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Es runāju par #FET , #SNX un #DYDX divas dienas pirms sūknēšanas. Paskaties uz manu profilu un pārliecini sevi. Es varu redzēt lietas pirms notiek 😁 Vienkārši seko man! #ETH #BTC
Es runāju par #FET , #SNX un #DYDX divas dienas pirms sūknēšanas. Paskaties uz manu profilu un pārliecini sevi. Es varu redzēt lietas pirms notiek 😁
Vienkārši seko man! #ETH #BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Parunāsim par Ethereum līdzšinējo ceļojumu! 🚀 Mēs iegremdējamies $ETH cenu pasaulē, lai noskaidrotu, vai ir pienācis laiks uzmundrināt par atgriešanos, vai arī pašreizējais tirgus noskaņojums ir pamatots. Pašlaik ETH 2023. gadā ir pieaudzis par pienācīgiem 62%. Nav slikti, taču, ja paskatās uz citiem spēlētājiem, piemēram, SOL (pieaugums par 480%), BTC (121%), MSTR (242%), AVAX (90%), Šķiet, ka ETH atdziest izpildes rindas aizmugurē. Bija cerību brīži, kad ETHBTC nesekoja ierastajam lejupejošajam ceļam, taču diemžēl tie izrādījās tikai īslaicīgi maksimumi. BTC izliek muskuļus, un satraucošais ir tas, ka ETH nepievienojas parastajai ballītei "ETHBTC rallijs nozīmē, ka ir alternatīvā sezona". Tagad tas ir vairāk kā "ETHBTC iet uz augšu? Laiks pārdot." Tā kā BTC ir spēcīgs, ETH vājš un citiem altkoiniem ir ballīte bez ETH, perspektīva šķiet nedaudz drūma. Bet nu, nezaudēsim visas cerības. Pirms nedēļas visi baumoja par to, ka ETH pēc stabila snieguma sasniedz 2200 $. Mums pat bija eureka brīdis! Bet uzmini ko? Tas mītiņš nenotika. ETH cīnījās, nokritās zem 2000 USD, un pēkšņi visi domāja: "Varbūt ETH vairs nav tas foršais bērns, vajadzēja izvēlēties SOL." Neskatoties uz šo skumjo noskaņojumu, patiesība ir tāda, ka ETH kopējais attēls nav tik slikts. Tas saglabā savu iknedēļas izlaušanās līmeni pie 1930 USD un atvelk elpu pēc kāda laika uzmanības centrā. Bet tirgus? Tā izturas pret ETH tā, it kā tai būtu grūti laiki. Ņemot vērā cilvēku garastāvokļa svārstības un tehniskās lietas (piemēram, iknedēļas līmeņa saglabāšanu), daži cilvēki saka: "Pirksim ETH." Šobrīd noskaņojums ir ļoti zems, un, iespējams, tirgus situāciju nedaudz satricinās. Tagad, tā kā šķiet, ka BTC jūtas mazliet noguris, ir pienācis laiks pieņemt lēmumu. Vai ETH palielināsies, ja BTC satricinās? Vai arī tas prasīs vēl lielāku triecienu, ja BTC samazināsies? Varbūt BTC nozags šovu, un ETH nebūs tā labākā izvēle? Šeit nav kristāla bumbas, taču kriptovalodā vēsture saka, ka dažreiz ir laba ideja atbalstīt mazāko spēlētāju, kad visi citi skatās no otras puses. 🌟 Tātad, vai ir pienācis laiks ETH atkal spīdēt? To rādīs tikai laiks! #ETH #BTC #SOL
Parunāsim par Ethereum līdzšinējo ceļojumu! 🚀 Mēs iegremdējamies $ETH cenu pasaulē, lai noskaidrotu, vai ir pienācis laiks uzmundrināt par atgriešanos, vai arī pašreizējais tirgus noskaņojums ir pamatots.

Pašlaik ETH 2023. gadā ir pieaudzis par pienācīgiem 62%. Nav slikti, taču, ja paskatās uz citiem spēlētājiem, piemēram, SOL (pieaugums par 480%), BTC (121%), MSTR (242%), AVAX (90%), Šķiet, ka ETH atdziest izpildes rindas aizmugurē.

Bija cerību brīži, kad ETHBTC nesekoja ierastajam lejupejošajam ceļam, taču diemžēl tie izrādījās tikai īslaicīgi maksimumi.

BTC izliek muskuļus, un satraucošais ir tas, ka ETH nepievienojas parastajai ballītei "ETHBTC rallijs nozīmē, ka ir alternatīvā sezona". Tagad tas ir vairāk kā "ETHBTC iet uz augšu? Laiks pārdot."

Tā kā BTC ir spēcīgs, ETH vājš un citiem altkoiniem ir ballīte bez ETH, perspektīva šķiet nedaudz drūma. Bet nu, nezaudēsim visas cerības.

Pirms nedēļas visi baumoja par to, ka ETH pēc stabila snieguma sasniedz 2200 $. Mums pat bija eureka brīdis! Bet uzmini ko? Tas mītiņš nenotika. ETH cīnījās, nokritās zem 2000 USD, un pēkšņi visi domāja: "Varbūt ETH vairs nav tas foršais bērns, vajadzēja izvēlēties SOL."

Neskatoties uz šo skumjo noskaņojumu, patiesība ir tāda, ka ETH kopējais attēls nav tik slikts. Tas saglabā savu iknedēļas izlaušanās līmeni pie 1930 USD un atvelk elpu pēc kāda laika uzmanības centrā. Bet tirgus? Tā izturas pret ETH tā, it kā tai būtu grūti laiki.

Ņemot vērā cilvēku garastāvokļa svārstības un tehniskās lietas (piemēram, iknedēļas līmeņa saglabāšanu), daži cilvēki saka: "Pirksim ETH." Šobrīd noskaņojums ir ļoti zems, un, iespējams, tirgus situāciju nedaudz satricinās.

Tagad, tā kā šķiet, ka BTC jūtas mazliet noguris, ir pienācis laiks pieņemt lēmumu.
Vai ETH palielināsies, ja BTC satricinās?
Vai arī tas prasīs vēl lielāku triecienu, ja BTC samazināsies?
Varbūt BTC nozags šovu, un ETH nebūs tā labākā izvēle?

Šeit nav kristāla bumbas, taču kriptovalodā vēsture saka, ka dažreiz ir laba ideja atbalstīt mazāko spēlētāju, kad visi citi skatās no otras puses.
🌟 Tātad, vai ir pienācis laiks ETH atkal spīdēt? To rādīs tikai laiks!

Skatīt oriģinālu
#ADA Ja turas šeit, tas ir labi, bet, ja novirzās zem līmeņa, ejiet un īsi.
#ADA Ja turas šeit, tas ir labi, bet, ja novirzās zem līmeņa, ejiet un īsi.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#BTC Tendence mainās un kļūst lācīga tikai tad, ja mēs pazaudējam šo lodziņu. Pagaidām atdzesējiet.
#BTC Tendence mainās un kļūst lācīga tikai tad, ja mēs pazaudējam šo lodziņu. Pagaidām atdzesējiet.
Skatīt oriģinālu uzņem apgriezienus. Pieaugot interesei un tirgum apzinoties savu potenciālu, 0,8–1 USD sasniegšana kļūst par ticamu pavērsienu, ko veicina sabiedrības entuziasms. Mums tikai jāpagriež šis līmenis uz 0,46, un mēs ejam uz augšu. #FET uzņem apgriezienus. Pieaugot interesei un tirgum apzinoties savu potenciālu, 0,8–1 USD sasniegšana kļūst par ticamu pavērsienu, ko veicina sabiedrības entuziasms. Mums tikai jāpagriež šis līmenis uz 0,46, un mēs ejam uz augšu.
Risk Management Explained Very Simple Risk management in trading is like playing a game wisely. Imagine you have a bag of marbles, and each marble represents money you're willing to risk. If you lose a round, you only lose one marble, but if you win, you might gain more. It's about deciding how many marbles you're comfortable losing in each game, so you don't run out too quickly. This way, you can keep playing and have a chance to win in the long run without risking everything at once. Let's say you have $1000 to trade. With good risk management, a common approach is to risk only a small portion of your total capital on each trade. A rule of thumb could be risking 1-3% of your total capital per trade.For example:Total Capital: $1000Risk per Trade (1-3%): $10 - $30This means that on any single trade, you should not risk more than $10 to $30. This way, even if the trade doesn't go as planned, you won't lose a significant portion of your capital.Let's break it down further:If you decide to risk $10 per trade, and your trade goes against you, you'll only lose $10.If you decide to risk $30 per trade, even in a loss, your maximum loss would be $30.This approach helps to protect your capital and ensures that one unsuccessful trade doesn't wipe out a large portion of your account. It allows you to stay in the trading game, learn from experiences, and potentially make profitable trades over time. Remember, it's about playing the long game and not putting all your marbles on the line at once.Follow me! I will teach you useful stuff and If you are disciplined I will make you rich 🤑

Risk Management Explained Very Simple

Risk management in trading is like playing a game wisely. Imagine you have a bag of marbles, and each marble represents money you're willing to risk. If you lose a round, you only lose one marble, but if you win, you might gain more. It's about deciding how many marbles you're comfortable losing in each game, so you don't run out too quickly. This way, you can keep playing and have a chance to win in the long run without risking everything at once. Let's say you have $1000 to trade. With good risk management, a common approach is to risk only a small portion of your total capital on each trade. A rule of thumb could be risking 1-3% of your total capital per trade.For example:Total Capital: $1000Risk per Trade (1-3%): $10 - $30This means that on any single trade, you should not risk more than $10 to $30. This way, even if the trade doesn't go as planned, you won't lose a significant portion of your capital.Let's break it down further:If you decide to risk $10 per trade, and your trade goes against you, you'll only lose $10.If you decide to risk $30 per trade, even in a loss, your maximum loss would be $30.This approach helps to protect your capital and ensures that one unsuccessful trade doesn't wipe out a large portion of your account. It allows you to stay in the trading game, learn from experiences, and potentially make profitable trades over time. Remember, it's about playing the long game and not putting all your marbles on the line at once.Follow me! I will teach you useful stuff and If you are disciplined I will make you rich 🤑
Skatīt oriģinālu
Īss termiņš, FET līdz 1 $: fenomens#FET Vispirms diagramma:Kopienas Buzz:Kopienai ir nozīme, un ir entuziasma pilna. Izstrādātāji, entuziasti un ieinteresētās personas aktīvi veido ceļojumu, veidojot dinamisku ekosistēmu.Īsumā, nav tikai kriptogrāfijas projekts; tas ir fenomens. Pateicoties savām AI spējām, saderību ar vairākām ķēdēm, mērogojamību, ietekmi uz reālo pasauli un sajūsmas pilnu sabiedrību, FET gatavojas iespējamam pieaugumam līdz USD 1.Ietekme uz reālo nav tikai runas un nekādas darbības. Sākot ar DeFi lietojumprogrammu darbināšanu un beidzot ar piegādes ķēžu optimizēšanu, FET sāk risināt reālās pasaules problēmas. Šī praktiskā pieeja palielina uzticamību un paver durvis plašākai ieviešanai.

Īss termiņš, FET līdz 1 $: fenomens

#FET Vispirms diagramma:Kopienas Buzz:Kopienai ir nozīme, un ir entuziasma pilna. Izstrādātāji, entuziasti un ieinteresētās personas aktīvi veido ceļojumu, veidojot dinamisku ekosistēmu.Īsumā, nav tikai kriptogrāfijas projekts; tas ir fenomens. Pateicoties savām AI spējām, saderību ar vairākām ķēdēm, mērogojamību, ietekmi uz reālo pasauli un sajūsmas pilnu sabiedrību, FET gatavojas iespējamam pieaugumam līdz USD 1.Ietekme uz reālo nav tikai runas un nekādas darbības. Sākot ar DeFi lietojumprogrammu darbināšanu un beidzot ar piegādes ķēžu optimizēšanu, FET sāk risināt reālās pasaules problēmas. Šī praktiskā pieeja palielina uzticamību un paver durvis plašākai ieviešanai.
I'm brought some #dydx spot for me . Simple invalidation.
I'm brought some #dydx spot for me . Simple invalidation.
AI Crypto: The Game-Changer in the Next Bull Market#FET/USDT #OCEAN As we approach the next bull market, all eyes should be on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and crypto. This powerful combination is poised to be the game-changer that defines the upcoming surge in the market.The Track Record of New Innovations in Bull MarketsHistory has shown us that each bull market introduces a new wave of innovations that become the star performers. From the rise of altcoins to the era of decentralized finance (DeFi), the pattern is clear: the new things are the best-performing assets. In the upcoming bull market, AI in crypto is positioned to take center stage.AI: The New ParadigmArtificial Intelligence brings a new paradigm to the cryptocurrency landscape. With machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics, and smart contract optimization, AI is reshaping how we perceive and interact with digital assets. This isn't just a technological evolution; it's a revolution that promises to enhance efficiency, security, and decision-making processes within the crypto space.Predictive Analytics for Informed Decision-MakingOne of the compelling reasons to keep a close watch on AI crypto in the next bull market is the role of predictive analytics. AI-driven algorithms analyze vast datasets, identify patterns, and make informed predictions about market trends. This can be a game-changer for traders and investors, providing a competitive edge in decision-making.Enhanced Security Measures for a Safer Investment EnvironmentSecurity concerns have often been a hurdle in the adoption of cryptocurrencies. AI, with its ability to detect anomalies and implement advanced security measures, addresses these concerns head-on. As the market experiences an influx of new participants during a bull run, the enhanced security provided by AI becomes crucial for maintaining trust and safeguarding investments.Smart Contracts Evolved: Adaptive and IntelligentSmart contracts have been a cornerstone of blockchain technology, but with AI integration, they become adaptive and intelligent. This evolution allows for more dynamic and responsive contracts, reducing the need for manual intervention. In a bull market where transaction volumes surge, the efficiency of AI-powered smart contracts becomes a compelling reason to keep an eye on this emerging trend.Closing ThoughtsAs we anticipate the next bull market, the fusion of AI and crypto emerges as the beacon of innovation and performance. The historical trend of new technologies dominating bull markets positions AI as the front-runner for the upcoming surge. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the crypto space, keeping a keen eye on AI-powered cryptocurrency developments is not just a choice; it's a strategic move toward unlocking the full potential of the next bull market. The future of crypto is here, and AI is set to lead the way.

AI Crypto: The Game-Changer in the Next Bull Market

#FET/USDT #OCEAN As we approach the next bull market, all eyes should be on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and crypto. This powerful combination is poised to be the game-changer that defines the upcoming surge in the market.The Track Record of New Innovations in Bull MarketsHistory has shown us that each bull market introduces a new wave of innovations that become the star performers. From the rise of altcoins to the era of decentralized finance (DeFi), the pattern is clear: the new things are the best-performing assets. In the upcoming bull market, AI in crypto is positioned to take center stage.AI: The New ParadigmArtificial Intelligence brings a new paradigm to the cryptocurrency landscape. With machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics, and smart contract optimization, AI is reshaping how we perceive and interact with digital assets. This isn't just a technological evolution; it's a revolution that promises to enhance efficiency, security, and decision-making processes within the crypto space.Predictive Analytics for Informed Decision-MakingOne of the compelling reasons to keep a close watch on AI crypto in the next bull market is the role of predictive analytics. AI-driven algorithms analyze vast datasets, identify patterns, and make informed predictions about market trends. This can be a game-changer for traders and investors, providing a competitive edge in decision-making.Enhanced Security Measures for a Safer Investment EnvironmentSecurity concerns have often been a hurdle in the adoption of cryptocurrencies. AI, with its ability to detect anomalies and implement advanced security measures, addresses these concerns head-on. As the market experiences an influx of new participants during a bull run, the enhanced security provided by AI becomes crucial for maintaining trust and safeguarding investments.Smart Contracts Evolved: Adaptive and IntelligentSmart contracts have been a cornerstone of blockchain technology, but with AI integration, they become adaptive and intelligent. This evolution allows for more dynamic and responsive contracts, reducing the need for manual intervention. In a bull market where transaction volumes surge, the efficiency of AI-powered smart contracts becomes a compelling reason to keep an eye on this emerging trend.Closing ThoughtsAs we anticipate the next bull market, the fusion of AI and crypto emerges as the beacon of innovation and performance. The historical trend of new technologies dominating bull markets positions AI as the front-runner for the upcoming surge. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the crypto space, keeping a keen eye on AI-powered cryptocurrency developments is not just a choice; it's a strategic move toward unlocking the full potential of the next bull market. The future of crypto is here, and AI is set to lead the way.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#cvc Dubultā dibena mērķa cena ir 0,234, bet krītošā ķīļa mērķa cena ir 0,609!
#cvc Dubultā dibena mērķa cena ir 0,234, bet krītošā ķīļa mērķa cena ir 0,609!
#SNX is 60% up. Now simply flip this level and we are going another 50% up. I will only enter when we flip that level . Fallow me, you will get useful stuff from me and if you have discipline , I will make you rich !
#SNX is 60% up.

Now simply flip this level and we are going another 50% up.
I will only enter when we flip that level .

Fallow me, you will get useful stuff from me and if you have discipline , I will make you rich !
#KP3R This falling wedge is having a target price at 194$ Fallow me, you will get useful stuff from me and if you have discipline , I will make you rich ! Your generosity fuels me to continue sharing valuable insights and content.
#KP3R This falling wedge is having a target price at 194$

Fallow me, you will get useful stuff from me and if you have discipline , I will make you rich !

Your generosity fuels me to continue sharing valuable insights and content.
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