Binance Square
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Pēc HNT (hēlija) panākumiem Megabot varētu būt nākamais lietderības dārgakmens Solana tīklā.Pēc HNT (hēlija) panākumiem Megabot varētu būt nākamais lietderības dārgakmens Solana tīklā.Nesen Solana ir uzrādījusi iespaidīgu sniegumu, piesaistot daudz investoru, lai izpētītu savu tīklu. Vakar bija pirmā reize, kad Solana DEX apjoms pārsniedza ETH DEX apjomu.Lai gan lielākā daļa Solana projektu ir mememonētas, piemēram, Bonk (atšķirībā no ETH vai BSC tīkliem ar mēmiem un spēcīgām utilītprogrammām), HNT (Hēlium) un Megabot izceļas kā labākie reālie komunālo pakalpojumu projekti Solana tīklā.

Pēc HNT (hēlija) panākumiem Megabot varētu būt nākamais lietderības dārgakmens Solana tīklā.

Pēc HNT (hēlija) panākumiem Megabot varētu būt nākamais lietderības dārgakmens Solana tīklā.Nesen Solana ir uzrādījusi iespaidīgu sniegumu, piesaistot daudz investoru, lai izpētītu savu tīklu. Vakar bija pirmā reize, kad Solana DEX apjoms pārsniedza ETH DEX apjomu.Lai gan lielākā daļa Solana projektu ir mememonētas, piemēram, Bonk (atšķirībā no ETH vai BSC tīkliem ar mēmiem un spēcīgām utilītprogrammām), HNT (Hēlium) un Megabot izceļas kā labākie reālie komunālo pakalpojumu projekti Solana tīklā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$CATGAME izlaiž Solana Mainnet, revolucionizējot Memecoin ieguldījumusIevads: Pievienojieties jaunākajai kriptovalūtas trakumam ar $CATGAME, tagad tiešraidē Solana galvenajā tīklā! Tas nav jūsu vidējais rādītājs memecoin; tas ir lēciens uzmundrinošā memecoin investīcijā ar Cookie Cat Game. Vai esat gatavs klikšķināt, tirgoties un nopelnīt? Galvenās iezīmes: - Deflācijas modelis: Cookie Cat Game ievieš stabilu tokenomikas sistēmu, kas nodrošina ilgtermiņa dzīvotspēju un izaugsmi. - Bez iekšējās privilēģijām: bez privātas pārdošanas vai rezervētām komandas žetoniem $CATGAME nodrošina godīgu palaišanu visiem dalībniekiem. - LP Burnt: mēs esam sadedzinājuši likviditātes pūla marķierus, lai nostiprinātu mūsu apņemšanos nodrošināt drošību un marķieru stabilitāti.

$CATGAME izlaiž Solana Mainnet, revolucionizējot Memecoin ieguldījumus

Pievienojieties jaunākajai kriptovalūtas trakumam ar $CATGAME, tagad tiešraidē Solana galvenajā tīklā! Tas nav jūsu vidējais rādītājs
memecoin; tas ir lēciens uzmundrinošā memecoin investīcijā ar Cookie Cat Game. Vai esat gatavs klikšķināt, tirgoties un nopelnīt?
Galvenās iezīmes:
- Deflācijas modelis: Cookie Cat Game ievieš stabilu tokenomikas sistēmu, kas nodrošina ilgtermiņa dzīvotspēju un izaugsmi.
- Bez iekšējās privilēģijām: bez privātas pārdošanas vai rezervētām komandas žetoniem $CATGAME nodrošina godīgu palaišanu visiem dalībniekiem.
- LP Burnt: mēs esam sadedzinājuši likviditātes pūla marķierus, lai nostiprinātu mūsu apņemšanos nodrošināt drošību un marķieru stabilitāti.
Skatīt oriģinālu
BabySlerf | Vārti uz finanšu iespēju pasauli | Tendences vietnēs Dexview un Ave |Mazulis Slerfs BABYSlerf, jūsu vārti uz finanšu iespēju pasauli. Ļaujiet pārvietoties kriptogrāfijas telpā kopā ar BabySlerf! Nākamais 100x ir klāt #BABYSLERF Misija Mūsu misija ir vienkārša: padarīt kriptovalūtu pieejamu ikvienam neatkarīgi no viņu zināšanu līmeņa. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat kriptovalūtu veterāns vai zinātkārs iesācējs, Baby Slerf ir jūsu mājīgais blokķēdes stūrītis, kur varat mācīties, ieguldīt un mijiedarboties nepiespiestā un priecīgā atmosfērā. CA: 0x8189463Db14C6e06c382F13d4223280a80Eb5FF4

BabySlerf | Vārti uz finanšu iespēju pasauli | Tendences vietnēs Dexview un Ave |

Mazulis Slerfs
BABYSlerf, jūsu vārti uz finanšu iespēju pasauli. Ļaujiet pārvietoties kriptogrāfijas telpā kopā ar BabySlerf! Nākamais 100x ir klāt #BABYSLERF
Mūsu misija ir vienkārša: padarīt kriptovalūtu pieejamu ikvienam neatkarīgi no viņu zināšanu līmeņa. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat kriptovalūtu veterāns vai zinātkārs iesācējs, Baby Slerf ir jūsu mājīgais blokķēdes stūrītis, kur varat mācīties, ieguldīt un mijiedarboties nepiespiestā un priecīgā atmosfērā.
CA: 0x8189463Db14C6e06c382F13d4223280a80Eb5FF4
Skatīt oriģinālu
Catch Coin Gatavs pacelties NEW ATH Hitted🚀🚀 JEBKURA UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAS IESPĒJAMĪBA ONLINE UN OFFLINECatchcoin Inc. ir spēļu pārveidotājs biznesa satiksmes veidošanā. Mūsu progresīvā blokķēdes lietotne veicina lietotāju plūsmu, piedāvā laika ziņā jutīgus darījumus un savieno tradicionālo tirdzniecību ar kriptovalūtu. Izmantojot stabilas monētas un catchcoin™️ kā BEP-20 žetonu, mēs piesaistām daudzveidīgu klientu bāzi. Mūsu lietotājam draudzīgā iOS un Android lietotne vienkāršo marķieru uzkrāšanu un NFC maksājumus, padarot elastīgu iepirkšanos tiešsaistē un bezsaistē. Mēs esam pionieri tradicionālās tirdzniecības un kriptovalūtas integrācijā, lai piesaistītu klientus un palielinātu apmeklētāju skaitu. catchcoin spēlēšanas lietotnē, uzlabo klientu lojalitāti, izmantojot paplašināto realitāti un ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu. Tas palielina gājēju satiksmi, it īpaši ārpus noslogojuma laikā, piedāvājot laika ziņā jutīgus piedāvājumus un pārvēršot lojalitāti interaktīvajā piedzīvojumā.


Catchcoin Inc. ir spēļu pārveidotājs biznesa satiksmes veidošanā. Mūsu progresīvā blokķēdes lietotne veicina lietotāju plūsmu, piedāvā laika ziņā jutīgus darījumus un savieno tradicionālo tirdzniecību ar kriptovalūtu. Izmantojot stabilas monētas un catchcoin™️ kā BEP-20 žetonu, mēs piesaistām daudzveidīgu klientu bāzi. Mūsu lietotājam draudzīgā iOS un Android lietotne vienkāršo marķieru uzkrāšanu un NFC maksājumus, padarot elastīgu iepirkšanos tiešsaistē un bezsaistē. Mēs esam pionieri tradicionālās tirdzniecības un kriptovalūtas integrācijā, lai piesaistītu klientus un palielinātu apmeklētāju skaitu. catchcoin spēlēšanas lietotnē, uzlabo klientu lojalitāti, izmantojot paplašināto realitāti un ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu. Tas palielina gājēju satiksmi, it īpaši ārpus noslogojuma laikā, piedāvājot laika ziņā jutīgus piedāvājumus un pārvēršot lojalitāti interaktīvajā piedzīvojumā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
"CatchCoin: revolucionāri biznesa trafika radīšanā ar blokķēdes tehnoloģiju" CatchCoin, ko vada Catchcoin Inc., kļūst par spēļu mainītāju biznesa satiksmes ģenerēšanas jomā. Izmantojot progresīvāko blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, mūsu novatoriskā lietotne ir izstrādāta, lai veicinātu apmeklētāju plūsmu, nodrošinātu laika ziņā jutīgus darījumus un nemanāmi savienotu tradicionālo tirdzniecību ar kriptovalūtu. Izmantojot stabilas monētas un mūsu patentēto catchcoin™ BEP-20 žetonu, mēs piesaistām daudzveidīgu klientu bāzi, piedāvājot unikālu tiešsaistes un bezsaistes iepirkšanās pieredzes kombināciju. Mūsu lietotājam draudzīgā iOS un Android lietotne racionalizē marķieru uzkrāšanu un NFC maksājumus, dodot lietotājiem iespēju viegli orientēties kriptovalūtas pasaulē. Mēs esam pionieri tradicionālās tirdzniecības un kriptovalūtas integrācijā, piesaistot klientus un uzlabojot pārvietošanos, izmantojot spēļu pieredzi. Izmantojot paplašinātās realitātes un ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas funkcijas, CatchCoin veicina klientu lojalitāti, pārvēršot ikdienas iepirkšanos par interaktīvu piedzīvojumu.

"CatchCoin: revolucionāri biznesa trafika radīšanā ar blokķēdes tehnoloģiju"

CatchCoin, ko vada Catchcoin Inc., kļūst par spēļu mainītāju biznesa satiksmes ģenerēšanas jomā. Izmantojot progresīvāko blokķēdes tehnoloģiju, mūsu novatoriskā lietotne ir izstrādāta, lai veicinātu apmeklētāju plūsmu, nodrošinātu laika ziņā jutīgus darījumus un nemanāmi savienotu tradicionālo tirdzniecību ar kriptovalūtu. Izmantojot stabilas monētas un mūsu patentēto catchcoin™ BEP-20 žetonu, mēs piesaistām daudzveidīgu klientu bāzi, piedāvājot unikālu tiešsaistes un bezsaistes iepirkšanās pieredzes kombināciju.
Mūsu lietotājam draudzīgā iOS un Android lietotne racionalizē marķieru uzkrāšanu un NFC maksājumus, dodot lietotājiem iespēju viegli orientēties kriptovalūtas pasaulē. Mēs esam pionieri tradicionālās tirdzniecības un kriptovalūtas integrācijā, piesaistot klientus un uzlabojot pārvietošanos, izmantojot spēļu pieredzi. Izmantojot paplašinātās realitātes un ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas funkcijas, CatchCoin veicina klientu lojalitāti, pārvēršot ikdienas iepirkšanos par interaktīvu piedzīvojumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ņau | Izbaudiet saziņas nākotni ar MEOw | Palaišana Raydium 29. martā 13:00 UTCSazinieties MEOw, satiecieties MEOw “Izbaudiet saziņas nākotni ar MEOw” Palaišana Raydium 2024. gada 29. martā plkst. 13:00 UTC Līguma adrese: ZrScAvzBnPC3S3WRBuFY5PiX2NjRTDkBFy4hge15X1S Atsaukts naudas kalšanas un iesaldēšanas konts Bez nodokļa SĀKOTNĒJĀ Likviditāte: 500SOL MEOW — labākā sociālā pieredze tiem, kas meklē vairāk nekā tikai tradicionālo sociālo tīklu. Mūsu platforma piedāvā ne tikai NFT iemiesojumu sociālo, tērzēšanas, tiešraides un videozvanu funkcijas, bet arī plašu metaversu iepazīšanās telpu, kas mūs atšķir no pārējiem.

Ņau | Izbaudiet saziņas nākotni ar MEOw | Palaišana Raydium 29. martā 13:00 UTC

Sazinieties MEOw, satiecieties MEOw

“Izbaudiet saziņas nākotni ar MEOw”

Palaišana Raydium 2024. gada 29. martā plkst. 13:00 UTC

Līguma adrese: ZrScAvzBnPC3S3WRBuFY5PiX2NjRTDkBFy4hge15X1S
Atsaukts naudas kalšanas un iesaldēšanas konts
Bez nodokļa
SĀKOTNĒJĀ Likviditāte: 500SOL

MEOW — labākā sociālā pieredze tiem, kas meklē vairāk nekā tikai tradicionālo sociālo tīklu. Mūsu platforma piedāvā ne tikai NFT iemiesojumu sociālo, tērzēšanas, tiešraides un videozvanu funkcijas, bet arī plašu metaversu iepazīšanās telpu, kas mūs atšķir no pārējiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
"$ LOME — nākamais mēmu monētu fenomens aizdegas uz Solana, debitējot uz Raydium!" Kriptogrāfiju ainava ir uz sliekšņa, lai piedzīvotu ievērojamu notikumu, jo LORD OF MEME ($LOME), jauna memecoin iniciatīva, gatavojas tās grandiozajai atklāšanai Solana blokķēdē. $LOME ir paredzēts tieši entuziastiem, kuri atrod prieku humora un investīciju krustpunktā digitālās valūtas jomā, un tas piedāvā iespēju, kas ir pārāk vilinoša, lai to nepamanītu. Palaist Insights: - Datums un laiks: 2024. gada 25. marts, plkst. 13:00 UTC - Norises vieta: Raydium Kāpēc pievērst uzmanību $LOME? - Iedvesma: velkot paralēles ar interneta sensāciju Nyan Cat, $LOME cenšas apburt kriptogrāfijas sfēru ar tai raksturīgo mēmu pievilcību un harizmu.

"$ LOME — nākamais mēmu monētu fenomens aizdegas uz Solana, debitējot uz Raydium!"

Kriptogrāfiju ainava ir uz sliekšņa, lai piedzīvotu ievērojamu notikumu, jo LORD OF MEME ($LOME), jauna memecoin iniciatīva, gatavojas tās grandiozajai atklāšanai Solana blokķēdē. $LOME ir paredzēts tieši entuziastiem, kuri atrod prieku humora un investīciju krustpunktā digitālās valūtas jomā, un tas piedāvā iespēju, kas ir pārāk vilinoša, lai to nepamanītu.

Palaist Insights:

- Datums un laiks: 2024. gada 25. marts, plkst. 13:00 UTC
- Norises vieta: Raydium

Kāpēc pievērst uzmanību $LOME?

- Iedvesma: velkot paralēles ar interneta sensāciju Nyan Cat, $LOME cenšas apburt kriptogrāfijas sfēru ar tai raksturīgo mēmu pievilcību un harizmu.
CNY Dragon | The cryptographic project focused on the Chinese New Year | Lp Locked | Contract RenounCNYDragon"MAY THE SPIRIT OF THE DRAGON BRING YOU PROSPERITY AND SUCCCESS"As the fireworks light up the sky, marking the beginning of a new lunar year, we are thrilled to introduce the Chinese New Year Dragon Coin (CNYD) - a revolutionary digital currency inspired by the rich traditions and vibrant festivities of the Chinese New Year.Why Chinese New Year Dragon Coin?CNYD is not just a cryptocurrency; it's a celebration of cultural heritage and a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. Designed with the spirit of the legendary Chinese Dragon, known for its power and wisdom, this coin is a bridge between ancient traditions and modern financial technology. Furthermore, the CYND project has a lot of cool features!GameFi Element:The Chinese NY Dragon project will have a GameFi element that is already being developed. You can read more about the GameFi element and all the rules here.Marketing:The Project is owned by a top-tier marketeer in THUNDER. A trusted DEV that has had loads of good launches already. This will be NO incubation project but it is owned by Thunder himself.Technical Excelence & Security:This project closely works together with Coinsult for most of the technical development. Coinsult is the one who will create the smart contract and will have it audited. Also, Coinsult will manage the contract operations and NFT mint process.Tokenomics:NO TEAM TOKEN0% FEECONTRACT SAFULP LOCKEDCONTRACT RENOUNCEDContract Address:0x8C74f24de882F7A6FFE96e657e8EE10b1917849cCurrently at 160k 500k Loading!!Join This Embark Journey Now!Website: ChineseNYDragon#Twitter:https://$BNB

CNY Dragon | The cryptographic project focused on the Chinese New Year | Lp Locked | Contract Renoun

CNYDragon"MAY THE SPIRIT OF THE DRAGON BRING YOU PROSPERITY AND SUCCCESS"As the fireworks light up the sky, marking the beginning of a new lunar year, we are thrilled to introduce the Chinese New Year Dragon Coin (CNYD) - a revolutionary digital currency inspired by the rich traditions and vibrant festivities of the Chinese New Year.Why Chinese New Year Dragon Coin?CNYD is not just a cryptocurrency; it's a celebration of cultural heritage and a symbol of prosperity and good fortune. Designed with the spirit of the legendary Chinese Dragon, known for its power and wisdom, this coin is a bridge between ancient traditions and modern financial technology. Furthermore, the CYND project has a lot of cool features!GameFi Element:The Chinese NY Dragon project will have a GameFi element that is already being developed. You can read more about the GameFi element and all the rules here.Marketing:The Project is owned by a top-tier marketeer in THUNDER. A trusted DEV that has had loads of good launches already. This will be NO incubation project but it is owned by Thunder himself.Technical Excelence & Security:This project closely works together with Coinsult for most of the technical development. Coinsult is the one who will create the smart contract and will have it audited. Also, Coinsult will manage the contract operations and NFT mint process.Tokenomics:NO TEAM TOKEN0% FEECONTRACT SAFULP LOCKEDCONTRACT RENOUNCEDContract Address:0x8C74f24de882F7A6FFE96e657e8EE10b1917849cCurrently at 160k 500k Loading!!Join This Embark Journey Now!Website: ChineseNYDragon#Twitter:https://$BNB
"Discover the Power of $Franklin: Your Gateway to the Future of Finance!"$Franklin emerges as the latest sensation in the BSC ecosystem, offering a unique blend of community-driven dynamics, robust marketing, and a commitment to decentralization. In this article, we'll explore why $Franklin could be your ticket to riding the crypto wave and joining the ranks of renowned meme tokens like Doge, Shiba Inu, and Floki Inu. What is $Franklin?Introduce $Franklin as a community-driven meme token in the BSC ecosystem.$Franklin is not just another meme token; it's a community-driven force poised to redefine the future of finance. As a decentralized token, it thrives on community support, with no central control. Much like the predecessors that have achieved meme coin stardom, $Franklin aims to make waves globally. Why Choose $Franklin?Highlight the key features that set $Franklin apart.$Franklin boasts a range of features that make it stand out in the crowded crypto space:Strong Marketing: A dedicated team ensures $Franklin is in the spotlight, drawing attention to its unique qualities and potential for growth.Transparency and Security: With a locked liquidity pool and renounced contract, $Franklin is a fully decentralized memecoin, prioritizing transparency and security.Community and Engagement: Join a vibrant and active community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for crypto and memes. Together, the community aims to send $Franklin to the moon.Section 3: TokenomicsProvide essential details about $Franklin's tokenomics.Name: $FranklinNetwork: BSCTax: 5%Contract Address: 0x3c1dabde1e0d417f11e874640dfb8389e5e191fdConclusion:Summarize the key reasons why $Franklin could be a game-changer in the crypto space and invite readers to join the community.As $Franklin gains momentum, now is the time to be part of a community-driven project with the potential to reach new heights. Dive into the $Franklin experience and witness the future of finance unfold before your eyes. Join the community, engage with like-minded individuals, and let's soar to new heights together!

"Discover the Power of $Franklin: Your Gateway to the Future of Finance!"

$Franklin emerges as the latest sensation in the BSC ecosystem, offering a unique blend of community-driven dynamics, robust marketing, and a commitment to decentralization. In this article, we'll explore why $Franklin could be your ticket to riding the crypto wave and joining the ranks of renowned meme tokens like Doge, Shiba Inu, and Floki Inu. What is $Franklin?Introduce $Franklin as a community-driven meme token in the BSC ecosystem.$Franklin is not just another meme token; it's a community-driven force poised to redefine the future of finance. As a decentralized token, it thrives on community support, with no central control. Much like the predecessors that have achieved meme coin stardom, $Franklin aims to make waves globally. Why Choose $Franklin?Highlight the key features that set $Franklin apart.$Franklin boasts a range of features that make it stand out in the crowded crypto space:Strong Marketing: A dedicated team ensures $Franklin is in the spotlight, drawing attention to its unique qualities and potential for growth.Transparency and Security: With a locked liquidity pool and renounced contract, $Franklin is a fully decentralized memecoin, prioritizing transparency and security.Community and Engagement: Join a vibrant and active community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for crypto and memes. Together, the community aims to send $Franklin to the moon.Section 3: TokenomicsProvide essential details about $Franklin's tokenomics.Name: $FranklinNetwork: BSCTax: 5%Contract Address: 0x3c1dabde1e0d417f11e874640dfb8389e5e191fdConclusion:Summarize the key reasons why $Franklin could be a game-changer in the crypto space and invite readers to join the community.As $Franklin gains momentum, now is the time to be part of a community-driven project with the potential to reach new heights. Dive into the $Franklin experience and witness the future of finance unfold before your eyes. Join the community, engage with like-minded individuals, and let's soar to new heights together!
Good morning fam! ❤️
Good morning fam! ❤️
Binance Announcement
Binance pievieno RAY vienkāršiem peļņas bloķētiem produktiem
Šis ir vispārējs paziņojums. Šeit minētie produkti un pakalpojumi var nebūt pieejami jūsu reģionā.
Binanča biedri,
Binance Simple Earn izlaiž RAY bloķētajiem produktiem. Pabeidziet RAY Locked Products abonementus no 2024. 01.04. plkst. 12:00 (UTC), lai saņemtu GPL atlīdzību līdz 5,9%.
Abonementa formāts: rindas kārtībā.Atlīdzības aprēķināšanas periods: no plkst. 00:00 (UTC) nākamajā dienā pēc Bloķēto produktu abonēšanas līdz abonēšanas perioda beigām.Atlīdzības sadale: katru dienu.
Summary of this crypto day: - Bitcoin spot ETF approval expected this week, BTC is at its highest since April 2022 at 45.5k - Then we are pushed to believe that approval will be delayed beyond January (Matrixport) - BTC dumps to 40k and takes altcoins with it at -10/-15% on average - Finally the Bloomberg analyst denies since no source confirms this report - SEC holds meeting with NASDAQ, CBOE and NYSE to finalize final details before verdict - Rumor has it that SEC commissioners are mostly in favor of approval - We learn from Fox that approval should be notified on Friday for transactions to begin on Monday - BTC is slowly rising but still in the red In short, what a great start to the year, welcome to crypto !
Summary of this crypto day:

- Bitcoin spot ETF approval expected this week, BTC is at its highest since April 2022 at 45.5k
- Then we are pushed to believe that approval will be delayed beyond January (Matrixport)
- BTC dumps to 40k and takes altcoins with it at -10/-15% on average
- Finally the Bloomberg analyst denies since no source confirms this report
- SEC holds meeting with NASDAQ, CBOE and NYSE to finalize final details before verdict
- Rumor has it that SEC commissioners are mostly in favor of approval
- We learn from Fox that approval should be notified on Friday for transactions to begin on Monday
- BTC is slowly rising but still in the red

In short, what a great start to the year, welcome to crypto !
After the success of HNT (Helium), Megabot could be the next utility gem on the Solana network.
After the success of HNT (Helium), Megabot could be the next utility gem on the Solana network.
After the success of HNT (Helium), Megabot could be the next utility gem on the Solana network.

Recently, Solana has shown impressive performance, attracting a lot of investors to explore its network. Yesterday was the first time when Solana DEX volume went higher than the ETH DEX volume.

While most of the projects on Solana are memecoins like Bonk, (unlike ETH or BSC networks with both memes and strong utilities), HNT (Helium) and Megabot stand out as best real utility projects on the Solana network.

Helium is a blockchain-based network connecting IoT devices. Helium enables communication between devices, while the system sends data across the network nodes. With a total supply of 159 million tokens and a price of 7$, Helium reached a peak volume on both Binance and Raydium decentralized exchange.

Turning our attention to Megabot, which is currently launched on ETH, the team has announced plans for a new pair on the Solana network with an upcoming pre-sale.
Megabot already introduced an automated AI trading utility working on Ethereum and BSC networks. This utility uses the power of AI algorithms, enabling users to earn up to 30% monthly profit through sniping and trading on DEX platforms like Uniswap and PancakeSwap.
Following the Solana pre-sale, the team aims to integrate their algorithmic operations with the Solana network, attracting Sol users to the project.
After the success of HNT (Helium), Megabot could be the next utility gem on the Solana network. Recently, Solana has shown impressive performance, attracting a lot of investors to explore its network. Yesterday was the first time when Solana DEX volume went higher than the ETH DEX volume. While most of the projects on Solana are memecoins like Bonk, (unlike ETH or BSC networks with both memes and strong utilities), HNT (Helium) and Megabot stand out as best real utility projects on the Solana network. Helium is a blockchain-based network connecting IoT devices. Helium enables communication between devices, while the system sends data across the network nodes. With a total supply of 159 million tokens and a price of 7$, Helium reached a peak volume on both Binance and Raydium decentralized exchange. Turning our attention to Megabot, which is currently launched on ETH, the team has announced plans for a new pair on the Solana network with an upcoming pre-sale. Megabot already introduced an automated AI trading utility working on Ethereum and BSC networks. This utility uses the power of AI algorithms, enabling users to earn up to 30% monthly profit through sniping and trading on DEX platforms like Uniswap and PancakeSwap. Following the Solana pre-sale, the team aims to integrate their algorithmic operations with the Solana network, attracting Sol users to the project.
After the success of HNT (Helium), Megabot could be the next utility gem on the Solana network.

Recently, Solana has shown impressive performance, attracting a lot of investors to explore its network. Yesterday was the first time when Solana DEX volume went higher than the ETH DEX volume.

While most of the projects on Solana are memecoins like Bonk, (unlike ETH or BSC networks with both memes and strong utilities), HNT (Helium) and Megabot stand out as best real utility projects on the Solana network.

Helium is a blockchain-based network connecting IoT devices. Helium enables communication between devices, while the system sends data across the network nodes. With a total supply of 159 million tokens and a price of 7$, Helium reached a peak volume on both Binance and Raydium decentralized exchange.

Turning our attention to Megabot, which is currently launched on ETH, the team has announced plans for a new pair on the Solana network with an upcoming pre-sale.
Megabot already introduced an automated AI trading utility working on Ethereum and BSC networks. This utility uses the power of AI algorithms, enabling users to earn up to 30% monthly profit through sniping and trading on DEX platforms like Uniswap and PancakeSwap.
Following the Solana pre-sale, the team aims to integrate their algorithmic operations with the Solana network, attracting Sol users to the project.
LAST WEEK IN CRYPTO 🚀 MARKET RECAP 👇 Here's your weekly dose of crypto insights, straight from the Bluemoon vault 🌙 📊 Market Pulse The global #crypto market cap hovers at $1.47T, with a subtle -0.21% change in the last 24h. BTC still reigns supreme at 49.28%, while ETH marks its territory at 16.87%. BTC: 37.1k (steady), ETH: 2050 (steady), SOL: 60 (+8%). 🎯 BTC & ETH Analysis BTC saw a surge above $36K, driven by gamma hedging and an ascending wedge break. Watch out for potential consolidation and keep an eye on illiquidity during this period. ETH, bolstered by BlackRock's ETF news, might see a dominance reversion. 🌟 Altcoins to Watch MATIC and AVAX have shown impressive gains, while Layerzero (ZRO) airdrop rumors stir the market. 🔍 Crypto News - Week in Review Zerocap clinches Blockchain Organisation of the Year at Blockies 2023🏆 BlackRock's Ethereum ETF makes waves in the Nasdaq filing🌊 Poloniex hit by a $126M hack; safety measures in place🔒 Bitcoin ETFs on SEC's watch – the countdown is on ⏱️ UAE takes a firm stance on unlicensed virtual asset service providers 🛡️ CME surpasses Binance in Bitcoin futures interest📈 NFT sales spike to $129M this November💥 Frankfurt Stock Exchange to include crypto by 2026 🇩🇪 France sets the stage for crypto and blockchain research🎓 Elon Musk introduces AI chatbot “Grok” – a ChatGPT rival 🤖 🌍 Macro Matters: This week, watch out for US CPI, PPI, Retail Sales, and the highly anticipated SEC decision on Bitcoin ETFs. 🔮 Watchlist $BTC: Eyes on SEC's ETF decision. $MATIC: Major announcement on the horizon. $RUNE: Increasing Thorchain TVL & trading volumes. Perpetual DEXs: Witnessing a surge in trading volume. $VELA: Exciting trading competition with $ARB rewards. $CAKE: Anticipated vCAKE veTokenomics Upgrade. $APE: Unlocking $22.6M – primarily for team & contributors. 💎Our Take As the crypto tide rises and falls, Harrythehypeman is here to guide you through these exciting times.


Here's your weekly dose of crypto insights, straight from the Bluemoon vault 🌙

📊 Market Pulse

The global #crypto market cap hovers at $1.47T, with a subtle -0.21% change in the last 24h.

BTC still reigns supreme at 49.28%, while ETH marks its territory at 16.87%. BTC: 37.1k (steady), ETH: 2050 (steady), SOL: 60 (+8%).

🎯 BTC & ETH Analysis

BTC saw a surge above $36K, driven by gamma hedging and an ascending wedge break.

Watch out for potential consolidation and keep an eye on illiquidity during this period.

ETH, bolstered by BlackRock's ETF news, might see a dominance reversion.

🌟 Altcoins to Watch

MATIC and AVAX have shown impressive gains, while Layerzero (ZRO) airdrop rumors stir the market.

🔍 Crypto News - Week in Review

Zerocap clinches Blockchain Organisation of the Year at Blockies 2023🏆

BlackRock's Ethereum ETF makes waves in the Nasdaq filing🌊

Poloniex hit by a $126M hack; safety measures in place🔒

Bitcoin ETFs on SEC's watch – the countdown is on ⏱️

UAE takes a firm stance on unlicensed virtual asset service providers 🛡️

CME surpasses Binance in Bitcoin futures interest📈

NFT sales spike to $129M this November💥

Frankfurt Stock Exchange to include crypto by 2026 🇩🇪

France sets the stage for crypto and blockchain research🎓

Elon Musk introduces AI chatbot “Grok” – a ChatGPT rival 🤖

🌍 Macro Matters:

This week, watch out for US CPI, PPI, Retail Sales, and the highly anticipated SEC decision on Bitcoin ETFs.

🔮 Watchlist

$BTC : Eyes on SEC's ETF decision.

$MATIC : Major announcement on the horizon.

$RUNE: Increasing Thorchain TVL & trading volumes.
Perpetual DEXs: Witnessing a surge in trading volume.

$VELA: Exciting trading competition with $ARB rewards.

$CAKE: Anticipated vCAKE veTokenomics Upgrade.

$APE: Unlocking $22.6M – primarily for team & contributors.

💎Our Take

As the crypto tide rises and falls, Harrythehypeman is here to guide you through these exciting times.
#FunFacts #Eth #VitalikButerin Had a chat with Vitalik he said he will push ETH from tonight or max 3 days He gonna buyback and he will do ama on all tg channel. Current price - 2051
#FunFacts #Eth #VitalikButerin

Had a chat with Vitalik he said he will push ETH from tonight or max 3 days

He gonna buyback and he will do ama on all tg channel.

Current price - 2051
Next bullrun will be on mainly both chains eth fees will be to much for newbies once bsc gains that traction will be Valhala > newbies can’t afford to pay gas fees when it surges > bsc will be in play and thrive anyway > but issue is devs greedy on launch pads with there fake hopium > China will go mental regardless
Next bullrun will be on mainly both chains eth fees will be to much for newbies once bsc gains that traction will be Valhala > newbies can’t afford to pay gas fees when it surges > bsc will be in play and thrive anyway > but issue is devs greedy on launch pads with there fake hopium > China will go mental regardless
All that CEX volume will be transferred on chain soon, bullrun on BSC + ETH incoming
All that CEX volume will be transferred on chain soon, bullrun on BSC + ETH incoming
H ope everyone is printing these days, feels like crypto is in easymode ATM.
H ope everyone is printing these days, feels like crypto is in easymode ATM.
"Uncover the intrigue of Binance Coin (BNB) with these captivating facts: 1. Versatility Unleashed:BNB isn't just for trading fees on Binance; it powers an entire ecosystem. From token sales to travel bookings, BNB's utility extends far beyond a typical cryptocurrency. 2. Binance Launchpad:BNB holders get exclusive access to token sales on Binance Launchpad, where innovative blockchain projects take flight. It's a unique way BNB holders can be at the forefront of crypto innovation. 3. Discounts on Binance:Using BNB to pay for trading fees on Binance comes with a perk – you get a discount! This feature incentivizes users to engage with the BNB token within the Binance ecosystem. 4. Burning Mechanism:Binance periodically 'burns' BNB tokens, reducing the total supply. This deliberate reduction adds a deflationary aspect, potentially influencing the token's value over time. 5. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Roots:BNB had its genesis through an ICO on the Binance platform in 2017, raising funds for the exchange's development. It has since evolved into a major player in the crypto space. 6. Crypto Art on Binance NFT Marketplace:BNB isn't just for financial transactions. Binance NFT Marketplace allows users to buy and sell digital art using BNB, blending technology and creativity seamlessly. Binance Coin's multifaceted nature and dynamic ecosystem make it a standout player in the crypto realm! 🌐💫 #BNB #BinanceCoin"
"Uncover the intrigue of Binance Coin (BNB) with these captivating facts:

1. Versatility Unleashed:BNB isn't just for trading fees on Binance; it powers an entire ecosystem. From token sales to travel bookings, BNB's utility extends far beyond a typical cryptocurrency.

2. Binance Launchpad:BNB holders get exclusive access to token sales on Binance Launchpad, where innovative blockchain projects take flight. It's a unique way BNB holders can be at the forefront of crypto innovation.

3. Discounts on Binance:Using BNB to pay for trading fees on Binance comes with a perk – you get a discount! This feature incentivizes users to engage with the BNB token within the Binance ecosystem.

4. Burning Mechanism:Binance periodically 'burns' BNB tokens, reducing the total supply. This deliberate reduction adds a deflationary aspect, potentially influencing the token's value over time.

5. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Roots:BNB had its genesis through an ICO on the Binance platform in 2017, raising funds for the exchange's development. It has since evolved into a major player in the crypto space.

6. Crypto Art on Binance NFT Marketplace:BNB isn't just for financial transactions. Binance NFT Marketplace allows users to buy and sell digital art using BNB, blending technology and creativity seamlessly.

Binance Coin's multifaceted nature and dynamic ecosystem make it a standout player in the crypto realm! 🌐💫 #BNB #BinanceCoin"
"Did you know? 🤔 Here are some mind-blowing facts about Bitcoin: 1. Mysterious Creator:Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains unknown to this day. The identity behind the pseudonym is one of the biggest mysteries in the tech world. 2. Limited Supply:There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins. This scarcity is programmed into its code, making it a finite digital resource akin to precious metals. 3. Pizza Day:The first real-world Bitcoin transaction was in 2010 when a programmer paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. That seemingly small purchase would be worth millions today! 4. Mining Energy:Bitcoin mining consumes a significant amount of energy. On the flip side, it has driven innovations in renewable energy solutions as miners seek more sustainable practices. 5. Lost Bitcoins:Due to forgotten passwords or lost private keys, it's estimated that a substantial number of Bitcoins are irretrievably lost, adding an element of scarcity to the digital currency. 6. The Bitcoin Whitepaper:Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world through a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," published in 2008. Bitcoin's journey is filled with fascinating tales and continues to shape the future of finance! 🌐💡 #BitcoinFacts #CryptoCuriosities"
"Did you know? 🤔 Here are some mind-blowing facts about Bitcoin:

1. Mysterious Creator:Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains unknown to this day. The identity behind the pseudonym is one of the biggest mysteries in the tech world.

2. Limited Supply:There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins. This scarcity is programmed into its code, making it a finite digital resource akin to precious metals.

3. Pizza Day:The first real-world Bitcoin transaction was in 2010 when a programmer paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. That seemingly small purchase would be worth millions today!

4. Mining Energy:Bitcoin mining consumes a significant amount of energy. On the flip side, it has driven innovations in renewable energy solutions as miners seek more sustainable practices.

5. Lost Bitcoins:Due to forgotten passwords or lost private keys, it's estimated that a substantial number of Bitcoins are irretrievably lost, adding an element of scarcity to the digital currency.

6. The Bitcoin Whitepaper:Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world through a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," published in 2008.

Bitcoin's journey is filled with fascinating tales and continues to shape the future of finance! 🌐💡 #BitcoinFacts #CryptoCuriosities"
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