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Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin (BTC) pārsniedz 61 000 USDT ar 2,41% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā 2024. gada 13. augustā, plkst. 16:56 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data Bitcoin ir šķērsojis 61 000 USDT etalonu un tagad tirgojas pie 61 043,941406 USDT, ar sašaurinātu 2,41% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā. #MarketDownturn #CryptoMarketMoves $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin (BTC) pārsniedz 61 000 USDT ar 2,41% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā
2024. gada 13. augustā, plkst. 16:56 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data Bitcoin ir šķērsojis 61 000 USDT etalonu un tagad tirgojas pie 61 043,941406 USDT, ar sašaurinātu 2,41% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā.

#MarketDownturn #CryptoMarketMoves

Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin (BTC) pārsniedz 60 000 USDT ar sašaurinātu 0,77% samazinājumu 24 stundu laikā 2024. gada 12. augustā, plkst. 14:37 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data Bitcoin ir pārsniedzis 60 000 USDT etalonu un tagad tirgojas pie 60 207.878906 USDT, ar sašaurinātu, 0,77% samazinājumu 24 stundu laikā. #CryptoMarketMoves #MarketDownturn #SahmRule #WBTCUnderScrutiny $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin (BTC) pārsniedz 60 000 USDT ar sašaurinātu 0,77% samazinājumu 24 stundu laikā

2024. gada 12. augustā, plkst. 14:37 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data Bitcoin ir pārsniedzis 60 000 USDT etalonu un tagad tirgojas pie 60 207.878906 USDT, ar sašaurinātu, 0,77% samazinājumu 24 stundu laikā.
#MarketDownturn #SahmRule #WBTCUnderScrutiny
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin (BTC) samazinās zem 61 000 USDT ar sašaurinātu 0,29% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā 2024. gada 11. augustā, 11:01 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data, Bitcoin ir noslīdējis zem 61 000 USDT un tagad tirgojas par 60 963 USDT, un 24 stundu laikā tas ir samazinājies par 0,29%. #TONonBinance #XRPVictory #MarketDownturn $BTC
Bitcoin (BTC) samazinās zem 61 000 USDT ar sašaurinātu 0,29% pieaugumu 24 stundu laikā
2024. gada 11. augustā, 11:01 (UTC). Saskaņā ar Binance Market Data, Bitcoin ir noslīdējis zem 61 000 USDT un tagad tirgojas par 60 963 USDT, un 24 stundu laikā tas ir samazinājies par 0,29%.

#TONonBinance #XRPVictory #MarketDownturn

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC tagad che tapak damdam 😂
$BTC tagad che tapak damdam 😂
Skatīt oriģinālu
jauns binance launchpool ⬇⬇⬇
jauns binance launchpool ⬇⬇⬇
📢 Iepazīstinām ar IO.NET (IO) vietnē Binance 55th Launchpool! 🚨🚨🚨

Farm $IO, Staking $BNB un $FDUSD

Binance ar prieku paziņo par 55. projektu Binance Launchpool — IO.NET (IO), decentralizētā AI skaitļošanas un mākoņu platformā.

Lietotāji varēs ievietot savus BNB un FDUSD atsevišķos fondos, lai četru dienu laikā audzētu IO marķierus, sākot no 2024. gada 6. jūlija plkst. 00:00 (UTC).

Pēc tam Binance uzskaitīs IO 2024-06-11 plkst. 12:00 (UTC) un atklās tirdzniecību ar IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD un IO/TRY tirdzniecības pāriem. Sākuma tags tiks lietots IO.

IO Launchpool informācija
Tokena nosaukums: IO.NET (IO)

Kopējais marķieru piedāvājums uzņēmumā Genesis: 500 000 000 IO

Maksimālais marķiera piedāvājums: 800 000 000 IO

Launchpool Token Rewards: 20 000 000 IO (4% no kopējā Genesis marķiera piedāvājuma)

Sākotnējais apgrozībā esošais krājums: 95 000 000 IO (19% no kopējā Genesis marķiera krājuma)

Informācija par viedo līgumu: Solana

Likšanas noteikumi: nepieciešams KYC

Stundu ierobežojums vienam lietotājam:

17 708,33 IO BNB baseinā

3125 IO FDUSD baseinā


#BinanceLaunchpool #BnbAth
Alert ⛔
Alert ⛔
🚨 Alrert → Paziņojums par 4 tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāru noņemšanu - 2024-05-24 📢

Lai aizsargātu lietotājus un uzturētu augstas kvalitātes tirdzniecības tirgu, Binance veic periodisku visu sarakstā iekļauto tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāru pārskatīšanu un var noņemt atlasītos tūlītējās tirdzniecības pārus vairāku faktoru dēļ, piemēram, sliktas likviditātes un tirdzniecības apjoma dēļ.

Pamatojoties uz mūsu jaunākajiem pārskatiem, Binance noņems un pārtrauks tirdzniecību ar šādiem tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāriem:

2024-05-24 plkst. 03:00 (UTC): INJ/TUSD, MEME/TUSD, SNX/ETH, SYN/BTC

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā:

Tirdzniecības pāra izņemšana no saraksta neietekmē žetonu pieejamību vietnē Binance Spot. Lietotāji joprojām var tirgot tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāra bāzi un kotēt aktīvus citos tirdzniecības pāros, kas ir pieejami vietnē Binance.

Binance pārtrauks Spot Trading Bots pakalpojumus iepriekšminētajiem tūlītējās tirdzniecības pāriem plkst. 2024-05-24 03:00 (UTC), kur piemērojams. Lietotājiem ir ļoti ieteicams atjaunināt un/vai atcelt savus Spot Trading Botus pirms Spot Trading Bots pakalpojumu pārtraukšanas, lai izvairītos no iespējamiem zaudējumiem.

Šī oriģinālā raksta angļu valodā tulkotajā versijā var būt neatbilstības. Lūdzu, skatiet šo sākotnējo versiju, lai iegūtu jaunāko vai precīzāko informāciju, ja var rasties neatbilstības.

#pizzaday #DelistingAlert
📢 Kā nopelnīt ar Binance bez tirdzniecības...?🚨
Šeit ir 5 populārākās Binance pelnīšanas funkcijas, lai nopelnītu bezmaksas kriptovalūtas, apbalvotu un nopelnītu naudu 💰

1. Binance Megadrop 🏂
2. Binance Earn 🧑‍🎄
3. Binance palaišanas baseins 🕵️
4. Mācieties un nopelniet 🧑‍🏫
5. Laukā ierakstiet 2 nopelnīt 📝

Paskaidrosim, kā darbojas šīs piecas Binance funkcijas ⭐

1. Binance Megadrop 🏂

Binance Megadrop ir platforma, kas apvieno Binance Simple Earn un Web3 Wallet, lai piedāvātu agrīnu piekļuvi marķieru projektiem, pirms tie tiek iekļauti Binance biržā. Dažas no galvenajām Binance Megadrop funkcijām ietver:
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pasaulē lielākā kriptovalūtu birža Binance Launchpool paziņoja par 54. projektu savā platformā. Binance paziņoja, ka jaunais Launchpool projekts ir Notcoin (NOT). Cienījamie Binance biedri! Binance ar prieku paziņo par 54. projektu vietnē Binance Launchpool ar nosaukumu Notcoin (NOT), kopienas marķieri, kas iesaista lietotājus tīmekļa 3, izmantojot ieguves mehānismu “pieskarieties, lai uzvarētu”. Lietotāji varēs ievietot savus BNB un FDUSD atsevišķos fondos, lai trīs dienas, sākot no 13.05.2024. plkst. 00:00 (UTC), savāktu NOT tokenus lauksaimniecībai. Saraksts: Pēc tam Binance 2024. gada 16. 5. plkst. 12:00 (UTC) ievietos sarakstu NOT un uzsāks tirdzniecību ar NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD un NOT/TRY tirdzniecības pāriem. PIEZĪME tiks lietota sēklu atzīme.
Pasaulē lielākā kriptovalūtu birža Binance Launchpool paziņoja par 54. projektu savā platformā.

Binance paziņoja, ka jaunais Launchpool projekts ir Notcoin (NOT).

Cienījamie Binance biedri!

Binance ar prieku paziņo par 54. projektu vietnē Binance Launchpool ar nosaukumu Notcoin (NOT), kopienas marķieri, kas iesaista lietotājus tīmekļa 3, izmantojot ieguves mehānismu “pieskarieties, lai uzvarētu”.

Lietotāji varēs ievietot savus BNB un FDUSD atsevišķos fondos, lai trīs dienas, sākot no 13.05.2024. plkst. 00:00 (UTC), savāktu NOT tokenus lauksaimniecībai.


Pēc tam Binance 2024. gada 16. 5. plkst. 12:00 (UTC) ievietos sarakstu NOT un uzsāks tirdzniecību ar NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD un NOT/TRY tirdzniecības pāriem.

PIEZĪME tiks lietota sēklu atzīme.
hello friend follow me ❤️
hello friend follow me ❤️
www.Binance/Crypto.Box 🎁
CLICK link for Reward ☝️⤴️
Bitcoin price breaks above previous all-time high of $69,000 after 846 daysBitcoin price breaks above previous all-time high of $69,000 after 846 daysby Adam JamesMARKET UPDATES • MARCH 5, 2024, 10:03AM ESTPublished 1 MINUTE EARLIER on ShareThe Block Illustration by Zoe Ellyse Del Rosario for The BlockQUICK TAKEThe price of Bitcoin breached its previous all-time high.The market-leading cryptocurrency has grown by around 70% this year.After a 28-month-long period and a top-to-bottom decline of 77%, the price of Bitcoin BTC +2.54% surpassed its previous all-time high of $69,000 today. It took the market-leading cryptocurrency a total of 846 days to retrace its steps.Bitcoin has appreciated approximately 346% since bottoming out above $15,000 in the latter quarter of 2022. This year alone, it has increased by roughly 70%.#BTC #BinanceMenaSquare #TrendingTopic

Bitcoin price breaks above previous all-time high of $69,000 after 846 days

Bitcoin price breaks above previous all-time high of $69,000 after 846 daysby Adam JamesMARKET UPDATES • MARCH 5, 2024, 10:03AM ESTPublished 1 MINUTE EARLIER on ShareThe Block Illustration by Zoe Ellyse Del Rosario for The BlockQUICK TAKEThe price of Bitcoin breached its previous all-time high.The market-leading cryptocurrency has grown by around 70% this year.After a 28-month-long period and a top-to-bottom decline of 77%, the price of Bitcoin BTC +2.54% surpassed its previous all-time high of $69,000 today. It took the market-leading cryptocurrency a total of 846 days to retrace its steps.Bitcoin has appreciated approximately 346% since bottoming out above $15,000 in the latter quarter of 2022. This year alone, it has increased by roughly 70%.#BTC #BinanceMenaSquare #TrendingTopic
Crypto Expert Says ‘Prepare Yourself’ For Massive Altcoin Run, Here’s Why Cryptocurrency analyst, Michael van de Poppe has alerted the broader cryptocurrency community about an upcoming altcoin rally. The analyst has cited the recent upward trend experienced by Bitcoin as a positive signal for this prediction. Get Ready For Major Altcoin Run In a recent X (formerly Twitter) post, Poppe suggested that altcoins are poised to become the next in line for the 2024 bullish momentum. Citing Bitcoin’s recent upward surge to over $60,000, the crypto analyst has disclosed that this substantial price increase is a clear signal for a potential altcoin rally in the market. He predicts that during this potential altcoin run, major cryptocurrencies may experience substantial surges that could potentially push their prices far above their previous all-time highs. In light of this, the crypto analyst has advised the broader cryptocurrency community to remain vigilant and make necessary preparations for this anticipated bullish event. #BinanceMenaSquare #TrendingTopic #Altcoins...
Crypto Expert Says ‘Prepare Yourself’ For Massive Altcoin Run, Here’s Why

Cryptocurrency analyst, Michael van de Poppe has alerted the broader cryptocurrency community about an upcoming altcoin rally. The analyst has cited the recent upward trend experienced by Bitcoin as a positive signal for this prediction.

Get Ready For Major Altcoin Run
In a recent X (formerly Twitter) post, Poppe suggested that altcoins are poised to become the next in line for the 2024 bullish momentum. Citing Bitcoin’s recent upward surge to over $60,000, the crypto analyst has disclosed that this substantial price increase is a clear signal for a potential altcoin rally in the market.

He predicts that during this potential altcoin run, major cryptocurrencies may experience substantial surges that could potentially push their prices far above their previous all-time highs. In light of this, the crypto analyst has advised the broader cryptocurrency community to remain vigilant and make necessary preparations for this anticipated bullish event.

#BinanceMenaSquare #TrendingTopic #Altcoins...
FTX Offer: Buy Bitcoin- Ethereum and More at Discounted Price ! According to Wu Blockchain’s research, the prices set by FTX for claims are $16,871 for BTC, $1,258 for ETH, $16.24 for SOL, and $286 for BNB. These numbers are significantly lower than the current market rates, which are $62,144 for BTC, $3,424.62 for ETH, $129.96 for SOL, and $411.32 for BNB. FTX Bankruptcy Sparks Concerns and Official Response Cryptocurrency users affected by FTX’s bankruptcy have voiced concerns about the pricing disparity on the platform, questioning its fairness and transparency. Many have taken to social media to express their worries, seeking accountability from FTX. #BTC #ftx #Etherrum
FTX Offer: Buy Bitcoin- Ethereum and More at Discounted Price !

According to Wu Blockchain’s research, the prices set by FTX for claims are $16,871 for BTC, $1,258 for ETH, $16.24 for SOL, and $286 for BNB. These numbers are significantly lower than the current market rates, which are $62,144 for BTC, $3,424.62 for ETH, $129.96 for SOL, and $411.32 for BNB.

FTX Bankruptcy Sparks Concerns and Official Response
Cryptocurrency users affected by FTX’s bankruptcy have voiced concerns about the pricing disparity on the platform, questioning its fairness and transparency. Many have taken to social media to express their worries, seeking accountability from FTX.

#BTC #ftx #Etherrum
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Gains Momentum as Crypto Market Surges The cryptocurrency market has recently been on the rise, but Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been left behind. Additionally, SHIB’s price movement gained momentum with a significant increase in the last 24 hours. Many meme tokens, particularly the trending PEPE, have shown notable performance when the market has rallied in the past. However, SHIB was late to join the surge in cryptocurrencies but has since caught the attention of investors. Current Data on SHIB According to, SHIB has seen an increase of over 100% in the last seven days. In fact, its value has risen by more than 70% in just the last 24 hours. At the time of writing this article, SHIB was trading at $0.00002182 with a market value of over $12.8 billion, making it the 13th largest cryptocurrency. The price increase has also led to a rapid rise in SHIB’s social volume. As the increased weighted sentiment suggests, the bullish sentiment around the meme token has also grown. According to data from the cryptocurrency analytics firm Glassnode, Shiba Inu’s transaction value to network value (NVT) ratio decreased as the price increased. A decrease in this metric could mean that the value of an asset is low, which could indicate a further price increase. SHIB’s Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio also increased. Another bullish metric was network growth. This could mean that more new addresses are being created to transfer the token, which could drive the price up. #SHIBA✅🚀 #MemeCoinRevolution #TrendingTopic
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Gains Momentum as Crypto Market Surges

The cryptocurrency market has recently been on the rise, but Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been left behind. Additionally, SHIB’s price movement gained momentum with a significant increase in the last 24 hours. Many meme tokens, particularly the trending PEPE, have shown notable performance when the market has rallied in the past. However, SHIB was late to join the surge in cryptocurrencies but has since caught the attention of investors.
Current Data on SHIB
According to, SHIB has seen an increase of over 100% in the last seven days. In fact, its value has risen by more than 70% in just the last 24 hours. At the time of writing this article, SHIB was trading at $0.00002182 with a market value of over $12.8 billion, making it the 13th largest cryptocurrency. The price increase has also led to a rapid rise in SHIB’s social volume. As the increased weighted sentiment suggests, the bullish sentiment around the meme token has also grown.
According to data from the cryptocurrency analytics firm Glassnode, Shiba Inu’s transaction value to network value (NVT) ratio decreased as the price increased. A decrease in this metric could mean that the value of an asset is low, which could indicate a further price increase. SHIB’s Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio also increased. Another bullish metric was network growth. This could mean that more new addresses are being created to transfer the token, which could drive the price up.

#SHIBA✅🚀 #MemeCoinRevolution #TrendingTopic
NAME → alt_layer ( $ALT )
PRICE → 0.284 $

#TrendingTopic #Write2Earn #TradeNTell #ALT
VIP Elevate and Earn: Upgrade VIP Level to Claim a Share of 265,000 USDT Prize Pool! 😍🤝🏆

Binance is launching the “VIP Elevate and Earn” promotion for all eligible Binance users. All eligible users who successfully advance their VIP level to VIP 1-3 during the promotion period via any of the eligible VIP sub-programs, i.e., VIP Trader Program (Spot or Futures), VIP Investors Program, and VIP Borrower Program, will have the opportunity to share a 265,000 USDT voucher prize pool.


Register for the Promotion Now!

Promotion Period: 2023-12-12 12:00 (UTC) to 2024-01-22 11:59 (UTC)
THANKS for USDT mr Raees ❤️🎁💖
THANKS for USDT mr Raees ❤️🎁💖
Instant Claim $0.02/1$ 🎊

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🔺 2 - Save QR & Scan on Binance
🔺 3 - Claim your Reward
🔺 4 - Get Free USDT
our family don't have persnol House & our father not in this world So My #BinanceWish that we Buy this House for my family ❤️
our family don't have persnol House & our father not in this world So My #BinanceWish that we Buy this House for my family ❤️
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