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Ripple tiesas prāvas ziņas koncentrējas uz iespējamo apelāciju par XRP drošības klasifikāciju. Rodas diskusijas par to, vai šo klasifikāciju varētu apstrīdēt augstākā tiesā. Ripple juridiskā komanda gatavojas tam, un rezultāts, iespējams, ietekmēs digitālo aktīvu regulēšanu. Apelācija varētu precizēt SEC nostāju attiecībā uz kriptovalūtām, ietekmējot plašāku kriptovalūtu tirgu.
Ripple tiesas prāvas ziņas koncentrējas uz iespējamo apelāciju par XRP drošības klasifikāciju. Rodas diskusijas par to, vai šo klasifikāciju varētu apstrīdēt augstākā tiesā. Ripple juridiskā komanda gatavojas tam, un rezultāts, iespējams, ietekmēs digitālo aktīvu regulēšanu. Apelācija varētu precizēt SEC nostāju attiecībā uz kriptovalūtām, ietekmējot plašāku kriptovalūtu tirgu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptogrāfiju izpilddirektors ir atkāpies no amata pēc traumatiska incidenta, kurā viņš tika aplaupīts ar ieroci. Sīkāka informācija par laupīšanu joprojām tiek atklāta, taču tā ir būtiski ietekmējusi viņa lēmumu atkāpties no līdera amata. Šis incidents uzsver fiziskos un drošības riskus, ar kuriem var saskarties kriptovalūtu nozares vadītāji nozares augstvērtīgā rakstura dēļ.
Kriptogrāfiju izpilddirektors ir atkāpies no amata pēc traumatiska incidenta, kurā viņš tika aplaupīts ar ieroci. Sīkāka informācija par laupīšanu joprojām tiek atklāta, taču tā ir būtiski ietekmējusi viņa lēmumu atkāpties no līdera amata. Šis incidents uzsver fiziskos un drošības riskus, ar kuriem var saskarties kriptovalūtu nozares vadītāji nozares augstvērtīgā rakstura dēļ.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Āzijas kriptovalūtu tirgus paplašinās, un OKX vēlas paplašināt savu darbību reģionā. Indija atkārtoti novērtē savu regulatīvo nostāju attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu, norādot uz iespējamām izmaiņām noteikumos, kas varētu ietekmēt tirgus ainavu. Šī maiņa liecina par pieaugošu interesi un investīcijām reģiona kriptovalūtu ekosistēmā. Normatīvās izmaiņas var ietekmēt kriptovalūtu platformu un lietotāju darbību tuvākajā nākotnē.
Āzijas kriptovalūtu tirgus paplašinās, un OKX vēlas paplašināt savu darbību reģionā. Indija atkārtoti novērtē savu regulatīvo nostāju attiecībā uz kriptovalūtu, norādot uz iespējamām izmaiņām noteikumos, kas varētu ietekmēt tirgus ainavu. Šī maiņa liecina par pieaugošu interesi un investīcijām reģiona kriptovalūtu ekosistēmā. Normatīvās izmaiņas var ietekmēt kriptovalūtu platformu un lietotāju darbību tuvākajā nākotnē.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Telegram dibinātājs Pāvels Durovs tiek pakļauts oficiālai izmeklēšanai, kas liecina par iespējamām izmaiņām interneta regulējumā. Varas iestādes koncentrējas uz viņa lomu privātumā, datu pārvaldībā un tādu platformu kā Telegram ietekmei. Tas varētu būt sākums stingrākai globālai digitālās komunikācijas un privātuma politiku kontrolei, mainot interneta pakalpojumu pārvaldību un regulējumu.
Telegram dibinātājs Pāvels Durovs tiek pakļauts oficiālai izmeklēšanai, kas liecina par iespējamām izmaiņām interneta regulējumā. Varas iestādes koncentrējas uz viņa lomu privātumā, datu pārvaldībā un tādu platformu kā Telegram ietekmei. Tas varētu būt sākums stingrākai globālai digitālās komunikācijas un privātuma politiku kontrolei, mainot interneta pakalpojumu pārvaldību un regulējumu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
XRP nesen ir pārkāpis galvenos pretestības līmeņus, norādot uz ievērojamu cenu kāpuma potenciālu. Analītiķi uzskata, ka XRP varētu pieaugt par 15%, ko veicinās stabils tirgus impulss un labvēlīgi tehniskie rādītāji. Ar šo straujo perspektīvu tirgotāji cieši uzrauga gaidāmās cenu izmaiņas. Tomēr ieteicams ievērot piesardzību, jo tirgus joprojām ir nepastāvīgs.
XRP nesen ir pārkāpis galvenos pretestības līmeņus, norādot uz ievērojamu cenu kāpuma potenciālu. Analītiķi uzskata, ka XRP varētu pieaugt par 15%, ko veicinās stabils tirgus impulss un labvēlīgi tehniskie rādītāji. Ar šo straujo perspektīvu tirgotāji cieši uzrauga gaidāmās cenu izmaiņas. Tomēr ieteicams ievērot piesardzību, jo tirgus joprojām ir nepastāvīgs.
The official Instagram account of McDonald's was hacked, and scammers exploited the platform to steal $700,000 worth of Solana (SOL). The hackers posted fraudulent cryptocurrency offers, tricking users into sending funds to the scammers. The breach highlights the ongoing risks of social media account takeovers and the importance of cybersecurity awareness, especially regarding crypto scams.
The official Instagram account of McDonald's was hacked, and scammers exploited the platform to steal $700,000 worth of Solana (SOL). The hackers posted fraudulent cryptocurrency offers, tricking users into sending funds to the scammers. The breach highlights the ongoing risks of social media account takeovers and the importance of cybersecurity awareness, especially regarding crypto scams.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Analītiķi norāda, ka Bitcoin var saskarties ar vēl vienu izpārdošanu, jo īpaši diagrammas rādītāji norāda uz iespējamo tirgus vājumu. Tas ietver 200 nedēļu mainīgo vidējo rādītāju un relatīvā spēka indeksu (RSI), kas abi parāda tendences. Šie rādītāji norāda uz iespējamību palielināt lejupvērstu spiedienu uz Bitcoin cenu, iespējams, izraisot turpmāku kritumu, ja tirgus noskaņojums neuzlabojas.
Analītiķi norāda, ka Bitcoin var saskarties ar vēl vienu izpārdošanu, jo īpaši diagrammas rādītāji norāda uz iespējamo tirgus vājumu. Tas ietver 200 nedēļu mainīgo vidējo rādītāju un relatīvā spēka indeksu (RSI), kas abi parāda tendences. Šie rādītāji norāda uz iespējamību palielināt lejupvērstu spiedienu uz Bitcoin cenu, iespējams, izraisot turpmāku kritumu, ja tirgus noskaņojums neuzlabojas.
In the last 24 hours, Shiba Inu (SHIB) whales have moved a significant 1.2 trillion tokens, with a noticeable downtrend persisting in the market. The asset's price has faced constant pressure, failing to break above significant resistance levels. Despite high transaction volumes, the overall sentiment remains bearish, and a substantial recovery seems unlikely in the near term.
In the last 24 hours, Shiba Inu (SHIB) whales have moved a significant 1.2 trillion tokens, with a noticeable downtrend persisting in the market. The asset's price has faced constant pressure, failing to break above significant resistance levels. Despite high transaction volumes, the overall sentiment remains bearish, and a substantial recovery seems unlikely in the near term.
Dogecoin is set to receive a significant security update with the release of Dogecoin Core 1.14.8. This update focuses on improving the reproducibility of the compilation process, which enhances the network's security and reliability. The update aims to ensure that multiple developers can produce identical outputs from the same code and dependencies, thus reducing the risk of exploiting the software. This approach seeks to bolster transparency and trust within the Dogecoin community.
Dogecoin is set to receive a significant security update with the release of Dogecoin Core 1.14.8. This update focuses on improving the reproducibility of the compilation process, which enhances the network's security and reliability. The update aims to ensure that multiple developers can produce identical outputs from the same code and dependencies, thus reducing the risk of exploiting the software. This approach seeks to bolster transparency and trust within the Dogecoin community.
An Australian couple faces legal consequences after a cryptocurrency exchange mistakenly transferred 10.5 million Australian dollars to their account instead of a 100-dollar refund. Instead of reporting the error, they spent the money on properties and luxury items. 😂 The Supreme Court of Victoria has ordered the sale of the properties, and one individual received community service. The case highlights the importance of honesty in financial transactions. #offtopic
An Australian couple faces legal consequences after a cryptocurrency exchange mistakenly transferred 10.5 million Australian dollars to their account instead of a 100-dollar refund. Instead of reporting the error, they spent the money on properties and luxury items. 😂 The Supreme Court of Victoria has ordered the sale of the properties, and one individual received community service. The case highlights the importance of honesty in financial transactions.
Bitcoin has dropped to around $60,000, marking its lowest level in three weeks. This decline has led to a broader market downturn, with major altcoins like Ethereum, Solana, Dogecoin, and Bitcoin Cash experiencing significant losses. The total crypto market cap has fallen by $70 billion since yesterday, now standing at $2.23 trillion. This downturn reflects a continued bearish trend across the market, affecting both Bitcoin and altcoins.
Bitcoin has dropped to around $60,000, marking its lowest level in three weeks. This decline has led to a broader market downturn, with major altcoins like Ethereum, Solana, Dogecoin, and Bitcoin Cash experiencing significant losses. The total crypto market cap has fallen by $70 billion since yesterday, now standing at $2.23 trillion. This downturn reflects a continued bearish trend across the market, affecting both Bitcoin and altcoins.
Solana's decentralized exchanges (DEX) have recently surpassed Ethereum in trading volume over the past week. This shift highlights Solana's increasing popularity and adoption in the crypto market. One major factor contributing to this rise is the reduced fees on Jupiter, a Solana-based DEX aggregator, which has made trading more attractive. As a result, Solana's native token (SOL) has seen a price increase, and its market activity continues to grow, indicating a significant evolution in decentralized finance (DeFi).
Solana's decentralized exchanges (DEX) have recently surpassed Ethereum in trading volume over the past week. This shift highlights Solana's increasing popularity and adoption in the crypto market. One major factor contributing to this rise is the reduced fees on Jupiter, a Solana-based DEX aggregator, which has made trading more attractive. As a result, Solana's native token (SOL) has seen a price increase, and its market activity continues to grow, indicating a significant evolution in decentralized finance (DeFi).
Solana (SOL) is showing signs of recovery amid recent market volatility. After hitting a four-month low of $122.44, SOL has increased by 15%, trading at around $145. This recovery comes despite broader market concerns, including Bitcoin reimbursements from Mt. Gox and large BTC sales by the German government. Analysts predict a potential market rally, with forecasts suggesting SOL could reach $158.48 by the end of the month.
Solana (SOL) is showing signs of recovery amid recent market volatility. After hitting a four-month low of $122.44, SOL has increased by 15%, trading at around $145. This recovery comes despite broader market concerns, including Bitcoin reimbursements from Mt. Gox and large BTC sales by the German government. Analysts predict a potential market rally, with forecasts suggesting SOL could reach $158.48 by the end of the month.
Solana (SOL) recently experienced a significant price drop, falling nearly 10%. The decline started after SOL failed to climb above the $135 resistance level. Currently, it is trading below $130 and faces further downside risks. Immediate resistance levels are $126.50 and $130, while major support levels are $122 and $120. If SOL fails to recover, it could see additional losses towards the $112.50 support. The market sentiment remains bearish, with the hourly MACD and RSI indicators reflecting negative trends.
Solana (SOL) recently experienced a significant price drop, falling nearly 10%. The decline started after SOL failed to climb above the $135 resistance level. Currently, it is trading below $130 and faces further downside risks. Immediate resistance levels are $126.50 and $130, while major support levels are $122 and $120. If SOL fails to recover, it could see additional losses towards the $112.50 support. The market sentiment remains bearish, with the hourly MACD and RSI indicators reflecting negative trends.
Bitcoin's price recently fell below $62500 amid a significant drop in whale transactions. According to data from Santiment, $100,000 or more transactions decreased by 42% over two days. This decline in whale activity and a risk-averse sentiment among traders on derivatives exchanges suggest cautious market behavior. Bitcoin's Fear and Greed Index has also shifted to a neutral (51) stance.
Bitcoin's price recently fell below $62500 amid a significant drop in whale transactions. According to data from Santiment, $100,000 or more transactions decreased by 42% over two days. This decline in whale activity and a risk-averse sentiment among traders on derivatives exchanges suggest cautious market behavior. Bitcoin's Fear and Greed Index has also shifted to a neutral (51) stance.
According to a Bernstein research report, MicroStrategy has significantly influenced Bitcoin capital markets. The company, led by Michael Saylor, has raised $4 billion in convertible debt to acquire 214,400 bitcoins, valued at approximately $14.5 billion. This strategy has increased MicroStrategy's Bitcoin holdings per equity share by nearly 67% over the past four years, highlighting its role in driving institutional demand for Bitcoin-linked financial products.
According to a Bernstein research report, MicroStrategy has significantly influenced Bitcoin capital markets. The company, led by Michael Saylor, has raised $4 billion in convertible debt to acquire 214,400 bitcoins, valued at approximately $14.5 billion. This strategy has increased MicroStrategy's Bitcoin holdings per equity share by nearly 67% over the past four years, highlighting its role in driving institutional demand for Bitcoin-linked financial products.
Bitcoin's price is declining, trading below $66,800 and the 100-hourly simple moving average. It recently fell from a resistance level near $66,850 and broke below a bullish trend line at $66,500. Bitcoin might drop below the $65,500 support zone if the downward trend persists. Immediate resistance levels are at $66,500 and $67,000; surpassing these could lead to a short-term increase. However, failing to hold above these levels could push the price towards the $65,000 support zone.
Bitcoin's price is declining, trading below $66,800 and the 100-hourly simple moving average. It recently fell from a resistance level near $66,850 and broke below a bullish trend line at $66,500. Bitcoin might drop below the $65,500 support zone if the downward trend persists. Immediate resistance levels are at $66,500 and $67,000; surpassing these could lead to a short-term increase. However, failing to hold above these levels could push the price towards the $65,000 support zone.
buy in spot $RNDR current price 7.777 $PEPE current price 0.00001084 $SUI current price 0.9177 Hold few days
buy in spot
$RNDR current price 7.777
$PEPE current price 0.00001084
$SUI current price 0.9177

Hold few days
swing trade Buy $BTC at the current market price of 65465 and DCA till 64444 - 61000 Tp1: 66877 Tp2: 67650 Tp3: 71074 Tp4: 72590
swing trade

Buy $BTC at the current market price of 65465 and DCA till
64444 - 61000

Tp1: 66877
Tp2: 67650
Tp3: 71074
Tp4: 72590
Buy $ETH at current market price of 3380 and DCA till 3300 - 3200 stoploss at 3180 TP1: 3666 TP2: 3815 TP3: 4200
Buy $ETH at current market price of 3380 and DCA till 3300 - 3200
stoploss at 3180
TP1: 3666
TP2: 3815
TP3: 4200
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