Binance Square
Just an ordinary guy with extraordinary dreams ✨
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Sveiki, vēlējos jūsu vērtīgo viedokli par lunc nākotni. Vai lunc atgriezīsies vai nē? Kāda ir tās nākotne, paturot prātā tiesas prāvas pret tās dibinātāju? #Write2Earn #LUNC.
Sveiki, vēlējos jūsu vērtīgo viedokli par lunc nākotni. Vai lunc atgriezīsies vai nē? Kāda ir tās nākotne, paturot prātā tiesas prāvas pret tās dibinātāju?
#Write2Earn #LUNC.
Tulkot Join now. Copy and paste it on telegram and lets make money together from hamster kombat now . Listing on 26th of September
Join now. Copy and paste it on telegram and lets make money together from hamster kombat now . Listing on 26th of September
Skatīt oriģinālu
#MarketSentimentToday Tirgus šodien izskatās lācīgs, un daudzām monētām ir vājuma pazīmes. Esiet modrs tirdzniecības laikā 💰
Tirgus šodien izskatās lācīgs, un daudzām monētām ir vājuma pazīmes. Esiet modrs tirdzniecības laikā 💰
Skatīt oriģinālu
nirsim šajos daudzsološajos gaisa pilienos, lai mēs varētu kopā pelnīt naudu. Ir apstiprināts, ka visi šie trīs drīz tiks izlaisti no gaisa, un suņi ir pirmie, kas šodien tiks atbrīvoti. Nepalaidiet garām šos iespējamos gaisa pilienus. Pelnīsim kopā naudu 😄 #Airdrops_free
nirsim šajos daudzsološajos gaisa pilienos, lai mēs varētu kopā pelnīt naudu.
Ir apstiprināts, ka visi šie trīs drīz tiks izlaisti no gaisa, un suņi ir pirmie, kas šodien tiks atbrīvoti. Nepalaidiet garām šos iespējamos gaisa pilienus. Pelnīsim kopā naudu 😄
Skatīt oriģinālu
Pēdējā tirgus lejupslīde Kriptovalūtu tirgus neseno kritumu var saistīt ar vairākiem faktoriem: 1. **Reglamentācijas problēmas**: valdības visā pasaulē pastiprina kriptovalūtu regulējošo pārbaudi. Piemēram, SEC ASV ir aktīvāk īstenojusi izpildes pasākumus pret noteiktiem kriptovalūtu projektiem. 2. **Tirgus noskaņojums**: negatīvas ziņas, piemēram, lielas uzlaušanas vai krāpniecības, var iedragāt investoru uzticību. Augsta līmeņa projektu vai platformu kritums arī veicina lāču noskaņojumu. 3. **Makroekonomiskie faktori**: pieaugošās procentu likmes, bažas par inflāciju un spēcīgāks ASV dolārs var padarīt riskantākus aktīvus, piemēram, kriptovalūtas, mazāk pievilcīgus salīdzinājumā ar stabilākiem ieguldījumiem.

Pēdējā tirgus lejupslīde

Kriptovalūtu tirgus neseno kritumu var saistīt ar vairākiem faktoriem:

1. **Reglamentācijas problēmas**: valdības visā pasaulē pastiprina kriptovalūtu regulējošo pārbaudi. Piemēram, SEC ASV ir aktīvāk īstenojusi izpildes pasākumus pret noteiktiem kriptovalūtu projektiem.

2. **Tirgus noskaņojums**: negatīvas ziņas, piemēram, lielas uzlaušanas vai krāpniecības, var iedragāt investoru uzticību. Augsta līmeņa projektu vai platformu kritums arī veicina lāču noskaņojumu.

3. **Makroekonomiskie faktori**: pieaugošās procentu likmes, bažas par inflāciju un spēcīgāks ASV dolārs var padarīt riskantākus aktīvus, piemēram, kriptovalūtas, mazāk pievilcīgus salīdzinājumā ar stabilākiem ieguldījumiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Es redzu, ka tik daudz cilvēku raud pēc vakar notikušās tirgus avārijas un sauc kriptovalūtu par krāpniecību, lol. Visi šie puiši ir tie, kuriem patīk nākotnes tirdzniecība, kas līdzinās azartspēlēm. Neviens no viņiem nav gudrs tirgotājs. Kad es redzēju, ka sākas kriptovalūtu avārija, es uzreiz pārdevu visas savas monētas usdt un pēc tam gaidīju, līdz avārija atdziest, pēc tam atkal investēju, kad redzēju, ka dažas monētas sāk celties. Un Alhumdullilah es joprojām gūstu peļņu, ka pārāk uz vietas. Uzziniet, kā tirgoties gudri, nevis grūti. Cilvēkiem patiešām ir jāapgūst kaut kas vai divas par saprātīgu tirdzniecību. #CryptoCrashAlert #Notcoinnews #TopCoinsJune2024
Es redzu, ka tik daudz cilvēku raud pēc vakar notikušās tirgus avārijas un sauc kriptovalūtu par krāpniecību, lol. Visi šie puiši ir tie, kuriem patīk nākotnes tirdzniecība, kas līdzinās azartspēlēm. Neviens no viņiem nav gudrs tirgotājs. Kad es redzēju, ka sākas kriptovalūtu avārija, es uzreiz pārdevu visas savas monētas usdt un pēc tam gaidīju, līdz avārija atdziest, pēc tam atkal investēju, kad redzēju, ka dažas monētas sāk celties. Un Alhumdullilah es joprojām gūstu peļņu, ka pārāk uz vietas. Uzziniet, kā tirgoties gudri, nevis grūti. Cilvēkiem patiešām ir jāapgūst kaut kas vai divas par saprātīgu tirdzniecību.
#CryptoCrashAlert #Notcoinnews #TopCoinsJune2024
Please tell me your opinions on the CTK coin. I've been holding it for 2 days now and it seems like the whales keep trying push back its price. Should i hold for now? Or should i sell it without a major loss? #CTKUSDT✨🚀
Please tell me your opinions on the CTK coin. I've been holding it for 2 days now and it seems like the whales keep trying push back its price. Should i hold for now? Or should i sell it without a major loss?
Which coin should i buy right now? Please suggest me some promising coins which will give me a good profit in the coming days. #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins
Which coin should i buy right now? Please suggest me some promising coins which will give me a good profit in the coming days.
#ETHETFsApproved #altcoins
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bezmaksas kriptovalūtas iegūšana daudziem ir ļoti pievilcīga izredze, jo īpaši saistībā ar digitālo valūtu izaugsmi un atpazīstamību. Binance, viena no lielākajām kriptovalūtu biržām pasaulē, piedāvā lietotājiem vairākus veidus, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu. Šeit ir sešas metodes, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu vietnē Binance, un katra no tām ir detalizēti izskaidrota. ###1. Binance Win ** Binance nopelna ** ir neatņemams finanšu produktu komplekts, kas lietotājiem ļauj pasīvi palielināt savu kriptogrāfijas līdzdalību. Lūk, kā to varat izmantot: - ** Elastīgi ietaupījumi **: šis produkts ļauj ietekmēt neaktīvo kriptovalūtu. Noguldot savas kriptovalūtas elastīgajos uzkrājumos, jūs varat nopelnīt ikdienas procentus. To sauc par \"elastīgu\", jo jūs varat izpirkt savus līdzekļus jebkurā laikā bez soda sankcijām. - **Slēgtie uzkrājumi**: atšķirībā no elastīgajiem uzkrājumiem, bloķētiem uzkrājumiem ir jābloķē līdzekļi uz noteiktu laiku, piemēram, 7, 30 vai 90 dienām. Pretī jūs saņemsiet augstāku procentu likmi nekā elastīgie uzkrājumi. - **Staking**: Binance piedāvā likmju likšanas pakalpojumus, kuros varat likt likmes uz kriptovalūtām, lai atbalstītu blokķēdes tīklu un pretī nopelnītu likmju atlīdzības. Tas ir īpaši izdevīgi lietotājiem, kuriem pieder Proof-of-Stake (PoS) kriptovalūtas. ### 2. Binance Launchpad **Binance Launchpad** ir unikāla marķieru palaišanas platforma, kas palīdz pārveidojošiem blokķēdes jaunizveidotiem uzņēmumiem piesaistīt līdzekļus un palielināt savu sasniedzamību. Lūk, kā vari piedalīties: - **Sākotnējie apmaiņas piedāvājumi (IEO)**: Binance Launchpad satur IEO, kur varat piedalīties jaunu projektu marķieru pārdošanā. Lai gan tas ne vienmēr ir bezmaksas, agrīna iesaistīšanās bieži vien var radīt ievērojamu peļņu. - **Stake Token Launchpad**: Binance dažkārt ļauj lietotājiem veikt savas BNB vai citas atbalstītās kriptovalūtas, lai bez maksas saņemtu jaunus marķierus no gaidāmajiem projektiem. Tas ir veids, kā nopelnīt jaunus žetonus, tieši neieguldot papildu naudu. ### 3. Binance ieteikumu programma. #EarnFreeCrypto2024
Bezmaksas kriptovalūtas iegūšana daudziem ir ļoti pievilcīga izredze, jo īpaši saistībā ar digitālo valūtu izaugsmi un atpazīstamību. Binance, viena no lielākajām kriptovalūtu biržām pasaulē, piedāvā lietotājiem vairākus veidus, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu. Šeit ir sešas metodes, kā nopelnīt bezmaksas kriptovalūtu vietnē Binance, un katra no tām ir detalizēti izskaidrota.

###1. Binance Win

** Binance nopelna ** ir neatņemams finanšu produktu komplekts, kas lietotājiem ļauj pasīvi palielināt savu kriptogrāfijas līdzdalību. Lūk, kā to varat izmantot:

- ** Elastīgi ietaupījumi **: šis produkts ļauj ietekmēt neaktīvo kriptovalūtu. Noguldot savas kriptovalūtas elastīgajos uzkrājumos, jūs varat nopelnīt ikdienas procentus. To sauc par \"elastīgu\", jo jūs varat izpirkt savus līdzekļus jebkurā laikā bez soda sankcijām. - **Slēgtie uzkrājumi**: atšķirībā no elastīgajiem uzkrājumiem, bloķētiem uzkrājumiem ir jābloķē līdzekļi uz noteiktu laiku, piemēram, 7, 30 vai 90 dienām. Pretī jūs saņemsiet augstāku procentu likmi nekā elastīgie uzkrājumi. - **Staking**: Binance piedāvā likmju likšanas pakalpojumus, kuros varat likt likmes uz kriptovalūtām, lai atbalstītu blokķēdes tīklu un pretī nopelnītu likmju atlīdzības. Tas ir īpaši izdevīgi lietotājiem, kuriem pieder Proof-of-Stake (PoS) kriptovalūtas. ### 2. Binance Launchpad

**Binance Launchpad** ir unikāla marķieru palaišanas platforma, kas palīdz pārveidojošiem blokķēdes jaunizveidotiem uzņēmumiem piesaistīt līdzekļus un palielināt savu sasniedzamību. Lūk, kā vari piedalīties:

- **Sākotnējie apmaiņas piedāvājumi (IEO)**: Binance Launchpad satur IEO, kur varat piedalīties jaunu projektu marķieru pārdošanā. Lai gan tas ne vienmēr ir bezmaksas, agrīna iesaistīšanās bieži vien var radīt ievērojamu peļņu. - **Stake Token Launchpad**: Binance dažkārt ļauj lietotājiem veikt savas BNB vai citas atbalstītās kriptovalūtas, lai bez maksas saņemtu jaunus marķierus no gaidāmajiem projektiem. Tas ir veids, kā nopelnīt jaunus žetonus, tieši neieguldot papildu naudu. ### 3. Binance ieteikumu programma.
Experienced Trader Predicts PEPE's Massive Rally - Says It's Similar to Dogecoin 2021 Rally Meanwhile, famous crypto investor Jameson has Decried #PEPE as the next big altcoin to watch. He draws parallels with the explosive rise of Dogecoin in 2021, suggesting that $PEPE is ready for a big rally. PEPE Mirroring 2021 DOGE Surge In a recent tweet, the famous investor Jameson highlighted the striking similarities between PEPE's current charts and the one before the remarkable rise of Dogecoin (DOGE) in 2021. Analysts who examined both the PEPE and DOGE charts noticed the same candlestick pattern, suggesting that PEPE was ready. Jameson stated that a big price increase will be coming soon, predicting that a significant rise will soon affect both short positions and bears. His confidence in PEPE's potential is unshakeable and he expresses: "It is clear from my point of view that PEPE is the chosen sub-element of this cycle and will perform better than everything else." This announcement comes at a time when the crypto market is growing in interest in altcoins and investors are constantly looking for the next big opportunity. Pepe Technical Analysis Pepe Coin (PEPE) is showing strong bullish signals according to the last 24-hour technical analysis. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicates positive momentum with a bullish transition as the MACD line rises above the signal line. Similarly, the Awesome Oscillator (AO) reflects strong market optimism with a positive value of $0.000001806. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at a neutral level of 56, which indicates that the market is neither overbought nor oversold. In addition, the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) shows a slight positive capital inflow with 0.03 October. These indicators collectively point to the potential for the continuation of the upward movement in the PEPE price, indicating a bullish outlook for investors. While the market is waiting for further developments, all eyes are on PEPE to see if he can replicate the DOGE's historic rise. #BinanceSquareFamily #memecoins
Experienced Trader Predicts PEPE's Massive Rally - Says It's Similar to Dogecoin 2021 Rally
Meanwhile, famous crypto investor Jameson has Decried #PEPE as the next big altcoin to watch. He draws parallels with the explosive rise of Dogecoin in 2021, suggesting that $PEPE is ready for a big rally.
PEPE Mirroring 2021 DOGE Surge
In a recent tweet, the famous investor Jameson highlighted the striking similarities between PEPE's current charts and the one before the remarkable rise of Dogecoin (DOGE) in 2021. Analysts who examined both the PEPE and DOGE charts noticed the same candlestick pattern, suggesting that PEPE was ready.
Jameson stated that a big price increase will be coming soon, predicting that a significant rise will soon affect both short positions and bears. His confidence in PEPE's potential is unshakeable and he expresses: "It is clear from my point of view that PEPE is the chosen sub-element of this cycle and will perform better than everything else."
This announcement comes at a time when the crypto market is growing in interest in altcoins and investors are constantly looking for the next big opportunity.
Pepe Technical Analysis
Pepe Coin (PEPE) is showing strong bullish signals according to the last 24-hour technical analysis. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicates positive momentum with a bullish transition as the MACD line rises above the signal line. Similarly, the Awesome Oscillator (AO) reflects strong market optimism with a positive value of $0.000001806.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at a neutral level of 56, which indicates that the market is neither overbought nor oversold. In addition, the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) shows a slight positive capital inflow with 0.03 October.
These indicators collectively point to the potential for the continuation of the upward movement in the PEPE price, indicating a bullish outlook for investors. While the market is waiting for further developments, all eyes are on PEPE to see if he can replicate the DOGE's historic rise.
#BinanceSquareFamily #memecoins
A real One
A fake one
4 balsis • Balsošana ir beigusies
Title: \"The future of cryptocurrencies: a world of infinite possibilities\" The future of cryptocurrencies is extremely promising, with potential applications that go far beyond digital payments. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see widespread adoption across various industries, from finance and healthcare to supply chain management and voting systems. In the near future, we can expect to see the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, which will allow people to access financial services without traditional intermediaries. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will also play an important role, revolutionizing the way we own and transfer unique digital assets. Furthermore, the emergence of Web3 and decentralized applications (dApps) will allow a new generation of Internet users to seamlessly interact with blockchain technology. With the development of scalable and easy-to-use solutions, cryptocurrencies will become more accessible to the masses, leading to their widespread adoption. Ultimately, the future of cryptocurrencies has the potential to create a more decentralized, transparent, and inclusive financial system, empowering people and communities around the world. As innovation continues to accelerate, the possibilities for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are endless and the future looks brighter than ever. #futurebinance @Binance_Academy $ETH $BTC #Write&Earn
Title: \"The future of cryptocurrencies: a world of infinite possibilities\"

The future of cryptocurrencies is extremely promising, with potential applications that go far beyond digital payments. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see widespread adoption across various industries, from finance and healthcare to supply chain management and voting systems. In the near future, we can expect to see the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, which will allow people to access financial services without traditional intermediaries. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will also play an important role, revolutionizing the way we own and transfer unique digital assets. Furthermore, the emergence of Web3 and decentralized applications (dApps) will allow a new generation of Internet users to seamlessly interact with blockchain technology. With the development of scalable and easy-to-use solutions, cryptocurrencies will become more accessible to the masses, leading to their widespread adoption. Ultimately, the future of cryptocurrencies has the potential to create a more decentralized, transparent, and inclusive financial system, empowering people and communities around the world. As innovation continues to accelerate, the possibilities for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are endless and the future looks brighter than ever.
#futurebinance @Binance Academy $ETH $BTC #Write&Earn
Title: \"The Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)\" The cryptocurrency market has seen significant growth in recent years, with decentralized finance (DeFi) emerging as a major trend. DeFi refers to financial services and systems based on blockchain technology, which enable peer-to-peer trading, lending and transactions without traditional intermediaries. One of the key drivers of DeFi's popularity is its ability to provide financial inclusion and accessibility. With DeFi, people can access financial services without the need for traditional banking infrastructure, making it an attractive option for unbanked and underbanked populations. Another important advantage of DeFi is its transparency and security. Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are publicly and immutably recorded, reducing the risk of fraud and censorship. Additionally, DeFi platforms are decentralized, meaning there is no central point of control, making them more resistant to censorship and arrests. As DeFi continues to evolve, we can expect to see new and innovative financial products and services emerge, such as decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and prediction markets. With its potential to democratize finance and provide greater financial freedom, DeFi represents an interesting development in the cryptocurrency space. Would love to hear your thoughts also. #writetoearn $BTC $ETH @Binance_Academy
Title: \"The Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)\"

The cryptocurrency market has seen significant growth in recent years, with decentralized finance (DeFi) emerging as a major trend. DeFi refers to financial services and systems based on blockchain technology, which enable peer-to-peer trading, lending and transactions without traditional intermediaries. One of the key drivers of DeFi's popularity is its ability to provide financial inclusion and accessibility. With DeFi, people can access financial services without the need for traditional banking infrastructure, making it an attractive option for unbanked and underbanked populations. Another important advantage of DeFi is its transparency and security. Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are publicly and immutably recorded, reducing the risk of fraud and censorship. Additionally, DeFi platforms are decentralized, meaning there is no central point of control, making them more resistant to censorship and arrests.

As DeFi continues to evolve, we can expect to see new and innovative financial products and services emerge, such as decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and prediction markets. With its potential to democratize finance and provide greater financial freedom, DeFi represents an interesting development in the cryptocurrency space. Would love to hear your thoughts also.
#writetoearn $BTC $ETH @Binance Academy
$BNB Hey guys, Im feeling very bullish on btc these days. Tell what you think about it? Will BTC reach a new ATH in this pump? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it. If BTC reaches a new ATH then will the alt coins follow suit? Is this the start of the bullrun? So many questions are in my head right now. Would love to hear from you guys. And also please follow me for more posts related to the crypto market and its everyday performance. Toodles #write2earn🌐 #BTC☀️ $BTC $ETH
$BNB Hey guys, Im feeling very bullish on btc these days. Tell what you think about it? Will BTC reach a new ATH in this pump? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it. If BTC reaches a new ATH then will the alt coins follow suit? Is this the start of the bullrun? So many questions are in my head right now. Would love to hear from you guys.
And also please follow me for more posts related to the crypto market and its everyday performance. Toodles
#write2earn🌐 #BTC☀️ $BTC $ETH
The #ETFvsBTC campaign offers a unique opportunity for people to share their opinions on how Bitcoin ETFs compare to direct Bitcoin purchases. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is essential to evaluate the pros and cons of each option and provide valuable information to new users. Bitcoin Etfs (funds mentioned in the share market) are investment funds that follow the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to get exposure to the cryptocurrency market without keeping Bitcoin. On the other hand, Bitcoin's direct purchases provide for the purchase and storage of Bitcoin in a digital portfolio. Advantages of Bitcoin ETFs: 1. Convenience: Bitcoin ETFs offer a convenient way to invest in Bitcoin without the need to create a digital wallet or worry about storage and security. 2. Regulation: Bitcoin ETFs are regulated by financial authorities, providing a level of security and oversight to investors. 3. Diversification: Bitcoin ETFs can be easily integrated into a diversified investment portfolio, allowing investors to spread risk. 4. Professional Management: Bitcoin ETFs are managed by experienced professionals, providing investors with experience and guidance. Cons of Bitcoin ETFs: 1. Indirect Exposure: Bitcoin ETFs do not offer direct exposure to Bitcoin, potentially limiting returns. 2. Fees and expenses: Bitcoin ETFs carry management fees and expenses, which reduces investors' returns. 3. Limited Control: Investors have limited control over their investments as decisions are made by the fund manager. Advantages of direct Bitcoin purchases: 1. Direct Exposure: Buying Bitcoin directly provides investors with full exposure to the potential gains and losses of the cryptocurrency. 2. Control: Investors have full control over their Bitcoin, allowing them flexibility and autonomy. 3. No fees: Direct Bitcoin purchases avoid management fees and expenses associated with ETFs. 4. Security: Investors can protect their Bitcoin with robust digital wallets and cold storage options. #ETFvsBTC #BlackRock @Binance_Square_Official
The #ETFvsBTC campaign offers a unique opportunity for people to share their opinions on how Bitcoin ETFs compare to direct Bitcoin purchases. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is essential to evaluate the pros and cons of each option and provide valuable information to new users. Bitcoin Etfs (funds mentioned in the share market) are investment funds that follow the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to get exposure to the cryptocurrency market without keeping Bitcoin. On the other hand, Bitcoin's direct purchases provide for the purchase and storage of Bitcoin in a digital portfolio. Advantages of Bitcoin ETFs:

1. Convenience: Bitcoin ETFs offer a convenient way to invest in Bitcoin without the need to create a digital wallet or worry about storage and security. 2. Regulation: Bitcoin ETFs are regulated by financial authorities, providing a level of security and oversight to investors. 3. Diversification: Bitcoin ETFs can be easily integrated into a diversified investment portfolio, allowing investors to spread risk. 4. Professional Management: Bitcoin ETFs are managed by experienced professionals, providing investors with experience and guidance. Cons of Bitcoin ETFs:

1. Indirect Exposure: Bitcoin ETFs do not offer direct exposure to Bitcoin, potentially limiting returns. 2. Fees and expenses: Bitcoin ETFs carry management fees and expenses, which reduces investors' returns. 3. Limited Control: Investors have limited control over their investments as decisions are made by the fund manager. Advantages of direct Bitcoin purchases:

1. Direct Exposure: Buying Bitcoin directly provides investors with full exposure to the potential gains and losses of the cryptocurrency. 2. Control: Investors have full control over their Bitcoin, allowing them flexibility and autonomy. 3. No fees: Direct Bitcoin purchases avoid management fees and expenses associated with ETFs.
4. Security: Investors can protect their Bitcoin with robust digital wallets and cold storage options. #ETFvsBTC #BlackRock @Binance Square Official
Recently I've seen a surge in posts wich claim to give out crypto currencies in exchange for tipping them. These are scam posts which should be reported Asap. No one is going to give you a bitcoin in return of a measly 10$ tip. So avoid these posts at all costs and also report these users to the binance team. These users only scam people for free money and are not welcome in a platform like binance. Awareness posts like these should be made by everyone who sees something fishy like this, so that unaware users can be protected. Thank you ☺️ #ScamRiskWarning #awarenesspost #BinanceScamAlert @Binance_Academy @Binance_Square_Official
Recently I've seen a surge in posts wich claim to give out crypto currencies in exchange for tipping them. These are scam posts which should be reported Asap. No one is going to give you a bitcoin in return of a measly 10$ tip. So avoid these posts at all costs and also report these users to the binance team. These users only scam people for free money and are not welcome in a platform like binance. Awareness posts like these should be made by everyone who sees something fishy like this, so that unaware users can be protected. Thank you ☺️
#ScamRiskWarning #awarenesspost #BinanceScamAlert @Binance Academy @Binance Square Official
Hey guys! want to win free btc? Then hop on now to the binance referral program and get upto 0.033 btc for free by using my link and completing your kyc as well as a trade of 100$ through my referral link. Lets win together. #Binancereferral #BitcoinETFs #write2earn🌐💹 us8ng
Hey guys! want to win free btc? Then hop on now to the binance referral program and get upto 0.033 btc for free by using my link and completing your kyc as well as a trade of 100$ through my referral link. Lets win together. #Binancereferral #BitcoinETFs #write2earn🌐💹

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