomā. Jaunais Muska ideja ir izlaidusi savu pirmo AI modeli šodien, 4. novembrī. • Musks paziņoja, ka viņš ir "ļoti skaidrs" par to, ka nekad neplāno izveidot un laist apgrozībā nevienu kriptovalūtu. •Šis paziņojums bija viņa reakcija uz DogeDesigner lietotāja (UX/UI & Graphic Designer at Dogecoin) tvītu, kurā viņš brīdināja, ka Elons Masks un xAI nav saistīti ar mēmu monētu Xai Corp (XAI). •Lai būtu ļoti skaidrs, neviens no maniem uzņēmumiem nekad neizveidos kriptogrāfijas marķieri — Elons Masks (@elonmusk) 2023. gada 4. novembris • Šīs kriptovalūtas vērtība ir pieaugusi par pārsteidzošiem 150% šī raksta tapšanas laikā saistībā ar ziņām, ka Musk's xAI pēc mēnešiem ilgas sagatavošanās tiek uzsākta šodien. $DOGE #DOGEProjections
🔊 Īlons Masks ir "super skaidrs" par kriptogrāfijas palaišanu: "Nekad"🥲

•Inovatīvais tehnoloģiju miljardieris, Tesla un X boss Īlons Masks pēdējo reizi, šķiet, ir atkārtoti apstiprinājis, ka neviens no viņa uzņēmumiem negrasās nākotnē laist klajā kriptovalūtas marķierus.

⚡️Elons Masks pauž savu nostāju "super skaidru"

• Papildus Tesla un X viņš vada arī SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company. Šogad viņš ir arī izveidojis xAI uzņēmumu pētījumiem mākslīgā intelekta jomā. Jaunais Muska ideja ir izlaidusi savu pirmo AI modeli šodien, 4. novembrī.

• Musks paziņoja, ka viņš ir "ļoti skaidrs" par to, ka nekad neplāno izveidot un laist apgrozībā nevienu kriptovalūtu.

•Šis paziņojums bija viņa reakcija uz DogeDesigner lietotāja (UX/UI & Graphic Designer at Dogecoin) tvītu, kurā viņš brīdināja, ka Elons Masks un xAI nav saistīti ar mēmu monētu Xai Corp (XAI).

•Lai būtu ļoti skaidrs, neviens no maniem uzņēmumiem nekad neizveidos kriptogrāfijas marķieri — Elons Masks (@elonmusk) 2023. gada 4. novembris

• Šīs kriptovalūtas vērtība ir pieaugusi par pārsteidzošiem 150% šī raksta tapšanas laikā saistībā ar ziņām, ka Musk's xAI pēc mēnešiem ilgas sagatavošanās tiek uzsākta šodien.

$DOGE #DOGEProjections
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚨 Gandrīz triljoniem PEPE, ko sagrāba entuziastisks valis pēc miljonu zaudējuma ETH lielajā ARB tirdzniecībā:🚨 • Blockchain sleuth, kas izseko “Smart Money” maku ķēdes datus, @lookonchain, 🧑‍💻 ir ziņojis, ka nezināms maks pēdējo divu dienu laikā iztērēja 1,11 miljonus USD, iegādājoties gandrīz vienu miljardu PEPE meme monētu. •Pirms tam viņam ir bijuši vairāki darījumi ar ARB un pozitīvi darījumi ar MKR. • Miljarda PEPE pirkšana pēc miljonu USD zaudēšanas ARB • X ziņa no @lookonchain parāda, ka iepriekš minētais valis iztērēja 617 ETH, lai iegādātos 996 miljardus PEPE. Tomēr šogad viņš ir zaudējis 456 ETH 😨📉 (1,3 miljonu dolāru vērtībā), tirgojot ARB, un nopelnījis 269 ETH 📈🔥 (aptuveni 423 000 $), tirgojot MKR. •Valis 🐋 pēdējo 2 dienu laikā iztērēja 617 $ETH (1,11 miljonus ASV dolāru), lai iegādātos 996 miljardus PEPE. Arī šis valis 🐋 šogad ir iztirgojis 2 žetonus: - Zaudēja 456 $ETH (1,3 miljonus ASV dolāru) vietnē $ARB un nopelnīja 269 $ETH (423 000 $) vietnē $MKR.— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) 3. novembrī, 2023. gads •@lookonchain ir arī kopīgojis informāciju par vaļa ARB un MKR darījumiem. Viņš samaksāja 2039 ETH (gandrīz 4 miljonu dolāru vērtībā), lai iegūtu 3,26 miljonus ARB par cenu 1,5 USD. Pēc tam vaļu tirgotājs pārdeva šo ARB par 1583 ETH (2,45 miljoniem USD) par USD 0,75, tādējādi saskaroties ar zaudējumiem 456 ETH apmērā, kas ir USD 1,3 miljoni. • Kas attiecas uz viņa ARB tirdzniecību, šis maka īpašnieks nopirka 1184 MRK, samaksājot 1348 ETH (2,19 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā) par cenu 1164 ASV dolāri. Sekoja MKR pārdošana, kad viņš to atsavināja par 1617 ETH (novērtēts 2,61 miljona ASV dolāru apmērā) un nopelnīja 269 ETH — tas ir 423 000 USD. •Šīs rakstīšanas laikā pēc 6,46% pieauguma pēdējo 24 stundu laikā, saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem, PEPE meme monēta maina īpašniekus par USD 0,000001085. $PEPE
🚨 Gandrīz triljoniem PEPE, ko sagrāba entuziastisks valis pēc miljonu zaudējuma ETH lielajā ARB tirdzniecībā:🚨

• Blockchain sleuth, kas izseko “Smart Money” maku ķēdes datus, @lookonchain, 🧑‍💻 ir ziņojis, ka nezināms maks pēdējo divu dienu laikā iztērēja 1,11 miljonus USD, iegādājoties gandrīz vienu miljardu PEPE meme monētu.

•Pirms tam viņam ir bijuši vairāki darījumi ar ARB un pozitīvi darījumi ar MKR.

• Miljarda PEPE pirkšana pēc miljonu USD zaudēšanas ARB

• X ziņa no @lookonchain parāda, ka iepriekš minētais valis iztērēja 617 ETH, lai iegādātos 996 miljardus PEPE. Tomēr šogad viņš ir zaudējis 456 ETH 😨📉 (1,3 miljonu dolāru vērtībā), tirgojot ARB, un nopelnījis 269 ETH 📈🔥 (aptuveni 423 000 $), tirgojot MKR.

•Valis 🐋 pēdējo 2 dienu laikā iztērēja 617 $ETH (1,11 miljonus ASV dolāru), lai iegādātos 996 miljardus PEPE.

Arī šis valis 🐋 šogad ir iztirgojis 2 žetonus:

- Zaudēja 456 $ETH (1,3 miljonus ASV dolāru) vietnē $ARB un nopelnīja 269 $ETH (423 000 $) vietnē $MKR.— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) 3. novembrī, 2023. gads

•@lookonchain ir arī kopīgojis informāciju par vaļa ARB un MKR darījumiem. Viņš samaksāja 2039 ETH (gandrīz 4 miljonu dolāru vērtībā), lai iegūtu 3,26 miljonus ARB par cenu 1,5 USD. Pēc tam vaļu tirgotājs pārdeva šo ARB par 1583 ETH (2,45 miljoniem USD) par USD 0,75, tādējādi saskaroties ar zaudējumiem 456 ETH apmērā, kas ir USD 1,3 miljoni.

• Kas attiecas uz viņa ARB tirdzniecību, šis maka īpašnieks nopirka 1184 MRK, samaksājot 1348 ETH (2,19 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā) par cenu 1164 ASV dolāri. Sekoja MKR pārdošana, kad viņš to atsavināja par 1617 ETH (novērtēts 2,61 miljona ASV dolāru apmērā) un nopelnīja 269 ETH — tas ir 423 000 USD.

•Šīs rakstīšanas laikā pēc 6,46% pieauguma pēdējo 24 stundu laikā, saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem, PEPE meme monēta maina īpašniekus par USD 0,000001085.

BTC and ETH May Break Link With Equities Market This Week 🔑KEY POINTS: ⚡️Santiment revealed that the next week will indicate whether the cryptocurrency market is still linked to the equities market. ⚡️According to the post, the S&P 500 rose more than 6% while BTC and ETH traded flat. BTC and ETH posted 24-hour gains of 1.12% and 2.03% respectively. ⚡️Santiment revealed in an X post earlier today that the next week will indicate whether the cryptocurrency market is still tied to the equities market or whether the digital asset market will enter into a bull run. According to the post, the S&P 500 index had a big week after the cryptocurrency market leaders Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) cooled down. Since the S&P 500 index jumped more than 6% in the past 4 days while the leading cryptocurrencies traded flat, the coming week will reveal if the digital asset sector can finally rid itself of its link with the equities market. If cryptocurrencies are able to establish their independence, then they might be able to enter the next bull cycle, according to Santiment. At press time, data from the cryptocurrency market tracking website CoinMarketCap indicated that both ETH and BTC were able to print 24-hour gains. BTC was changing hands at $34,941.48 after its price rose 1.12%. Meanwhile, the largest altcoin in terms of market cap recorded a 2.03% 24-hour gain – boosting its price to $1,835.44 as a result. Their positive performances throughout the past 24 hours also pushed their respective weekly performances deeper into the green zone. At press time, CoinMarketCap data indicated that BTC was up 2.30% over the past 7 days. Meanwhile, ETH was up 2.55% for the same period. Meanwhile, BTC was trading at its 24-hour high at press time, with its daily low situated at $34,11.97. Despite the leading cryptocurrency’s latest price increase, its dominance was down 0.20%. This suggests that altcoins were able to outperform BTC during the past 24 hours of trading. Subsequently, BTC accounted for 52.48% of the cryptocurrency sector’s market cap. $BTC $ETH
BTC and ETH May Break Link With Equities Market This Week

⚡️Santiment revealed that the next week will indicate whether the cryptocurrency market is still linked to the equities market.
⚡️According to the post, the S&P 500 rose more than 6% while BTC and ETH traded flat.
BTC and ETH posted 24-hour gains of 1.12% and 2.03% respectively.
⚡️Santiment revealed in an X post earlier today that the next week will indicate whether the cryptocurrency market is still tied to the equities market or whether the digital asset market will enter into a bull run. According to the post, the S&P 500 index had a big week after the cryptocurrency market leaders Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) cooled down.

Since the S&P 500 index jumped more than 6% in the past 4 days while the leading cryptocurrencies traded flat, the coming week will reveal if the digital asset sector can finally rid itself of its link with the equities market. If cryptocurrencies are able to establish their independence, then they might be able to enter the next bull cycle, according to Santiment.

At press time, data from the cryptocurrency market tracking website CoinMarketCap indicated that both ETH and BTC were able to print 24-hour gains. BTC was changing hands at $34,941.48 after its price rose 1.12%. Meanwhile, the largest altcoin in terms of market cap recorded a 2.03% 24-hour gain – boosting its price to $1,835.44 as a result.

Their positive performances throughout the past 24 hours also pushed their respective weekly performances deeper into the green zone. At press time, CoinMarketCap data indicated that BTC was up 2.30% over the past 7 days. Meanwhile, ETH was up 2.55% for the same period.

Meanwhile, BTC was trading at its 24-hour high at press time, with its daily low situated at $34,11.97. Despite the leading cryptocurrency’s latest price increase, its dominance was down 0.20%. This suggests that altcoins were able to outperform BTC during the past 24 hours of trading. Subsequently, BTC accounted for 52.48% of the cryptocurrency sector’s market cap.

• Hey there 👋 Having good information? DON’T forget to read my published contents to gain more news 📔about what happening in the market 📊before you enter a trade.📈📉 ⚡️here’s some tools that might help you: Have a good day 😁👋 #Tools&Analysis
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Having good information?
DON’T forget to read my published contents to gain more news 📔about what happening in the market 📊before you enter a trade.📈📉
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🚨 Līdz novembra beigām Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 47 000 USD, saka SynFutures līdzdibinātājs:🚀 Bitcoin cena varētu sasniegt 47 000 USD līdz novembra beigām, uzskata Reičela Lina, vairāku ķēžu decentralizētās biržas SynFutures līdzdibinātāja. "Pagājušā nedēļa ir nostiprinājusi oktobra "Uptober" reputāciju, un bitcoin vērtība pieauga par gandrīz 29%," teikts Lina paziņojumā, kas dalīts ar The Block. "Vēl interesantāk ir tas, ka, skatoties uz vēsturiskajiem datiem, novembris mēdz būt pat labāks nekā oktobris, ar vidējo bitcoin atdevi virs 35%. Ja šis novembris nodrošinātu līdzīgu atdevi, mēs varētu redzēt, ka BTC sasniedz aptuveni 47 000 USD. " Papildus cenu pieaugumam kriptovalūtu tirgū ir vērojams arī lietotāju un darījumu skaita pieaugums, norāda Lins, kas ir vēl viena pozitīva zīme ekosistēmai. "Bēršu ballīte" turpinās Saskaņā ar SynFutures līdzdibinātāja teikto, īpaši ievērības cienīgs ir tūlītējā apjoma pieaugums, ievērojami palielinoties lielo darījumu apjomam, kas pārsniedz USD 100 000. "Tas ir skaidrs rādītājs par paaugstinātu institucionālo interesi, jo lielie spēlētāji šķietami nostiprina savas pozīcijas digitālajos aktīvos, īpaši bitcoin," sacīja Lins. "Ja mēs skatāmies uz pagājušās nedēļas aktīvu pieplūdumu, mēs varam redzēt milzīgu pieaugumu, gandrīz 325 miljoni ASV dolāru ieplūda sektorā, no kuriem gandrīz 300 miljoni ASV dolāru tika novirzīti bitkoiniem." Opciju dati arī atspoguļo viļņu tirgus noskaņojumu. "Sākot ar 3. novembri, divas galvenās opcijas ar lielāko atvērto procentu ir 40 000 decembra zvans un 45 000 decembra zvans. Pat 50 000 decembra zvanu opcijai ir vairāk nekā 5000 BTC atvērto procentu," atzīmēja Lins. "Tas liecina, ka liels skaits cilvēku ir gatavi derēt, ka pēc diviem mēnešiem bitkoīns būs ievērojami augstāks nekā šodien." Lai gan īstermiņa relatīvā spēka indeksa impulsa rādītāji, kas sasniedz pārpirktu līmeni, ir negatīva zīme, "ilgtermiņa izredzes izskatās spilgtas", sacīja Lins. Saskaņā ar The Block cenu datiem Bitcoin cena ir pieaugusi par 2,1% pagājušajā nedēļā un par 25,9% pēdējā mēneša laikā. Pašlaik tā tiek tirgota par USD 34 750. $BTC #BTCpredictions
🚨 Līdz novembra beigām Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 47 000 USD, saka SynFutures līdzdibinātājs:🚀

Bitcoin cena varētu sasniegt 47 000 USD līdz novembra beigām, uzskata Reičela Lina, vairāku ķēžu decentralizētās biržas SynFutures līdzdibinātāja.

"Pagājušā nedēļa ir nostiprinājusi oktobra "Uptober" reputāciju, un bitcoin vērtība pieauga par gandrīz 29%," teikts Lina paziņojumā, kas dalīts ar The Block. "Vēl interesantāk ir tas, ka, skatoties uz vēsturiskajiem datiem, novembris mēdz būt pat labāks nekā oktobris, ar vidējo bitcoin atdevi virs 35%. Ja šis novembris nodrošinātu līdzīgu atdevi, mēs varētu redzēt, ka BTC sasniedz aptuveni 47 000 USD. "

Papildus cenu pieaugumam kriptovalūtu tirgū ir vērojams arī lietotāju un darījumu skaita pieaugums, norāda Lins, kas ir vēl viena pozitīva zīme ekosistēmai.

"Bēršu ballīte" turpinās

Saskaņā ar SynFutures līdzdibinātāja teikto, īpaši ievērības cienīgs ir tūlītējā apjoma pieaugums, ievērojami palielinoties lielo darījumu apjomam, kas pārsniedz USD 100 000.

"Tas ir skaidrs rādītājs par paaugstinātu institucionālo interesi, jo lielie spēlētāji šķietami nostiprina savas pozīcijas digitālajos aktīvos, īpaši bitcoin," sacīja Lins. "Ja mēs skatāmies uz pagājušās nedēļas aktīvu pieplūdumu, mēs varam redzēt milzīgu pieaugumu, gandrīz 325 miljoni ASV dolāru ieplūda sektorā, no kuriem gandrīz 300 miljoni ASV dolāru tika novirzīti bitkoiniem."

Opciju dati arī atspoguļo viļņu tirgus noskaņojumu. "Sākot ar 3. novembri, divas galvenās opcijas ar lielāko atvērto procentu ir 40 000 decembra zvans un 45 000 decembra zvans. Pat 50 000 decembra zvanu opcijai ir vairāk nekā 5000 BTC atvērto procentu," atzīmēja Lins. "Tas liecina, ka liels skaits cilvēku ir gatavi derēt, ka pēc diviem mēnešiem bitkoīns būs ievērojami augstāks nekā šodien."

Lai gan īstermiņa relatīvā spēka indeksa impulsa rādītāji, kas sasniedz pārpirktu līmeni, ir negatīva zīme, "ilgtermiņa izredzes izskatās spilgtas", sacīja Lins.

Saskaņā ar The Block cenu datiem Bitcoin cena ir pieaugusi par 2,1% pagājušajā nedēļā un par 25,9% pēdējā mēneša laikā. Pašlaik tā tiek tirgota par USD 34 750.

$BTC  #BTCpredictions
🚨 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Net Flows Skyrocket by 1,666%, Here's Implication 🚨📈 •Dog-themed cryptocurrency Shiba Inu SHIBUSD has seen a massive 1,666% increase in large holders' netflows this week. •Large Holders Netflow from IntoTheBlock analyzes the amount of inflows minus outflows belonging to whale or large holder addresses and thus provides an idea of the change in position of this category of holders. •A positive surge in netflow may indicate that inflows predominate outflows and, thus, might be seen as accumulation from large holders. On the other hand, declines in large investors' inflows may indicate reduced positions or selling. •In this case, a positive surge in SHIB net flows could indicate accumulation by whales, which would be net positive. Whales, or large holders, are typically known to accumulate more when the price dips. •At the time of writing, SHIB was seeing profit-taking and was down 2.53% in the last 24 hours to $0.00000779. •Shibarium new era begins: -Shiba Inu Layer-2 solution, Shibarium, has entered a new era, with the launch of the Shib Name Service marking a watershed moment. -This is the initial step in the development of Shibdentity, a decentralized identity platform that allows users to own and govern their digital identities. -As part of the Shibdentity ecosystem, the Shib Name Service (SNS) is introduced, bringing something unique to the table: human-readable addresses. -Shibarium users will no longer need to browse difficult Shibarium addresses because SNS translates complex Shibarium addresses into simple names. •Shiba Inu has reached a new milestone in its total addresses. According to IntoTheBlock data, the total number of Shiba Inu addresses, which includes all addresses that have ever been generated and those that still contain SHIB, has reached a new high of 3.64 million. $SHIB #ShibaInuPriceForecast
🚨 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Net Flows Skyrocket by 1,666%, Here's Implication 🚨📈

•Dog-themed cryptocurrency Shiba Inu
has seen a massive 1,666% increase in large holders' netflows this week.

•Large Holders Netflow from IntoTheBlock analyzes the amount of inflows minus outflows belonging to whale or large holder addresses and thus provides an idea of the change in position of this category of holders.

•A positive surge in netflow may indicate that inflows predominate outflows and, thus, might be seen as accumulation from large holders. On the other hand, declines in large investors' inflows may indicate reduced positions or selling.

•In this case, a positive surge in SHIB net flows could indicate accumulation by whales, which would be net positive. Whales, or large holders, are typically known to accumulate more when the price dips.

•At the time of writing, SHIB was seeing profit-taking and was down 2.53% in the last 24 hours to $0.00000779.

•Shibarium new era begins:

-Shiba Inu Layer-2 solution, Shibarium, has entered a new era, with the launch of the Shib Name Service marking a watershed moment.

-This is the initial step in the development of Shibdentity, a decentralized identity platform that allows users to own and govern their digital identities.

-As part of the Shibdentity ecosystem, the Shib Name Service (SNS) is introduced, bringing something unique to the table: human-readable addresses.

-Shibarium users will no longer need to browse difficult Shibarium addresses because SNS translates complex Shibarium addresses into simple names.

•Shiba Inu has reached a new milestone in its total addresses. According to IntoTheBlock data, the total number of Shiba Inu addresses, which includes all addresses that have ever been generated and those that still contain SHIB, has reached a new high of 3.64 million.

$SHIB #ShibaInuPriceForecast
🚨 BTC/USD: Bitcoin Jumps 27% in Uptober, Outperforming Every Other Large-Cap Asset:🚨 •The orange coin staged a whopping rebound on hopes for the first US-based spot Bitcoin ETF. Stocks ended the month with losses. •October has just wrapped up and investors are taking stock of their portfolio. It was a battering month for valuations across the board. Just not for Bitcoin (BTCUSD) •The orange cryptocurrency slapped a 27% October gain on its accounting books as the month lived up to its highly-upbeat Uptober nature. Bitcoin kicked off dealmaking near $27,000 and wrapped up at $34,500 as bright spot BTC ETF prospects stirred up excitement. Stocks, on the other end, dipped in red territory with the S&P 500 ending October 2.2% lower. The Nasdaq Composite was the biggest loser index with a 2.8% drop and the Dow Jones erased 1.4% for the first month of the fourth quarter. All three Wall Street benchmarks notched a third straight month of declines. •Elsewhere, gold (XAUUSD) brought back its shine amid war tremors between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas that began in the first days of the month. The precious metal saw increased appetite, leading to a 10% October gain, the commodity’s best monthly track-record since March. Still, no one of the large-cap assets comes close to Bitcoin’s parabolic October curve. $BTC #BTCpredictions
🚨 BTC/USD: Bitcoin Jumps 27% in Uptober, Outperforming Every Other Large-Cap Asset:🚨

•The orange coin staged a whopping rebound on hopes for the first US-based spot Bitcoin ETF. Stocks ended the month with losses.

•October has just wrapped up and investors are taking stock of their portfolio. It was a battering month for valuations across the board. Just not for Bitcoin (BTCUSD)

•The orange cryptocurrency slapped a 27% October gain on its accounting books as the month lived up to its highly-upbeat Uptober nature. Bitcoin kicked off dealmaking near $27,000 and wrapped up at $34,500 as bright spot BTC ETF prospects stirred up excitement.
Stocks, on the other end, dipped in red territory with the S&P 500 ending October 2.2% lower. The Nasdaq Composite was the biggest loser index with a 2.8% drop and the Dow Jones erased 1.4% for the first month of the fourth quarter. All three Wall Street benchmarks notched a third straight month of declines.

•Elsewhere, gold (XAUUSD)
brought back its shine amid war tremors between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas that began in the first days of the month. The precious metal saw increased appetite, leading to a 10% October gain, the commodity’s best monthly track-record since March. Still, no one of the large-cap assets comes close to Bitcoin’s parabolic October curve.

$BTC #BTCpredictions
Bitcoin Slips Back but Bullish Bets Pile Up. Traders Are Eyeing $50,000. — By Jack Denton The price of Bitcoin has shed 3% over the past 24 hours to below $34,400, retreating after nearing $36,000 on Thursday, which marks its highest level since a brutal bear market accelerated last spring. The biggest crypto has rallied some 30% in a matter of weeks, snapping out of a multi-month period through the summer during which Bitcoin volatility and trading volume had fallen to historical lows. "Overall, the jubilant mood and the bull party continue in the crypto space. It's been a long time since we have had such positive sentiment, and many are hopeful about a coming bull market," said Rachel Lin, CEO of trading platform SynFutures. "For the short-term, there are some negative signs, like the relative reaching overbought levels both at daily and weekly time frames." Bitcoin has been propelled largely by optimism that U.S. regulators will soon approve the launch of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which is expected to usher in a fresh wave of retail and institutional investor interest in digital assets. Geopolitical risk from conflict in the Middle East has also renewed the "digital gold" narrative for Bitcoin, with bulls pitching the token as a haven asset. Like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500, Bitcoin most recently advanced on the back of the latest decision from the Federal Reserve to hold steady on interest rates. Markets now expect that the Fed is finished with its campaign of aggressive rate-hikes, which weigh on risk-sensitive assets like tokens and cryptos particularly hard. There are also signs from within crypto markets that the trading environment is growing more robust. After Bitcoin's summer slump, larger traders are coming back into the market — signaling renewed institutional interest — and trading volumes are recovering. "Not only is the price increasing, but we are also witnessing an increase in the number of users and transactions. This is a good sign for the entire ecosystem," said Lin. $BTC #BTCFuturesSurge
Bitcoin Slips Back but Bullish Bets Pile Up. Traders Are Eyeing $50,000. —

By Jack Denton
The price of Bitcoin has shed 3% over the past 24 hours to below $34,400, retreating after nearing $36,000 on Thursday, which marks its highest level since a brutal bear market accelerated last spring. The biggest crypto has rallied some 30% in a matter of weeks, snapping out of a multi-month period through the summer during which Bitcoin volatility and trading volume had fallen to historical lows.
"Overall, the jubilant mood and the bull party continue in the crypto space. It's been a long time since we have had such positive sentiment, and many are hopeful about a coming bull market," said Rachel Lin, CEO of trading platform SynFutures. "For the short-term, there are some negative signs, like the relative reaching overbought levels both at daily and weekly time frames."
Bitcoin has been propelled largely by optimism that U.S. regulators will soon approve the launch of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which is expected to usher in a fresh wave of retail and institutional investor interest in digital assets. Geopolitical risk from conflict in the Middle East has also renewed the "digital gold" narrative for Bitcoin, with bulls pitching the token as a haven asset.
Like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500, Bitcoin most recently advanced on the back of the latest decision from the Federal Reserve to hold steady on interest rates. Markets now expect that the Fed is finished with its campaign of aggressive rate-hikes, which weigh on risk-sensitive assets like tokens and cryptos particularly hard.
There are also signs from within crypto markets that the trading environment is growing more robust. After Bitcoin's summer slump, larger traders are coming back into the market — signaling renewed institutional interest — and trading volumes are recovering. "Not only is the price increasing, but we are also witnessing an increase in the number of users and transactions. This is a good sign for the entire ecosystem," said Lin.

$BTC #BTCFuturesSurge
🚨 Cardano (ADA) Forms Unexpected Support Amid 13% Price Jump:🚨🚀 •Cardano ADAUSD is on a bullish run as it has formed unexpected support at the $0.32 price level. Specifically speaking, the coin has printed a 5.09% surge over the past 24 hours, with the price pegged at $0.3233. Effectively, ADA has recorded more than 13% over the past week to mark one of its most ambitious price runs in recent times.ADA 1D Chart. Source: CoinMarketCap •The Cardano growth is a story of resilience following a very tough year for the protocol. Over the past year, Cardano dropped to its lowest price level of $0.2471 on Oct. 18, a figure that marked consistency in price fall despite proven developer activities soaring on the Cardano protocol. •At a time, the profitability of Cardano plunged over 90%, adding another layer of pessimism to what the future holds for the coin. The recovery printed over the past two weeks is a testament to the impact of the strategic planning and decentralization that Cardano embodies. During this time, the number of whale addresses and transactions has soared, complementing efforts focused on launching the Midnight Protocol as well as the upgrading of existing protocols like Mithril and the Lace wallet. •Cardano and future plans: -To many Cardano proponents, ADA is still grossly undervalued. While paring off its losses for the year remains its primary target at this time, ending 2023 positively is an ambition to watch. •While Cardano maintains the lead spot per Github Commits, the protocol has also welcomed two veterans, Sean Ford and David Markley, to lead its stablecoin business as CEO and COO, respectively. •While Cardano's year started with a tumultuous twist, the present outlook points to a potentially positive closing. Broader market sentiment bordering on the anticipation of a Bitcoin spot ETF approval from the U.S. SEC is also playing a major role. In all, seeing Cardano end the year at $0.4 will be a dream come true for many. $ADA #ADA/USDT
🚨 Cardano (ADA) Forms Unexpected Support Amid 13% Price Jump:🚨🚀

•Cardano ADAUSD is on a bullish run as it has formed unexpected support at the $0.32 price level. Specifically speaking, the coin has printed a 5.09% surge over the past 24 hours, with the price pegged at $0.3233. Effectively, ADA has recorded more than 13% over the past week to mark one of its most ambitious price runs in recent times.ADA 1D Chart. Source: CoinMarketCap

•The Cardano growth is a story of resilience following a very tough year for the protocol. Over the past year, Cardano dropped to its lowest price level of $0.2471 on Oct. 18, a figure that marked consistency in price fall despite proven developer activities soaring on the Cardano protocol.

•At a time, the profitability of Cardano plunged over 90%, adding another layer of pessimism to what the future holds for the coin.
The recovery printed over the past two weeks is a testament to the impact of the strategic planning and decentralization that Cardano embodies. During this time, the number of whale addresses and transactions has soared, complementing efforts focused on launching the Midnight Protocol as well as the upgrading of existing protocols like Mithril and the Lace wallet.

•Cardano and future plans:

-To many Cardano proponents, ADA is still grossly undervalued. While paring off its losses for the year remains its primary target at this time, ending 2023 positively is an ambition to watch.

•While Cardano maintains the lead spot per Github Commits, the protocol has also welcomed two veterans, Sean Ford and David Markley, to lead its stablecoin business as CEO and COO, respectively.

•While Cardano's year started with a tumultuous twist, the present outlook points to a potentially positive closing. Broader market sentiment bordering on the anticipation of a Bitcoin spot ETF approval from the U.S. SEC is also playing a major role. In all, seeing Cardano end the year at $0.4 will be a dream come true for many.

🚨 Bitcoin Halving approaches: Will the Crypto Giant Experience a Historical Retracement to $20,000?😨📉 🔶Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, is currently approaching a significant event known as the Bitcoin Halving. This event, which occurs approximately every four years, is highly anticipated by the crypto community due to its potential impact on Bitcoin's price and overall market dynamics. With the halving only about 164 days away, many investors and enthusiasts are closely monitoring the market for any signs of a retracement. •Looking back at previous halvings, it becomes evident that Bitcoin has experienced retracements during this period. According to a tweet by Rekt Capital, 2015/2016, Bitcoin retraced by approximately 25%, while in 2019, it witnessed a more substantial retracement of around 38%. These retracements are not uncommon and have historically been followed by significant price movements. Considering this historical data, it is reasonable to assume that a retracement may occur, leading to the upcoming halving. While past performance does not guarantee future results, it provides valuable insights into potential market behaviour. Investors should remain cautious and prepared for a possible dip in Bitcoin's price. •If a retracement were to occur, analysts speculate that it could reach around 30% from current prices. This would result in Bitcoin dropping to approximately $20,000. However, it is essential to note that these predictions are speculative and should be taken with a grain of salt. •Despite the possibility of a retracement, many experts and enthusiasts remain optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term prospects. The halving event is expected to reduce the rate at which new Bitcoins are created, effectively decreasing the supply. This reduction in supply, coupled with increasing demand, could potentially drive the price of Bitcoin higher in the long run. $BTC #BTCpredictions
🚨 Bitcoin Halving approaches: Will the Crypto Giant Experience a Historical Retracement to $20,000?😨📉

🔶Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, is currently approaching a significant event known as the Bitcoin Halving. This event, which occurs approximately every four years, is highly anticipated by the crypto community due to its potential impact on Bitcoin's price and overall market dynamics. With the halving only about 164 days away, many investors and enthusiasts are closely monitoring the market for any signs of a retracement.

•Looking back at previous halvings, it becomes evident that Bitcoin has experienced retracements during this period. According to a tweet by Rekt Capital, 2015/2016, Bitcoin retraced by approximately 25%, while in 2019, it witnessed a more substantial retracement of around 38%. These retracements are not uncommon and have historically been followed by significant price movements.
Considering this historical data, it is reasonable to assume that a retracement
may occur, leading to the upcoming halving. While past performance does not guarantee future results, it provides valuable insights into potential market behaviour. Investors should remain cautious and prepared for a possible dip in Bitcoin's price.

•If a retracement were to occur, analysts speculate that it could reach around 30% from current prices. This would result in Bitcoin dropping to approximately $20,000. However, it is essential to note that these predictions are speculative and should be taken with a grain of salt.

•Despite the possibility of a retracement, many experts and enthusiasts remain optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term prospects. The halving event is expected to reduce the rate at which new Bitcoins
are created, effectively decreasing the supply. This reduction in supply, coupled with increasing demand, could potentially drive the price of Bitcoin higher in the long

$BTC #BTCpredictions
Shiba Inu Whales Are Moving SHIB Again, Bearish📉 Or Bullish📈?🤔 •Shiba Inu whales have been seen moving a large amount of SHIB on-chain once again. These movements come at a time when the price of the meme coin is on the rise, raising concerns about whether these large holders have decided to start selling their large stacks of coins. •Shiba Inu Whales Start Moving Coins Over the last few days, whale tracker Whale Alert has reported two large Shiba Inu transactions carrying a massive amount of coins. The first was reported on October 31 where a single transaction was spotted carrying over 4.47 trillion SHIB worth $35.35 million at the time. The next transaction came a day later on Wednesday, November 1, where another transaction carrying a large amount of SHIB was recorded. This transaction was similar to the first in that it was carrying 4.46 Trillin tokens. The dollar figure was however a little lower at $33.9 million at the time of the transaction. •More Bullish Than Bearish For SHIB Looking at the origin and destination of each transaction shows a higher tendency for it to be bullish than bearish for the coin. The first transaction was actually moved from an unknown wallet to another unknown wallet. This could suggest that the owner is moving the coins to other wallets for safekeeping. •The second transaction is even more bullish given that it is a withdrawal from a centralized exchange. As Whale Alert shows, the transaction was actually the movement of coins from the Bitvavo crypto exchange to a private wallet, which suggests accumulation. Given that both of these transactions are not showing any indications of selling, it is likely that these whales are still keeping the faith and holding on to their coins. In such a case, it is more bullish than bearish for Shiba Inu. Shiba Inu is still trading at a fairly high price of $0.0000079 after jumping 3.93% in the last 24 hours. However, it is performing much worse on the weekly chart with 1.53% losses. $SHIB #BullishSigns #SFM
Shiba Inu Whales Are Moving SHIB Again, Bearish📉 Or Bullish📈?🤔

•Shiba Inu whales have been seen moving a large amount of SHIB on-chain once again.
These movements come at a time when the price of the meme coin is on the rise, raising concerns about whether these large holders have decided to start selling their large stacks of coins.

•Shiba Inu Whales Start Moving Coins
Over the last few days, whale tracker Whale Alert has reported two large Shiba Inu transactions carrying a massive amount of coins. The first was reported on October 31 where a single transaction was spotted carrying over 4.47 trillion SHIB worth $35.35 million at the time. The next transaction came a day later on Wednesday, November 1, where another transaction carrying a large amount of
SHIB was recorded. This transaction was similar to the first in that it was carrying
4.46 Trillin tokens. The dollar figure was however a little lower at $33.9 million at the time of the transaction.

•More Bullish Than Bearish For SHIB
Looking at the origin and destination of each transaction shows a higher tendency for it to be bullish than bearish for the coin.
The first transaction was actually moved from an unknown wallet to another unknown wallet. This could suggest that the owner is moving the coins to other wallets for safekeeping.

•The second transaction is even more bullish given that it is a withdrawal from a centralized exchange. As Whale Alert shows, the transaction was actually the movement of coins from the Bitvavo crypto exchange to a private wallet, which suggests accumulation.
Given that both of these transactions are not showing any indications of selling, it is likely that these whales are still keeping the faith and holding on to their coins. In such a case, it is more bullish than bearish for Shiba Inu.
Shiba Inu is still trading at a fairly high price of $0.0000079 after jumping 3.93% in the last 24 hours. However, it is performing much worse on the weekly chart with 1.53% losses.

$SHIB #BullishSigns #SFM
🔲🔳 XRP Ledger Layer-2 Platform Launch Date, Here's When It Will Go Live: •Evernode, a Layer-2 smart contract solution based on the XRP Ledger, has shared an update as regards its launch. •Given the successful launch of the Xahau Network and Hooks functionality now enabled, Evernode can now exist, as stated in its official website post. In this regard, Evernode stated it was targeting its launch for Nov. 27, 2023. •We've updated our website to reflect our launch target of 27th November.https://|384— Evernode - No Trustline & No Support & (@EvernodeXRPL) November 1, 2023 •Although this date is open to alteration because some plans may require final touches, an audit of the hooks and mechanisms of Evers airdrops is being considered. •Amid this, Evernode expresses optimism about being able to launch on the targeted date of Nov. 27. •Following the launch of Evernode, an airdrop to XRP holders is planned, with a significant number of Evers, the protocol's proposed native currency, set aside for this reason. A total of 5,160,960 Evers is intended to be distributed to XRP holders who held up to 50,000 XRP on XRPL at snapshot and created a matching r-address on ahau with the Evers trustline set. •Evers will be airdropped into the Xahau account depending on the XRP held in the corresponding XRPL account on the snapshot date of Sept. 1, 2023. Since expectations remain as to the airdrop, Evernode warns that there are no Evers yet and no Trustline, as only the snapshot has been taken. XRP holders are expected to just do nothing and wait until after Xahau launches. $XRP #XRPInvesting
🔲🔳 XRP Ledger Layer-2 Platform Launch Date, Here's When It Will Go Live:

•Evernode, a Layer-2 smart contract solution based on the XRP Ledger, has shared an update as regards its launch.

•Given the successful launch of the Xahau Network and Hooks functionality now enabled, Evernode can now exist, as stated in its official website post. In this regard, Evernode stated it was targeting its launch for Nov. 27, 2023.
•We've updated our website to reflect our launch target of 27th November.https://|384— Evernode - No Trustline
& No Support & (@EvernodeXRPL)
November 1, 2023

•Although this date is open to alteration because some plans may require final touches, an audit of the hooks and mechanisms of Evers airdrops is being considered.

•Amid this, Evernode expresses optimism about being able to launch on the targeted date of Nov. 27.

•Following the launch of Evernode, an airdrop to XRP holders is planned, with a significant number of Evers, the protocol's proposed native currency, set aside for this reason.
A total of 5,160,960 Evers is intended to be distributed to XRP holders who held up to 50,000 XRP on XRPL at snapshot and created a matching r-address on ahau with the Evers trustline set.

•Evers will be airdropped into the Xahau account depending on the XRP held in the corresponding XRPL account on the snapshot date of Sept. 1, 2023. Since expectations remain as to the airdrop, Evernode warns that there are no Evers yet and no Trustline, as only the snapshot has been taken. XRP holders are expected to just do nothing and wait until after Xahau launches.

$XRP #XRPInvesting
🚀 Shiba Inu Price Turns Green as Unknown Whale Buys Billions of SHIB:🚀 •In a stunning turn of events, the Shiba Inu token, SHIB, has experienced a surge in price today, coinciding with mysterious whale activity. •Just under an hour ago, an unknown, enigmatic buyer made a series of significant purchases, accumulating over 36 billion Shiba Inu tokens in dozens of tranches. Each one contained an impressive quantity of SHIB, ranging from 100,000 to a million tokens, ultimately translating to a whopping $288,000 in total.Source: Etherscan •This whale now holds an astounding 58.58 billion SHIB tokens, equivalent to $468,650, in its wallet, raising questions about their intentions and the impact on SHIB's market dynamics. •Shiba Inu(SHIBUSD)price goes up: -Remarkably, this intriguing whale activity coincided with a surge in SHIB's price, manifesting in green candles on its price chart. Notably, while Bitcoin and Ethereum were either stagnant or in a downturn, Shiba Inu's value saw an upward trajectory, trying to take over an important resistance level.SHIB to USD by CoinMarketCap -The key resistance range, fluctuating between $0.000008 and $0.0000084, has been a formidable barrier for SHIB in recent weeks. Breaking through this range may pave the way for SHIB to ascend to $0.00001 per token, erasing yet another "O" from its price value. -The burning question on everyone's mind is whether this mysterious whale's activity serves as a precursor to an impending price rally for Shiba Inu. For now, the answer remains a mystery, with only time and the SHIB price chart capable of unveiling the truth. $SHIB #ShibaInuMystery
🚀 Shiba Inu Price Turns Green as Unknown Whale Buys Billions of SHIB:🚀

•In a stunning turn of events, the Shiba Inu token, SHIB, has experienced a surge in price today, coinciding with mysterious whale activity.
•Just under an hour ago, an unknown, enigmatic buyer made a series of significant purchases, accumulating over 36 billion Shiba Inu tokens in dozens of tranches. Each one contained an impressive quantity of SHIB, ranging from 100,000 to a million tokens, ultimately translating to a whopping $288,000 in total.Source: Etherscan
•This whale now holds an astounding 58.58 billion SHIB tokens, equivalent to $468,650, in its wallet, raising questions about their intentions and the impact on SHIB's market dynamics.

•Shiba Inu(SHIBUSD)price goes up:

-Remarkably, this intriguing whale activity coincided with a surge in SHIB's price, manifesting in green candles on its price chart. Notably, while Bitcoin and Ethereum were either stagnant or in a downturn, Shiba Inu's value saw an upward trajectory, trying to take over an important resistance level.SHIB to USD by CoinMarketCap
-The key resistance range, fluctuating between $0.000008 and $0.0000084, has been a formidable barrier for SHIB in recent weeks. Breaking through this range may pave the way for SHIB to ascend to $0.00001 per token, erasing yet another
"O" from its price value.
-The burning question on everyone's mind is whether this mysterious whale's activity serves as a precursor to an impending price rally for Shiba Inu. For now, the answer remains a mystery, with only time and the SHIB price chart capable of unveiling the truth.

$SHIB #ShibaInuMystery
PEPE, FLOKI, SHIB, DOGE Receive Boost After BTC Broke $35K🚀🔥 🔑Key points: ⚡️4 Bitcoin (BTC) was able to break above and remain above $35K over the past 24 hours. ⚡️The meme coin sector benefited from BTC's price pump as the sector's valuation rose more than 3%. ⚡️DOGE, SHIB, FLOKI, and PEPE were all able to record fair gains over the past 24 hours. •The meme coin sector received a capital injection over the past 24 hours as traders cashed in their profits from Bitcoin (BTC) and bought into the smaller-capped meme coins. According to CoinMarketCap, the market leader was changing hands at $35,291.17 after a 2.41% gain. This latest gain also pushed BTC's weekly performance up to +1.65%. The meme coin market followed suit, as the sector's collective valuation rose 3.04% during the same period. •Subsequently, the market cap for meme coins stood at $16,375,551,902 at press time. This increase was mainly driven by the largest meme coins in terms of market cap, as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Floki (FLOKI) all posted 24-hour gains. Meanwhile, the trading volume for meme coins also increased by 5.56% throughout the past day of trading. This boosted the total volume to $1,072,801,612 as a result. The meme coin leader, DOGE, was trading hands at $0.06942 after its price increased 3.50% over the past 24 hours. This positive daily performance, however, was not enough to bring DOGE's weekly performance out of the red zone. As a result, the meme coin was still down 2.66% over the past 7 days. SHIB and PEPE were able to print respective gains of 3.32% and 2.54% throughout the past day of trading. Subsequently, SHIB was valued at $0.000007932, while PEPE's price was boosted to $0.000001155 following the latest increase. FLOKI was the only meme coin in the top 4 list that was able to flip its weekly performance. At press time, CoinMarketCap data indicated that FLOKI's price was up 1.79% over the past 7 days. This was after its price rose 3.36% during the past 24 hours of trading. As a result, the meme coin was valued at $0.0000323
PEPE, FLOKI, SHIB, DOGE Receive Boost After BTC Broke $35K🚀🔥

🔑Key points:
⚡️4 Bitcoin (BTC) was able to break above and remain above $35K over the past 24 hours.
⚡️The meme coin sector benefited from BTC's price pump as the sector's valuation rose more than 3%.
⚡️DOGE, SHIB, FLOKI, and PEPE were all able to record fair gains over the past 24 hours.

•The meme coin sector received a capital injection over the past 24 hours as traders cashed in their profits from Bitcoin (BTC) and bought into the smaller-capped meme coins. According to CoinMarketCap, the market leader was changing hands at $35,291.17 after a 2.41% gain. This latest gain also pushed BTC's weekly performance up to +1.65%.
The meme coin market followed suit, as the sector's collective valuation rose 3.04% during the same period.

•Subsequently, the market cap for meme coins stood at $16,375,551,902 at press time. This increase was mainly driven by the largest meme coins in terms of market cap, as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Pepe (PEPE), and Floki (FLOKI) all posted 24-hour gains.
Meanwhile, the trading volume for meme coins also increased by 5.56% throughout the past day of trading. This boosted the total volume to $1,072,801,612 as a result. The meme coin leader, DOGE, was trading hands at $0.06942 after its price increased 3.50% over the past 24 hours.
This positive daily performance, however, was not enough to bring DOGE's weekly performance out of the red zone. As a result, the meme coin was still down 2.66% over the past 7 days.
SHIB and PEPE were able to print respective gains of 3.32% and 2.54% throughout the past day of trading.
Subsequently, SHIB was valued at $0.000007932, while PEPE's price was boosted to $0.000001155 following the latest increase.
FLOKI was the only meme coin in the top 4 list that was able to flip its weekly performance. At press time,
CoinMarketCap data indicated that
FLOKI's price was up 1.79% over the past 7 days. This was after its price rose 3.36% during the past 24 hours of trading. As a result, the meme coin was valued at
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