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🏎️Kāpēc Ferrari kriptogrāfijas paplašināšana Eiropā nosaka luksusa zīmolu tendences? Ferrari paziņoja, ka no šī mēneša beigām paplašinās savu shēmu, lai pieņemtu kriptovalūtu maksājumus par luksusa sporta automašīnām savam izplatītāju tīklam Eiropā. Tas seko sākotnējai palaišanai ASV pagājušajā gadā.💲 Līdz 2024. gada beigām Itālijas autoražotājs plāno vēl vairāk paplašināt šo shēmu. Tas ietvers citus izplatītājus tās starptautiskajā tīklā valstīs, kur kriptovalūta ir likumīgi atļauta.🌐 🛍️Kripto izmantošana, lai piesaistītu attēlu apzinīgus patērētājus🛍️ Patērētāji bieži izvēlas produktus, kas atspoguļo viņu identitāti, vērtības un mērķus — tas ir reklāmas teorijas galvenais jēdziens.🎯 Saskaņā ar Vijay Pravin Maharajan, bitsCrunch izpilddirektora teikto, Ferrari var izmantot kriptovalūtu ieviešanu, lai izveidotu savienojumu ar turīgu, tehnoloģiski lietpratīgu cilvēku demogrāfisko grupu, kas izmanto progresīvus finanšu risinājumus.🔗 ✨Paredzams, ka luksusa zīmoli izmantos kriptovalūtu, lai piesaistītu jaunākus klientus✨ Ēriks Lapaglia, Propy galvenais stratēģijas vadītājs, uzskata, ka prestižajiem globālajiem zīmoliem ir jāizmanto digitālo valūtu potenciāls, iekļaujot tās savā uzņēmējdarbībā.👨‍💼 "Tas ne tikai palielinās savu stāvokli ar jaunāku un daudzveidīgāku klientu bāzi, nekā tas pašlaik varētu radīt citādi, bet arī ļaus izmantot izvēles iespējas," viņš teica. #FerrariCrypto #CryptoNewss #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024
🏎️Kāpēc Ferrari kriptogrāfijas paplašināšana Eiropā nosaka luksusa zīmolu tendences?

Ferrari paziņoja, ka no šī mēneša beigām paplašinās savu shēmu, lai pieņemtu kriptovalūtu maksājumus par luksusa sporta automašīnām savam izplatītāju tīklam Eiropā. Tas seko sākotnējai palaišanai ASV pagājušajā gadā.💲

Līdz 2024. gada beigām Itālijas autoražotājs plāno vēl vairāk paplašināt šo shēmu. Tas ietvers citus izplatītājus tās starptautiskajā tīklā valstīs, kur kriptovalūta ir likumīgi atļauta.🌐

🛍️Kripto izmantošana, lai piesaistītu attēlu apzinīgus patērētājus🛍️

Patērētāji bieži izvēlas produktus, kas atspoguļo viņu identitāti, vērtības un mērķus — tas ir reklāmas teorijas galvenais jēdziens.🎯

Saskaņā ar Vijay Pravin Maharajan, bitsCrunch izpilddirektora teikto, Ferrari var izmantot kriptovalūtu ieviešanu, lai izveidotu savienojumu ar turīgu, tehnoloģiski lietpratīgu cilvēku demogrāfisko grupu, kas izmanto progresīvus finanšu risinājumus.🔗

✨Paredzams, ka luksusa zīmoli izmantos kriptovalūtu, lai piesaistītu jaunākus klientus✨

Ēriks Lapaglia, Propy galvenais stratēģijas vadītājs, uzskata, ka prestižajiem globālajiem zīmoliem ir jāizmanto digitālo valūtu potenciāls, iekļaujot tās savā uzņēmējdarbībā.👨‍💼

"Tas ne tikai palielinās savu stāvokli ar jaunāku un daudzveidīgāku klientu bāzi, nekā tas pašlaik varētu radīt citādi, bet arī ļaus izmantot izvēles iespējas," viņš teica.

#FerrariCrypto #CryptoNewss #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024
Skatīt oriģinālu
Signāls bija ideāls, tieši tā, kā es redzēju diagrammās, un mēs sasniedzam mērķi 7!!🚀🚀🚀 Apsveicam visus, kas ar šo darījumu nopelnīja naudu, un pārējiem, kuri to uzskatīja par pārāk riskantu, dodieties un nopelnīsim kopā!🤑
Signāls bija ideāls, tieši tā, kā es redzēju diagrammās, un mēs sasniedzam mērķi 7!!🚀🚀🚀

Apsveicam visus, kas ar šo darījumu nopelnīja naudu, un pārējiem, kuri to uzskatīja par pārāk riskantu, dodieties un nopelnīsim kopā!🤑
🦃Jauns BEZMAKSAS VIP signāls tev šodien!🦃

⚡️⚡️ #JASMY/USDT ⚡️⚡️

Maiņas: Binance
Signāla veids: parasts (īss)
Svira: Cross (20х)

Ieejas mērķi:

Peļņas mērķi:
1) 0,02805
2) 0,02776
3) 0,02748
4) 0,02705
5) 0,02677
6) 0,02634
7) 🚀🚀🚀

Apturēt mērķi:
Izmantojiet Trailing Stop Loss

#mememcoinseason2024 #FutureTarding #signalsfutures
Skatīt oriģinālu
🦃Jauns BEZMAKSAS VIP signāls tev šodien!🦃 ⚡️⚡️ #JASMY/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Maiņas: Binance Signāla veids: parasts (īss) Svira: Cross (20х) Ieejas mērķi: 0,028474 Peļņas mērķi: 1) 0,02805 2) 0,02776 3) 0,02748 4) 0,02705 5) 0,02677 6) 0,02634 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Apturēt mērķi: Izmantojiet Trailing Stop Loss #mememcoinseason2024 #FutureTarding #signalsfutures $JASMY
🦃Jauns BEZMAKSAS VIP signāls tev šodien!🦃

⚡️⚡️ #JASMY/USDT ⚡️⚡️

Maiņas: Binance
Signāla veids: parasts (īss)
Svira: Cross (20х)

Ieejas mērķi:

Peļņas mērķi:
1) 0,02805
2) 0,02776
3) 0,02748
4) 0,02705
5) 0,02677
6) 0,02634
7) 🚀🚀🚀

Apturēt mērķi:
Izmantojiet Trailing Stop Loss

#mememcoinseason2024 #FutureTarding #signalsfutures
Skatīt oriģinālu
🇰🇷Dienvidkorejas FSC priekšsēdētājs: "Kriptogrāfiju ir grūti aizstāt likumīgu maksāšanas līdzekli"🇰🇷 Finanšu pakalpojumu komisijas (FSC) priekšsēdētāja amata kandidāts Kims Bjunhvans izteica piesardzību attiecībā uz atļauju korporācijām ieguldīt kriptovalūtās. Kima komentāri tika izteikti apstiprināšanas uzklausīšanas laikā Nacionālās asamblejas Politisko lietu komitejā 22. jūlijā.🏣 Kāpēc Kims ir piesardzīgs attiecībā uz BTC ETF? Kims Bjunhvans, kurš vēlāk šovasar kļūs par FSC priekšsēdētāja Lī Bokhjuna pēcteci, pievērsās šim jautājumam, atbildot uz Demokrātu partijas likumdevēja izmeklēšanu, kurā viņš sacīja: “Es esmu piesardzīgs attiecībā uz jautājumu par [kripto] kontu palaišanas apstiprināšanu uzņēmumiem un iestādēm. Ņemot vērā apjukumu, ko esam redzējuši kriptovalūtu tirgū pagātnē, pašreizējai politikai būtu jākoncentrējas uz investoru aizsardzību. Kā tas nāks par labu Dienvidkorejai? Savādi, ka šīs ziņas nāk saistībā ar nesenajām Dienvidkorejas finanšu drošības regulatora darbībām, kas 19. jūlijā ieviesa ilgi gaidītos pasākumus, lai aizsargātu lietotājus, kuri mijiedarbojas ar virtuālo aktīvu pakalpojumu sniedzējiem (VASP). 🖳 Proti, šis Dienvidkorejas finanšu iestāžu solis atšķiras no starptautisko regulatoru agresīvajām darbībām. Tas ir tāpēc, ka viņi neuzskata, ka virtuālie aktīvi ir piemēroti kā ETF pamatā esošie aktīvi, kā rezultātā tiek aizliegti jaunu saraksti un brokeru pakalpojumi. Tādējādi viņi uzskata, ka lēmumi par tūlītējiem ETF piešķirs prioritāti finanšu tirgus stabilitātei un iespējamai ietekmei uz finanšu iestādēm. Lieki piebilst, ka viņi uzsver nepieciešamību turpināt diskusijas par noteikumiem, īpaši attiecībā uz virtuālo aktīvu nodrošinātāju ienākšanu tirgū un darbību.💸 To sakot, Kims visu vislabāk rezumēja, kad viņš teica "Es domāju, ka mums par prioritāti ir jānosaka lietotāju aizsardzība un tirgus kārtības uzturēšana, un vispirms jāpārskata noteikumi par virtuālo aktīvu operatoru ienākšanu un uzņēmējdarbības praksi." #KoreaCryptoRegulations #NetworkCongestionCrisis #BTCEvent
🇰🇷Dienvidkorejas FSC priekšsēdētājs: "Kriptogrāfiju ir grūti aizstāt likumīgu maksāšanas līdzekli"🇰🇷

Finanšu pakalpojumu komisijas (FSC) priekšsēdētāja amata kandidāts Kims Bjunhvans izteica piesardzību attiecībā uz atļauju korporācijām ieguldīt kriptovalūtās.
Kima komentāri tika izteikti apstiprināšanas uzklausīšanas laikā Nacionālās asamblejas Politisko lietu komitejā 22. jūlijā.🏣

Kāpēc Kims ir piesardzīgs attiecībā uz BTC ETF?

Kims Bjunhvans, kurš vēlāk šovasar kļūs par FSC priekšsēdētāja Lī Bokhjuna pēcteci, pievērsās šim jautājumam, atbildot uz Demokrātu partijas likumdevēja izmeklēšanu, kurā viņš sacīja:
“Es esmu piesardzīgs attiecībā uz jautājumu par [kripto] kontu palaišanas apstiprināšanu uzņēmumiem un iestādēm. Ņemot vērā apjukumu, ko esam redzējuši kriptovalūtu tirgū pagātnē, pašreizējai politikai būtu jākoncentrējas uz investoru aizsardzību.

Kā tas nāks par labu Dienvidkorejai?

Savādi, ka šīs ziņas nāk saistībā ar nesenajām Dienvidkorejas finanšu drošības regulatora darbībām, kas 19. jūlijā ieviesa ilgi gaidītos pasākumus, lai aizsargātu lietotājus, kuri mijiedarbojas ar virtuālo aktīvu pakalpojumu sniedzējiem (VASP). 🖳

Proti, šis Dienvidkorejas finanšu iestāžu solis atšķiras no starptautisko regulatoru agresīvajām darbībām.
Tas ir tāpēc, ka viņi neuzskata, ka virtuālie aktīvi ir piemēroti kā ETF pamatā esošie aktīvi, kā rezultātā tiek aizliegti jaunu saraksti un brokeru pakalpojumi.
Tādējādi viņi uzskata, ka lēmumi par tūlītējiem ETF piešķirs prioritāti finanšu tirgus stabilitātei un iespējamai ietekmei uz finanšu iestādēm.
Lieki piebilst, ka viņi uzsver nepieciešamību turpināt diskusijas par noteikumiem, īpaši attiecībā uz virtuālo aktīvu nodrošinātāju ienākšanu tirgū un darbību.💸

To sakot, Kims visu vislabāk rezumēja, kad viņš teica

"Es domāju, ka mums par prioritāti ir jānosaka lietotāju aizsardzība un tirgus kārtības uzturēšana, un vispirms jāpārskata noteikumi par virtuālo aktīvu operatoru ienākšanu un uzņēmējdarbības praksi."

#KoreaCryptoRegulations #NetworkCongestionCrisis #BTCEvent
Skatīt oriģinālu
Šeit šodien ar jaunu daudzsološu signālu!🐳 Šodienas monēta ir… ⚡️⚡️ #SHIB/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Maiņas: Binance Signāla veids: parasts (garš) Svira: Cross (50х) Ieejas mērķi: 0,000016972 Peļņas mērķi: 1) 0,000017352 2) 0,000017953 3) 0,000018624 4) 0,000019275 5) 0,000020275 6) 0,000021524 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Apturēt mērķi: Izmantojiet Trailing Stop Loss #SHIBAUSDT #mememcoinseason2024 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today $SHIB {spot}(SHIBUSDT)
Šeit šodien ar jaunu daudzsološu signālu!🐳
Šodienas monēta ir…

⚡️⚡️ #SHIB/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Maiņas: Binance
Signāla veids: parasts (garš)
Svira: Cross (50х)

Ieejas mērķi:

Peļņas mērķi:
1) 0,000017352
2) 0,000017953
3) 0,000018624
4) 0,000019275
5) 0,000020275
6) 0,000021524
7) 🚀🚀🚀

Apturēt mērķi:
Izmantojiet Trailing Stop Loss

#SHIBAUSDT #mememcoinseason2024 #ETH_ETFs_Trading_Today
🥷How Does the Trump Trade Affect Bitcoin Markets? 🥷 Key takeaways🔑: ~Donald Trump’s potential victory in the upcoming U.S. elections could be good for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry. ~The 2024 election cycle has seen the rise of a cryptocurrency lobby, with crypto-backed political action committees raising over $102 million. ~Trump’s selection of J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential candidate signals a strong alignment with cryptocurrency interests. ~Not everyone agrees that Trump is sold on cryptocurrency. Donald Trump is the runaway favorite to win the U.S. elections in November after he survived an assassination attempt on July 13, according to Ethereum-based pollster Polymarket. This is a big deal for the millions of people in the United States who own Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) #Biden_Out_BTC_Up #trumpcoin #TrumpCryptoSupport
🥷How Does the Trump Trade Affect Bitcoin Markets? 🥷

Key takeaways🔑:

~Donald Trump’s potential victory in the upcoming U.S. elections could be good for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry.

~The 2024 election cycle has seen the rise of a cryptocurrency lobby, with crypto-backed political action committees raising over $102 million.

~Trump’s selection of J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential candidate signals a strong alignment with cryptocurrency interests.

~Not everyone agrees that Trump is sold on cryptocurrency.

Donald Trump is the runaway favorite to win the U.S. elections in November after he survived an assassination attempt on July 13, according to Ethereum-based pollster Polymarket. This is a big deal for the millions of people in the United States who own Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies.

#Biden_Out_BTC_Up #trumpcoin #TrumpCryptoSupport
🎓Educational Post 🎓 🤨What Is an Ethereum ETF? An Ethereum ETF is a type of ETF that tracks the price of ether (ETH). It allows investors to gain exposure to ETH’s price movements without having to deal with the difficulties of managing crypto wallets and exchange accounts. Investors can purchase shares of the Ethereum ETF allowing them to trade ETH through a familiar investment environment, such as a brokerage account.📈 How Does an Ethereum ETF Work? An Ethereum ETF can either hold ETH directly or invest in futures contracts that are tied to the price of ETH. 📃 Let’s take a closer look at how an Ethereum ETF works: 1. Fund creation💰: Large financial institutions create shares of the ETF by purchasing ETH and contributing it to the ETF. They may also invest in futures contracts instead of holding ETH. 2. Tracking ETH’s price🏷️: The Ethereum ETF closely tracks the price of ether. If its price rises, the value of the ETF shares should also increase, and vice versa. 3. Trading on exchanges💹: The shares of the Ethereum ETF can then be listed and traded on various stock exchanges, such as Nasdaq. Investors can buy and sell these shares throughout the trading day, just like they would with stocks. #ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #EducationalContent #ETHETFsApproved $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
🎓Educational Post 🎓

🤨What Is an Ethereum ETF?

An Ethereum ETF is a type of ETF that tracks the price of ether (ETH). It allows investors to gain exposure to ETH’s price movements without having to deal with the difficulties of managing crypto wallets and exchange accounts. Investors can purchase shares of the Ethereum ETF allowing them to trade ETH through a familiar investment environment, such as a brokerage account.📈

How Does an Ethereum ETF Work?

An Ethereum ETF can either hold ETH directly or invest in futures contracts that are tied to the price of ETH. 📃

Let’s take a closer look at how an Ethereum ETF works:

1. Fund creation💰: Large financial institutions create shares of the ETF by purchasing ETH and contributing it to the ETF. They may also invest in futures contracts instead of holding ETH.

2. Tracking ETH’s price🏷️: The Ethereum ETF closely tracks the price of ether. If its price rises, the value of the ETF shares should also increase, and vice versa.

3. Trading on exchanges💹: The shares of the Ethereum ETF can then be listed and traded on various stock exchanges, such as Nasdaq. Investors can buy and sell these shares throughout the trading day, just like they would with stocks.

#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #EducationalContent #ETHETFsApproved

Skatīt oriģinālu
🎴 Japānas MicroStrategy Imitator Metaplanet iegādājas papildu 21,88 Bitcoin 🎴 Japānas publiskais uzņēmums Metaplanet, ko bieži dēvē par “Āzijas mikrostratēģiju”, otrdien ir uzkrājis jaunu bitkoinu (BTC) kārtu. Uzņēmums ir iegādājies papildu 21,88 Bitcoins, kuru vērtība ir 200 miljoni ¥ (1,4 miljoni USD) — vidējā cena ¥ 9,14 miljoni (57 600 USD) par monētu. 🪞Metaplanet atdarina MicroStrategy🪞 "Asia MicroStrategy" Bitcoin uzkrāšanās ir bijusi līdzīga MicroStrategy, lielākā korporatīvā Bitcoin turētāja, uzkrāšanai. Metaplanet 13. maijā nāca klajā ar paziņojumu, atklājot nodomus izmantot virkni kapitāla tirgus instrumentu. Uzņēmums plānoja palielināt savas BTC rezerves, atspoguļojot MicroStrategy pieeju. #CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #SOFR_Spike #BinanceTurns7 $BTC
🎴 Japānas MicroStrategy Imitator Metaplanet iegādājas papildu 21,88 Bitcoin 🎴

Japānas publiskais uzņēmums Metaplanet, ko bieži dēvē par “Āzijas mikrostratēģiju”, otrdien ir uzkrājis jaunu bitkoinu (BTC) kārtu.

Uzņēmums ir iegādājies papildu 21,88 Bitcoins, kuru vērtība ir 200 miljoni ¥ (1,4 miljoni USD) — vidējā cena ¥ 9,14 miljoni (57 600 USD) par monētu.

🪞Metaplanet atdarina MicroStrategy🪞

"Asia MicroStrategy" Bitcoin uzkrāšanās ir bijusi līdzīga MicroStrategy, lielākā korporatīvā Bitcoin turētāja, uzkrāšanai.

Metaplanet 13. maijā nāca klajā ar paziņojumu, atklājot nodomus izmantot virkni kapitāla tirgus instrumentu. Uzņēmums plānoja palielināt savas BTC rezerves, atspoguļojot MicroStrategy pieeju.

#CPI_BTC_Watch #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date #SOFR_Spike #BinanceTurns7
Skatīt oriģinālu
⚡️Kāpēc XRP pēkšņi sūknē?⚡️ XRP piedzīvo ievērojamu cenu pieaugumu vairāku galveno notikumu dēļ📈: 1. Juridiskā uzvara pret SEC: nesen pieņemtais tiesas spriedums noteica, ka XRP pārdošana nav ieguldījumu līgumi, kas ir liela Ripple uzvara tās notiekošajā juridiskajā cīņā ar SEC. Šis lēmums ir būtiski veicinājis investoru uzticību.📑 2. Potenciālie XRP ETF: pieaug spekulācijas un cerības, ka XRP varētu iekļaut nākotnes biržā tirgotos fondos (ETF), jo īpaši pēc ētera (ETH) ETF apstiprināšanas ASV. Šī potenciālā attīstība veicina aizrautību un ieguldījumus XRP. .💹 3. Coinbase Relisting: Coinbase nesen ir atkārtoti iekļāvusi XRP tirdzniecībai Ņujorkā, kas arī ir veicinājis pozitīvo impulsu. Šis solis ir saistīts ar FIT21 likumprojekta pieņemšanu, kura mērķis ir nodrošināt skaidrākas regulējošās vadlīnijas kriptovalūtām.🌎 4. Vaļu uzkrāšanās: lielie investori, kas pazīstami kā "vaļi", ir uzkrājuši ievērojamu daudzumu XRP. Šis uzkrājums liecina par spēcīgu pārliecību par XRP nākotnes perspektīvām un ir palīdzējis paaugstināt cenu.🐳 Šie faktori, apvienojumā ar vispārējo bullish noskaņojumu kriptovalūtu tirgū, veicina neseno XRP cenas pieaugumu. #BULLishWithBULL #XRPGoal #BullishMomentum
⚡️Kāpēc XRP pēkšņi sūknē?⚡️

XRP piedzīvo ievērojamu cenu pieaugumu vairāku galveno notikumu dēļ📈:

1. Juridiskā uzvara pret SEC: nesen pieņemtais tiesas spriedums noteica, ka XRP pārdošana nav ieguldījumu līgumi, kas ir liela Ripple uzvara tās notiekošajā juridiskajā cīņā ar SEC. Šis lēmums ir būtiski veicinājis investoru uzticību.📑

2. Potenciālie XRP ETF: pieaug spekulācijas un cerības, ka XRP varētu iekļaut nākotnes biržā tirgotos fondos (ETF), jo īpaši pēc ētera (ETH) ETF apstiprināšanas ASV. Šī potenciālā attīstība veicina aizrautību un ieguldījumus XRP. .💹

3. Coinbase Relisting: Coinbase nesen ir atkārtoti iekļāvusi XRP tirdzniecībai Ņujorkā, kas arī ir veicinājis pozitīvo impulsu. Šis solis ir saistīts ar FIT21 likumprojekta pieņemšanu, kura mērķis ir nodrošināt skaidrākas regulējošās vadlīnijas kriptovalūtām.🌎

4. Vaļu uzkrāšanās: lielie investori, kas pazīstami kā "vaļi", ir uzkrājuši ievērojamu daudzumu XRP. Šis uzkrājums liecina par spēcīgu pārliecību par XRP nākotnes perspektīvām un ir palīdzējis paaugstināt cenu.🐳

Šie faktori, apvienojumā ar vispārējo bullish noskaņojumu kriptovalūtu tirgū, veicina neseno XRP cenas pieaugumu.

#BULLishWithBULL #XRPGoal #BullishMomentum
🐹"Hamster Kombat" Players Drive Boom in Massage Gun Purchases 🐹 Players of the viral Telegram crypto game Hamster Kombat have been driving a surge in sales of massage guns, which are used to enhance their gameplay by amplifying their screen-tapping abilities. According to reports from Vedomosti, a leading Russian news outlet, online retailer Wildberries experienced a staggering 179% increase in sales of percussion massagers in June alone. 🤑Hamster Kombat Players Seek to Maximize Earnings 🤑 The surge in demand for massage guns among Hamster Kombat players is attributed to their desire to maximize their in-game coin earnings. By utilizing the rapid pulsations of the massage guns, players can achieve faster screen taps than they would be capable of achieving manually. 💥Hamster Kombat Faces Criticism for Social Pressure Tactics💥 Hamster Kombat has faced scrutiny due to its excessive use of social pressure tactics. While the game’s viral success has propelled it to unimaginable heights, the mechanics that drive user engagement seem to have reached a saturation point, some analysts have said. #Hamsterkombat #AirdropBinance #tapswapwithdraw
🐹"Hamster Kombat" Players Drive Boom in Massage Gun Purchases 🐹

Players of the viral Telegram crypto game Hamster Kombat have been driving a surge in sales of massage guns, which are used to enhance their gameplay by amplifying their screen-tapping abilities.

According to reports from Vedomosti, a leading Russian news outlet, online retailer Wildberries experienced a staggering 179% increase in sales of percussion massagers in June alone.

🤑Hamster Kombat Players Seek to Maximize Earnings 🤑

The surge in demand for massage guns among Hamster Kombat players is attributed to their desire to maximize their in-game coin earnings.

By utilizing the rapid pulsations of the massage guns, players can achieve faster screen taps than they would be capable of achieving manually.

💥Hamster Kombat Faces Criticism for Social Pressure Tactics💥

Hamster Kombat has faced scrutiny due to its excessive use of social pressure tactics.

While the game’s viral success has propelled it to unimaginable heights, the mechanics that drive user engagement seem to have reached a saturation point, some analysts have said.

#Hamsterkombat #AirdropBinance #tapswapwithdraw
✨✨ZIL / USDT✨✨ Exchanges: Binance Signal Type: Regular (Short) Leverage: Cross (50х) Entry Targets: 0.01547 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 0.01524 2) 0.01508 3) 0.01493 4) 0.01470 5) 0.01454 6) 0.01431 7)🚀🚀🚀 Stop targets: Use Trailing Stop Loss #TradingMadeEasy #signalfutures #FutureTarding $ZIL {future}(ZILUSDT)
✨✨ZIL / USDT✨✨

Exchanges: Binance
Signal Type: Regular (Short)
Leverage: Cross (50х)

Entry Targets:

Take-Profit Targets:
1) 0.01524
2) 0.01508
3) 0.01493
4) 0.01470
5) 0.01454
6) 0.01431

Stop targets: Use Trailing Stop Loss

#TradingMadeEasy #signalfutures #FutureTarding

👷Bitcoin Miner Greenidge Generation Deploys 2,400 Miners at New Mississippi Site 👷 Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc., once one of the largest public Bitcoin miners in the US, has launched a new site in Mississippi, with 2,400 BTC mining capabilities.⚒️ The massive mining establishment, which spans across 12-ache, currently utilizes 8.5 MW (megawatt) power, according to the company’s official release. Besides, Greenidge is also looking to obtain at least 25 MW of additional power in the next 12 months.🔌 “With potential future expansion of at least 25 MW in Mississippi, other drivers for growth are on the horizon.” The Bitcoin mining site was inaugurated on July 1, the announcement read. The company is also planning to deploy its first shipment of Antminer S21 Pro Bitcoin miner in the coming weeks.📅 “In addition, Greenidge expects to finalize the planned lease of the on-site warehouse by September 1, 2024,” it added. 🧬Greenidge Miner’s Long-Running Dispute With Environmentalists 🧬 Greenidge Generation’s crypto mining pollution operations have impacted the greenhouse gas emissions limits of New York’s Climate Law (the CLCPA), a new ruling in September 2023, noted.⛽ The crypto miner faced a lawsuit after thousands of community members submitted comments in opposition to company’s the air permit.⚒️ However, currently, Greenidge miner has 122 MW of total power capacity across 8,000 miners in operation. Apart from the Mississippi site, it acquired low-cost power capacity establishments in South Carolina and North Dakota. #Mining100Million #BitcoinNews #EducationalContent $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
👷Bitcoin Miner Greenidge Generation Deploys 2,400 Miners at New Mississippi Site 👷

Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc., once one of the largest public Bitcoin miners in the US, has launched a new site in Mississippi, with 2,400 BTC mining capabilities.⚒️

The massive mining establishment, which spans across 12-ache, currently utilizes 8.5 MW (megawatt) power, according to the company’s official release. Besides, Greenidge is also looking to obtain at least 25 MW of additional power in the next 12 months.🔌

“With potential future expansion of at least 25 MW in Mississippi, other drivers for growth are on the horizon.”

The Bitcoin mining site was inaugurated on July 1, the announcement read. The company is also planning to deploy its first shipment of Antminer S21 Pro Bitcoin miner in the coming weeks.📅

“In addition, Greenidge expects to finalize the planned lease of the on-site warehouse by September 1, 2024,” it added.

🧬Greenidge Miner’s Long-Running Dispute With Environmentalists 🧬

Greenidge Generation’s crypto mining pollution operations have impacted the greenhouse gas emissions limits of New York’s Climate Law (the CLCPA), a new ruling in September 2023, noted.⛽

The crypto miner faced a lawsuit after thousands of community members submitted comments in opposition to company’s the air permit.⚒️

However, currently, Greenidge miner has 122 MW of total power capacity across 8,000 miners in operation. Apart from the Mississippi site, it acquired low-cost power capacity establishments in South Carolina and North Dakota.

#Mining100Million #BitcoinNews #EducationalContent

🔥Andrew Tate Burns $10M Of New Meme Coin Top G ($TOPG) – Best Crypto To Buy Now? 🔥 On-again, off-again crypto enthusiast Andrew ‘Top G’ Tate has been having a normal one on Twitter today. His Friday afternoon kicked off with Tweets that he will ‘crash the Solana ( SOL) network’ and moved on to inviting his followers to send him coins that he would ‘diamond hands’ and ‘never sell’. 🐦‍🔥Top G Crypto Burn🐦‍🔥 While Tate kept his promise to not sell tokens, the day took an interesting turn. At one point Andrew Tate’s public wallet was gifted approximately $1 – $1.5 million worth of a new meme coin ‘Top G’, by Twitter handle $TOPG (@topgsolanacto). That amounted to 58% of the supply. The brand new account (prompting some suspicion Andrew Tate is behind Top G token) issued a challenge – to burn his holdings and ‘become the true Top G’. 🧙‍♂️New Meme Coins – Best Cryptos To Buy Now? 🧙‍♂️ The best performing crypto assets of 2024 have been meme coins and real-world asset (RWA) tokens, according to a report by #CoinGecko . Newer meme coins have been far and away the best cryptocurrencies to buy for exponential gains – outperforming the incumbents like Dogecoin ( DOGE) and Shiba Inu ( SHIB) , particularly new meme tokens in the Solana ecosystem like Top G token. #TokenBurn #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #CPI_BTC_Watch
🔥Andrew Tate Burns $10M Of New Meme Coin Top G ($TOPG) – Best Crypto To Buy Now? 🔥

On-again, off-again crypto enthusiast Andrew ‘Top G’ Tate has been having a normal one on Twitter today.

His Friday afternoon kicked off with Tweets that he will ‘crash the Solana ( SOL) network’ and moved on to inviting his followers to send him coins that he would ‘diamond hands’ and ‘never sell’.

🐦‍🔥Top G Crypto Burn🐦‍🔥

While Tate kept his promise to not sell tokens, the day took an interesting turn.

At one point Andrew Tate’s public wallet was gifted approximately $1 – $1.5 million worth of a new meme coin ‘Top G’, by Twitter handle $TOPG (@topgsolanacto). That amounted to 58% of the supply.

The brand new account (prompting some suspicion Andrew Tate is behind Top G token) issued a challenge – to burn his holdings and ‘become the true Top G’.

🧙‍♂️New Meme Coins – Best Cryptos To Buy Now? 🧙‍♂️

The best performing crypto assets of 2024 have been meme coins and real-world asset (RWA) tokens, according to a report by #CoinGecko .

Newer meme coins have been far and away the best cryptocurrencies to buy for exponential gains – outperforming the incumbents like Dogecoin ( DOGE) and Shiba Inu ( SHIB) , particularly new meme tokens in the Solana ecosystem like Top G token.

#TokenBurn #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 #CPI_BTC_Watch
🐳New FREE signal for you today!!🐳 The coin we are trading today is... ⚡⚡ JUP/USDT ⚡⚡ Exchanges: Binance Signal Type: Regular (Short) Leverage: Cross (50х) Entry Targets: 0.7588 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 0.74742 2) 0.73983 3) 0.73224 4) 0.72086 5) 0.71327 6) 0.70189 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: Use Trailing Stop Loss #FuturestradingSignals #TraderAlert #TraderEducation
🐳New FREE signal for you today!!🐳

The coin we are trading today is...

⚡⚡ JUP/USDT ⚡⚡
Exchanges: Binance

Signal Type: Regular (Short)
Leverage: Cross (50х)

Entry Targets:

Take-Profit Targets:
1) 0.74742
2) 0.73983
3) 0.73224
4) 0.72086
5) 0.71327
6) 0.70189
7) 🚀🚀🚀

Stop Targets:
Use Trailing Stop Loss

#FuturestradingSignals #TraderAlert #TraderEducation
⚡US Energy Dept. Seeks Industry Inputs to Survey Crypto Mining Energy Usage ⚡ ~The US Department of Energy (DOE) is once again attempting to survey crypto mining firms, after the first attempt was slapped by a lawsuit. ~The Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistics arm of the DOE, on Wednesday, held a public webinar in the context. The meeting sought comments from the public, including crypto miners and industry players. ~The department, in February, forced an emergency collection of data request from crypto mining companies. The EIA noted Bitcoin’s 50% price increase over the last few months as reason for the emergency justification. 🔑Key Challenges in Tracking Crypto Mining Energy Usage 🔑 ~Firstly, the EIA wants to address what important factors do industry players consider regarding energy use on PoW crypto mining. Secondly, the agency wants to know what data should it focus on to collect from miners. Finally, the EIA is looking if there are any existing information already available to replace the survey and cut costs. ~During the first survey, the EIA was aware of the “key challenges” in tracking crypto mining energy use, Harvey said. This includes difficulty of actually identifying market participants and the “dynamic nature” of the mining industry. ~The survey, once designed, would require approval from the DOE. #BitcoinMining #CryptoNewss #miningairdrops $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
⚡US Energy Dept. Seeks Industry Inputs to Survey Crypto Mining Energy Usage ⚡

~The US Department of Energy (DOE) is once again attempting to survey crypto mining firms, after the first attempt was slapped by a lawsuit.

~The Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistics arm of the DOE, on Wednesday, held a public webinar in the context. The meeting sought comments from the public, including crypto miners and industry players.

~The department, in February, forced an emergency collection of data request from crypto mining companies. The EIA noted Bitcoin’s 50% price increase over the last few months as reason for the emergency justification.

🔑Key Challenges in Tracking Crypto Mining Energy Usage 🔑

~Firstly, the EIA wants to address what important factors do industry players consider regarding energy use on PoW crypto mining. Secondly, the agency wants to know what data should it focus on to collect from miners. Finally, the EIA is looking if there are any existing information already available to replace the survey and cut costs.

~During the first survey, the EIA was aware of the “key challenges” in tracking crypto mining energy use, Harvey said. This includes difficulty of actually identifying market participants and the “dynamic nature” of the mining industry.

~The survey, once designed, would require approval from the DOE.

#BitcoinMining #CryptoNewss #miningairdrops
🪽Crypto Market Recovers as Germany Gets Back $200M Worth of $BTC from Exchanges 🪽 ~The crypto market saw a boost in sentiment on Tuesday as a German government entity received over $200 million worth of the asset back from various exchanges.📈 ~During Asian morning hours, Bitcoin was trading just above $57,300, reflecting a 3.5% increase over the past 24 hours.🗻 ~Other major tokens also experienced gains, with Solana’s ( $SOL )surging by as much as 6% and Ether ( ETH ) climbing back above $3,000. Even dogecoin ( DOGE ) saw a rise of nearly 7%.🪜 💰German Government’s Bitcoin Stash 💰 ~In January, German police seized 50,000 BTC from the site, marking it as the largest Bitcoin confiscation by law enforcement authorities in Germany to date.👮 ~Starting in mid-June, the government had been gradually liquidating over 10,000 BTC, which put downward pressure on the cryptocurrency’s market rate. 🏛️ 💸German Sell-Off Impacts Bitcoin 💸 ~In a recent note, Matteo Greco, a research analyst at Fineqia International, highlighted the impact of Mt. Gox and miners’ selling pressure on Bitcoin’s price decline.👷 ~He noted that Bitcoin closed the week at around $55,850, representing an 11% decrease from the previous week’s closing price.🔖 ~Throughout the week, strong selling pressure was evident, with BTC briefly trading as low as $53,500 before rebounding.⬇️ ~Miner capitulation occurs when miners reduce their operations or sell a portion of their mined Bitcoin and reserves to sustain their operations, earn yield, or hedge their Bitcoin exposure. 💲 What do you think will happen with Bitcoin( BTC ) in the next couple of months? #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Germany #US_Job_Market_Slowdown $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
🪽Crypto Market Recovers as Germany Gets Back $200M Worth of $BTC from Exchanges 🪽

~The crypto market saw a boost in sentiment on Tuesday as a German government entity received over $200 million worth of the asset back from various exchanges.📈

~During Asian morning hours, Bitcoin was trading just above $57,300, reflecting a 3.5% increase over the past 24 hours.🗻

~Other major tokens also experienced gains, with Solana’s ( $SOL )surging by as much as 6% and Ether ( ETH ) climbing back above $3,000. Even dogecoin ( DOGE ) saw a rise of nearly 7%.🪜

💰German Government’s Bitcoin Stash 💰

~In January, German police seized 50,000 BTC from the site, marking it as the largest Bitcoin confiscation by law enforcement authorities in Germany to date.👮

~Starting in mid-June, the government had been gradually liquidating over 10,000 BTC, which put downward pressure on the cryptocurrency’s market rate. 🏛️

💸German Sell-Off Impacts Bitcoin 💸

~In a recent note, Matteo Greco, a research analyst at Fineqia International, highlighted the impact of Mt. Gox and miners’ selling pressure on Bitcoin’s price decline.👷

~He noted that Bitcoin closed the week at around $55,850, representing an 11% decrease from the previous week’s closing price.🔖

~Throughout the week, strong selling pressure was evident, with BTC briefly trading as low as $53,500 before rebounding.⬇️

~Miner capitulation occurs when miners reduce their operations or sell a portion of their mined Bitcoin and reserves to sustain their operations, earn yield, or hedge their Bitcoin exposure. 💲

What do you think will happen with Bitcoin( BTC ) in the next couple of months?

#BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Germany #US_Job_Market_Slowdown
🔗Providing a NEW FREE SIGNAL for you today!🔗 ⚡️⚡️ #LINK/USDT ⚡️⚡️ Exchanges: Binance Signal Type: Regular (Long) Leverage: Cross (75х) Entry Targets: 12.792 Take-Profit Targets: 1) 13.09463 2) 13.22379 3) 13.35281 4) 13.54644 5) 13.67587 6) 13.86891 7) 🚀🚀🚀 Stop Targets: Use Trailing Stop Loss $LINK {future}(LINKUSDT) #longpositions #FutureTarding #signalsfutures
🔗Providing a NEW FREE SIGNAL for you today!🔗

⚡️⚡️ #LINK/USDT ⚡️⚡️
Exchanges: Binance
Signal Type: Regular (Long)
Leverage: Cross (75х)

Entry Targets:

Take-Profit Targets:
1) 13.09463
2) 13.22379
3) 13.35281
4) 13.54644
5) 13.67587
6) 13.86891
7) 🚀🚀🚀

Stop Targets:
Use Trailing Stop Loss


#longpositions #FutureTarding #signalsfutures
🐦Top AI Cryptocurrencies to Watch in 2024-2025 🐦 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, integrating AI with blockchain technology has become an exciting field! Here are five promising AI-focused cryptocurrencies to keep an eye on in 2024-2025: 1. Fetch.AI ( $FET ) Current price: $1.19 Potential price: $4.90 Fetch.AI aims to create a decentralized digital economy through autonomous agents that facilitate data sharing, decentralized finance (DeFi), and logistics optimization. 2. SingularityNET ( AGIX ) Current price: $0.496 Potential price: $1.85 SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for AI services. It allows developers to share and monetize their AI tools and applications. The AGIX token is used for transactions within this ecosystem and supports integration with Ethereum and Cardano blockchains, providing flexibility for AI development and deployment​. 3. Render Network ( $RNDR ) Current price: $6.57 Potential price: $17.52 Render Network offers decentralized GPU rendering solutions, enabling users to monetize their idle GPU power. This platform is particularly valuable for industries that require high-performance rendering, such as gaming, virtual reality, and AI model training. 4. Akash Network ( AKT ) Current price: $3.59 Potential price: $12.35 Akash Network is an open-source cloud computing platform that provides a decentralized and cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud services. It uses a marketplace model for computing resources, which is ideal for AI developers needing scalable and secure infrastructure. 5. OriginTrail ( TRAC ) Current price: $0.64 Potential price: $1.50 OriginTrail integrates AI and blockchain to create a decentralized knowledge graph, enabling trusted data sharing across various industries, including supply chain management, healthcare, and academia. What are your go to AI crypto coins? Let me know! #AiNarratives #CryptoAIRevolution #AITokens
🐦Top AI Cryptocurrencies to Watch in 2024-2025 🐦

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, integrating AI with blockchain technology has become an exciting field!
Here are five promising AI-focused cryptocurrencies to keep an eye on in 2024-2025:

1. Fetch.AI ( $FET )

Current price: $1.19
Potential price: $4.90

Fetch.AI aims to create a decentralized digital economy through autonomous agents that facilitate data sharing, decentralized finance (DeFi), and logistics optimization.

2. SingularityNET ( AGIX )

Current price: $0.496
Potential price: $1.85

SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for AI services. It allows developers to share and monetize their AI tools and applications. The AGIX token is used for transactions within this ecosystem and supports integration with Ethereum and Cardano blockchains, providing flexibility for AI development and deployment​.

3. Render Network ( $RNDR )

Current price: $6.57
Potential price: $17.52

Render Network offers decentralized GPU rendering solutions, enabling users to monetize their idle GPU power. This platform is particularly valuable for industries that require high-performance rendering, such as gaming, virtual reality, and AI model training.

4. Akash Network ( AKT )

Current price: $3.59
Potential price: $12.35

Akash Network is an open-source cloud computing platform that provides a decentralized and cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud services. It uses a marketplace model for computing resources, which is ideal for AI developers needing scalable and secure infrastructure.

5. OriginTrail ( TRAC )

Current price: $0.64
Potential price: $1.50

OriginTrail integrates AI and blockchain to create a decentralized knowledge graph, enabling trusted data sharing across various industries, including supply chain management, healthcare, and academia.

What are your go to AI crypto coins? Let me know!
#AiNarratives #CryptoAIRevolution #AITokens
#MarketSentimentToday Educational Post What Is Danksharding? Derived from the name of Ethereum researcher Dankrad Feist, danksharding introduces a transformative approach to sharding technology. Sharding involves breaking down a blockchain database into smaller, more manageable parts for increased efficiency. Unlike conventional sharding methods, danksharding simplifies the architecture, focusing on a merged market fee concept. In traditional sharding, each shard has distinct blocks and block proposers. Danksharding streamlines this by having a single block proposer, enhancing transaction processing and data storage efficiency. This innovation addresses the blockchain trilemma by prioritizing security, decentralization, and scalability. Key Features of Danksharding 1. Merged market fee: Danksharding introduces a unified market fee, streamlining the transaction process by minimizing complexities associated with having multiple block proposers. 2. Optimized data availability: The primary focus of danksharding is to enhance data availability for rollups, a Layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum. By efficiently managing data, Danksharding significantly improves the network's performance. 3. Simplified sharding architecture: Danksharding simplifies the sharding structure, making it more straightforward and efficient. This approach addresses the challenges posed by the traditional trilemma, fostering a better balance between security, decentralization, and scalability. #EducationalContent #LearnTogether #jointheinvasion

Educational Post

What Is Danksharding?

Derived from the name of Ethereum researcher Dankrad Feist, danksharding introduces a transformative approach to sharding technology. Sharding involves breaking down a blockchain database into smaller, more manageable parts for increased efficiency. Unlike conventional sharding methods, danksharding simplifies the architecture, focusing on a merged market fee concept.

In traditional sharding, each shard has distinct blocks and block proposers. Danksharding streamlines this by having a single block proposer, enhancing transaction processing and data storage efficiency. This innovation addresses the blockchain trilemma by prioritizing security, decentralization, and scalability.

Key Features of Danksharding

1. Merged market fee: Danksharding introduces a unified market fee, streamlining the transaction process by minimizing complexities associated with having multiple block proposers.

2. Optimized data availability: The primary focus of danksharding is to enhance data availability for rollups, a Layer 2 scaling solution on Ethereum. By efficiently managing data, Danksharding significantly improves the network's performance.

3. Simplified sharding architecture: Danksharding simplifies the sharding structure, making it more straightforward and efficient. This approach addresses the challenges posed by the traditional trilemma, fostering a better balance between security, decentralization, and scalability.

#EducationalContent #LearnTogether #jointheinvasion
#MarketSentimentToday 🐸Why Investors Are Shifting to Memecoins Over Altcoins🐸 The cryptocurrency landscape is seeing a notable shift as investors move their money from traditional altcoins to the world of memecoins. Here's why: 1. Viral Hype and Social Buzz🐝🐝 Memecoins like Dogecoin(DOGE) and Shiba Inu(SHIB) are gaining massive popularity thanks to viral trends and endorsements from celebrities and influencers. The hype creates a perception of quick profits, drawing in investors eager to ride the wave. 2. High Return Potential📈 The allure of memecoins(MEME) lies in their potential for explosive gains. With low entry costs, even small investments can yield substantial returns, making them attractive to retail investors looking for quick wins. 3. Volatility and Liquidity📉💥📈🫗 Memecoins are highly volatile, offering traders opportunities for significant price swings and short-term gains. Their high trading volumes ensure liquidity, making it easy for investors to jump in and out of positions. 4.FOMO and Psychology🔮 The fear of missing out (FOMO) drives many to invest in memecoins as they see others profiting. The playful nature of these coins also makes them psychologically appealing, especially to newer investors. 5. Cultural Appeal🌐 The rise of meme culture, particularly among younger generations, has made meme-based investments trendy. Strong, active communities around memecoins foster a sense of belonging and excitement, further fueling investment interest. ❗Conclusion❗ The shift to memecoins is fueled by a mix of hype, potential high returns, and social influence. While they offer the chance for quick profits, memecoins come with high risks. Investors should tread carefully and do their homework before diving into this speculative market. In the fast-paced world of crypto, memecoins are the latest craze capturing investor attention. #MemecoinWatch2024 #AltcoinInvesting #MoneyDaily

🐸Why Investors Are Shifting to Memecoins Over Altcoins🐸

The cryptocurrency landscape is seeing a notable shift as investors move their money from traditional altcoins to the world of memecoins. Here's why:

1. Viral Hype and Social Buzz🐝🐝

Memecoins like Dogecoin(DOGE) and Shiba Inu(SHIB) are gaining massive popularity thanks to viral trends and endorsements from celebrities and influencers. The hype creates a perception of quick profits, drawing in investors eager to ride the wave.

2. High Return Potential📈

The allure of memecoins(MEME) lies in their potential for explosive gains. With low entry costs, even small investments can yield substantial returns, making them attractive to retail investors looking for quick wins.

3. Volatility and Liquidity📉💥📈🫗

Memecoins are highly volatile, offering traders opportunities for significant price swings and short-term gains. Their high trading volumes ensure liquidity, making it easy for investors to jump in and out of positions.

4.FOMO and Psychology🔮

The fear of missing out (FOMO) drives many to invest in memecoins as they see others profiting. The playful nature of these coins also makes them psychologically appealing, especially to newer investors.

5. Cultural Appeal🌐

The rise of meme culture, particularly among younger generations, has made meme-based investments trendy. Strong, active communities around memecoins foster a sense of belonging and excitement, further fueling investment interest.


The shift to memecoins is fueled by a mix of hype, potential high returns, and social influence. While they offer the chance for quick profits, memecoins come with high risks. Investors should tread carefully and do their homework before diving into this speculative market.
In the fast-paced world of crypto, memecoins are the latest craze capturing investor attention.

#MemecoinWatch2024 #AltcoinInvesting #MoneyDaily
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