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SHIBA INU jākoncentrējas uz atbilstoša ceļveža un nākotnes iniciatīvu izstrādi, nevis uz vecajiem mērogošanas risinājumiem. Ir 2023., nevis 2018. gads. Sarunas par mērogošanu bija atpakaļ dienās, un tagad tām nav nozīmes, jo blokķēdē ir parādījies tik daudz jaunu inovatīvu projektu un risinājumu. 🤔 Ieraksti komentārā savas domas
SHIBA INU jākoncentrējas uz atbilstoša ceļveža un nākotnes iniciatīvu izstrādi, nevis uz vecajiem mērogošanas risinājumiem.

Ir 2023., nevis 2018. gads.
Sarunas par mērogošanu bija atpakaļ dienās, un tagad tām nav nozīmes, jo blokķēdē ir parādījies tik daudz jaunu inovatīvu projektu un risinājumu.

🤔 Ieraksti komentārā savas domas
Crypto Stalkers
🔅Shiba Inu (SHIB) piedāvā galvenos atjauninājumus, izmantojot Cryptic Post:

Nesenā mīklainā gājienā Shiba Inu (SHIB) ir piesaistījis savas kopienas uzmanību ar noslēpumainu ierakstu, kurā ir tikai trīs īpašās rakstzīmes — “4”, laikraksta virsraksts un uz priekšu vērsta bultiņa ar vārdu “drīz”. Lai gan interpretācijas sabiedrībā atšķiras, izplatīts pieņēmums liecina, ka Shiba Inu ekosistēmai tuvosies četri nozīmīgi atjauninājumi.

🔅Ilgi gaidītais pavērsiens:

Shiba Inu gadu iesāka ar optimismu, solot galvenos pavērsienus un notikumus. Lai gan tas veiksmīgi ieviesa Shibarium, tā Layer-2 mērogošanas risinājumu, gaidāms ir apsteidzis taustāmās vērtības piegādi. Neskatoties uz nemainīgiem degšanas rādītājiem visa gada garumā, SHIB novērtējums kopš gada sākuma ir samazinājies par vairāk nekā 10%. Tomēr protokola izstrādātāji joprojām ir apņēmušies ieviest jaunas inovācijas, radot sabiedrībā paaugstinātas cerības. Nesenais noslēpumains ieraksts papildina cerības, atkal aizdedzinot cerības uz spēli mainošām atklāsmēm, kas varētu pārveidot Shiba Inu ekosistēmu.

🔅Pašreizējais stāvoklis un cenu prognoze:

No jaunākā atjauninājuma SHIB cena ir USD 0,00000809, kas atspoguļo 4,86% samazinājumu pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Mēmu monēta, lai arī saskaras ar izaicinājumiem, saglabājot pozitīvu trajektoriju, turpina piesaistīt uzmanību no savas īpašās kopienas. Shiba Inu unikālā pozīcija tirgū un notiekošā attīstība veicina spekulācijas par tās izaugsmes potenciālu pārskatāmā nākotnē.

🔅 Secinājums:

Šiba Inu nesenais noslēpumainais ieraksts ir radījis sabiedrībā jaunu satraukuma un gaidīšanas sajūtu. Ar solījumu par četriem nozīmīgiem atjauninājumiem, mēmu monētas mērķis ir atgūt savu pozīciju tirgū. Shiba Inu ekosistēmas trajektoriju neapšaubāmi ietekmēs šo gaidāmo notikumu veiksmīga īstenošana, kas, iespējams, izraisīs jaunu projekta izaugsmes stimulu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ne tuvāko 2-3 gadu laikā. 1 000 USD nozīmē sasniegt vismaz pusi no ETH pašreizējās tirgus kapitalizācijas un iegūt līdzvērtīgu dominējošo stāvokli kā ETH. Patīk, komentējiet un atkārtoti publicējiet. ✌️
Ne tuvāko 2-3 gadu laikā.
1 000 USD nozīmē sasniegt vismaz pusi no ETH pašreizējās tirgus kapitalizācijas un iegūt līdzvērtīgu dominējošo stāvokli kā ETH.

Patīk, komentējiet un atkārtoti publicējiet. ✌️
Polkadot (DOT) cenas prognoze: vai DOT monēta sasniegs 1000 USD?
Polkadot (DOT), viena no daudzsološākajām blokķēdes platformām, ir guvusi ievērojamu uzmanību. Tātad gan īstermiņa tirgotāji, gan pieredzējuši investori apsver iespēju iegādāties DOT kriptovalūtu. Turpiniet lasīt, lai uzzinātu precīzāko Polkadot cenas prognozi.Polkadot (DOT) pārskatsPolkadot ir decentralizēta platforma, kas ļauj apvienot dažādas blokķēdes un uz tās bāzes izveidot citus tīklus. Citiem vārdiem sakot, praktiski jebkura neatkarīga blokķēde var pārraidīt un apmainīties ar informāciju ar citu blokķēdi, pateicoties Polkadot nodrošinātajām releju ķēdēm.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Esiet gatavi FOMO un alkatībai.
Esiet gatavi FOMO un alkatībai.
Shiba Inu: jauni kriptovali iegādājās 300 miljardus SHIB 🐕
Bez Shiba Inu, kriptovalis ieguva citus galvenos īpašumus #ShibaInuUpdate

Ir parādījies jauns kriptovalis, kas iegādājās vairāk nekā 50 miljonus ASV dolāru kriptovalūtos. Saskaņā ar Spot on Chain, valis ar adreses marķieri “0x865” kopumā ir uzkrājis aktīvus 51,54 miljonus ASV dolāru. Starp iegādātajām kriptovalūtām ir aptuveni 300 miljardi Shiba Inu (SHIB).

Šī jaunākā SHIB vaļu uzkrāšanās ir pārsteidzošs solis, ņemot vērā, ka ķēdē notiekošo lielo darījumu apjoms ir samazinājies par 90%, salīdzinot ar maksimumu novembra sākumā. Daži tirgus vērotāji to ir uztvēruši kā zīmi, ka tirgus lēnām virzās prom no Shiba Inu uz alternatīvām kripto monētām.

Turklāt Shiba Inu pēdējo mēnešu laikā bieži ir bijis mīnusā. Ir parādījušies ziņojumi, ka daudzi SHIB turētāji ir zaudējuši. Preses laikā Shiba Inu tirgojas par USD 0,000008216.

Izņemot SHIB, jaunākais lielais kriptovalis iegādājās citas labākās kriptovalūtas. Valis ieguva īpašumus mazāk nekā 24 stundu laikā, un 10 000 ETH (20,3 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā) tika iegūti kā lielākais no darījumiem. Turklāt valis no Binance pārskaitīja arī 60 000 BNB 13,73 miljonu ASV dolāru vērtībā.

Vaļu uzkrāšanās Shiba Inu ir ļoti svarīga, lai palīdzētu kriptovalūtai saglabāt augšupejošas tendences. Šis jaunākais solis var būt izdevīgs SHIB, tomēr var būt nepieciešams vairāk laika, lai saglabātu mēmu-monētas impulsu uz priekšu.

#etf #BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH

Patīk 👍🏻
Crypto_kite 🪁
Padomi 🥰
Will Shiba ever reach to its all time high again? Comment your thoughts 💭
Will Shiba ever reach to its all time high again?
Comment your thoughts 💭
Davi Crypto Use
Shiba Inu: AI Predicts SHIB Price For December 1, 2023
The Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency has been a focal point of interest and speculation within the cryptocurrency community. As we approach Dec. 1, 2023, market observers are closely monitoring price fluctuations and potential trends. According to the most recent update, the Shiba Inu price has slightly decreased by 4.34% over the last twenty-four hours, settling at $0.00000807 on November 27. Additionally, the token has experienced a 3.7% decline over the past seven days, as indicated by market charts.
Market Overview
Despite the recent dip in Shiba Inu’s value, the market exhibits significant activity. The twenty-four-hour trading volume has notably surged, registering a 22.64% increase and reaching $189 million. This upswing in trading volume suggests heightened market activity and a potential surge in interest in SHIB.
Cryptocurrency experts are preparing to share their projections for the SHIB price in December 2023. According to their analyses, the anticipated minimum trading cost for SHIB in December could be $0.00000712, indicating a potential lower limit for the cryptocurrency. Conversely, the projected maximum value might reach $0.00000923 during the same period. The average forecast hovers around $0.00000818, offering a middle-ground expectation for Shiba Inu’s value.
End-of-November Predictions
In the short term, Shiba Inu is anticipated to witness a 6% increase towards the conclusion of November. The meme coin is forecasted to end the month at $0.000008746. This modest upward trend suggests a potential recovery from the recent dip, aligning with the generally positive sentiment in the market.

December Commencement Predictions
Transitioning into December, predictions indicate that Shiba Inu may start the month at $0.000008305, reflecting a 1% increase from the November closing value. This forecast suggests a modest but positive start for December, establishing a baseline for potential price movements throughout the month.
In summary, Shiba Inu’s recent price movements, despite a short-term decrease, coincide with a significant surge in trading volume, indicating sustained market interest. As we approach Dec. 1, 2023, cryptocurrency experts project various possibilities, with a minimum expected value of $0.00000712, a maximum of $0.00000923, and an average of around $0.00000818. Additionally, short-term predictions point to a 6% rise by the end of November and a 1% increase at the beginning of December. It remains crucial for investors and enthusiasts to stay informed and monitor market developments as Shiba Inu continues to play a dynamic role in the cryptocurrency space.
#news #SHIB
Good resistance at 38K for BTC. Will it break? Comment your thoughts 💭
Good resistance at 38K for BTC.
Will it break?

Comment your thoughts 💭
#BTC/Update: BITCOIN monthly candle closed at $37,741, still holding the $37k level.
Perfectly following our chart since the last 10 months. This marks the third consecutive green monthly close, yet some people are waiting for $12k 🫡.

With small corrections on the way BTC can hit $48k before any significant correction!

Bitcoin has entered a bull market, already surpassing a 20% journey. The 80% journey left for the next two years is poised to be massive and life-changing for many.

ETF approvals will create significant demand for bitcoins. The allocation is too small compared to the demand in BTC OTC deals.

Big Institutions are already lined up!

To sum up, if you bought BTC below $20k, you're a champion and likely on the path to becoming a millionaire!

Like and repost for affirmation!


#cryptocurreny #ETFTrends #BTC #ETH
SOL never disappoints.
SOL never disappoints.
Crypto De Nostradame
Solana (SOL) Exceeds $60 Again: Purchases Are Increasing!

With Bitcoin (BTC) breaking $ 38 thousand, #Solana (SOL), which exceeded $ 60, is trying to hold on to an important region.

If #BTC advances to $38,400, SOL, which pushes $62, has passed a critical threshold. Exceeding $60, which is an important level both psychologically and technically, increased buy-side transactions. The major coin, which has retreated from the first resistance level for now, seems to be able to continue its upward movement as long as it maintains its current area.

#SOL , which is traded at $60.64 as of the writing of the news, can move towards $63.91 - 68.30 and $72.07, respectively, as long as it sits above $61.86. In the bullish scenario, as much as the technical side is important, price movements in #BTC and developments regarding FTX will also have an important place.
If BTC fails to hold above $38,000, SOL remains below $59.64, or a negative development from FTX regarding SOL will naturally shake the price of the coin. In such a case, there may be a decrease first to 58.11 dollars and then to 56.42 - 51.95 - 48.47 and 46.75 dollars respectively.
Cardano Faces Resistance at $0.40: What Lies Ahead for ADA Investors?
Cardano (ADA) is facing challenges in maintaining the $0.38 price level following its attempt to break through the $0.40 resistance.ADA shows signs of a bullish pennant pattern, indicating potential for continuation of its recent uptrend.
Cardano’s Current Price Dynamics
Cardano (ADA), a prominent player in the cryptocurrency market, is currently grappling with maintaining its position around the $0.38 mark. This development follows a recent correction from a high of $0.40, which has been a point of contention for market participants.
A Rollercoaster Journey for ADA
The recent price trajectory of ADA has been a rollercoaster. After experiencing a decline through most of October, Cardano hit a low of $0.2400 on October 19. However, this was followed by a notable upswing, as ADA surged 70% to reach $0.4097 by November 16. This rally brought a ray of hope to the bulls in the market.
Despite this upward momentum, ADA’s breakthrough to the $0.40 level was met with strong resistance from bearish forces. This led to increased price volatility, with ADA frequently retesting the $0.40 threshold but failing to secure a stable position above it. Since November 18, ADA has been consolidating between $0.35 and $0.39, indicating a tug-of-war between the bulls and bears.
The Path Ahead for Cardano
In the current market climate, ADA is trading at $0.3799. It maintains a position above both the 50-day and 200-day Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs), indicative of a bullish momentum in both the short and long term. This positioning is a result of the 70% rally it experienced earlier.
Moreover, ADA appears to be forming a bullish pennant structure amid its consolidation phase. This pattern, typically occurring during a pause in an uptrend, suggests that the previous upward trend might resume once the consolidation period concludes.
Looking at potential support and resistance levels, ADA needs to defend against drops below the critical $0.3739 support level, which aligns with the Fibonacci 0.5 retracement. A fall below this level could lead ADA to the next support at Fibonacci 0.618, marked at $0.3653, with subsequent supports at $0.3530 and $0.3373.
Conversely, on the upside, ADA faces immediate resistance at Fibonacci 0.382, currently at $0.3826. Breaking above this level could propel ADA to confront the next resistance point at $0.3933, moving closer to the elusive $0.40 mark.
This analysis of Cardano’s price movement underscores the volatile and dynamic nature of cryptocurrency markets, where multiple technical indicators and market sentiments interplay to shape the asset’s trajectory.
DISCLAIMER: This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
🏅I am happy to share that I have joined the recent tournament offered by Binance. This tournament specific to Futures trading and there are tremendous set of prizes for all groups of user. 🏆 I have been into crypto space since past 2 years and I am sharing this with alacrity that finally I got my hands on trying futures. I had this perception in my mind that future trading is perplexing and quite risky as well. But, it was all a misconception in the back of my mind. This recent tournament allowed me to participate as part of a team and also provided me an opportunity for rewards for trying out futures. And finally, I became intrepid and had all this trepidations removed from my thoughts. I believe that people should try out all forms of trading whether it be Futures, Grid, Bot, etc. It opens up an immersive set of opportunities. At last I want to mention that markets can be volatile at times, so people should always be cautious while trading of all sorts and have a good research when putting money in projects rather getting delved into FOMO. Please like, share and comment on this post. Hope to publish more experiences and blogs soon. ✌️ #BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquareAnalysis #BinanceSquareUpdates
🏅I am happy to share that I have joined the recent tournament offered by Binance. This tournament specific to Futures trading and there are tremendous set of prizes for all groups of user. 🏆

I have been into crypto space since past 2 years and I am sharing this with alacrity that finally I got my hands on trying futures. I had this perception in my mind that future trading is perplexing and quite risky as well. But, it was all a misconception in the back of my mind.

This recent tournament allowed me to participate as part of a team and also provided me an opportunity for rewards for trying out futures. And finally, I became intrepid and had all this trepidations removed from my thoughts.

I believe that people should try out all forms of trading whether it be Futures, Grid, Bot, etc.
It opens up an immersive set of opportunities.
At last I want to mention that markets can be volatile at times, so people should always be cautious while trading of all sorts and have a good research when putting money in projects rather getting delved into FOMO.

Please like, share and comment on this post. Hope to publish more experiences and blogs soon. ✌️

#BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquareAnalysis #BinanceSquareUpdates
A very happy and prosperous Diwali 🪔 May god bless us with happiness, wealth and good health.
A very happy and prosperous Diwali 🪔
May god bless us with happiness, wealth and good health.
Wishing you and your loved ones a festival filled with joy, light, and prosperity. May the glow of diyas illuminate your path with happiness and success. May this Diwali bring warmth to your home and fill your heart with the spirit of love and kindness.

Happy Diwali! 🪔✨
Bitcoin was $15,588 a year ago today. You are so "lucky" you bought then. 👍
Ethereum Fees Briefly Jumped to $100 After BlackRock’s ETH ETF Filing
Heightened demand for block space on the Ethereum network has made transactional activity significantly more expensive for ether [ETH] users in the past 24 hours, data from Dune Analytics show.

Fees, as measured by median gas prices, spiked to as high as 270 gwei late on Thursday, temporarily touching a level last seen in June 2022. That pushed up costs of trading swaps to anywhere from $60 to $100 for a few hours. Gwei is a small unit of ether (ETH) equal to one-billionth of an ETH and is used to denominate gas prices. Gas refers to the fees Ethereum users pay to ensure their transactions are included in the earliest block by network validators.

As of writing, gas fees, used to pay for any activity on Ethereum, were 33 gwei, the highest since May. Ether transfers between wallets cost an average of $30 as of Asian morning hours on Friday.

The surge in fees came as investors discovered financial behemoth BlackRock had filed for an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that holds ether (ETH), months after its bitcoin ETF filing. This likely buoyed investor sentiment – as prices jumped as much as 10% to cross the $2,000 mark.

Ethereum validators are incentivized to include transactions that pay the highest fees instead of a first-come-first-serve basis – meaning fees on popular tokens can often run to thousands of dollars.

Nansen data suggests that on-chain activity has remained tepid relative to a more bullish period in 2022 – indicating retail audiences have been largely absent from on-chain trading.

“There is no inclination of on-chain activity increasing alongside it in terms of DAUs and newly funded addresses entering the Ethereum ecosystem,” Nansen analyst Jake Kennis shared in a Thursday message.

“This suggests that on-chain activity may be lagging price action here or that we are not seeing the on-chain follow-through that is normally seen with this type of increased market activity as of yet," Kennis added.
Humans have the fallacy of thinking in linear scales, whereas crypto moves in exponential scales.
Are you excited for the upcoming reveal ? I am 🙋‍♂️ ⚡️📈⬆️
Are you excited for the upcoming reveal ?
I am 🙋‍♂️
Bitcoin Gurukul
🚀 Exciting News Alert! Get Ready for Binance's Big Surprise on November 8th! 🚀

🌟 Unveiling the Future: #BinanceRevolution

The crypto world is buzzing with anticipation as Binance gears up for a monumental revelation on November 8th, 2023. Prepare for a revolution that will redefine the way we experience cryptocurrencies! #CryptoInnovation #DigitalRevolution

🚀 Sleek & Seamless: Your Enhanced Binance Experience Awaits!

Hold onto your hats as Binance unveils a revamped interface, designed for intuitive navigation. Seamlessly trade, invest, and explore a world of opportunities with confidence and ease! #UserFriendly #BinanceUpgrade

🌍 Global Domination: Binance's Ambitious Expansion Plans!

Binance is spreading its wings! Discover exciting news about Binance's expansion into new territories, bringing world-class crypto services to every corner of the globe. Get ready for unparalleled accessibility! #GlobalExpansion #BinanceWorld

💡 Innovation Unleashed: Explore New Financial Frontiers!

Prepare for mind-blowing financial products! Binance is set to introduce innovative investment opportunities, cutting-edge lending services, and revolutionary savings products. Your path to financial growth starts here! #CryptoInnovation

🔐 Next-Level Security: Your Assets, Fortified!

Your safety is our priority! Binance unveils state-of-the-art security features, ensuring lightning-fast, secure transactions. Experience advanced blockchain solutions and unmatched reliability. Your assets, your rules! #SafeTrading #CryptoSecurity

🤝 Empowering Communities: You're in Control!

Join the movement! Binance emphasizes community engagement. Participate in voting, shape governance mechanisms, and contribute to community-driven projects. Your voice matters. Together, we create the future of crypto! #CommunityDriven #BinanceCommunity

🌟 Witness History: Embrace the Crypto Revolution!

Mark your calendars and witness history in the making! Binance's big reveal on November 8th, 2023, is not just an announcement; it's a revolution. 🚀🌟 #BinanceAnnouncement
Uzzini jaunākās kriptovalūtu ziņas
⚡️ Iesaisties jaunākajās diskusijās par kriptovalūtām
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