Binance Square
I like crypto
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Kā man ir regulāra peļņa ar nulles ieguldījumu!Ļaujiet man iepazīstināt jūs ar vienu no labākajiem stratēģija! Šai stratēģijai nekas nav vajadzīgs lai būtu kādi ienākumi! Un es parādīšu savus īstos rezultātus, ja jūs domājat, ka tas ir viltojums😍 Ejam 🚀 Šī stratēģija ietver dalību 3 nedēļu THENA ZEALY SPRINT👍 Jums jāizpilda tikai sprinta uzdevumi👍 Lai tos pabeigtu, jums ir nepieciešams tikai jūsu radošums, zināšanas par projektu un aktīva līdzdalība $the kopienas dzīvē! Un tagad nedaudz matemātikas! Jūs varat redzēt manus pēdējo 4 sprintu rezultātus. ⭐Sprints#25= 11 vieta = balva 1382 $THE

Kā man ir regulāra peļņa ar nulles ieguldījumu!

Ļaujiet man iepazīstināt jūs ar vienu no labākajiem
Šai stratēģijai nekas nav vajadzīgs
lai būtu kādi ienākumi!

Un es parādīšu savus īstos rezultātus, ja jūs domājat, ka tas ir viltojums😍
Ejam 🚀
Šī stratēģija ietver dalību 3 nedēļu THENA ZEALY SPRINT👍

Jums jāizpilda tikai sprinta uzdevumi👍
Lai tos pabeigtu, jums ir nepieciešams tikai jūsu radošums, zināšanas par projektu un aktīva līdzdalība $the kopienas dzīvē!
Un tagad nedaudz matemātikas!
Jūs varat redzēt manus pēdējo 4 sprintu rezultātus.
⭐Sprints#25= 11 vieta = balva 1382 $THE
Skatīt oriģinālu
Tev vēl ir laiks izdarīt pareizo izvēli❗ Pievienojieties projektam un izbaudiet savu peļņu 😍
Tev vēl ir laiks izdarīt pareizo izvēli❗
Pievienojieties projektam un izbaudiet savu peļņu 😍
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
BNB ĶĒDES JŪNIJA SVARĪGĀKIE PASĀKUMIThe komanda turpina veidot. Smags darbs iekšā un notiek. Pārbaudīsim skaņu šajās blokķēdēs✨ OPBNB IR CIETĀ DAKŠA Hābers hard fork tika veiksmīgi pabeigts 20. jūnijā. Tagad gāzes maksas ir 90% samazinājums! Lieliski 😍BNB GREENFIELD FIELD HARDFORKNāks 8. jūlijā plkst. 07:00 UTC.Galvenie atjauninājumi:🤖kopas statuss ar migrāciju saistītu notikumu segmentam🤖Atbalstiet pārtraukto segmentu migrāciju🤖 Atbalsta principa vērtība ir grupas nosaukums🤖 Migrēšanas notikuma kopas statusa lauks🤖Detalizēti baļķi īpaši pielāgotiem baļķiem


komanda turpina veidot. Smags darbs iekšā

Pārbaudīsim skaņu šajās blokķēdēs✨


hard fork tika veiksmīgi pabeigts 20. jūnijā.
Tagad gāzes maksas ir
90% samazinājums! Lieliski 😍BNB GREENFIELD FIELD HARDFORKNāks 8. jūlijā plkst. 07:00 UTC.Galvenie atjauninājumi:🤖kopas statuss ar migrāciju saistītu notikumu segmentam🤖Atbalstiet pārtraukto segmentu migrāciju🤖 Atbalsta principa vērtība ir grupas nosaukums🤖 Migrēšanas notikuma kopas statusa lauks🤖Detalizēti baļķi īpaši pielāgotiem baļķiem
Skatīt oriģinālu
Paskatieties apkārt, un jūs redzēsiet #the augošo kriptozvaigžņu #Thena ✨
Paskatieties apkārt, un jūs redzēsiet #the augošo kriptozvaigžņu #Thena
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kāpēc BNBCHAIN ​​aptvers pasauli!Thena projekts turpina savu paplašināšanos #BNBChain⚡️ Kādas interesantas lietas notika telpa? Rokam 🌊 1️⃣ BNB ķēdes tirdzniecības apjoma veicināšanas programma ⚜️Mērķis: palielināt tirdzniecības apjomu tirdzniecības platformas un nopelnīt atlīdzības ⚜️Balvu fonds: līdz 250 000 USD ⚜️Dalībnieki: laipni aicināti visi Web3 lietotāji ⚜️Laimīgā izloze: laimē līdz pat $5000 ⚜️Sacensību periods: 2024. gada 27. maijs, plkst. 00:00 līdz 2024. gada 25. jūnijs, 23:59 UTC 2️⃣BNB ķēdes AI ekosistēma ⚜️Piesaistīt: vairāk nekā 25 miljardi USD 2023. gadā AI lietojumprogrammām

Kāpēc BNBCHAIN ​​aptvers pasauli!

Thena projekts turpina savu paplašināšanos #BNBChain⚡️
Kādas interesantas lietas notika


Rokam 🌊

1️⃣ BNB ķēdes tirdzniecības apjoma veicināšanas programma

⚜️Mērķis: palielināt tirdzniecības apjomu

tirdzniecības platformas un nopelnīt atlīdzības

⚜️Balvu fonds: līdz 250 000 USD

⚜️Dalībnieki: laipni aicināti visi Web3 lietotāji

⚜️Laimīgā izloze: laimē līdz pat $5000

⚜️Sacensību periods: 2024. gada 27. maijs, plkst. 00:00 līdz 2024. gada 25. jūnijs, 23:59 UTC

2️⃣BNB ķēdes AI ekosistēma

⚜️Piesaistīt: vairāk nekā 25 miljardi USD 2023. gadā AI lietojumprogrammām
Skatīt oriģinālu
Viens no dinamiskāk augošajiem un ambiciozākajiem Ve(3.3) projektiem vietnēs#BNBChainun #opBNB! 🔥GALĪGĀ decentralizētā apmaiņa TĒNA🔥 JAU GATAVS (2023): ✔️Koncentrēta likviditāte ✔️Ierobežojums un TWAP ✔️Perpetual DEX ✔️Likviditātes centrs ✔️ Tirgus veidošana ķēdē ✔️Single Token Vaults ✔️ALFHA ieslēgta ✔️Jauns zīmols un lietotāja saskarne NOTEIKTĀ (2024. gada 1.–2. ceturksnis): 🛠️gudrais 🛠️ARĒNA V1 🛠️ALPHA V0.X ir ieslēgta 🛠️THENA V3 🛠️Starpķēžu balsošana 🛠️Karte un Fiat off-rampa Tas viss nebūtu noticis un netiks izdarīts bez nelielas, bet ļoti mērķtiecīgas, profesionālas un sabiedrībai atvērtas

Viens no dinamiskāk augošajiem un ambiciozākajiem Ve(3.3) projektiem vietnēs#BNBChainun #opBNB!

🔥GALĪGĀ decentralizētā apmaiņa TĒNA🔥
JAU GATAVS (2023):

✔️Koncentrēta likviditāte

✔️Ierobežojums un TWAP

✔️Perpetual DEX

✔️Likviditātes centrs

✔️ Tirgus veidošana ķēdē

✔️Single Token Vaults

✔️ALFHA ieslēgta

✔️Jauns zīmols un lietotāja saskarne

NOTEIKTĀ (2024. gada 1.–2. ceturksnis):



🛠️ALPHA V0.X ir ieslēgta


🛠️Starpķēžu balsošana

🛠️Karte un Fiat off-rampa

Tas viss nebūtu noticis un netiks izdarīts bez nelielas, bet ļoti mērķtiecīgas, profesionālas un sabiedrībai atvērtas
Choose your favorite AVATAR❗ THENA ARENA incoming🔥 The best video you have ever seen😍

Choose your favorite AVATAR❗ THENA ARENA incoming🔥 The best video you have ever seen😍

Skatīt oriģinālu
#Thena ir savs kriptogrāfijas POV💜
#Thena ir savs kriptogrāfijas POV💜
Epoch #70 THENA digest❗ ⚡time-weighted average price and limit orders are back thanks to #orbsnetwork ⚡$BTC or $THE? ⚡THE CARD is so close? ⚡Thena Zealy Sprint #30 is in full swing

Epoch #70 THENA digest❗ ⚡time-weighted average price and limit orders are back thanks to #orbsnetwork ⚡$BTC or $THE? ⚡THE CARD is so close? ⚡Thena Zealy Sprint #30 is in full swing

Why I like Venus Protocol?Do you know about one of the strong #Thena partner? This is #VenusProtocol😍 Let's figure out together what it is❗ Venus Protocol is an algorithm-based money market system on #BNBChain⚡️ , ethereum and #opbnb . It aims to allow users to lend and borrow cryptocurrency in a decentralized and secure way. Anyone can use it by connecting crypto wallets. Community controls the protocol by its native governance token $XVS , which can be staked in the Venus Protocol Vault to earn token rewards. What is possible on VenusProtocol? ⚡Lending ⚡Borrowing ⚡Minting stablecoins ⚡Governance LANDING: Users can lend and earn changing yield on the assets they supply by Venus Protocol. BORROWING: Venus Protocol utilizes an over-collateralized loan system that requires borrowers to pledge collateral before borrowing. MINTING STABLECOINS: Venus Protocol users can mint the stablecoin using remaining collateral from previous vToken deposits. GOVERNANCE: Users can also influence the future of the Venus Protocol (adding new tokens, interest rates etc.) by voting with own governance token $XVS. Advantages of VenusProtocol over others protocols: ❇️use of supplied collateral for minting stablecoins ❇️users can earn yield from minted tokens ❇️Venus Protocol’s synthetic stablecoins are backed by the basket of cryptocurrencies ❇️low-cost and fast transactions on BNBchain

Why I like Venus Protocol?

Do you know about one of the strong #Thena partner?

This is #VenusProtocol😍

Let's figure out together what it is❗

Venus Protocol is an algorithm-based money market system on #BNBChain⚡️ ,
ethereum and #opbnb .

It aims to allow users to lend and borrow cryptocurrency in a decentralized and secure way.

Anyone can use it by connecting crypto wallets.
Community controls the protocol by its native governance token $XVS ,
which can be staked in the Venus Protocol Vault to earn token rewards.

What is possible on VenusProtocol?
⚡Minting stablecoins

LANDING: Users can lend and earn changing yield on the assets they supply by Venus Protocol.

BORROWING: Venus Protocol utilizes an over-collateralized loan system that requires borrowers to pledge collateral before borrowing.

MINTING STABLECOINS: Venus Protocol users can mint the stablecoin using remaining collateral from previous vToken deposits.

GOVERNANCE: Users can also influence the future of the Venus Protocol (adding new tokens, interest rates etc.) by voting with own governance token $XVS .

Advantages of VenusProtocol over others protocols:

❇️use of supplied collateral for minting stablecoins

❇️users can earn yield from minted tokens

❇️Venus Protocol’s synthetic stablecoins are backed by the basket of cryptocurrencies

❇️low-cost and fast transactions on BNBchain
🔥THENA EMOTIONS🔥We conducted a survey of people about what they think about the THENA project and what emotions they feel😍 PART 1 to be continued... And thanks for watching😻

🔥THENA EMOTIONS🔥We conducted a survey of people about what they think about the THENA project and what emotions they feel😍 PART 1 to be continued... And thanks for watching😻

Epoch #69 THENA digest❗ ⚡trade over 260 pairs thanks to #MuonNetwork ⚡huge ALPHA update by #SYMMIO ⚡next step of #BNBChainHackathon2024 ⚡new Beefy vaults ⚡Thena Zealy Sprint #30 is live

Epoch #69 THENA digest❗ ⚡trade over 260 pairs thanks to #MuonNetwork ⚡huge ALPHA update by #SYMMIO ⚡next step of #BNBChainHackathon2024 ⚡new Beefy vaults ⚡Thena Zealy Sprint #30 is live

Great interview with Co-founder of BNB Chain Ve(3,3) THENA project!It was a great BlockBeatsAsia interview with the CMO and co-founder of the BNB Chain Ve(3.3) project #Thena Apollo during the Wanxiang Hong Kong Web3 Carnival in early April.😍 For those who are too lazy to read, I made a short digest. 🔥 But first, a few interesting facts about the project: ⚡THENA is the Ultimate Decentralized Exchange on #BNB⁩ and #opbnb chains ⚡raised $1 million in financing from the community without VC participation ⚡In 2023, THENA created a total of $11.4 million in revenue for $veTHE and $theNFT holders ⚡now THENA's total is over $18 million ⚡project building with a relatively low market value is still in progress ⚡nothing can't stop THENA Let's go to the digest❗ ❇️Apollo first learned about bitcoin 10 years ago on a Finnish online forum Muropaketti ❇️his senior brother helped with a lot of crypto knowledge ❇️had an experience in LiquidDriver company as a head of marketing two and a half years ❇️inspired by successes of SolidIy (Fantom) and Velodrome (Optimism) but knew that THENA could do better ❇️BNBchain was chosen because it has the largest active user base, big market space and hasn't outstanding #DEFİ projects ❇️THENA was launched with the support of 20 top protocols ❇️in the spring of 2023 with #CryptoAlgebra and #GammaStrategies made centralized liquidity solution for regular users to generating more fees with less TVL ❇️summer 2023 with new partner #orbsnetwork launched decentralized limit order function and time-weighted average price algorithm to use DCA by users ❇️$600k strategic investment was obtained from Orbs at the end of 2023 ❇️in cooperation with #SYMMIO launched a new perpetual contract trading platform (beta version) namely "ALPHA" ❇️than launched the liquidity aggregator "Liquidity Hub" with #orbsnetwork ❇️at the end of last year, THENA also added support for opBNB chain ❇️preparing for release the social trading center "ARENA" and the Launchpad Accelerator "WARP" ❇️the next step is to launch the Web3 debit card "THE Card" ❇️more than 40 top DEFI protocols are using THENA platform services, including well-known projects such as Frax Finance, Ankr Staking, ListaDao etc. ❇️Ve(3.3) model will become one of the mainstream trends in the future ❇️this year, THENA will introduce some VCs ❇️THENA is about to launch own crypto #wallet🔥 ❇️THENA has partnered with industry-leading Particle Network to integrate the account abstraction wallet directly into the THENA official website ❇️ $THE listing on some Tier 1 #CEXs will be this year ❇️With #Algebra Integral, we can easily build a KYC fund pool for institutions or #RWAs (a very popular narrative at the moment) ❇️you can participate in the THENA ecosystem in a variety of ways to obtain passive income: holding veTHE tokens, providing liquidity, Zealy events etc ❇️Of course, the best way to learn about these opportunities is to follow THENA twitter account ❇️You are also welcome to join THENA’s Discord community to view the various strategies shared by Thenians, and the team will answer your questions as soon as possible

Great interview with Co-founder of BNB Chain Ve(3,3) THENA project!

It was a great BlockBeatsAsia interview with the CMO and co-founder of the BNB Chain Ve(3.3) project #Thena Apollo during the Wanxiang Hong Kong Web3 Carnival in early April.😍

For those who are too lazy to read, I made a short digest. 🔥

But first, a few interesting facts about the project:

⚡THENA is the Ultimate Decentralized Exchange on #BNB⁩ and #opbnb chains

⚡raised $1 million in financing from the community without VC participation

⚡In 2023, THENA created a total of $11.4 million in revenue for $veTHE and $theNFT holders

⚡now THENA's total is over $18 million

⚡project building with a relatively low market value is still in progress

⚡nothing can't stop THENA

Let's go to the digest❗

❇️Apollo first learned about bitcoin 10 years ago on a Finnish online forum Muropaketti

❇️his senior brother helped with a lot of crypto knowledge

❇️had an experience in LiquidDriver company as a head of marketing two and a half years

❇️inspired by successes of SolidIy (Fantom) and Velodrome (Optimism) but knew that THENA could do better

❇️BNBchain was chosen because it has the largest active user base, big market space and hasn't outstanding #DEFİ projects

❇️THENA was launched with the support of 20 top protocols
❇️in the spring of 2023 with #CryptoAlgebra and #GammaStrategies made centralized liquidity solution for regular users to generating more fees with less TVL

❇️summer 2023 with new partner #orbsnetwork launched decentralized limit order function and time-weighted average price algorithm to use DCA by users

❇️$600k strategic investment was obtained from Orbs at the end of 2023

❇️in cooperation with #SYMMIO launched a new perpetual contract trading platform (beta version) namely "ALPHA"

❇️than launched the liquidity aggregator "Liquidity Hub" with #orbsnetwork

❇️at the end of last year, THENA also added support for opBNB chain

❇️preparing for release the social trading center "ARENA" and the Launchpad Accelerator "WARP"

❇️the next step is to launch the Web3 debit card "THE Card"

❇️more than 40 top DEFI protocols are using THENA platform services, including well-known projects such as Frax Finance, Ankr Staking, ListaDao etc.

❇️Ve(3.3) model will become one of the mainstream trends in the future

❇️this year, THENA will introduce some VCs

❇️THENA is about to launch own crypto #wallet🔥
❇️THENA has partnered with industry-leading Particle Network to integrate the account abstraction wallet directly into the THENA official website

❇️ $THE listing on some Tier 1 #CEXs will be this year

❇️With #Algebra Integral, we can easily build a KYC fund pool for institutions or #RWAs (a very popular narrative at the moment)

❇️you can participate in the THENA ecosystem in a variety of ways to obtain passive income: holding veTHE tokens, providing liquidity, Zealy events etc

❇️Of course, the best way to learn about these opportunities is to follow THENA twitter account
❇️You are also welcome to join THENA’s Discord community to view the various strategies shared by Thenians, and the team will answer your questions as soon as possible
🔥Epoch #68 THENA digest🔥 1️⃣ALPHA V0.X powered by #INTENTX and #SYMMIO 2️⃣Trade2earn program 3️⃣Partnership with 4️⃣New strategies by ListaDao 5️⃣ babydoge trading

🔥Epoch #68 THENA digest🔥 1️⃣ALPHA V0.X powered by #INTENTX and #SYMMIO 2️⃣Trade2earn program 3️⃣Partnership with 4️⃣New strategies by ListaDao 5️⃣ babydoge trading

Super BNBChain start in 2024!What's happened in #BNBChain⚡️ last time? Something new or nothing matters! Let's get it straight 🔥 1️⃣ BSC Feynman hardfork was successfully completed! So #BSC now supports native staking and #Governance 😍 2️⃣ Awesome start of BNBchain in 2024: 💛Revenue +70% 💛DeFi TVL +67% 💛Average daily DEX volume +193% Attention: Average Q1 2024 #Thena volume is $51.6M 3️⃣#BNBChainHackathon2024 Q2 WORKSHOP will opened on April 29th, 1 PM UTC! Don't miss to deep into innovation with THENA, HoloworldAI and Tusdio ❗ Thanks for reading😍

Super BNBChain start in 2024!

What's happened in #BNBChain⚡️ last time?

Something new or nothing matters!

Let's get it straight 🔥

1️⃣ BSC Feynman hardfork was successfully completed!

So #BSC now supports native staking and #Governance 😍

2️⃣ Awesome start of BNBchain in 2024:

💛Revenue +70%
💛DeFi TVL +67%
💛Average daily DEX volume +193%

Average Q1 2024 #Thena volume is $51.6M

3️⃣#BNBChainHackathon2024 Q2 WORKSHOP will opened on April 29th, 1 PM UTC!

Don't miss to deep into innovation with THENA, HoloworldAI and Tusdio ❗

Thanks for reading😍
🔥Epoch #67 THENA digest🔥 1️⃣ #BNBChainHackathon2024 Q2 😍 2️⃣ Secret message from Thena 😵‍💫 3️⃣ #binance Web3 wallet integrated in project❇️ 4️⃣ Don't miss 2nd week of Thena #ZealyCompetition

🔥Epoch #67 THENA digest🔥 1️⃣ #BNBChainHackathon2024 Q2 😍 2️⃣ Secret message from Thena 😵‍💫 3️⃣ #binance Web3 wallet integrated in project❇️ 4️⃣ Don't miss 2nd week of Thena #ZealyCompetition

Epoch #66 #Thena digest❗️ 1. Awesome THENA's LP volume past 30 days💪 2. 3d place in #BNBChain incentive program🥉 3. THENA in #TOKEN2049 Dubai😍 4. Next THENA Zealy Sprint is on air🔥 Feel it!

Epoch #66 #Thena digest❗️ 1. Awesome THENA's LP volume past 30 days💪 2. 3d place in #BNBChain incentive program🥉 3. THENA in #TOKEN2049 Dubai😍 4. Next THENA Zealy Sprint is on air🔥 Feel it!

Skatīt oriģinālu
Man daudz jautā, vai $THE maksās $10?Tas ir nepareizs jautājums. Jums vajadzētu jautāt WEN? Drīzumā! Kāpēc? Tā kā esmu pārliecināts par projekta #Thena komandu, es vēlos jums pastāstīt par to tagad! Ejam 🔥 THESEUS — @Theseus_fi Izpilddirektors un līdzdibinātājs.😎 Pašdarināts tokenomists. Vietnē Web3 no 2020. gada. $ Ideju ģenerators un vienmēr atvērts komunikācijai. APOLLO — @0xApolloFi TKO un līdzdibinātājs.🧧 #DeFi profesionāls un entuziastisks. Viņš pastāvīgi meklē jaunas zināšanas un dzīves līdzsvaru. XERMES — @XermesThena Kopienas vadītājs un līdzdibinātājs.🤝 $Visorganizētākais komandas biedrs, jo neciena haosu.

Man daudz jautā, vai $THE maksās $10?

Tas ir nepareizs jautājums. Jums vajadzētu jautāt WEN? Drīzumā! Kāpēc?
Tā kā esmu pārliecināts par projekta #Thena komandu, es vēlos jums pastāstīt par to tagad!
Ejam 🔥

THESEUS — @Theseus_fi

Izpilddirektors un līdzdibinātājs.😎
Pašdarināts tokenomists. Vietnē Web3 no 2020. gada.
$ Ideju ģenerators un vienmēr atvērts komunikācijai. APOLLO — @0xApolloFi

TKO un līdzdibinātājs.🧧
#DeFi profesionāls un entuziastisks.
Viņš pastāvīgi meklē jaunas zināšanas un dzīves līdzsvaru. XERMES — @XermesThena

Kopienas vadītājs un līdzdibinātājs.🤝
$Visorganizētākais komandas biedrs, jo neciena haosu.
In THENA's realm, where prices soar, ARENA awaits, at our door. Wallet and launchpad, dreams align, A future bright, a grand design. With $THE price climbing to new height, Hopeful hearts, filled with delight. In this journey, we take our flight, Towards a future, shining bright. Welcome to #Thena world🔥
In THENA's realm, where prices soar,
ARENA awaits, at our door.
Wallet and launchpad, dreams align,
A future bright, a grand design.

With $THE price climbing to new height,
Hopeful hearts, filled with delight.
In this journey, we take our flight,
Towards a future, shining bright.

Welcome to #Thena world🔥
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