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Binance pēc Izraēlas IDF lūguma konfiscēja līdzekļus VISIEM palestīniešiem - viņi atsakās atdot naudu, visas apelācijas ir noraidītas. #freedomofmoney
Binance pēc Izraēlas IDF lūguma konfiscēja līdzekļus VISIEM palestīniešiem - viņi atsakās atdot naudu, visas apelācijas ir noraidītas.
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🔸 Binance veica vēl vienu USD BNB dedzināšanu par USD 971 miljonu #BNB
🔸 Binance veica vēl vienu USD BNB dedzināšanu par USD 971 miljonu
Skatīt oriģinālu
💡Džefs Bezoss ir iesniedzis pieteikumu par Amazon akciju pārdošanu 5 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Viņš ir tālu no vienīgā augstākā līmeņa iekšējās informācijas turētāja, kas dempinga sava uzņēmuma vērtspapīrus. S&P 500 šonedēļ sasniedza vēl vienu augstāko līmeni, tāpēc Bezosa pārdošana pagaidām nevienu neuztrauc.
💡Džefs Bezoss ir iesniedzis pieteikumu par Amazon akciju pārdošanu 5 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Viņš ir tālu no vienīgā augstākā līmeņa iekšējās informācijas turētāja, kas dempinga sava uzņēmuma vērtspapīrus.

S&P 500 šonedēļ sasniedza vēl vienu augstāko līmeni, tāpēc Bezosa pārdošana pagaidām nevienu neuztrauc.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Fed savā pēdējā politikas sanāksmē šā mēneša sākumā paaugstināja inflācijas prognozi līdz 2,8% no 2,6% iepriekš un samazināja prognozi par vienu procentu likmes samazinājumu šogad no trim. Pauels otrdien arī atteicās apspriest republikāņu prezidenta amata kandidāta Donalda politiku. Tramps varētu domāt par monetāro politiku. Viņš uzsvēra, ka Fed turpinās mēģināt palikt ārpus politikas. Tomēr viņš atzīmēja, ka neatkarīgai centrālajai bankai ir "ļoti plašs atbalsts" no abām politiskajām partijām." Es nedomāju, ka tas tiešām ir apšaubāms." Pauels, jautāts par lielāko risku, ar ko saskaras ASV ekonomika, sacīja viņš uztraucas par kiberuzbrukumu lielai bankai vai ievērojamam tirgus dalībniekam.Bet viņš teica, ka viņš arī daudz domā par pareizu monetārās politikas ieviešanu.#US
Fed savā pēdējā politikas sanāksmē šā mēneša sākumā paaugstināja inflācijas prognozi līdz 2,8% no 2,6% iepriekš un samazināja prognozi par vienu procentu likmes samazinājumu šogad no trim. Pauels otrdien arī atteicās apspriest republikāņu prezidenta amata kandidāta Donalda politiku. Tramps varētu domāt par monetāro politiku. Viņš uzsvēra, ka Fed turpinās mēģināt palikt ārpus politikas. Tomēr viņš atzīmēja, ka neatkarīgai centrālajai bankai ir "ļoti plašs atbalsts" no abām politiskajām partijām." Es nedomāju, ka tas tiešām ir apšaubāms." Pauels, jautāts par lielāko risku, ar ko saskaras ASV ekonomika, sacīja viņš uztraucas par kiberuzbrukumu lielai bankai vai ievērojamam tirgus dalībniekam.Bet viņš teica, ka viņš arī daudz domā par pareizu monetārās politikas ieviešanu.#US
Skatīt oriģinālu
"Uzvarējiet Binance turnīrā! Iegūstiet daļu no 3 miljonu USDT balvu fonda 💡 Iepriekšējie uzvarētāji atklāj savus noslēpumus: 1. Paturieties pret savu peļņu, nekļūstiet mantkārīgs! - Jānis, 2022. gada uzvarētājs 2. Dažādojiet savus darījumus, nelieciet visas olas vienā grozā — Emīlija, 2021. gada uzvarētāja 3. Esiet mierīgs zem spiediena, neļaujiet emocijām mainīties savā vietā — Deivids, 2020. gada uzvarētājs 4. Sekojiet līdzi tirgus tendencēm, attiecīgi pielāgojiet savu stratēģiju — Sāra, 2019. gada uzvarētāja Pievienojieties Binance Futures Grand Tournament, veicot 3 vienkāršas darbības: 1️⃣ Reģistrējieties Binance kontam vai piesakieties savā esošajā kontā 2️⃣ Iespējojiet fjūčeru tirdzniecību un aizpildiet turnīra reģistrācijas veidlapu 3️⃣ Sāc tirgoties un krāj punktus, lai laimētu daļu no balvu fonda! Mācieties no labākajiem un palieliniet savas tirdzniecības prasmes! #BinanceTournament #cryptocurrencyearn #TradingTips"
"Uzvarējiet Binance turnīrā! Iegūstiet daļu no 3 miljonu USDT balvu fonda 💡 Iepriekšējie uzvarētāji atklāj savus noslēpumus:

1. Paturieties pret savu peļņu, nekļūstiet mantkārīgs! - Jānis, 2022. gada uzvarētājs
2. Dažādojiet savus darījumus, nelieciet visas olas vienā grozā — Emīlija, 2021. gada uzvarētāja
3. Esiet mierīgs zem spiediena, neļaujiet emocijām mainīties savā vietā — Deivids, 2020. gada uzvarētājs
4. Sekojiet līdzi tirgus tendencēm, attiecīgi pielāgojiet savu stratēģiju — Sāra, 2019. gada uzvarētāja

Pievienojieties Binance Futures Grand Tournament, veicot 3 vienkāršas darbības:

1️⃣ Reģistrējieties Binance kontam vai piesakieties savā esošajā kontā
2️⃣ Iespējojiet fjūčeru tirdzniecību un aizpildiet turnīra reģistrācijas veidlapu
3️⃣ Sāc tirgoties un krāj punktus, lai laimētu daļu no balvu fonda!

Mācieties no labākajiem un palieliniet savas tirdzniecības prasmes!
#BinanceTournament #cryptocurrencyearn #TradingTips"
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🤑 Notcoin tagad nav īpašnieka, visas tiesības ir atsauktas ⚡️Tas ir maksimālais kopējais piedāvājums, kāds var būt
🤑 Notcoin tagad nav īpašnieka, visas tiesības ir atsauktas

⚡️Tas ir maksimālais kopējais piedāvājums, kāds var būt
Skatīt oriģinālu
😱 Likvidācija kriptovalūtas fjūčeru tirdzniecībā Maržinālā kriptovalūtas tirdzniecība ir ļoti riskanta. Atverot pozīciju ar kredītplecu, kriptovalūtas birža aizņemas jūsu naudu, lai nodrošinātu šo pozīciju, tāpēc, ja cena svārstās pret jums, visa jūsu pozīcija var tikt likvidēta un jūsu nauda pazudīs. ▪️ Piemēram, izmantojot 10x kredītplecu, jūs varat kontrolēt pozīcijas lielumu, kas ir 10 reizes lielāks par jūsu faktisko ieguldījumu. Ja jums ir tikai 100 USD, jūsu pozīcija palielināsies līdz 1000 USD, un, ja cena pieaugs par +1%, jūs iegūsit 10 USD peļņu, nevis USD 1 bez sviras. ▪️ Bet tas rada risku; ja cena pēkšņi virzīsies pret jums un mainīsies par -10%, jūs zaudēsiet visu naudu šajā pozīcijā. ▪️ Izmantojot 25x kredītplecu, likvidācijas risks rodas ar cenas izmaiņām par 4%, bet ar 50x kredītplecu tas ir tikai 2%. ▪️ Tādējādi, jo lielāks kredītpleca, jo lielāks risks, bet arī lielāka proporcionālā peļņa. Es neiesaku iestatīt kredītplecu virs 20-25, jo kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti nestabils, un jebkura pēkšņa cenas maiņa, pat uz sekundi, novedīs pie likvidācijas un naudas zaudēšanas. ▪️ Lai izvairītos no likvidācijas riska, nepieciešams iestatīt STOP-LOSS. Fjūčeru tirgū ir absolūti nepieciešams stop-loss - vismaz 1% attālumā no likvidācijas sprūda cenas.
😱 Likvidācija kriptovalūtas fjūčeru tirdzniecībā

Maržinālā kriptovalūtas tirdzniecība ir ļoti riskanta. Atverot pozīciju ar kredītplecu, kriptovalūtas birža aizņemas jūsu naudu, lai nodrošinātu šo pozīciju, tāpēc, ja cena svārstās pret jums, visa jūsu pozīcija var tikt likvidēta un jūsu nauda pazudīs.

▪️ Piemēram, izmantojot 10x kredītplecu, jūs varat kontrolēt pozīcijas lielumu, kas ir 10 reizes lielāks par jūsu faktisko ieguldījumu. Ja jums ir tikai 100 USD, jūsu pozīcija palielināsies līdz 1000 USD, un, ja cena pieaugs par +1%, jūs iegūsit 10 USD peļņu, nevis USD 1 bez sviras.

▪️ Bet tas rada risku; ja cena pēkšņi virzīsies pret jums un mainīsies par -10%, jūs zaudēsiet visu naudu šajā pozīcijā.

▪️ Izmantojot 25x kredītplecu, likvidācijas risks rodas ar cenas izmaiņām par 4%, bet ar 50x kredītplecu tas ir tikai 2%.

▪️ Tādējādi, jo lielāks kredītpleca, jo lielāks risks, bet arī lielāka proporcionālā peļņa. Es neiesaku iestatīt kredītplecu virs 20-25, jo kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti nestabils, un jebkura pēkšņa cenas maiņa, pat uz sekundi, novedīs pie likvidācijas un naudas zaudēšanas.

▪️ Lai izvairītos no likvidācijas riska, nepieciešams iestatīt STOP-LOSS. Fjūčeru tirgū ir absolūti nepieciešams stop-loss - vismaz 1% attālumā no likvidācijas sprūda cenas.
💰 The majority of the liquidity is laying above us There will be over $10b worth of short liquidations once $BTC hits $74k.
💰 The majority of the liquidity is laying above us

There will be over $10b worth of short liquidations once $BTC hits $74k.
Binance User Loses $1 Million Due to Chrome Plugin 🧑‍💻 A hacker gained control of a Chinese trader's account on Binance without having the password and without 2FA confirmation 🙀. After a series of transactions, the attacker withdrew assets worth $1 million. 👀 During the process, the investor did not receive any notifications from the security service, according to his statement. Involved experts determined that the hacker intercepted the user’s session through a malicious Chrome browser plugin called AggrTrade using cookies. 🧐 🚫 The team from the original AggrTrade platform warned about the fraudulent extension using its brand after the incident. According to them, the scam has been targeting exchanges like Bitget, Kraken, Binance, and others since 2022.
Binance User Loses $1 Million Due to Chrome Plugin

🧑‍💻 A hacker gained control of a Chinese trader's account on Binance without having the password and without 2FA confirmation 🙀. After a series of transactions, the attacker withdrew assets worth $1 million.

👀 During the process, the investor did not receive any notifications from the security service, according to his statement.

Involved experts determined that the hacker intercepted the user’s session through a malicious Chrome browser plugin called AggrTrade using cookies. 🧐

🚫 The team from the original AggrTrade platform warned about the fraudulent extension using its brand after the incident. According to them, the scam has been targeting exchanges like Bitget, Kraken, Binance, and others since 2022.
DWF Labs buys $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens 💰 DWF Labs has just committed to purchase $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens, some on the market and some to be purchased from the "Floki treasury". 👀 The exact number of tokens bought directly from developers is not disclosed, but the market has not yet reacted to this news. Previously, the well-known market maker announced that they were in talks with several memcoin projects about future cooperation, and DWF Labs CEO Andrei Grachev hinted that it would be 🐶 a "dog" memcoin.
DWF Labs buys $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens

💰 DWF Labs has just committed to purchase $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens, some on the market and some to be purchased from the "Floki treasury". 👀 The exact number of tokens bought directly from developers is not disclosed, but the market has not yet reacted to this news.

Previously, the well-known market maker announced that they were in talks with several memcoin projects about future cooperation, and DWF Labs CEO Andrei Grachev hinted that it would be 🐶 a "dog" memcoin.
How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? Bitcoin (BTC) is getting pricey these days. The oldest cryptocurrency costs $69,400 per digital coin today. That's not chump change, and the beefy price tag may keep many potential Bitcoin buyers from taking the plunge. Fortunately, you don't have to buy a whole Bitcoin. The currency breaks down into 100 million Satoshis. Named after the Bitcoin project's enigmatic founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, one Satoshi is worth $0.00069 at today's prices. It's like dollars and cents, except Bitcoin's cent-like unit is a much smaller portion than 1/100. This unit is arguably more useful than the clumsy Bitcoin coin if you hope to use cryptocurrency in real-world transactions. #BTC #Satoshi
How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin?

Bitcoin (BTC) is getting pricey these days. The oldest cryptocurrency costs $69,400 per digital coin today. That's not chump change, and the beefy price tag may keep many potential Bitcoin buyers from taking the plunge.
Fortunately, you don't have to buy a whole Bitcoin.
The currency breaks down into 100 million Satoshis. Named after the Bitcoin project's enigmatic founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, one Satoshi is worth $0.00069 at today's prices.

It's like dollars and cents, except Bitcoin's cent-like unit is a much smaller portion than 1/100.
This unit is arguably more useful than the clumsy Bitcoin coin if you hope to use cryptocurrency in real-world transactions.
#BTC #Satoshi
Accidental Bitcoin Transfer Pushes Satoshi Nakamoto’s Genesis Wallet Over 100 BTC Based on the latest data, the well-known Genesis address owned by Satoshi Nakamoto now holds over 100 BTC after someone inadvertently sent 0.10754671 BTC, valued at $7,211, to the wallet. The current value of the wallet, which has never been spent, is estimated at $6.75 million. Shortly after Bitcoin’s 15th anniversary, an individual accidentally transferred 26.917 BTC, worth $1.8 million, to the Genesis wallet that initiated the network. This address, since its creation, has always contained a hardcoded block reward of 50 BTC and has collected numerous dust transactions over the years. Following the addition of 26.917 BTC, Nakamoto’s wallet held 99.676 BTC and has since received additional funds. On May 17, at block height 843,872, an individual mistakenly sent 0.10754671 BTC, valued at $7,211 at current exchange rates, to the wallet. Arkham Intelligence, an onchain monitoring and data platform, was the first to identify this erroneous transfer. “Someone accidentally sent 90% of their BTC holdings to Satoshi Nakamoto last night,” Arkham stated on X. “They were attempting to sacrifice an Ordinal for [Pups Token], but accidentally sent almost their entire wallet balance as well – around $7K in BTC.” Regrettably, the sender will not be able to retrieve the BTC. Despite occasional accidental transactions, the renowned Genesis address of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a symbol of the creator’s mysterious nature. This address, holding a substantial portion of the earliest mined bitcoins, underscores the lasting legacy of its pseudonymous founder. As the Bitcoin network continues to evolve, the untouched funds in this wallet stand as a symbolic representation of the foundation upon which this revolutionary technology was built.
Accidental Bitcoin Transfer Pushes Satoshi Nakamoto’s Genesis Wallet Over 100 BTC

Based on the latest data, the well-known Genesis address owned by Satoshi Nakamoto now holds over 100 BTC after someone inadvertently sent 0.10754671 BTC, valued at $7,211, to the wallet. The current value of the wallet, which has never been spent, is estimated at $6.75 million.

Shortly after Bitcoin’s 15th anniversary, an individual accidentally transferred 26.917 BTC, worth $1.8 million, to the Genesis wallet that initiated the network. This address, since its creation, has always contained a hardcoded block reward of 50 BTC and has collected numerous dust transactions over the years. Following the addition of 26.917 BTC, Nakamoto’s wallet held 99.676 BTC and has since received additional funds.
On May 17, at block height 843,872, an individual mistakenly sent 0.10754671 BTC, valued at $7,211 at current exchange rates, to the wallet. Arkham Intelligence, an onchain monitoring and data platform, was the first to identify this erroneous transfer. “Someone accidentally sent 90% of their BTC holdings to Satoshi Nakamoto last night,” Arkham stated on X. “They were attempting to sacrifice an Ordinal for [Pups Token], but accidentally sent almost their entire wallet balance as well – around $7K in BTC.”

Regrettably, the sender will not be able to retrieve the BTC. Despite occasional accidental transactions, the renowned Genesis address of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a symbol of the creator’s mysterious nature. This address, holding a substantial portion of the earliest mined bitcoins, underscores the lasting legacy of its pseudonymous founder. As the Bitcoin network continues to evolve, the untouched funds in this wallet stand as a symbolic representation of the foundation upon which this revolutionary technology was built.
BRICS Pays $4,000,000,000 in Local Currency, Sidelines US Dollar Russia purchased arms manufactured by its BRICS counterpart India by paying $4 billion in local currencies and not the US dollar. The Indian-made arms and equipment were procured by Russia citing ‘defense purposes’. The entire payment of $4 billion was cleared using the Rupee and the US dollar was left out from the transaction. #dedollarization #BRICS
BRICS Pays $4,000,000,000 in Local Currency, Sidelines US Dollar

Russia purchased arms manufactured by its BRICS counterpart India by paying $4 billion in local currencies and not the US dollar. The Indian-made arms and equipment were procured by Russia citing ‘defense purposes’. The entire payment of $4 billion was cleared using the Rupee and the US dollar was left out from the transaction.
#dedollarization #BRICS
BRICS: Billionaire Makes Major US Bank Failure Prediction. With the BRICS bloc embracing de-dollarization and encouraging a global economic shift, one notable billionaire has made a major US bank failure prediction. Indeed, real estate investment mogul and CEO of $115 billion Starwood Capital, Barry Sternlicht, has urged preparation for widespread failures in the coming year. Speaking to CNBC, Sternlicht predicted that the United States would witness one bank failure every week. Specifically, he stated that the more than 4,000 regional and community banks in the country would be at risk due to high interest rates and inflation. All the while, the US debt crisis is nearing, with the greenback facing lessening prevalence internationally. #BRICSinfo #dedollarization
BRICS: Billionaire Makes Major US Bank Failure Prediction.

With the BRICS bloc embracing de-dollarization and encouraging a global economic shift, one notable billionaire has made a major US bank failure prediction. Indeed, real estate investment mogul and CEO of $115 billion Starwood Capital, Barry Sternlicht, has urged preparation for widespread failures in the coming year.

Speaking to CNBC, Sternlicht predicted that the United States would witness one bank failure every week. Specifically, he stated that the more than 4,000 regional and community banks in the country would be at risk due to high interest rates and inflation. All the while, the US debt crisis is nearing, with the greenback facing lessening prevalence internationally.
#BRICSinfo #dedollarization
The BRICS economic alliance is set to implement a geopolitical game-changer, as it is expected to launch a decentralized financial system to end the US dollar. Indeed, the bloc is currently discussing the implementation of such a system with the BRICS+ Business Council, which could become official policy within the next year. The system is set to combat the growing challenges of geoeconomic finance concerns. Moreover, the system is set to implement cross-border payment solutions as well as a newly implemented international currency under the BRICS infrastructure. #BRICS
The BRICS economic alliance is set to implement a geopolitical game-changer, as it is expected to launch a decentralized financial system to end the US dollar. Indeed, the bloc is currently discussing the implementation of such a system with the BRICS+ Business Council, which could become official policy within the next year. The system is set to combat the growing challenges of geoeconomic finance concerns. Moreover, the system is set to implement cross-border payment solutions as well as a newly implemented international currency under the BRICS infrastructure.
THE FINANCIAL BANKING SYSTEM IN CUBA HAS COMPLETELY COLLAPSED, CUBANS WOKE TO LEARN THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN EMPTIED…THERE IS NO CASH AT ATM’S ! The entire financial system in Cuba has completely collapsed for some reason this monumental story has not made it on to MSM ? The Cuban people have been left with no financial resources, they have no acess to their own money ,they have no means of buying food …they are desperate and they are afraid. This is the final destination, this is where globalism wants to lead you to the apocalypse. THE GOVERNMENT WILL NEXT OFFER THE CUBAN CITIZENS UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME #Cuba
THE FINANCIAL BANKING SYSTEM IN CUBA HAS COMPLETELY COLLAPSED, CUBANS WOKE TO LEARN THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN EMPTIED…THERE IS NO CASH AT ATM’S ! The entire financial system in Cuba has completely collapsed for some reason this monumental story has not made it on to MSM ? The Cuban people have been left with no financial resources, they have no acess to their own money ,they have no means of buying food …they are desperate and they are afraid. This is the final destination, this is where globalism wants to lead you to the apocalypse.
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