Binance Square
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Skatīt oriģinālu
Uzskaitīšu svarīgākās lietas, kas nodrošina peļņu. Jums tie ir jāzina, pirms Bitcoin atkal sasniedz 75 000 USD! 👇 ______ DAŽĀDĪBA UN PAcietība Mēģiniet dažādot savu kriptovalūtu portfeli dažādās nozarēs/nozarēs. Katrs Bullrun zina dažādas vibrācijas, piemēram,#AIvai #Memecoin. Ja jūs dažādojat, jūs vienmēr būsiet daļa no ažiotāžas, bet dažreiz jums vienkārši ir jābūt pacietīgam. ______ NEAPREECĒJIES SAVAS SOMAS Izvairieties no emocionālas pieķeršanās portfelī esošajiem kriptovalūtu projektiem. Jūs domāsiet par šiem projektiem, bet viņi nekad nedomās par jums. Izpētiet dalības projektos pamatus, bet atstājiet savas emocijas malā. ______ GŪT PEĻŅU Bull Run laikā jums ir jāgūst peļņa, bet jūs nevēlaties ātri pārdot. Tāpēc tas ir jāpārdod pa daļām. Nepērciet vai nepārdodiet visu savu kaudzi vienā darījumā. Galu galā peļņa ir svarīga. Peļņas ņemšana nevienu nepadarīja nabagu! ______ NEPĀRDOD Agri Kā jau teicu, jums ir jāgūst peļņa, taču jūs arī nevēlaties pārāk ātri pārdot. Ļaujiet uzvarētājiem uzvarēt! Izņemiet sākotnējo ieguldījumu un ļaujiet pārējam strādāt. Katrs dolārs pēc iniciāļu noņemšanas ir bonuss! ______ UZŅEMTIES APRĒĶINĀTO RISKU Kripto ir saistīta ar augsta riska uzņemšanos ar (potenciālu) augstu atlīdzību. Nav nepieciešams spēlēt azartspēles ar veiktajām investīcijām, taču jums ir jāveic pienācīga rūpība. Spēcīgi pamati un Hype ir labākais kriptovalūtu sajaukums. ______ PIESTIETIES ZĀLEI Īpaši Bull Market laikā tas ir haoss. Jūs varat kļūt traks un visu dienu atrasties savā tālrunī/klēpjdatorā. Tāpēc dažreiz jums ir jāiziet ārā un jāatstāj laiks no ekrāna. Aizraujošos laikos skaidrs prāts un laba garīgā veselība ir ļoti svarīga! ______ Es ceru, ka šie padomi padarīs jūs ļoti bagātu šajā Vērša skrējienā. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Uzskaitīšu svarīgākās lietas, kas nodrošina peļņu.
Jums tie ir jāzina, pirms Bitcoin atkal sasniedz 75 000 USD!
Mēģiniet dažādot savu kriptovalūtu portfeli dažādās nozarēs/nozarēs.
Katrs Bullrun zina dažādas vibrācijas, piemēram,#AIvai #Memecoin.
Ja jūs dažādojat, jūs vienmēr būsiet daļa no ažiotāžas, bet dažreiz jums vienkārši ir jābūt pacietīgam.

Izvairieties no emocionālas pieķeršanās portfelī esošajiem kriptovalūtu projektiem.
Jūs domāsiet par šiem projektiem, bet viņi nekad nedomās par jums.
Izpētiet dalības projektos pamatus, bet atstājiet savas emocijas malā.

Bull Run laikā jums ir jāgūst peļņa, bet jūs nevēlaties ātri pārdot.
Tāpēc tas ir jāpārdod pa daļām. Nepērciet vai nepārdodiet visu savu kaudzi vienā darījumā.
Galu galā peļņa ir svarīga.
Peļņas ņemšana nevienu nepadarīja nabagu!

Kā jau teicu, jums ir jāgūst peļņa, taču jūs arī nevēlaties pārāk ātri pārdot.
Ļaujiet uzvarētājiem uzvarēt!
Izņemiet sākotnējo ieguldījumu un ļaujiet pārējam strādāt.
Katrs dolārs pēc iniciāļu noņemšanas ir bonuss!

Kripto ir saistīta ar augsta riska uzņemšanos ar (potenciālu) augstu atlīdzību.
Nav nepieciešams spēlēt azartspēles ar veiktajām investīcijām, taču jums ir jāveic pienācīga rūpība.
Spēcīgi pamati un Hype ir labākais kriptovalūtu sajaukums.

Īpaši Bull Market laikā tas ir haoss. Jūs varat kļūt traks un visu dienu atrasties savā tālrunī/klēpjdatorā.
Tāpēc dažreiz jums ir jāiziet ārā un jāatstāj laiks no ekrāna.
Aizraujošos laikos skaidrs prāts un laba garīgā veselība ir ļoti svarīga!

Es ceru, ka šie padomi padarīs jūs ļoti bagātu šajā Vērša skrējienā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kriptogrāfijas tirgus darbība mainās. Tagad jaunizdotās monētas var nopelnīt, spēlējot spēles vietnē Telegram, un tās nodrošina lielu peļņu, kad tās ir pieejamas. Šeit ir jaunais populārais "yescoin". Jūs varat sākt spēlēt spēli, izmantojot telegrammu, izmantojot šo saiti. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Kriptogrāfijas tirgus darbība mainās. Tagad jaunizdotās monētas var nopelnīt, spēlējot spēles vietnē Telegram, un tās nodrošina lielu peļņu, kad tās ir pieejamas. Šeit ir jaunais populārais "yescoin".
Jūs varat sākt spēlēt spēli, izmantojot telegrammu, izmantojot šo saiti.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Iespēja izmantot Altcoins? Cik dolāru būs LUNC, SOL un Chiliz (CHZ)? Paredzams, ka makroekonomikas frontē piektdienas dati būs par labu kriptovalūtai. Paaugstināta riska apetīte ar šīm cerībām var izraisīt izlaušanos pēc datu saņemšanas piektdien. Terra Classic (LUNC) apskats Terra Rebels nesaņēma savu mērķi, un, katru dienu tiekot pie vairāk alternatīvu, Terra vrakam nav izredžu. Protams, spekulatīvas cenu kustības var turpināties. Taču maz ticams, ka tas radīs milzīgus ieguvumus ilgtermiņā. Ja pakāpeniski pieaugošā cena var pārvērst 0,000126 USD atbalstā, mēs varam redzēt jaunu mēģinājumu uz USD 0,000170.  SOL monētu cenas prognozes slēgšana, kas pārsniedz USD 98,3, liecina, ka tendence joprojām ir augšupejoša. Tomēr, lai kāpums īstermiņā paātrinātos, pretestība pie 205 USD ir jāpārvērš atbalstā. Pretējā gadījumā svārstības starp $188 un $162 turpināsies. Atbalsta zaudēšanas gadījumā priekšplānā izvirzīsies iegaumētie mērķi $142 un $120. Šis skats, kas SOL Coin ir gandrīz iegaumēts, tagad liek to pārtraukt. Citā šī gada pieauguma periodā SOL Coin piedzīvoja strauju pieaugumu, izmantojot tīklā esošo gaisa pilienu atbalstu. Atkal, paredzamā SOL Coin virzība uz augšu var tikt aktivizēta, kad viena vai vairākas populārās lietojumprogrammas tās ekosistēmā nokrīt gaisā vai kad jaunas meme monētas atkal sasniedz milzīgu apjomu. Pretējā gadījumā investori var pievērsties aktīvākām alternatīvām, kas ir brīvas no šaurā diapazona. Chiliz (CHZ) cenu apskats Pēc pārtraukuma pie USD 0,095, CHZ monētas cena pieauga līdz USD 0,167. Taču nekas vairāk nenotika, jo BTC cenu svārstības to neļāva. Turklāt satraukums par tīkla atjauninājumu un līgas finālu arī ir pagaisis. Pagaidām 0,125 USD un 0,116 USD risks ir vājš, ja vien nav slēgšanas zem USD 0,141. Tomēr, ja USD 0,155 var pārvērst atbalstā, pēc iepriekšējā maksimuma pārvarēšanas var sasniegt maksimumus no USD 0,23 līdz USD 0,3. $LUNC $SOL $CHZ
Iespēja izmantot Altcoins? Cik dolāru būs LUNC, SOL un Chiliz (CHZ)? Paredzams, ka makroekonomikas frontē piektdienas dati būs par labu kriptovalūtai. Paaugstināta riska apetīte ar šīm cerībām var izraisīt izlaušanos pēc datu saņemšanas piektdien. Terra Classic (LUNC) apskats Terra Rebels nesaņēma savu mērķi, un, katru dienu tiekot pie vairāk alternatīvu, Terra vrakam nav izredžu. Protams, spekulatīvas cenu kustības var turpināties. Taču maz ticams, ka tas radīs milzīgus ieguvumus ilgtermiņā. Ja pakāpeniski pieaugošā cena var pārvērst 0,000126 USD atbalstā, mēs varam redzēt jaunu mēģinājumu uz USD 0,000170.  SOL monētu cenas prognozes slēgšana, kas pārsniedz USD 98,3, liecina, ka tendence joprojām ir augšupejoša. Tomēr, lai kāpums īstermiņā paātrinātos, pretestība pie 205 USD ir jāpārvērš atbalstā. Pretējā gadījumā svārstības starp $188 un $162 turpināsies. Atbalsta zaudēšanas gadījumā priekšplānā izvirzīsies iegaumētie mērķi $142 un $120. Šis skats, kas SOL Coin ir gandrīz iegaumēts, tagad liek to pārtraukt. Citā šī gada pieauguma periodā SOL Coin piedzīvoja strauju pieaugumu, izmantojot tīklā esošo gaisa pilienu atbalstu. Atkal, paredzamā SOL Coin virzība uz augšu var tikt aktivizēta, kad viena vai vairākas populārās lietojumprogrammas tās ekosistēmā nokrīt gaisā vai kad jaunas meme monētas atkal sasniedz milzīgu apjomu. Pretējā gadījumā investori var pievērsties aktīvākām alternatīvām, kas ir brīvas no šaurā diapazona. Chiliz (CHZ) cenu apskats Pēc pārtraukuma pie USD 0,095, CHZ monētas cena pieauga līdz USD 0,167. Taču nekas vairāk nenotika, jo BTC cenu svārstības to neļāva. Turklāt satraukums par tīkla atjauninājumu un līgas finālu arī ir pagaisis. Pagaidām 0,125 USD un 0,116 USD risks ir vājš, ja vien nav slēgšanas zem USD 0,141. Tomēr, ja USD 0,155 var pārvērst atbalstā, pēc iepriekšējā maksimuma pārvarēšanas var sasniegt maksimumus no USD 0,23 līdz USD 0,3.
Skatīt oriģinālu
3 populārākie potenciālie marķieri, kas ir mazāki par 1 $ 1000 dolāru portfelim, ieteicams 1. Galā $GALA GALA 0,04631 +1,71% Ievietojiet 250 USD Gala (GALA), kuras cena pašlaik ir USD 0,045 par vienu marķieri. Tādējādi jūs saņemsiet aptuveni 5556 GALA žetonus. Gala ir decentralizēta spēļu platforma, kas nodrošina spēlētājiem īpašumtiesības uz saviem spēles īpašumiem, izmantojot blokķēdes tehnoloģiju. 2. IoTeX $IOTX IOTX 0,06009 +2,12% Ielieciet 250 $ IoTeX (IOTX), kura cena pašlaik ir 0,061 $ par marķieri. Tādējādi tiek iegūti aptuveni 4098 IOTX marķieri. IoTeX ir mērogojama un uz privātumu orientēta blokķēdes infrastruktūra lietiskajam internetam (IoT). 3. DIA $DIA DIA 0,5208 -0,78% Ielieciet 250 $ DIA (DIA), kura cena pašlaik ir 0,53 $ par marķieri. Tādējādi tiek iegūti aptuveni 472 DIA marķieri. DIA (Decentralized Information Asset) ir atvērtā pirmkoda datu un orākula platforma DeFi ekosistēmai. Šī daudzveidīgā pieeja ietver marķierus, kas vērsti uz dažādiem blokķēdes tehnoloģijas aspektiem, piedāvājot potenciālas izaugsmes iespējas dažādos kriptovalūtu tirgus segmentos, vienlaikus saglabājot ieteicamo 1000 USD portfeļa sadalījumu. Atruna: Pirms ieguldīšanas izpētiet sevi, izmantojiet tikai riska cienīgus līdzekļus un uzņemieties pilnu atbildību par saviem lēmumiem.
3 populārākie potenciālie marķieri, kas ir mazāki par 1 $ 1000 dolāru portfelim, ieteicams
1. Galā $GALA
Ievietojiet 250 USD Gala (GALA), kuras cena pašlaik ir USD 0,045 par vienu marķieri. Tādējādi jūs saņemsiet aptuveni 5556 GALA žetonus. Gala ir decentralizēta spēļu platforma, kas nodrošina spēlētājiem īpašumtiesības uz saviem spēles īpašumiem, izmantojot blokķēdes tehnoloģiju.
2. IoTeX $IOTX
Ielieciet 250 $ IoTeX (IOTX), kura cena pašlaik ir 0,061 $ par marķieri. Tādējādi tiek iegūti aptuveni 4098 IOTX marķieri. IoTeX ir mērogojama un uz privātumu orientēta blokķēdes infrastruktūra lietiskajam internetam (IoT).
Ielieciet 250 $ DIA (DIA), kura cena pašlaik ir 0,53 $ par marķieri. Tādējādi tiek iegūti aptuveni 472 DIA marķieri. DIA (Decentralized Information Asset) ir atvērtā pirmkoda datu un orākula platforma DeFi ekosistēmai.
Šī daudzveidīgā pieeja ietver marķierus, kas vērsti uz dažādiem blokķēdes tehnoloģijas aspektiem, piedāvājot potenciālas izaugsmes iespējas dažādos kriptovalūtu tirgus segmentos, vienlaikus saglabājot ieteicamo 1000 USD portfeļa sadalījumu.
Pirms ieguldīšanas izpētiet sevi, izmantojiet tikai riska cienīgus līdzekļus un uzņemieties pilnu atbildību par saviem lēmumiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Trīs galveno AI Altcoin kombinācija $FET 2117 ASV dolāri -2,08% $AGIX 0,8900 USD -1,26% $OCEAN 0,8992 ASV dolāri -1,43% Ilgi gaidītais brīdis ir pienācis! Trīs galvenie uz mākslīgo intelektu orientēti altkoīni – FET, AGIX un OCEAN – tiek apvienoti vienā marķierā. Šī aizraujošā attīstība ir radījusi lielu investoru entuziasmu. Tomēr ir arī svarīgi brīdinājumi, kuriem šajā procesā pievērst uzmanību. Šajā periodā, kad slēpjas krāpnieki, nepareizi soļi var radīt milzīgus zaudējumus. ASI alianse apvieno spēkus Ar mākslīgā superintelekta aliansi (ASI) FET, AGIX un OCEAN apvieno spēkus, lai revolucionizētu mākslīgo intelektu. Šīs alianses mērķis ir palīdzēt altcoiniem ātrāk sasniegt savus mērķus un palielināt izaugsmes tempu. Tomēr nevajadzētu aizmirst, ka šī attīstība rada daudzus riskus.
Trīs galveno AI Altcoin kombinācija
2117 ASV dolāri
0,8900 USD
0,8992 ASV dolāri
Ilgi gaidītais brīdis ir pienācis! Trīs galvenie uz mākslīgo intelektu orientēti altkoīni – FET, AGIX un OCEAN – tiek apvienoti vienā marķierā. Šī aizraujošā attīstība ir radījusi lielu investoru entuziasmu. Tomēr ir arī svarīgi brīdinājumi, kuriem šajā procesā pievērst uzmanību. Šajā periodā, kad slēpjas krāpnieki, nepareizi soļi var radīt milzīgus zaudējumus.
ASI alianse apvieno spēkus
Ar mākslīgā superintelekta aliansi (ASI) FET, AGIX un OCEAN apvieno spēkus, lai revolucionizētu mākslīgo intelektu. Šīs alianses mērķis ir palīdzēt altcoiniem ātrāk sasniegt savus mērķus un palielināt izaugsmes tempu. Tomēr nevajadzētu aizmirst, ka šī attīstība rada daudzus riskus.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kā pārvērst 1 USD par 100 USD un pēc tam 10 000 USD buļļu tirgū 2024-2025 2024.–2025. gada kriptovalūtu tirgus piedāvā unikālu iespēju eksponenciāli palielināt savus ieguldījumus. Šeit ir stratēģisks ceļvedis, kā pārvērst USD 1 par USD 100 un pēc tam par USD 10 000: 1. darbība. Sāciet ar mazumtirdzniecību un izpētiet 1. Ieguldiet maza apjoma dārgakmeņos: meklējiet daudzsološus altkoīnus ar zemu kapitalizāciju. Izpētiet viņu projektu, komandu un kopienas atbalstu. 2. Izmantojiet mikroinvestīcijas: tādas platformas kā Binance piedāvā iespējas, kurās varat ieguldīt nelielas summas dažādās monētās. Tas dažādo jūsu risku. 2. darbība. $1 pārvēršana par 100 ASV dolāriem 1. Tirgus laiks: pirkt kritumu laikā un pārdot pīķa laikā. Izmantojiet tehniskās analīzes rīkus, lai identificētu šīs iespējas. 2. Iesaistieties likšanā: izlieciet savas monētas, lai nopelnītu balvas un palielinātu savus ienākumus. 3. darbība: mērogošana no USD 100 līdz USD 10 000 1. Reinvestējiet peļņu. Atvilkšanas laikā atkārtoti ieguldiet savu sākotnējo peļņu stabilās monētās, piemēram, Bitcoin vai Ethereum. 2. Piedalieties ICO/IDO: iesaistieties sākotnējos monētu piedāvājumos vai sākotnējos DEX piedāvājumos, lai agrīni piekļūtu potenciāli augstas atlīdzības projektiem. 3. Esiet informēts: sekojiet tirgus tendencēm, jaunumiem un atjauninājumiem. Pievienojieties kriptovalūtu kopienām tādās platformās kā Binance Square, lai paliktu priekšā. Galvenie padomi: - Riska pārvaldība: ieguldiet tikai to, ko varat atļauties zaudēt. - Izglītība: nepārtraukti uzziniet par tirgus tendencēm, tirdzniecības stratēģijām un jauniem projektiem. - Pacietība un disciplīna: tirgus var būt nepastāvīgs. Esiet disciplinēti ar savu stratēģiju. Veicot šos soļus un paliekot informēts, jūs varat palielināt savas izredzes pārvērst nelielu ieguldījumu ievērojamā bagātībā gaidāmajā buļļu tirgū. Laimīgu tirdzniecību! $DOGE $NOT $WIF
Kā pārvērst 1 USD par 100 USD un pēc tam 10 000 USD buļļu tirgū 2024-2025
2024.–2025. gada kriptovalūtu tirgus piedāvā unikālu iespēju eksponenciāli palielināt savus ieguldījumus. Šeit ir stratēģisks ceļvedis, kā pārvērst USD 1 par USD 100 un pēc tam par USD 10 000:
1. darbība. Sāciet ar mazumtirdzniecību un izpētiet
1. Ieguldiet maza apjoma dārgakmeņos: meklējiet daudzsološus altkoīnus ar zemu kapitalizāciju. Izpētiet viņu projektu, komandu un kopienas atbalstu.
2. Izmantojiet mikroinvestīcijas: tādas platformas kā Binance piedāvā iespējas, kurās varat ieguldīt nelielas summas dažādās monētās. Tas dažādo jūsu risku.
2. darbība. $1 pārvēršana par 100 ASV dolāriem
1. Tirgus laiks: pirkt kritumu laikā un pārdot pīķa laikā. Izmantojiet tehniskās analīzes rīkus, lai identificētu šīs iespējas.
2. Iesaistieties likšanā: izlieciet savas monētas, lai nopelnītu balvas un palielinātu savus ienākumus.
3. darbība: mērogošana no USD 100 līdz USD 10 000
1. Reinvestējiet peļņu. Atvilkšanas laikā atkārtoti ieguldiet savu sākotnējo peļņu stabilās monētās, piemēram, Bitcoin vai Ethereum.
2. Piedalieties ICO/IDO: iesaistieties sākotnējos monētu piedāvājumos vai sākotnējos DEX piedāvājumos, lai agrīni piekļūtu potenciāli augstas atlīdzības projektiem.
3. Esiet informēts: sekojiet tirgus tendencēm, jaunumiem un atjauninājumiem. Pievienojieties kriptovalūtu kopienām tādās platformās kā Binance Square, lai paliktu priekšā.
Galvenie padomi:
- Riska pārvaldība: ieguldiet tikai to, ko varat atļauties zaudēt.
- Izglītība: nepārtraukti uzziniet par tirgus tendencēm, tirdzniecības stratēģijām un jauniem projektiem.
- Pacietība un disciplīna: tirgus var būt nepastāvīgs. Esiet disciplinēti ar savu stratēģiju.

Veicot šos soļus un paliekot informēts, jūs varat palielināt savas izredzes pārvērst nelielu ieguldījumu ievērojamā bagātībā gaidāmajā buļļu tirgū. Laimīgu tirdzniecību!
Top 3 Cryptocurrencies for a $1000 Portfolio Recommended 🚀 1. Polygon $MATIC MATIC 0.7021 -1.04% Dedication: $400 Current Price: $0.70 per token Quantity: Approximately 571 MATIC tokens. Potential: Polygon, formerly Matic Network, is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, aiming to improve scalability and usability. With its growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and partnerships with major projects like Aave and Decentraland, MATIC has the potential for significant growth as it addresses Ethereum's scalability issues. 2. Chiliz $CHZ CHZ 0.14325 -2.07% Dedication: $400 Current Price: $0.14 per token Quantity: Approximately 2,857 CHZ tokens Potential: Chiliz is a blockchain platform for sports and entertainment fan engagement, powering fan tokens for major sports clubs like FC Barcelona and Juventus. With the increasing adoption of fan tokens and partnerships with sports organizations worldwide, CHZ has the potential for substantial growth as it expands its ecosystem. 3. $FET FET 2.115 -2.08% Dedication: $200 Current Price: $2.13 per token Quantity: Approximately 94 FET tokens Potential: is an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) platform built on blockchain technology. With its focus on decentralized autonomous agents (DAA), aims to revolutionize various industries such as supply chain management and decentralized finance (DeFi), offering significant growth potential for its native token, FET. This diversified portfolio offers exposure to different segments of the crypto market and holds the potential for substantial returns as these projects evolve and gain adoption. Disclaimer: Research Yourself before investing, use only risk-worthy funds, and take full responsibility for your decisions.
Top 3 Cryptocurrencies for a $1000 Portfolio Recommended 🚀
1. Polygon $MATIC
Dedication: $400
Current Price: $0.70 per token
Quantity: Approximately 571 MATIC tokens.
Potential: Polygon, formerly Matic Network, is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, aiming to improve scalability and usability. With its growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and partnerships with major projects like Aave and Decentraland, MATIC has the potential for significant growth as it addresses Ethereum's scalability issues.
2. Chiliz $CHZ
Dedication: $400
Current Price: $0.14 per token
Quantity: Approximately 2,857 CHZ tokens
Potential: Chiliz is a blockchain platform for sports and entertainment fan engagement, powering fan tokens for major sports clubs like FC Barcelona and Juventus. With the increasing adoption of fan tokens and partnerships with sports organizations worldwide, CHZ has the potential for substantial growth as it expands its ecosystem.
3. $FET
Dedication: $200
Current Price: $2.13 per token
Quantity: Approximately 94 FET tokens
Potential: is an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) platform built on blockchain technology. With its focus on decentralized autonomous agents (DAA), aims to revolutionize various industries such as supply chain management and decentralized finance (DeFi), offering significant growth potential for its native token, FET.
This diversified portfolio offers exposure to different segments of the crypto market and holds the potential for substantial returns as these projects evolve and gain adoption.
Research Yourself before investing, use only risk-worthy funds, and take full responsibility for your decisions.
Sure, here's a simplified version: 1. (FET): It connects smart devices and lets them trade without needing a middleman. 2. SingularityNET (AGI): A place where AI creators can sell their work and collaborate with others. 3. Numerai (NMR): Uses AI to predict stock market trends and rewards people who help with that. 4. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): Lets people share and sell data securely, useful for AI development. 5. Cortex (CTXC): Helps developers create AI apps using blockchain tech. These coins are linked to AI and are likely to grow as AI becomes more popular. Keep an eye on them if you're into trading.
Sure, here's a simplified version:
1. (FET): It connects smart devices and lets them trade without needing a middleman.
2. SingularityNET (AGI): A place where AI creators can sell their work and collaborate with others.
3. Numerai (NMR): Uses AI to predict stock market trends and rewards people who help with that.
4. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN): Lets people share and sell data securely, useful for AI development.
5. Cortex (CTXC): Helps developers create AI apps using blockchain tech.
These coins are linked to AI and are likely to grow as AI becomes more popular. Keep an eye on them if you're into trading.
🚀 Top 5 AI Coins to buy now and hold till 2025 As the world embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential, the cryptocurrency market has seen the rise of innovative projects combining AI and blockchain technology. (FET) - is a decentralized AI platform that aims to connect IoT devices and create an open economic internet. Its unique approach to AI allows for autonomous economic agents to perform tasks and exchange value in a decentralized manner. SingularityNET (AGI) - SingularityNET is a decentralized AI marketplace that enables AI developers to monetize their algorithms and services. It aims to democratize AI by providing a platform for AI agents to interact and collaborate. Numerai (NMR) - Numerai is a hedge fund that uses AI to make stock market predictions. It has created a unique platform where data scientists can build predictive models using encrypted data, compete in tournaments, and earn rewards in the form of NMR tokens. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) - Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share and monetize data while preserving privacy. Its goal is to unlock data for AI development and create a new data economy. Cortex (CTXC) - Cortex is a decentralized AI platform that allows developers to create AI applications on the blockchain. It aims to democratize AI by providing a platform for AI models to be trained and deployed in a decentralized manner. These projects are leading the way in advancing AI technology and its integration with blockchain. As the AI industry continues to grow, these coins are well-positioned to benefit from the increasing demand for decentralized AI solutions. Keep an eye on these projects as they pave the way for the future of AI and blockchain technology!
🚀 Top 5 AI Coins to buy now and hold till 2025
As the world embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential, the cryptocurrency market has seen the rise of innovative projects combining AI and blockchain technology. (FET) - is a decentralized AI platform that aims to connect IoT devices and create an open economic internet. Its unique approach to AI allows for autonomous economic agents to perform tasks and exchange value in a decentralized manner.
SingularityNET (AGI) - SingularityNET is a decentralized AI marketplace that enables AI developers to monetize their algorithms and services. It aims to democratize AI by providing a platform for AI agents to interact and collaborate.
Numerai (NMR) - Numerai is a hedge fund that uses AI to make stock market predictions. It has created a unique platform where data scientists can build predictive models using encrypted data, compete in tournaments, and earn rewards in the form of NMR tokens.
Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) - Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share and monetize data while preserving privacy. Its goal is to unlock data for AI development and create a new data economy.
Cortex (CTXC) - Cortex is a decentralized AI platform that allows developers to create AI applications on the blockchain. It aims to democratize AI by providing a platform for AI models to be trained and deployed in a decentralized manner.
These projects are leading the way in advancing AI technology and its integration with blockchain. As the AI industry continues to grow, these coins are well-positioned to benefit from the increasing demand for decentralized AI solutions. Keep an eye on these projects as they pave the way for the future of AI and blockchain technology!
$Crypto analyst names 5 altcoins to buy for a quick profits. A Dutch cryptocurrency analyst said he expects a bullish rally in the cryptocurrency market and named five altcoins that he believes can bring investors “a few X's of profit.” 1. Optimism (OP). Here is why : 30% of the coin's market capitalization is locked in the ecosystem, so investors in OP have a high potential for significant gains. Now OP is trading at $2.45, and the analyst predicts that in the next six months the rate will grow by almost 300-800%. 2. Arbitrum The expert called investments in Arbitrum (ARB) promising. The project recently announced the issuance of 225 million ARB coins worth about $250 million for the benefit of the Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP), which attracted investors. ARB is now at $1.13, and Popp expects the coin to grow by 250-300%. 3.WO NETWORK WO Network (WO) has an encouraging outlook. Popp explained: as the Etherium ecosystem expands, decentralized exchanges like the WO Network could gain popularity due to increasing trading volumes. The growth of the WO rate will be between 300% and 800%, the expert believes. 4. Wormhole The analyst also mentioned Wormhole (W), predicting that the rate of this cryptoasset will grow by 200-400%, and called the launch of solutions that increase the compatibility of blockchains important. 5. DOGECOIN Popp did not ignore the DOGE memcoin either. Despite the fact that the exchange rate has fallen 81% from its peak, Dogecoin could grow by 400-500%. This will be due to the frenzied demand for meme cryptocurrencies, which the trader is waiting for. $DOGE $ARB $OP
$Crypto analyst names 5 altcoins to buy for a quick profits. A Dutch cryptocurrency analyst said he expects a bullish rally in the cryptocurrency market and named five altcoins that he believes can bring investors “a few X's of profit.”
1. Optimism (OP). Here is why :
30% of the coin's market capitalization is locked in the ecosystem, so investors in OP have a high potential for significant gains. Now OP is trading at $2.45, and the analyst predicts that in the next six months the rate will grow by almost 300-800%.
2. Arbitrum
The expert called investments in Arbitrum (ARB) promising. The project recently announced the issuance of 225 million ARB coins worth about $250 million for the benefit of the Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP), which attracted investors. ARB is now at $1.13, and Popp expects the coin to grow by 250-300%.
WO Network (WO) has an encouraging outlook. Popp explained: as the Etherium ecosystem expands, decentralized exchanges like the WO Network could gain popularity due to increasing trading volumes. The growth of the WO rate will be between 300% and 800%, the expert believes.
4. Wormhole
The analyst also mentioned Wormhole (W), predicting that the rate of this cryptoasset will grow by 200-400%, and called the launch of solutions that increase the compatibility of blockchains important.
Popp did not ignore the DOGE memcoin either. Despite the fact that the exchange rate has fallen 81% from its peak, Dogecoin could grow by 400-500%. This will be due to the frenzied demand for meme cryptocurrencies, which the trader is waiting for.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Manuprāt, BTC jau ilgu laiku svārstās starp 63K un 71K, jo tā ir pēdējā kratīšanas vieta. Mazais investors, kurš izturēs šo pēdējo satricinājumu, būs tiesīgs iegādāties buļļa biļeti. $WIF $PEPE $DOGE
Manuprāt, BTC jau ilgu laiku svārstās starp 63K un 71K, jo tā ir pēdējā kratīšanas vieta. Mazais investors, kurš izturēs šo pēdējo satricinājumu, būs tiesīgs iegādāties buļļa biļeti.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$ALICE Lido skaisti. Trūkst tikai viņa spārnu. Tas tirgojas pie 2363 punktiem ar pieaugumu par 51,86%. Dienas darījumu apjoms tuvojās 200 miljoniem dolāru. Tas var iet nedaudz tālāk, bet, protams, tas ir riskanti. Tas ir jūsu lēmums. $PORTAL šodien pieauga līdz 1.26 un samazinājās. Tas joprojām tirgojas pie 1.0842, salīdzinot ar vakardienu, pieaugot par 8.42%. Viņš/viņa var mēģināt atkal pacelties. Tā ikdienas darījumu apjoms pārsniedz 100 miljonus dolāru. $ENA ir pie 1 dolāra robežas ar pieaugumu par 8,56%. Viņš neizturēja savu pirmo mēģinājumu. To var viegli pārbaudīt ļoti tuvu robežai. Ja viņš šeit paspēs, viņš var skriet pretī rekordam. Tā darījumu apjoms ir 140 miljoni dolāru. Jūs saņemsiet 5% komisijas atlaidi par veiktajiem darījumiem, noklikšķinot uz zemāk esošās grafikas. Nepalaidiet garām šo iespēju.
$ALICE Lido skaisti. Trūkst tikai viņa spārnu. Tas tirgojas pie 2363 punktiem ar pieaugumu par 51,86%. Dienas darījumu apjoms tuvojās 200 miljoniem dolāru. Tas var iet nedaudz tālāk, bet, protams, tas ir riskanti. Tas ir jūsu lēmums.
$PORTAL šodien pieauga līdz 1.26 un samazinājās. Tas joprojām tirgojas pie 1.0842, salīdzinot ar vakardienu, pieaugot par 8.42%. Viņš/viņa var mēģināt atkal pacelties. Tā ikdienas darījumu apjoms pārsniedz 100 miljonus dolāru.
$ENA ir pie 1 dolāra robežas ar pieaugumu par 8,56%. Viņš neizturēja savu pirmo mēģinājumu. To var viegli pārbaudīt ļoti tuvu robežai. Ja viņš šeit paspēs, viņš var skriet pretī rekordam. Tā darījumu apjoms ir 140 miljoni dolāru.

Jūs saņemsiet 5% komisijas atlaidi par veiktajiem darījumiem, noklikšķinot uz zemāk esošās grafikas. Nepalaidiet garām šo iespēju.
You will earn a 5% commission discount on the trades you make by clicking on the graphics below. Don't miss this opportunity. $PEPE $BOME $MEME
You will earn a 5% commission discount on the trades you make by clicking on the graphics below. Don't miss this opportunity.
$NOT started to attack again after gaining strength at 0.02 level. It managed to reach the level of 0.023109 with an increase of 18.60%. Transaction volume increased again to 2.2 billion dollars. There is a very high transaction volume. He is eager to break the record he set on opening day. $FLOKI is trading at 27974 with an increase of 11.73%. It retreated from the 31400 level, it may want to try again. It's lively and well paced. The transaction volume has approached 200 million dollars. $WIF continues to trade at 3.4749, up 5.90%. He continues his ascent. It may retest the 4.08 level. You will earn a 5% commission discount on the trades you make by clicking on the graphics below. Don't miss this opportunity.
$NOT started to attack again after gaining strength at 0.02 level. It managed to reach the level of 0.023109 with an increase of 18.60%. Transaction volume increased again to 2.2 billion dollars. There is a very high transaction volume. He is eager to break the record he set on opening day.
$FLOKI is trading at 27974 with an increase of 11.73%. It retreated from the 31400 level, it may want to try again. It's lively and well paced. The transaction volume has approached 200 million dollars.
$WIF continues to trade at 3.4749, up 5.90%. He continues his ascent. It may retest the 4.08 level.

You will earn a 5% commission discount on the trades you make by clicking on the graphics below. Don't miss this opportunity.
$NOT continues to hold above 2 cents. It is trading at 0.021207 with an increase of 8.15%. High transaction volume continues. It has a daily transaction volume of over 2 billion dollars. Unless it goes down from the 2 cent level, it will retest 3 cents. $WIF continues the day at 3.4076 with an increase of 6.13%. After seeing the 4.08 level, it started to retreat downwards. He gathered his strength again and started moving forward. It may retest the 4.08 level. There is a transaction volume of nearly 200 million. $BNB has come to the end of its long sideways movements. It is trading at 630 with an increase of 5.43%. It had been going back and forth between 590-600 for a long time. He finally managed to break his horizontal movements. I don't think it will rise any further for now. It will decline after standing here for a while. You will earn a 5% commission discount on the trades you make by clicking on the graphics below. Don't miss this opportunity.
$NOT continues to hold above 2 cents. It is trading at 0.021207 with an increase of 8.15%. High transaction volume continues. It has a daily transaction volume of over 2 billion dollars. Unless it goes down from the 2 cent level, it will retest 3 cents.
$WIF continues the day at 3.4076 with an increase of 6.13%. After seeing the 4.08 level, it started to retreat downwards. He gathered his strength again and started moving forward. It may retest the 4.08 level. There is a transaction volume of nearly 200 million.
$BNB has come to the end of its long sideways movements. It is trading at 630 with an increase of 5.43%. It had been going back and forth between 590-600 for a long time. He finally managed to break his horizontal movements. I don't think it will rise any further for now. It will decline after standing here for a while.

You will earn a 5% commission discount on the trades you make by clicking on the graphics below. Don't miss this opportunity.
The best way to earn money in short time with a target of 4%-10% of your investment is to closely research the market, choose a coin which is moving up and down, find the trend and buy in low and sell in high using your own target. Also note that do not put your all investments. Do not invest more than 30% of your investment. if price decreases do purchase more at lower price to make it average. Do this based on proper research. Once you can make a good average price, once the price increases sell at your target. This is my suggestion for new investors. Expert people know what to do. Best to start with crypto is Spot Trading. Gradually learn other features and most important is to learn the market. $BTC $ETH $BNB
The best way to earn money in short time with a target of 4%-10% of your investment is to closely research the market, choose a coin which is moving up and down, find the trend and buy in low and sell in high using your own target.
Also note that do not put your all investments. Do not invest more than 30% of your investment. if price decreases do purchase more at lower price to make it average. Do this based on proper research. Once you can make a good average price, once the price increases sell at your target.
This is my suggestion for new investors. Expert people know what to do. Best to start with crypto is Spot Trading. Gradually learn other features and most important is to learn the market.
$PEPE could not hold on to the 1500 level and its decline continues. It is trading at 1431 with a decrease of 6.16%. Transaction volume has fallen below 400 million dollars. He lost his throne to #NOT. It is not as popular as it used to be, it moves horizontally. $AEVO Finally managed to break above the $1 level. It is trading at 1,083 with a 21.54% increase. Transaction volume has reached 80 million dollars. It may encounter resistance at this level. If it passes, the future is open. $JASMY continues its rise today. It is trading at 37915 with an increase of 5.81%. Its transaction volume has a vertical rise above $100 million. His pace is good, he still has a distance to go
$PEPE could not hold on to the 1500 level and its decline continues. It is trading at 1431 with a decrease of 6.16%. Transaction volume has fallen below 400 million dollars. He lost his throne to #NOT. It is not as popular as it used to be, it moves horizontally.
$AEVO Finally managed to break above the $1 level. It is trading at 1,083 with a 21.54% increase. Transaction volume has reached 80 million dollars. It may encounter resistance at this level. If it passes, the future is open.
$JASMY continues its rise today. It is trading at 37915 with an increase of 5.81%. Its transaction volume has a vertical rise above $100 million. His pace is good, he still has a distance to go
How to make profits in trading 👑👑Binance trading profit strategies👑👑 Here are some common trading profit strategies used on Binance: 1. *Day Trading*: Buy and sell cryptocurrencies within a single trading day, taking advantage of short-term price movements. 2. *Swing Trading*: Hold positions for a shorter period, usually a few days or weeks, to profit from medium-term price movements. 3. *Long-Term Investing*: Hold cryptocurrencies for an extended period, riding out market fluctuations to profit from long-term growth. 4. *Range Trading*: Identify a range in which a cryptocurrency is trading and buy/sell based on expectations of price movements within that range. 5. *Breakout Trading*: Buy/sell when prices break through established resistance/support levels, anticipating continued price movement in that direction. 6. *Trend Following*: Identify and follow the direction of market trends to profit from sustained price movements. 7. *Arbitrage*: Exploit price differences between two or more markets to profit from the spread. 8. *Diversification*: Spread investments across multiple cryptocurrencies to minimize risk and maximize potential gains. 9. *Leverage Trading*: Use borrowed funds to amplify potential gains (but also increases potential losses). 10. *Technical Analysis*: Use charts and indicators to identify patterns and predict price movements. 11. *Fundamental Analysis*: Research a project's underlying value, news, and market trends to estimate its potential. 12. *Scalping*: Make a large number of small trades in a short period to take advantage of small price movements. Remember, each strategy carries unique risks, and it's essential to understand and adapt them to your individual trading style and risk tolerance. Always do your own research and consider consulting a financial advisor before making investment decisions. $BTC $ETH $BNB
How to make profits in trading
👑👑Binance trading profit strategies👑👑
Here are some common trading profit strategies used on Binance:
1. *Day Trading*: Buy and sell cryptocurrencies within a single trading day, taking advantage of short-term price movements.
2. *Swing Trading*: Hold positions for a shorter period, usually a few days or weeks, to profit from medium-term price movements.
3. *Long-Term Investing*: Hold cryptocurrencies for an extended period, riding out market fluctuations to profit from long-term growth.
4. *Range Trading*: Identify a range in which a cryptocurrency is trading and buy/sell based on expectations of price movements within that range.
5. *Breakout Trading*: Buy/sell when prices break through established resistance/support levels, anticipating continued price movement in that direction.
6. *Trend Following*: Identify and follow the direction of market trends to profit from sustained price movements.
7. *Arbitrage*: Exploit price differences between two or more markets to profit from the spread.
8. *Diversification*: Spread investments across multiple cryptocurrencies to minimize risk and maximize potential gains.
9. *Leverage Trading*: Use borrowed funds to amplify potential gains (but also increases potential losses).
10. *Technical Analysis*: Use charts and indicators to identify patterns and predict price movements.
11. *Fundamental Analysis*: Research a project's underlying value, news, and market trends to estimate its potential.
12. *Scalping*: Make a large number of small trades in a short period to take advantage of small price movements.
Remember, each strategy carries unique risks, and it's essential to understand and adapt them to your individual trading style and risk tolerance. Always do your own research and consider consulting a financial advisor before making investment decisions.
$Not Coin has emerged as a fascinating player in the cryptocurrency market. Initially, I invested a small amount, but when I saw a 20% increase, I felt confident and invested more. Now, seeing its current performance, I believe it's gaining momentum and setting a new price baseline. It may eventually experience a downturn, but for now, it appears to be on an upward trajectory. From a market perspective, Not Coin has shown considerable volatility. Its all-time high reached an impressive $200, while its all-time low dipped to $15. Despite these fluctuations, it maintains a high average price of around $120. The price graph for Not Coin resembles a rollercoaster, with sharp peaks and valleys, reflecting its dynamic behavior in the market. Even during stagnant periods, Not Coin has demonstrated remarkable resilience and market dominance. Its ability to perform well during these "null periods" is quite magical. Analysts believe that Not Coin is currently solidifying its value, and the zeros in its price are gradually disappearing, indicating a strong potential for sustained growth. Looking ahead, I am optimistic about Not Coin's future. Its current performance suggests that it is setting a new price standard. While it may eventually face some declines, its recent achievements indicate a bright and promising future. Investors are watching closely, confident that Not Coin will continue to make significant strides in the cryptocurrency market. $NOT
$Not Coin has emerged as a fascinating player in the cryptocurrency market. Initially, I invested a small amount, but when I saw a 20% increase, I felt confident and invested more. Now, seeing its current performance, I believe it's gaining momentum and setting a new price baseline. It may eventually experience a downturn, but for now, it appears to be on an upward trajectory.
From a market perspective, Not Coin has shown considerable volatility. Its all-time high reached an impressive $200, while its all-time low dipped to $15. Despite these fluctuations, it maintains a high average price of around $120. The price graph for Not Coin resembles a rollercoaster, with sharp peaks and valleys, reflecting its dynamic behavior in the market.
Even during stagnant periods, Not Coin has demonstrated remarkable resilience and market dominance. Its ability to perform well during these "null periods" is quite magical. Analysts believe that Not Coin is currently solidifying its value, and the zeros in its price are gradually disappearing, indicating a strong potential for sustained growth.
Looking ahead, I am optimistic about Not Coin's future. Its current performance suggests that it is setting a new price standard. While it may eventually face some declines, its recent achievements indicate a bright and promising future. Investors are watching closely, confident that Not Coin will continue to make significant strides in the cryptocurrency market.
11-year-old crypto wallet recovered: “I'll sell it for $100,000!” Two cybersecurity researchers helped a crypto user recover 43.6 #Bitcoin (BTC) he lost after losing access to the wallet holding the assets 11 years ago. In the last year, it has been seen that a large amount of #BTC has been withdrawn from the Binance exchange, which has the largest Bitcoin reserves. Likewise, Coinbase also experienced significant outflows in 2024. Approximately 16 thousand BTC was transferred out of the US-based exchange in just one day. This trend is becoming more evident as large Bitcoin holders, or “whales,” transfer their assets to private wallets. This movement indicates that whales are moving in anticipation of future price increases. Bitcoin is currently trading at $67,731 on the 4-hour chart. The pivot point at $68,000 indicates that #BTC will remain in a downtrend as long as it remains below this figure. While the levels of 69 thousand, 70 thousand 600 and 71 thousand dollars appear as short-term resistances, the closest supports are at 66 thousand 650 and 65 thousand 950 dollars. The relative strength index RSI is at neutral point with 46.62 points. #Bitcoin is changing hands just below its 50-period exponential moving average at $68,000. While the upward trend line supports Bitcoin around $66,650, a double bottom formation is also evident. Generally, this pattern indicates that #Bitcoin may initiate an upward move from its current level. $BTC $ETH $BNB
11-year-old crypto wallet recovered: “I'll sell it for $100,000!”

Two cybersecurity researchers helped a crypto user recover 43.6 #Bitcoin (BTC) he lost after losing access to the wallet holding the assets 11 years ago.
In the last year, it has been seen that a large amount of #BTC has been withdrawn from the Binance exchange, which has the largest Bitcoin reserves. Likewise, Coinbase also experienced significant outflows in 2024. Approximately 16 thousand BTC was transferred out of the US-based exchange in just one day.
This trend is becoming more evident as large Bitcoin holders, or “whales,” transfer their assets to private wallets. This movement indicates that whales are moving in anticipation of future price increases.
Bitcoin is currently trading at $67,731 on the 4-hour chart. The pivot point at $68,000 indicates that #BTC will remain in a downtrend as long as it remains below this figure. While the levels of 69 thousand, 70 thousand 600 and 71 thousand dollars appear as short-term resistances, the closest supports are at 66 thousand 650 and 65 thousand 950 dollars.
The relative strength index RSI is at neutral point with 46.62 points. #Bitcoin is changing hands just below its 50-period exponential moving average at $68,000.

While the upward trend line supports Bitcoin around $66,650, a double bottom formation is also evident. Generally, this pattern indicates that #Bitcoin may initiate an upward move from its current level.
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